Master Nixs New Life

By Master Nix

Published on Dec 23, 2016


This work of fiction may contain explicit erotic material, including homosexual sex, acts of bondage/discipline through participation between a Master and slave. If you do not want to read such material, or if it

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Master Nix's New Life

Chapter 4 -- Face to Face with Potential Slave

Saturday had finally arrived and later today I would be meeting the final applicants were one of them would become my slave for an entire year. I still hadn't prepared the contract, as I figured that it will be a much tailored to the lucky candidate. I had a few things still left to prepare for my meetings and I couldn't check into the hotel until 3pm, so this left me some time to start preparing.

I would be interviewing each potential slave in the exact same way. This way at the end of the day, it would be easier to make a selection since they were based apple to apple. Some other Masters might say the best way to interview a slave is to use them like the bitch that they are, however I do require some kind of connection with the bitch and not only that, but when little bitches talk they end up spilling little dark secrets that they didn't intend to speak of. This can be very useful information as I am able to push their limits and boundaries further.

I booted up my laptop so that I could create five notes for the front door, each of them different in little ways. This way when the potential slave arrives even before he knocks on the door, he understands that by walking up to the door, or filling out that very first application, that he was no longer in control and being at the mercy of the Master. When he goes to knock, he will notice the note is not a general note, but one made especially for him will make his mind race in every direction. Already throwing him off his game to make it easier to interview. Always have the upper hand as a Master.

Then I go and pull out a few overnight bags. I throw in some extra clothes, my shower kit that includes toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, gel. I know that hotels provide them, however I prefer to take my own things with me. I then fill the second bag with essentials like lube, butt plugs, cock rings, anal beads, shock therapy wand, under the bed restraints, gag bits, collar and leather cuffs. Just never know what I might need and I know I cannot bring everything that I bought but I will bring some. I just have to remember this is my first day as a slave and I don't want to bring out all the special guns in the first night. After doing a double check, I realized that I forgot to pick up one last thing from the sex store that would be required for tonight. I would need to leave to pick it up before getting to the hotel. Mental note to leave at 2pm today, not 2:30.

I was in the kitchen making another coffee as the first one didn't cut it earlier today when I had to take another piss. What is it with me, the kitchen and pissing? I went to turn to head to the bathroom when I saw the empty water bottle on the counter. Without a second thought, I unzipped my jeans lowering my underwear and pulling my soft cock and started to piss into the water bottle filling it, I grabbed the second one on the counter and finished filling it half way with my piss. I put my dick back where it belonged and went on a hunt for more water bottles. The thought came to me, that I was raised to always offer my guests a drink when they visited. What a better way than giving them all a taste of this Master's piss since that may be the closest they get to taste as three of them will be set free after tonight.

I finished preparing to leave, got the car packed along with six piss bottles full and ready to be shared. I drank lots of extra water so that I would be able to have enough piss to share later tonight. I called over to Sarah at the sex store and was informed that she was off today as she was needed at home today. I thought oh she must be getting that sissy pussy ready for his new Master tonight and wanted to make sure he didn't try to run while she was at work. I told the guy on the phone that I needed something set aside for me so that when I got there, I could just run in pay for it and leave. No need to search for it or ask for their help to find it. He asked me to hold on, as he wasn't one hundred percent that they had any left in stock, he came back on the phone a few minutes later to say he had one open mouth gag left and would set it aside for me. I thanked him and got ready to leave for an interesting night.

Along the way, I stopped at the sex store and picked up the open mouth gag and then got to the hotel about 2:45pm. I am a firm believer that everyone in the world even Masters should be on time for everything. Tardiness was not something I forgave very often unless an emergency came up, I understand that not everything goes as planned, but a phone call goes a long way. Also, giving the excuse, I didn't know what to wear or I wasn't completely sure how to get here does not bode well with me. So let's hope the potential slaves are aware of this or it might be over for them before it even starts.

I proceeded to go and check into the hotel and was given my room key for room 802 and 804 adjoining rooms. Why you must ask? Well because I am not one to share my sleeping quarters and since I still haven't met these people, they diffidently didn't have the right to where I sleep. I dropped my overnight bag with my personal belongings in my room and proceeded to go into room 802 to unlock the adjoining door between the rooms. I opened up my second overnight bag and placed all the items I brought with me on the mattress of the bed in plain view for when my potential slaves arrived. I then moved into the small office space in the room and moved the desk into the middle of the room instead of against the wall. I saw the clock and realized it was now 3:30pm and I still had to finish getting ready. I placed the following note on the door:

Dear potential slave,

Welcome to your interview and your possible one year contract with your new Master.

Be on your best behaviour tonight and you will stand a chance. Your next steps

are to undress in the hallway and put on your outfit from the picture.

Fold your clothes neatly, place them on top of your lockbox and once ready enter room 802

to determine your fate. When inside close the door and face the backside of the door until

you receive your next command.

One last thing, your safe word is Aaron......

I then went back into my room, jumped in the shower quickly to clean up before getting dressed. I was filled with excitement about what might come from my meeting with this man pussy but I also had nerves of what if I didn't want him in my presence? Then the light bulb went off inside, if I don't want this man pussy in presence then I remove him from my room. As I was drying off, I heard the door in room 802 open (as I left the adjoining door open) then I heard it closed. I could hear Aaron's breathing was short and quick which meant he was nervous on being in room 802 or he was nervous of being caught in the hallway that he raced through the changing and folding of the clothes. All I know is with his rapid breathing my dick was already half hard. I had to take a few deep breaths to calm down as I knew I had a long night in front of me.

I finished getting dressed, wearing a different style than probably most Masters would pick. I decided on a nice red pin stripe black suit with a black dress shirt and a dark red tie. Red was such a power colour that it should help to intimidate the potential slaves. I grabbed my six piss bottles and took them from room 804 to room 802. I think pulled out a glass from the counter and filled the glass with all six bottles of piss. As I drank more water throughout the day, my piss got a little weaker so I mixed amounts from each bottle to make one glass of my piss. I then turned the light on into the hallway by the hotel door and saw the man pussy standing there in his leather harness and tight white boxer briefs. He had a great bubble ass that filled his boxer briefs fully with between average to broad shoulders. He looked like he did in the photo, a nice average looking guy with proper height to weight portion. I needed a closer look.

I walked up behind not even making a sound. I slapped his bubble ass to see if it was tight or gave a jiggle, I guess the man pussy wasn't expecting that, or possible he didn't hear me come up behind him as he still was breathing rapidly, but there was a little jiggle from the bubble ass. I than ran my hands over his shoulders and back, over his ass and down the back of legs. When I got to where the legs meet the ass the man pussy got goose bumps over his body. Hopefully this was a good sign. It was now time to speak to my first potential slave of the night.

"Man pussy did you read and understand that note? Are you willing to be here and to submit to your new potential Master? Do you understand your safe word? Do not answer until I order you to." I than made him wait about 5 minutes before answering. The reason for this is that I wanted to see if he would remember all the questions and could follow even small orders. "You may now answer your potential Master and you will address me as Sir from this point forward. If you are selected as my slave, that is when I become your Master and that is I would be addressed in the future."

Pussy man cleared his throat and then spoke "Ssssir"..clears throat, "Sir, your man pussy did understand the note he read. Sir, your man pussy is here willingly and under his own choice and I will submit to my potential Master, Sir. Sir, my safe word is Aaron, a name that after tonight I will no longer be associated with while in your presence."

"Thank you man pussy, although if you are to become my slave, your given name by your parents is worthless to you for the next year under my command. I don't care about your pathetic name that your parents thought they should name you and you should only be worried about your potential name which is man pussy." I ended his name conversation and he realized it as he hung his head in shame. I can see that he is breaking already and he isn't even my slave yet. This may earn him extra points, but I doubt it.

I ordered him to turn around slowly and to keep his face locked on the floor and that his head should not raise until given permission. Pussy man needed to be aware that by entering room 802, he had given up any last self dignity. I finally got my first up close and personal look at my man pussy. His chest and stomach was nothing impressive, just an average build. He did have a bit of chest hair that looked trimmed, his nipples were nice and hard and sitting perfectly between the o rings of his chest harness. He had a small patch of hair around his belly button that led into a nice trail heading into his white boxer briefs. His cock was still soft, but just like his bubble ass, filled his underwear well and hanged to the right side of his body. His soft cock was pressing against the leg of his underwear clearing showing that he was a cut man pussy. After inspecting him and unlike his backside, I did not touch him in the front of his body, I ordered him to look me in the eye. That he did without hesitation.

As I looked into his eyes, I could see excitement, nervousness and a caring guy, wow did he fuck up by filling out my application. Man pussy also had the smokiest gray eyes that I had ever seen. I was almost memorized by them. I then ordered him to pick up his lockbox and go place it on the desk and then stand at attention and to focus on the desk and nothing more about the room. Once he set his lockbox on the desk, I went behind it and pulled out my laptop and ordered him to call his wife on skype that she was expecting his call. His smoky gray eyes turned cold and dark as he didn't give me contact information for his wife and it would mean arranging the call with her through the military. He almost shit his underwear and my dick twitched at the sight.

He logged into his skype account and hesitated on calling his wife. "Sir, please....Sir, you cannot make me do this. Please don't make me call her Sir. We have an agreement that we can fool around with the same sex, however we have the understanding that we don't put it in the other's face, Sir." Man pussy looked defeated already with a tear running down the side of his, yet he stayed planted firm in his stance.

I let the room stay silent after his outburst and pleading to me. Normally, I wouldn't have allowed his behaviour to continue, but in fairness he wasn't my slave as of yet and by giving him a small amount of freedom to speak to me out of turn, give him a bit of life back into his eyes and I made a mental note of this. If he did end up being the "lucky" one, where he thought he had some control as a slave it would be a lot of fun to see his control diminish when it flashed through his face and eyes.

Finally, I spoke as the man pussy stood there just looking at his skype as if he didn't push the button, that I would forget what I asked him, "man pussy if you want to still be considered I suggestion that call is made without me having to ask again, if you would rather not continue then get the fuck out of my presence NOW!"

I hadn't even finished speaking as the man pussy hit the call button on his wife's contact. As the call went out through the internet, he just stared at me and not the screen and he held his breathing hoping that she wouldn't be able to answer the call from her husband who was currently only wearing a chest harness and white boxer briefs. Just when it looked like the call was going to fail, the call was accepted and a few seconds later man pussy's wife was on the screen getting her first look at her submissive husband.

I allowed them both to say hello and for the man pussy's wife to ask him why he never wore anything like that for her. I was watching his face during his interaction and I could see in his eyes that he missed her and loved her so much. As touching as it was, I wasn't here as third party for an online threesome and just as he went to smile at her I cleared my throat and made the man pussy jump out of his stance for one second. I then turned the laptop away from the man pussy so that it was now my face that his beautiful wife saw instead of his.

"Ma'am, first of all thank you for protecting us at home and putting your life on the line for our freedom. One day, I hope that you are able to sit back and enjoy the freedom and the feeling of knowing we are protected while at home because of people like you. My name is Master Nix, however you may call me just Nix. As you are aware, your husband has applied to my ad about potentially being my slave for one full year and that you are supportive of this. Do you have any concerns or anything you want to say about your husband becoming a slave?" I asked.

"Thank you for your kind words Nix and nice to meet you. As I explained to Aaron..." But I cut her off.

"Sorry Ma'am, but that name is forbidden in my presence, you may either address him as "slave", "my husband" or man pussy." Just as I said man pussy, the potential slave just dropped his head in shame.

She took a minute to digest what I had just said and then with more strength than I expected said "my husband and I have an agreement that we can both have fun on the side with the same sex, what happens with the other sex is not to be spoken about to the other spouse and under no circumstances is kissing allowed to happen between the same sex. So, whatever my husband chooses to do with the same sex, while I am away, I have no disagreement with and want no knowledge of. If my husband wants to be a slave while I am away I will support that but with your understanding that my husband and I also have the agreement that while I am home from duty there is no play on the side with the same sex." She was very determined in her voice about that last statement.

I listened to her in great detail when she spoke and took in everything she said. I then spoke in a calm voice "Ma'am, I respect you and will respect your no kissing rule and the no wanting to know what happens, however I cannot grant your man pussy the "no play" as you call you while you are home from tour. Yes I will work out a schedule with your man pussy so that the majority of the time you are home from tour you will have your "husband" (I said that work with disgust so the man pussy knew I pulled rank over his wife) however he will have a contract as a slave for one year and he will still have obligations while you are home that he will need to fulfill. If that is something you are not willing to work with me on, than you need to order your husband to leave my presence and now. If you choose to bend with me around a schedule that works for the both of us when you are home from your tour, then this will be the last discussion of the matter. The ball is in your court and your court alone. What is your decision?" The man pussy was starting to twitch, he didn't like it when I was forceful with his wife, yet he was too big of a pussy to even open his mouth and he wasn't even a slave yet.

She thought for a few minutes before she spoke. I could see the wheels turning behind her eyes as she thought to herself that there would be times that she would want to hang with her friends and didn't need her husband around. Right before she went to speak, there was a man standing behind her and I could hear him say "wrap it up soldier". She spoke with great strength in her voice "If my husband wants this contract for one year so badly, then I respect him enough to give you an agreed amount of time with him while I am home from tour. But you and I will determine the schedule out together without his consent."

I must admit when she stated "without his consent" a big smile formed on my face and my dick twitched again. This fucking man pussy needed this one year contract because he was a slave to his wife when she was home and his life didn't have meaning if he didn't have someone to serve. This had to be bonus points for the man pussy, but unfortunately for him, it wasn't part of the interview scoring. I then responded to the wife "agreed Ma'am. Thank you for your time and assistance in your.....husband's (there's that damn word again) fate. I will grant you your final minute to speak to your husband, but I also require you to force him to give me your contact information. The reason I ask for this, is that if you need to make a call to him and he is with me you won't be able to reach him, and for your spirit and morale, I believe you should be able to speak with him, even if he is my slave at that time."

I then ordered the man pussy to turn the laptop back towards him. He turned it towards himself; head still bowed to the floor and didn't speak at first.

"Honey, it was great seeing you tonight and please be safe while I am gone. You need to give him my contact information for emergency purposes since if you get this contract, something tells me with the Master you applied to, you are in for a huge shock. I wish you luck and remember if there is anything I taught you, listen to your Master, please your Master and do not give him any reason to discipline you as I don't think it will go well for you. I must go now, but I love you and I will be in touch with you soon." She spoke softly to him and yet there was so much authority in her voice and words.

He didn't hesitate to speak, "I love you too babe, be safe and I miss you!" and just like that the connection closed. The man pussy was the first to speak, as I was turning the laptop back towards me "Sir, may you give me a pen and paper so that I can write her contact information down for you, not that you need it as somehow you have better luck than me in setting up a call with her."

Something inside me sparked when he said "not that you need it", I just felt disrespect that how was I worthy of being able to set something like this up, when he wasn't able to pull it off as quickly. I wanted to slap him for his comment, but decided to show him some remorse as I am sure it isn't easy constantly worrying about your wife in a war country, however I never showed him that his words even registered with me.

I gave the man pussy a pen and paper without a word. "Thank you Sir for allowing me contact with my wife while I am with you. I know that it doesn't mean as much to you but it meant a great deal to me, even if I was embarrassed that she saw me dressed the way I was for another man."

I waited tapping my foot as he wrote down her information. I never responded to his words as they are unimportant to me. Yes I required the information of his wife for the purposes I said, however I had other reasons in the back of my mind. Now it was time to continue with the interview and it was question time, one of my favourite things is question time because I could tell this man pussy would tell deep dark secrets that he had and wanted out but didn't at the same time. I could see it in his eyes.

I cleared my throat loudly to see if the man pussy still had some jitters about what might be coming before him and I saw a shudder start at his neck and run down to his toes and he dropped his down in shame. "Man pussy, if you are thirsty you may have a drink from the glass in front of you, however that is the only glass you will receive from me tonight, so drink it wisely. Now you are going to fill out a questionnaire and you will answer them in two ways: First question will be "Have you participated in, answer will be Yes or No. Second question will be interest in __________, you will answer in the following way:

  1. Limit (means you do not want to do this, but it is still up for discussion)
  2. Maybe (possibly attempt might need some persuasion)
  3. Curious (means let explore it and see)
  4. OK (means if you want it Sir)
  5. Do It (means fuck ya)

Do you understand man pussy and are you a top or bottom?"

"Yes Sir.......I am a......I don't know, I have never had anything up my hole other than a finger or two, Sir." The man pussy was already embarrassed talking about this.

"That is fine, that is something we could explore if you become my slave. In the meantime you can place your ass in that chair there and complete the questionnaire. Oh and you have three minutes, if you do not finish the question I will assume the answers to the unfinished questions are DO IT! If you understand follow the orders given."

He quickly moved sideways so that he could sit in the chair. I saw him glance at the paper quickly; he reached for the glass and took a sip of my piss from earlier in the day. He took a minute to realize that it was piss he was drinking and took another sip and swished it around his mouth to get the full taste. I was impressed. As he set the glass down and picked up the pen, I got up from the desk and moved behind him towards the bed. I sat down on the corner of the bed and started to examine and play with some of the toys on the bed, just to add curiosity to his already jittery mind.

Man pussy ended up filling out his questionnaire in about two minutes and forty seven seconds. He really rushed the list to make sure he completed the entire document.

Anal sex -- no - curious

Beating (soft) -- no -- do it

Beating (hard) -- no - maybe

Blindfolds -- yes -- ok

Bondage (soft) - yes -- do it

Bondage (hard) -- no -- do it

Clothes pegs -- no - maybe

Cock worship -- yes -- do it

Collars -- no - ok

Cuffs -- yes -- do it

Electric play -- no - curious

Exhibitionism -- no - ok

Face slapping -- no - curious

Following orders -- yes -- do it

Forced masturbation -- no -- do it

Forced nudity -- no - ok

Full head hood -- no - ok

Gags -- no -- do it

Hot waxing -- no - limit

Humiliation private -- no - ok

Humiliation public -- no - limit

Humiliation verbal -- no - ok

Ice play -- yes -- do it

Nipple clamps -- no - curious

Nipple weights -- no - curious

Spanking -- no - ok

Orgasm denial -- no - ok

Shaving -- no - maybe

Suspension -- no - curious

Voyeurism -- no - ok

When he set the pen down, I got up took his questionnaire and placed it face down in my brief case on top of his wife's contact information and closed the lid of the brief case. "Man pussy, it is time for you to kneel in front of me." I demanded him.

"Yes Sir" he said as he rose from the chair. As he stood and went to approach me to kneel in front of, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that his soft cock was no longer hanging to the right, but starting to grow some and was now sticking mid leg and pointing out. Upon closer review, there was a small wet spot forming. Before he kneels, he noticed me looking and stopped for a minute to take another sip of my piss and once again swishing it around his mouth. He then lowered himself to his knees in front of me.

I let him kneel there for about ten minutes before I moved or said anything. Without a word, I walked around him from behind and reached the corner of the desk where he had placed the lockbox. I put in the numbered code, which happened to be 8-0-2, although he was not privileged enough to know that. I opened the lockbox that the man pussy was able to see, and checked out the order that was filled by Sarah. Everything was in there and it was time to finish the interview. I went back and stood in front of the kneeled man pussy.

"Man pussy, give me the main reason you want to become my slave! Oh, btw I am recording tonight via camera and recording devices, do you approve of that or should we delete everything together?" I really enjoy allowing the potential slave to think he still had some say and some hope. Although, let's face it, he didn't.

Man pussy took another sip of my piss while kneeling in front of my dick. He almost had to wipe the drool off his face; he must have thought he would get the lemon from my dick. He was going to be in for a sad realization. "Sir, first off I approve of the recording devices and cameras tonight. I know you will be able to review them to make your decision." He then took another sip of my piss forcing the bottom of the glass to rub against my crotch, which I took a step back and gave a disapproval glare. "Sorry Sir I didn't realize I was that close to you." He took a breath "Sir the reason why I am doing this is that I am not interested in a being with multiple guys and I am so lonely Sir. With my wife away, I go to work so I can come home to empty house, I eat alone watch tv alone and go to bed alone. With this one year contract, this will give me my life back with meaning and purpose. I know that I can please you whatever way you want and that I will follow every command that you want to give. It will give me pleasure knowing that you ended up with an obedient slave whom sole purpose is to please you. That is why I want this one year contract so badly with you Sir." He let out a deep sigh afterwards and took another sip of my piss although this time he swirled it around his mouth for minutes before swallow. Followed by "thank you Sir for your piss to drink, I could see this becoming the only drink I consume over the next year Sir."

I ordered the man pussy to rise and to remove his white boxer briefs. His dick had gone back to being flaccid and hanging to the right. He removed his underwear, folded them neatly and placed them on top of his other clothes and stood there wearing only his chest harness with his arms hanging to the side of his body. I went over to his lockbox, open it again so the man pussy couldn't see in and removed the first item from the box. I demanded the man pussy reach out his hand palm facing the ceiling and I placed the cock harness in his hand. The cock harness was the hard see through plastic kind, so the cock could be seen smashed inside the harness. "Man pussy, I want you to place that cock harness on your cock, but only do so if after tonight's interview you still want to be part of the selection process of becoming my slave on a one year contract." I gave him the demanded and waited.

Less than a minute later, man pussy had the cock harness fully around his flaccid dick; it certainly was a tight squeeze for the head of his dick. I then demanded he put out his hand again. This time I gave him an open lock that would fit to lock his dick in place. The good thing with this cock harness is that it came with a letter lock that you had to enter the five letter word to open the lock. "Man pussy, I want you to place the lock in its place on the cock harness and lock it, if you trust your potential Master to give you the five letter word that will open this lock if you are not selected as my slave. You will know either way tomorrow by six in the evening."

Once again, there was no hesitation by him. He slipped the lock into through the open space and clasp the lock closed. He then just stood there with his head bowed staring at the floor, or possibly his now trapped dick.

I thank opened his lockbox once again. I took out the jockstrap first and ordered the man pussy to put it on, which he did quickly with no issues. He then took another sip of my piss and just held it in his mouth. I then took out a skirt and told him to put it on. He took it from me and just looked at it at first, looked at me with sadness in his eyes and then put his two legs inside it and pulled it up onto his hips. The bottom of the skirt barely covered the bottom portion of his new jock strap. I then demanded he take his chest harness off, hold it in one hand and to hold his other hand out with the palm up. I placed two nipple pasties in his palm and ordered him to place one over each nipple then put his chest harness back on. I left a few other items that were on the list in the lockbox as he would bring this back if he was my slave or he would get some new toys to try out in a solo manner. I also took his neat pile of clothes, placed them in the lockbox and then proceed to lock the box with the numerical lock. The look on his face was priceless when he noticed what I did and the colour drained from his face. My piss he had been keeping in his mouth almost leaked out before he took a big gulp to swallow.

"Man pussy, if you become my slave, this will be the new outfit you wear whenever you are in my presence or I change it with a new outfit. You may finish the glass of piss if you want, collect your lockbox and leave this hotel room immediately. You will receive an email from me stating you have been selected as my slave for one year with the next steps or you will receive an email with a five letter word and three digit code to unlock your dick and lockbox. Now get out of my sight!"

He grabbed the glass and raised it "Thank you Sir" and he poured the last of the piss into his mouth and once again not swallowing. He placed the glass back on the desk, grabbed his lockbox and walked briskly to the door. He hesitated looked down at his bare chest under his harness with nipples being covered with pasties and a skirt that showed the lower part of his bubble ass as he walked. He grabbed the door handle, open the door and let himself go back into the world, free from his potential Master hopeful that it would only be a short time until he saw his Master again.

I checked the time and noticed it was now 6pm, exactly two hour interview as planned. I grinned as I started to reorganize the room awaiting the next potential slave to interview.......


Master Nix

Next: Chapter 5

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