Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 16, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 11 - Jake comes over for dinner.

This was all too much excitement for me my cock was trapped in my shorts as I crept up on Jake and shouted "Your sprung queer boy" as I pulled his ear plugs off him. He had a look of seeing a ghost as he suddenly opened his eyes and tried to cover his rock solid prick. Now Jake had a really big nine-inch prick that was at least 3 inches thick and he had a perfect set of low hanging balls two. My eyes were glued to where he tried to cover himself with his gay porno magazine. "Hay what's the magazine about Jake" I teased him. "errm what the fuck are you dressed like that for" he asked. "Well you see Jakey boy I'm a fucking queer just like you, now let me see what's under the magazine" I said as I grabbed hold of the magazine and pulled it out of his hands. "Wow mate you must have been first in line for cock and balls like that" I joked, as he's face flushed with embarrassment. Then I started looking at the magazine and realised it was full of pictures of middle aged or older men with late teens and early twenty's boys. And looking at the types of pictures and captions to go with them it was obvious that it was a bdsm scene magazine. His face turned a deep red as I flicked through the pages and come to two stuck together, "mmm what's so special about these pages" I asked as I prised them open and saw that there was three pictures the first showed a lad around 19 years old laid on the floor and a group of six to eight older men all spurting their spunk onto the 19 year old. "Wow these pictures are hot" I said as I looked at the next which had the same 19 year old being whipped on a wooden cross. He was covered in severe red lines all across his back and arse. He also had a really thick dildo hanging out of his arse. Then the third picture had another guy slightly older more like my age, being fucked up the arse by one guy and fucked in the mouth by another and wanking two more men off at either side of him. "It was just too much to bear, I had to free my cock from my rubber shorts, so I pulled them down a little and that is when Jake saw that they had a tube inside preventing my cock from getting hard. "Hay man what on earth is that for" asked Jake in excitement. "My master makes me wear all of this gear, and stops me from shitting except for on a morning when I wake up and at night just before bed. You see this tube prevents me from getting a hard on and I have a butt plug to stop me from being able to shit without his permission, wanna see it?" I asked him. "Yeah sure" he replied with anticipation. I proceeded to take it out and of course I was clean inside so it came out fairly clean. "Wow this is so fucking horny, I didn't think that you were into this stuff too" Jake commented as he looked at my plug and shorts. "Wish I could find a master to own me" he added as he investigated my harness and collar. As he continued looking at my uniform I took hold of his cock and started playing with it, which sent him wild. Immediately he kissed me passionately almost pushing me to the ground. We continued kissing each other and fucking each other's mouths with our tongues as we kept playing with each other's hard throbbing cocks. Then I stud up and pushed him to the ground and pinned him down. "Well boy, you want to suck my cock" I said in a mocking voice of a master. "Oh yes please sir" he replied as we both giggled. "Then beg for it" I said still laughing. Then he didn't beg but just pulled my cock to his lips and licked my leaking piss slit which sent shivers through my whole body and then he engulfed my throbbing cock deep into his mouth and started giving me a wild passionate blow job. It didn't take long before I was sweating profusely and shuddering at the wild passion of two young men let loose on each other, and I couldn't hold back any more, as my cock erupted and shot its hot white creamy lava into Jakes mouth and down his throat. Just as I pulled out of his leaking mouth he pushed me backwards and pinned me down to the ground. He never even asked if I wanted to suck his massive cock. He just forced it through my lips and into my warm wet willing mouth, which was stretched to take his thick cock all the way in and down to the back of my throat, he didn't take long before he filled me up with his thick spunk, god he came by the barrel full I knew I came more then most but Jake came double the amount of me. As he pulled out of my mouth I noticed my master was standing in the doorway with a big grin on his face "Wow that was good enough to be a porn film boys, I wish I'd brought my video camera with me" he said. "Well boy have you asked your friend to dinner tonight?" my master asked. "Not yet sir" I replied. "well I suppose its good manners not to speak with your mouth full" joked my master. "Well Jake what do you think, would you like to be our guest, and maybes we can show you a few other things. You can always stay in the guest room" my master said. "Well errrm I don't know Sir" Jake stammered. "Oh go on Jake it will be cool to catch up" I commented. "Make it 7.30 outside the collage halls" my master said to Jake.

"Well ok if your sure, I would love to see your other equipment" said Jake as my master and Jake helped me pack up my belongings. Then we left my old room and went through the collage back to my master's car. I didn't even realise that I had dribbles of jakes cum all over my mouth and chest. "I take it you two had a lot of fun together then" My master said wiping sum of Jakes cum off my chin. "Well yes sir but its not the same as what we do together" I replied honestly. "I know that my boy, what we have between us is very special to me to. But tonight you might have to share me with Jake, I want to see if he is up to being a slave boy like you" my master told me. "And I don't want a repeat of your jealousy like you had with Steve" he added. "Yes sir I understand" I replied quite excited at the prospect of serving my master with Jake. Once we got home my master told me to put my things in the attic room as I wouldn't be needing them, and then to take my gear off and have a shower and an enema, and then clean all my gear so it shines like new ready for when Jake arrived. Whilst I was getting ready for Jakes arrival, Master worked away at dinner in the kitchen.

Soon it was time to go and pick Jake up. I was in my sparkling uniform all cleaned and polished. As we arrived at the collage Jake was just coming out of the entrance of the collage halls. "Boy move over and let your guest in" my master told me, I shuffled over and Jake got in the back with me. "Well boys how would you like to see a really good porn movie after dinner tonight." My master asked us. "Really great, I've never seen one before Sir" Jake commented honestly. "Well I'm sure you will enjoy this one you both being horny young studs" laughed my master. The journey back home seemed to take half of the time as me and Jake caught up on all the collage gossip.

"Right boy take Jake to the guest room and don't you to have any fun not even with yourself, I want you both to save yourselves for later" commented my master as he winked an eye at me, he had told me to talk Jake into being a temporary Slave boy to my master for the night. That proved to be no challenge at all; as soon as I suggested the idea to Jake he jumped at the offer. "I can't believe it, I'm going to serve another man tonight" he said in a joyous voice. "Just remember Jake its only for one night, and to let my master know if you get freaked out by anything that he wants you to do." I cautioned him. "Have you ever been freaked out Shaun" he asked me. "No not really, some of the stuff hurts like fuck or feels really fucking strange at first, take my shorts for instance, not being able to even get a fucking hard on can be so fucking frustrating but your next climax blows your mind to the outer orbit" I answered him. I then left Jake to freshen up before dinner. Just as dinner was ready my master ordered me to go and fetch Jake down for dinner. When I got to the guest room Jake was sitting on the edge of the bed. He jumped up as soon as I told him it was time to join my master in the dining room. We both went down the stairs to join my master. Dinner was a relaxed event and once or twice Jake quizzed my master about our way of life. " When we have finished dinner you both can clean up the kitchen, then you will both wait for me in the lounge in your presentation position, and Boy make sure Jake is stripped off" my master ordered. "Yes sir" I replied. And once dinner was over me and Jake washed the dirty dishes and cleaned the kitchen up. Then I took Jake to his room and slowly stripped him until he was completely nude. Jake was slightly hairy especially his arms and a bit down the middle of his chest. Jake just stood there and allowed me to strip him naked, and of course as soon as his briefs fell down his legs out popped his thick juicy cock in its full erect glory. I didn't dare touch it this time though, as that would be betraying my master and that would be worse then death to myself.. we both went down the stairs, Jake with his cock sticking straight out in front of him bobbing up and down as he walked down the stairs. I told him how to present himself to my master. So as soon as we entered the room, we went straight down on our knees and clasped our hands behind our backs, then bowed our heads to submit ourselves to Master. "Right boys turn yourself round and lift your head up and lets watch this porn movie" he said as he turned the tv and the video on. The video was of me and jake in our collage room playing and sucking each other's cocks. We both looked at each other in utter shock and then we turned towards my master. Who told us that he had filmed the whole session of Jake and me. Both Jake and me were embarrassed at seeing ourselves butt naked and shagging each other. But watching ourselves made us both really horny and we knew we needed to be controlled and used by Master. The more we watched ourselves shagging each others mouths and seeing the cum leaking from our mouths made us feel so fucking horny, but we didn't give into the temptation, well Jake didn't, and as my cock was back in the tube in my shorts I couldn't really do anything even if I wanted to.

Master made us sit through the whole 30 minutes of the session and then ordered both of us down to the basement where we had to wait in the presentation position until he joined us, I was of course used to long waits for my master to arrive, but clearly Jake hadn't had to wait for a master before. Master made us wait twice as long as the normal 30 minutes or so, and joined us 1 hour and 20 minutes later. By this time we were both very uncomfortable having kneeled all of the time. "Nice to see you two behaving yourselves" he commented as he walked through the heavy door and closed and locked us all into the basement. "For tonight Boys you will be called Boy1 and Boy2, do you understand." Master said as he pointed first at me and then Jake. Then he turned to Jake and told him that for the next 24 hours that he would obey and serve him in anyway master saw fit, and only if he wanted to stop and leave the house forever could he use his safe word which was "Collage". "Yes Sir" Jake replied confidently. I was getting the impression that Jake thought that my master would take it easy on him, but I was getting to know my master and I knew he wouldn't be as tough on Jake as he would on me, but I also knew Jake would not have a easy time. All of this felt funny and I had to keep fighting back my jealousy of having to share my master for the night, and with my old roommate at that. It just wasn't fair but I knew better then to let my jealousy show.

"Boy two stand up and come face to face with me" My master ordered. Jake stood up and walked to my master. Then master hand cuffed Jake and bent him over a chair. Then ordered me to stand before him, which I did. Then master handed me a cane and ordered me to give Jake 12 strokes, 6 on each cheek. I hesitated a little, "What's the matter boy, you don't want to hurt your friend eh" he snapped. "Well boy you better follow my orders, otherwise you will take a beating of a life time" He added in a very serious voice. So I took up position behind and to one side of Jake and lifted the cane up and WHACK came the first strike on Jakes otherwise white backside, Jake yelped then Whack came the second strike from me and Jakes left cheek had two very red stripes. By now Jake was almost whimpering. Whack, Whack I brought the cane down on his perfectly shaped white bum, his left cheek was bright red now and still two more strikes before I worked on making his right cheek turn the same shade of deep red. By the time I had hit the third stroke on his right cheek he was crying, and had tears streaming down his cheek. I looked at my master hoping he would give Jake mercy. Master was prepared to and asked Jake if he wanted a break, but Jake said no and I unwillingly had to give him three more red stripes on his right cheek. It took some time before Jake started to straighten up, and once he had calmed himself down master ordered me to lie face down on the bench spread-eagled. Once I was in position on the bench he ordered Jake to secure my wrists and ankles to the table using the leather restraints. Once I was secure master took out my but plug and ordered Jake to fuck me with his really wide cock, he was told to dry fuck me too. Master came round to the front of the bench and told me that he was going to fuck my mouth while jakes cock punished my arse hole.

So there I was laid face down with my master's cock waiting to pound my mouth and Jakes cock at the other end waiting to rip into my arse. My master ordered Jake to go hell for leather no soft girly fuck other wise he was going to beat Jakes arse black and blue. "Yes sir," snapped Jake and I knew he was going to fuck me as though his life depended on it. Sure enough he rubbed his giant cock head against my hole twice teasing me then an almighty push and he drove his cock all the way into me pushing it against my guts, his balls spanking my arse with the force of his fucking. My master raped my mouth at exactly the same time as Jake's first thrust into me, hitting the back of my throat. "Boy 1, you're going to find it hard to sit or talk in the morning when we are finished with you. I isn't that right boy2" asked my master. "Y yes sir too fucking right" shouted Jake almost out of breath with the force and speed of fucking my arse as fast as my master was fucking my mouth. By now I was feeling the brutality that they were both inflicting on my defenceless body. My arse was on fire inside and out from the size and force of Jake's Cock pounding into my guts and grinding them away. My mouth was stretched round my master's cock and I didn't get chance to even savour its taste it was in and out that fast. All the time my master was encouraging Jake to fuck me harder and faster, as he kept upping the frantic tempo a notch at a time. Eventually after ten to fifteen minutes they both started filling up my holes with their hot creamy spunk they both came buckets full and it dripped out of my mouth and arse. I felt a little annoyed with my master for letting me be fucked by Jake. I felt as though he had cheapened me by allowing my arse to be fucked by another man. But his next orders for Jake made me feel better. "Boy 2, clean up all this fucking mess and clean boy1'S arse and face up too, oh and only use your tongue". I felt much better now knowing Jake wasn't going to get all the nice jobs tonight. It made me feel, much better seeing Jake on his hands and knees cleaning up his and my master's spunk with his tongue. His face showed me he didn't like it much at least not the first few licks of it anyway. Then came the best part of all well at least for me, my master ordered Jake to lick out my arse making sure to dig his tongue. This grossed Jake out. "But master I can't do that, I will be violently sick" Jake protested. "Just do it boy, I'm tired of your girly winging attitude" snapped my master in his hard aggressive voice. "BBBut Sir" Jake stammered. "Yes his butt, clean it now boy or do you want another thrashing, you made the mess in his fucking arse so you clean it" snapped my master even harder.

Wow he was really giving it his all I thought as Jake started licking my crack stopping at my hole. Then he hesitantly took the plunge and I felt his hot soft moist tongue lick the outer ring of my hole and suddenly plunged into my hole. I was in heaven you just can't beat getting rimmed and soon I was having to grit my teeth as Jake seemed to really be getting into the idea and was darting his tongue ad deep as it would go into my hot slimy arse hole full of his own cum. I could feel his cock regaining its erection as he knelt over me on all fours licking my arse out just like a dog licks up water out of a bowl. Then abruptly my master called Jake off my arse just in time to stop me from exploding my cum all over the bench, which would have meant severe punishment for cumming without my master's permission.

After a few minutes Master unfastened my restraints and helped my sweaty body up off the bench. I think you two boys need a shower to clean you up, boy one take boy two into the shower" he said and winked at me which I knew it meant we were going to be subjected to a cold shower. Then he unlocked my collar and harness before I took Jake into the shower. Once we were both squashed in the shower cubical Master turned on the shower with only cold water. Jake screamed in shock of the cold-water cutting into his body. I tried to protect him from it but I didn't really manage too much. After five minutes master turned off the shower and held two towels out for us as we got out of the shower. Once we had dried each other's bodies Master ordered us both to the guest room and made us bend over the bed side by side. Then he took off his belt and in alternating strokes brought his belt down on my arse then Jake he gave us 24 strokes each with all of the force of his body. Jake handled the punishment better this time and there were only one or two tears in the corner of his eyes. then he put a small butt plug in jakes hole without any lube or gentleness, and did the same with me only my plug was now one size bigger then the last and three sizes bigger then the one he had just rammed into jakes arse. "Right boy 2 off into bed, and boy one you are sleeping in my room" he said as we left Jake to sleep. Once we entered my masters room, he pointed to the floor "That's where your sleeping tonight my lad, but first put your uniform back on and come here to be locked in" he said. I was so disappointed when he told me that I was sleeping on the floor and not in his bed, and to make matters worse Jake was in my bed nice and cosy. I wanted to hate Jake but couldn't, just as I wanted to hate my master when he is being hard and nasty towards me, but I cant I just get more and more drawn towards him.

The next morning I woke up all stiff and achy and so horny after the night before, remember I hadn't been allowed to cum throughout the activities but my cock was secure in my rubber shorts. Anyway we all went to the kitchen and had healthy breakfasts then we talked nonsense talk until it was time for Jake to go back to collage. Although I had been jealous of Jake a little I was so sad to say goodbye for probably the last time ever. I knew it wouldn't be long before my master would give me something to keep my mind occupied!

To be continued.

Thanks for all your nice comments and ideas. They are really appreciated greatly.

Should Jake feature in future episodes? Let me know what you think!

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Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 12

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