Master Teaches Me Edging

By Bamaboi2serve

Published on Feb 25, 2023


Master Teaches Me Edging, Part Three

By Comments truly appreciated! All stories approved by MDS in advance.

The afternoon dragged on after my encounter with Jeff in the 4pm, Master sent me a text, telling me that Jeff had a present for me, and to go to the bathroom to receive it.

i didn't see Jeff at his desk as i left and went to the hallway and the bathroom. He wasn't inside either, so i just went into a stall and waited, sitting on the toilet with my pants and undies lowered.

Master had recently ordered me to carry what he called my "paci" with me, a baby's pacifier, and i was to suck on it whenever i sat down to pee (which was always, another MDS command!). So i did while i waited.

A few minutes later Jeff came in and walked into the stall, knowing i would be in it. Without saying a word, he reached down and grabbed my cock with one hand, and used the other to attach a four inch long but thin dildo to it, using rubber bands to connect the real cock with the fake one. He grabbed me up off the toilet and pulled my panties and pants up ordering me to get myself presentable for the office.

i did as ordered, and returned to my desk, adjusting to the unusual feeling of the stiff artificial prick next to my actual one. i adjusted myself so both the real and fake pricks were aligned, pointing to my left hip. The mere presence of the fake cock caused my own to stiffen a little.

i guessed that Master wanted me to be reminded of how small my little pee pee dickie was next to the fake one.

About 4:30, the company's owner came over to my desk to ask about a project i was leading, and just as i started talking, the diddo started vibrating next to my own till-then soft cock. That quickly did two my own cock, fully hard, and made it almost impossible to pay attention to what the owner was saying!

i found myself blubbering answers to his questions, trying to speak loud enough that the buzz sound of the vibrator would be covered up.

"What's that noise?" he asked at one point...and i answered loudly that it must be the drive on my computer. By then my cock was not only hard, but also leaking. it has been a while since i had cummed...and it didn't take much to get me going!

Eventually the boss left, after looking down towards my crotch as he tried to find the source of the noise.

Master texted me: "Open you fly and pull out your pathetic cock and the much better dildo."

Outside the confines of my pants, the buzzing was even more audible, and i noticed several coworkers glance over to see where it was coming from.

My dick was leaking, and the vibrations were causing it to jerk, spraying precum onto my shirt and pants.

i spent the rest of the afternoon concentrating on NOT cumming. i knew that even a slight touch on my own cock or my faggot titties would set me off, violating the edging routine He set for me. Somehow i made if though the day, and the remote control vibration was turned off exactly at 5:00pm, quitting time. Jeff was gone already, so i closed up my computer and went home, the vibrating dildo still attached my deflated little cock. My panties had a big cum stain on that left side, and following Master Daddy Sir usual orders, i licked it and sucked as much of the precum out of it as i could, and then slept with the panties balled up in my mouth.

The next week was a repeat of the previous one...lots of attention from Jeff in the bathroom...a vibrating plug up my cunt hole that he turned off and on as he saw fit, keeping me on edge every minute of every day. i was sure my other coworkers noticed my erection, especially on days when Jeff attached my new best friend, the vibrating dildo!

On Friday, Master sent me my panty schedule for the next week and told me to be at his place at 8pm sharp that night. i had plans, but immediately cancelled them and prepared for my visit by cleaning myself in and out, shaving everywhere He did not allow hair, leaving off all products that had an odor to them--He liked me to sweat and smell when i visited him---i wore no deodorant, and usually by he time i arrived i could smell myself because i was nervous and drips of sweat had fallen down my side to the top of my panties. This night, Master had selected a pair that had little toy pictures on them, making me look like a big little boy.

At Master Daddy Sir's place, i noticed an unusual car parked in the driveway.

At the door, following His standing orders, i took off my pants and shirt and stood in the doorway in my undies as i rang the bell. i had been told never to glance around to look to see if there were cars or pedestrians coming as i went through that routine, and being the good submissive boi i was, i did as told.

It was Jeff who answered the door! He was naked except for a Master's leather jock and harness.

"On your knees faggot!" he ordered , and i complied immediately.

"Master is letting me use you tonight...he had to run out of town for the night, and he said i would be able to teach you a few new tricks", he said plainly

Jeff moved aside and pointed toward the kitchen. i stayed on my knees and crawled in.

In the kitchen, Jeff came up behind me and sat on my back, horsy style. He strapped a thick rubber horse bit into my mouth and with no advance word o(r lube!), stuck a horse tail plug into my cunt hole. Jeff reversed his position, facing my new tail, and started using a crop on my ass over and over again...speaking calmly to me as he did, explaining what he knew about me and what he expected me to learn.

"You are a real faggot aren't you! Letting me do anything i want to work no less! Licking my ass, swallowing my there anything lower on earth than someone who would let somebody do that to them? Look at me prick!" he ordered.

When I turned ot face him, he spit in my face, his salivs sliding down to join my own.

"Get on your knees and suck this real man cock sissy cunt!" he demanded.

He got off my back, and i positioned myself in front of him on my knees...he removed the bit and immediately stuck his big tool into my throat.

He set up a rhythm, diving deep into my cocksucking hole and pulling all the way out over and over.

"What a cunt! Those are cute little boi panties bitch...Master told me how he even picks out our panties for you, knowing you'd fuck it up if you did it yourself. Maybe i should post pictures of your panty collection on the company social media website so see if they can guess who they belong to!!

Jeff reached down and pulled my panties off my cunt hole cheeks, exposing bare skin and then using the crop to redden each cheek as i continued sucking on his cock, making it pierce my throat. My own little one was as hard as it gets, sticking out obviously from behind the boy panties.

After a while he apparently tired of that, and stood up, directing me to get into the big claw foot tub.

"On your knees bitch!" he ordered, and soon i was being covered by his hot piss, in my hair, soaking my undies, "Look up!" he ordered and my mouth was filled with is pee. When he had finished, he told to stay and he left me alone as the pee dripped off and started to dry on my skin.

About an hour passed before he returned. He had changed into tight jeans and a tank top, looking very hot. Jeff grabbed the hair dryer and started hot-air drying the piss on my skin and in my hair. Soon it was all dry except for my undies.

"Get up cunt...put these on!" He threw my shirt and pants at me and i redressed, knowing i was stinking of his piss and my own body odors.

"Come with me!", He told me sending me to the sidewalk as he followed from behind,,,, i had no idea where we were going, but soon we arrived a a beautiful McMansion and Jeff handed me an envelope.

"Go deliver this...tell them they are important and need to be seen tonight! i'll wait down here!" He was mostly behind some tall shrubs, but could watch me leave for the front door.

This was awful! i was delivering who knows what to strangers, smelling like a street person! Nonetheless, i got to the front door under a columned portico and rang the bell.

The boss from work answered! i stammered about a delivery as he turned his nose up and looked me up and down, knowing the smell was coming from me.

"Don't you ever bathe?" he asked.

"Sir, i was at the gym and didn't have time to i knew you needed to see these, Jeff told me to bring them to you Sir."

The boss looked at me as if i were speaking a foreign language, thanked me, sorta, and closed the door.

Back down on the street Jeff was waiting. As I walked back to him, I noticed the Boss using a hose to wash down the place I had been standing.

"You should see your fact bitch! All wet and red and smelly! i hope you're doing a good job at work cause he's probably just ready to can your ass faggot!"

i didn't know what to say, so i put my head down and followed him as we walked back to Master Daddy Sir's house. But that was apparently it for the evening He walked me to my own car and sent me home, ordering me not to shower till the morning. All night i could smell Jeff on me, and that kept my rock hard through the night, even without any vibrators to help!

it had been three weeks since i had cummed, and i was beginning to get anxious about relief!

More to come, Please do drop me a note! Submissively And with MDS's approval

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