Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 17, 2023


Master's New Boy Authors Notes:

This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 13 -

"Very well boy" cant have that arse getting too sore can we he grinned as he undid my harness straps from my shorts and helped me slide the shorts off exposing my cock and balls for all to see. "Hay maybes I should rent you out to all these guys here" he said jokingly. "No sir I want to save myself for you only" I replied alarmed at what he was saying until I realised he was joking. "Hurry up boy you better get in the car before all these vultures come after that sweet arse of yours." He said grinning at me. I of course couldn't get in the car quick enough. My master also got into the car and we were soon on our way home, me in just my collar, jockstrap, socks and trainers oh yes and of course the butt plug that had moved about with every step that I had ran. Causing my cock to leak a trail of precum. The car was hot but the breeze that came once we were on the move helped my body cool down and dry up a bit. Once we were back home Master told me to run the bath ready and wait for him as we were going to have a bath together. Which really excited me as believe it or not I have never had a bath with another guy before. Something so ordinary yet it was going to be a first for me, and for it to be with my master pleased me so much. Master joined me as I had just turned the taps off. The bath was a large one just like most things in my master's house he defiantly wasn't short of a pound or two. He eased himself into the bath obviously aching a little him self from our run. "Well boy are you going to just stand there or are you going to join me in here" he said. "Sorry sir" I replied and stepped into the bath and eased myself down into the soothing water. It was such a relief for my aching body after all I was still getting used to all of this exercising and if the truth were known I was beginning to enjoy it. Even wearing my uniform didn't bother me anymore as long as my master was happy so was i. At least I thought I was. We fooled around a little in the bath and if you were watching you wouldn't really have known that we were in a master-slave relationship at all. After the bath my master had to do some work in his study and I had a lie down on my bed, and started looking back at how my life had changed since meeting my master, most of it I believe was for the better, but I couldn't help missing my mates at collage, and especially Jake. At least now I knew why he was going on at me for not taking showers with him. I don't know why I hadn't seen the obviousness of it all that he was just like me gay and submissive to boot. I suddenly felt a little unsettled, sad and confused.

At even meal I was still feeling uneasy and my master noticed my subdued mood. " Well boy you haven't said much this evening, what's on your mind" he asked me. " I just got to thinking about my life sir, and then started thinking about Jake and my other collage mates, and how much I miss them" I told him as he sat patiently listening to me. "That's to be expected Boy, your life has changed a lot over the last couple of weeks. It takes the best of us to adapt to new lifestyles. As for your friends if you like you can have Jake over again in a week or two. As for the others you will have to arrange to have a coffee with them, when your behaviour merits such a privilege" he said soft but firmly. "Now that's not too bad is it Boy" he asked. "No sir thank you sir, I thought that you wouldn't allow me to see them ever again" I replied. "Of course you can, but you have to work for the right boy. Now finish your dinner before it gets too cold " my master said. The more time I spent with my master the more I realised that he cared for me, though I still had a problem about the humiliation he had put me through, I'm sure I will work that one out sometime or maybes I will just ask my master sometime in the future, as I was feeling really good and didn't want to spoil the meal by saying the wrong thing to him. The rest of the meal we had a general conversation about life. Then Master retired to the living room and told me to join him after I had cleared the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.

It took just over 30 minutes for me to clear the table, wash the dishes and tidy the kitchen up. When I was done I went to my master in the living room and presented my self to him. "Boy I want you to suck my cock whilst I watch you and Jake on the video" said my master rubbing his crotch. "Yes sir" I replied. "OH and no hands use your teeth to get at my cock" he added. I immediately took my hands away from him and went to undo his tracksuit bottoms with my teeth. I struggled but some how managed to untie the cord in the waistband of the tracksuit bottoms. It was now that I realised that my master had no pants on as his cock popped out to great my welcoming mouth. I tasted his salty precum as I licked the tip of his cock. Then I licked his shaft up and down savouring the taste and smell. To me it was like smelling a newly opened coffee jar when you break the seal, I just cant get enough of my master's cock and if I could it would be in my mouth or arse 24/7 but of course that was impossible to do. There's no harm in dreaming though. Anyway I started sucking he's rigid cock as he pushed it deeper into my mouth and down the back of my throat. It wasn't long before his cock was throbbing within the confines of my hot and moist mouth. And I knew it wouldn't be long before my master would shoot his precious load into my mouth and I would taste it before I swallowed his hot creamy man juice. After he had climaxed he pulled his cock out of my mouth and told me to sit on the sofa next to him.

We spent the next two hours talking about how our life together was going to be. Well really Master explained what he wanted from me, which in simple terms was a houseboy and sex slave all rolled into one. He also explained why he had been so tough on me until now. He wanted to make sure I would do what he wanted even if I was not really up for it. He told me he had to push my limits because he had a bad experience with Steve the window cleaner when they first met. Steve had used him for a meal ticket and conned him quite badly. He also explained that like I was addicted to him, my master had an addiction to Steve and Steve almost ended up being my master's master but not out of consent, rather more or less out of deceit and blackmail as he provoked my master into beating him until he cut his skin, then blackmailed my master to keep him quiet. Of course Master called his bluff and kicked him out of his house.

This was almost too much to take in and came out of the blue. The one thing I didn't quite get was how my master now employed Steve's Window cleaning Services and even slept with him once in a while. Master explained how after the blackmailing incident Steve got caught up in all kinds of trouble and Master caught him begging on the streets. Master said he was still fond of Steve and set him up in his window cleaning business, and as for sleeping with him, well that was just a bit of fun until master found a new boy, which of course was me. He said he cared for Steve's welfare even after the deceit but no longer loved or trusted him, and trust is a very important part of any relationship but even more so in our lifestyle. The whole conversation made me feel so proud to be my master's new boy especially as he told me it has took him a long time to be able to trust a boy again. We had a relaxed night in front of the television.

The next morning I woke up early and prepared breakfast for my master and ran a bath for him before I woke him up by taking his limp cock in my mouth and worked it up to its full size then started sliding it deep into and out of my mouth as he murmured, I hesitated, until he said "Morning Boy", then I knew by the cheery tone of his voice that he was happy for me to continue giving him a blow job. He started thrusting his cock deeper and deeper into my open and willing mouth, he was oozing pre cum. His breathing got irregular and his body tensed up as his cock violently throbbed in my mouth. Then he let out a gasp and he violently shot his load into my mouth. I managed to swallow every last drop of his cum, and even licked the tip of his cock clean with my tongue as he pulled out of my mouth. "I think we better make that one of your morning tasks from now on" he grinned at me. "Oh yes sir that is a good idea" I replied. After all I loved swallowing my masters cum, it was like the must valuable thing he could give me, and to get a good helping every morning was like a dream come true. "Don't be too eager Boy otherwise I might think that your getting greedy" he added in a joking voice. "Me sir never" I laughed back as he got up and made his way into the bathroom. "Follow me Boy" my master said as he stepped into the bath. When I reached the bathroom master told me to bathe him. So I got down on my knees and took the bath sponge applying a little soap and lathered his body taking great care to rub every inch of his body at just the right pressure so he felt fresh, but also so I didn't cause him discomfort. Once I had finished rinsing the soap off him I stood up and opened his towel out ready for him to step out of the bath. Once he was out I wrapped the towel round him and started rubbing him dry. Then he got dressed and went down stairs for breakfast, which he had a full English breakfast and as usual I had a healthy breakfast. I was now quite used to my master eating his breakfast whilst I only had a bowl of cereal and 1 slice of toast. It didn't bother me much at all anymore and I was starting to look healthier then ever, I don't know if that was my new diet and exercise regime or just out of happiness and contentment. It didn't matter anymore I was just so happy with my life with my master and our lifestyle together.

The weather was very wet so master told me that we would be going to a gay gym for my exercise today. So after breakfast I cleared the kitchen and we were off in the car to the gym near to my old college. When we arrived there it was fairly quiet and there was only about 6-7 men actually using the machines in the main hall. The building was new and decorated in light pastel colours, which made it a nice spring fresh look. There was also a sauna and a Jacuzzi which my master informed me were know more for their pick up status rather then the healthy benefit that they can offer. "Maybes we can get both benefits Boy," he said smiling me and patting me on the bottom. Master soon had me on the treadmill and I was started on the slowest speed but after five minutes my master had me on the third speed out of five and I was working up a sweat. Then he knocked it up to the top speed for the last ten minutes. After which I was sweating profusely and out of breath. He allowed me to rest for around ten minutes and we had a cold soft drink at the coffee bar. Then he put me on the rowing machine followed by the exercise bike, which I could hardly peddle after about 15 minutes. Right Boy lets grab another drink then head to the sauna.

To be continued.

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Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 14

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