Matt Cums to School

By moc.toofgib@kurohtua

Published on Apr 13, 2023



If you have any comments or feedback on this story please feel free to e-mail me at . Any stories I write will only be posted to the ASSGM news group so if you see them anywhere else, apart from the Nifty Archive or BoyWeb please let me know as they will have been posted without my permission. Suggestions for possible story topics also welcome.

Matt Cums To School (Part 5)

As Matt walked away from the bathroom and back towards the "free room" the recent events kept flashing through his mind. He was finding it hard to rationalise his feelings, on the one hand he had just been forced to do things to another, older boy, things which he'd always thought were only done by faggots, but on the other hand he knew that he'd enjoyed doing it, the dampness in his jockeys touching his soft prick as he walked was proof of that. Passing one of the school toilets he stopped and after a brief hesitation entered, went to a cubicle and locked the door behind him. Quickly he undid his trousers, pulled out the waistband of his jockeys and looked down. He could see his limp dick nestling inside and could also see that there were a couple of damp patches on the fly of the jockeys. Curiously he rubbed a finger over one of the patches, brought it to his mouth and sniffed. An odour he was rapidly becoming familiar with entered his nostrils, the difference being that this time he was smelling his own cum. Because teenage boys have great powers of recovery Matt felt his cock start rising as he sniffed, even though he had only cum shortly before but as he wanted to get back to his friends he stifled any randy urges, fastened his trousers and left the cubicle trying to ignore his semi hard dick brushing against the damp, sticky areas in his jockeys.

As he entered the "free room" Adrian rushed up to him.

"Where on earth have you been. Surely Bishop didn't take this long".

Matt told him about how he'd also had to prepare a bath for Lipple and his friends face dropped.

"I suppose you had to wash and dry him", he commented but when Matt said he'd only washed the prefect then left Adrian looked astonished.

"How did you manage that?", he asked. "Lipple always makes people dry him as well. He must have been in a good mood!"

Matt didn't elaborate any further, just nodded in agreement and, after another puzzled look, Adrian dropped the subject.

The rest of the day went quickly and that night Matt lay in bed wondering if anything like the initiation of yesterday would take place tonight. He was still thinking about it when he fell asleep.


Matt woke with a start and realised that it was morning and he had slept through the night without any interference and without cumming. As usual his "piss boner" was present but for a change he just wanted to have a pee, which is just what he did before getting dressed and starting his third day at Marlbi College. The day went in a whirl of lessons but nothing out of the ordinary happened until the final lesson bell sounded and the boys left the various classrooms, chattering away. As Matt and Adrian walked towards their "free room" his friend asked if he wanted to see the school attic. Although he thought it was a slightly odd request Matt agreed and then followed a smiling Adrian up various flights of stair. When they reached their dormitory floor Adrian continued along the corridor until he came to a door at the end and, after a quick look round to make sure it was all clear, opened it and beckoned Matt through. The curious boy went in and Adrian followed him closing the door behind them. In front of them was a thin staircase and Adrian started to climb them, closely followed by his friend. At the top of the stairs was another door and having gone through it Matt stared in astonishment at the vast attic area which seemed to go on for ever. There were neatly stacked piles of cases which belonged to the boarders and which were stored here during the terms together with many old boxes.

"Come on", whispered Adrian and led Matt across the centre of the attic until he reached a narrow entrance which he squeezed through. Matt followed him and found himself in a small room. It was, in fact, part of the attic that had been partitioned of at some time and in the dim light from the dusty window he could see that some efforts had been made to clean it and make it comfortable. Boxes had been placed around to act as chairs and there was a mattress leaning against one wall.

"What do you think?", Adrian asked him. "I found it not long after I came here and thought it would be great if I ever wanted to be on my own for some time". Matt said he thought it was cool and his friend grinned.

"I'm really glad you like it, I've never brought anyone else here before but I wanted you to see it because I wanted to tell you ...."

As the sentence tailed off Matt looked over and saw that his friend had stopped grinning and was looking down at the floor, pulling at his bottom lip with his teeth as if trying to stop himself from crying. He looked so miserable that Matt wanted to do something to help - but what? There was total silence for a short period then Matt walked across to his friend and stood beside him.

"Tell me what?" he asked and when there was no response he continued. " Please tell me what's wrong so I can try to help. Please Adrian".

"You won't even want to know me once I tell you", came the muffled reply. "You'll hate me, I know you will".

Matt was confused. There was obviously something wrong with his friend, his voice had almost had a sob in it and he really wanted to do something to cheer him up. Instinctively he put a comforting arm on Adrian's shoulder. "Of course I won't hate you, you're my friend", he said reassuringly. "Whatever it is, it can't be that bad. Now come on, tell me".

Adrian pulled away causing Matt's arm to drop and walked over to face a wall. He started to speak, not looking in the direction of his friend. The words came out hesitantly accompanied by the occasional sniffle and Matt had to strain to hear what Adrian was saying.

"'s about...the other night, .. you know .. when you were given the initiation tests ..Uh, well..I was one of the ones that took part...but I wish I hadn't now.. I can still remember you saying that touching another boy was disgusting .. but I couldn't stop at the time I've wanted to tell you ever since.. you're the first good friend I've ever had.. even after two days I knew it could have been special .. and I've gone and spoilt it.." Adrian's shoulders had started to shake as he spoke and as he finished he burst into sobs.

Matt stared at the back of the slim boy as the sobbing continued and a wave of compassion swept over him. Without thinking he went over to Adrian and taking hold of his shoulders gently turned him round. Adrian continued looking at the floor, tears forming two glistening paths down his cheeks as Mike squeezed his shoulders, wondering desperately what he could do to reassure him. Mike had realised whilst Adrian had been talking that he had always known his friend had been involved, the image of the red pyjamas had flashed into his mind several times since the incident and now, as he looked into the almost waif like, tear stained face, he knew that it didn't matter and never really had.

Hesitantly Mike moved his hands from Adrian's shoulders and gently placed them on his damp cheeks, his thumbs stroking the glistening trail where the tears had flowed. Then slipping his left hand to the back of his friends head he pulled the boy towards his left shoulder. They stayed in that position for unforgettable moments, their cheeks brushing as Matt gently stroked Adrian's hair with one hand, the other resting against the back of his blazer. "It doesn't matter", Matt heard himself whispering. "I already knew you were there and it doesn't matter. You're my friend, my best friend and nothing should be allowed to spoil that."

Adrian had become noticeably calmer as Matt hugged him, but now he had started baring his soul he found it impossible to stop. "But there's more.. I wanted to be with you as much as possible.. and I kept thinking about touching you."

"But we're touching now", whispered Matt.

"Uh.. I know, but I don't mean that. Oh God.. this is so hard.. I mean I wanted to touch you in places I shouldn't.. I'm so sorry".

Matt had guessed what his friend was trying to say and realised that this was a crucial moment in their friendship. Still stroking Adrian's hair he let his right hand slide down the blazer until it rested where it hung on the curve of his buttocks. He continued the movement, feeling the outline of the blazer pocket as his hand traced Adrian's side until it passed the edge of the blazer and he could feel trouser material brushing his knuckles. Matt moved his hand the final inches until the back of his hand was pressing against the zip of the trousers.

"You mean touch me like this?" he murmured.

Adrian lifted his head from Matt's shoulder and looked at him and as the position changed Matt slowly turned his hand around and gently squeezed his friends crotch. As he felt the pressure on his trousers Adrian expression seemed to change to one of wonderment and hope.

"I didn't realise until now but I've been wanting to touch you in the same way", he heard Matt saying. "The initiation brought out feelings I'd never experienced before and I need to have someone to share things with. I liked you from the first time we met but I now think there's more to it. I want to be close to you. D'you know what I mean"

"Oh God, yes" came a reply from the heart as Adrian flung his arms around Matt and hugged him. The movement increased the pressure of the trousers against the squeezing hand and Matt could now feel the outline of the cock that lay beneath. He continued to squeeze gently as his friend hugged him and as he felt their cheeks brushing together again he could feel himself getting aroused. As his left hand stroked Adrian's back his right moved up until he could grasp the fastening of the boys trousers and he pulled it until he felt it open. He could feel the metal pull of the zip brushing his fingertips and clasping it he started to slide it down. Adrian hugged Matt even tighter as he felt the front of his trousers opening until they finally slipped down his legs and he almost fainted as he felt a hand grasping his now stiff dick through his jockeys. Almost hesitantly he manoeuvred his right hand from Matt's right shoulder and let it drop until he was able to zero into his friends groin. As Matt continued to squeeze the lump in his friends jockeys he felt a hand undoing his own trousers and as his jockey enclosed prick felt a hand pressing against its stiffness he slipped his right hand into the top of Adrian's briefs continuing down until he could feel a patch of rough pubic hair just before his skin came into contact with another boys cock for the first time. He explored it, feeling the loose foreskin moving under his thumb, placing his hand around the thickness and then moving down until he was cupping Adrian's balls. At the same time he could feel a hand feeling around inside his own jockeys and investigating his rigid member.

"I've never touched someone else's dick before he whispered to Adrian and was surprised when Adrian admitted to the same thing.

"I've wanted to", his friend whispered, " and I could have, but I was scared to try it. The other boys in the dorm play with each other sometimes but I didn't know if I could handle that." "How about now?"

"I think I could, in fact I'd like to, if you were there too".

As they had been talking Matt had worked his friends dick over the top of the jockeys so it was sticking straight out enabling him to grasp it around the head and foreskin and start a rhythmic up and down movement. Adrian grasped as he felt himself being wanked off and fumbled with Matt's dick until it was also outside the jockeys, whereupon he returned the favour. It was a much slimmer one than his own, he thought, but felt really nice as he slid his hand up and down the warm shaft. The hand on his own cock was causing unbelievable sensations and Adrian knew he was going to cum soon. The realisation caused him to speed up his own manipulations and with his other hand he grasped the cloth of Matt's blazer as he felt his spunk starting to leave his balls.

"I'm going to cum", he warned his friend through clenched teeth.

"So am I", came a groaned reply.

Both boys pressed against each other as, almost at the same time they climaxed and their lips pressed together as they spurted. Matt could feel hot splashes hitting his cock as Adrian's larger load jetted out from his thick dick but he also knew that he was cumming more than ever before, and he pushed his cock into Adrian's pubic hair, feeling his spunk striking it, one small spurt each time his dick spasmed. He felt a tongue brushing his lips and he opened his mouth, licking at Adrian's open mouth and tongue as the ecstasy continued. They were still pulling away frantically at each others cocks and Matt rubbed his thumb over Adrian's dick head, massaging the sticky cum over the piss slit. His friend nearly took off at this and rubbed Matt's head causing a similar reaction. As they stopped spunking they pressed hard together, rubbing their slippery cocks against each other as their tongues explored each others mouths. Finally the moment slipped away and the two boys broke apart. They stood, looking adoringly at each other, their eyes flicking from the softening, cum sticky cocks to each others faces. As if by joint thought they drew together for one final kiss and hugged each other hard as their saliva entwined. "I s'pose we'd better get back", Matt murmured when the kiss finally ended. His friend gazed at him, a half smile on his beautiful face and agreed and they started to adjust their clothing.

"We can always come back up here again, I suppose", said Adrian anxiously as he zipped his fly, almost terrified that his friend would say no. Matt grinned at him. "We certainly will come up here again", he replied. "In every sense of the word!!"

Matt Cums To School (Part 6)

When the two boys entered their "free room" Matt was sure that everyone would guess what had just happened between them, convinced that, somehow, he now looked different, but the other boys just carried on as usual. A few said "Hi", but that was to be expected. To be honest, if someone had studied Matt and Adrian closely over the next hour or so they would have guessed something had changed - the way they looked at each other when their eyes met, brief eye contacts that meant so much more. Every time Matt sneaked a quick look at his friend he couldn't believe how beautiful he was, the gorgeous, slim body, legs encased in the almost erotic dark grey trousers that hid so much more, the blond hair framing the pale, waif like face that seemed to be crying out for someone to care for him. Adrian was experiencing similar feelings and as he remembered the way Matt had been when he had told him his "guilty" secret a wave of affection swept through him. Neither boy would have recognised their feelings as the hesitant beginning of "love" but that was what they were experiencing.

Their sense of euphoria lasted the rest of the evening and as they were preparing for bed, in a dormitory filled with other chattering boys, they snatched quick glances at each other as they changed into their pyjamas. At one stage Matt was sure he caught a quick glimpse of blond pubic hair as Adrian slipped off his briefs and put on his PJ bottoms, but the moment was too short for him to be sure. Even so, just thinking that he might have was enough and as he slipped between the sheets he could feel the hardness of his cock pressing into his pyjama bottoms. The urge to masturbate was overwhelming but his fear that the others would hear his bed squeaking was even greater so he lay on his back, eyes closed and tried to ignore the five inch boner in his crotch that was crying out for attention. Even after the dormitory lights were extinguished he found it hard to sleep as every time his dick started to deflate an image of Adrian would flash into his head and the deflation reversed. Eventually, however, tiredness overtook him and he fell asleep.

He never managed to work out what disturbed his sleep, he just knew that all of a sudden he was awake and when he opened his eyes he just saw blackness. He had no idea of the time, just that it was still night and all around him he could hear the sounds of sleeping boys. He was still not fully awake and lying on his back so he stared into the darkness, his breathing unchanged and he still didn't move when he thought he felt an almost imperceptible movement in his bedclothes. He closed his eyes and concentrated and realised the he was not imagining it, the bedding on the left side of his bed was definitely moving ever so slightly. Suddenly he felt something brush the left leg of his pyjamas and realised it was someone's hand. For a moment he felt a bit panicky but almost immediately relaxed.

"It must be Adrian", he thought. "Shit, he's taking a risk coming over to me, any noise and he might wake the others".

Matt decided to remain silent, terrified that if he even whispered to his friend he might attract unwelcome attention so he remained still, trying to maintain a regular breathing pattern.

The hand continued moving up the side of his leg and he felt a movement in his PJ's as his cock started to harden, continuing to get stiffer as the hand moved closer and closer until it was resting on the fly of his PJ's, pressing against his dick. A sense of anticipation coursed through his body as he felt fingers fumbling with the button of his pyjama bottoms and then, as the button was released and the soft cotton material slid away from his shaft he felt the hand envelope his stiffness and ever so gently start jerking him off. Matt closed his eyes and concentrated on the wonderful feelings coming from his shaft as it was manipulated. Occasionally he felt the sleeve of his friends pyjamas brush his sparse patch of pubic hair, heightening the sensations he was experiencing.

"It would be easier for him if I was my side", Matt decided, but to avoid waking the others and causing suspicion he decided to turn over as he imagined he would if asleep so he gave a little sniff and turned until he was resting on the left side of his body. As he turned the hand abruptly stopped wanking him but a short time after he has performed the manoeuvre he felt the hand return to its ministrations. This time it felt different as, because of the angle the fingers were now gripping him from the top and so each time his foreskin slid down he felt a palm touch his cock head.

Matt lay silently, just enjoying the feeling of his prick being gently jerked and was disappointed when the movement stopped and he felt his bedclothes being lifted further. He wondered what was happening and then almost cried out as he felt something thin and wet brushing over his piss slit. The feeling was amazing and he was sure his cock got harder as he realised head of his shaft was being licked, something else that had never happened to him before. The tongue continued laving his dick the saliva increasing the sensitivity and then Matt felt hot breath on his crotch and the head of his cock was suddenly enveloped by something warm and wet. Matt could hardly believe it, he was getting a blow job for the first time and it was great. He hadn't thought that Adrian might be much more experienced than he was but if this was the result then he was glad he was.

More and more of his dick was being taken in now and what with the motion of the mouth up and down and the flicking tongue on his dick head he knew he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer and almost automatically he started to thrust slightly towards the mouth and then, as he felt the bobbing mouth seem to hesitate he desperately brought his right hand over until he felt the back of his friends head which he gripped and pressed forward towards his pulsing dick. This action seemed to decide things as the mouth increased its movement, moving faster and higher up and down his cock so on each up stroke wet lips rubbed the rim of his cock head and then did so again on the down stroke. Matt knew he was going to shoot his load any second and he tensed, gripping the head tighter and pushing his shaft as far into the warm stickiness as he could and he couldn't hold back a small grunt as he felt his cock start shooting and the climax filling his senses. As the mouth gripped him tighter he felt his dick jerk again and again, by now so sensitive the slightest touch of lips or tongue sent another paroxysm through him.

Finally his thrusting slowed and stopped and the mouth was removed from his slightly softened dick. He felt the bedclothes drop back to their normal position and could faintly see a shadow rising beside his bed. It stood there and a part of it seemed to move and Matt a sound like cloth sliding. He could see that the figure now appeared to be holding something and then he saw movement where the shadows crotch would be and a sound he recognised, that of cloth being rubbed against skin. The movement got faster and faster and then the shadowy figure seemed to jerk several times. He saw another movement, another sound of cloth on wood and then the figure moved away and Matt and was swallowed up in the darkness of the centre of the room. Curiously, Matt quietly reached out with his hand until it came into contact with his small table and then with cloth which he realised were his jockeys. Hardly able to breath he pulled the briefs to him and felt around them until fingers touched wet stickiness. Matt drew them to his face and sniffed and smelt the now unmistakable odour of fresh cum. The thought of someone jerking off into his jockeys made him light headed and he lay there pressing the cotton material into his face, breathing in the smell of spunk and pressing his tongue into one of the damp patches so he could taste the slightly salty fluid. One hand moved down to his limp dick and he rubbed it, feeling the traces of saliva still covering it and it was in that rather unusual position that he fell asleep.

The following morning he opened his eyes and found he was staring at a pair of jockeys lying innocently on his pillow so he quickly crumpled them up before anyone else saw them there. Then he did up his PJ bottoms and got out of bed.

He saw Adrian across the room standing by his own bed who smiled at him and gave a surreptitious wave. Matt smiled back. He was longing to thank his friend for the great blowjob but because of the others he could only indulge in idle chatter with him. After the ritual wash and piss he went to get dressed and suddenly had an overwhelming desire to wear the jockeys which had been used for such an unusual purpose the night before. Quickly he slipped off his pyjama bottoms and pulled on the thin, cotton briefs, swiftly drawing them up his legs until they encased his genitals. Knowing his cock was brushing against the same place his friend had cum in caused a predictable reaction and Matt quickly grabbed his trousers and put them on before the others noticed the obvious bulge forming.

The dorm gradually emptied as boys left for breakfast until finally there was only Adrian and Matt left. As they walked together towards the door Adrian clasped Matt's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze and Matt squeezed back.

"That was an incredible blowjob you gave me last night", he said quietly, looking at his friend. Adrian looked puzzled.

"What blow job?"

Matt's face dropped. "Why the one you gave me last night."

As Adrian still looked blank Matt started to tell him what had happened and his friend listened, mouth agape until he heard about the start of the blow job then he interupted.

"I hate to tell you this, mate, but it wasn't me, honest"

"You serious. Oh shit. Then who the fuck was it".

Adrian giggled and slyly squeezed Matt's crotch. "Haven't a clue. But someone else has been here", (squeeze), "I just wish it had been me!!"

Matt Cums To School (Part 7)

As soon as they could get away from their last class the two boys made their way up to the attic room. Adrian shut the door and then turned to look at his friend. They stared at each other for a few seconds then Matt took a step forwards and gently touched the other boys face. Slowly they moved closer until their bodies were almost touching and their arms were resting on each others shoulders and they stood, not speaking, just looking into each others faces. Adrian stared at the finely moulded face of his friend, moved his head forward and tenderly planted a kiss on his mouth. It lasted only a second before he drew back and as he did he imagined he saw tears in Matt's eyes. Adrian started feeling worried at what he'd done, but before he could voice his concerns he felt himself being pulled gently towards the other boy until he felt his friends lips brushing against his. The two of them kissed, softly at first, and then more passionately as they started to explore each others mouths. Their tongues explored each others mouths, reaching into the far reaches of the small pink caverns and Matt could taste a hint of peppermint as his tongue explored his friends warm, wet mouth, brushing lightly over his teeth.

Finally they broke apart and looked at each other breathlessly, trying to understand what had happened.

"That was so cool", said Matt, "I've never kissed anyone like that before".

Adrian smiled in agreement and then walked over to the mattress leaning against the wall. He pulled it until it dropped to the floor and the two boys sat on it, still a little overawed from their recent kiss. Then Adrian lay back on the mattress and looked up at Matt.

"Right," he said quietly, "I want to know every detail of what happened to you last night - you know, the phantom blow jobber". As he said the last words he started to giggle infectiously until Matt found himself giggling harder and harder until he fell on the mattress beside his friend. The two of them rolled around laughing uncontrollably. Each time one of them tried to stop he'd look at the other and start giggling again. Time and again this happened, tears pouring down their cheeks until finally they lay exhausted and Matt started to describe the events of the night before.

Adrian listened intently and in silence but Matt noticed that as he neared the end of his recital his friends hand strayed to the crotch of his trousers and he squeezed himself every now and then. Finally Matt reached the end, having left nothing out, and he fell silent and waited for Adrian to comment. There was silence for a moment and he heard the familiar voice, although it sounded slightly strange, almost strained.

"What was it like, knowing someone had cum in your shorts?" As he spoke Adrian's hand, still on his trousers started pressing harder.

"I dunno, weird but also exciting. Don't forget I thought it was you at the time and it felt great having part of you close to me like that".

"How about now"

"Well it's not the same, but it's still pretty cool, d'you know what I mean".

"I think so", his friend answered quietly.

Matt looked at him. "Do you mind?" he asked. "Does this make a difference to us?"

Adrian didn't answer immediately, just stared at the ceiling. Then he turned to look at the other boy.

"I don't know", he said, sounding a little sad. "It's hard to explain but I feel a bit weird about it. I think it's because we've been finding out stuff together and now something's happened that I wasn't a part of. To be honest, I think I'm jealous because someone else has made you happy."

Matt heard a break in his friends voice as he finished the sentence and instinctively gave him a hug.

"I really thought it was you, you know. It was so good because of that. You must believe me. When I'm with you it is special and I want to learn this sort of stuff with you".

Adrian didn't reply but started looking a little happier. Matt stroked his arm reassuringly.

"And there's a way for you to catch up, if you want to." He snuggled closer and placed his mouth next to Adrian's ear.

"I want you to suck me off. I want to feel your mouth around my prick and I want to suck you as well. I want us to be special."

His friend turned to look at him.

"Do you mean it", he almost whispered.

Matt kissed him. "Every word."

So saying he stood up and Adrian followed suite. They stood facing each other, slightly breathless, knowing they were entering another new phase in their relationship and a little unsure how to start. In the end Matt took the initiative by reaching over, getting hold of Adrian's blazer and slipping it off. As if playing a game of "Simon Says", his friend removed Matt's blazer and the two of them stared at each other, both dressed in identical white shirts, dark grey trousers and black shoes and socks. Matt knelt and slowly removed the other boys shoes and socks and then stood whilst the favour was repaid.

Now Adrian took the lead and removed Matt's tie, sliding it from his neck and letting it drop to the floor, then standing whilst his own tie was taken off. In unison both boys reached for the buttons of the others shirt and one by one undid them. As he felt Matt's finger sliding down his chest, his shirt buttons slipping from their fastening, he could feel his cock swelling and pushing against his jockeys and he could see from the front of his friend's trousers that there was a similar reaction occurring there as well. Finally the shirts were undone, the boys having pulled them from the trousers to complete the operation and as the two garments dropped to the floor they gazed at each others naked chests and arms. With one finger Matt traced a pattern on Adrian's pale skin, brushing the small nipples and running on down until he touched the waistband of the trousers. His fingers found the trouser clip and fumbled at it until it opened, revealing a small patch of white briefs. There was a hand at his own trousers and soon he felt the pressure on his waist lessen as the waistband was undone. Taking hold of the catch of Adrian's zip he started to pull it down and the sound of the zip unfastening coupled with the sight of the fly gradually opening showing the white cotton briefs with the obvious hard on beneath caused even more pressure on his own crotch.

He looked at his friend, naked from the waist up, tented jockeys still surrounded by the dark grey trousers and continued gazing as Adrian slowly undid the zip on Matt's trousers. He felt them slip down his legs and then looked at his friend who had now knelt down and had buried his head in the warm cotton briefs, pressing his mouth against where the head of Matt's cock was clearly visible. Matt gasped as he felt a sensation rather like s small vacuum cleaner, sucking his dickhead against the white material. Adrian was already in heaven as he sucked Matt's briefs, feeling the outline of the covered cock against his lips and smelling the mixture of warm boy crotch coupled with a very slight hint of piss. The combination of scents was amazing and he sucked he placed his hands on Matt's cotton covered ass and fondled it, feeling the slight dip in the jockeys where the ass crack was.

Finally Matt couldn't stand by any longer whilst his friend had all the fun and he pulled the boy to his feet and knelt in front of him. As if wanting to prolong the moment, he slowly started to move his face towards Adrian's bulging briefs, getting a whiff of the hidden delights as he moved closer. He saw that a small, damp spot had now appeared on the briefs and so he stuck out his tongue and licked it curiously. He felt the erection beneath move as he licked the cotton and then placing one hand on Adrian's ass he pulled the boy towards him until his face was buried in Adrian's warm underwear. With his other hand he felt the cotton covered balls, noticing how they moved under his hand and as he started sucking around the crotch the hand pressing against his friends ass explored its firmness, forcing the briefs into the ass crack until his fingers were brushing against the asshole. Wanting to investigate this new area further Matt slid his hand up to the waistband of the briefs and pulled causing them to slide over Adrian's ass and catch at the top of his legs, allowing him free access.

Adrian was having an amazing time, sensations radiating from the area of his crotch. The feel of the mouth on the damp jockeys and the hand gently squeezing his balls was bad enough but when he felt a fingers stroking his ass crack and then stroking the puckered ring of his asshole he thought he was in heaven and he pushed his ass against the probing fingers. By now Matt was in a similar state and as his friend pushed his ass back Matt felt his finger slip a little was into the tight puckered hole he had been investigating. He pushed it in a little further and heard his friend groan.

"Oh shit, Matt, that's so good. Suck me, please suck me."

As he heard the strangled words Matt let go of Adrian's balls and pulled the briefs down until they were around the boys ankles and saw close up, for the first time, his friends 6" cock pointing towards him. There was a drop of liquid oozing from the slit in the head and he licked it curiously and then, remembering what it had been like for him with the "phantom blowjobber" he started flicking Adrian's piss slit with the tip of his tongue and was rewarded by a gasp from his friend and a throb from the cock. Tentatively he kissed the spongy, purplish head and then wrapped his mouth around it, tasting a boy cock for the first time. His tongue lapped around the shaft and tasted the inside of Adrian's loose foreskin as he continued probing his friend's asshole. His finger was now almost completely buried inside the tight hole and he wiggled it around as he sucked and licked away at the wonderful dick. He could feel the captive body twitching as he continued with his ministrations.

Adrian was rocking gently from one foot to the other, he'd never imagined things would have been as good as this. Not only was his friend causing unbelievable feelings in his cock but was even playing with his asshole. He'd never thought of this part of his body from a sex point of view, something he now realised had been a mistake as the sensations he was getting from the finger moving around inside his very depths were heightening everything. He clenched his buttocks feeling the muscle of his ass tighten against the finger that was still prodding the walls of his asshole and writhed as the mouth around his cock moved over the throbbing organ. However he knew that if he didn't do something soon he'd cum before he'd had a chance to try sucking cock for himself.

"Matt, please stop for a moment", he begged and his friend, reluctantly released the rigid rod from his mouth and slid his finger from the warm asshole.

"Why, what's the matter?" he asked, sounding woried.

"Nothing's the matter but I need to do something to you before I shoot my load, you silly sod!".

Matt grinned at the frustration in his friends voice and stood up. "I'm really sorry", he said, laughingly, "I was having so much fun I didn't think."

Before he'd even finished the sentence Adrian was kneeling in front of him grabbing his jockeys and drawing them quickly off so he could stare at Matt's swaying dick. He gazed at the lovely, slim, 5" piece of stiff flesh surrounded by a small, tight foreskin and gently leaned forward and licked the head experimentally. It tasted like he had imagined it would when he had earlier caught the scent through Matt's jockeys. His hands wandered over the soft ass cheeks and, remembering the recent finger in his ass, turned his friend around so he could examine his fleshy rear properly. He'd never really looked at another boys ass before, sure he'd seen them when they showered after games but he'd never paid much attention - until now. He stroked the tight mound of flesh and he ran one finger along the crack between them. Then, grasping a cheek with each hand he moved them apart until he could the small, hairless, puckered hole peering out from widening crack. Adrian licked the cheeks around the crack and then started pushing his tongue between them until the tip came into contact with the tight hole. He licked around it and once he realised it didn't taste at all bad pushed his tongue into the hole until he felt it being clamped by the muscle.

"Uh that's nice", came a surprised voice.

Adrian reached around his friend until he found his cock and, with his tongue still flicking around his asshole, took hold of the slim dick and started to gently masturbate it, feeling the foreskin slide along the shaft with the movement of his hands. He continued doing this for a few minutes, his other hand rubbing Matt's leg, occasionally creeping up to the tightening balls. It was with some reluctance that he withdrew his tongue, turned his friend around again and started to take his cock into his waiting mouth. As he felt the hardness slipping past his wet lips and smelt the aroma of boy cock and lust he thrust a hand between Matt's legs, into the crack of his ass and then, finding the tight, moist ring, pushed a finger through the pliable muscle. His friend grasped as the finger penetrated and Adrian felt the ass ring tighten around his finger. As he sucked up and down the whole five inches of Matt's cock he kept fucking his ass with his finger feeling the warm body responding to the stimulation.

By now Matt was dizzy with pleasure. The blow job of the night before had been great but compared to this... He could feel his cum filled balls starting to tighten and he put his hands on Adrian's shoulders and gently pushed him back.

"Listen, for our first time I want us both to cum in each others mouth. It just feels the right thing."

"Oh fuck, yes", mumbled Adrian as he took his mouth away from the slippery cock. Quickly both boys went and laid on the mattress, their heads opposite each others erections and without another word started sucking each other as if there was no tomorrow. As if by telepathy they each slipped a hand between the others legs and burrowed between their ass cheeks until they could both ram a finger into the others waiting asshole. They sucked away furiously and Matt could feel the already large prick in his mouth swelling even more and knew that his friend was about to cum. At the other end Adrian was getting similar thoughts and he started pushing his cock further into Matt's mouth and at the same time rammed his finger as deep as he could into the boys squirming ass. Mark moaned and started fucking Adrian's mouth with his slim dick, frantically pushing his finger in and out of his friends ass in rhythm.

Simultaneously both bodies tensed and pressed together as their cocks finally started to shed their pent up loads. Matt felt his mouth filling with the warm spunk that was now spurting from Adrian's dick and he swallowed hungrily, the taste making him hornier still. Meanwhile Adrian was also at breaking point as the jets of Matt's hot, creamy cum spattered into his mouth. He sucked on the jerking dick, trying to squeeze every last drop from it and as he felt his own juice spasming into Matt's warm, willing mouth he almost fainted. It seemed like the whole experience lasted minutes instead of a few seconds but finally both boys collapsed on the mattress, panting wildly, each still with a finger in the others ass. As they got their breath back Adrian slid his ass from his friends finger and knelt up, withdrawing his own finger as he did so. He knelt over his friend who was smiled up at him, his lips sticky with Adrian's cum. Matt stared at his friend adoringly and reaching up a hand slowly pulled him towards him until their spunk stained mouths met. Their tongues explored each other gently, the remaining cum in each mouth mingling together as they kissed, their half soft cocks rubbing together, the shafts glistening with a mixture of spunk and saliva.

Eventually they drew apart.

"That was the best yet", Adrian sighed, one hand stroking Matt's hair. Matt smiled happily at the touch and closed his eyes.

"I wish we could stay here together for ever", he replied but they both knew that soon they would be back among the hustle and bustle of the other boys.

There was a moments silence that was broken by a sudden giggle.

"I just hope we don't have cream for tea" Adrian gurgled and his friend burst out laughing.

Their laughter echoed around the room as they reluctantly started to prepare to become "innocent" schoolboys again.

Matt Cums To School (Part 8)

The next day was a Saturday, the first since Matt had arrived at Marlbi College and when he awoke he was struck by the unusual silence. He checked his watch in case he'd woken up early and then remembered that the wake up bell was an hour later at weekends as there were no lessons, only some inter-school sports fixtures which he wasn't involved in. He lay contentedly, eyes closed, his mind flicking back to the momentous events of the day before when he and Adrian had 'cemented' their relationship. He could feel himself getting hard at the memory but resisted the urge to start rubbing his cock under the bedclothes.

Matt remained in this sleepy stupor for some time listening to the, now familiar, sounds of the other boys starting to wake up. He felt as if he could stay like this for hours but even as the thought crossed his mind something large and soft landed across his face. He grabbed it, sat up abruptly and stared at the object that had so rudely interrupted his reverie. It was a pillow! Matt looked up and saw Adrian standing across the room, his bed now lacking a pillow.

"Get up you lazy bugger" his friend shouted. "It's Saturday. No lessons and lots to do"

Matt flung the pillow back at Adrian and rubbed his eyes.

"What d'you mean, lots to do?" he queried. "What have we got to do today?"

"Have fun, of course", came the enthusiastic reply. "Now get out of your pit and get dressed."

Adrian's enthusiasm was infectious and so Matt did what he was told, had a quick piss, wash and shave and then got dressed. Being Saturday the boys could wear what they liked so Matt got out his favourite jeans and T-Shirt and put them on. By the time he was ready the others were starting to go down to the dining room for breakfast and so he joined Adrian, who had been waiting impatiently, and the two of them joined the others.

Over breakfast he learned that when the weather was nice some of the boys went to a nearby stream to swim and that was the plan this morning. It sounded good to him and he asked who would be going. Adrian pointed them out and Matt saw they included the two he had met earlier in the week, Ian Darke and Ricky Bennett. There were also a couple of others that he knew by sight, Clive Ostler and Steve Adair, but although they were in most of his classes he hadn't really spoken to them yet.

Breakfast finished, the six boys returned to the dormitory and grabbed towels and bathing trunks, all chattering at the same time so it was difficult to separate one conversation from another. Matt thought he heard the word "prick" but it was impossible to be sure so he just grabbed his own bathing things and joined the others. Leaving the main school building, having collected pre-arranged packed lunches from the dining room, the boys started walking through the school grounds and Matt walked with Adrian, looking around with interest as they reached a section he hadn't yet been to.

The well tended grass and sports areas were surrounded by a wooded area and it was into this that they were now going. The sun was already beating down despite the relatively early hour and Matt wiped a hand across his slightly sweating forehead. Of course, being boys they didn't just walk to their destination, they got diverted when things along the walk caught their eyes and generally fooled around so that the journey to the stream probably took twice as long as it should have - but what the hell - they were having fun! It also gave Matt the chance to examine the two boys he hadn't really spoken to or noticed before, Clive Ostler and Steve Adair. They couldn't have been more different in appearance as Clive was about the same height as Matt but quite stocky with brown eyes and dark, curly hair which matched his tanned looking but actually natural complexion, whereas Steve was taller, pale complexioned with light blue eyes and extremely blond hair. Like the others they were wearing jeans and Matt idly wondered what they would like without them!

Eventually the path through the trees widened as it reached the riverbank and Matt saw that a natural pool had formed over the years creating a natural swimming area. There were several worn tracks to the edge of the pool where countless boys had run and jumped in over the years and the whole place had an atmosphere of tranquillity.

"Come on you lazy sods", Ian Darke shouted as he dropped his towel wrapped bundle on the ground and started undressing. The others were quick to follow suit and Matt took the opportunity of sneaking quick glances at the others as they removed various items of clothing and as Steve Adair, still wearing his T-Shirt, slipped off his jockeys and put in his swim trunks Matt caught a brief glimpse of soft dick and pubic hair than vanished all too quickly as Steve's blue trunks covered the tantalising sight.

All too soon, from Matt's point of view, everyone was changed and they moved to the edge of the water in a loose group and stared at it, no-one making any move to actually jump in.

"Looks a bit cold, doesn't it", Ian said and the others agreed silently. (As is often the case, the idea of plunging into a river on a hot day is a great one, until you're actually ready to do it.) Matt was standing at one end of the lone of boys, wondering if they'd ever actually swim, when a hand struck him in the middle of the back, propelling him foreword off the bank and into the waiting water. His arms flailed as he fell and he just managed to draw a breath before he went under. The first touch of the water was a shock as it was colder than it looked and as Matt's head broke through the surface he heard boyish laughter coming from his friends.

"You bastards" he shouted, good naturedly, and started splashing water towards them. This provoked an immediate reaction as the other started jumping in doing their best to land as near to him as possible so that each time one of the almost naked bodies struck the water a wave of water engulfed Matt. He retaliated as best he could by trying to grab people and shove them under but as soon as he grabbed one boy he would be enveloped in another surge of water as someone else jumped in. The scene soon developed into a kind of 'water wrestling' as the group play fought in constantly changing pairs. Matt found himself grappling with Steve Adair, the very blond boy he had noticed earlier, and as they thrashed around in the water, arms wrapped around each other both trying to get the upper hand, Matt felt his trunk covered crotch pressing against his opponents hard enough to feel the soft bulge of the enclosed cock. At the touch he started to get hard and he struggled desperately to draw away before Steve noticed but the other boy was holding him too tightly as he tried to force Matt's head under water. As the disobedient 5" shaft continued to stiffen Matt could feel it pressing into the front of his swim trunks where they were close up against Steve and he know there was no way the other boy wouldn't notice. The worry about his hard on distracted him sufficiently to allow Steve to get the other hand and Matt found himself completely submerged as Steve pushed him under before releasing him and swimming away laughing.

Matt surfaced feeling relieved as his cock was now fully hard and pushing out the stretchy material of his trunks. However, before he could marshal his thoughts he was grabbed from behind, wet arms enveloping his making any useful movement virtually impossible. His back was pressing hard against someone's naked chest and he could feel his ass brushing against their crotch which, he realised, wasn't feeling as soft as it should! Even as the thought crossed his mind he felt the crotch get even less soft until there was a definite hard cock pushing against his ass. Whoever was holding him tightened their grip and thrust gently forwards so their enclosed cock rubbed against Matt which had the affect of making his own stiff shaft even stiffer. Matt flexed his shoulders trying to wriggle free so he could discover who was holding him and, feeling a slight weakening in the grip thrust forward, causing the person behind him to let go. Matt spun round as fast as he could in the water but all he saw were Adrian, Ian and Ricky involved in a 'group' wrestle and, slightly further away Steve and Clive were similarly involved. Even as he watched both groups split, turned and started towards him. Matt started to swim to the bank but was soon overtaken and found himself held tightly by several wet arms as the others crowded around him. He could feel various parts of various bodies touching him and every now and then a hand would brush against the front of his swim trunks, lightly touching his still rigid prick. At one point a hand even slipped inside the back of his trunks and fondled his ass briefly. The constant brushing of bodies against him was making Matt really horny and what wasn't helping was that swim trunks crammed with stiff dicks kept touching against his hands which were pinned to his sides.

Eventually he felt himself being pushed towards the bank and released and he pulled himself out of the water. The others did the same until all six boys were standing on the bank, their skins wet and glistening and, Matt noticed, noticeable bulges in the crotches of their swim trunks. His own hard on was almost painfully tight and pressing against the tight material of his swim trunks and he slyly slid a hand down to try to ease the pressure.

"Anyone mind if I strip off to get dry", he heard a voice and realised it was Ian Darke.

"Sounds like a good idea to me", Steve replied and, without further hesitation, both boys took hold of their wet trunks and slipped them off. Matt flicked his tongue over his dry lips as he stared at the two of them, now stark naked and exhibiting extremely stiff cocks. Ian's was circumcised, about the same size as Matt's and was surrounded by a small but thick patch of black pubic hair while Steve's was longer by around half an inch as well as being thicker. His pubes were very blonde, just like the rest of his colouring. Matt swallowed as he stared at the two cocks, waving slightly when their owners moved, and then looked to see the reactions of the others. Like him they were staring at Steve and Ian but then Adrian started removing his trunks, quickly followed by Ricky and Clive. Not wanting to be the 'odd one out' Matt decided he's better do the same and it wasn't long before all six of them were bollock naked. As the others seemed to be looking at each other unselfconsciously he did the same, looking with interest at the, until then, unseen dicks now open to scrutiny. Clive Ostler had a nice, uncircumcised 5.5 inches which was pointing slightly upwards, the foreskin only half covering his slightly purple dick head and as Matt looked Clive gave it a slight squeeze, causing a drop of clear liquid to appear from the piss slit. Feeling his balls throb at this sight Matt quickly turned his attention to Ricky's which was a different matter altogether. The boy was slightly built and his circumcised cock was the same, a fraction under 5 inches and slim with a beautifully shaped head. Matt decided he'd love to suck it some time - in fact he'd like to get 'better acquainted' with all of them. These feelings didn't in any way diminish the way he felt for Adrian, they were more schoolboy lust and in any case, judging from the way Adrian's dick was sticking up he wanted some fun as well!

"Fancy playing a game to warm up?", Ricky suggested.

"Yes, the biscuit game" came the joint shout from Adrian, Ian and Steve.

"Anyone got a biscuit?" was the next question.

Matt had already looked in his packed lunch and knew there were a couple of biscuits in it so he told the others this who asked him to get one of them. Thoroughly mystified, Matt went to his bundled towel, unrolled it and unwrapped his packed lunch. He quickly found one of the digestive biscuits it contained and took it back to the others, wondering what the hell the biscuit game was. He soon found out!

Steve took the proffered biscuit and placed it on the ground. Then he and the others formed a circle around the biscuit in which Matt, still puzzled, joined. Steve looked around at the others, waiting expectantly, cocks stiffly jutting out in front of them.

"Right", he said. "When I say 'GO' we'll start wanking. Remember when you cum you have to get at least some of it on the biscuit."

"How do you win?" Matt asked nervously, excited by Steve's description of the game. The others laughed.

"It's more a question of who loses", Adrian told him, grinning. "The last person to cum has to eat the biscuit!"

Before Matt could say anything Steve shouted "GO" and, in unison, five hands grabbed five rigid dicks and started wanking away. The sixth, Matt, was slightly slower starting but he soon joined in, not wanting to be the one who ate the biscuit. The sight of five other boys stroking their cocks made Matt light-headed, Steve had his fist wrapped around his shaft and on each upward stroke his foreskin completely covered his glistening cock head which then revealed itself fully on each downward stroke when the loose foreskin slid right back. Drops of pre-cum were oozing out of his piss slit as he slid his hand up and down, his eyes half closed in enjoyment. Ricky, on the other hand, just used his thumb and forefinger and just moved his hand a short distance with each stroke so the fingers rubbed against the base of his circumcised dick head. Ian, although also cut used his whole hand like Steve but his movements were faster, as if he was doing the wanking equivalent of the 100 metres. The purplish head of his prick bobbed gently as his hand blurred up and down his stiff shaft.

Matt could feel his balls starting to throb as he turned his gaze on Clive who was jerking off furiously, stopping every now and again to rub his thumb over his pre-cummed piss slit so that he spread the clear, sticky liquid over the head of his cock. Finally Matt looked at his friend, and love, Adrian, watching him adoringly as he furiously masturbated, his foreskin almost a blur in his determination not to cum last. Matt knew from the throbbing in his own prick he was going to cum in a few seconds but before he could reach his peak he heard a slight moan and turning his head saw Ricky move foreword and kneel over the biscuit. Just as he reached his intended position his dick jerked and a few small gobs of white liquid spattered from his piss slit onto the ground. A couple of them managed to hit the biscuit, leaving white, liquid patches on the light brown surface. Watching the other boy cum was enough for Matt and he stumbled towards the biscuit as he felt his spunk starting to spurt. In his haste and climax most of his hot cream landed on Ricky's shoulder but luckily the last spurt hit the biscuit, mixing with the cum already on it. As if it was contagious, matt sensed more movement and then, almost in unison Ian, Steve, Clive and Adrian were by him, forming a sweaty, throbbing circle over the now damp biscuit, all now furiously pulling at their respective pricks.

The four of them were desperately trying not to be the last to hit the biscuit but someone had to be and it wasn't long before Adrian's cock started ejaculating its cum load, spraying wildly around as it pumped. Adrian just managed to gather his senses enough to aim and squeeze the last white drops over the biscuit, getting in the path of Clive's sperm which now started jetting from his shiny dick, successfully covering the biscuit with hot, salty cream. He was almost immediately followed by Ian who watched in satisfaction as both of his blobs of cum hit the target.

So Steve had lost! He didn't seem too worried, Matt thought, as he watched the blond boy reach out, grab the spunk sodden biscuit with his free hand and cram it into his mouth. He knelt in front of the others, his face screwed up in pleasure, white trails of the others spunk dribbling from his biscuit and cum filled mouth as his cock finally discharged its own load of juice. The first spray shot wildly over the short gap between his cock and Matt, spattering onto his thighs and balls and then, as Steve swallowed the cum mix he groaned loudly and his next spurt went even further forward. He kept pumping at his throbbing prick and Mat felt himself getting slightly hard as he stared at the excited boy, squeezing the last drops of cum from his dick as he licked the cum trails on his face. By the time he had finished Matt noticed that all the others were semi-hard, despite only just having cum.

Steve finally collapsed on the ground.

"Oh Shit", that was really something", he muttered.

Clive laughed, one hand gently squeezing his own cock.

"I hope you realise it's only 10:30", he remarked. "We've got hours more yet to.. have fun!"

To be continued. . .

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