Master of Discipline

Published on Jul 9, 1993




''get on the massage table, kid. Hurry.''

Larry jumped on the table and laid back. Don, grabbed Larry's hard cock and pulled the jock down his legs. Then he went to his desk drawer and pulled out a tube of gel and smeared it all over Larry's dick. still wearing his distented jock, he climbed up on the table and straddled Larry's hips. Reaching behind him, he grabbed Larry's cock and aimed it at his asshole. Slowly he lowered himself onto the bigguy dick.

Larry looked down to see his cock disappearing into the young coach's butthole. The coach's jock was soaked with precum jizz.

''fuck me, kid! Fuck me good and hard....yeah....that feels great all the way up in me.'' the coach said honestly.

Larry's body was trembling with the need to cum. For five minutes he pumped his dick in and out of the coach. Al the time the coach talked dirty to Larry driving his excitement even more.

''fuck me good guy. Yeah. I want to feel you blast a load of teen cum up my hole. Make that teen prick feel like a million. Every since I saw your cock hardening in that jock when you were inspecting Henderson's sore ass, I knew I had to have it crammed in my butt.''

''I can't hold back...I'm gonna cum.. I am cumming...'' Larry screamed.

He bucked wildly as his dick fucked deep into the phys ed instructor's slick, hot butt. Pow! Pow! Waves of sexual torment wracked through his body as he shot a big load of cum into the man.

Larry looked down at the instructor's bulging jock pouch and saw the coach was cumming to. Right through his tight White nylon jock pouch. the hot jizz oozed right through the material and dripped down the outline of his cock shaft. He cried out and squeezed Larry's shoulders as squirt after squirt of manfuck juice saturated the jock pouch. Pulling himself off of Larry's prick, he leaned up and forced his cum soaked pouch into Larry's face, smearing cock cream all over the guy. Larry opened his mouth and welcomed the instructor's jock into it. He sucked the juices out of the pouch with a rage. The sweet salty taste and the smell exhausted Larry. When he'd sucked out all the juices that he could salvage from the wet pouch, the coach collapsed on top of him. they laid in that position for a few minutes and then hit the shower together.

Larry was on his way back to his assigned dorm at the Reformatory. his mind was numb recalling each of the male sexual encounters he had had over the last three days. Especially, the coach.

Suddenly, the door of a dorm he was passing swung opened and a young stud burst out and ran directly into Larry. Larry's School books flew up into the air as Larry fell to the pavement. His accidental attacker also fell to the pavement.

The other guy jumped to to his feet ,''I'm sorry, man. I was in a hurry.''

''freeze! Both of you!'' a firm voice came from an approaching guard. ''you know the rules regarding fighting! Both of you go directly to your dorm's. I'll be in contact with you in a few minutes.''

''but we were not fighting. I accentally knocked him down!'' cried Larry's attacker.

''that's right!'' Larry agreed.

''bullshit!'' shouted the guard.

The guard took their names off of their nylon wrist straps and ordered them to their dorm rooms.

Larry hurried into his barracks, as the dorms were called by the inmates. Upon entering, he rushed to Jim to tell him what happened. The other guys in the dorm gathered around.

''oh, shit!'' Jim said to Larry.

''if you're caught fighting they send you to the dean!''

''the dean?'' Larry asked.

''the dean of discipline.'' Jim said. ''this is really bad, Larry.''

The other guys offered sympathy to Larry's situation then wandered back to their bunks. Larry fell back on his bunk. It was 7:15 pm.

At 8pm sharp, the guard who nabbed Larry came stomped into the dorm and ordered Larry to report to building 86 at once.

The guard ordered Larry to don a jockstrap and his pants. No shirt and no socks.

The guys watched as Larry changed his clothes quickly and followed the guard out of the door.

The guard led him to the door of building 86 and opened the door for the guy. ''this is it, kid. When you come back out of here you won't feel like fighting for a year!''

Larry heard the door close and lock behind him. A cement staircase was ahead of him. There was no way out. He slowly climbed the stairs lit only by bare light bulbs. At the top of the stairs was a sign with three words on it:

attitude adjustment center

He opened the door beside of the sign and walked into a room where six other guys were sitting on wooden straight back chairs along one wall. the room was stark. A set of double doors held a sign reading ''dean.''

He looked at the other guys and they looked up at him. Fear was in all of their eyes. Suddenly fear came over Larry too. He sat down beside the guy he had encountered to get into this mess.

''I'm Ron voight. I'm really sorry I got you into this mess. you'll never forgive me for this, I know, but I'm really sorry.'' the guy seemed very sincere.

''it's not your fault. It's the guard's fault for being so stupid. now, exactly what are we in for?''

''I've only heard rumors of what goes on here,'' Ron said.

One of the youngest guys, a blond young kid, was whimpering. He looked up and said,''none of us have been here before but I hear it is terrible what the 'dean of discipline does to guys.''

The double doors opened and a guard came through them into the waiting room.

''I see you are all here. You've all probably heard stories of how we are forced to deal with those of you who just can't adjust to our facility. What you will experience throughout the rest of this night is done to adjust your behaviorial pattern. If you offer any, let me reinterate, a n y resistance you will find it will be the worst mistake you've ever made.

You are all to go into the room now and line up facing the desk in the room! Move!!!''

The guys rushed into the room and lined up facing the desk. The room was dimly lit but the guys could see that the big room was filled with all kinds of tables and equipment. A large first aid kit hung on one wall. From the rafters hung several sets of chains with wrist clamps at their ends.

They heard the double doors close behind them. Then it's lock was secured. The guys stood facing the desk for fifteen minutes before any- thing happened. It was the last fifteen minutes of peace they were to enjoy for many, many hours.

A booming voice from behind them shouted ''turn around, fools!'' the guys did an about face and their eyes feel onto a huge hulk of a man dressed in black leather from head to toe. Moreover, he wore a leather mask so the guys could not identify who the dean of discipline was.

The dean walked up to the guys and inspected each one.

''take off your pants!'' he shouted.

The guys scurried to get thier pants off. All were soon again lined up wearing jockstraps.

''bend over and grab your ankles!''

the guys complied as the dean walked behind them. He inspected each of the guy's asses. He ran his leather gloved fingertips over some of them. When he got to the young blond who was whimpering in the ante room, he ran his fingertip up and down the crack of his ass and then asked, ''what's your name, guy?''

''Glenn, sir. Allen Glenn.''

''well, Glenn, I think you and me are going to be real good friends tonight. That is...if you cooperate like a good little lad,'' the dean said.

''yes, sir. Whatever you want!''

''very good, guy. Now, I am going to start off by spanking each of your friend's asses. But, they won't feel the pain as much if thier asses are not wet. So, Glenn, I want you to get behind them and spit on their butts then rub the spit in real good with your tongue. Got it?''

''yes, sir.'' the youth jumped up and ran behind Larry first. He spit twice, once on each bun and then squated down to lick Larry's butt. the dean was right behind Glenn. Somehow, the feeling of the guy's tongue on Larry's ass excited Larry until he felt the dean's hand come crashing down with great force against his butt. He was hit with such force that he fell forward, flat on his stomach. Before he could get up the dean had knealt down and slammed another spank onto his ass, then another and another and another.

Larry cried out in pain as hard blow after hard blow was unleashed on his butt.

''now, get up and shut up!'' the dean ordered.

The next guy was prepared for the blow. Though he maintained his stance, he screamed out in pain as his butt was thouroughly beaten by the dean.

Young Glenn continued to spit and lick each ass preparing it for the dean. The dean went down the row until he'd finished with the last guy. He then looked down at Glenn.

''shackle them!'' the dean ordered.

Glen led each guy to a pair of the shackles hanging from the ceiling and clamped their wrist into the metal locking devices. There was no order to the way the shackles hung and guys were strung up all over the room.

As the guy locked each of the other guys into place, the dean checked the locks on each of their wrist and then checked the welts he'd put on their butts.

Larry pulled on the chains attached to his wrist. He tested their strength and determined that there was simply no escape.

After the dean verified that each guy was secured he looked at Glenn and said,''guy, come over here. Take off my gloves and my boots.''

The guy complied quickly. He crawled over to the dean, somehow he just didn't want to stand and walk. He found that he was somehow enjoying being the servant of the dean. He first pulled off the dean's boots and then pulled off the gloves. The dean reached out for the gloves and the guy handed them to him. The dean looked down into the beautiful innocent face of the young guy. He reached down and gently rubbed his bare fingers over the kid's cheeks. Then, surprisingly, he took the gloves in his left hand and slapped the guy across the face with them. The lad fell backwards but didn't cry out.

''what did you do to end up here tonight, Glenn?''

the youth once again climbed up on his kness and said,''I refused to suck off a cook when I was on kp duty, sir. He told me if I didn't he'd report that I stole food, sir.''

''why did you refuse to suck his cock?'' the dean asked.

''because I don't like him.''

''do you like the guys who are here tonight?''

The guy hesitated a minute and then mumbled''..yes, sir.''

''then I want you to go to each one of them and suck on their jockstrap pouches while I give them more discipline. Any questions?''

''no, sir. Whatever you want, sir.''

The guy immediately got crawled over to Larry who was hanging closest to him. Somewhat reluctantly, he pressed his face into the full jock pouch and began moving his open mouth all around the sweaty cotton pouch. He pulled back and wetted his tongue and then began running his tongue over the bulging mound. Larry looked down at the youth's face. He was becoming aroused. This surprised Larry considering the circumstances. the dean was also watching the performance of the guy's tongue on Larry's jock pouch.

The dean walked over to Larry and squeezed his nipples very hard. Larry's face became contorted and twisted, yet he made no sound. The dean walked behind Larry and began spanking his ass again. Each spank on Larry's butt pushed his jockstrap pouch harder and harder into Glenn's mouth. Larry looked down and saw Glenn's jockpouch tented with a full hard-on. The kid was really getting into this scene. Again and again the dean's hand spanked into Larry's asscheeks. Finally, the dean and Glenn moved onto the next guy.

Larry's ass burned. He wished he could rub his cheeks...somehow that always relieved the heat after a spanking. Not that Larry had had that many spankings. He looked over at Ron who was being serviced by young Glenn and spanked by the leather hooded dean. Ron's jockpouch was fully extended from the guy's mouthwork even those he was getting a very hard spanking from the dean of discipline. Then the dean went onto the next guy and then the next. Larry could watched as each of the others got their jocks sucked and their asses reddened. One of the guys, a tall, lanky kid had a har-on in his jock. As the dean spanked him harder and harder the guy moaned as he forced his jockpouch into Glenn's mouth. The cock stretched the jock so far from his groin that Larry could see into it from the sides. when the dean finished spanking his ass, he walked to the front of the guy and pulled Glenn's face back from the crammed pouch.

''looks like you get turned on by spanking and pouch suckin', kid''

''yes, sir. I just can't help myself,'' the guy told the dean.

''Glenn,'' the dean said,''take this guy's balls out of his jock and suck on them in front of all the other guys.''

Glenn pulled the elastic pouch away from the guy's crotch and reached in and pulled his balls out to the left side of the pouch. The kid's cock remained concealed. The balls were big and almost hairless. Young Glenn cupped the big balls in his small hand then stuck his tongue out and began bathing them with it. The jock covered prick pushed against the ball licking lad's forehead and hair.

''that's good, Glenn. Get them real wet and slippery. Yeah! Now, lick up under them where the jock's straps meet . Good guy. Now try to get both of his balls in your mouth at once....keep tryin' guy....guess you just can't do it. Balls must be packed with a lot of cum....'' the dean of discipline commented.

The dean looked down at blond Glenn and ordered him to go to all of the other suspended guys and take their balls out of their jocks and lick their balls too. After receiving the order, Glenn stood up. The youth's own cock was rock hard in his jockstrap too.

''wait a minute, Glenn. Come stand in front of me!'' the dean ordered. He turned the guy facing the suspended guys and from behind the lad, he reached down and began feeling up the guy's hard cock through his tight White jock. The dean began grinding his own crotch against the guy's ass. The sight was turning on all of the other guys. One by one the guys all sprung up hard cocks in their jockstraps. Finally the dean let go of Glenn's cotton covered crotch. A large wet blob of precum juice had oozed from the young guy's piss slit and soaked the jock's material. His prickhead was clearly visible to the other guys.

''looks like you're damn well excited, Glenn. Now, go lick the prisoner's balls. Get them spanking clean!'' the dean ordered.

Larry was the first to have his balls cleaned up by the kid. Larry's prick surged to full erection as he watched the young man working his mouth over Larry's balls. Glenn looked up into Larry's face and then winked and placed his mouth right over the head of Larry's bulging cock and ran his tongue over the sensitive head a few times. Larry threw his head back in pleasure. But, it was short lived as the guy moved onto another guy and gave him the same treatment.

Larry watched each guy getting his balls washed by Glenn. Glenn turned Larry on. He liked the guy. He liked him a lot. He knew if he got out of this torture chamber alive he was going to have that guy to himself.

Glenn looked around the room at the bound guys. He knew he was going to get fucked for the first time in his life and all of these other guys were going to get to watch.

''stand up, guy!'' the dean ordered. Glenn jumped to his feet.

The dean leaned forward in his chair and reached for the guy's jockpouch. He kneaded the guy's prick through the guy's pouch for a few minutes. He then reached up and pulled the waistband down to just under the kid's balls. Glenn's young prick snapped to attention. It was uncut and about five inches long. The dean wrapped his right hand around it and began jacking it causing the head to be capped and uncapped. lots of precum juice oozed into a big glob at the guy's piss slit. The dean gathered the guy drippings on his index finger and then pulled the guy back into the spanking position.

Larry was mezmerized when the dean spread Glenn's ass cheeks and spread the guy's own precum juices right in the guy's own asshole.

The dean worked in the first and second joints of his index finger. Glenn squirmed on the dean's lap as he felt the finger going deeper and deeper into his guy ass. Within a afew minutes the guy's body seemed to stop tensing and began relaxing.

Suddenly the guy's body quaked strongly as the dean's finger touched the guy's prostate. The guy surprised Larry when he leaned up to the intruding finger and relaxed again...the guy repeated this act until the dean took over control again and started ramming his finger in and out of the guy's ass rapidly.

The dean finally pulled the finger out and ordered the guy to stand.

''you liked that didn't you, kid?''

''yes, sir. I liked it, sir.'' the guy answered.

''now look around at your buddies. I want you to chose one.''

Glenn looked over all the guy's hanging around him.

''that one!'' the guy pointed at Larry.

''release him from the bonds, Glenn.''

the guy picked up the stool he'd used to stand on when he chained the guys up and placed it beside of Larry. The guy stood directly in front of Larry while he unlatched the wrist shackles. The guy's naked hard cock poked into Larry's face. He could not help himself from taking a quick lick of the hard guycock. His tongue was treated to a hot gush of prefuck jizz. Soon Larry was released and was also standing beside of Glenn directly in front of the dean.

The dean's prick was standing at full attention under his leather jock. A lot of precum had worked it's way from underneath the waistband.

The dean looked at Larry's body. He ordered Larry to turn around so he could see the results of the spanking Larry took. Then, facing the dean again, Larry dropped his arms to his side and stood erect.

''what's your name guy?''

''Larry, sir!''

''Larry, you understand that we've got to train Glenn? We want him to remember this night so he won't steal again?''

''yes, sir!'' Larry replied to the dean.

''Glenn, strip Larry's jock down.''

Larry dropped to his knees. He tried to grasp the waistband with his teeth but the straps were so tight it was difficult. He placed his mouth right above the protrusion of the dean's cockhead and firmly grasp the jock and pulled it down over the great man's prick a few inches. finally he was able to work the jock down under the balls and down over the dean's thighs.

The dean looked into Larry's eyes. The expression of almost pleading was in Larry's face. The dean knew Larry wanted to take the huge manprick in his mouth.

The other guys as well as Glenn looked at the largest prick they'd ever seen. Easily eleven inches long and about eight inches around.

The dean ordered the guys to stand and remove the chair. As they complied, the dean lowered a black leather sling from the ceiling.

He picked up Glenn and laid the guy back in the sling. Then he secured the guy's ankles and ordered Larry to strap the guy's wrist. The sling had no head support so the guy's face dropped back directly into Larry's crotch. The guy's ankles were tied so far above him that his ass cheeks hung slightly over the end of the sling revealing his ass and butthole.

''Larry, get around here. '' the dean ordered. Larry stood in front of the dean. Larry looked at all of the other guy's suspended around them. He knew he was going to do private things in front of all of them but he no longer cared. He wanted only to please the dean of discipline.

''Larry, you and I will make this night a permanent memory in Glenn's mind. I have to fuck him. I want you to prepare my prick for the fuck. Sometimes guys cry out pretty loud when they take my cock for the first time. So, when I start fucking him I want you to cram that hotrod of yours down his throat. Now, get on your knees and get my prick ready for the fuck, guy!''

Larry dropped to his knees and began licking the dean's fat balls. they felt like they were packed with jizz anxious to blast into young Glenn's butt. He worked his way up the shaft kissing and sucking on the sides of the huge dick. Further up until his tongue circled the head of the big cut cock. Larry paid special attention to the spot directly under the head of the backside of the dean's cock. Circumcized guys always were most sensitive there. The dean shook from excitment as Larry worked up to the pricktip. A gush of precum emerged from the tiny hole at the tip.

''leave that there, Larry. I'll use it on his ass,''the dean said as he pulled away from Larry and aimed his spit covered cock toward Glenn's ass.

Larry ran into position at the guys head. Glenn opened his mouth to accept, willingly, Larry's dick.

All of the guy's watched as the leather hooded dean pushed his cockhead against Glenn's virgin butthole. As he pushed into the guy, Glenn began twisting and trying to get away. Muffled cries were coming from his cock crammed mouth. There was no escaping the fuck. The guy knew that. The dean withdrew the two inches of cock he'd shoved into the guy and allowed him to relax a moment. The guy's cock was soft for the first time in a few hours. It was wet and gooey but soft.

After a moment the dean again shoved the two inches into the guy. then another and another. The guy began to twist and squirm again but this time, instead of pulling out, the dean just stopped pushing anymore and allowed the young kid to relax with four inches of cock buried in him.

Larry began a fucking motion in and out of Glenn's mouth. Suddenly, a cry was heard from one of the guy's shackled to the ceiling chains.

His jockpouch was fully stretched and his prickhead protruded two inches above the waistband. As all of the others watched, his prick erupted shooting wads of fresh hot cum arching into the air landing on Glenn's stomach and chest.

''way to go, mark!'' one of the other suspended guys shouted while his own cock throbbed in his jock.

The dean paused during the fuck to watch mark's cum fly. It excited him all the more. He shoved again and again into young Glenn. Finally, with a great shove he sent his cock all the way into the guys ass!

Glenn try to scream but to no avail. His throat was filled with cock and it was all he could do to breate. After a full moment of tension his body began to relax. But then the dean pulled his prick out and shoved it in again.

''there's nothing like fucking a guy who ass is freshly spanked. I like this feeling of his hot asscheeks shoved against my groin and thighs,'' the dean admitted to the guys.

Soon Larry and the dean were fucking the guy in harmonic motion. in together, out together. Both from opposit ends of the kid.

Within a few minutes the guy joined in the fucking motion, the first indication that he was enjoying this, his first fuck.

The dean looked down at the guy and saw that his kidcock had sprung into full erection. He wanted to stoke it for the kid but his hands were firly grasping the guy's ankles.

''okay, Larry. Let's give this kid our loads. Let's fill him full of hot cum. Pull your cock out of his throat and just have the head of it in his mouth when you shoot. That way he gets the full benefit of your jizz.''

''yes, dean, sir. I'm ready to pop right now.'' Larry said.

The dean began to pump his dick harder into Glenn. Glenn tried to fuck back but was not too successful considering his bounds.

''here it comes, Glenn! I'm cumminggggggg,'' the dean screamed as a torrent of jizm shot from the base of the huge cock, up the tube to the end of the prick and shot into the young kid.

Larry tried to pull his cock from the guy's throat and into his mouth but in the excitment Glenn dropped his head and Larry's prick popped out of his mouth just as Larry began shooting off. Larry 's screams of ecstacy blended with the dean's.

''I'm squirting, Glenn. I'm squirting all over your face. I'm shooting cum into your open fucking mouth. Kid....I cummmming......''

The dean screwed his jisming prick deeper and deeper into the guy. the guy's own cock began shooting off without even being touched. His thin young load of man juice shot everywhere. On the dean's stomach, over onto Larry's chest and onto his own body.

The guy's face was covered with cum. He hung his mouth open trying to catch each volley of hot fuck juice that Larry shot at him.

Finally, the fuck was completed and the three body's relaxed. The dean pulled his cum slick cock out of the freshly fucked guy.

After regaining his breath, the dean spoke to the other guys.

''now, I've shown you how to give a kid a good fuck. I want to make sure you all know how. So, Larry will take off your shackles and each of you are going to fuck Glenn. None of you can cum in his ass! you'll line up and fuck him till you're ready to cum. Just when you're about to shoot, you'll go around the sling to Glenn's face and Larry will jack your load into his open mouth.''

Part iii some time in the future watch for it!!

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