Master Nixs New Life

By Master Nix

Published on Dec 31, 2016


This work of fiction may contain explicit erotic material, including homosexual sex, acts of bondage/discipline through participation between a Master and slave. If you do not want to read such material,

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Master Nix's New Life

Chapter 6 -- Face to Face with Potential Slave -- part 3

After the door closed, I opened the top flap of the brief case and pulled out the third file of the night along with a new questionnaire. I placed the questionnaire on the desk to await the next potential slave and put the new file folder inside the brief case ready to complete the folder. Since the weenie didn't drink the piss that I had offered him, I left it on the corner of the desk for the next interview.

I checked the time and noticed that it was eight fifteen pm and my next appointment wasn't until nine pm. With forty five minutes until the next appointment, I grabbed the first two folders from the brief case and went back to my room to review the documentation and to make some notes that was still fresh in my head.

After jotting down some notes in the files of the first two potential slaves there was a knock on the door at room 802. I looked around the hotel room to find the alarm clock beside the bed, it was only eight twenty eight pm, way too early I would think for the next potential slave. As I waited for a minute to see if the next interview entered the room as instructed, there was another two knocks on the door.

I thought this was odd as the note I left should explain what the potential slave should do and knocking wasn't one of the orders. As I was walking to answer the door in room 802, after yet another lock, I realized that I hadn't put the note on the door. I grabbed the note out of the brief case as I passed the desk and went to the door. My plan was to open the door and place the note on the door and then close it again without any acknowledgment of the potential slave standing at the door.

When I opened the door I was caught off guard at the sight in front of me. Weenie had returned, he was still wearing his new outfit that I had him wear and he hung his head so he was staring at the floor. I simply acknowledged him "What does the little pathetic weenie want now?"

"Sir, I am very sorry to come back to your room and disturb you, however you see when I sat in the car the waist band of the underwear you gave me was so tight around my waist that the seal broke. I wasn't sure if I should call you or what I should do, so after deliberation with myself I decided it was best to come to the potential Master who gave me the outfit to determine our next steps. Once again Sir, I am very sorry that this pathetic weenie broke the underwear that my potential Master gave to me to wear. Do whatever you feel you need to Sir." He spoke in such a weak voice that it was hard to hear or make out what he was saying at first.

"Get into the room and place your lockbox on the desk!" I ordered the weenie to do.

This is when he noticed that he had not brought the lockbox back with him and he got even more timid of me when he spoke. "Ssssss.....Siiir (in a high pitch voice) I forgot the lockbox in my car. Please forgive my simple minded error and allow me to go and retrieve it for you Sir."

"You have two minutes to return with your lockbox and if you take any longer than that, when you return you will find the password for the lock that is around your small dick that you call a grower and that will be the last time you hear from me." I demanded of him.

"Yes Sir, I will be right back." He said already in mid run to the stairs, as he thought that might be faster than waiting on the elevator.

I went back into room 802 to try and clear my head of the situation and determine what to do. I now had less than thirty minutes until the next interviewee arrived and if he came early this could end badly. I grabbed his file folder quickly and looked inside to see what other items I had Sarah place in his lockbox. Realizing that I did not have another item in the lockbox that would suffice the job as planned. Plan B had come to mind.

Weenie returned to the room with three seconds to spare. He entered the room, placed the lockbox on the desk and squatted awaiting further orders. Right before I spoke, he asked "Sir, with the conflict that happened before between you, me and my previous Master, I forgot to drink the piss you offered me. With your permission, I really would like to be able to drink your piss as I am extremely thirsty from running to my car and back. Would Sir grant me this weenie's request knowing that a slave or potential slave does not get a requested granted without having to make it up to the Master?"

I did not acknowledge his question and walked out of the room back into room 804. I called Sarah's shop knowing she wasn't in today. "Good evening Brandon speaking, how can I help you this evening?" said the guy who answered.

"Hi Brandon, this is Nix calling. I am wondering if you would by chance be able to remain open for about fifteen minutes past your normal closing hours. I need to send a friend over to pick up something very important for tonight and I am a good friend of Sarah's and I will let her know of this great favour that you did for me. Is this something you might be able to do for me?" I asked pleasantly.

"Nix I do not see a problem with that is there something that I could set aside for you or will you're find need to look around?" He asked.

"The item I require is from the special bondage area that Sarah allows to exclusive customers. I am not sure what she called it however it is a bondage underwear for a male that has a string sewn into the middle of the inside that goes up the ass crack, up the person's back with a piece that fits around the guys neck. The second string from the ring around the neck comes down the front of the body and attaches to the cock harness. Do you know what item I speak of Brandon?" I asked.

There was a pause at first and then Brandon spoke "Yes Nix I know that item and there is one in stock. My next question for you, did you want the code pre-entered or leave it as is?"

"If you could pre-code the neck piece to 2648 and send the link for Bluetooth to the email address that would be greatly appreciated. Also, the guy who will be coming in would you be able to assist him to put the new underwear harness on him as he is wearing a cock harness with a lock on it and he does not know the code or deserves to know the code. You just need to put the code in, take the lock reset it let him put the new outfit on and assist him with getting the neck ring on. When he is ready to lock the sting in place with his cock harness, you may give him the lock and allow him to do this part. Also could you videotape this whole exchange on your cell phone and then send it to the email address I gave you?" I asked Brandon this, knowing this was going above and beyond his work description.

"Certainly Sir, that would not be a problem. If that is all, please have a good night and I will await the person you send to me. Please tell him to say I am here to serve Master Nix, so that I know that it is him." He said.

"Thank you for your time and help tonight Brandon, I will ensure Sarah knows how much of a help you were to me. Also, the code for the cock harness is "sissy". Have a good night Brandon. I said and then I hung up ending the call.

I walked back into room 802 and spoke as I entered "Weenie you must go to the store immediately where you got the items to fill your lockbox. Also, you will need to pay for the item since you broke the item I gave you. You will need to say to Brandon so he knows who you are "I am here to serve Master Nix" and he will help you. You must leave immediately and head straight there and no were else until after you get your new outfit and you must go there as you are dressed. If you understand your orders, you may leave now." I purposely ignored his previous request to drink my piss because if he wanted to drink it, he should have done so during his meeting.

The weenie practically ran out of the door without any hesitation. I then went to the door and placed the next note on the door for the next potential slave.

Dear potential slave,

Welcome to your interview and your possible one year contract with your new Master. Be on your best behaviour tonight and you will stand a chance. Your next steps are to undress in the hallway and put on your outfit from the picture. Fold your clothes neatly, place them on top of your lockbox and once ready enter room 802 to determine your fate. When inside close the door and face the backside of the door until you receive your next command.

One last thing, your safe word is Ryan......

I then went to my room 804 to take a much needed piss. As I was in the bathroom of my room, I heard a struggle with the door at room 802 and then a thud. I think the next potential slave dropped his lockbox when entering the room. I took my flaccid dick out of my pants and started to piss into the toilet thinking of what a waste of piss this was, however no one was honoured enough for this Masters piss straight from my dick. I shook three times and placed my dick neatly back into my pants and proceed to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. I took a few drinks from the bottle before placing it back in the fridge and headed to the door that would take me back into room 802.

When I entered 802, I saw the next potential slave standing facing the door with his backside facing me. He was shaking his nerves had already gotten the best of him. There he was in nothing but his green jock strap with a great firm ass held in place by the straps of the jockstrap. The sight of seeing such a macho broad shoulder man standing there with his head hanging down, arms to his side and shaking from his nerves. He wanted so badly to be here but at the same time had no clue what he was doing here.

I thought for a minute before speaking, I really should have planned a bit more, but thought playing off the scene in front could be fun. I had already planned the door notes and the questionnaire why not some fun making things up as I go. "You may now make your way to the desk, place your lockbox on the corner of the desk and remain standing three steps back from the desk. If you understand these orders then proceed."

He turned around and started to walk over to the desk. He held his lock box to his stomach and I caught a good glimpse of his package behind his tight green jock strap. The jock strap could barely keep his dick hidden behind the fabric of the pouch. He placed the lockbox on the desk corner and took three steps back. I than proceed to tell him that the glass of piss was his to drink whenever he wanted and could sip it or drink it all at once but it would be the only glass he would receive.

As he stood there waiting, I pulled out my laptop once again and dialed a skype call. I had already exchanged emails with the person I was calling and they would be expecting my call around this time. The potential slave was very curious on who I was calling and almost forgot what he was doing as he went to take a step forward before readjusting his stance to make a stronger stance. After about two rings the call was accepted and there was a female voice that spoke. "Good evening Nix how are you doing tonight?"

As soon as he heard the voice his knees started to buckle and I thought he was going to collapse on the floor right then and there but he regained his composer as every muscle in his body clenched at the same time. What he had realized was that his mother was on the other end of the skype call and wasn't sure how this was all going to play out.

"Ma'am, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to speak to me tonight. I hope you didn't find the emails intrusive." I threw this part in just to make the potential slave that much more nervous. I took a quick glance up from my computer screen just in time to see him fill his jock pouch with piss that started to run down his leg. This little cunt just pissed himself and all over the carpet of the hotel room. "Sorry Ma'am, I just need to mute the laptop for one quick second as something just happened that I need to deal with quickly." I placed the call into mute got up from the desk and whispered into his ear "While I speak to your mother on skype you better clean up your filthy mess and if I so much as smell piss on the carpet when I am done you will be one sorry cunt and don't make a sound when you clean it." It took everything in me not to give this little piss bitch a good beating for the mess he created. This made me think twice on if I wanted him as a slave, if this is all it took for him to piss his pants what would he do under my full control, I thought to myself.

"Sorry about that Ma'am. As I mentioned in our emails back and forth, your son has applied for a study through his current job that will take him into the wilderness throughout the course of a year. The reason for the sykpe call is that get his next of kin contact information as a formality as he will be safe while on the work study. Since he will be in the wilderness off and on over the course of the year, he may or may not have signal on his cell service and I would require contact with you as our computer system will be hooked up where this is signal and any other kind of communication may be limited. Also, the call is of importance as this way you are able to meet the person overseeing the study and should there be a urgent matter that you need to reach your son or vice versa it may be me who you will communicate with rather than your son and this way you know who I am." I gave her too much information at once so that it would be more difficult to process and hopefully avoid any thinking that may produce questions from what I just told her.

She was looking at me through the camera and asked "Does this study mean that I won't be able to see my son for an entire year? Like he is being sent away to a foreign place where it will be too difficult to visit with each other in person?" Then she fell silent awaiting my response.

Before I responded, I looked at the macho man in front of me cleaning his piss from the carpet with soap, water and a towel. He was dabbing at the carpet with the towel and I noticed he wasn't wearing his jockstrap. I put my attention back to his mother on my laptop, "Ma'am he will be able to visit with scheduled planned trips as he won't be participating at the study the entire time over the year he will have some free time here and there. However when he is off duty and visiting, he isn't allowed to speak about the study he is participating in, at this time it is highly confidential until the completion of the study. Sorry Ma'am, I will be right back there is just one quick matter I need to deal with." I then walked past the piss boy and headed to the bathroom.

Once there I noticed that he had placed his jockstrap in the bathroom sink for the time being. Since it was drenched in his piss, he knew it would continue to leak out when he moved around trying to clean the carpet. I grabbed an empty glass from the bathroom counter, picked up his jockstrap and rung it so that the piss filled the glass on the counter. I then walked back into the other room leaned over the back of the piss boy and spoke once again in his ear. "I am about to wrap things up with your mother and I better see you kneeling in front of the desk, the piss cleaned off the carpet and you in your jockstrap. Don't force me to turn the laptop around so that your mother can see what a fucking piss boy she raised." I then walked back to the behind the desk.

Once I returned to the laptop the piss boy's mom spoke "Here is my cell number, house address, work number as you already have my email address. Is there anything else that you may require?" She asked.

"Thank you Ma'am, as I wrote down all the information she gave me. This is all the information that I require at this time. Your son will find out if he is accepted into the study tomorrow around 6pm and he will be able to notify you when it the study starts, should he be lucky enough candidate to select. Have a good evening Ma'am." And without any hesitation, I ended the call. As I was closing the laptop lid, there was piss boy kneeling in front of the desk wearing his wet jockstrap, however he must have rung out the rest of the piss as there was no more piss running down his thick muscular legs.

"Piss boy, I cannot believe a man of 33 years old could be like a little kid pissing his pants out of fear. Word of advice, and listen carefully, since you are not my slave as of yet and still a potential slave, if you are too much of a sissy where you will piss yourself then I suggest when you email someone you don't send them links in the bottom of the emails to all of our social media's accounts. This makes it extremely easy for someone to figure out a lot about you with that kind of information!" I said this to the piss boy so that he would realize it was his fuck up on how I was able to contact his mom and not only that what other information had I uncovered. His mind must be racing with this information. He just kept his head hung staring at the carpet breathing short rapid breaths. At this rate, I wasn't even sure he would last the rest of the interview. Only one way to find out!

"Piss boy you will come here (as I pointed to directly in front of the desk) and fill out the questionnaire on the desk in front of you to answer in two ways: First question will be "Have you participated in, answer will be Yes or No. Second question will be interest in __________, you will answer in the following way:

  1. Limit (means you do not want to do this, but it is still up for discussion)
  2. Maybe (possibly attempt might need some persuasion)
  3. Curious (means let explore it and see)
  4. OK (means if you want it Sir)
  5. Do It (means fuck ya)

Do you understand piss boy and are you a top or bottom?"

He just stayed kneeling where he was. He wouldn't look up and he wouldn't move to position either. Then he spoke in a quiet meek voice still keeping his eyes locked on his piss stain that was cleaned up on the carpet "Sir I understand how to complete the questionnaire. Please note Sir that the answer on the first part of the question, yes or no, will be answered on the grounds that it was with a women and not another male. Secondly, I do not know if I am a top or bottom, I have fucked women in the ass, so I guess I can top but would like to explore the bottoming side of things under your command Sir." He then without hesitation or waiting a response from me stood up and walked in front of the desk. As soon as he stopped moving, he dropped to his knees so he could kneel and grabbed the pen.

Before starting the questionnaire, he reached for the glass full of my piss. He downed the whole glass as quick as he could swallow it all and set the glass back down on the desk. Pen at hand he was about to start the questionnaire when I spoke "Piss boy, I don't normally do this, however since you seemed to enjoy my piss so much, here is a second glass in case you get thirsty again" and I placed the second glass on the desk beside the empty one. "One last thing piss boy, you have exactly three minutes to complete the questionnaire, if you do not finish the question I will assume the answers to the unfinished questions are DO IT! If you understand follow the orders given."

He still had his pen in his hand and he started to fill out the questionnaire as quickly as possible. He finished with about ten seconds remaining on the clock, but he did go over the questionnaire three times before he set the pen down on the desk and awaited further commands from me.

Anal sex -- yes -- ok

Beating (soft) -- no - ok

Beating (hard) -- no - ok

Blindfolds -- yes - ok

Bondage (soft) -- no - ok

Bondage (hard) -- no - ok

Clothes pegs -- no - ok

Cock worship -- no - ok

Collars -- no - ok

Cuffs -- yes - ok

Electric play -- no - ok

Exhibitionism -- yes - ok

Face slapping -- no - limit

Following orders -- no - ok

Forced masturbation -- yes - ok

Forced nudity -- no - ok

Full head hood -- no - limit

Gags -- no - ok

Hot waxing -- no - limit

Humiliation private -- no - ok

Humiliation public -- no - limit

Humiliation verbal -- no - ok

Ice play -- no - ok

Nipple clamps -- no - limit

Nipple weights -- no - limit

Spanking -- yes - ok

Orgasm denial -- no - ok

Shaving -- no - ok

Suspension -- no - limit

Voyeurism -- yes -- ok

I picked up his completed questionnaire and placed it into the brief case where his file was awaiting. I then asked "Piss boy,

"Piss boy, give me the main reason you want to become my slave! Just so you are aware, I am recording tonight via cameras and recording devices do you approve of that or should we delete everything together?" I asked him.

"Sir, I have never once been with the same sex before and it is something that gives me wet dreams at night. The thought of being at someone else's beckoning and having no control of the situation, awakens something in me that I feel before I do the normal thing of getting married and starting a family that I give myself completely to someone else and have their needs come before my own. I do not care about the recordings, whatever my potential Master feels is in my best interest, I will support fully and not disagree with him about." He already had a hunch and had determined what he was going to say if he was asked this question. There was no second thought about it.

I then entered 8-0-2 into his lockbox and opened the lid. I must admit, that his new outfit was a difficult one to figure out for him as the jockstrap look suited him. After much deliberation on his outfit, I determined that he would stay in a jockstrap, except the one I had for him was a rainbow colour so that anyone who saw it would know he was more about pleasing other men than women. I set the rainbow jockstrap aside and pulled out his cock harness. Before handing it to him I spoke "Piss boy, you may stand and remove your piss soaked jockstrap and then remain standing."

Before he stood, he took the glass of the desk drank the glass full of piss and placed the empty glass beside the first one on the desk. Then he stood slipped his hands into his waistband and slowly bent down as he slid his jockstrap down his legs, past his knees then out of the right foot shortly followed by the left foot. "Piss boy, you may put your jock in your mouth to hold until you are told to take it out. Also, if you want to suck your piss while it is in your mouth, I will not stop you." I said with a sadistic smile. "Oh, and piss boy, if you are hesitant about having your piss soaked jockstrap in your mouth, there is no reason to worry since that second glass of piss you drank was the piss I wringed into a glass from your jockstrap in the bathroom."

The piss boy hesitated and shot me a quick look of shame and then stuck his jockstrap into his mouth. From the way he was swallowing, I could tell more piss was now running down the back of his throat. I then handed him the cock harness that I was holding in my hand and handed it to the piss boy.

"Piss boy, I want you to place that cock harness on your dick, but only do so if after tonight's interview you still want to be part of the selection process of becoming my slave on a one year contract." I stated and stood there staring at him to make him more uncomfortable if that was even possible at this moment.

He looked at his flaccid penis hanging to the left and then looked at the cock harness. He must have had the same thought that I did. I wasn't sure this cock harness would fit his flaccid dick. Not only was it long flaccid, but it was thick. Without further hesitation, piss boy placed his dick into the cock harness. Once it was secured and in place, you could tell he was in discomfort as his penis was squished into the cock harness. I then continued on since I really didn't care if he was uncomfortable. I reached into the lockbox and pulled out the lock for the cock harness, handed it to him and spoke, "Piss boy, put this lock through the secure holes to secure your dick in place, if you trust your potential Master to give you the five letter word that will open this lock if you are not selected as my slave. You will know either way tomorrow by six in the evening."

By now he was accustomed to following orders that the hesitation finally left his body. He placed the lock into the secure holes on the cock harness and snapped the lock shut. He even tugged on the lock a few times to ensure it was secured. He then returned his arms to beside his body and for the first time looked me in the eye while awaiting his next command. It seemed that he was finally over his nervousness and was trying to show me that he was ready and wanted this contract badly.

I reached into the lockbox and handed him his new jockstrap. "Piss boy, I agree that your outfit should be a jockstrap, however I feel this one would be more suitable for a piss boy like yourself. You may take them and put them on." I handed them over to him and he wasted no time putting his right leg in the opening and then the left leg into place and pulled them up. He had to adjust the cock harness as he attempted to put everything in place. He then reached behind himself and adjusted the straps around his ass to make the jockstrap fit better. I then grabbed the last piece of his outfit, placed it in my hand and then put my hand behind my back.

"Piss boy will now kneel!" I ordered as I started to walk towards him. He obliged by dropping to his knees instantly and I walked behind him so that I was towering over him from behind. "Open your mouth piss boy and take out your piss soaked jockstrap. Hold them in your hand and ensure no more of your DNA is put into this room." I demanded as I awaited him to follow the order. He grabbed the jockstrap out of his mouth quickly and cradled it in the palm of his one hand with his other hand under the first one in case he needed to catch any of his piss or spit. "Open your mouth" I demanded. I then placed a small penis gag in his mouth and snapped the two straps together at the back of his head. "This is how you are to look whenever in my presence. Tomorrow at 6pm you will find out by email if you have been selected as my slave for one year. If you are not selected, I will give you the five digit code to your cock harness and the code to the lockbox. If you are selected, this is the outfit you will wear to greet me."

I then walked back behind the desk and held a bag out and ordered him to place his piss soaked jockstrap into the bad, although it wasn't as soaked as it was before, I guess he was sucking his piss while he held it in his mouth. I then placed the bag into his lockbox along with his clothes. I locked the lockbox and spoke one last time. "Piss boy you may grab your lockbox and get out of my sight."

He grabbed his lockbox without hesitation and turned to head towards the door. Just then he realized what he was wearing and started walking slower to the door as he just realized he had to walk out to his car in just a rainbow jockstrap, his dick in a cock harness that you could see peaking around the sides of the jockstrap pouch and a bright yellow gag in his mouth (although no one would know it was a dick gag). Just as he opened the door and stepped into the hallway, I could hear a female gasp at the sight and then immediate laughter broke out as the stranger must have pointed out the piss boy to her friends. I could only imagine the horrified look on the piss boy as the door slammed shut.....


Master Nix

Next: Chapter 7

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