Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Feb 7, 2007


You Get What you Ask For.

The stream of paying guests had finally trickled to a stop. The entrance stood empty except for me still hung spread eagle at the entrance. Master Trainers Boss and Mick pulled the doors shut and bolted them. No one was leaving without explicit permission from Master Cowboy. He by all means wanted a "trapped audience" for the opening ceremonies. Fact was that no paying guest would be allowed to leave The Farm until the weekend was complete. Each had signed a waiver agreeing that he was in "lock down" for the weekend. Master wanted no outside interference in His planned events. The Farm was very remote and He owned thirty acres of surrounding property which allowed Him to do most anything He desired; and He desired to do a great deal indeed.

Master Trainer Robert remained in the space across from where i hung. He had been toying with the young man named Ben all the time that the crowd was passing through. He was always available to answer questions of passing guests but the questions that He was most interested in were those put to Him by the shy and very passive Ben. Master Robert had finally talked the boy out of his shirt and he sat there cross legged in his baggy jeans and bright white tennis shoes usually staring at the slave at the Masters feet. Whenever Master Robert directed a question at the boy, he would look up "cow eyed" into Master Roberts hypnotic bright blue eyes. Master Robert was a hypnotist and His eyes were the door to another world that Ben was slowly being drawn into. Ben was not aware of what Master Robert was preparing him for. i watched as Master Robert slowly unzipped the boy's jeans and ran His hand down into the boy's pants. When Ben looked up with a start I knew that Master Robert had reached His goal, Ben's young, smooth balls and penis. He left His hand in the boy's crotch and massaged his cock and balls softly causing Ben to drift into a mild trance. i knew that this was the beginning of Master Roberts's sly but determined effort of transforming Ben into His slave boy. By the end of the weekend i would be very surprised if the youth would be leaving the farm of his own free will.

Master Trainers Boss and Mick walked over to where i hung and began to release me from the bonds that held me in place. They slowly lowered me to the floor where i kissed their beautiful CHIP boots in gratitude. They then carried me through a private door on the left wall. The door led to the "backstage" area of the Dungeon Arena. They lowered me to the floor in the slave area directly over a drain. i looked up to see each Man pull out His cock and then order me to open my slave mouth wide to receive their piss to refresh myself. i drank greedily and thankfully because i knew that Master still had a very long night planned for me. They also fed me some liquid nourishment to help sustain me for the events ahead. When finished They each allowed me to kiss their now hardening cocks as further gratitude for Their favors to me. They then pulled me to a standing position and lead me through an ornate door to where my Master and all His Master investors were gathered preparing themselves for entrance into the arena. They were all the special guests of honor because they had invested large sums of money in the corporation that was Master Cowboy's Farm.

i was brought to my knees so that my slave eyes were staring directly at Master Cowboy in His entire leather splendor. He was standing proudly wearing a custom pair of leather pants with chain lacing down the outside seam of both legs. The front of His pants at the crotch was bulging from His massive cock and balls secured with leather lacing which allowed a slight view of the skin and hair underneath. He grabbed His leather covered crotch and ordered me to worship. i inched forward on my knees and buried my head in His crotch sucking on the leather which encased His Manhood, this slave's icon of worship. He was my Lord and Master and i loved to be allowed to worship at His sacred penis.

The room was filled with magnificent Masters and Their slaves. The slaves were dressing their Masters in preparation for Their presentation at the opening ceremony. There were twenty-five Masters which had invested in Master Cowboy's secretive venture. For their investment they each had free personal use of the facilities whenever They scheduled. After the first year each Master would pay an annual membership fee to aid in maintaining The Farm.

When Master had ordered me to cease my slave worship of His crotch i got to look around the room and view all the Masters and Their slaves. It was a magnificent sight to behold. i saw Lord Bond and His slaves white boi and scum dog, Master Rebel standing proudly in black latex pants as slave boi laced His knee high Wesco boots. Master Slick was wearing a new custom designed leather outfit and attended by His slave. Skinhead Master Dog glared at me and i knew immediately that He had plans to use me to entertain His wicked mind this weekend. Master Max was there resplendent in tight black Levis, leather tank, and black work boots. His three "rock hounds" knelt beside Him ready to sell His stock of recreational wares. The other Masters were new to me, but i was in awe of every one of them.

i kept looking back at one young slave of Master Max's for some reason. There was something very familiar about that slave, but nothing came to my mind as i stared. Master Max noticed me staring and walked up to my Master and whispered something in His ear. Master Cowboy slyly grinned and gave Master Max a nod of approval. Master Max strolled back to His slaves and clipped a leash on the nose ring of the slave that i had been staring at and dragged it over to where i knelt. Max ordered the slave to position on its knees with its legs wide spread so that its cock and balls were on display. Although it did not want to look at me Master Max ordered it to look me in the eyes.

"slave thing", Master Max began, "It is My extreme pleasure to introduce My newest slave "homo-boy". homo-boy used to be known as Derrick and I believe that it is a former acquaintance of yours, "thing".

i looked the slave up and down and finally realized that "homo-boy" was the Derrick that i had fallen in love with before i had met Master Cowboy. It was same Derrick that had stopped by with Pete and the gang after the yard sale and got such pleasure from using me as a slave. i gave "homo- boy" a very wicked grin so that it could see the pleasure i got from seeing what had become of him. The former Derrick got what he justly deserved.

"homo-boy here", stated Master Max, "had accrued a huge debt to Me and had no way to pay it back so I locked the boy up in a cage and proceeded to make it into My personal slave. It took a lot of work and effort in turning it away from its strong ego, but I eventually gave it no choice. Derrick was given the choice of begging to be my slave or I would turn Him over to a gang of black street thugs who would love to work him over and use him as their personal white trash boy. So now it is my slave homo-boy. I know that it had the idea that as Derrick it was going to decorate its body with some tattoos, so I took it a bit further. it now has every square inch of its body covered with My tattoos marking it as My slave. I thought that having the word "HOMO" in large letter across its nice abdomen was a subtle touch. Because it is never allowed to wear a shirt of any kind, everyone now knows it is no longer a straight boy but My personal queer."

i got great pleasure out of seeing homo-boy's degradation. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving creature. it had been so proud of being a "straight boy' using me as its slave and drug supplier. Now it was permanently marked from the top of its head down with a giant tattoo design of huge cocks and balls and other queer imagery. i had never seen anyone covered so totally with tattoos. it even had a huge septum piercing, a giant PA and large rings in its growing slave nipples. Master Max had turned Derrick into a circus freak that would always be a queer slave.

Master Max then added another humiliation upon homo-boy when He asked Master Cowboy for permission for His slave homo to suck my slave cock. Master agreed with pleasure remembering the kid's dominant attitude when abusing me as a slave. Now it was sucking my slave cock and i loved every glorious minute of it. i knew that my Master cared about His slave when He allowed such a break in protocol to allow my slave cock to be sucked for the first time since he took me as His property. homo-boy was totally humiliated at long last.

After i had shot a huge load of slave cum deep down homo- boys throat, Master clipped a leash to my nose ring and walked me across the room to where a gorgeous young man was kneeling. He was so beautiful it was difficult to look at him. He was quite muscular and perfectly toned. He had deep brown, almost black eyes that seemed to bore into my soul. His black hair was rather damp as if he had just finished a workout and it hung down below his ears and over his eyes. He was wearing a black wrestling singlet made of very fine, thin black leather. It had a zipper in the crotch and one shoulder strap hung sexily off of his shoulder. As Master approached he snapped his arms behind his back and waited with his head lowered. Master Cowboy grabbed him by his long black hair and pulled him to his feet and placed the boy's mouth to His nipple. The boy began to suckle Master's nipple very eagerly until ordered to cease and stand at attention. As i looked up to where he towered over me i was overcome with his stunning beauty.

"slave abe that was very a very good boy" Master Cowboy stated to the boy. "Look down and see your new under slave "thing". As my new slave boy you are a slave in every sense of the word, however you are the alpha slave to `thing' here. This slave on its knees is my lowest piece of slave scum and always will be. That is what it begged Me to make it into when it pleaded to sign its former life, property, and assets over to Me. I agreed to make it into my slave property with no rights of any kind. it is no longer a man and will always be My scum and slut hole slave. Do you understand what I am telling you slave abe?"

"Sir, yes Sir" slave abe replied. "it is Your low life scum slave `thing' and i will be the alpha slave which has a different standing in hierarchy. it will always be at the bottom of life's heap Sir and this slave You have just purchased will have higher rank and serve as Your alpha slave Sir."

"Very good slave abe," Master replied as He tousled the boy's hair. "I am please with My purchase of you from Master Victor. I see that He has toned you into a well muscled specimen in the time that you served on His plantation in south Georgia, which is one of the reasons I purchased you boy. As alpha slave I will refer to you in more human terms. For example, "thing" is only referred to as thing, it, this slave and other completely neutral, subhuman terms. I will refer to you as slave, but also as you, he, him or other human references. Do you understand slave abe?"

"Sir Yes Sir, i am alpha slave abe and can be referred to in human terms, while `thing' is a low life slave and will never be referred to in any human way, Sir."

"Very good, slave abe; You may present your crotch to slave thing so that it can greet you boy. it is a cock sucker and a very good one and I know that it is just dying to greet its new alpha brother."

i was still completely dazed with what i had just heard and seen above where i knelt, but immediately did as commanded and leaned into slave abe's crotch and began sucking on it through the soft leather. his slave cock was getting more firm as i caressed it with my mouth. Before i was pulled away slave abe had a roaring hard cock and it was a good ten inches long. When Master pulled me off slave abe He grabbed the slave's hardened crotch and squeezed it until tears came to the slave's eyes.

"well, I see that My two slaves are going to get along just fine. thing actually made your slave cock drip and wet that beautiful leather singlet that I bought you boy. Here is things chain for you to hold. You shall be in charge of it for the opening ceremony and lead it by its nose chain behind me as I enter the arena. Here are the only pants that thing is ever allowed to wear" Master said as He handed a pair of very skimpy pair of rubber bikini briefs with a zipper through the crotch. See if you can get if stuffed into that only for the ceremony. thing is not used to wearing clothes so do not let it fight you boy."

He laughed heartily as He walked away to finish with the arrangements for the up coming ceremony.

"So thing, it would appear that i shall be seeing it often and caring for it from now on," slave abe stated as he grabbed a hold of my cock and pulled me to my feet. "Now get itself into that sissy bikini and hurry up about it scum. As its alpha i intend to treat it just the way i learned on the plantation. Life will not be any easier for "miss thing" while i am around. Master purchased me for my exquisite male beauty. i will be His trophy slave while it will continue the harsh life that it begged for. Master has told me all about it and i intend to enjoy ever minute of superiority to it. i cannot wait to stuff my hard cock down its throat and bury my muscled arm deep into its hungry asshole."

So, just like that my slave life had changed. However, i still knew my place and looked forward to servicing this magnificent symbol of manhood and following his orders as i do Master Cowboys because that is what this slave is, a low life slave property. Master had broken this slave very thoroughly and banished all sense of ego from this slave's mind. i proudly stuffed this slave's cock into the tiny pair of pants and snapped the waist in place and dropped to my knees before alpha slave abe. he pulled the leash to my nose ring through his legs and yanked me off my knees and into his crotch.

"Suck its superior's wonderful cock slave and make it good and hard so it will show off for all to see as i enter the arena leading it by its nose. i am going to love being Master Cowboy's alpha slave and have it to toy with and torture. Continue sucking on my crotch until Master Cowboy orders it to stop. Keep me good and hard scum slave."

The entire group of Master's had finished being dressed by their slaves and all were ready for the opening ceremony to begin. Just then Master Trainer Jeb led slave ox, the former feisty moving boy, into the space. it was attached to a Roman style chariot, and would be the pony slave to pull Master Cowboy proudly into center stage where He belonged. Master Cowboy strode up to the waiting chariot and climbed aboard yielding a whip in His right hand and Taking the reins in His left. With a crack of the whip on slave ox's ass it leapt without uttering a sound and began pulling the chariot forward. Alpha slave was ordered to follow directly behind the Master leading this slave by its nose ring. i placed my hands behind my back and followed sharply, rather than having my slave nose ripped off. The ceremony and the long weekend of debauchery had begun.

Master Cowboy cracked His whip just above ox's right ear and he ordered slave ox to stop at the closed doors leading from the assembling area into the main entry. In the entry area at that moment were six of the seven Master Trainers; Robert, Boss, Mick, Jeb, Ali, and Juan. They stood at the closed doors to the arena to await the announcement which would come from Master Trainer Techo. He was not only a Trainer but a Master electrician as well as the sound and light man. As such He was in His spot above the arena where he would announce events as they took place.

"Gentlemen and slaves may I have your attention please. Please quiet all the ruckus out there in the arena, we are about to begin your very special weekend. Thank you for your full attention as I introduce to you the other Master Trainers as they enter. They are here to help maintain a semblance of order in what seems to be mild chaos down there. Their orders are not to be questioned at any time since they have full authority under Master Cowboy to keep things running smoothly."

The audience of excited men slowly came to order and avidly watch the entry doors. These paying gusts were seated on bleachers on the top three tiers of the Dungeon arena. Below them were two more spacious rows which had comfortable, large throne like chairs for the "investment" Masters. On the lowest level the central chair was Master Cowboy's throne chair.

"Than you gentlemen and slaves for your attention" As Master Trainer Techo spoke a huge spot light was directed to the entrance. The doors, which were operated remotely, slowly opened and the waiting Trainers began to walk forward. "In order of Their entrance let Me introduce Master Trainers Robert, Boss, Mick, Jeb Joe, and Juan."

The Trainers entered and took their places around the arena behind the top row of chairs. When they were in place Tech continued.

"Now gentlemen and slaves, I am very proud to present to you Master Cowboy, the owner of The Farm and his slaves."

With a crack of the whip ox began to pull the chariot forward. As the chariot carrying Master Cowboy moved through the entrance the crowd applauded and began hooting and hollering. Master Cowboy stood tall in His shining leathers and continued to crack His whip at the slave pulling Him like a pony. Behind the chariot walked alpha slave leading thing. The crowd then began murmuring loudly and pointing toward the entrance as an enormous muscular slave dressed as a roman gladiator strode into the arena. The unknown man was about six feet tall and every square inch of him was covered with well defined muscle. It was evident that he was a slave because he wore a heavy black leather slave collar locked around his neck. The slave was dressed as a Retiarius which symbolized the fisherman in ancient Roman games. he wore only a heavy studded leather loin cloth, scaled armor covering the left arm, a projecting shoulder piece to protect the neck, and carried a net, a dagger, and a trident. The trident was a three pronged barbed steel weapon often used by the gladiator to kill its opponent. In this scenario the slave gladiator kept poking slave thing in the ass with the three sharp prongs. Every time he poked at thing' the poor slave would stumble and then be jerked ahead by slave abe. The entire entourage moved around the arena one full circle and then Master Cowboy ordered His pony slave ox to halt before the central steps leading to the Master's chair. He dismounted from the chariot and proudly walked up the steps and turned around in front of His chair. Alpha slave led thing' up the steps dropped to his knees and kissed his Master's boots. he then ordered `thing' to drop to its knees and kiss its Master's boots as well as his own.

Master Cowboy then motioned to the muscular gladiator that knelt on one knee before Him to rise. it did so and saluted Master Cowboy as if He were a Roman Emperor, slapping its trident across its chest.

"Do your duty slave caesar!" Master ordered.

caesar walked up the steps, tossed his net at thing with great skill and hauled thing down the steps and dragged it across the floor to the center of the arena where a leather fuck bench had been placed. caesar threw thing down on the bench with its ass raised high. he removed the binding net and secured things slave collar securely to a steel ring mounted in the floor. he also stretched things arms out wide and locked wrist cuffs in place.

The gladiator then turned to face Master Cowboy, knelt on one knee and saluted Him with the trident across his massive chest.

"The slave is secured as ordered my Lord" he stated to Master Cowboy and then rose and pivoted around to face the entrance and marched out of the arena.

"Now let the games begin," shouted Master Cowboy as if nothing had happened to slave thing.

There was a loud sounding of trumpets and the retinue of visiting Masters and Their slaves began a triumphal march to the dais to be seated on either side and behind Master Cowboy. The ceremony was taking on a majestic replication of the ancient Roman Arena with its gladiator games.

Next: Chapter 19

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