Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 22, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Readers please note that my email address has changed to

Chapter 15

After Master and I finished our dinner, I was ordered to get down beside Jake and to put a blindfold on, which I did. Then I heard master tell Jake to stand and I heard master manoeuvre Jake around. After he had finished putting Jake in the position he wanted him to be, he came and did the same to me. Then I felt something metal bite into my left and then right nipple, I also believe that Jake felt the same sensation as he screamed at the initial bite of the tit clamps. "Right boys I want you both to take a step back and then stand still until you are ordered otherwise understand?" asked master. "Yes sir we both replied and followed his instructions stepping one pace back. Immediately we felt a harsh jolt of pain in our nipples. It became clear that we were facing each other and were attached by nipple clamps and a piece of chain. The tension on the chain was tight but not pulling on our nipples too much. We were left like this for what must have been at least half an hour before master came back and ordered us to step one more pace back. Of course this was now really pulling on our nipples and I heard master clip something to the chain, which started pulling the chain down in the middle, causing pain in our nipples. Once again we were left about 10 minutes, and all the time the tension on our nipples was increasing the pain we were enduring, but my cock just got harder. And when master came and took our blindfolds off, and released our nipples from the tit clamps I could see Jake was equally as hard from the excitement of our tit torture.

"Right you two clear this mess up and the kitchen too then come to me in the lounge" ordered my master. "Yes sir" we both replied in unison. It only took us 20 minutes to finish the tidying up and washing the dishes and then we both made our way to the lounge and got down on our knees presenting ourselves to master. "Right Boy 1, Boy 2 Here has offered his body for my use, so you both will be my boys. And it will be your responsibility Boy1 to show Boy two the ropes. If either of you do something that needs you to be punished you both will receive the punishment understand Boys" said our master. "Yes sir" we both said, me in a more jealous voice. I didn't like the idea of having to share my master not even with the other boy being my friend Jake. But I knew fine well there was nothing I could do to change the saturation after all I knew the only option other then learning to live with it was to end my enslavement to my master. This was just not possible for me too do, especially after being with him for quite a while now, I needed his domination and for him to use me like he does, and I needed his love too. My world revolved around serving my master, and so would Jakes world soon. Master also warned us both against playing with ourselves or with each other unless he has strictly ordered us to do so. "Now I want you both to go to the bathroom and shave each others pubic and arse hair off, and you will do this for each other as soon as your hairs start growing back understand?" asked our master. "Yes sir" we replied.

So we went up stairs and I put some shaving foam on jakes pubes and took out the razor and started shaving his pubes off. Jake had quite a strong bush down there and after I had finished shaving his pubes his cock and balls looked even bigger. Then I turned him round and foamed his arse crack and shaved his arse hair off which made his perfectly shaped bottom look even sexier then before. All this had me feeling so horny and I was finding the temptation ever so hard to control. The situation was made worse when Jake foamed up my cock and balls and started to shave my pubic hair that had just grown back. The sensation of the foam and the razor gliding around my cock and balls was just bearable but when Jake started handling my cock and balls without paying ant=y importance to them, well that was just too much and my cock erupted and I shot spurt after spurt of my cum over Jakes chest. We looked at each other in horror, as we both knew that we would have to tell our master what had just happened. Which meant that we were both going to receive punishment for me losing control of my cock. So once we were both bald back and front we went down to present ourselves to our master.

"Don't kneel boys I want to see your artwork" said master as he looked over Jakes arse and cock and balls. Then came the crunch time he walked round my back first and then to the front and before he looked I said "Sir I am very sorry but I lost control of my cock while Jake was shaving me" I couldn't even look my master in his eye whilst speaking the words. "Well Boy1 you both will receive punishment for your disobedience" snapped my master as he looked at my cock and balls; there were still spots of cum on my knob. Master brushed the palm of his hand over my knob roughly and grabbed my cock and held it really tight, which pulled my body closer to him. "You will learn to control your cock better, understand Boy 1" he snapped right up to my face. "Yes sir I will do my best" I replied upset that I had disappointed him. "You will do better, you will control it boy or else the punishment you both will receive later will get worse and will last longer each time you don't control your cocks. Understand boys". "Yes sir" we both replied.

"Now get down to the basement and present yourselves," he ordered us. So we went straight down to the basement and went into our presentation position of kneeling with our hands behind our backs and head bowed. We waited and waited and still no sign of our master joining us, of course at least an hour had past since we came down to the basement and our legs were starting to go numb with kneeling for a long period, but we knew we could not move from this position otherwise our lives wouldn't be worth living when our master would eventually join us. At least another hour passed before we heard footsteps above us, but our hopes of our master coming down to the basement when the sound of steps stopped. I was beginning to think that he would leave us like this all night as punishment for me cumming without permission. But eventually he did come down into the cellar, with some rope. "Ok boys bring the wooden cross into the centre here" he ordered. "Yes sir" we replied getting up slowly because our legs were a numb and felt twice as big when we put our feet down on the floor. "Hurry up, don't waste my time" he snapped as we started wheeling the cross to him. Once we had done this he told us to but the brakes on the wheels and then to stand on the platform one at either side of the cross. Once we were stood on the cross back to back he started tying our wrists and ankles and waists together and then securing us to the cross. He then added a heavy weight to our cock and balls, which pulled on them making us, feel very uncomfortable, he also put some sort of powder on our balls, and it soon became apparent that the powder was actually itching powder. He then said good night to us both and went back upstairs. Within seconds we were both pulling away from each other trying to relieve the itching in our balls, but of course being tied to the cross stopped us from getting any relieve from the itching powder. We were making our wrists and ankles very sore trying to wiggle free from the robes that had bound us together. Of course as the powder really started to work into our skin it was getting totally unbearable and we were finding it hard to control our bodies, Jake even pissed himself because his body was so worked up with itch. Eventually after about 40 minute of intense itching our master came down and asked me if I thought I could control my cock a little better, "Yes sir I promise" I said pleading with his better judgement. "Very well then boys I will untie you both and then you can take a shower together" said our master as he freed us from the cross. "Right you two, shower then go to the kitchen and have a snack before bed." master said.

We couldn't get in the shower quick enough and started to wash off the itching powder, which had left rashes on both of our cock and balls. After a long shower the itching had eased off but we were both very red down there, and a little sore from the rash that the itching powder. About 30-40 minutes later we went back down to the kitchen and presented ourselves to master before he allowed us to make a bedtime snack. " Right you two from now on you will receive 6 of the best after breakfast and six more before bed, just to remind you that you are my slaves, understand Boys" asked our master as we finished breakfast. "Yes sir" I replied. "Good then you both better bend over the table so I can do tonight's six strokes with my belt" he told us as he walked up behind the back of us. And he laid into our smooth firm arses with his belt, he started with Jakes arse, and you could tell Jake hadn't been punished much as a kid as he seemed to moan and scream at the slightest bit of punishment. As soon as Master had given six of the best he came and whacked the belt down on my arse. Whack Whack my arse was stinging and by the end of my sixth stroke my arse was really stinging and glowing from the good belting I had received. When we stood up I looked down at Jakes bottom, which was like, illumines red light. It felt strange seeing Jakes arse after he had received the belting. "mmmm, so that is something what my arse probably looks like when it has received a good amount of punishment." I thought and quickly decided to change my thinking away from all of this punishment, as my cock was rising once more, and I knew if I allowed my cock any freedom today I would be for the high jump with my master.

To be continued.

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Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 16

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