Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Mar 14, 2007


The Garden of Goodness and Debauchery

Master Cowboy walked over to the large piss pit and ordered zero to tilt its head back and open its toilet mouth. When it did as ordered Master Cowboy released a bladder full of piss directed into the open mouth of the toilet slave. When He had finished he ordered slave `thing' over to the pit and allowed it to also piss in zero's mouth as a slight revenge for what the former Pete had done to the slave.

It would be an extremely long, wet night for slave zero. Before the night was over it would be standing in a pit full of men's piss. This was just the beginning of a night of extreme debauchery to be experienced by all.

Young ben looked on with frightened eyes as he stood next to Master Robert and not really remembering how he came to be in that position. boy ben was to begin his slavery to Master Robert in earnest that very night and he had no clue.

Now that Master Cowboy had settled the issue of slave zero's new role for the night. He wished to get on with His evening of entertainment. The piss pit was just the beginning of the lecherous plans that He had arranged for tonight and the days to follow. slave alpha boy had `thing' on a long chain lead and followed Master Cowboy wherever He wandered in His acres of sexual pleasure. These truly were Master Cowboy's dreamed of "Gardens of Debauchery" and He planned on enjoying every aspect of His well designed scheme.

He had already accepted a deal for the sale of slave zero to Thug Master, an invested partner that was a drug lord in Chicago. During the dinner break Thug Master had offered Master Cowboy any amount of His products for the ownership of the newest slave. He would turn the former Pete into a drug slave, rock whore and personal piece of shit to serve Himself, His slaves and His clients. With this sale of just one former human being, Master Cowboy was assured that He would be supplied with whatever He wished for the entire weekend. Master Robert had been informed of the sale and bought a supply of "special treats" to feed boy ben with. He was assured that He would have His new boy slave by the end of this evening and then be able to toy with its mind and body this weekend and beyond.

As events took place, Master Robert gently played with ben's silky blond hair. His only thought was just how His plans for the taking of young ben would unfold tonight. He was determined that the boy would be His slave and He desired the total devotion of this beautiful, sexy, youth. While He already had a wonderful body slave in the form of jake, Master Robert wished to take slave jake even deeper into total slavery. He wanted jake to become His total sex slave, while ben would replace jake as Master Robert's personal body slave and sexual toy. Robert had already discussed with Master Cowboy just what His desires were for ben this weekend and Cowboy agreed and would do everything possible to make it happen.

As the ceremony at the piss pit was completed, Master Robert noted that boy ben was getting really freaked out by what he had just observed. Master Robert did not wish to have ben scared off by the bacchanal of drinking, drugs and orgies elsewhere. Robert gently led ben away from the pit and to a quiet, wooded area surrounded by scrub and brush. Master Robert had selected the quiet, isolated area which was designed to be an isolated fuck area in the edge of the wood lot on the farms vast acreage surrounded with trees and shrubs. He pretended to be surprised when they "chanced" upon this quiet grassy spot. In the opening lay a king size rubber covered mattress. There was a cabinet hidden as a tree stump which held various sexual supplies for a Master's use. There was also a spring well in which bottles of wine had been placed for His convenience.

"That's a very good boy ben", He stated as stroked ben's soft blond hair. We will rest here for awhile so that you can adjust to this new environment. slave jake will suck on your beautiful boy penis and balls to help you to relax. My slave is here to aid you and help you through this new experience. slave jake is just twenty-five years old. I acquired it while attending a weekend Master and slave conference. he had placed an ad that he desired to be taken and controlled by a Master that would make him into a personal piece of slave property. As you can see slave jake is more than happy in its life as My slave and it looks forward to a new slave entering Master's household."

jake was servicing ben as Master Robert slowly talked to the boy and began to direct ben into a trance like state once again. Once ben had relaxed and followed Master Robert's gentle, soft words he was fed a pill which Master Robert assured him would help to relieve his anxiety and relax him. ben did as Robert suggested and by doing so was well on his way to becoming Master Robert's new slave boy. Within thirty minutes ben was totally responsive to everything that Master Robert said to him. ____________________________________________________________ _________

Meanwhile, Master Cowboy and slave alpha boy led slave `thing' to an area of the grounds that was in a clearing surrounded by concrete walls in which stood a ring much like that used for boxing or wrestling. There were bleachers surrounding the ring that were already filled with an audience of restless men. A sign had been posted on the path leading to the ring which stated

"slave `thing' and Men perform - boxing, wrestling and fisting".

slave alpha boy led `thing' by its leash up and into the center of the ring where a long chain hung from a metal bar secured overhead. Alpha boy unlocked the leash from thing's collar and locked the collar to the chain. slave thing was ordered to its knees while the contestants were announced.

"Gentlemen," Master Cowboy addressed the waiting audience. "In this ring tonight I present to you boxers, wrestlers and weight lifters that have signed up to make use of this slave mounted center ring. They will make use of this slave in any manner that they choose. At the end of each "match" you, the audience shall determine with a thumbs up or down to let the winner know if They may perform slave thing's punishment. The man or men performing shall determine the slave's particular punishment."

Six slaves entered the arena area and the crowd went wild. They were all extremely muscular men with massive arms, legs and tight six pack abs. The first two were young boxers, one a Hispanic muscle stud wearing blue boxing gloves and helmet. He also wore a white boxer's jock with cup that drew the audiences pleasured screaming. The second boxer was a youth with long, golden hair and smooth muscled body. He wore only a red padded `ringside' jock and a white tank top that He immediately stripped from His smooth, muscled chest.

The third Man wore only a red wrestling singlet which showed His raging hard cock to great effect. He stood over six feet tall and was a Man of beauty and muscled perfection.

The fourth Man wore only a skimpy purple bikini posing strap. He was obviously a professional body builder with massive over sized arms, legs and chest. He stood approximately 5'9" tall so His enormous muscles bulged so extravagantly that He appeared to have just stepped out of the Mr. Universe stage and into this arousing scenario of wild, yelling men. The final two were completely naked except for the tattoos which covered most of their huge muscled bodies. They were muscle slaves of Leather Rancher from Texas. These two huge slaves were Leather Ranchers farm animals. The slaves had been permanently marked with extravagant tattoos covering every inch of their well muscled bodies. As ranch slaves they lived in Rancher's stables with the other animals, both domestic and human. The slaves were always kept naked so that none of the magnificent tattoos would be covered.

"Gentlemen", slave alpha boy announced. "The matches are about to begin. Each contestant will be brought into the ring either singly or in pairs. When each is pulled off by its Master the audience is to give thumbs up or thumbs down for the defeated. At the end of all bouts, the defeated will be given one hours rest before being returned to the ring for its "punishment. On with the show!"

The first Man to enter the ring was the Hispanic boxer. he was curtis, the slave of Master Tor from London. Master Tor kept a stable of slaves that were all trained in some aspect of the sporting world, mostly, boxing, kick boxing, bare fist, etc. The Master had His own fight club and this particular slave had beaten all competition world wide. the slave stepped into the ring and began dancing around the strung up thing', sparing with his gloves. alpha boy entered the ring, unhooked the chain from things collar and locked its wrists together from the hanging chain. The winch was ordered raised and slave thing hung center ring with its feet off of the ring surface; hanging like a punching bag. alpha boy ordered thing to tighten its body and prepare to be used hard. The boxer danced around teasing and taunting thing' and began to jab at things crotch with his gloves. He began by gently punching thing in the balls, ass, and abdomen. After several minutes of toying with the human punching bag, curtis hauled off and planted a hard punch to things abdomen causing the slave to swing backward with some force. curtis continued in this manner and the human punching bag was swinging and twirling from its chains. slave curtis kept after thing' as the crowd roared for more. The slave was finally pulled back from the beating that it was giving thing'. its Master held the slave's right arm up in a sign of victory as the crowd gave a unanimous thumbs down for the defeated `thing'. Master Tor led His slave out of the ring and to a waiting stool for refreshment and rest.

The next contestant was the youth with the long, golden hair and smooth muscled body dressed in the red groin protector. This contestant was slave biorn and it was led into the ring by Master Jacques of the Canadian Mounted police. His slave had been a street punk that Master Jacques had picked up for selling drugs. Master Jacques had been on His way home from duty when He had spotted the boy selling his wares to another. Jacques ran off the buyer, grabbed biorn by the scruff of his neck and led him to His vehicle. He never reported the youth's crime. Instead He tied the young man up and threw him in the backend of His red Hummer and drove home with His new slave. He had spent the last four years training the boy in open fist fighting. Master Jacques had a fight club on His property outside Quebec City, CA. He would bring in other Masters and their slaves for weekly fights. slave biorn eventually beat out all other slaves not only because of its smoothly muscled body, but because of the meanness that Master Jacques had beat into the youth during its intensive training. Master Jacques had turned the boy into a fighting "gamecock" which He loved to show off to other Masters and their slaves. He had even found a straight underground fight club and had entered slave biorn in numerous matches, where the slave was slowly working its way to the top of the fighters.

Slave biorn strutted over to where slave thing stood without any bonds holding it. This would be a free for all slap fight between the two slaves. slave biorn hauled off and slapped `thing' across the face several times, knocking it to its ass on the ring floor. Slave biorn reached down, grabbed thing by an arm and hauled it to its feet and began to work slave thing over. slave thing did get some hits in, mainly due to its steroid built muscles. However, slave biorn always had the upper hand due its long training and gaming. It was really no match and slave biorn rather quickly overpowered slave thing and left it lying in a pool of sweat and blood on the ring floor. The crowd roared its approval and gave thing another unanimous thumb down.

Back in the woods, Master Robert was toying with ben. Robert thought back to that very afternoon when He had implanted the seeds for ben's slavery. Master Robert had planted three words deep in ben's sub consciousness-; boy toy - which would bring the boy to his knees, collar - which He had already used to get the small slave collar around young bens neck, and sweet ass - which He was about to use to get ben to beg to be fucked by Master Robert. He ordered slave jake to a post at the bottom of the bed and locked the slave's leash to it.

Master Robert retrieved a bottle of wine and poured two glasses, handing one to ben.

"Why don't we have a drink to celebrate your first s&M party," Robert cooed in ben's ear. "Here is to what I hope shall be a lasting relationship between you and I ben," Robert toasted as they both sipped from their glasses. "I want you to get nice and comfortable ben, because I have a wonderful night planned just for the two of us."

"B-b-but what about jake Sir, won't he be joining us?"

"Now ben, you know that jake is merely my personal slave and is just happy to be here with the two of us. We are celebrating you wearing the collar which you asked for so nicely earlier ben."

Of course when ben heard the word `collar' again it reinforced his obedience to Master Robert, and ben thanked Master Robert again for the collar, because it made him feel closer to Master Robert. He wished to please Master Robert and was inexplicably drawn to Him. Robert slyly grinned as He bent the boys head back and gently kissed him. He worked His tongue deep into ben's mouth. He kissed the boy long and hard and began to lick the boys face allowing His saliva to drool from His mouth and wet the boy's face completely.

ben was totally enthralled by this handsome mans attention and began to swoon in Robert's arms. Robert laid the boy back on the bed and began to unbutton the fly on ben's Levis. He worked the pants slowly down the boy's legs as He continued to kiss and caress ben. Master Robert got up from the bed and pulled off the boys shoes and pants so that ben lay back moaning on the rubber covered bed wearing only the small slave collar Master Robert had given him that afternoon.

"So My toy boy, what do you say to your Master?" Robert asked.

With the words `toy boy' spoken ben immediately got up from the bed and dropped to his knees on the forest floor. Following the subconscious order he closed his eyes and opened his mouth wide; at the same time clasping his hands tightly behind his back.

"That is a very good boy ben," Master Robert stated as He spat in the boys open mouth. The next step would be so easy Robert thought as He spoke the words "what a sweet ass you have My boy."

ben opened his eyes and closed his mouth and looked straight into Master Robert's brilliant azure eyes. Ben reacted to the command that Master Robert had placed deep in his subconscious when ben heard the words `sweet ass'.

"Permission to speak Sir," he asked softly.

"Of course slave, speak to your Master boy."

"Master Sir, would You please take my virgin ass Sir. i want and need to have Master open my un-fucked ass with His Master Cock Sir. i wish to be fucked for the very first time and i need to be fucked by You Master."

"Ah, My sweet young boy, at last you beg to be fucked by your Master's hard cock. I knew the moment that I saw your innocent face that I wanted you to be all Mine. You will be My boy, My slave boy. I shall take you and plant My seed deep within your virgin ass. Once that I have planted My seed you will become My slave boy."

Master Robert ordered slave jake to get Him a pipe full of rock. The slave had been carrying a bag tied around its waist that had all the Master's drugs and paraphernalia. Slave jake loaded the Masters pipe and held it to ben's mouth. Master Robert lit the pipe and ordered ben to suck in as much smoke as possible and to hold it until ordered to release it. ben took a huge hit of the Master's smoke and held it for what seemed an eternity before being allowed to release it. In fact He fed ben a huge rock of smoke that turned ben into a true sexual animal with no inhibitions, This was just the way that Pete(slave zero) had set up Bruce(slave thing) over a year ago.

As ben let what smoke was left in his lungs free, his eyes immediately glazed over and all he could think of was how much that he After ben had gotten high on the smoke and pill administered to him he began to beg for Master Robert to allow him to suck on His Master Cock as a way of thanking the Master for befriending him. The process was working as Master Robert had planned and He would take ben's ass that very night to seal the bargain that He had desired since first seeing ben that afternoon.

"Please Master; make me into Your slave boy Sir. I beg to suck on Your huge cock Sir. I beg to have Master's cock buried deep within me so that I will become Master's slave boy. Please Sir; please fuck this boy's ass."

ben sprawled out on the rubber covered mattress on his knees with his ass in the air. ben was totally immersed in sexual desire and was like an animal in heat. The craving to be taken by Master Robert was all consuming and ben continued to beg until ordered to stop.

Master Robert unbuckled His heavy leather belt and pulled it out of the loops in His leather pants. He laid it upon the boy's back as He lowered His pants and had slave jake work on His cock and balls to get them good and juicy for what He was about to do.

slave jake was ordered to grease up ben's waiting ass hole and ready it to be taken.

So, the beginning of ben's slavery to Master Robert was about to play out. The evening was yet young and Master Robert had hours of sexual pleasures planned for His new slave boy.

Next: Chapter 23

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