Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jul 4, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Readers please note that my email address has changed to

Chapter 22 - Torturous pleasure

There I was strapped on the old wooden bench down in the dark basement of our master's house. Knowing full well that I was going to regret whispering to Jake. The only hope was that Jake would hold the candle a little higher, that way the wax would have a little more time to cool down. Of course I was wrong as master positioned Jake to the side of me. He had jakes wax covered Chest and stomach at my eye view. Master even positioned Jakes arm a little lower then I had my arm when I was holding the candle over Jakes body. I had no idea what sort of pain or sensation the hot wax would have on my body. Though I didn't have to wait too long before Jake tipped the candle slightly and there it was almost in slow motion I saw the wax drip towards my right nipple. Argh I almost screamed with the hot pain on my sensitive nipple, then came the second drop of hot wax quickly followed by a third drop into my nipple. Jake was grinning at seeing me squirm with each drop of wax that landed on my nipple. Though now I had managed to muffle my gasps of pain, I was even getting used to the sensation of the hot pain that pierced into my body with each hot drop of wax.

Then Jake was told to move round to the other side of the bench and repeat the wax punishment on my left nipple until both nipples were covered in wax that was soon cold and dried leaving a film covering my nipples. Then Jake started a slow torturous train of hot wax down my chest heading towards my stomach. It was like my skin was on fire until the wax cooled then it felt stiff and tight. I could see the wax was cracking and flaking off Jakes Smooth body. It was rather funny because the more the wax landed on my body and pierced into my skin the harder my cock got. The more I thought about how it was going to feel on my cock and balls, the hornier I got. Suddenly I was eager to get more and more wax on my body. Mad you might think but then I guess I am a total submissive. Hence why I found it more torture to cause pain to Jake.

I could see that Jake was actually enjoying causing me pain, and he seemed to have a eagerness to drop the hot wax on my cock and balls, but master told him to go slower and make me wait for the main event. So slowly I was being covered in a river of hot wax before the river iced over leaving a cold stiff tightness from my chest to my naval, which Jake filled with wax until it overflowed. Having my Naval filled with hot wax was the most painful part so far as drop after drop was allowed to fall without a pause. I could see Jakes cock grew with my struggle to cope with the intense heat and pain. His cock wasn't the only one that grew; both my master's cocks and mine were also growing with every drop of wax that hit my body.

It was now almost the finale of my wax torture as Master ordered Jake to continue the journey down towards my cock and balls. Jake stopped Just above my shaved cock and let the wax drip along my pubic bone and down the crease of my legs, which caused a severe pain on the sensitive skin. Then suddenly he moved the candle above my knob, and my knob was on fire as the first drop landed on the tip of my cock. The drops of wax kept landing on my knob and sensitive glands of the under side of my cock until my knob was completely covered in wax. Each drop that landed on my knob sent waves of heat into my cock. I was struggling to get out of the restraints but of course there was no escape from the fire on my cock. Just as Jake was about to start dripping wax on my balls master stopped him. I was so relieved that master had shown mercy on me and spared my balls from the hot wax.

Master just left me there letting the wax go cold and stiff on my cock and balls, which felt almost like having a chastity belt on. He ordered Jake to unfasten me from the bench. Then told me to get down on my knees and give Jake a blowjob to say thank you. He wanted me to thank Jake for almost setting my cock on fire I couldn't believe it. "Do It boy" snapped Master when he saw my look of confusion on my face. It was as though I was second rate to Jake. But I knew better then to try and argue my point as that would only end up in more punishment for me.

I was down on my knees before Jake who winked at me and had a cheesy grin on his face. I was looking directly at his thick cock and started licking under his balls. Working my tongue up the front of his smoothly shaven balls. Then I started licking his shaft up to just before his knob. He was quivering by now with the intense feeling of my hot tongue. "Right If you can make Jake come in the next ten minutes I will fuck your arse." Said master. Well that was all the incentive I needed to work my mouth to its full potential on Jakes throbbing cock. I am always hungry for master's cock and would do anything for the privilege and Jake knew this, so he would do his best to hold off cumming as he knew that is what master wanted him to do.

The duel between Jake and me was set, our only weapons were his cock and my tongue oh and our will power. I didn't waste any time and took his knob deep inside my mouth clamping my hot lips around his shaft tightly and worked his cock hard. Teasing his glands with my tongue as I sucked on his ever throbbing cock. I could see Jake was finding it hard to hold on. Especially when I started playing with his balls with my hands. I held his balls tightly; as I had observed over the weeks that Jake had been with us that this turned him on so much. And just as I thought it was the final straw for him. Jake couldn't hold the floodgates in his cock any longer and he was shooting his creamy spunk down my throat in hard jets. I managed to swallow every drop of Jakes spunk and even licked my lips clean with my tongue. When I looked up I saw just how much effort Jake had put into holding off. He was dripping with sweat and looked so exhausted that I almost felt sorry for him. I gave him a wink and a cheesy grin as he looked down at me.

"Right Jake take a shower and then bed. And you boy go to my room and wait for Me." ordered Master. Jake went to the shower and I went to Master's room and waited for him to join me. I waited at his side of the bed in my presentation position, as I had realised master had not actually given me permission to get into his bed. I wasn't taking any chances, I was horny for Masters cock and spunk and I wasn't going to do anything that would risk my chances of Master fucking my arse.

I waited the best part of an hour before master came up to his bedroom and saw me waiting on my knees for him. My hole had been twitching all of the time, and my cock was rock hard with thoughts of getting fucked by master. "Ok boy get into my bed while I go and say good night to Jake" ordered Master. When master returned he told me that Jake was asleep already. Wow I thought I must have taken all of his strength out of him with that blowjob. Then I set my mind onto getting fucked.

Master stripped off and his hard on popped out which made me melt inside with wanting. He got into the bed and told me to lie facing the wall. Then master lay facing my back. I could feel the heat of his chest on my back, and of course his cock as it pressed against my bottom cheeks. He thrust into my cheeks several times, whilst he was nibbling my neck, which sent quivers down my spine and into my cock, which broke through the dry wax and started leaking precum. "You ready for my cock boy" asked master "Yes sir please fuck me sir," I said trying to hide my greedy desperate wanting of his cock. I had the feeling that I hadn't manage to hide it though as he kept teasing me. "You sure you want my spunk up your arse boy" asked master "Yes sir more then anything in the world" I replied. This was more torturous then having hot melting wax on my knob. "How much do you want my cock boy" asked master as he kept thrusting his cock against my bottom. "Sir there are not enough words to describe how much I want and need your cock" I was now begging mercifully for him to fuck me. "Please sir fuck my brains out of me, I need you to fuck me hard sir please" I was almost crying with frustration.

Finally that was enough for him, he pulled away from my cheeks. "Well boy you want my cock so you will get it, but I will warn you that I have taken a viagra tablet so I'm going to be hard for a while yet, and im going to keep fucking you till my cock goes soft." He stated as he rubbed his cock up and down my hairless crack. The mix of the words and the sensation of his hot cock rubbing up and down my shaft almost made me cum, but I was managing to control myself, well for now anyway. "Oh and boy for every time you cum tonight you will receive five minutes of cock and ball torture in the morning." He added as he kept rubbing my crack. He also started playing with my right nipple with his hand. Pulling and twisting my nipple, which of course got me more and more, turned on. I was sweating and panting, and this was even before he had entered my hole.

Suddenly without any signs he pushed his hard throbbing knob into my hot moist hole and waited a couple of seconds. Then he thrust his cock as deep as he could, catching my prostate as he did so. That was enough I couldn't stop my cock and started shooting my load onto the bed and even the wall that I was facing. He started thrusting in deep strokes pulling completely out of my arse before pounding as hard and far as he could. I couldn't even recover from my climax as he was thrusting relentlessly in and out of me. I could feel his cock head thumping me inside taking my breath away as he did so. We were both sweating. "Work your arse boy grip my cock as it slides in and out of your hole" master ordered. As soon as I tightened my arse hole around his cock he shot his spunk deep inside my arse. It felt like his cock had exploded inside me. I could feel his hot spunk swimming around my insides. Master held me tight and kept his hard cock inside me. It didn't go soft due to the tablet that he had taken.

After a couple of minutes he pulled out of me and told me to lie on my back. Then he lifted my legs up and knelt before my hole holding my legs. He thrust his cock deep inside me and held it there with his hairy balls tickling my arse cheeks. And once again he was pounding me. Slapping my arse cheeks with his balls with every thrust into my hole. I could hear his spunk being swirled around by his cock. After a while he told me to hold my legs towards my chest, which of course I did. With his now free hands he grabbed my cock and started working it with his fist as he fucked me hard. I was out of breath trying to concentrate on not cumming but it was no use especially as both my cock glands and prostate were taking a hammering. As soon as master shot his second load inside me, and I felt it starting to leak out and run down my arse cheeks, I was shooting my own spunk onto his chest. He fell down onto me forcing me to let go of my legs, our chests touching each other's and being stuck together with my spunk. We lay there for about ten minutes, with his cock still hard and inside my arse, which was by now starting to feel a little tender from the hard fucking I was getting from my master. My hunger for his cock never faded though, I just couldn't get enough of his spunk.

Once again he started thrusting into my hole but this time slower and softer, he fucked me with long soft strokes as he caressed my balls with his hands gently rolling them between his thumb and finger. Then he played with my nipples with his tongue and mouth. Nibbling on them with his teeth almost biting them but not quite. I was almost not there, on his bed. My mind was in heaven. He teased and tantalised my body, which was starting to feel tired from all of the action of the night. But I closed my mind from the thought of tiredness and concentrated on making master cum inside me again. And he did, but I managed not to cum, well at least until he made me lick his cock clean of all of his cum and my arse juices. "That's ten minutes of cbt" I thought as he entered me once again. He fucked me hard but this time he didn't come much, and I managed to hold off from cumming at least until his final assault on my now very sore arse. He had me kneeling on the bed with my head touching the wall and knelt behind me and fucked me hard forcing my head to bang against the wall several times. This was the roughest fuck I had ever had in my life. He was ramming his cock into me; he was pulling my head back by my hair. He even grabbled my cock and balls from under me and pulled my cock towards my hole, and that is when I shot my load once more all over his cock as it slid in and out of me. I shot my load violently with the thought of my own spunk being mixed with masters inside my abused hole. The feel of my spunk hitting his cock must have sent Master over the edge as he almost immediately shot his final load inside my hole. Before he pulled out and we lay with his chest against my back and went to sleep.

What will happen next?????

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Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 23

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