Master and the Mate

By Deep Diver

Published on Sep 4, 2007


Master and Mate

by deepdiver

ed. Dave L.

Chapter 41 Pirate's Code of Ethics

Mark spent Friday night over at Pete's house together with their friend Joe. The three were having fun listening to their favorite music and taking turns playing video games in Pete's bedroom. Kyle was home alone waiting for George to show up so that they could study together. At 6 p.m. sharp, he arrived and Kyle and he sat at the dining room table, grilling one another on the practice questions at the end of the chapters in their textbook.

"Sure is quiet here." George commented.

"Oh, everyone is out, luckily for us, or it would be impossible to concentrate." Kyle said and then asked George the next question.

While Mark played against Joe, Pete slipped out of the room. When he returned it was with a couple of skin magazines and a video.

"Hey, guys, look what I got out of my Dad's room."

Mark and Joe each grabbed a magazine while Pete put the video in the VCR. The three were soon flicking through the mags and pointing at the breasts and crotches of the models while stealing glances of the action in the sex video. Before long all three boys were sporting erections and agreed to masturbate themselves. Each compared his equipment to the other two as they fisted their own cock. Whacking off in Pete's bedroom seemed more exciting because of the danger of being caught by Pete's parents who were downstairs.

Manny and Tommy stripped down to their long johns and slid into their sleeping bags.

"At home I often sleep in my brother's bed." Manny said.

"I don't have a brother, only two sisters. Sometimes they sleep together, but I'm not allowed in their room." Tommy complained. "But sometimes I sneak into my Mom's bed."

"You want to sleep with me in my bag?" Manny invited.

"Nah." Tommy said, really wanting to, though anxiously not wanting to sound too eager.

"You sure? I hate having to sleep alone, come on, I'm not going to rape you." Manny said.

Without further protest, Tommy got out of his bag and then Manny followed suit and they zipped the two bags together to make one larger bag. In a flash they were both inside the one bag and clinging to one another. Both enjoyed the warmth of the other's body.

"So how big is yours." Tommy asked.

"About two full inches," Manny said, "its still growing though, but not anywhere near the size of my brothers. His must be a good five inches, but I imagine its bigger when he gets hard."

"You never saw him hard?" Tommy asked. "Nah, only bumped it a couple of times when we were sleeping together." Manny replied.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Tommy said innocently.

Manny quickly grabbed his flashlight and they both lowered their underwear and took a good look at each other's erect penis. Each pulled at their pee-pee trying to make it look as big as possible. Then they heard something move outside the tent and quickly pulled their heads out of the bag and shut off the flashlight. They pretended to be asleep and soon were.

Ryan was having a hard time trying to fall asleep and finally gave up trying and pulled himself out of his tent and stoked the fire to warm himself. His thoughts went immediately to Kyle and how much he would prefer to be sleeping with him instead of what felt like a pointed rock in the ground below his sleeping bag.

After awhile, Jim came out of his tent and made the rounds to make sure everyone was accounted for. He had to ask a couple of the older boys to keep it down and then walked over and sat next to Ryan.

"So what brings you out here?" Jim asked. "Its obviously not your love of the outdoors."

"Well actually, since we don't know you guys, and after hearing about those scandals back a ways, we were afraid to send our son alone fearing there might by a paedophile among the leaders." Ryan said honestly.

Jim started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Ryan asked somewhat bewildered by Jim's response.

"Shit man, we were thinking the same thing about you!" Jim said and continued to laugh. "After what you said last night that you live with that other guy, we just assumed you were a paedophile."

"Jim, there's a big difference between a gay man and a paedophile." Ryan insisted.

"OK, Ryan, don't get on your high horse. It's just that we always suspect any new guys interested in scouting. So what's the difference anyway? I thought you were all into gay sex." Jim expressed his prejudice and ignorance.

"Jim, a paedophile seeks power over children, the sex is just a reinforcer. Thinking a paedophile is looking for sex is like thinking a drunk drinks because he's thirsty. Paedophiles like to dominate others and children, being easy to control, become their target when they fail to dominate their peers. On the other hand, gays prefer sex with their own gender. Did you know that most paedophiles are happily married heterosexuals." Ryan asserted.

"Yeah? What about all those paedophile priests?" Jim challenged Ryan.

"Well, about ten percent of all professional men are paedophiles, its just that priests get more attention in the press and cases going a long way back are just now being reported. I am not saying that no paedophile is gay, just that the great majority are heterosexual and their interest is usually in children of either sex because they are easier to dominate and don't make the demands that adults do. Paedophiles take advantage of circumstances and will prey on any unprotected child." Ryan explained. "Furthermore, I am not interested in sex with my sons or their friends. If I were I could be abusing them in the comfort of my home, I wouldn't need to come out here in the cold and freeze my ass off." Ryan pointed out.

Jim liked Ryan's straight-talking and laughed at how Ryan had complained indirectly about the discomfort of winter camping.

Kyle and George studied in earnest, but as their session was concluding, George began to speak in innuendoes. First he complemented Kyle's intelligence and then added how nice it was to be with a guy who had more than just good looks. Then he asked if Kyle had a girlfriend. Kyle grew tired of trying to give George vague answers without lying to him. Finally, Kyle decided to trust his classmate and began to explain his situation more clearly.

"You mean you are gay and live with an older guy?" George said, amazed. "That is so awesome. I'm gay too, but so deep in the closet that I sometimes forget that I like guys!" Both snickered slightly at George's attempt at humour.

"Kyle, I'm still a virgin and really attracted to you. Do you feel the same way?"

"George, I already told you I'm in a relationship and we have two kids to think about. Sure, I'll admit that you are an attractive guy, but I find you less attractive when you try to seduce me knowing that I am in a committed relationship." Kyle said firmly.

"God, I am such a fool. Can you forgive me, Kyle? Its just that I don't know any other gay guys." George said, but he didn't convince Kyle with his lame excuse.

"George, there is a Gay Alliance on campus, they have posters all over the place. Then there is the Internet with places like, or paltalk, even Yahoo has some crappy gay rooms." Kyle said, shooting from the hip.

"I know, but I'm afraid of leaving a history on the PC at home and at the university it is too dangerous, you never know who is watching." George expressed not only his own frustration, but that of many a gay man.

"If you like, I can introduce you to a couple of friends?" Kyle said, thinking of Bill and Tony. "They may be able to introduce you to some of their friends."

Back over at Pete's place, Mark, Joe and Pete had all shot their wads and were still talking about the girls at school that they thought were hot. Mark discovered that Joe really liked girls with large breasts, but that he and Pete were more into pretty faces and nice personalities. When they finally got into their pajamas and into bed there was still some horseplay as they poked each other in the butt or the nuts until Pete's father came in and told them to cool it.

Kyle wasn't thrilled about being home alone so he decided to take George over to the Mon Cheri and introduce him to Bill and Tony. He called ahead and found that the two love-birds had stayed home to watch a movie and that they would be glad to see him and his friend. George, being the jock he was, was soon the center of attention and Bill and Tony were more than willing to introduce him around amongst their friends after introducing him to some sexual activities. Kyle was tempted to join in, but then thought better of it and left quietly as the orgy became more intense.

Bill began kissing George while Tony unbuttoned his shirt; Tony's hands were all over George's torso. George himself was trembling with the excitement and was clinging to Bill. Soon Bill was kissing George's nipple as Tony struggled to get him out of his pants. Then as Bill began stimulating George through his underwear, Tony broke away and stripped himself. When Tony came back and began kissing George's handsome face, Bill got naked. Soon the three made a circle on the floor, each practising fellatio on another. George felt he had finally found what he had been missing throughout his teenage years. He was enthralled with the two handsome men and felt himself spiralling into a garden of delights.

Ryan was finally getting so sleepy and cold that he thought he could fall asleep in his sleeping bag, but he looked in on Manny and his friend Tommy first. He smiled to himself as he noticed that they had made one big bag for themselves and that Manny was sleeping spooning Tommy. He felt somewhat jealous that he would be sleeping alone and his mind wandered back to thoughts of Kyle.

The more that Ryan thought about Kyle the more he realized how lucky he was to find a guy like him. He thought too of Edwin with whom there was barely any conversation now, even by email. He was filled with feelings of nostalgia and wished he had never allowed himself and Edwin to part and go their separate ways, but he was also so thankful for Kyle. He loved them both with all his heart. As he got into his sleeping bag, he couldn't help but compare them. Sex with Edwin had always been somewhat romantic without actually using words like 'love' or 'commitment.' They had enjoyed an open relationship; each was free to explore other relationships, but they had never found anyone with whom they would rather be. Slowly their love-making had grown more and more intense. Often Ryan wouldn't even cum, but would experience dry pangs of pleasure as he caressed and lovingly touched Edwin's beautiful body. Now he found that with Kyle, they freely expressed their love verbally, but their sex would often vacillate between romantic and sado-machistic. The uncertainty of where their sexual trysts would wind up made their encounters all that more exciting. Ryan thought heaven must be something akin to being with both Edwin and Kyle simultaneously. This imagined scene brought Ryan to a full erection just prior to falling asleep.

Sunday evening everyone was back home and sharing their experiences, except Kyle who was still shut in his and Ryan's bedroom cramming for his exam.

Once Manny had gone up to take his bath, Mark and Ry were left alone while they sat together on the sofa. "Dad, what do you think about masturbation?"

"Its great, but you won't meet any new friends that way," Ryan answered with an old joke. "Mark it's just like anything else. Used moderately it can be good, used in excess and you will grow hair on the palms of your hands, go bald and it will fall off!"

"Seriously, Dad!" Mark insisted as the image of Officer Dome quickly crossed his mind and he glanced at his palms.

"Sorry, but that was the sexual education I got when I was a kid. Thank God we have come a long way since then." Ryan said trying to excuse the uncomfortable feeling he was getting from talking about sex with a boy he thought of as his son.

"In Religious Ed. class they told us that it is a sin against the sixth commandment." Mark said.

"Ah yes, well, St Thomas Aquinas did conclude that it is a grave sin, but in his time no one knew that a woman had ovaries and that a baby came from the fertilization of an ova that mothers release. They thought a man carried all of his children until he implanted one in the oven so to speak of the mother's womb. So naturally, St. Thomas concluded that masturbation was just a form of abortion, or killing a baby. But we know better now. Can you follow this?" Ryan said.

Mark nodded his head slowly up and down.

"The virtue is self-control and moderation. I suppose you could make the argument that not seeking self-control can have serious negative consequences, like sexual addiction. So we all should be very careful to moderate all of our behaviour and avoid bad habits. I suppose those who refuse to work at self-control are guilty of a grave sin of omission, because without self-control we lose our freedom. But I don't think that God will send us to hell because we enjoy a session of auto-erotic pleasure. At the same time I want you to understand that in masturbation we sometimes objectify persons. This I believe is very dangerous thinking. Some people have such a bad habit of masturbation that it hurts their marriage. A man's wife is not an object, but a person. Masturbation tends to lead us into a type of thinking where we use people as objects or things in our mind. The imagination is like the autopilot of our life and when we program it to think in certain ways, we wind up living accordingly."

"Is that why Jesus said that if we even think about committing adultery, then we are already guilty?" Mark asked.

"Exactly, my boy. So you see masturbation is a real danger. But I wouldn't want you to feel guilty or dirty because you masturbated one day. We all have to keep the reins of the horse tightly controlled but not to the point that we choke the horse! Remember a virtue is always a tough balancing act between two extremes. In this case we have one extreme of the sexually repressed who only see sin in human pleasures and passions, on the other extreme we have those who are controlled by their passions and make sexual pleasure their idol. I think the authentic Christian seeks the balance, they understand that sex is a gift which can bring us joy, but it is never the goal, only a means to, or an expression of, love."

"Wow, I don't know if I could explain that to anyone." Mark asserted.

"That's maybe why they just say it's a sin; because people are lazy and want easy and quick answers to complex and difficult questions." Ryan said cynically. "Just remember Mark, your conscience is supreme, the Church is there to educate your conscience, not to replace it with laws." Ryan said, trying to bring Mark to the awareness that he would have to make his own judgement, but that it should be a carefully considered process of searching for God's truth.

"So being a Christian is not just following a series of laws?" Mark continued to explore.

"Far from it son. The law is a guidebook. It would be immoral and foolhardy to ignore the guidebook, but it would also be irresponsible to just follow the law blindly. We take the law into account, but must always realize that the law is imperfect and can't cover every situation. Sometimes the ethical person even has to break the law in order to be just. Worse still is when we judge and condemn others based on the law. We have every right to teach the law, but never to impose it or judge others by it." Ryan explained.

"You've given me a lot to think about; thanks, Dad. Good night," Mark said.

"How about a big hug for this old man's frozen bones." Ryan said, extending his arms to a boy he was learning to appreciate more and more each day.

Other stories by deepdiver:

Alex Jerry's Story

Ben & Chito The Choreographer

Slave State Prison Reform

all to be found at


Danny's Rehab Program also on Nifty

Next: Chapter 43

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