Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Jul 12, 2006


Part Nine - A boy to train?

Early that evening as i was servicing Master in the living room there was a knock at the front door. Master ordered me to answer it, and i did so naked as usual. Upon opening the door i saw the young mover, Bob, standing there gazing at me. He was dressed in a pair of well worn brown leather pants and blue t-shirt that had been cut off just enough to give a hint of a line of soft hair disappearing below the waist of His low rise pants. i dropped to my knees and invited him in. When he entered, he gave me a slap on my right cheek. He immediately walked over to Master.

"Reporting as ordered, Sir," he said as if he were in the military.

"Very prompt of you boy, I see that you dressed in something that tells Me more about you," Master stated.

Sir, yes Sir," the boy replied. "I wanted you to see me in my favorite pair of pants, Sir. I hope that it is satisfactory for you Sir!

"Yes boy, they look real good on you. I certainly like the bulge in your crotch. Is that a sign that you are glad to be with Me again?" Master stated.

"Sir, yes Sir," Bob replied as if he were the Master's slave.

"Let Me see you without that shirt boy," Master replied. "give it to me when you take it off, boy."

When Bob removed his shirt, he handed it to Master, who held it in the air before the boy's eyes and then ripped it to shreds in front of the boy. Bob looked on in shock as Master destroyed it and tossed it on the floor.

"Sir that was my favorite shirt," Bob whined. "It is my good luck charm"

"I don't care where you got it from or how charmed you think that it may be," Master growled. "I don't like it on you boy, it covers up too much of your chest and abdomen, which I do like. Before I am through with you, you may want to rethink the good luck thing"

"Sir, yes Sir," Bob reluctantly responded.

"So boy, why are you here," Master asked with a smirk on His face.

"Sir, you asked me to return after we finished for the day," Bob said.

"Oh, you are wrong there "little boy", Master laughed, "I ordered you to return so that I can make you into "My boy". I think that you have promise to be a good "little boy" for your new Master."

Master grabbed Bob by his leather crotch and pulled him to his knees on the floor. Master then grabbed Bob by the hair and pulled his head into His crotch. He held the boy's head there and ordered the boy to kiss His bulging, denim covered crotch and forced the boy's head to the floor and ordered him to kiss His boots.

"That is how you greet your Master, boy," He ordered. "I did not invite you over for a cuddle session. I told you that I wanted to see you after you got rid of your friends. I want you for my boy and I do not believe that you wanted your friends to see how I plan to make you into that boy. Do you understand Me, boy?"

"I'm not sure that I do understand, Sir," replied Bob with a quivering voice. "I don't want to be a slave like "slut hole", Sir."

"You may or may not be My slave, I already have a slave, but might reconsider taking on another," Master stated. "I wish to have a boy that is subservient to me, but not in the way that slut hole is. You will be trained to my needs and pleasures, but you will also be trained to be a sub-master to slut hole. it will be yours to play with, torture, and abuse. You will be allowed to wear clothes that meet My approval. You will continue to work outside My home, but you will hand over all your earnings to your Master. Does this sound like something you might want?"

After some thought Bob answered, "Sir, yes Sir, i believe that i may need that kind of training and relationship. i have had a few relationships with other men previously, but none were satisfactory and I am not sure why."

"It is because you are submissive in nature, not a slave but a submissive and need a Master. In essence, you will eventually become a Master in training under Me if you prove to be good," Master explained. "I will train you and test your nature. I will break you to be submissive to Me and follow My orders. I will do whatever it takes to get you to that point. Do you think that you understand, boy?"

"Yes Sir," boy responded. "i think that i would like to experience the world of BDSM and the many degrees of submissiveness that exist."

"Good boy," Master replied in a soft, kind voice. "I will take you places that you have never dreamed of and beyond. It will involve bondage and discipline. It will involve My breaking you of your independence, but not to the point of slavery, unless you disappoint Me. You eventually can grow to become a Master after service under Me. We are going to begin that training as of now. Your first night with Me will be an extremely powerful experience. I will break you, so that by the end of this first session you will sign a contract with Me agreeing to be My submissive boy. I will never call you Bob again. Your new name is simply "boy" or "bobby boy". We will begin whether you think that you are ready or not. I have decided that I want you as my "little boy" and that is what you are going to learn to be."

Master ordered boy to place his arms behind his back. When he did so, Master locked handcuffs on his wrists. When Bob started to yell out, Master grabbed a chloroform soaked rag and placed it over the boy's mouth and nose. boy immediately fell to the floor unconscious.

"slave, get over here and remove boy's pants and place them on a hanger," Master ordered.

i immediately jumped at his command and did what He ordered. Master then picked up the naked youth and carried him to the dungeon. He ordered me to hang the pants so that boy would see them when he came to. Master laid boy out on a rubber- covered mattress that lay on the floor. He laced a leather hood on boy's head, put leather wrist and ankle restraints on and tied boy spread eagle.

"slave, it will sit here until boy comes to and then it will run to me and kneel with its head on the floor," He commanded. "I will know then that boy is ready. it will run back to boy's side and caress boy's crotch until I order it to go to its cage. Is that understood slut hole?"

"Sir, yes Sir," I responded and ran off to care for boy. It was about thirty minutes until boy began to groan and try to move.

i ran to inform Master and quickly returned to help alleviate boy's fear. i laid my head on boy's crotch, took his cock in my mouth and slowly sucked it until he calmed down. I heard Master coming down the stairs.

"slave, leave boy to Me and go to your cage and watch how a boy is treated by his Master," He ordered.

"Now my young boy," He said softly. "Your Master is here to care for you until you are ready for training to begin. I will determine when you are relaxed enough for us to begin. Do you understand, boy?"

boy shook his head and continued to tremble for awhile, but as Master slowly rubbed his body he relaxed and moaned softly.

Master unhooked the cuffs, telling him they were just to keep him from hurting himself. He lifted boy up and put a rubber harness on his chest.

"See boy, you are allowed items of clothing, but only those that I select for you." He stated. "This is one of the symbols that you are a boy and not a slave like "slut hole".

He laid boy back down and then took rubber straps and secured his legs with bindings from his thighs to his ankles. He did similar attachments for boy's arms. Master picked up a chain with chain with tit clamps on each end, and quickly snapped them on both of boy's nipples. Boy jumped and groaned in pain behind the mask, but Master just laughed.

"Ah, you see boy, you must learn what giving pain is like so that you can treat a slave from your own experience," He stated. "My sadistic qualities were suppressed until I met slut hole. it brought My sadistic qualities gushing out of Me. I could barely hold myself back from causing it pain. In fact I caused it pain and humiliation from the beginning because it begged Me to treat it that way. You, however, will learn it a bit at a time and be taken beyond your supposed limits with each torture."

Just then, there was a knocking at the rear door that startled me. Master went to the door and opened it to an incredibly hot skinhead in knee high black boots. He wore a ring through his septum that i thought was a sign of slavery. However, His demeanor was far from being that of a slave.

"So Master Cowboy, this is your infamous dungeon that Master Rebel has told me so much about," he stated with cockiness. "I have brought the supplies that You ordered."

He handed Master a bag of something, and lay back on a mattress to watch the action. He loaded his pipe, took a hit and groaned as he whipped his hard cock from the codpiece he wore with skin tight chaps.

"Your timing is perfect as usual Dog," Master laughed. "Dog is one of my best friends. He stakes no claims to Master, boy, or slave. He handles all roles to perfection. When I called him about my now acquiring a boy and a slave he offered to supply the "party favors" for being able to take part in the festivities."

"Here boy, I want you to take a deep drag on this pipe and hold the smoke until I allow you to release it. i could see boy wiggling and moaning from the effects of the drug. Having experienced what "smoke" does to me, i knew this would prove to be busy night for all.

"Release boy" Master said as He took a hit and then began to unlace boy's hood. Boy was beside himself from the erotic effect that the drug gave him. He was licking his mouth and begging to lick Master's cock and balls as Master took off the bands around boy's arms and legs. boy immediately crawled to Master's feet and began kissing them without being told.

"Ah," Master said with a grin, "It appears that there is a submissive within boy after all. Get up here and lick on your Master's balls this minute, but do not touch My cock until ordered."

boy licked Master's balls until they were dripping with his saliva and he was constantly moaning like a whore much as i did under the influence. Master ordered him onto his back on the floor and then crouched above boy's face, finally sitting upon it.

"Lick My ass boy. The better you lick it the faster you will be allowed to lick My cock," Master ordered. "I am going to make you into the best sub boy that ever existed and learning to do as you are ordered is essential in your training. I want My ass licked, sucked and eaten, and you will do it properly or pay the consequences. That's it boy, let me feel your hot tongue rimming My ass and slobbering all over it to show Me how much you want to please Me."

Master took His hands and pulled His cheeks wide apart to make His asshole easier for boy to get to. He ordered boy to stick his tongue into the asshole. boy pulled his head away, saying "please Sir, I have never done that Sir".

"Do you think that it matters to Me whether you have done anything before fucker?" He yelled. "Dog get over here and help Me string this boy up so that I can punish him for not following orders. Once we have boy strung up You can use My slave however you want. I want you to abuse it, humiliate it, and torture it, and I want you to do it so that this boy can see how a slave is used, because if he doesn't pay attention and learn quickly I may just make him into a slave as well. Show him how a "real slave" is treated until he begs to be the best boy possible for Me. In fact I will turn him into a `beast boy' before I'm finished."

Dog came over and jerked boy off of the floor and dragged him to a set of chains hanging from the ceiling. Master and Dog then locked boy's wrist cuffs to the chains and pulled them tight so that his feet barely touched the floor. Master picked out a wooden paddle, walked over to boy and made him kiss it. boy screamed and fought helplessly in his chains.

"I don't want to be your boy anymore," he hollered. "I won't do the things that you are trying to force me to do."

"Like hell you won't boy," Master yelled in his ear. You are going to be punished and tortured until you beg to have me accept you and train you to be My boy. You will wish that you had sucked My asshole before I get done with you."

He then shoved a ball gag into boys mouth, strapped it tightly in place and began to swing the paddle with all His might at the boy's ass. He kept at it for at least an hour. boy's ass cheeks were as red as fire and he was blubbering rather than screaming at this point. Master removed the ball gag from boy's mouth. boy was crying like a baby. Master continued to slap the boy's ass with the paddle but with a gentler stroke.

"Have you had enough boy?" Master asked. "Tell Me that you have had enough and will do anything I order you to do from now on. All you have to do is beg Master to accept you and train you as His boy."

"Sir, please Sir, boy cried. "I beg for You to stop beating my ass and take me as your boy, Sir. I want and need to be trained by You Sir." Master stopped paddling boy's ass and hugged him and caressed his nipples until the boy stopped sobbing and merely slunk in Master's arms.

Meanwhile, Dog had dragged me from the cage and fed me a big hit from His pipe.

"Now asshole, I want it to show Me what a good slave that it is," He said pushing my face toward His boots. Those boots got dirty tonight on My way here so I want it to lick them clean. When it is done with that task, I have a cock up here that needs some attention. it is going to show its Master and His boy what a good slave is like. Now give Me some spit shine slave."

i went to work on His boots as if i hadn't eaten for a week. i licked the tops, sides, and soles while He sat back and took a long drag on His pipe. While i worked on one boot, He pressed my head down with His other boot so that i was in a "boot lock".

"you ain't doing shit down there slave. I think that it must need some encouragement to work harder in the future," he yelled as He kicked me back onto the floor, got up from where He lay and began kicking me around with those big boots of His. Dog grabbed me by the collar and jerked me to my knees. He already had His hard cock hanging out of His codpiece. He grabbed my collar, ordered me to open my slave mouth wide and shoved the entire cock deep into my throat. His cock had to be a good ten inches long and He face fucked me with every inch of it. my gagging did not stop Him; He merely fucked me harder forcing the fluids out of my mouth. Snot was running from my nose and mouth, which He seemed to love.

"That's it fuck face," he growled, "Spit your guts out and lube that big thing up some more. I love to have a cocksucker get all slobbering and see that juice flowing."

I felt Him shudder and knew He was about to come. Hew grabbed my head, shoved His cock deep into my throat and pumped His load down into my gut. When He was finished, He ordered me to lick all the slobber off Him and the floor. He enjoyed every minute of my humiliation as He took another big hit from His pipe.

Master Cowboy and boy were laughing as Dog pressed my head to the floor with His boot. He then kicked my head aside, knelt down, fed me a huge pipe full and made me hold it until He ordered me to breathe again.

"That slave needs some good bondage to show My new boy what he could get for disobeying Me again," Master ordered. Let's haul it over those metal bars and tie it up real good."

Using leather straps and rope, They bound me tightly between two poles. They locked a hood on my head and took some more rope and bound my cock and balls as tightly as They could. The rope binding forced my slave cock to become rigid. They also locked leather mittens on each hand completing my helplessness.

"Let's give boy a treat and show him how We make "slave nipples," Master said to Dog. "I want my slave to have swollen nipples jutting out from its shaved chest. its nipples will eventually grow huge and be the talk of everyone that sees them. Nothing says "slave" as nicely as big red tits."

Dog began to pinch my nipples, twisting them and pulling then away from my chest. When He had worked them for at least thirty minutes, they were getting swollen, raw and hot. He ordered boy to get some twine and to wrap each nipple so that it they jutted about an inch from my chest. Master ordered boy to suck on "those ripe slave nipples" like they belonged to a woman. boy obviously got off on that because he sucked and chewed on those things until i thought he would bite them off. When Master ordered him to cease, i could here him chuckling loudly.

Next I felt a sharp pain in my right nipple as Dog pierced it with a needle. He did the same with the left. He wiped them off with alcohol, which caused me to jump slightly in my bindings. Master then ordered boy to wind some larger string around the needles. Then to my surprise, my nipples were pulled even further. boy used the string like reins on a horse, tugging then left and right until the strings were tied tightly so that my nipples remained drawn taught.

They left me in bondage while They began to give boy a workout. Of course they used me as their piss toilet all evening. Master even inserted a catheter up my urethra and attached it to a hose which fed back into my mouth. i drank recycled piss all evening and all night as well.

Master and Dog lit another pipe, and got boy high and used him in ways that he could never imagine. Boy was fucked from both ends almost constantly. If the two were not fucking him they used dildos to fuck both orifices. At one point They made boy crawl around on his hands and knees while dildos hung out both his mouth and ass. The two Masters were laughing and hooting and calling him degrading names such as dildo mouth, fuck face, slime ass, among many others. The entire evening was being secretly recorded on dv for Master's use as blackmail on the boy later. i knew just from watching that boy was never going to be allowed his freedom ever again. Little did he know that when he entered Master's house that night he has lost his freedom forever.

When They tired of putting boy through a real work out of bondage and sadistic pleasures, Master ordered boy to "unbind slut hole and put it in its cage for the night. The tubes remained in my penis and mouth so that i would be drinking piss all night long.

"Dog," Master requested as He lit up a huge cigar, "Why don't the two of us take this boy upstairs and see what trouble we can get ourselves into before letting him get some sleep. After all it is only Friday night and this boy does not have to get back to his moving until Monday. Here, have a cigar Dog, they may come in handy as We continue to work this shit head over and show him some more hell."

They both went upstairs while boy unstrapped and untied me and led me to my cell, where he locked my collar to a ring in the wall and locked my mitten clad hands behind my back. He also spread my legs wide and locked them to bars on each side. He immobilized me, spit in my face laughed menacingly.

"Hey slave I think that I am going to get into this big-time," boy said with glee. "I am going to love getting to do Masters bidding as he teaches me how to use His slave. slave will be seeing a lot of this boy and it had best be a good little slave, because I get off on making it whine like a dog. In fact, I think that it would make me a nice slave dog to humiliate and torture. I am going to learn to be the best boy that I can be to its Master. That will ensure my being able to "play" with His slave some more!"

i watched him as he walked to the stairs and proceeded up to Master's bedroom in his deluded vision of his life as Master's boy. i had a feeling that things were not going to turn out as he expected by the end of the long weekend with Master Cowboy and His friend Dog.

Next: Chapter 10

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