Matt and Pad

By moc.12klat@dleifsnats_noj

Published on Feb 3, 2023



This story is pure fantasy, based on two real people who I know. It does not imply anything about the sexualities of any living person. Send feedback or requests for pictures of the two 'characters' to

Matt and Pad

Matthew Coffey was lying on his bed, enjoying the peace and quiet that he so rarely experienced. At 17, he was the oldest of the eight Coffey children, and had decided that he was hence too old to join the rest of the Coffeys on their "family holiday" to a Haven camp. Jim Coffey, Matt's father, had agreed to letting him stay at home and look after the house, but had added "as long as you're not bringing girls home!" in that knowing fatherly way.

Trouble was, Jim knew nothing at all. For his seventeen-year-old boy, tremendously good looking with bright blue eyes set into his maturing face; dark-haired, well built and handsome Matthew (the object of many schoolgirl fantasies) was gay, and had known that he was gay since the age of thirteen. At school, where he studied for his "A" Levels, nobody knew. At home, nobody knew. It was Matt's secret. Privately, he fantasised about sex with the boys from his school, but he was still (despite his outwardly mature appearance) completely inexperienced in matters sexual.

He lay on his bed, dressed in a grey T-shirt and blue jeans, barefoot, smoking a cigarette, one of the privileges of having the house to himself. Really, he knew he should be doing homework or something, but he had trouble focusing. Just recently, he had started to develop major feelings for one of his friends, Paddy Morral. Pad and Matt had known each other pretty much all their lives, but Matt had never until recently noticed how attractive his friend was. He closed his eyes and brought up a vision of Pad into his mind. Pad with his mop of blonde hair, skinnier than Matt (though Matt wasn't at all fat). Pad with his crooked, almost cheeky charm. Matt wondered what it would be like to have sex with Pad. And immediately got a hardon.

Across the town, warm between the sheets of his own bed, Pad was dozing. School holiday fever had washed over him, all homework forgotten, and so he lay in his bed, absently playing with his dick. He often found himself doing this nowadays, almost every time he was alone. He was no fool, and knew quite well that masturbation was perfectly normal, but the thoughts that ran through his head as he did it. surely they were unusual?

He saw pictures in his mind of other dicks being rammed into his mouth, he imagined the taste of cum as it shot down his throat, imagined the feeling of a hot, male naked body pressed closely against his. Images such as these flew through his mind as he wanked himself faster and faster, moaning as he finally shot his load all over his chest. The cum felt warm and sticky as it landed on his bare flesh, and Pad realised that what he wanted more than anything else was the cum of his friend Matthew.

Matt couldn't bear it any longer. He needed to see Pad. Even if he couldn't do anything with him, he needed to see him. He picked up his mobile and dialled Pad's number.

"Hi," Pad's voice said, on the other end.

"Hi Pad," Matt said.

"Oh, hi Coffey," Pad said. Matt thought he detected delight in Pad's voice. No, surely he was imagining it!?

"I was just wondering," Matt went on, "if you'd like to come round. Everyone's on holiday for a week, so I'm bored!"

"Sure!" Pad said, trying not to sound too eager, "I'll be round in half an hour!"

Matt decided that he was going to try his luck. He had an inkling, just a faint suspicion that Pad was interested in him, and so had engineered a way to test his hunch. About ten minutes before Pad was due to arrive, Matt hopped in the shower. Sure enough, he was still in the shower when he heard the doorbell go. He hopped out, wrapping a flimsy towel loosely around his waist, and proceeded to answer the door semi-naked.

Naturally, Pad had problems keeping his mouth closed and preventing it from watering at the sight that met him. Firstly, there was Matt's perfect face, damp and fantastically good looking, topped off by his wet dark brown hair. Then there was his perfectly formed chest, lightly tanned, no six pack but nevertheless muscular, the only hair a slight treasure trail going under the flimsy towel. Then came his perfect legs, the hairs wet and clinging to the tanned flesh, and finally his masculine bare feet. Pad had always had a foot fetish, and to see Matt's perfect specimens gave him an instant erection. Matt noticed this, but pretended not to.

"Hi Pad," he said, wearing his most intoxicating smile, "come in!"

Pad recovered from his sexual daze and stepped through the door, which Matt closed behind him. "Come on up," Matt said, starting off up the stairs. Pad followed him, and they both went in to Matt's bedroom.

"So, what did you call for?" Pad asked.

"Oh, I was bored," Matt said, "I thought we could have some fun together." Did Pad detect an invitation? Matt's voice certainly had that cheeky, horny edge to it, like he was giving the come-on.

"OK," Pad said, "what do you want to do?"

Matt grinned. "I'll just get dressed first." Pad got up to leave the room. "No, stay!" Matt said, "it's OK."

Pad couldn't believe he was hearing this. Before he fully had time to think, Matt had removed the towel. Exposed to Pad was a fine, fleshy cock, the cock of a boy becoming a man, and a good size even now in its flaccid state. Pad stared. And stared. And stared and stared and stared. He couldn't stop staring at Matthew's impressive manhood. Now, from that reaction, Matt knew what Pad wanted.

"You like?" he asked.

"I.I." Pad was lost for words.

"Yes?" Matt prompted.

"Don't get dressed!" Pad urged.

"Well it's unfair only me being naked!" Matt said.

Pad grinned, and took off his shoes and socks, exposing a fine pair of sweaty feet. He hoped that this would hint to Matt as to what he found erotic.

"Looks like I've found me a foot lover!" Matt grinned, taking the hint, "Nice!"

Pad simled, and unbuttoned his shirt. When exposed, his chest was much skinnier and paler than Matt's. There was a little muscle there, especially on his stomach, but it was more of a boy's chest than a boy-man's, although still incredibly sexy. Matt noted that Pad's nipples were erect with anticipation. Next, Pad removed his jeans, leaving him wearing only a pair of grey boxers, tented severely at the front. He removed these to expose an eight inch, long, thin and uncut erection. Matt's dick was considerably fatter, and stretched to ten inches when erect, also uncut.

Matt pushed Pad down on to the bed and climbed on top of him, the wetness of his body rubbing off onto Pad's. The couple kissed, enjoying the taste of one another as their tongues met in hot passion, all the while groping one another, getting used to each other's bodies. As they kissed, they ground their dicks together, teasing out pre-cum which added to their wet and sticky bodies. They rolled around on top of each other for twenty minutes, kissing and licking each other, fingering one another's nipples, all the while grinding their dicks into one another.

"I want to lick and suck your feet," Pad said, eventually, his voice betraying his horniness.

Matt had a hunch that his friend, a foot lover, would do anything for this privelege, and decided to milk the situation. For Matt had always wanted to torture another boy, to force someone to do the most degrading things.

"Allright," he said, "but only if you let me torture you afterwards. Whatever I tell you to do, you do it"

"OK," Pad said, desperate as he was to lick and suck feet.

"Anything at all?" Matt asked.


Pad wasted no more time. He thrust his face into Matt's feet, taking the salty sweaty toes into his mouth and sucking on them for all his worth, draining every ounce of sweat from them before lapping up the funk from the soles and tops. For ten solid minutes, Pad licked and sucked Matt's toes and feet, moaning and groaning in sheer ecstasy whilst his friend watched on intrigued. Then, he started rubbing his dick on matt's bare soles. Matt took the hint and gently began giving pad a foot job. Pad moaned and shot hot jism over Matt's feet, then immediately licked every last drop of it off. When he'd finished, Pad said, "OK, now 'torture' me!"

"Not here," Matt said, "follow me."

He led Pad down into the house's cellar, a rather large room, cold and damp with stone walls and a stone floor. Matt ordered Pad to stand by the far wall and then got down on his haunches.

"Watch this," he said.

Slowly, Matt began to shit, and Pad looked on horrified as a great brown turd oozed out of Matt's arse and landed in a smelly splatty heap on the stone floor.

"Lick that up!" Matt ordered.

"Oh, shit, Matt." Pad said. He was disgusted, but his erection revealed that he was turned on by the idea.

"You made a fucking promise," Matt said, "now fucking keep it. I want you to eat that shit. Lick it, suck it and swallow it."

"What, now?"

"In a minute." Matt had had an idea. He ran upstairs and returned after a minute with a video camera, which he set up at a good but close enough distance from the shit. When the tape was running, Matt once more ordered, "Eat!"

With that, he grabbed Pad by his mop of blonde hair and thrust his face right into the filthy shit. The smell was rancid, as was the taste, but Pad had promised. He put out his tongue and licked the shit, gradually getting used to it. He lapped up more and more, his tongue and face were coated brown.

"Now pick it up and eat!" Matt ordered.

Pad picked up the turd, and it felt squelchy in his hand. Nevertheless, he had no choice. He bit off a chunk, gagging at the bitter taste, but chewed on it in spite of the taste. All the while, Matt was behind the camera, wanking himself silly, beating his dick at an incredible speed. When Pad swallowed the shit it was too much, and Matt went over the edge, cum spurting out of his dick and landing on the floor of the cellar. Pad was, thought Matt, an erotic sight to see, naked and erect eating shit with brown stains all over his face.

"Lap up that cum," Matt ordered.

This time, Pad didn't hesitate. He crawled forward to where the cum was cooling in a small puddle and thrust his tongue into it, licking the stones dry of Matt's delicious sweet juices.

"Now come over here," Matt commanded. Pad crawled over to his friend and knealt down before him. "Open wide," Matt said. Pad obeyed and Matt let loose a flow of hot piss straight into Pad's mouth. Pad gagged but drunk the lot, knowing that he had to obey Matthew, wanting to obey Matthew. Wanting nothing more than to become his friend's property.

"Is that it?" Pad asked, "is that my torture?"

"Oh no," Matt grinned, "I've barely started."

Matt and Pad (part 2)

Based on two real people, this story is totally fictitious, and implies nothing about the sexuality of any of its characters. The story involves gay sex between teenaged boys, so if you're not allowed to or don't want to read such material, stop now. Feedback gratefully accepted at If you want to see pictures, e-mail me and I'll send you the relevant URL (I've had to put them on the net due to an overload of requests, but I don't think I can publish URLs here.).

Thanks to all those who e-mailed regarding part one.

Matt and Pad (part 2)

Pad came back into the cellar, still naked, only now clean, ready for more "torture".

"Good shower?" Matt asked, lust all over his face as he admired his friend's naked form.

"Yeah," said Pad.

Matt crossed to the other side of the cellar and picked up some of his mother's clothes line.

"This ought to do!" he said, walking back to Pad. " Lie down and put your arms above your head."

Pad obliged, and Matt bound his wrists together. He then tied Pad's wrists to a hook on the far wall of the cellar, trapping Pad face up with his arms tied to the wall. Matt then used another length of the line to tie Pad's legs together at the ankles, leaving him stretched out and helpless along the cellar floor.

"Now," said Matt, "let's see if you like having your feet serviced."

At mention of this, Pad's dick rose to full attention. Matt grinned, and licked the length of his friend's hardon, breathing in the sweaty, salty aroma of pre- cum.

"So you like that idea," he said, a wicked grin on his face.

"Mmmm," Pad groaned in acknowledgement.

Matt started kissing Pad's legs, starting at the thighs and working his way down, dampening the flesh with his tongue until he reached Pad's bound bare feet.

"Let's see what we can do with these," he said, running his tongue slowly down Pad's bare soles. Pad moaned and wriggled around in ecstasy, pre-cum oozing out of his throbbing cock head. Matt thrust his face into his friend's feet, lapping up the funky smell of sweat, licking the soles, taking delight in his friend's writhing on the floor.

"You like this, don't you," he grunted, licking and sucking at Pad's sweaty feet, "you love to have me licking your feet, don't you?"

"Yes," Pad grunted, still writhing on the floor, ""

Matt started to gently stroke Pad's feet with his finger tips, sending Pad totally crazy. "That tickles!" he said, and this spurred Matt on to do it more. He tickled Pad's feet, brushing his fingers over every sensitive spot, for a solid half hour. Pad's dick continually spilled pre-cum out over his stomach, soaking his blonde pubes.

When he'd finished with Pad's feet, he laid down on top of his tied-up friend and started to kiss him. The two boy's tongues met and they sank into a hot, wet, passionate kiss. Matt ground his crotch into Pad's, and the two boys' pre- cum spilled out, wetting both their stomachs.

Matt moved down and started licking the sweat from Pad's chest, flicking his tongue over his friend's nipples, eliciting more ecstatic moans from Pad. He buried his tongue in Pad's navel, sniffing and licking, revelling in the musky, sweaty, odours.

Next, Matt began to lick the pre-cum from Pad's stomach, before moving down to Pad's cock head. He started flicking his tongue over it, causing more pre-cum and more moans to escape from pad's taught, sweating form. Matt sucked the pre-cum out of his friend's dick and swallowed it all, before taking the length of the dick into his mouth. Deep throating was something Matt had never done before, but he gave it his best shot, gagging occasionally as he wet the length of Pad's dick.

Pad was in heaven. Matt's mouth sucking on his tool felt like a hot, wet and highly erotic vacuum cleaner. Pad was close to the edge, and knew that he couldn't hold his load in much longer.

"I'm.gonna.cum," he moaned.

Matt didn't stop sucking. Rather, he sucked faster, working Pad to a massive climax. He was still sucking at this rapid speed when he was rewarded with a hot, salty load of jism spurting from Pad's cock head and into his mouth. He swallowed every drop, loving the taste of it, the taste of his friend's boy-cum. It was slightly salty, but also sweet. Matt adored it.

"There," he said, looking at Pad's naked body and admiring the beauty of it. "Did you like that?"

"Hmmmm." Pad could hardly speak. But it didn't matter to Matt. Having sex with his beautiful friend was all he wanted. And here he was doing it. He untied Pad then, and the two boys left the cellar.

Matt's bedroom door opened, and Matt and Pad came rushing in. They got onto the bed, Pad on the bottom, Matt on the top, and began to kiss passionately. Pad could taste his own cum on Matt's tongue, salty but nice, and Matt just enjoyed sharing oral juices with his friend. After a while of kissing and fondling, Matt was beginning to feel the need to cum again.

"Pad," he said, in between kisses, "lift your legs up."

Pad knew what was coming now, and he wanted it. He didn't argue, he just lifted his legs. Matt rested them on his own shoulders and then spat onto his hand. He began to lube up his dick as best he could, soaking it with his own saliva, being careful not to accidentally wank himself to climax.

Then he thrust his tongue into Pad's hole, licking and sucking at his friend's tight pucker. The smell was sweaty, and sickly sweet, as was the taste. Matt basked in the sensations of sex, and inserted a wet finger into Pad's hole to loosen him up a bit. Pad groaned, and Matt inserted another finger, wiggling them around. Pad moaned again.

"You OK?" Matt asked.

"Yeah." Pad moaned "!"

Matt wasted no more time. He lubed up his dick a little more and then squeezed it up Pad's arse. Pad had never been fucked before, and while it was painful, he was enjoying it too. Whole new sensations of pleasure washed over him as Matt gently slid his cock into him, out again, in again, getting into a slow, relaxed rhythm of fucking.

Matt was in complete ecstasy. Everything around him was a blur. All he could feel was Pad's hot chute clamped against his dick, all he could do was gently thrust inside his friend, loving the feeling of real, gay anal sex.

Pad was loving the feeling of having Matt's hot rod inside him, brushing against his prostate, sending electrical charges of pure sexual pleasure right through him.

Both boys were amazed that it felt this good.

Nearing his climax, Matt picked up speed, thrusting his dick in and out of Pad faster and faster until..

Matt exploded inside Pad, sending a load of hot cum right up into Pad's insides. At the same time, Pad cried out and shot his lot all over Matt's chest. Exhausted, Matt withdrew from inside Pad and the two boys collapsed on the bed. Together, they slept, their naked bodies tangled together in a sweaty, sexy heap. Both of them dreamt of nothing else but their sex. Both of them wanted nothing more than to fuck again, and soon.


Sorry people, but I don't plan to write more on these two. It's just get repetative and boring. No, honest, it would! Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted. E-mail me with feedback.

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