Master Jonathan

By James T.

Published on Jun 25, 2005


This is the last chapter in the series. Thanks for all your comments and great emails. I intend to move on to a different kind of story next time.

Master Jonathan - Chapter Eight

"What is going on, James," Jonathan asked his butler, on hearing yelling and the sounds of a struggle coming from the playroom.

"Not sure, sir, but I will go check," answered the butler as he hurriedly left for the playroom.

Jonathan moved to follow him but stopped when his naked bitch, Robert came running toward him, a bloody hand covering his nose and right cheek. Jonathan grabbed him by the arm and stopped him. Pulling the young man's hand away from his face revealed a bloody, and likely broken nose along with a puffy eye.

"What happened, Robert?" asked Jonathan softly, trying to calm down the terrorized young man.

"He hit me, sir. He was trying to shove his hand in me and when I couldn't relax enough he hit me really hard with his fist," answered Robert, almost at the point of tears.

"You're safe now, baby. No one is going to hit you again," said Jonathan, gently touching the puffy eye and stroking the boy's cheek. We'll get you to a doctor right away and you'll be fine."

As Jonathan was calming his bitch down his two burly security guards dragged the boy's attacker into the front room. He was struggling, but even at 6'2 and 280 pounds he was no match for Jonathan's security guards. Behind them stood the butler, clearly distressed with the commotion interrupting his orderly household.

"James, please see to Robert's injuries. Call Doctor Epson and tell him I want my boy well taken care of. If he as to call in specialists he needn't check first, just do it."

"Very well, sir," answered the butler as he led the frightened young man away.

Jonathan stood before the panting man, still being held by each arm in the firm grasp of his subduers. Jonathan looked the man up and down, studying his big frame. He was dark and very hairy, with massive thick legs and arms and a belly that although big, did not seem out of place. The term barrel chested fit him well. The man stood there passively, but displaying no fear or remorse. Indeed, in his own mind he couldn't understand what the big deal was. He was fucking a submissive bitch who pissed him off. Hitting was what you had to do to get them back in line. How else could you control the fucking cunts if you didn't hit them once in a while. Hell, one good hit and you never had problems with them again. This big commotion made no sense.

"What exactly was that all about, Peter?" Jonathan asked?

"The little cunt wouldn't relax her pussy for my fist.

I told her twice and she kept pulling back, so I had no choice. Big fucking deal, it's just a stupid cunt," he answered, smirking.

"I see," said Jonathan moving in a little closer. "The only reason you are in this house is a favor to my good friend Adam. He told me you understood about this sort of thing and would enjoy my harem and entertain my bitch's nicely. I don't usually bring outsiders into my harem, but I made an exception for Adam because he has done me many favors in the past.

Jonathan stared into the eyes of his guest and could see no fear at all, just a cold emptiness.

"I think I made it very clear when I invited you in that one of the single most important rules here was about violence. A slap or a spank on the ass is understandable and even encouraged. But, closed fist hitting is unacceptable. I don't allow that under any circumstance."

"Well, that's your fucking way," spat Peter. "It's bullshit. When I am fucking a bitch she better know who's in control, and a good smack once in a while has a way of focusing her mind. Now, tell your boys here to let me go and I'll fucking leave. This place has too many fucking rules, anyway.

"Unfortunately, it's not that simple. You see, my brood exists under my protection. The reason they love me and give themselves to me is because they know I will protect them in the same way I control them. I'm sure it's difficult for you to understand, but it's a two way street, kind of a trade, as it were. They give their bodies and spirit to me and in return they get a wonderful home, a secure future and protection from pigs like you. If I let you go without some sort of justice for my baby that you hurt, they could lose trust in me. "

"Fuck you," yelled peter, and cocking his head back he let fly with a long glob of spit, hitting Jonathan right in the chest. As the wad of spit slowly ran down his chest, Jonathan locked eyes with the man and stared coldly.

After about 15 seconds the man averted his eyes. Jonathan reached down and grabbed him by the balls causing his victim to jerk back. Jonathan, prepared for the reaction, moved back with him, not releasing his grasp.

"Relax, I am not going to hurt you. I'm just checking," said Jonathan calmly.

Pulling the man's ball sack out from under his thick cock he examined it. Peter had what would commonly called low hangers. These were particularly low, low hangers. Jonathan cupped them in his hands. His balls were the size of small plums and cradled in a low hanging bag of dark wrinked flesh.

"This will work well," said Jonathan, almost to himself.

Moving over to a small teak desk in the corner of the ante-room he opened the top drawer and took out a small, thick leather ring. It resembled a dog collar for a ridiculously small dog, but in place of the buckle was a snap. Throughout the leather ring were sections of elastic which allowed the ring to stretch easily to accommodate slightly larger sizes.

"I am going to put this on your nut sack. Don't struggle or my guards will subdue you in ways you won't like. This will not hurt.

Peter did not struggle simply from confusion and relief Jonathan had not pulled a knife from the desk. As Jonathan approached his victim he opened the leather collar by pulling on a small snap. Reaching down, he placed it around the highest part of Peter's scrotum, then snapped it shut and moved it around to make sure it wasn't too tight.

Stepping back, Jonathan looked into Peter's face. "This is designed to be flexible enough to allow for comfort and proper blood circulation." Reaching into the same bag which held the collar he removed a small remote. He pointed it at Peter's cock and pressed a red button.

Peter's head flew back and he let out a long, anguished "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhkkkkkkkk." His body went rigid and shook for a few seconds, then with knees buckling he collapsed, falling on the floor as his subduers let go of his arms. He laid on the floor panting and holding his balls with both hands.

"Oh, God, what was that. Oh God, Oh God, that hurt so much."

Jonathan waited for the writhing mass on the floor to calm down and return to a more normal breathing pattern. "That is what you will feel if you do not obey me, or if you try to remove the collar. You will remain my guest for the next week or so at which time the collar will be removed. Whether you ever experience that pain again is completely up to you, but aside from that pain no other harm will come to you. By the way. I have no idea what the long term effects of constantly running high amps through your scrotum might be, so I recommend compliance." Jonathan smiled as he passed on that little bit of advice.

"James, get Phillip and Ruben for me, will you?" Jonathan asked his butler.

As James went to fulfill his master's request the two guards lifted the panting man to his feet and stood him up, no long holding him by the arms.

"Oh, yes, one more thing," Jonathan said smiling again. "This is what happens when you respond like a good little bitch." Jonathan pointed the remote at Peters cock and pressrf a large blue button. Peter's head slowly rolled back and he let out a soft moan. He put his arms out to his sides seeking some balance from the men on either side of him. They took his arms and held him as he slightly thrust his pelvis forward. His cock began to immediately thicken and rise and within a few seconds had reached it's full state of 9 inches of thick meat. Jonathan held down on the blue button as Peter's pelvis thrust back and forth, seemingly fucking the air. After just a few moments a long drool of cum poured from his cock and formed a pool on the floor. Jonathan released the blue button and the rigid cock slowly went flaccid. Peter's head fell forward, his mouth open, his chin resting on his chest.

"Amazing how close pain and pleasure are, isn't it," said Jonathan to no one in particular. "Only a matter of the number of amps," he chuckled.

As Peter returned to recovered from the unexpected orgasm, Phillip and Ruben entered. "Yes, Daddy, what do you need?" they asked Jonathan, while staring at Peter's dripping flaccid cock and the pool of cum between his legs.

"Ahh, my two favorite babies," said Jonathan as he squeezed Ruben's smooth bottom. "Take our guest and give him a good hot bath. Scrub him good and then give him one of your wonderful full body massages. Tease him as you wish, but don't let him cum, ok? Also, don't you think a waxing is in order? Just from his waist to his upper thighs. I kind of like the hairy look, but would prefer not to fuck a hairy pussy. "

Jonathan was prepared for the reaction by Peter and as he lunged, he was given a sudden, but short jolt, bringing him screaming to his knees. Jonathan handed the remote device to Phillip and said "I think he'll be much easier to handle now."

The two giggling young men giggled as they helped Peter to his feet and led led to the baths. As they walked him down the hallway Jonathan could see them running their fingers through the thick hair on his upper back.

Jonathan spent the rest of the day analyzing the situation and working a plan he felt had the best chance of success at subjugating Peter. It was clear to Jonathan that sometime during his childhood Peter had allowed violence and sexual gratification to overlap. There was a point at which for Peter the two were one and the same. It would probably take years of psychotherapy for Peter to figure out where that came from and then change it, but like most sexual predilections, he most likely derived so much pleasure from his sexual violence, changing it voluntarily was not something he was going to do. On the other hand, having such a deep seated and powerful sexual drive could work in Jonathan's favor. He would be much easier to break because his fetish for violent sex was so well defined and narrow. Jonathan doubted Peter had ever allowed himself to even explore other kinds of sexual roles, and that was the key for Jonathan. Furthermore, breaking him down with humiliation would create a blank slate on which Jonathan could write anything he wanted.

Jonathan rarely used the ball collar on a potential bitch. Jonathan preferred to subjugate men with the power of his mind and his ability to understand other men's needs. But this case was unique. Peter was violent and Jonathan needed a practical way to control that violence. He would not use the collar to get obedience, but he would use it if Peter even made a move to strike out.

That evening he had 4 of his bitches join him in the pit. He arranged them on the outer perimeter of the pit as observers. He told them they were free to masturbate if the urge came upon them, as he knew it certainly would. Jonathan knew that having an audience of submissive bitches would humiliate Peter more than he had ever been humiliated in his life.

When all was ready, Peter was brought to the pit by James. The time spent in the bath had left Peter looking quite different. He was hairless from his waist to his upper thighs. The bath boys had done a very good job of waxing him so there was no clear line where the hair ended and the smooth skin began. Without the massive tangle of pubic hair, Peter's cock looked impressive. Flaccid, it hung down thickly over his heavy collared nutsack. Even with his round belly, his cock seemed large. His hair, normally oily and tangled from lack of attention was clean and shiny. He was clean shaven except for a thick walrus mustache.

He seemed comfortable naked, but that was most likely because everyone, including Jonathan, was naked. He stepped into the pit and stayed at the far end looking around the room at the bitches with their cocks in various states of arousal. His eyes came to rest on Jonathan and he smirked. Jonathan called him to come closer and he responded with a low "fuck you."

Jonathan held up the small remote and pointed it at Peter's balls. Jonathan saw the instant look of fear in Peter's eyes and put his finger on the red button. Peter, pretending to be unimpressed simply walked over to Jonathan and stood in front of him and said "well, I guess I got no choice, you are holding all the cards."

Jonathan's reaction was immediate. He pulled back his hand and slapped Peter across the face with the palm of his hand.

"You will address me as Sir or Master, and you will stop immediately with the insolence."

Peter put his hand to his face and glared at Jonathan, unsure of what to do. His instinct was to attack, but that would be suicide. In his conflicted state, he just stood there, glaring.

"Say, Yes Sir, now," ordered Jonathan.

Peter just stared, saying nothing.

Jonathan immediately slapped Peter again. "Say, Yes sir, NOW."

This time the look of rage was gone from Peter's eyes and was replaced by confusion and fear. He was trying to adapt to this new situation but he had few coping skills. Violence would have been his only reaction in the past, but that was not an option for him now.

Jonathan went to pull his hand back and Peter immediately bumbled, "Yes, sir."

Jonathan slapped him again. "Don't bumble. Now, one more time."

This time the response was clear and loud. "YES, SIR."

"Much better," said Jonathan, moving in close. "There is no need for discipline if you simply understand I am in control and you obey instantly. I will not activate the ball collar unless you resort to violence. But, I think you have figured that out already. I appreciate your self control," said Jonathan, smiling.

"You are probably wondering, with some fear, what is in store for you. Let me put your mind at ease. You will be allowed to leave in a few days. If you follow my rules and obey me at all times absolutely no harm will come to you. In fact, the sooner you submit to me, body and soul, the sooner you will come to enjoy some unique and wonderful pleasures But, that is completely up to you. What is going to happen in the next few days is going to happen regardless of whether you like it or not. I suggest you go with it, and open your mind to accepting it, otherwise it will not be as pleasant as it could be."

Jonathan paused, waiting for a reaction he knew would come from Peter. Finally, Peter spoke, "what are you going to do to me?"

Jonathan could hear the rage in his voice, but also detected an underlying fear. That was good. His confusion and mixed emotions would make it easier for Jonathan to subjugate him.

"Going to do to you, WHAT?" asked Jonathan, his hand moving up slightly as if preparing to slap.

The response was instant, but tinged with sarcasm, "do to me, SIR."

"That's better, bitch," said Jonathan, detecting an immediate reaction of rage at being called, bitch. "Over the next few days," began Jonathan, "I will be using you for my pleasure. I will fuck you, finger you, make you suck my cock, make you swallow my cum, and even fill your mouth with my hot piss. You will also use your tongue to pleasure my asshole."

Jonathan paused, letting it all sink in, watching Peter's eyes for a reaction. All he saw was more fear, and less rage. It probably wasn't fear of being fucked, because while he may not like it, he would live through it. It was fear of the humiliation he would feel from everything Jonathan told him was going to happen. His identity, weak as it was, was wrapped up in being a dominant and violent top. To have the tables turned so quickly and dramatically would leave him rudderless, his identity under attack. Jonathan was quite certain his identity wouldn't survive, and that's when he could replace it with something else.

Jonathan put his hand on Peter's shoulder and pushed down on it, and said "Let's get started."

Peter had a pleading look in his eye but seeing the look of calm determination on Jonathan's face, he dropped to his knees. Jonathan took his flaccid cock in his hand and placed it up against Peter's lips. With his other hand behind Peter's head he held him in place and said softly, "Open up."

Peter squinted his eyes and parted his lips enough so that Jonathan could slip his soft cock into his mouth.

Even flaccid Jonathan's cock was big enough to slip to the back of Peter's throat, causing an instant gag reaction. Jonathan pulled back a little and gently rubbed the back of Peter's head reassuringly.

"Suck on it, and it will help keep you from gagging, "

Peter began to suck with some hesitation, and could feel Jonathan's cock begin to grow. Jonathan eased back as he allowed his cock to blossom in Peter's mouth. He would train him in deep throat techniques over the next few days, but for now it could wait. For now, it was the act of sucking a cock that was having the desired effect on Peter.

Jonathan held about three inches of cock in his mouth, and spoke to him as Peter sucked on the thick meat.

"That's it, Bitch. Suck that cockhead. You really know how to use that tongue on a cock, don't you? You are going to make some man very happy some day, aren't you? You'll see, in a few days you'll become the perfect little submissive bitch. Then, I'll give you away to a man who will take you home and make you his bitch wife. You are going to give him such pleasure with that mouth. I wonder if your cunt is as hot and wet as your mouth? I bet it is, isn't it? I can't wait to find out. But keep sucking that cock. I'm getting close now and I want to watch you swallow your masters sperm. I'm gonna fill your little bitch belly with man seed."

Peter raised his eyes and looked at Jonathan. His eyes were pleading for him not to cum in his mouth. That was what bitches did and he wasn't a bitch. He didn't want to be a bitch and swallowing cum would be the worst possible humiliation, particularly in front of an audience. He looked around the room and could see all the naked bitches staring at him, their mouths half open, their eyes half shut in crazed lust. Several of them were jacking their cocks, and one was using his own cum as a lubricant to jack a second time.

Suddenly, Jonathan let go with a long shot of cum deep into Peter's mouth. From the angle he was sucking the thick eruption hit the roof of his mouth and spashed down on the back of his tongue. Jonathan immediately pulled out of Peter's mouth and said "swallow."

Peter took a big gulp, not because of Jonathan's command, but because with so much cum in the back of his throat swallowing was the only recourse next to choking.

Jonathan grabbed Peter by the hair and with his other hand aimed his cock at Peter's lips. "Open your mouth wide, NOW."

Peter hesitated and the next stream of the thick creamy liquid hit him on the lips and ran down his chin.

"You stupid cunt, open your fucking mouth," yelled Jonathan, shaking his head by the hank of hair in his hand.

Peter opened his mouth and Jonathan fired the next rope of hot cum inside his mouth. It hit him in the back of his throat and forced an immediate and powerful gag response. Jonathan let go of his hair and Peter pitched forward, coughing up gobs of white semen mixed with his own spit.

Jonathan stood there looking down at his victim. "That was sloppy. I'm being tolerant tonight. Normally, disobedience and spilled cum all at the same time bring instant discipline. But, I am feeling generous tonight and will let it go. However, it will not happen again." Throwing him a towel, he said "clean up, then lay on that bench over there."

Peter was totally humiliated. He was way past anger at this point. He just wanted out of there. None of this had felt good or been at all erotic. All his rage had disappeared and he felt like a child who was being punished for shoplifting.

He wiped all the cum off his face then laid on the bench as Jonathan had instructed. He was no longer able to defy or protest. He just wanted this night to be over and the sooner he did what Jonathan asked the sooner it would be over.

Jonathan stepped over the bench so he was straddling Peter's head. Looking down, his own cock partially blocked his view of Peter's face. He moved forward slightly and flexed his knees, lowering his ass closer to Peter's face.

"Spread me open and tongue me," he ordered Peter.

Peter hesitated, the approaching humiliation being more than he could process. Jonathan reached down to one of Peter's nipples and grabbed it between his thumb and forefinger. He started to twist as he commanded "Do it, NOW."

Peter moaned and reached up and spread Jonathan's ass, exposing the tight little wrinkled circle of muscle. As soon as Jonathan felt the cool air hit his hole he lowered it down to Peter's mouth. With some hesitation, Peter let the tip of his tongue barely touch the outer edges of Jonathan's asshole. Jonathan held his position, letting him explore before demanding penetration. Jonathan reached down and grabbed Peter's cock and gently stroked it. It stayed completely flaccid, the humiliation and degradation robbing Peter of all ability to become aroused.

"Deeper," ordered Jonathan, and Peter immediately obeyed, his tongue pushing past the tight muscle and penetrating a half inch into Jonathan's rectum. Jonathan continued stroking Peter's cock and then looking at the bitch holding the remote he nodded. The bitch pointed it at Peter's cock and pressed the blue button. The reaction was immediate. A long deep moan escaped from deep in Peter's chest. Peter's cock almost instantly grew to it's full glory, throbbing and leaking precum within seconds. Jonathan nodded at the bitch and he let go of the button. Jonathan could feel Peter's body relax, but his cock stayed hard. As Jonathan stroked his cock he would occasionally signal the bitch who would give Peter a few seconds of intense arousal. His cock was hard and throbbing from the stimulation. He had also began to probe Jonathan's ass with increased vigor. Pushing his tongue deep and even reaching his hands up to Jonathan's upper thighs and pulling him down hard on his mouth.

Jonathan signaled the bitch to press the blue button, then motioned one of the others to come over. No direction was needed, as the bitch understood exactly what Jonathan wanted. He put his mouth over Peter's cock in order to catch the cum and keep it from spraying all over Jonathan. Jonathan gave Peter's cock a few long tight stroke, then felt his body go rigid, his tongue pushing way into his ass, and a long high pitched muffled noise come from his throat. The bitch on his cock started swallowing and took 5 or 6 deep swallowed before pulling away from his cock with a last hard suck.

Jonathan climbed off Peter and looked down at the prone man. His eyes were closed and he looked very relaxed. His mouth was shiny with spit and ass juice.

Jonathan was satisfied with the progress he had made in one evening. The urgency with which he tongued him as his orgasm approached was a good sign. A few more evenings like this and he would be begging for more.

The next night was the same set up. Different bitches were invited in order to spread the fun around. While Peter had had time to regroup mentally, he was not the same man as the night before. The rage was gone from his face and there was some acceptance and confusion visible. He had decided he would go along with everything and then when it was all over he would simply go back to his old life. After all, no one but Jonathan and a few bitches would know what had gone on in the mansion. It would be nothing more than a bad time and he would get over it. He would simply go along, even fake pleasure if necessary so that Jonathan would let him go soon.

When Peter was brought to him Jonathan could see the change. He wasn't yet subdued nor prepared to really give himself to Jonathan, but it was just a matter of time.

Jonathan was seated in a big comfortable chair and had Peter come over and kneel in front of him . He held his chin in his hand and said "tonight you are going to learn to take my entire cock. You will work it with your tongue, lips, and throat and if you do it well your reward will be a belly full of thick cock juice. Do EXACTLY as I tell you and this will be easy."

It wasn't as easy as Jonathan hoped and he had to discipline him a few times with some hard slaps, but after 40 minutes of training he was sliding his cock deep down his throat. Occasionally, Jonathan thought, he even detected a look of pleasure on his face.

Eventually, Jonathan decided to let himself cum. He could feel it rising at the base of his cock and let go. Just before he released his first load he signaled the bitch with the remote and gave Peter his first taste of the collar for the evening. Peters eyes rolled back in pleasure as he continued to suck and tongue Jonathan's cock. As Jonathan's cum spewed out his cock slit Peter experienced his own powerful orgasm and between swallows of the gooey sperm he moaned with deep pleasure.

As they each settled back from the orgasms Jonathan grabbed Peter's head in his hands and looked him in the eyes. "That wasn't so bad, was it, baby?"

Peter lowered his eyes and shook his head slightly, wanting to respond to his new master but not wanting to admit he might have enjoyed it.

"Come here," said Jonathan, pulling Peter up and directing him to lay face down across his lap. Peter complied, confused about what might be coming next.

Jonathan reached next to his chair and picked up a bottle of his favorite coconut cream lube. He put a big dollop on his finger tips then ran his hand deep down between Peter's big round ass cheeks. He smeared the lube liberally between his cheeks, creating a slick area that would allow for easy penetration with his hands. Jonathan placed the bottle on the floor and started rubbing his hands between Peter's ass, letting his finger tips graze across his tight little virgin sphincter. Peter was conflicted between clenching himself shut or raising his ass to invite further probing.

Jonathan stopped his finger at the entrance to the little wrinkled hole. As he gently circled it Peter let out an almost imperceptible sigh.

"Feels good, doesn't it, Bitch?" asked Jonathan. "You have a nice tight little cunt there. I can't wait to breed it. "

Peter was not quite ready to accept getting fucked and with the words "breed it" he flinched, pulling has ass away from Jonathan's finger. Jonathan immediately slapped his ass hard, then swung again, and again, landing 5 blows on his full globes. He was stunned to see Peter raising his ass up to meet his hand, almost welcoming the blows. When he stopped spanking him he gently rubbed his hands across the bright red cheeks of his ass. As he gently caressed him he heard Peter say "I'm sorry, daddy."

Jonathan smiled. He had found the opening and by sheer luck had exploited it. Deep down, for whatever reason, this man wanted to be controlled by a father figure. His violence and aggressiveness were the confusion between what he needed and what he thought was expected of him. This had been almost too easy.

"Are you going to obey your Daddy from now on?" asked Jonathan, with an authoritative tone.

"Yes, sir, anything you want."

Jonathan moved his fingers down between his bitches ass cheeks and forced a finger inside. Peter moaned and raised his ass in the air, giving himself to Jonathan.

Jonathan, pushed Peter gently off his lap and stood up. Looking at Peter, he said, "I think it's time to take you to bed and breed you. Are you ready to submit to me completely?"

"Yes, Sir, completely"

Jonathan led Peter to his room and had him lay in the center of the bed. He lowered the lights, closed the door, and climbed on the bed with Peter. Taking Peter in his arms he kissed him full on the mouth, sliding his tongue deep to the back of his throat. Peter responded, wrapping his massive hairy arms around Jonathan's back and pulling him to him. His cock was hard and pressed against Jonathan's leg.

Jonathan pulled away from the kiss, and reaching down unsnapped the ball collar and tossed it in the corner.

"We won't need this anymore. You are my bitch now."

Jonathan climbed between Peter's massive hairy legs and wrapped his arms around them, pulling them forward as he bent over his new bitch. His cock was poised at the entrance to Peter's virgin hole. Jonathan looked down into Peter's face and said "you will do whatever I ask and not resist nor complain. This is going to hurt for a while, but then the pleasure will come and the pain will be forgotten. Now, open your mouth."

With a puzzled look on his face Peter opened his mouth. Jonathan spat a great big wad of saliva into Peter's mouth to show him he could do whatever he wanted, at any time. It was powerful show of strength.

"Swallow it," ordered Jonathan

Peter swallowed it then felt a sudden powerful explosion of pain rip through his guts as Jonathan sank his cock balls deep into his virgin bitch.

Jonathan held his cock in place while his bitch moaned and groaned in agony. The attempts to eject the invading cock simply added to Jonathan's pleasure as the muscles contracted around his cock, massaging it gently.

Within a few minutes the moaning and groaning stopped and Peter became very still. Slowly, with short little thrusts, Jonathan began fucking in and out of his bitch. At first Peter resisted a little bit, but eventually he spread his legs wide and accepted the cock into his tight cunt.

The strokes got longer and faster and soon both were panting, their thighs slapping together as they rutted. Jonathan was in a state of complete bliss. His favorite moments of all were when a bitch had totally submitted and was surrendering his pussy to his master. The sense of power and sheer eroticism was almost drug like. This bitch was special. This bitch looked powerful and dominant, with the big hair arms and legs and an ass that was meant for thrusting, not for breeding. When he penetrated deep into this bitch there was a lot of skin contact. His bitch's thighs practically enveloped the sides of Jonathan's torso and even with the bitch's efforts to spread his legs wide and surrender his cunt to Jonathan, he couldn't keep his thighs from pressing against his master's rib cage.

Jonathan stopped the breeding long enough to flip his bitch over and pull him up on his hands and knees. He grabbed his hips and mounted his cunt, going balls deep with one long stroke. The bitch pulled his head back and let out a long deep moan of pleasure.

"Oh yeah, fuck your hot bitch. Give me that Daddy cock, deep in my tight little pussy. Fill me with cum, Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK MY CUNT. FUCK MEEEEEE" yelled Peter, in a frenzy of lust.

"I own you, bitch," said Jonathan, his words coming between pants. "I'm going to make you the hottest little fuck toy slut that ever was. Your going to beg for cock, and cum, and piss from every master who wants to breed you. You little fuck cunt, you slut, you whore, you cum dump. Oh yeah, milk my big cock, bitch. Milk it, milk it, oh yesssssss."

As Jonathan continued to fuck him like a bitch dog, he reached around Peter's stomach and grabbed his rigid cock. He stroked the hard shaft a few times, then reached down and fondled his distended nutsack, squeezing it to the point of almost causing pain, then backing off. He could feel the cum churning in his balls, desperate for release, and simply waiting for permission.

Jonathan reached for Peter's head and grabbed a handful of hair, pulling his head back and pounding his cock in and out of his cunt. Peter moaned and groaned at the thrusting and the total submission he was experiencing. He was letting go and allowing a more powerful man to own him. He had never experienced this before and he sensed it was something permanent. For the moment, all he knew was that the urge to cum was overpowering, but that he had to wait for permission from his master. He knew the orgasm would be much more intense if he did it with his master's permission.

Jonathan flipped Peter over on his back and climbed between his legs. "Time for breeding, bitch," he said as he pushed his cock all the way in. He pulled Peter's legs up, thrust deep, then held it. Jonathan's head went back and he groaned as the first geyser of sperm exploded from his cock and washed down the walls of Peter's rectum. Peter could feel the heat from the fluid deep in his bowels.

Suddenly Jonathan pulled his cock out and kneeled between Peter's legs. He took his own cock in his hand and stroked down the slippery pole in a long deliberate motion. A thick long rope of sperm shot from his cock and fell across Peter's face and ran down the length of his torso, to his cock. Peter grabbed his own cock and started jacking as Jonathans second explosion hit the pillow next to his head and extended across his chest.

With only two or three strokes Peter started to cum. His own load, while not as heavy as Jonathan's was nonetheless quite massive, and soon both were laying thick streams of cum all over Peter's face and chest.

The smell of fresh man cum filled the room. The sound of the splattering cum hitting Peter was highly erotic and only added to Jonathan's pleasure. His finally eruption flew high in the air and landed directly on Peter's lips and chin. Jonathan leaned back and released his cock with a deep breath of relief.

As Jonathan looked down on his new conquest he felt a deep satisfaction.. As Peter licked the cum off his lips, Jonathan marveled at how quickly he had gone from a resistant domineering top, to submissive little fuck toy. Jonathan thought he would make a good addition to his harem and was sure he would want to stay.

Next: Chapter 9

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