Master of His Needs

By Laylah

Published on Nov 14, 1999



He was admitted to the building silently after he gave his name to the doorman. Empty handed, he rode the elevator up twenty-two floors. He fidgeted with the zipper on his leather jacket.

He emerged, headed down the long hall and stood in front of the door. He paused, his hand raised to knock. He took a long breath and rapped somewhat tentatively. It felt like an eternity before the door swung slowly inward. He glanced briefly into the eyes of his master and then back to the floor.

The only greeting that he was offered was, "Enter".

Instinctively, he clasped his hands behind his back and shuffled into the familiar, warm apartment. The door closed behind him and he heard the deadbolt turn with finality. His heart raced in anticipation. His chin was lifted gently and he looked into the clear blue eyes of the man of his dreams. The look he encountered was stern. And loving. His knees weakened. He would do anything for this man.

"Thank you. For coming."

"Y-yes, sir." Was the only original thing that the younger man could come up with under such scrutiny.

That earned a deep, appreciative chuckle. The strong hand moved swiftly from his chin and gripped a handful of his shoulder length hair and he was propelled forward, his mouth suddenly invaded. He moaned around the probing tongue of his master and released his hands to steady himself and fold himself into the tall, welcome, muscular body.

He felt his jacket being pushed off his shoulders and to the floor. His hard cock was gripped firmly through his jeans and his nipples pinched alternately to attention. Then strong hands on his shoulders forced him out of the embrace and to his knees on the hard wood floor. The silk robe in front of him opened and he was faced with the long, hard cock that he loved. He didn't hesitate. He gripped his wrists behind his back and leaned forward to capture this lovely manhood in his lips. He swallowed it, sucked it into the back of his throat. He sighed around the hardness. His whole body tingled in response to the low moan of pleasure that emitted from the strong man in front of him. The sound propelled him forward, causing him to suck harder, bobbing his head back and forth with long, quick strokes. A strong fist gripped his hair and allowed him no other option. He was soon rewarded with a loud growl of approval and hot spurts of white cum. He swallowed greedily.

He licked his lips and resumed his submissive posture as his master stepped back to catch his breath. In his peripheral vision he saw the silk rob close in front of the spent manhood.

"Nicely done, my boy." The voice was low and punctuated with another deep breathe in regaining his composure. "Go upstairs."

He rose to his feet and headed for the bedroom/dungeon. He chanced a quick glance behind as he ascended and caught a glimpse of his Master lighting a long cigarette and moving toward the bar for a cocktail.

He entered the den of his ultimate desires and quickly disrobed. He folded his clothes neatly and placed them on the dresser. Although he couldn't guess what tortures awaited him, he knew what was expected of him. So, he quickly showered and emerged clean and naked. He listened carefully for the clink of ice and knew that his master was still enjoying his time alone. He walked around the bed and sunk to his knees, clasped his hand behind his back and lowered his face to carpeted floor to await his fate.

Again, it seemed like an eternity before he heard two soft, foot falls on the stairs. His heart raced in anticipation and his cock quickened to attention. He listened as his presence was ignored. This man who owned him moved through the room, entered the bathroom and showered. He waited.


He turned and crawled toward the sound of the voice.

A touch on his shoulder encouraged him to rise and prostrate himself over a leather-covered saw horse. His hands were manacled in leather cuffs.

His ankles, the same. He was completely helpless. A firm hand gripped his hair, "Remind me that you need to be punished."

"Please, Sir. I have misbehaved."

"Tell me. Beg me."

"Please, ah... take me, Sir!"

"You wish." And his head was unceremoniously released.

He sucked in his breath and lowered his head. All five of his senses were alert. He concentrated on his bound wrists. His head was full of the fresh, clean scent of this man. He listened to the sounds of his Master moving across the room to choose an instrument of torture. He tried to relax in his bindings, stealing himself for the ordeal that was about to commence. There are no safe words in this relationship. He has complete and total trust in this man who uses him for his own pleasure and gives him what he craves and needs.

He felt a strong hand on the small of his back. And without further discussion, a hard, leather paddle came down hard on his exposed ass. He groaned and expelled a deep breath. His Master is a strong man and he could hear him grunt with the effort to use all of his force on his backside. Again and again the paddle fell. It warmed one cheek and then the other. Methodically, consistently, forcefully. After about thirty hard strokes, he began to moan and struggle against the bonds. Another thirty or so, and he began to plead for release. His pleas were ignored.

Then he grew quiet. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, and he had reached a plateau. His cock was painfully hard against the leather padding of the sawhorse.

He screamed and came hard into the air. Long, thick, hot spurts shot from his straining cock. And, the beating continued. Twenty more hard smacks. It was the worst part. His body was spent. He sobbed loudly.

And it stopped, finally.

As he came to his senses, he could hear the ragged breath of his beloved Master. His bonds were released and he was lifted and led to the large bed. He folded his body into the strong arms that held him tight. He cried hard and sobbed, "I'm sorry... I'm s-o sorry. Aaahhh..."

"It's okay, now. Shush," his Master's words offered warmth and confirmation.

As his sobs subsided, he felt the warm tongue invading his mouth. Strong hands wiped his tears away. He was rolled carefully onto his backside and his legs were lifted gently. He felt the probing tip of his Master's cock on his ass. Pre-cum lubed the entrance to his sphincter. He was invaded slowly, allowing his body to adjust. He sucked on his Master's tongue and whimpered in ecstasy.

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