Master Nixs New Life

By Master Nix

Published on Dec 21, 2016


This work of fiction may contain explicit erotic material, including homosexual sex, acts of bondage/discipline through participation between a Master and slave.

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Master Nix's New Life - Chapter 3 -- Final preparations for meeting with potential slave

I was sitting in my office/study after lunch on Friday when my cell phone rang around 1:30pm. When I was planning my week, I purposely booked today off so that I could prepare for my meetings on Saturday with the potential four slaves where one would be lucky enough to selected as my slave for one year. After about the third ring I finally looked at my phone, didn't recognize the number and then proceeded to answering it on the fourth ring. "Hello"?

A female voice greeted me on the other end. "Hello, I am looking to speak to Master Nix".

I responded with "This is him, how can I help you?"

The young female answered back "My name is Sarah and I am the manager from the local sex store and I am placing this call from my office. I have a guy in here that has approached the sales desk with his head down to the floor and when I asked him how I could help him, he just handed me a sealed envelope labelled "To be opened only by the manager". I opened the sealed letter and there was cash with a shopping list. I just wanted to let you know that your boy is sitting on the floor with a blindfold over his eyes awaiting me to finish. I have everything is stock that you requested and I have placed the items into the lockbox along with your change, as you sent too much money. I just wanted to confirm if anything else way missing from the list."

I ran through the list with Sarah and determined that they had a sale going on and that is why there would be cash returned. I told her to keep the cash as a tip for following the instructions in the letter, which she was greatly for, after trying to dispute that she couldn't accept it. I did ask her to grab the blind fold off the boy and place it in the lock box before she sealed it shut with the numeric padlock. "Sarah, I have one more request before I let you go. I am wondering if you would mind taping a note to the top of the lock box that says, "bring this box with you to your meeting along with your "outfit"." "Oh, Sarah, one more thing, you may be making three more calls in regards to this same scenario, and if you could call me each time, that would be wonderful".

Sarah agreed to post my final note on the lock box, and said she looked forward to hopefully receiving more business. I asked her, if she would also have time for me for approximately an hour today as there would be more supplies required for my house that I wanted her to organize for me, which she obliged with a time of 9pm later today.

I hung up the phone and Sarah went to release my potential slave back into the world. With the list we went over, I realized that Nate was the first eager potential slave to get his running around done and over with as soon as possible.

Around 3pm I received the second call from Sarah. Once again, another potential slave was sitting on the floor by the cashier desk blind folded and awaiting for Sarah to finish his order. While reviewing the list again (different than the first), I realized that Aaron was the second to finish the first task.

I was just starting to prepare dinner around 4:30 Friday evening, when my cell phone went off once again. When I glanced at the number, I realized it was Sarah calling in regards to the third potential slave arriving at her store. Once again, we reviewed the list and I knew this was Oliver picking up his supplies for our face to face meeting.

Three down and one to go, I finished making my dinner, pouring a nice glass of wine and settling down to enjoy dinner. While eating dinner, I watch some news and that was just making me depressed with all the wrong

in the world today that I decided to turn to some short story reading. I grabbed my tablet and went onto to see what short stories might grab my interest.

About the fourth or fifth story in on, I was about to select another story to read, when my alarm went off on my phone. Before I had a chance to turn the alarm off of my phone, it started to ring. I just assumed that it was Sarah again with the final slave making it into her store. Only to realize, it was the local store owner, that I dropped the boxes off to, calling me to tell me it was after 6:30 and the final guy just arrived to pick up his box. He told me that his excuse was that he got tied up at work and could he still pick up the box. I thought about this and my first thought was absolutely not, if he could not follow orders and get the box in time, he didn't deserve to be considered one a potential slave. I was about to tell my buddy, the store owner, not give him the box, however I decided to allow him to give the box and that if he was selected as my slave, that I would teach him a lesson he wouldn't soon forget about being late for his Master again.

I started to prepare to head out to Sarah's store. It was about 8:15pm and I knew it would take me approximately thirty minutes to drive there. When my mind drifted, I still hadn't received a call from Sarah in regards to Ryan coming into her store with his list and lockbox. I started getting dressed to attend my own meeting with Sarah and started coming up with ideas that Ryan backed out or curiosity gave in and he opened the letter and now didn't know how to proceed. I couldn't think of this right now, I would have to wait until after my meeting with Sarah to determine what my next steps would be with Ryan.

I drove the thirty minutes to Sarah's sex store and proceeded to go inside. Sarah greeted me with a hello Master Nix? I nodded and replied with hello and a hand shake. Sarah mentioned that she was just closing up the shop and would require about 10 minutes and then she would be with me, if that was alright. I told her to take her time that I would start to browse around the store while I waited.

I started walking around the store, looking at dildos, butt plugs, cock cages and anal beads, when there was a tap on my shoulder. It was Sarah letting me know that she completed locking up the store and was ready for our private shopping meeting.

"Good evening Master Nix, how has your day been?" Sarah asked.

"It has been great thank you for asking, however very busy getting preparations ready for my potential new slaves. Thank you again for your assistance and all the help you gave my potential slaves today and for the open mindedness of just going with the flow of their letter. I hope they didn't give you any trouble while in your establishment." It was more of a statement rather than a question.

Sarah responded with "they were fabulous, once I opened the letters and gave them to instruction to sit on the floor, I went got their blind folds and asked them to put them on which the obliged without question. Now, on the phone, you mentioned that you required some private shopping for your home?"

"Yes I am Sarah, I am a new Master getting into the new role and I still require some items and furniture for my home so that I can break in my new slave. I require some items that you have in the store and possibly some items that you may need to order in. If you need to order them in, I would like to get them on a rush. I will pay the delivery charge on top of the product if that will help to get the items in faster."

"Do you have a list or do you know what you have in mind, or would you like to see a catalogue of items that we carry?" asked Sarah.

"I actually have come prepared and have a list for you. The items I am in search of are as follows:

· Rotating sex swing (hangs from the ceiling)

· Collars (3 different styles)

· Punishment behind back bar bondage restraints

· Leather cuffs and normal hand cuffs

· Paddle (3 sizes)

· Riding crops (3 different styles and sizes)

· Whips (3 sizes)

· Ball gags (5 of them ranging in sizes)

· Gag bit (4 of them ranging in sizes)

· Pecker ball gag

· Bondage rope and tape

· Ball spreaders 6 different styles

· Bent curved ball stretcher (these are handy because you can control what direction the slaves balls are, either faced up so the balls rest on the slave's shaft, or point them down towards the slaves asshole or point them sideways so they hit the thighs and can cause pain)

· Cock rings (10 different styles)

· Anal beads (6 different sizes)

· Silicone stud lasso

· Erection enhancer

· Fleshlight

· Penis pump

· Body wand and attachments for it

· Butt plugs (ranging in sizes)

· Urethra sounding tools

· Jock strap with cock ring built in

· Under the bed restraint kit

· Sex pillow wedge

· Shock therapy wand

· Shock therapy butt plug

· Shock therapy nipple clamps

· Crush ball press

· Shock therapy kit (pads that are placed where on the body)

· Massage table

· Sex swing table with arm and legs boards that can swing in different positions (ie you can have their arms beside them, out to the sides, raised above their heads and the same with the legs)

· Tons of lube"

Sarah informs me to give her a few minutes and that I can browse the clothing area while I await her to grab my list. Every now and then Sarah will hold something up to ask me my opinion or if I want different styles or sizes of things. I either agree or disagree with her.

About forty five minutes of being in Sarah's store, my cell phone starts to ring. It kind of catches me off guard because I am not expecting any phone calls at this time. I look at the number and I do not recognize it, however for some reason something tells me I should answer it.

"Good evening Sir would this happen to be Master Nix?" a male voice asks over the phone.

"Yes this is him, what can I do for you?" I reply to the man on the other side of the line.

"Master Nix, my name is Mark and I am calling from an adult store and there is a guy standing in front of me who seems extremely nervous to be in my store."

I know this is Ryan, one because he is the only one who hasn't picked up anything and secondly because he isn't into public humiliation as per his application and this must be driving him crazy inside. My dick starts to twitch in my pants thinking of seeing him standing there, probably shaking while passing the sealed envelope to the manger of the store. I say "yes I am aware and if you could look after my requests, I would be very satisfied. Is there any problem looking after my request?" I ask Mark.

"No problem at all Sir, I will be happy to get the required items you need and just so you are aware, I am out of blind folds so I had to put a basic mask on him. I hope this won't be a problem for you, as it I that cannot give you the request you have made, not the guy you sent in."

"No problem at all Mark, thank you for your assistance. The money I sent is it enough with the mask instead of the blindfold?" I ask.

"Yes sir and I will place your change in the lockbox for you. Have a great evening and if you require anything else, please let me know how I can assist you." Mark said.

"Thank you Mark and have yourself a good evening" and then I hung up.

"Sarah, I will require an additional blind fold to be added to my list please."

"No problem and with that, your list is complete. The only thing that I have had to order for you is the sex swing table. It should be here within two days with rush shipping. You can pay for the table when it comes in."

Sarah stated.

I told Sarah that I would pay everything in full today, as it would probably be my slave who would come in to pick up the sex swing table instead of me. "Also Sarah, do you have email that I can reach you at, as I would like to have you as my single stop for supplies and would like to do so over email and then my slave will be in to pick up. Would this be alright with you?"

"No problem at all Sir. If you don't mind, may I ask you a personal question?" Sarah asked.

"For all the assistance you have provided me, of course you may" I stated.

"Are you only interested in one slave or would you be interested in a second slave for your needs? The reason I ask, is that I am my husband's Master and to degrade him even more and to prove who wears the pants in the family, I would like him to have a male Master that I can work with. I am not looking to interact between you and him, although he has stated that he would never want a male as a Master as he wouldn't want to take orders or have sexual encounters with another male. As his wife and Master, I get great enjoyment out of his displacement and it would make me even more powerful as his first Master. If you aren't interested as I know you are just starting out in the Master world of things, I completely understand, I just thought I would reach out from one Master to another." Sarah spoke with such strength and determination to have her husband and slave go against everything he was against.

"Have him complete this application tonight by midnight and tell him to come to my hotel room tomorrow night at 2am. Sarah, you are also welcome to come and watch me interview him if you want, this way you can ensure that he follows his first Master orders." I told Sarah.

"I will have him complete the application as well he will be in your hotel room tomorrow night at 2am. Is there anything you want him to bring?" Sarah asked.

"Well I need you to pull a few items for me, however I do not have a lockbox, as I don't want him knowing what is inside" I said while thinking of what I could do.

Sarah then spoke "Give me the list, I will ensure that everything you require is in a lockbox and I will email you the numerical code on the lock that I pick up so you are able to open it."

With this, I ended my meeting with Sarah and piled my new purchases into the car and proceeded to head home. By the time I got home, I received the following email from Sarah's husband/slave.

"Dear Master Nix,

My Master and wife have informed me that I am too meet with you tomorrow night at 2am in your hotel room. As I am unaware what this meeting is about, I must follow my Master orders and she has stated that I must send this email, even if I am not sure why I must do this, I am not allowed to question my Master or her plans.

I am 46 years old, 6'1, and 251 pounds with a chubby/stocky build. I am going bald, so I have decided to shave my head and I do this on a daily basis. The only thing that gets me off is when my Master tells me that I have served her well and can proceed to cum. My cock is not allowed to cum without her permission, which again is why I am not sure who you are or why I need to write this email. However, as I told my Master, if this is her order, I need to obey, as she owns me in every way.

My Master has taken three pictures as per your request or hers, as I am not sure what I am even doing other than answering questions that she tells me to answer. If you are brave enough, you can answer me back with maybe some more information as to what is going on, but you cannot tell her I said this.

The first two pictures of me are the front and back ones in my business suit, as once again my Master has told me what I was wearing for the picture. The third picture is an outfit she wanted me to wear. I am wearing briefs with a round hole cut out near my asshole (that I can only imagine she is going to make me her pussy by fucking me with a strap on later) and another hole so my cock and balls hang out. My Master has also picked out a corset for me to wear with the holes in my underwear as she tells me that she needs to make me look a little slimmer for the picture. Again, she has never done this to me, so if this is for you, I regret having to meet you already especially at 2am in a rundown hotel by the looks of it.

Once again, this is an email that my Master has made me send to you, with the hopes that I will find out more tomorrow before our meeting. My Master is aware that I am not gay, bi or interested in other men, as we only have threesomes with other women. However to please my Master in the hopes that my balls will get drained, I must follow her orders.

Yours truly,


Well this was an interesting email that I received and a lot of disrespect towards not only me but his Master and wife. I ponder a little over this email and then I make a phone call. I dial the number and wait for Sarah to answer.

"Hello Master Nix how are you doing? Did my pathetic slave send you an email?" Sarah asked.

I replied "Hello Master Sarah, yes he did and I have already decided that he will become a side slave and if you can make out a weekly schedule that you want him to attend session with me, I would appreciate that so I can plan ahead for your sissy husband to come see what this Master has planned for him. Also, I do ask that I can own his cock and balls for one week, you may do what you want with him during this week but I do ask that you prevent him from cumming for one week. Would this be suitable with you Master Sarah?"

"Not a problem with me, I usually let him cum on a regular basis however if you feel he needs training like this, I will agree to your request. I do have one request of my own and that is for you to fuck him with your cock and to fuck him hard and call him a faggot while you do so. Are you good with this? Also, I would like to co-Master if you are up to this and we can determine plans as we move forward if you are good with this?" Sarah asked and I could tell she really wanted this.

"I am in agreement with your request as well. I must say that his email to me was not as pleasant as I would expect it to be with a Master, however with your permission, I would like to deal with this so that he can learn that you and are on the same page and that he is a worthless slave with no rights from either Master."

"You may do so Master Nix, although I request a report on what you have done with him and what he wrote in your email so that I can discipline him as well when he gets home to me." Sarah said almost with a smile on her face and a hint of evil laughter in her voice.

"Thank you Master Sarah, I will be in touch." With that, I hung up the phone as now I not only had to prepare to meet my new potential slaves, but I had to plan my course of action with a faggot wimp of a slave who thought he could speak to me the way he did or that he could speak badly about his current Master and wife behind her back. He would learn very soon that he was doomed and my dick started to grow with excitement.

I went to sleep with a smile knowing of what was to come.....

Author, Master Nix

Next: Chapter 4

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