Matt and Pool Boy

By Ryan P

Published on Jan 22, 2007


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This story involves gay sex and is intended for adults only. If it offends you or is illegal for you to read such a story, please exit this web page now. It includes unsafe sex practices 'coz it's just words on a screen; for those who live in the real world, practice safe sex.

This is part 5.

Thanks for all your feedback, keep them coming.

After being double-ended, Paul had me lick my cum off the carpet. Meanwhile, Paul offered beer to the guys. They had barely drank their beers when my dad's car pulled up the driveway. Paul rushed out but ordered us to clean up our mess quick. As best as we could, we got dressed (I only had to put my shorts on) and hid as much incriminating evidence we could see. Good thing Paul went out to distract my dad, otherwise, we would have been busted. We all sat ourselves by the couch. Shit, I thought, I forgot about the 'FUCK ME' written across my chest. Tom threw me a pillow. I embraced it like a fool. Dad and Paul walked in.

"Hey, boys!" Dad said but stopped on his tracks. He looked around then raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't it a little too early in the day to be drinking beer? he said.

We forgot about the beer.

"I mean, I would wait at least another four years before I start working on a beer belly if I were you." Dad said then turned to Paul, "Paul?"

Paul's shoulders merely shrugged.

"Sorry, Mike, it was a warm day, perfect way to cool off, you know. And, hey, they're high school seniors now. Didn't you drink when you were in high school?"

"Not this early on a Saturday morning." Dad answered and lets out a heavy sigh.

Dad swept a pointed finger at each one of us.

"I won't let you waste pefectly good beer but that's it, okay?"

We all nodded.

Dad didn't actually stay long. He had forgotten something and had stopped by to pick it up. Pretty soon, he was driving away. After a few more minutes of making sure he wasn't turning back, I was ordered to assume the position.

As they drank their beers, Paul told them all the things he had me do for him over the past couple months. I could tell this was getting them boned up again, their pants all tented and Andrew would once in while rub his crotch through his pants. Tom would furtively look my way but turn away just as quick and with a disgusted look on his face. When he downed his beer, Tom called over to Paul.

"My folks are gone all weekend, wanna move the party over there?"

Everybody liked the idea. I'd rather be left alone at that point but since that wasn't going to happen, being at Tom's was the next best thing - Dad could not surprise as again.

"You're riding with me." Paul told me.

"Yes, sir" I said as I proceeded to go to my room.

"Where do you think you are going?" Paul asked me.

"I'm going to get dressed sir."

"Who told you you could do that?" Paul said.

I heard Jeff guffaw.

"Now, get yourself inside the car right now."

"Yes, sir" I said and before I could even hesitate I went out the door, barefoot and wqith only my shorts on. I got inside the passenger side of the car. It was actually my car, an old toyota that Paul took liberties in using since he stopped working at the pool company. I crossed my arms around my chest to hide the words written across it.

When Paul got in the car, he ordered me to throw my shorts at the back seat.

I hesitated but one look from Paul told me I better do what he says. It was strange sitting bare naked out in the open. My only hope was that we would not hit a red light to lessen the chance of people seeing me like that. My hope was sustained till about halfway through the trip when we stopped at a busy intersection's light. Jeff's car was just in front of us and Andrew and Tom would look back at me, laughing. And as if I was not feeling exposed already, Paul reaches over for my dick and starts stroking it. The damnest thing was that I couldn't stop myself from throwing a rod.

Just then a truck stopped right next to us on the left side, Upon noticing me, the guy on the passenger side taps the driver, then points at me. I use my left hand to cover my crotch. They both snicker. The guy sticks his head out of the truck window and talks to Paul.

"Lovely piece of meat you've got beside you there. Can we get a better view?" The guy ask.

Paul looked over at me and slaps my arm away. I hesitantly crossed my arms again. Paul tugged on my shaft a couple more times for good measure.

"I would like to have me a piece of that" the man says.

"Sorry, he's quite busy today." Paul says the light finally turns green. "but maybe someday."

Paul laughed as he drove off.

We arrived at Tom's house in a few minutes. He lived in a plush neighborhood where the houses have big front yards. I was glad when I saw their driveway empty - I hope that there really was nobody home.

Paul parked on the street so I had to run across the yard and through the side of the house and into the door at the backyard where TOm and I usually enter. I tried to open the door but it was locked. Shit, I said to myself. I finally saw Tom and the others through the backyard window. They were all laughing and they were pointing at the front door. Shit, I said again. I ran to the front and once again tried the front door. It was locked too. I rang the bell.

"Who's there?" Jeff said mockingly.

"Jeff, it's me open up."

"Not until you say the magic words."


"Please what?"

"Please sir, let me in."

The door opened a bit and I pushed myself in. They were laughing a lot. I can feel my cheeks fluster.

"Okay, faggot, assume the position." Paul said after the laughter subsided.

"Hey, hold on, dudes, I have to take a leak real bad. Where's the bathroom?" Jeff said

Ton gave him directions but before Jeff could leave Paul stopped him. Paul whispered into Tom's ears. Tom then went to the kitchen then reappeared holding a big beer mug.

"Yeah, perfect." Paul said.

It was pretty obvious what Paul was planning that even before he handed the mug to Jeff, Jeff was already unbuttoning his jeans. Jeff filled the mug slightly pass halfway but before he even finished Andrew said he needed to go too. By the time Andrew was done the mug was filled almost to the brim. Tom went and got another mug and this time, Paul and Tom filled it up with their own piss as well.

"We know you're really thirsty, boy, so drink it all up." Paul handed me their mug. I looked at it. It was just too much. If it was plain water, it would have been too much already. Knowing that it's piss made me full just thinking about it.

"Chug it." Tom says.

I put the mug to my lips and started drinking. This wasn't the first time I drank piss, but it was the first time I drank someone else's besides mine or Paul's. It still had the same salty bitter taste but for some reason was little bit more pungent in odor. Maybe I really was thirsty because I manage to drink it all down. The simple act of drinking it, gave me a stiffy. Jeff offered me their mug.

"I don't think I can drink another one, sir." I said.

"Oh, yes you can. You have to try ours." Jeff said.

I got the mug from Jeff and started drinking again. I had to pause several times on this one 'coz I was really full.

"You can tell, he's really pissed." Jeff said and they all started laughing.

When I downed that mug I could feel it trying to come out again. I covered my mouth.

"She's gonna blow!" Jeff shouts.

I ignore him and ran to the bathroom. I made it just in time. I barfed probably a mug-worthful into the toilet bowl. My insides were still doing that heaving motion so I sat there on the bathroom floor trying to steady myself. It didn't help though, in fact, the longer I sat there the worst I felt. It felt weird. I felt tired. I felt dizzy - like I was drunk. Then it struck me, of course, they all drank beer before. I guess it was like drinking four bottles of beer in one shot.

"How 'bout we clean him up a little before we continue?" Tom asked Paul when they got to the bathroom.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Paul said as he looked at me quite amused.

But they left me there though, well, all except for Andrew.

"I guess you should eat my shit hole now before we clean you up, right Matt?"

I didn't say anything, my innard had calmed down, but I was still pretty dizzy. My silence did not stop Andrew who dropped trou and positioned his ass in front of me. Why do people climb Mount Everest? Because it was there. And that same reasoning was why I stretched apart Andrew's butt cheeks and rimmed him. I don't know if he forced it or it just happened. But Andrew gave aout a long slow fart.

"Be thankful I didn't eat beans today." he said laughing.

It was a heady raunchy scent but somehow that just made me want to explore his crack more. I got the whole length of my tongue to wipe across his stubby hole and then I stuck my tongue deep inside his chute.

"Yeah, that's it, man. Dig your way in. You're such a natural, man. If I could only find a girl who would do this to me."

I can't help but smile at what he said. I didn't stop though I kept probing him with my tongue. It was only when I heard Jeff snicker did I realize that the others had come back and were just silently watching the 'show'.

"The hell I'm putting my dick inside that mouth again." Jeff said.

Paul was holding a plastic contraption which I quickly found out was an enema. He stuck a tube up my ass and basically filled me up with soapy water. It wasn't pleasant, not with my skin ripped somewhere down there. They then ordered me to take a shower and gargle my mouth. I was starting to feel better; or at the very least, I felt clean.

I don't know whose idea it was but they decided to blindfold me. I then heard a buzzing sound.

"Stand still." I heard Paul say.

Next thing I knew I was getting a buzz cut.

"No, please, don't." I pleaded, "Don't cut my hair."

"Too late boy, I mean, we could stop if you really want us too but you'd look like one ugly bitch with only half a head of hair and we don't really wanna be looking at an ugly bitch."

I felt clumps of hair fall on my shoulder. I was hoping they left some hair, even if it was a little short. They did not stop there though. they then shaved my legs and my armpits and also my pubes. They changed to a regular shaving blade and shaved as much as they could from my dick and balls. I made sure not to move at all. When they were all done , they left the blindfold on, then led me out of the bathroom. When they finally took out my blindfold. I saw myself standing in Tom's room.

I looked at my body, I couldn't see any hair on mee. I felt my head but there was no hair there. Not even a stuble. I tried looking for a mirror but there was none.

"Assume the position" came the usual command.

I obeyed, the slave that I was.

I remember being fucked several times more in the ass. I sucked all their dicks again. I remember getting slapped around several times too. I remember clothespin being clamped on my nips. Yet, the rest of that day was otherwise a blur. The next clear thing I remember was waking up in my room.

My whole body ached. I was sore all over but most especially my ass, neck, and nipples. I took a bath and rubbed as much of the marker off my chest for it was still legible. When I was drying up, I notice that there were more marker marks on my back. I looked at the bathroom mirror where I could clearly read the words written on my back: "Andrew, Jeff, Paul & Tom Were Here" with a long black arrow pointing all the way down to my ass.

I was going to take another bath to remove those marks as well but for a while I just stood there, in front of the mirror, staring at the person who was staring back at me. The guy looked unfamiliar, strange, dangerous almost. The guy had no hair, his body lean and muscular, ruddy and bruised at some areas. His eyes looked deep and knowing - like it cannot be surprised anymore. There was no trace of that boy jacking off in front of the mirror just several months before. I looked at the guy for a long time and realized that I like him.

To be concluded...

Next: Chapter 6

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