Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jul 8, 2023


Authors Notes:

This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Email your views and comments/ideas to me at

Well here we are at Chapter 25, and the boys Master is away, so what fun will Brian have with the use of these two boys?

Chapter 25 - Under the control of Master Brian.

"So Master has gone and now Brian is our temporary Master, I wonder what he is like, what he likes doing to his boys. I knew he wasn't as much into pain as our Master was, though he still used a certain amount of pain that was obvious." I thought to myself sat in the back of Master Brian's Mercedes with Jake. Jake seemed to be watching the world go by as we drove into Leeds city centre.

"Now boys this gym complex is a gay exclusive place, and you will see lots of men doing many different things, some of you may not have seen or heard of, others you will have done either with your Master or other men that you may have been with in the past." Master Brian said as almost half a warning.

"I didn't quite know what he was getting at, didn't really seem necessary for him to say this to us, or was I being a naive young guy at 22." I wondered to myself as we pulled up to a drab old building that looked like a derelict factory. Something inside told me that this place was more about sex then exercise.

"Right boys we are here, now once we enter the door we are all required to be naked for the duration of the visit. But don't worry no one will make a move on you unless I give them the nod" he said with a cheesy grin on his face.

"Sir if I may speak" I asked

"Speak boy" replied Master Brian

"Sir does our Master know that we are coming here" I asked sheepishly.

"Yes boy, everything that we do over the next few days I guarantee you that it has your Master's blessing. After all he is a close friend of mine and I would not betray his trust in me for your welfare and safety." Replied Master Brian.

There we were stood outside the big black wooden door that was the entrance to the building. No signs to say what the building was or what to expect inside the building. Master Brian knocked three times loudly on the door and then stood back and waited for the door to open. And a couple of moments later the door surely did open slowly to show a Big bouncer type man and a massage way that was painted black and had dim lights all along the ceiling. The bouncer showed Master Brian in and we followed him into the black hallway. Both Jake and I had expressions of fear on our faces, what was this place, and what was planned for us I wondered.

"Right Boys, completely strip, and even take your butt plugs out" ordered Master Brian as we started to strip off. As I got to my collar, which was the only thing, left on I wondered if it was right to take it off.

"Master Brian, what about our Master's collars, do we take them off as well?" I asked him.

"Oh good point, leave your collars on only your Master can allow you to take them off," replied Master Brian. So there we stood in this almost pitch black hallway naked except for our Master's collar waiting for Master Brian to instruct us what to do next. Once Master Brian had finished stripping he led us into what looked like an ordinary exercise machine room in a everyday gym, the only thing is that this place was used by naked men only. "Right boys get onto those two treadmills, I want you to be as fit as possible for your Master's return later this week." Commented Master Brian.

We both stepped onto the treadmills that stood at one end of the gym, and Master Brian set the machines of on a brisk walk. I looked around and noticed that Jake and I weren't the only two guys wearing collars. Almost half of the men there were wearing collars, and it was now that I realised that we were in a club that was used by Master's and their slaves. There must have been at least 20 guys in collars and even more that weren't in collars. I had no idea that there were so many men into the Master/slave lifestyle. I mean after all I wasn't aware of this sort of thing before that night a couple of months ago when I met my Master. But then again I heard of a couple of stories in the papers, but I thought at the time that they were just unbalanced perverted people. Now that I was actually a slave, I could fully understand that there was far more to it then pain and humiliation. It was far more powerful, there was of course love, but even more there was a extra special trust and bonding of two people. It was a bonding like no other.

Anyway after about ten minutes Master Brian raised the platform that we were walking on and also speeded up the conveyer belt. This made the walk more like a jog and on a slight incline. It was still reasonably comfortable at this speed and incline, though both Jake and I were starting to form beads of sweat on our foreheads. After another ten minutes Master Brian once again increased the incline and speed, we were now being made to do a slow run up a average incline. Our cock and balls were jiggling between our legs, slapping against our legs from time to time.

"Right boys I' have to go and speak to someone I will be back in ten minutes then I think we will take a break in the bar" said Master Brian before he left the big hall that we were in.

"This place is weird don't you think Shaun" Jake asked me as we kept on running.

"Suppose so, but Masters have to keep their boys in good condition, it is part of their responsibility to look after our welfare" I replied whispering.

"Suppose so, but beating us like Master does, that can't be in our best interests can it?" asked Jake.

"Yes it can, we are here to serve obey and please our Master, or anyone he wishes us to do so to. In return he gives us his love, looks after us, feeds us and takes care of our interests, and if we do something wrong it is in our interest to be taught a lesson." I tried to explain to Jake where I was coming from not sure even if I agreed with every word, but it is what I had been told by our Master one night after he whipped my arse red raw. He also had said that the slave is more powerful than his Master, as he has given up control of his life and body to his Master, and that any good Master must respect his slave and treat them properly. To me it was like an unwritten law, sort of a code of practise for Master's and their slaves. Jake seemed happy with my attempt to explain our new lifestyle.

Then suddenly Jake asked, "Do you think any slaves ever become Masters"

"I don't know Jake you will have to ask Master Brian or our Master when he returns" I replied. There were something in Jakes questioning that bugged me and I didn't know why. He certainly wasn't as at ease about his new life, as I was. I felt as though I had finally found my place in the world, like a soldier returning home after a fierce battle, but Jake seemed to be different, certainly not as relaxed or content even with punishments as I was.

I lost my footing and I came back to here and now, as I managed to struggle to keep on my feet.

"Nearly Boy, you have to stay focused" said Master Brian. I didn't have any idea how long Master Brian had been back, I must have went into a daydream as I pondered my thoughts of Jake through.

"Yes sir, sorry sir" I replied.

"It's ok boy, I just don't want you to have a nasty accident on these machines, your Master would never forgive me if you was hurt, and for that matter I wouldn't be able to forgive myself either" said Master Brian and he smiled at me.

"Right boys lets go and have a cool drink before we move on shall we" asked Master Brian.

"Oh yes sir that would be nice" we both replied as Master Brian turned off the treadmills allowing us to step off them.

We walked back down the black dimly lit hall to another room that was fairly small, with a bar at one end and tables spread out. Master Brian sat us down at one of the tables and then went to the bar to buy us a drink. He returned with three pints of lager.

"There you go boys, after all that hard work this morning I think you need this" Master Brian commented as he sat down.

"My you boys look better already," quipped Master Brian as we all sat round the table drinking our pints of cool lager. We spent almost an hour chatting away to Brian, he even allowed us to drop our formal Master - slave protocol whilst we rested. He told us about some of the scenes he had participated in when he was our age and a slave like we were. He also pointed out that Master had been talking about Jake and I, how he thought eventually Jake would progress to be a Master, and how I was a true 100% submissive and would always be a slave. This helped me put my earlier thoughts into perspective, like finding the last piece to the jigsaw puzzle.

After we had finished our drinks Master Brian led us to the weights room and introduced us to Master Rob, who was the owner of the gym and also known as the leader of the Master's that attended the Gym regularly. Now Master Rob was a really big guy in all ways, standing at over 6ft 2inches tall, and beefy build. Even his cock measured 9 1/2 inches long and reminded me of those coke bottles that you can buy out of a drinks machine, as it was as thick and not much shorter then those coke bottles.

"Right boys lets get your muscles working shall we," said Master Rob, as Master Brian explained what he wanted us to do.

"Boys Master Rob and his boy Andy will be taking care of you, in here and I will return in an hour to see how you got on" said Master Brian.

"Yes sir" we both replied. We both were bewildered by the whole of the days events that were unfolding. Especially the relaxed chat at the bar with Master Brian.

"Andy come over here and help me with our guests," shouted Master Rob. Now Andy was fairly slim but well toned and like us he was totally hairless apart from his very short hair on his head. He was about 5ft 8 tall. He was so well mannered. Jake took an instant liking to Andy and couldn't take his eyes off him, but Andy didn't falter or didn't even realise the attention that Jake was giving him. He must have been blind, as Jake was acting so obvious. Andy prepared the weights on the bar for us and then he counted Jakes lifts of the weights while Master Rob counted mine. After ten push ups of the Weights Andy and Master Rob added another weight to each end of the bars that we were lifting, and I must admit that it was much harder for us to lift them now. We both managed another ten lifts, but thankfully Master Rob being a true professional trainer knew that we had reached our limit. Master Rob and his Boy Andy then led us to the sauna room. Of course the Sauna room was full of hot steam and we all sat along a wooden bench in one corner of the room, there were several Master's and their boys around the room. Some of which were indulging in sexual activities of varying types. It wasn't until my eyes adjusted to the steam that I noticed Master Brian being sucked off by a guy who was down on his hands and knees, he was sucking Brian's cock and being fucked by a man who I assumed was his Master. "Oh there's Master Brian boys, they call that a spit roast you know" said Master Rob. He then explained that when a guy is being fucked at both ends that it is called a spit roast, I immediately realised why.

It looked like Master Brian and the other Master filled the Slave boy up at the same time as both of their bodies stiffened at the same time. After he had cum Brian joined Master Rob and us.

"I think we all should go to a quieter place and have a bit of fun don't you" Master Rob asked Master Brian.

"That sounds like a good idea Rob, maybes we could get these three boys to give us a show and if they get us turned on enough we might let Jake and Shaun suck us off as a reward for their good behaviour today" replied Master Brian as Master Rob led us off to a private room that he kept for special occasions and VIP visitors.

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Thanks for reading!!

Benme_over 2003 (copyright)

Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 26

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