Master Rob and Slave Boy Nick

By chris-hutch

Published on May 29, 2003




I finally made it home, looking a real site, in the well frayed, worn and threadbare Levi's that looked as if I had been pored into them they were so skin tight. My cock like a giant ramrod tenting the front of my jeans, with my cock and balls tightly encircled in their metal cock ring, feeling the pressure on my prostrate from the metal butt plug stuffed up my pussy hole. The woollen hat on my head soaking wet now with a brownish gunk seeping out slightly and my scalp starting to itch.

At the door was a parcel with large black lettered address on, TO PUSSY SLAVE BOY NICK INSTRUCTIONS ENCLOSED. I picked it up quickly, wondering how long it had been there, and hoping non of the neighbours had seen it. As I picked it up I was reminded of the bright pink nail polish I was wearing on my fingernails and remembered that my toe nails where likewise painted. I quickly got into the house carrying the parcel and with every movement heard the slightly muffled ringing from my nipple ring bells and cock bell. I could only think how embarrassed I had been having to come home like this, and although I had kept my head and eyes fixed to the ground, hoping that it might open up and swallow me, I had on some occasions out of the corners of my eyes, seen some very strange and disgusted looks on peoples faces around me.

I stripped off and dived into the shower, after removing all the gauze covering the new tattoo's now adorning my body, and shampooed my hair several times till the water was running clear and took the opportunity to re shave my body including my cock, balls and pussy ass, as best as I could, ready for tonight. Stepping out of the shower a moved to the full length mirror, my mouth dropped open and my stomach churned over as I looked at the sight before me. My hair had been cut to a short rough and chunky appearance and looked as if I had just got out of bed, it was also not its natural brown colour but bleach blond, bordering on white, just like Steve's and his two friends had been. The two large stirrup shaped nipple rings with bells attached and my pierced cock with its large Prince Albert ring and bell attached, all glinted back in the light and as I moved rang out clear and loud. I turned round in trepidation at what I was going to find on my back, and could not believe it. Across my back from shoulder to shoulder in large scrolled capitals "SLAVE BOY" with in the small of my back a decorative design of my birth sign VIRGO under which in capitals "NICK". There also seemed to be a small dotted line below this, which I took to be just decorative. Then on my left ass cheek was a black cat, a PUSSY, and on my right thigh a large red heart with the letter R in it, surrounded by handcuffs and barbed wire and capital letters underneath "SEX SLAVE".

I slipped my Levi's back on, boots and grabbed a T-shirt from the draws in the bedroom, before I went to get a coffee. Well it was done now and I had willingly done it for my Master Rob, signing all the forms and making the payment, though I still had four instalments left to pay John back for all his work he had done that morning. At the same time as I drank my coffee I opened the parcel up that had been left on the door step. There was a letter from Master Rob with Instructions on for Pussy Slave Boy Nick. It also contained an enema kit, bottle of bright pink nail polish and lipstick to match, and a pair of handcuffs (no key).

The instructions where simple and straight forward, Master Rob wanted me to ensure my pussy hole was as clean inside as outside and I had to ensure this was so by giving myself at least two enemas and three rinses, using the enclosed kit. I was also told to renew the nail polish on my finger and toe nails and apply the lipstick, which I then had to take with me to the party tonight, as he was sure that I was going to need it, keeping my lips glossy and slick, for all the work my mouth was going to have to do. Excited at the prospect of the work my mouth was going to have to do I got on with the job of cleaning my pussy hole out with the enema kit. What with the thought of the night ahead, the pressure and pain of the enema I was really getting quite hot and horny, I felt I needed to release the pressure building in my balls, but remembering Johns instructions and Master Robs earlier instructions I just had to let it build up and leave my cock well alone. It was also a very tricky job having to apply the bright pink nail polish, having as a grown man, never ever worn nail polish before. It was also quite humiliating and embarrassing having to apply such polish now and to think I was going to go out wearing this nail polish, that everyone around could see I was wearing and even worse still the same bright pink coloured lipstick. The things Pussy Slave Boys do for their masters.

The final part of Master Robs instructions was a change to the pick up time which was now 17.30 hours not 19.00 hours. It was still outside the same address but I had to carry the handcuffs with me, then once I had got to the address I simply had to handcuff my hands firmly behind my back and wait to get picked up. It was simply signed Master Rob in large red scroll and a PS. "PUSSY SLAVE BOYS DO NOT BUTTON UP THEIR JACKETS AT ANYTIME UNLESS TOLD TO DO SO BY THEIR MASTER" I now had to finish getting ready as quickly as I could because of the time being brought forward.

I arrived at the pick up point just on 17.30 hours, it was a warm Saturday evening, in a reasonably quiet area of town, with most of the properties being small trade factories and suppliers, only opening during the week not at weekends. On the way here I had again kept my head and eyes down but had seen a few strange glances from people I passed. I suppose it was understandable really, here I was a grown man, short bleach blond scruffy cut hair, bright pink lipstick on my lips, worn frayed and threadbare Levi's jacket and jeans that I looked as if pored into they where so skin tight, the jacket open fully showing a bare clean shaven hairless chest, with the occasional glint from a large stirrup shaped nipple ring and hanging bell, jeans tented at the crotch indicating the massive bonner I was throwing, black leather winkle picker boots with two inch cuban heels and bright pink fingernail polish. If I had to sum it up I would have to say I looked the complete fagot I had become.

I stepped back into the doorway of the address I had been given and whilst keeping a sharp eye out, up and down the road, I handcuffed my hands behind my back as instructed. I felt very foolish and once the cuffs had clicked closed felt very vaunerable. I just hopped Master Rob would get here soon, and that nobody would come along and see me in this state. I was getting very nervous as I stood in the shop doorway, which was only slightly recessed, and could make out the clock on the wall inside the shop, through the glass in the door, each minute seemed like an hour and it was now 18.00 hours. The humiliating thought passed through my mind, What if Master Rob didn't come, how the hell was I going to walk home again dressed like this with my hands now cuffed behind my back. In the half hour I had been waiting I also realised where I was, as up and down the road at intervals, where a number of very tartishly dressed women and nearer to me standing around where some lads, dressed similar to myself. This was the towns red light area by the look of things and a number of cars kept touring up and down the road, stopping occasionally picking up the women and men working the street. If I get caught here I'm dead meat I thought, please hurry up Master Rob, I promise I'll do anything for you, only please get here.

I was brought back to reality by a large Mercedes car pulling up at the curb in front of me, but I couldn't see in for the heavy tinted windows, I thought it must be Master Rob, I didn't know what car he had, but if this car was his he must have some money. I moved to the car as the front window slid down and a voice I hadn't heard before said "Master Rob told me I'd find you here" My stomach returned from my mouth only to come back up within seconds.

Lad in Car : "How much for you to give me a blow job then ?"

Nick : "Twenty Pounds" a blurted out meekly not sure of what to say or charge.

Lad in Car : "Get in then, we'll go somewhere a bit quieter"

Nick : "Could you open the door please Sir, my hands are cuffed behind my back"

The lad in the car just laughed and asked why my hands where cuffed, and had it been an earlier customer of mine. I must have gone completely red in the face, as here I now was being taken for a common street prostitute, turning tricks for money. At the same time Master Rob had sent him and set me up so I had better play along so as not to displease my Master Rob. I also remember Master Rob telling me if asked anything I must answer truthfully any questions put, so I explained, I was only following my Masters instructions and had cuffed my own hands behind my back. This made him laugh even more as he leaned across and opened the door. As I climbed in my slave bells rang out loudly from both my nipples and cock.

Lad in Car : "What the hell was that ringing ?"

I then had to humiliate myself further by explaining about my slave nipple bells and cock bell piercing I had had done to myself for my Master Rob. The lad in the car just laughed even harder, sending my face even redder than before.

He drove us in the car into a multi storey car park in town, normally used by shoppers and at this time fairly quite, and parked up on the ground floor at one end of the level. I then had to get to work as the common male pussy slut prostitute I had just become. It was difficult with my hands cuffed behind my back but using my teeth I managed to get his trousers undone and smelt the musky sweat from his crotch filling my nasal passages and feeling his black bushy pubic hair brushing against my cheeks. I kissed and licked his cock as it gained in stature becoming erect before my eyes. Then taking his well endowed pole in my mouth I sucked, licked the length of his shaft. Then moving my lips slowly back and forth over his full length I brought him to climax. He had warned me that I better not get any of his spunk on his cloths, so when he erupted in my mouth I hungrily swallowed as fast as I could. He was pleased and satisfied that I had not spilt a drop on his suit trousers, but some had run out the side of my mouth and was dribbled down my chin. He had cum in such a rush and with such an amount I felt I had been very lucky catching it all. He adjusted his dress, got a twenty pound note from his wallet and stuck it in the top pocket of the Levi's jacket. Then leaned across opened the door and told me that Master Rob was waiting for me on the fifth level of the car park, the stairs up where at the far end and Master Rob would be furthest away from the stairs. I looked slightly apprehensive at this latest instructions, at the same time pleased to have serviced this lad so well even if it was as a prostitute. The lad just told me once again to get out and be quick about it, Master Rob was not going to wait all night and if I didn't get up there soon he would leave me to get home by myself. I didn't need any further encouragement, after all I hoped Master Rob would have the keys to these handcuffs I had put myself into. I ran down the level for the stairwell and started up the stairs for level 5, what a sight I must have looked like, and I was only pleased there weren't many cars and people about, especially with my chin covered in cum.

I had managed to get to the half landing between the third and forth level without any problems. I was sweating and breathing slightly heavily and stopped to get my breath for a few seconds, eager to get to my Master Rob before he decided not to wait any longer. I noticed a clock on the wall on the level four landing above me and it was nearly 19.00 hours. Just then the doors from level four burst open and four teenage lads bounded through into the stairwell. They were laughing and joking amongst themselves as they started to descend the stairs. What the hell would they think when they saw me I was wondering, in two minds now to descend to level three and wait in the car park or just press on as Master Rob might not wait for me. It was too late, they had seen me, as I heard one say, "What the fuck, look lads it looks like one of those fagot bitches" They where now on the half landing and I made to push past them and continue up the stairs, ignoring their remarks.

Leader : "Not so fast there fagot. Get him lads"

Two of them grabbed my arms and with my hands cuffed behind my back I was not going anywhere. The third gave me a quick jab in the stomach with his fist and I doubled over slightly as the wind was knocked out of me. All I could think about was getting away from these lads and up to level 5 and Master Rob. I also realised that I could be in some trouble here and with my hands cuffed felt very vaunerable and I had already been picked up once tonight.

To be continued ........

Next: Chapter 4

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