Master Nixs New Life

By Master Nix

Published on Dec 19, 2016


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Master Nix's New Life

Chapter 2 -- Selection process of potential slave

Three days after I posted my ad in search of my realization to my new life, I decided to check my email to see if there were any hits. Two reasons why I didn't check my email sooner, one I was nervous that I wouldn't receive an hits, and two, I was the Master and I would response to the potential slaves on my terms, not theirs.

Today was a cold snowy mid January day, so I made myself a hot cup of coffee with two milk, booted up my laptop and decided to start off checking business emails in front of the bay windows in the living, while

sitting beside the fire place. It was a slow day for work emails, as I was caught up on my outstanding projects; I decided to log into my Master email to see what hits I may have received from my ad.

Only three days after the posting, I had received sixty-one emails of willing slaves in search of a new Master. I created one email folder named "complete applications". My first task would be to sort each email. First read through was fairly easy, I had stated in the ad that if you had not followed the "How to apply" then your email would be deleted without further review. Eighteen emails were disposed of without further review, either because lack of stats filled out, pictures were not sent, no mention of toys they owned listed and what some of their interests were.

Now down to forty three applications, I had to start to weed through the applications. I was thinking about meeting two or three potential slaves in person. I then started at the top of the list and reviewed their stats, list of toys and interests that they had in their email to me. Then if I was interested in their application, I would review their photos they attached to see if there was an interest. I still wasn't sure what "scene" I was looking or wanted as a slave. Once I got through this process, I had eliminated another thirty four applications, leaving me with nine applications.

With nine remaining applications to still short list, it was getting close to lunch time and I was hungry. So, I left my laptop by the fire and went to make lunch. As I was in the process of making a grilled chicken salad, I had to take a piss. So now, I had to leave my chicken unattended while I went to the bathroom to take a piss. While holding my dick in my hand and pissing into the toilet, I thought to myself, would it be nice if I had a slave that was into water sports. If I had a slave into water sports, I could still be preparing my meal while my slave was kneeling in front of me with my dick in his mouth swallowing my piss. I had just figured out how I might be able to further weed out the remaining slave applications.

I went back into the kitchen, after washing my hands, and pulled my cooked chicken off the grill and sliced it up and mixed it into my salad. I grabbed my plate, fork and a glass of water and went back to my laptop beside the fire. I just had a bite of my sandwich and started to look at the remaining applications to see if they were interested in piss play when my cell phone rang. The phone call last about 10 minutes as it was a work call, that I could let go to voicemail. One of my clients had a pressing deadline that had just arise and required my assistance immediately. During the phone call, I finished my lunch and closed down my email, knowing that it would be a while before I would get back into the potential slaves.

Later that afternoon, I returned to my final nine applications. With my early decision to use water sports, as a filter, I was soon able to create a short list of potential slaves to meet. The final decision was narrowed down to only four remaining applicants.

Ryan was the first applicant to catch my eye, and I knew when I first read his email that he would be someone I would want to speak to in person to learn more about the person. Ryan's application email was as follows:

"Good evening Sir,

My name is Ryan and I would like to be able to talk to you in person about your personal ad that you posted about looking for a slave for a one year contract. I am a 33 years old, 6'4, 210lbs of fit healthy muscle.

Sir, I am a "straight" guy who has always wondered about being with the same sex. I have never been with a male before, let alone a Master, however whenever I think about giving myself completely to another male, it awakens my penis and I usually have to jerk off thinking about what it would be like. That being said, I don't believe I have many limits of what I would be willing to try. I have always been an open person and have always said you should try something at least once before you judge and say you don't like something. I know that I wouldn't be interested in any scat play, marking or cutting/bleeding. Other than that, I would like to be able to try and experience new things with the understanding from my Master that it may be a onetime, possibly a two time try to see I am into what my Master is proposing.

I do not currently own any sexual toys except a fleshlight. I am not opposed to sex toys, just that in my past relationships, they were not something she was interested in. The biggest way I get off, knows that I have done everything to please the person I am with. I like to put other people's needs before my own.

Also Sir, I have attached the required photos to go with this email. The first one is of me lying in the park reading my book, which is a favourite past time of mine. The second is just what it is, a picture of my backside. The third photo is me in my jock strap, which I think you will find pleasing as everything is accessible for my Master.

In closing, I realize that I do not have the experience that you are possibly looking for, but I hope that we would be able to discuss in person some more to see if I would be a good potential slave for you. As mentioned, I have never been with a man before, or a Master, however with a one year contract; I feel that it may help me to figure out what road my future leads too.

Thank you for your time and consideration Sir, I really hope to hear from you.


Ryan was selected based on the fact that he is new to the slave world, as I am to the Master world, and new to being with a guy. This is great, because it means he hasn't tried out a lot of things and it would be something that we can explore over the year.

The second applicant that I was interested in exploring more was Aaron. Aaron application was different, as he was a married man, yet he was in an open relationship and currently his wife was positioned in the military. He had the flexibility of being a married man that he could experience both sides of the coin.


I am 41 year old man, 6'3, 182lbs, with an average physique. I have attached the three required pictures of myself. I did take these today, so they are your basic in front of the mirror front and back. As for the picture of my uniform, I thought about your needs and what you would like to see me in. The outfit that I decided on was a chest harness and tight white boxer briefs.

I own a few toys, however probably the basic ones. I have a fleshlight, probably just like half the men in the world, I have an assortment of cock rings and one ball separator. I get off by servicing my Master in

whatever way he wants or needs. I was in a frat in college, and I did have to service my "brother" with either a blow job or swallowing his piss. I would have to do this when my "brother" wanted, so I have done things in front of others and in the right scenario have enjoyed it. I have few limits except I would not be interested in scat, bleeding, public humiliation or having to service more than one person at a time, people watching is okay.

I am a happy married man of twenty two years, however my wife is part of the military and she is currently on tour. We do have an open agreement that while she is away we both have needs that need to be addressed, although we can only play with the same sex. I would need an understanding Master, that during her trips home (usually a few weeks here and there) during her tour, I wouldn't ignore my Master, but my wife does need to take a priority while she is home. We do not have any children, so other than work, I would be able to do dedicate my time to my Master, with the acceptance of planned phone calls from the wife. Also, I do have a written email from my wife (as I told her I was interested in your posting) that she is supporting of me wanting to be a Master's slave. My wife also told me that she could face time my Master to give full support, if my Master required this information.


Aaron's application was of interest to me as I am sure he is lonely with his wife gone and doesn't know how to make the time past. I could think of many ways that I could help occupy his time until his wife came home from tour. Also, the fact that she would be home for a bit of time during her tour, I saw it as giving me some alone time which I always value.

Oliver was the third application that I selected as a potential slave. After reviewing all the applications, I realized that Oliver was the only foreigner who had applied. He was from the United Kingdom and that perked my interests on just the basis that he was from another country.

"Master I hope you find this email well.

Allow me to introduce myself to my potential Master. I am Oliver, and I come from the England, of the United Kingdom. I am currently in your country on a five year work visa with the agency that I work for back in England. I am currently into my second year of my work visa and as I have made friends, I have been trying to avoid starting a relationship as it would make things difficult once my visa ended. I do not have plans on renewing my visa and will mostly like return to my native home of England to continue my employment there into the future.

I am 27 years old, single male, 160lbs of an average build. I watch what I eat and not a health nut who wants to spend all my free time at the gym, so I watch what I eat to help me keep my body. I am a bi-male who is looking to explore my sexuality and give myself to a Master who will help me experience new pleasures that I have never had before.

I own a few anal beads, as I do enjoy the feeling of shoving them into my tight ass hole and then only pushing one bead out at a time with scheduled time intervals. I usually keep them in my for an hour at time and only realising one bead every 10-15 minutes. I have a fleshlight and nipple claps. Nothing gets me off more than my nipples being used and abused. I do precum a lot when being ordered to do sexual acts.

The first two photos of me are in my flat in nice casual wear. My outfit picture is of me wearing nipple clamps and a thong. This way access to my body is easily accessible for my Master and if I misbehave in my Master's eye, he can pull really quickly on my nipple clamps to show his disapproval.

I have very few limits. Actually I can think of none, but there are probably a few that wouldn't get me off but I would do so if it meant getting my Master off. Piss is a huge turn on for me as I drink my own piss at least once a day. I really enjoy the warmth of piss in my mouth and being swallowed down into my stomach.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and look forward to hearing from you.


Your future England slave Oliver."

Oliver's application probably shouldn't have been a hard decision on, as I have always had a fetish for an Englishman and his accent. The anal beads also helped to score him up there as I do like to watch them slide into a tight ass and then to have that ass hole slowly open up to slowly push out the anal bead. He may just be one of the leading contenders.

The last applicant that I felt deserved my time in the end was Nate. Nate has already been a slave previously and it could be fun to see if I could improve what his previous Master use to do to him with my own techniques. Nate's application perked more than a few interests in me.

"Dear Master or Sir, depending on how you want to be spoken too.

With your permission through your ad, I would like to address my Master/Sir with the dignity and respect that he deserves. I am not worthy of your time, however I hope what I have to tell you about myself; will perk some interests that you may consider me worthy of being your slave.

I am a worthless 35 year old, 5'10, 174lbs of fit/toned muscles. While not under the command of my Master/Sir, I do enjoy working out at the gym. This is probably my only past time fun that I would ask my Master/Sir to allow me to do. However, in the past I was a slave for another Master. Unfortunately, my previous Master had to relocate due to work and I was unable to follow. My Master always wanted me fit and looking great for his arm candy when forced to go into public with him. I was once a chubby guy until I met my Master and he ordered me to get fit so I would be around to fulfill my life as a slave. As you can understand, my Master was right in saying that I would amount to nothing more than a slave for Master's to use. I will do what is required by me to satisfy my Master. This would mean changing my lifestyle to suit him better.

As I am a worthless slave, I do not own any toys of my own, as my previous Master forbid it. I am a big fan of toys and very open minded to whatever my Master would like to use on me. My previous Master will tell you that my goal in life is to please my Master in whatever way he requires and that is all I need to get off. Knowing that my Master was pleased with me and gave me permission to satisfy myself, I would be in heaven.

I have attached the pictures that the Master/Sir has requested. The first two is of me in a muscle shirt with tight jeans for the front and back picture. The outfit that this worthless slave feels would be suitable for my Master/Sir is me wearing a black leather mask, with eye holes and mouth to be zipped closed. Also there is an attachment for the mouth piece that my Master/Sir can replace with a ball gag or a bit gag. The rest of my body is naked as my Master/Sir should be able to utilize my body in whatever way he feels a little piece of shit like me deserves. My outfit picture is of my on my hands and knees awaiting orders from my Master/Sir.

I do have one request for you Master/Sir. If I was even lucky or "special" enough to be selected as your worthless slave, I would ask that you ask my previous Master for my release. My previous Master is aware that with the distance between us (with my not being worthy enough to move to his area), I can no longer serve him. That being said I have regular chats with him through video chat and at this point in time he is more my current Master than my previous. I have spoken to him about seeking release from his services; however he will not do so until he feels there is a Master good enough to replace him and take on my worthless ass. If

you do end up choosing me in the end, I would set up the call and allow the two Masters to speak in private about my fate as I have long learned that my opinion or voice is worthless.

From your hopeful future slave that will be dedicated to serve you Master/Sir in whatever capacity that you feel fit.


Just the thought that someone is so willing to serve the way Nate is willing to, stirs my dick once again. The part I enjoy the most, is being able to speak to his former/current Master who could give me some really good advice as a new Master.

After determining the final four, soon to be narrowed down to one, I made preparations of my next steps in securing a slave for my personal use. I ran to the store to pick up four boxes that I would use as my next step. I also purchased four lock boxes (kind of like a portable safe but a larger size) as well as a numeric padlock that only I would know the number for unlocking it. Inside the lock boxes, I placed a sealed envelope with "To be open only by the manager" written on the outside. The numeric padlock was left unlocked and placed into the lock box as well. The lock box was then closed (without a lock on it) and then placed inside the brown cardboard box. The cardboard box was then sealed and labeled in black bold letters "MASTER NIX'S POTENTIAL SLAVE".

I made an agreement with a local gay store owner that I knew on a personal level, that the four boxes would be left in his care for pick up from my potential slaves. The store owner was under the belief that I was assisting a friend of mine for total anonymously between all parties. However, I just didn't need my personal life getting back to my ex and we both know this local store owner that I used.

Once all preparations were completed, I sent the following emails to the remaining four potential slaves.

"Dear worthless potential slave,

I have reviewed your application you submitted on behalf of becoming my future slave based on a one year contract. The next steps are as follows:

  1. You are to go to 188 Glenmore Avenue East between the follow time:

a. Friday between the hours of 1pm to 6:30pm.

  1. You will ask for Oscar and give him the password "my enjoyment in life is to serve my Master"
  2. You will receive a box, open the box when you are alone and get the note out of the box and take that sealed envelope and lock box to the nearest sex store before they close. DO NOT OPEN THE ENVELOPE!
  3. On Saturday, go to 9203 Bond Street and go to room 802. Be there for 4pm and plan to be there until I allow you to leave
  4. See note on door for next instructions.

If you choose not to follow the above instructions then withdraw your application now and stop wasting my time, or you had a moment of regret for applying to this position as slave for one full year send an email immediately apologizing for wasting my time.

Reply back to this email with one of two options:

Accepted your task Sir, or I wish to decline your task Sir as I am a giant pussy who doesn't deserve your time in life.

Master Nix

The other three emails had the same note as the first; however the times varied with each one. The following times were given, 6:30pm, 9pm and midnight.

Now that the ground work had been laid, time to prepare for Saturday.......


Master Nix

Next: Chapter 3

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