Master and the Mate

By Deep Diver

Published on Jan 20, 2007


This story is copyrighted to the author. You are welcome to download for personal use but not for sale or profit. The series is homoerotic with detailed descriptions of sex between consenting males age eighteen and above including domination, bondage and s/m. If this is not your scene please leave this site NOW. Also if you are underage to read this type of material or it is illegal in your country please leave. This means you if you are younger than 18!

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As he finally followed the others into slumberland Ryan thought about how the evening had progressed and was very happy to be spooning Bill while Kyle spooned him. He could hardly wait 'til it was time to turn over. He felt Kyle's dick between his ass cheeks and wondered how long the three could remain bonded this way

The Master and his Mate - by Deepdiver

CHAPTER 8 - Deep Depression

The next morning, Bill was up first and was off to work before Ryan and Kyle were even out of bed. Ryan woke before Kyle and found himself spooning the younger man. Ryan began kissing the back of Kyle's neck and tasting his smooth cream- like skin.

"How nice to not wake up alone in the morning," Kyle whispered.

"Not as nice as waking up with one of the most handsome young men in the world in your arms," Ryan whispered back

Kyle turned and looked Ryan in the eyes and said, "Which is not as nice as waking while being spooned by one of the most intelligent, successful, loving, mature men in the world," Kyle retorted.

"Well, Kyle, you just made my day! Now let me make yours special," Ryan said as he moved over Kyle's body and began kissing his nipples while fingering his navel.

Kyle, who was not expecting these caresses, felt like he was being tickled and tried to wiggle out of Ryan's grasp. But Ryan had a good hold on the boy and held him down and then began licking down Kyle's torso. Soon his tongue was exploring Kyle's navel which really got the boy jumping. But Ryan was not about to let this gorgeous hunk of manhood escape his web. Ryan continued down below the navel and lightly licked Kyle's lower abdomen. He was rewarded by seeing Kyle's stomach muscles spasm after each lick.

"Oh God, you are going to kill me! Damn that feels so good! Oh, please, please...." Kyle begged for mercy, but the spider who had him trapped was not likely to give him any respite.

"Are you begging me to stop or not to stop?" Ryan asked teasing his prey.

"I had never thought it could be like this." Kyle responded without answering the question.

Ryan moved his nose down into Kyle's pubic hair. The aroma was intoxicating and reminded Ryan of a combination of exotic perfume mixed with an aphrodisiac or poppers. Both men had awoken with morning wood, but now both their cocks were engorged and weighed heavy. Ryan moved down to Kyle's crotch and began licking his testicles, while holding his torso down with his leg. He then felt Kyle kissing and licking it. Ryan's cock was pressed between their bodies while Kyle's was oozing pre-cum. Ryan took Kyle's testicles into his mouth and began to hum. The slight vibrations thrilled him and again caused his body to spasm.

"Oh master! I am yours .... do with me whatever you want. Ayeeeeeeee!" Kyle found himself making sounds that he had no memory of ever vocalizing before this moment of joyful ecstasy.

Then Ryan moved up his cock licking it from its base hidden in Kyle's thick pubic hair and working up the golden staff centimeter by centimeter. Kyle could feel the pulsations of his blood in his penis. Suddenly Ryan reached the crown and as he licked it gently and teasingly, Kyle exploded and shot three ropes of cum at least three feet in the air. Then Ryan took the tip of his penis in his mouth and began to suck out the remaining jizz from the flailing stud.

"Stop, Oh, please, no more, no more," Kyle cried with intense pleasure still reeling from the aftershocks of the most intense orgasm of his life thus far. "Ryan that was so great, but please let me rest a moment. Please, its so sensitive now, I can't stand it."

Ryan turned and looked at the boy who had so much to learn about his sexuality and just smiled at his innocence. "You OK?"

Still trembling, Kyle managed to nod 'yes.'

"Good then get up. You can shower me."

Kyle was not expecting to shower Ryan. His mind went blank. He had never showered anyone and he began to feel like a little lost boy as he got up and slowly followed the captain into the head.

Ryan was standing at the urinal peeing when Kyle came in. "Adjust the water in the shower, I'll be right there." After Kyle got the temperature set he walked over to the urinal and was getting ready to relieve himself when Ryan said, "No, not yet." He then grabbed Kyle's penis and led him into the shower. They both stood under the spray which felt warm and Ryan embraced Kyle and just before their lips joined, said "Now urinate while we kiss."

Kyle's mind reeled. 'What was this perverted shit that Ryan wanted him to do?' His heart began beating faster, but the feel of Ryan's body pressing against his own and their lips which were now open as they tasted one another was just enough to convince Kyle to trust this older man and he relaxed his bladder muscles. His urine began to flow and the sensation of freedom, of pushing out somehow symbolized the pent up feelings of a life time oozing out of his closeted self and Kyle wept with joy as he clung to Ryan and emptied himself completely. Soon Ryan was supporting the boy who had completely relaxed in his embrace.

"Hey, come on, get a hold. And get me soaped up."

Kyle came out of his daze. "That was unbelievable!" He said as he pumped some liquid soap into his palm and then ran his hands over Ryan's body. He had never really thought of Ryan's body before, but was now delighting in the feel of his smooth, developed muscles. He never thought it could be so wonderful to touch an older man. Kyle continued to wash Ryan, but exploring his body was much more his purpose. He was surprised by how similar the sensations were to those he felt when he had explored Bill's body.. It suddenly dawned on him, that they were both men with male bodies. Somehow he thought that touching an older body would be less stimulating if not totally disgusting and here he was enjoying and delighting in bathing this mature man. Prejudice is thinking we know what we don't even have an inkling about, he thought to himself. He remembered how he often shied away from older people, preferring to be with guys his own age, and how often he was disappointed by his peers. Kyle was feeling a very strange sensation and suddenly feared that someday he might lose Ryan. He stopped bathing the older man, embraced him in a huge bear hug and said, "Ryan Loud, I love you."

"Ha, ha, I think what you mean is that your really love getting head!" Ryan responded knowing how easily people's feelings could rise and ebb over time.

"No, Ryan, I mean it. Oh yeah, the sex was great. But it was great with Bill too, but I don't feel the same way about him as I do with you. I never want to lose you." Kyle insisted while continuing to hug Ryan tightly.

"Thank you, Kyle. I know you are being sincere. And I care deeply for you too, very deeply. But let's give it time and see how it goes. OK?" Ryan said, not wanting to let himself be seduced by the vacillating feelings of a young man's first puppy love. Ryan knew that true love begins almost unperceived and grows very slowly over a long period during which one is tested over and over again. No he couldn't allow himself to believe that Kyle truly loved him, not yet anyway, but he sure was hoping that he might someday.

"Oh, I see now, you love Bill more than me!" Kyle said as the thought occurred to him.

"Kyle stop! Don't go off the deep end. Keep your balance. Remember in the pool, panic is your enemy. Just take a couple of deep breaths." Ryan said trying to reassure him.

"Let's get dressed and talk this out over a cup of coffee, but you should know that I do love you." Ryan thought it would be better to declare his love and then slowly help Kyle to understand why it was too soon for him to say that without qualifying it.

Kyle however, was devastated. He felt like such a fool to think that this brilliant professor and counsellor could fall for a guy who was a nobody. He suddenly felt used like a piece of meat, desired for his looks but of no other value. He didn't want to look Ryan in the face, he felt so mortified, so foolish such a total idiot. Kyle went back to his cabin, got dressed, quickly packed a few things and ran ashore and away as if he were being pursused by a dragon.

When Ryan realized that Kyle had abandoned ship, he bit his lip in anguish and he felt himself to be the fool who had failed to see how important his response was to this young man whose self-esteem was already so fragile. Damn, how is it that I can help so many others and am such an ass hole in my own relations. He worried as he thought this that he had no idea of where Kyle would go; all he could do was wait and hope he would come back and soon.

Kyle wandered around and eventually found a park bench where he sat for hours just trying to sort things out. He kept telling himself that he was not gay. So, was it just the sex? Did he really love Ryan? And what about Bill? Did he love Bill too or was he jealous of Ryan and Bill? Kyle felt so mixed up and had no idea of what to do.

Ryan was already going to be late for his first appointment, so he called his secretary and asked her to reschedule the rest of his day. There was no way he could attend to his clients with his mind wandering and worrying about Kyle. Would he have gone home? Should he call there later? 'If I were Kyle, what would I do?' Ryan asked himself. As the hours passed, Ryan began to realize that he was more in love with Kyle than he would have admitted earlier. The void he was now feeling was so much like the void he had been feeling for years since Edwin had gone. Since he had no appetite for lunch, he decided to drive around and try to find him, but several hours later he was back at the 'Gardie' sitting alone on deck watching the dockside vainly for Kyle when Bill came board.

"Hi, Captain. Where's Kyle? Has he gone to his class already?" Bill said having no idea about the earlier events of the day.

Ryan looked up with a haggard expression on his face and turning toward Bill, he uttered the single word "Gone." Bill could only stand transfixed by the look on Ryan's face as he seemed to be staring off into space, oblivious to Bill.

Applause for Dave L our proof reader and the great people making this story possible at Nifty.

Are you interested in seeing this story continue? Maybe your email will be the one that motives us to keep going....... Remember..... safe sex is life.

Next: Chapter 9

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