Master Chats

By Master Redbeard

Published on Jul 16, 2023



By Master Redbeard

"Bob" is a prominent attorney and friend to many in the upper echelons of the slave trading community. He has kept a record of his Instant Messenger chats with many of his friends and clients, but has deleted his own comments from these transcribed conversations. He has changed names and locations or removed names where appropriate.

Bob's Statement: "I'm releasing these chats to counterbalance the recent spate of sentimentalist BS supposed-enslavement stories, most of which paint the owner or slave trader in a harsh and negative light. This may be an incendiary statement, but I suspect that some of our most prominent slave-story writers may be closet abolitionists! How is it possible that slavery enjoys such a high level of support among the American people and yet the public sees any man who enslaves a younger family member as some sort of ogre? It's time the public heard the unfiltered comments of the men who have contributed so much to our way of life by adding prime young stock to our enslaved population."

(If it's illegal for you to read stories involving homosexual acts or if you're offended by stories that include family or dominance-submission scenarios, please go away now. If you can't distinguish reality from fantasy, please leave and get help asap.)

If you want to contact me please include the title of the story in the email title line. Flames ignored. Redbeardedsf at yahoo dot com.)

-------------------- A MASTER CHATS WITH BOB: ADOPTED TWINS CHAPTERS 1 & 2 COMBINED (on some other sites, this story is posted in two parts)

By Master Redbeard

I sent you that very quick note a week ago asking you to change my will. But I need you to change it back. Last week I was all wrapped up feeling sorry for myself and moaning "how sharper than a serpent's tooth." Hold it a sec. Is that quote about a woman scorned or about an ungrateful child?

Well, you know there's no woman in my life but there are my two adorable sons. They just turned legal age two weeks ago. I'll send you some photos so you can see for yourself how handsome they are and how they've filled out so nicely.

That's right. You didn't know me back when I first adopted them. I was going through an odd period, searching for meaning in my life. I mean, I had been so hedonistic through my twenties and well into my thirties. I had all this wealth and was only using it for my own self-indulgence. Not that there's anything wrong with that. My obnoxious brother said something to me about finding meaning from his children and (as obnoxious as he may be) that got my me thinking.

My lawyer back then was Bartleby - very resourceful fellow. You could count on him to find anything you wanted. Indeed in less than a week he came up with a perfect situation for me. It seems this very good-looking young fellow had slid his motorcycle over the edge of a cliff. He left a wife and two little twin sons. Husband and wife both came from dirt-poor families so there was nowhere for the poor widow to turn. Besides, she had been a teenager when she gave birth so she was still virtually a child herself.

Of course the wife's fear was that she would become destitute and that then she and her children would all be enslaved. She figured the best bet was to put the children up for adoption. Would you believe in the last century there was a period when the birth mother might have had a say about who would get to adopt her kids? There was also all this red tape. We live in so much more sensible times. Now we understand that the only really important thing is money! Well most of the money goes to the state, but the mother got a small set amount.

Once I saw the mother and a picture of the father and got a look at the boys, I offered the highest bid and the next day I was legally the father of those two little angels: Jimmy and Timmy.

Oh Damn! Please, IT'S TOO REPULSIVE TO THINK I WOULD'VE MESSED WITH THOSE BOYS WHEN THEY WERE SO YOUNG. I appreciated that they were very pretty boys and I often imagined how they'd look when they got to be older. Of course I knew I had plans for them when they got older. And the time is now. Well, the time was two weeks ago.

They were young enough when they came to live with me that they had some vague memories of a life before, but didn't really remember their mother or father clearly. So I just never told them they were adopted. I think they suspected. They were always bright boys. I remember Timmy asking me how come they looked so different from me. I'm so big and hairy and dark and the two of them were always blond and slim and boyish. I told them that their mother had been very slim and blond. It was the truth but I'm not sure how much they accepted that answer.

As far as their school was concerned and as far as their friends were concerned, I never gave a hint that they were adopted. They took their proper place in society, playing with friends from the finest families in Florida. Oh yes, didn't you know I moved to Florida a few years ago. I'd had the estate here for a long time but decided to bring my family here and make my home here. And yes the boys go to school right near home. I've always liked having them living here with me. I've enjoyed having their friends come over to play and to swim.

But as I was saying, the boys turned legal age two weeks ago. I took them out to a really fancy dinner the evening before. I even let each of them have hard liquor. Well, of course they've been drinking wine - I am civilized after all - but this was the first time I let them have the hard stuff. I figured they would need it.

Anyway it was close to midnight when we got home and the boys were saying they needed to get to bed because they had baseball practice the next day. Well, like I told you, they're kind of short, but they can each run very fast and have a lot of power in their arms. Yes, very well-toned arms and legs for sure.

I took the boys into my rooms and nodded to my body slave Rod. Rod was in on the whole thing and he had two slave cops downstairs in case I needed them. Anyway, I sat down in my big leather chair and had the two boys stand in front of me and I started to explain the way things were.

I said to the boys, "I don't wanna make this a big suspenseful build up where you'll wonder what I'm leading up to. So I want you to know that as of midnight you are both enslaved for five years." Now I said this in the sweetest possible way. And then I was all prepared to explain everything to them calmly and sensibly. But they became instantly hysterical. "Daddy, how can you do this to us?" "Daddy, I thought you loved us!" They said all the typical things that you'd expect.

Then Jimmy made a break and ran for the door of my room. Timmy was a little hesitant, but turned to run in the direction his brother was going. I don't know where the little brats thought they were going. And I don't know if they thought I was going to leap up and chase them. I just sat back, took a sip of my drink, and the next minute each of my boys was being held around the neck by a slave cop.

Oh yes, those two slave cops looked so manly in their black uniforms. How do they get that fabric so tight? One was a white guy with a Marine type buzz cut and the other was a big black guy. I don't know which of them had a bigger chest or broader shoulders. Yes, as usual for slave cops, I could see their cocks outlined in the pants. Any other time I would've been looking for a way to see those cocks in the flesh, but I had other things to contend with that night.

So each slave cop is holding one of my sons. Without much effort the boys were stripped to the waist. Those slave cops know just how to pull on a shirt so the seams give way. Then one, two, three - slave collars are snapped onto the boys, their elbows were up in the air so their hands could be cuffed to the D-rings on the back of the collars, and each boy was hooked onto a frame. Well I usually keep one handy for a slave, but I'd made sure to have two placed conveniently in my room planning for my sons.

Even though they're twins, they've each developed their own personality. Timmy was weeping and Jimmy was being strong and stoic, giving me a very antagonistic look. I told him I hoped I wouldn't have to beat the free boy attitude out of him. He said something totally uncalled for and I smacked him hard across the face. Well Jimmy kind of held back tears but that led to Timmy wailing and saying, "Don't hurt him. Please, Daddy, don't hurt him."

Well, there are some things you just have to do. I raised my hand in a threatening way to Timmy and said, "I'll let it go this time. But from now on I'm not 'Daddy' I am Sir or Master. Do you understand, boy?" I spoke to him in the same tone of voice I'd use to speak to any slave boy. He whimpered and looked down and mumbled, "Yes, Master." I've gotta tell you my cock sprang up in my pants when I heard that.

Jimmy was turned away with a disgusted look on his face. But at that point I decided I should let it pass and enjoy myself. I mean, why does a man give himself new slaves, especially cute young slave boys? For enjoyment! So I started to get a nice feel of the exposed flesh. Their nipples were all so flat it was a shame. Yes, of course I now have them on tittie exercises. That's why it's so good to have the two together, because they work each other's tits. But this was my first time ever rubbing their tits, one hand on each boy, pinching and then wetting my fingers so they'd slide around.

Please, don't be vulgar! Of course I never felt them up before. Before that they were my sons. Certain things are sacrosanct. It's one thing to feel up a collared slave boy and another to fiddle with your own son. I wouldn't want to associate with the sort of low-class individual who would molest his own son. But, as you know, once a boy is enslaved he has no family anymore. Right?

Of course I leaned in and licked and sucked those tits. Then I moved my tongue to the armpits. Went from one boy to the other and back again. Oh their flesh was delicious, so fresh and all-boy. Now, here's something kind of cute. Both of them started giggling uncontrollably when I licked their underarms. Apparently both boys were ticklish there. I was just having a grand time.

Well of course I stuck my hand down into their pants. No boners. Some boys react to being nervous by going stiff and some react by shriveling up. I knew both boys had good-size rods for their age. Frankly, I hadn't seen their bare dicks in many years. But boys like that pop boners all over the place and I had certainly noticed. But, as for them not being stiff - well, I knew the boys were pretty-much confirmed heterosexuals.

They were hanging so their toes were barely touching the floor. So there was no need to shackle their feet. They couldn't kick or anything. I quite enjoyed pulling down their pants. Everything was in stereo. I felt up their balls reaching fingers up the legs of their boxers both at the same time. I reached into the backs of their boxers and fingered their cracks. Once again I did it to them both at once.

No in fact I don't like boxers on boys of that age. A couple of years ago they insisted on switching from briefs to boxers and swore that boys at school would make fun of them if they kept wearing white briefs. You can't always control how your son dresses. But, as you know, you can have total control over how your slave boy dresses.

The boys seemed to calm down and almost accept their position once I was feeling them up in their boxer shorts. Or at least they ran out of steam. So I tried to have a calm rational discussion with them. I started off by telling them that they were adopted. Timmy looked at Jimmy with an expression that said, "I told you so."

Then I explained that I'd been a good father to them. I'd spent all sorts of money to make sure they had the best of everything. They went to the best schools, had the best electronics, the best clothes, and the best vacations. I explained to them that in return for all I'd given them I had always counted on them serving me for five years.

Jimmy starts up with, "But, D-dad..." then quickly corrects himself to say, "But, Master, we aren't..." Oh, it seemed like it was taking him forever before he said the word "gay." I know the sort of words the boys use and I guess he was being particularly sensitive not to offend me. I made note of that to his credit.

Well of course the boys knew about my sexuality. I've always been very free around my home. The boys have walked in on me more than once fucking a slave boy. Hell, I fuck slave boys in the kitchen or by the pool or wherever it strikes my fancy. I'd been even more open about getting blowjobs. Plus, they know I've had boyfriends over the years and that I'd never dated any women. So they knew I was into sex with guys. They'd also heard me expound on the natural uses for cute young boy slaves. Add to that the fact that I was feeling their dicks inside their boxers as I was speaking to them.

But I said to them right then and there, "Well, I never interfered with you boys or molested you or tried any funny business with you."

Timmy whimpered, "B-but you're doing it now..." Then he quickly added the word "Master."

I peeled down both pairs of boxer shorts. I managed to manipulate both boys to get them stiff. I just smiled at them and said, "Well, sure, you're slave boys now. And blond slave boys young and pretty like you are gonna be used as sex slaves."

They both started bawling in unison. "But we only like girls. But you can't do that to us." Well that was the last straw for me. I grabbed Jimmy firmly around his body and started smacking his exposed ass cheeks. Oh, yeah, you wouldn't believe how hard those muscles are but how soft the skin is. You bet, I'm gonna try as long as possible to keep from leaving cane marks or whip marks on that creamy flesh. But I was just so angry with them at that point I went from one to the other, spanking as hard as I could. I didn't want to wear out my hand on one of them, so I kept going back and forth.

I was hollering at them. I was telling them, "I could've enslaved you for twenty years. I could've enslaved you for life." Then I started really flying off the handle. I told them that from what I knew about their father, if that man had lived he probably would've sold the boys into slavery as soon as they turned legal age. I didn't stop there. I was telling the boys how much boy brothels would pay for twins, especially of their age and with their looks.

Honestly, their father could've retired in luxury on the money he would've gotten selling those boys into lifetime enslavement. If that father of theirs had enslaved them, it certainly would've been for life and they certainly would've ended up in some boy brothel in Florida or Las Vegas.

This got the boys pretty shaken up. I showed them the paperwork I had prepared. I have a college fund in place for them so they can go to any college they choose after the enslavement is over. Of course I made a bunch of wild threats. I told them maybe I should get rid of the college fund, maybe I should just make their enslavement permanent, maybe I should just sell them to some brothel where they'd have to service dozens of men a day.

Maybe I had gone a little too far with the threats. You don't think so? After all, deep down these were the boys I had raised and cared for all those years. There was no way I'd enslave the boys for life and no possible way I'd ever wanna see them in one of those awful brothels. I figured with five years they'd get a late start at college, but they wouldn't be so old as to be totally out of place. Yes, when I said "legal age" of course I was referring to Florida. I figure it was for the best that they start the five years earlier rather than later.

That was a good time for Rod to start shaving the boys. Yes, I mentioned Rod before. He's my body slave. I just sat back and enjoyed the scene. I pulled out my cock and stroked it right in front of the boys. They were ticklish when he got rid of their armpit hair. There was some there. Just a bit. It was virtually invisible to the naked eye since it was so white blond and so thin.

Yeah, I thought it was important that I display my cock and show it off to the new slaves. It didn't take much to remove the hair from around the boys' pricks. I had him shave their balls in case there was any fuzz there and also so the boys would get used to being handled like that and being vulnerable. I personally inspected their cracks and holes. No need for any shaving there.

I carried on a conversation with Rod as he gave the boys enemas. Yeah, I kept the boys' hands cuffed to the backs of their collars. And Rod is big enough to handle each of the twins, at least individually. So I asked Rod what he'd been enslaved for. I knew the answer and the twins also knew, but I wanted to hear it. So Rod said, "I had sex with my girlfriend but then she claimed I forced her, Master."

"And did you ever have sex with a guy before you were enslaved, Rod?"

"No, Master. I was totally straight." He's saying this as he's shoving a greased nozzle up Timmy's tight little anus.

Then I had him go into detail about how he learned to suck dick and take it up the ass. Actually, I was the first one up that bubble butt of his. I'm willing to pay a premium for a boy with a cherry ass. But I do appreciate that a boy have some experience with his lips and throat before I take possession. Well, I won't lie - it was an extra thrill knowing I was going to have my twins as completely virgin as any two boys had ever been.

Well, of course I mean virgin with men. I know they had each fucked their girlfriends from school. Well, I know because I accidentally walked in on both of them in the act. Well, it was sort of an accident. I did get a nice view of both their little round butts moving up and down. Whatever. I knew I'd get a lot more chances at those little round butts.

So I watched and I masturbated as both those boys got cleaned out good inside. I had stripped down naked by the time they were finished. It was the first time the twins had seen me like that: bare ass naked and stroking my erection.

Then I had Rod hold each of them one at a time as I used that special device they have nowadays to insert the identification chip just below the left armpit. Once a slave knows he can be tracked by GPS, he knows there's no escape. I could see each of the boys was pretty nervous and frightened. Damn, with the hair gone and those slim bodies they looked even younger than their actual age. And my cock was as stiff as it had ever been in my life.

I handed my two new slaves pairs of white briefs. When they were free boys they were embarrassed to wear tighty whities like that. But now they were happy to cover themselves. I took off the handcuffs, but the boys knew that there was a slave cop outside each entrance to my suite of rooms. So they weren't going anywhere.

You know I've always enjoyed games. So I announced to the boys that I wanted them to play strip wrestling. Each boy only had on a collar and a pair of white briefs. I wanted them to wrestle around on the floor. The one who managed to remove the white briefs completely off the body of the other boy would be the winner. I then explained that the loser was going to be fucked in the ass and in the mouth as soon as the wrestling match was over.

Jimmy stood thinking for a moment and then said, "And what if we don't wrestle... Master?" He put a nasty little twist on the word Master, but I just grinned at him and replied. "If that's the way you feel Jimmy I'd suggest that Timmy grab your briefs and pull them all the way down right now."

Well, Timmy, who is usually the shy and weaker one, did as I said and grabbed at his brother's briefs and tugged them down. Jimmy turned to Timmy but with the briefs tangled below his knees, he tripped. Then the two boys were on the floor rolling around together. Of course I'd seen the boys wrestle before, but never naked like this and with their asses literally on the line. Both pairs of briefs were soon tangled around their ankles and each boy was trying to pull the one small article of clothing off the other boy.

It delighted me to see that both boys had erections as their bodies were sliding and pressing into each other. Timmy got Jimmy's briefs almost all the way off, so that the cotton was just tangled round one foot. But Jimmy got the best of him and waved Timmy's briefs up in the air. Then they looked into each other's eyes and Jimmy whispered, "I'm so sorry, bro."

Rod could've easily gotten Timmy over the leather horse, but I made Jimmy help him. I used the slave prod on Jimmy one time, just set at 5%, when he didn't want to strap down his brother. That sure got him obedient. Once Timmy was strapped around his arms and legs, leaning forward over the horse, I put Rod to work licking out Timmy's asshole.

Yes of course it would have made sense for Jimmy to lick his brother's butthole. But my priority was getting the hole lubricated and getting that anal passage massaged and excited. Don't worry, I had them sucking my sperm out of each other's assholes soon enough. But you're getting me ahead of myself here.

I ordered Jimmy to fuck his twin brother. OK, I'll admit it. No matter how much I might have wanted to, I just couldn't treat the two of them as if they were just any other new slaves. My cock is certainly longer than Jimmy's and very much thicker than what the boy has. Well, yes, they're twins, their cocks are pretty much identical. I'm just referring to Jimmy because he's the one who would do the fucking first.

Jimmy didn't want to fuck his brother. I just held up the slave prod and looked at him grimly and he got the idea. But then he was all, "Master, forgive me, but I don't think I can get stiff to put it in a boy's butt." I put Rod to work so that the experienced slave was soon alternating between wetting Timmy's asshole and wetting Jimmy's cock. Of course Jimmy had a throbbing boner soon enough.

I couldn't resist getting my hands on both of them - spreading a virgin ass with one hand and guiding a rock-hard teen prick with the other. I positioned Jimmy and pushed him in. Then I quickly moved around to the other end and ordered Timmy to start licking. Man my cock was dripping by that time.

Now it was Timmy's turn to balk at a command. I touched the slave prod to his underarm. Yes, don't you realize what happened? With Jimmy's dick inside Timmy, the electric shock went through both boys. Jimmy was cursing at his brother for getting them both zapped that way. I warned Jimmy about slaves cursing and he turned white as a ghost apologizing.

Everything went smooth after that. Timmy's tongue licked all the pre-cum off my dick head and then I slid it right in. Of course he gagged the first time. But I have one of those wonderful neck supports on this leather horse. It's well worth the price. It positions the slave's face and neck in a straight line so you can slide your cock right into the throat. Well, I had to instruct Timmy to swallow as I thrust forward and his eyes went so wide when he realized how deep into his neck my cockhead had gone.

That boy got a real throat fucking, believe me. My hands were all over both of them and I was just drinking in the whole scene. Damn, there's only one first time you know. And these weren't just some pretty slaves I'd picked up at a Bodoni & Felch Wild Pups Sale. These were my boys! I'd helped strip them out of their free boy clothes less than an hour before.

When I shot that load, I had to massage Timmy's throat. The kid was so shocked he didn't even start swallowing. He could've choked. I had saved up for two days. Yes, I'm the same age as you are. Well, I don't know about you but I need to relieve my balls twice a day. So I had quite a bit to feed to my adorable Timmy. Jimmy unloaded up his brother's butt and we all needed a long moment to catch our breaths.

I sat on the bed, one boy on each knee, and gave them some lessons in tongue kissing. Sure, each of them had kissed their girlfriends like that. But I'm sure it's different for a teenage straight boy to kiss a teenage girl and then to kiss a big hairy bearded man like me. Whichever boy I wasn't tongue kissing at any given time was assigned to lick and suck on my nipples. I love to have them sucked on and even bitten and I wanted the two of them to learn.

Hell, yeah, I had always dreamed of having both nipples chewed on at the same time. Now, with my identical twins I can get the action in stereo. Yeah, stereo, I made that reference before. Damn! I don't know if I can go back to having just one slave boy at a time after this.

Well, of course I kept the boys busy for the rest of the night. I had Jimmy bend over the horse for Timmy to fuck. Then I got on top and Timmy was the middle of a sandwich. Yeah, I had looked forward to that a long time. You don't know what it's like, counting down the days to that special birthday. Looking at one of the boys bent over, his pants riding up into his crack, and thinking, "Just two more months and I'll be inside where it's tight and moist and warm." Believe me, I was not let down.

I got inside Jimmy also before the night was over. I had him on his back with his legs wrapped around my waist. I kept teasing him that I was fucking him just the way a husband would fuck his pretty virgin bride. Tears were streaming down his face and I was just licking those tears away. He didn't seem to appreciate my tongue on his face.

I could've let them sleep in the bed with me and ended the night on a tender note, but I knew that would send the wrong message. So I ordered them to suck out each other's bottom holes. Well, their butts were filled with each other's sperm and their master's sperm. They hated that. I actually had to give them each another zap with the slave prod. But they had to learn their role as slaves.

They slept together in a cage that night. It was a tight fit, but that was the way I wanted it. Their legs and bodies were intertwined and their dicks were pressed into each other. I could walk by and stick a finger through the bars of the cage and up either of their greasy rectums. It was good.

So what happened a week ago that got me so pissed off?

Well, of course I was enjoying the slave boys each day. I also had them start an exercise program and put them to work to help build up their muscles. They're awfully cute now. But I've got them for five years. Three years from now I'd like them to be hunky and tan with muscles in all the right places.

No, I would never consider selling them to a brothel. Well OK maybe I considered it, but we'll get to that part of the story. These are the boys I raised as my sons for all those years and I still have tender feelings for them. Yes, I know that makes things complicated between a master and a slave.

A week after their enslavement, I decided it was time to have a little coming out for the boys. You know me, with most new slave boys I would've had a big party two days after I'd taken the slave's cherry and had the boy servicing a string of men. But, like I said, I had tender feelings for Timmy and Jimmy.

I wanted to make their introduction to other men be something special for them. I only invited two guests. You know Warren, don't you? He's such a good friend. When he was young he was such a gorgeous hunk. He says the problem is glandular. I think the problem is just too much cake and ice cream. Yes, he's more enormous now than ever. I don't know how long it's been since he's seen that dick of his. But it's a big one and he can still use it without much problem.

My other guest was Steve. I don't think you know him, but you ought to. He's quickly become the biggest slave trainer in the south. It's a crazy story. Rumor has it he used to be a slave himself. Well, what does it matter, I don't believe the stories - although he does have muscles like a hard labor slave. I think he just made up these stories to enhance his mysterious image as a trainer and get rich fools to pay his exorbitant fees.

Steve can be very intense sexually. He has a reputation for being rough with slaves. He's built like a football team linebacker. He's not that much younger than you and me, but he has sure kept himself in shape. I always think his shoulders and chest are gonna rip through his clothes. He fancies wearing either jeans or these leather pants that show off his tackle and he has black hair sticking out of his shirt collar and out of his sleeves. The first time I had Steve over to use the swimming pool, I thought he was wearing a black wool jumpsuit.

Warren and Steve have been coming around to my house for many years. When the boys were little they sat on Steve's lap and Warren used to read bedtime stories to them. The boys always called them Uncle Warren and Uncle Steve. But that was years in the past.

Now after the last week as slaves the boys were used to sucking and getting fucked, drinking piss, licking ass, all the things you expect of an obedient slave boy. I figured Warren and Steve would be perfect. They weren't strangers to the boys. I knew the boys liked both of them.

You have to understand, I hadn't told Warren and Steve about enslaving the boys, although we had talked about it in theory over the years and I knew both of them thought the boys were very appealing. So I invited Warren and Steve to dinner, telling them I had a surprise for them after dinner and they should be prepared to help with a slave's coming out. Of course Steve asked "Is the slave cute?" Damn, if the slave wasn't cute enough, Steve could just sit it out. So there was a lot of anticipation during dinner and the two of them wanted to know where I'd bought the new slave and what he looked like. I wouldn't divulge anything.

After dinner I took my two guests onto the garden porch - it's screened in and lovely on a warm night. Timmy and Jimmy were on the porch just standing there in their baseball uniforms. Warren and Steve greeted the boys as they always would have. But the boys responded by bowing their heads, as they were told to do. I went over, pulled back each of their shirts to reveal the slave collars and said, "Gentlemen, meet my two newest slaves."

You should've heard my two guests. First they thought it was a joke and then they doublechecked did I really mean for them to sex up my blond twins. "The boys have gotten plenty of their master's dick for the last week. It's time they learned how to please some other men."

Steve went to Jimmy and Warren went to Timmy. I'm not sure if that was by choice or if it just happened to be the sides they were on. Now usually in a slave's coming out, you have to share one slave between a lot of men. But in this case each of my friends had their own adorable blond slave boy.

This was the first time I was watching the boys being used by other men. I had pretty much come to terms with the fact that the blond twins who were my adopted sons were now slaves, no longer my sons. But watching the twins being sexed up by my two best friends all I could see were my sons being manhandled by Uncle Warren and Uncle Steve.

Gee, I'm surprised that last remark came out of me. Y'know, maybe that was what the boys were feeling? Warren made a point about that. Maybe that's why the evening ended up going so badly?

But Warren and Steve were just going at it like starving men in a candy store. They were very different, of course. Warren just pressed Timmy to his huge body and was kissing the boy for all he was worth. His tongue was licking at the boy's face and shoving deep into the boy's mouth. His hands were shoved up the boy's shirt and down the boy's pants.

Steve had a very different style. The first thing he asked was whether I minded if he ripped the baseball uniform. Well, I didn't care. I had only taken the uniforms out of storage because I thought it would add zing to this night. By the time the boys were released from slavery, none of their former clothes would fit them anyway.

So Steve rips open Jimmy's shirt without bothering with any of the buttons. He pulls up the dark blue undershirt that's part of the baseball team uniform. And he starts to bite at the boy's tits. Jimmy is calling out in pain. For a second I wanted to tell Steve to take it easy. But then I remembered, these aren't my sons anymore, these are slave boys who need to learn how to serve men. So I just let Jimmy scream. Steve looked up from the boy's tits and grinned when he said, "Delicious."

You wouldn't believe the red marks and the teeth indentations on Jimmy's chest after just a few minutes of Steve on his tits. Then Steve whispered something into the boy's ear. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but a few words popped up, something about "slow spit roasting" and "eating for dinner." Whatever Steve had said, Jimmy began to sob hysterically. Totally unlike him, he'd been the stoic one. But his face was all covered with tears and snot and he was howling like real "boo hoo hoos." This seemed to be the effect Steve wanted.

Meanwhile Warren was caressing Timmy so tenderly and kissing the boy deeply as he stripped him piece by piece. Warren sweats a lot and it looked like his clothes were already sweated through and Timmy was getting soaked with the big man's sweat. His hammy hand is pushing inside Timmy's baseball uniform, tugging the clothes off the slim body.

Warren is groaning about, "Feeling up such a pretty boy. Stripping you down and feeling you up." When Timmy calls him "Master," Warren says, "No, no, boy. Call me Uncle Warren." Well, if that's what he wanted, that's his prerogative. But of course that's what Timmy used to call Warren just a few years before.

When Timmy is stripped totally naked, Warren rolls on his back and commands, "OK, boy, strip me and worship my body." I had to hold back my laughter. Warren looked like a beached whale lying on his back with that huge belly sticking up. Timmy just had a horrified look on his face. It was precious.

Timmy did his best to climb on top of Warren and unbutton the big man's shirt. What Warren wanted was for the boy to lick out his armpits, to lick under his pendulous breasts, to lick inside each fold of fat. I wasn't sure whether there were tears slowly trickling down Timmy's face or whether he was just glistening from all the perspiration he was sliding against.

At the same time, Jimmy's hands were shaking as he opened Steve's leather pants. Jimmy's shirt was ripped but he was still wearing the rest of his baseball uniform. Soon Steve was smacking Jimmy across the face with his baseball-bat like cock. "You're a straight boy, aren't you?"

"Y-yes, M-master Steve," he whimpered.

Steve lifted the boy from the floor and tossed him over the back of a couch. He leaned forward over the boy and ripped the shirt free from Jimmy's shoulders as he bit into the flesh and said, "Call me Uncle Steve. Yeah, just like Uncle Warren over there, heheh." Then Steve tugged down the baseball uniform pants without opening the belt.

The powerfully-built man ripped Jimmy's briefs although he could just as easily have pulled them down. I saw Steve's very large cock sliding up and down the crack of the slave boy's ass. "Yeah, let's say your dad called for Uncle Steve and Uncle Warren to look after you boys for the night," Steve grunted as his big tongue licked at Jimmy's ear, neck and face. "And nasty old homos like us left alone with such beautiful young athletes - well our dicks just get the better of us and this is how we end up. What do you say to Uncle Steve, boy? What does the straight boy say?"

Jimmy's asshole was about to be invaded and I could see it stretching out to the maximum as the boy yelled out, "Please, Uncle Steve. Please, don't do this to me. I'm straight, don't..." The end of that sentence got lost in the strangled yell of pain that Jimmy howled out. When I looked down I saw that half of Steve's cock was embedded between the boy's creamy ass cheeks.

Steve shoved the rest of his cock all the way in and held Jimmy in his powerful hairy arms as the boy just sobbed and cried in agony. I could feel pre-cum leaking out of my dick but I was frozen to the spot for another reason. In a trembling voice I said to Steve, "Hey, there were times I left my boys alone with you and Warren. Did you ever...?"

Without missing a beat fucking the tight ass Steve grinned at me and said, "Don't be stupid, bud. You trusted me with your sons! I'm not about to molest the free boy sons of a friend. But this is different. Now these are slave boys." He bit into Jimmy's shoulders so deep that he drew blood.

I looked over at Warren and found that he had Timmy's head down between his voluminous thighs. Timmy was licking behind Warren's balls and the fat man was doing his best not to crush the small blond teenager.

Steve was biting Jimmy's ear and grunting, "Do you believe I ever raped a free straight boy like this?"

"N-no!" Jimmy called out. There was a jab to his guts deep inside him and Jimmy cried, "I don't know." Then with a sob breaking his voice, Jimmy wailed, "Y-yes, I b-believe it."

Licking at the boy's neck and shoulder, Steve grunted at the boy, "And do you believe I ever did that other thing I whispered in your ear, boy? Do you believe I ever took a free straight boy and...?"

Once again Jimmy was bawling out of control. I pulled out my cock and stuffed it in Jimmy's mouth, face fucking him in a frenzy. Steve slammed into the boy's ass and his cock seemed to be hammering the boys insides as he shot his jizz deep inside that hole. I couldn't hold back and immediately collapsed on top of the pretty blond slave's head shooting my load down his throat.

I thought I would pass out from lack of oxygen to my brain. But my attention was drawn to Warren's loud moans. He had Timmy clasped between his thighs and was pushing the boy's face against his spread asshole. He grabbed the boy by the ears and impaled that pretty face onto his thick erection.

Timmy was struggling as Warren wrapped his legs around the young slave and started to mouth fuck him. The way the boy's body was flailing around my dick just sprung up stiff again. I grabbed Timmy's legs and shoved my boner into his ass.

The boy was making gurgling sounds as Warren rammed into his face and I rammed into his butthole. I was concerned whether he was getting enough air, but I figured as long as his arms and legs were waving frantically he was not suffocating. Warren sounded like a foghorn when he shot into the boy's mouth and that was all it took for me to give the boy a load up the ass. Horny as I am I usually don't shoot two loads in such a short period of time. There was one scary moment where Timmy seemed to be lying totally still, but I pushed Warren off him and pumped on his chest till he started breathing again.

So, like I'm saying, this was a really hot night. I was feeling great and both of my friends had looks of absolute delight on their faces. I was all ready to reward the two slave boys. They had really made me proud.

So Steve, Warren and I were all congratulating each other and marveling at how much fun we'd had. I turned to the boys and ordered them to come and clean off our cocks. Naturally, that's the order any master would give at a time like that. Right?

The two of them are huddled together on the floor holding each other. Both of them are still crying a little bit. Jimmy turns to me and opens his mouth and says, "Fuck you, you evil old pervert!"

I raised my hand and smacked him so he fell backwards and I shouted, "I could have you bullwhipped to death you filthy little slave."

Now I told you that Timmy is the sweeter, more timid boy, but now Timmy looked up at me and said, "Do it! Bullwhip us to death. I'd rather be dead than have filthy homos...." Steve grabbed the boy and tossed him halfway across the room.

But neither of those boys would let up. And the things they were saying. "You never loved us. You never cared about us. You never wanted us to be your sons. You just wanted us for your pervert homo cock."

Well I said earlier that I had a problem because I wasn't treating them as rough as I'd normally treat a new slave. I had mixed feelings because part of me still thought of them as the sons I had raised. But, this was too much. It would have been bad enough if they had done this to me, their master, but to do this in front of my friends. Have you ever heard of a master being as humiliated as this by a slave?

I was wishing Warren and Steve would go, but they wanted to stay for the punishment. The two of them helped me bring the blonds out to the backyard and place them in some punishment frames. I ordered Rod to wake all the slaves and gather them so they could watch. Then I found a hard wooden paddle.

Well of course you ask why not a whip. I turned to the rest of the slaves and addressed that. I told the slaves that these two new slaves deserved a bullwhip. It wasn't that I was sparing the bullwhip out of sympathy for them. I told the assembled slaves that I did not want to lower the price for the boys since I intended to sell them to a brothel as soon as I could make a deal.

At that moment in time that's exactly what I intended to do. I guess it's to everybody's good fortune this was the middle of the night or I might have signed a contract handing the twins over to Bodoni & Felch within the hour. I pounded those asses with that wooden paddle. Then I took a leather paddle and slapped at those cheeks. They were red, they were bruised, they were swollen, but I knew the marks would heal with time. Well, you know that a good bullwhip will leave a permanent scar, and nobody wants that on a brothel slave's ass.

I called Rod out of the group of slaves and asked him to speak to me truthfully and tell what the slaves had thought about my former sons, Jimmy and Timmy. I had to coax him but then he blurted out, "Those kids were so arrogant and smug, master. They acted like us slaves weren't even there."

Well, I couldn't leave the boys with just the paddling. Since I hadn't given them the bullwhip, they needed to face something more. So I told Rod to take the two boys into the slave quarters and have the slaves use them for their pleasure. I then announced that they were to lock the slave toilets. The two boys would serve as slave toilets for the night.

Jimmy and Timmy were sobbing and shivering being surrounded by the slaves. I turned just before I went into the house and announced that once all the slaves in the barracks had finished with them, the boys were to be delivered to the dray slaves in the stables. Well the dray slaves are huge monsters of men, oversized everywhere, so rough and calloused. I figured they'd appreciate something as soft and sweet as my blond twins.

And that was the point when I sent you that terse message telling you to change my will. I had determined that I wouldn't free the boys ever, I would dissolve the college fund, well you got the message, you know.

What made me change my mind? Well, the next morning the boys were so subservient to me. They never looked up from the floor. I knew they were in pain from the paddling and all the sex, but they hopped to every command. Rod told me later on that in addition to the sex, the other slaves talked sense to Timmy and Jimmy. It turned out to be good exposing the boys to the slave barracks.

Then Warren showed up mid-morning and he was crying. He's such a sentimental old fool. He couldn't bear the thought of me permanently enslaving the boys. He hadn't been able to sleep thinking about those sweet young things sold to some brothel. He brought up the idea that maybe he and Steve had played with the boys' heads and their feelings unfairly. "Maybe having them call us Uncle Warren and Uncle Steve was too much," Warren said shyly.

I called in the two slave boys and asked Warren to repeat most of what he said. I didn't want him to include the part about feeling to blame. It's not good for a slave to get in his head that a free man might be to blame for a slave's faults. But the boys saw how Warren pleaded for them; how he wanted them freed and sent to college in five years. He even talked about getting them each cars when they went away to college, but I cut him off. Again, that's not a good thing for a slave to start getting into his head.

The two boys were on the floor kissing Warren's shoes. He was so thrilled he popped a boner in his pants and the boys took turns sucking him off. The rest of the week went off without a hitch. The two of them learned to groom each other and to give each other enemas. "Suck my sperm out of your brother's ass?" "Yes, Master."

I agree with what you're saying. The things they shouted at me in the presence of my two friends were really awful. It's not an easy thing for a master to let slide. That's why I didn't call you until today.

Today I decided it was time for the ultimate test. It seems their former baseball team was playing in the finals. I know how much it meant to the boys. So I dressed them in fresh white slave briefs, had them cuffed, shackled and caged, and took them over to the baseball field to see the game.

Well their old coach was so glad to see the boys. He couldn't take his eyes off them. Actually, he couldn't take his hands off them either. He was so shy about asking whether he could "show the boys the old supply room." I grinned and winked and told him to pick one of the boys and take him to the old supply room for as long as he liked. He came back half an hour later with a huge smile and I could see jizz dripping down the back of Jimmy's smooth legs.

The team won the game and everyone wanted to celebrate. The coach reminded the boys that they had to shower and change. I offered my two slaves to help their former teammates to shower. The other dads who were there knew just what I was really offering to their sons. I saw the envious look the men were giving their boys.

Of course since they were using my slaves I went into the locker room to look after things. The coach invited me. Very nice fellow, he came and watched as well. The boys were a little timid with me there but one of them got up the courage to ask if Jimmy and Timmy really sucked cock. I told all of them that they should find out for themselves how well the boys sucked cock and how nice those asses were also. That's all it took and the floodgates were open.

I knew that Jimmy and Timmy didn't like it, especially not when the boys younger than them were dick slapping their faces. Each slave boy was bent over a bench with boys using their mouths at one end and their butts at the other.

There was this one really well built boy with curly light brown hair. Apparently he had become captain of the team after Jimmy was no longer there. He just dropped his towel coming out of the shower showing off how nicely muscled his young body was. He slid his boner right into the former team captain's mouth.

Some other boy said, "Wow, Wally, you should feel how nice his ass is around a dick."

Wally would have none of that. He just closed his eyes and said, "I ain't a queer. At least with a mouth I can pretend Janie is sucking me."

The coach saw the way I was watching Wally's ass tensing and relaxing as he fucked my slave boy's mouth. He also saw the way I was playing with my dick with a hand in my pocket. He came over and whispered to me that Wally's father was being indicted for insider trading and that from everything he heard he figured Wally would be on the auction block within a month.

It just so happens that Steve's birthday is just a little more than a month from now. And that boy would be just perfect for Steve. Also being such a good friend Steve and I always share our slaves. I've already put in an advance bid at Bodoni & Felch for the curly-haired boy. The boy isn't actually listed yet, but they also anticipate having him in stock.

Oh, I got off the track talking about the team and about that boy with curly brown hair, didn't I?

The point is just that Jimmy and Timmy must have hated every minute of servicing their former teammates, but they did all that was asked of them. They didn't show any free boy attitude. I figured after that I'd better get in touch with you right away and make sure you changed back my will.

You know that my brother is an asshole, right? I couldn't bear the thought that if anything suddenly happened to me that overfed jerk and his fat children would take possession of Jimmy and Timmy as slaves, sell them to the highest bidder - which would certainly be some BDSM boy brothel - and the twins would never be freed.

Call me an old softy, but even though they're slaves now I still think of them as my boys. I know that one of these days I'll be at their college graduation. I expect I'll see each of them married to some pretty girl. When they start to have kids then I'll have grandsons. Jeez, I bet those grandsons will be real beauties.

OK, I'll let you get back to work. What's that? You never made the changes I had asked for in my will a week ago? Oh, you ignore client requests that come at 4 a.m. on a weekend night? That's probably a good policy.

Next: Chapter 5: My Former Best Buddy

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