Matt Cums to School

By moc.toofgib@kurohtua

Published on Aug 19, 2023



If you have any comments or feedback on this story please feel free to e-mail me at . Any stories I write will only be posted to the ASSGM news group so if you see them anywhere else, apart from the Nifty Archive, please let me know as they will have been posted without my permission. Suggestions for possible story topics also welcome.

Matt Cums To School (Part 9)

[Clive laughed, one hand gently squeezing his own cock.

"I hope you realise it's only 10:30", he remarked. "We've got hours more yet to.. have fun!"]

Matt was sitting on the bank, his feet splashing in the stream as he stared at the slowly moving water. It wasn't long after they had finished the biscuit game and the others were slopped on the ground relaxing in the sun but Matt was trying to get his head around the events of the morning so far. Despite all that had happened in the past week, at least on the sexual front, he was still finding it a bit difficult to accept the open way all the boys seemed to be about having sexual fun. It was different from him and Adrian, that was more special and private, but he had to admit that the six of them openly watching each other wanking off had been somehow liberating as well as a real turn on. Before he'd come to Marlbi College he'd hardly ever seen any other boys dick soft, let alone stiff and now, in just a few days, he'd seen more hard ons and cum and had more done to him than in his whole life. However, until today, with the exception of his time with Adrian, he had been more "sinned against" than the "sinned" but now that had all changed. Now he had actively taken part in a ritual with five others which had involved uninhibitedly displaying rigid cocks and ejaculations.

He realised he'd got hard again as he'd thought back and gently started to fondle his stiff cock, rubbing the tip of his foreskin together over his swelling cock head. He continued playing with himself as he watched the river until he became aware of a shadow half blocking out the sunlight beaming down on him. He half looked around but as all he could see was a stiff cock he looked up to find its owner was Steve Adair. The blonde boy smiled and then, slid down until he was sitting on the bank next to Matt. Both boys sat there in silence although Matt couldn't help snatching quick glances at Steve's cock, waving slightly in a light breeze, the purplish top of his dick head just visible above the loose foreskin that surrounded it like a hood. When he'd first noticed the other boy Matt had stopped fondling himself but now, as he looked at the thickish 5½" cock he, almost unconsciously, moved his fingers back to his stiff prick. He heard the other boy cough and then speak.

"Look Matt, I hope you're OK about what happened just now. I mean it's just a laugh and Adrian reckoned you'd be cool about it. If we got it wrong then I'm sorry".

"It's not that, Steve." Matt replied. "It's just, oh shit, I don't really know how to explain it. Today was the first time I've done stuff like that with a bunch of boys and I s'pose I'm a bit worried 'cos . . "

". . you liked it and wonder if you should, right?"

"Something like that."

When Steve spoke again his voice was gentle. "It's no big deal, I think we've all felt like that at first. The way I look at it is like this. Here we are, a bunch of teen boys, suddenly discovering cocks aren't just for pissing with and all chucked together for weeks at a time. So we have a choice. Either we can keep quiet about when we're feeling randy, and sneak off to have a quick wank in the bogs when we can - or we decide 'fuck it' let's make the most of it and experience as many different things as possible. I mean, in a few years we'll be out in the big wide world and if we want to screw girls then, no problem. But is it right we should have to lock our dicks up until then. What's wrong with having a bit of fun, eh?"

As he finished he gave Matt a friendly dig in the ribs. Matt grinned.

"I suppose when you put it like that, nothing."

The blonde slapped him on the shoulder. "That's right," he said. "now listen Matt, I don't know if you've got something going with Adrian, we think you might and that's great 'cos Ade's a great bloke and you get on well together and when we do stuff as a group that won't spoil it for you two. Our only rule is if anyone in the group doesn't want to do something and the others do, it's not a problem. All of us just do the stuff we want, there's no pressure. OK?"

Matt looked up and smiled. "Thanks Steve, you've helped me get things sorted out."

The other boy smiled back. "S'OK, no probs".

The two of them remained sitting on the bank and Matt couldn't help again looking at the still stiff cock of the boy next to him. Although not that much bigger than his or Adrian's it was certainly was larger and thicker and Matt really wanted to see what it felt like. Experimentally, he moved his left hand until it was resting on the warm skin of the other boys thigh. Steve made no move or sound as the hand touched him so Matt gently slid his hand up the leg until his fingertips brushed against the squidgy ball sack. He prodded the pliable skin and felt the hard round testicles pressing against his knuckles then he slid his hand over the soft skin of Steve's groin until his fingers were resting on the base of the rigid prick. It felt warm to his touch and he felt it jump slightly as his fingers brushed the rough skin and Matt moved his hand up the shaft until he felt the base of the cock head hit his fingers which he then clasped round the stiff, blood engorged muscle.

It felt strange after his own and Adrian's dicks and Matt watched with interest as Steve's foreskin rippled under the movements of his clasping hand. He squeezed and was rewarded by seeing a drop of clear pre-cum ooze from the small slit in Steve's cock head. It stayed, glistening on the swollen head until Matt moved up his thumb and rubbed it over the drop, causing the sticky fluid to spread over the head of Steve's swollen prick. He heard the other boy give a little groan as Matt's lubricated thumb massaged the sensitive swelling and felt him lean back until he was lying on the bank, legs slightly apart, giving Matt unrestricted access to his crotch. Matt released his grip on the warm cock, shifted onto his left side so he was facing Steve and this time it was his right hand that reached for the blonde's shaft. As he clasped it he felt his own cock press into Steve's leg but he ignored this and started pulling the others foreskin up and down over the now even harder dick head.

Matt was loving the sight of Steve's cock appearing then disappearing inside the sliding foreskin and started pulling the loose skin as far back down the cock as he could and then right up so it bunched under his hand, completely covering the thick prick. By now more clear liquid was visible on the piss slit but as soon as it appeared the rubbing foreskin smoothed it into the warm, throbbing shaft, causing the purplish head to glisten damply.

"Go for it Matt", he heard Adrian's voice and looking up saw the others were now standing watching, hands rubbing at their stiff dicks. Hardly pausing in his movement he continued wanking Steve's cock, now getting faster so the foreskin whipped up and down in almost a blur. He could feel Steve moving slightly under his stroking hand and noticed that the other four boys had got closer and closer until now they were standing almost above the blond boy Matt was masturbating. By now Matt's crotch was also reacting, his erection painfully stiff, the tip rubbing against Steve's thigh as his hand manipulated the other's prick. Steve was starting to move more now and he was making slightly familiar whimpering noises, thrusting his pelvis forwards on each of Matt's downward strokes. The others were now kneeling around the slightly writhing boy, jerking away furiously, the heads of their cocks overhanging the pale skinned youth whose cock was trapped in Matt's furiously pumping hand and it wasn't long before the first, Ricky, gave a gasp and his white cum spattered from his thin, circumcised dick onto Steve's pulsating stomach.

Almost immediately Ian followed suite and deposited his creamy liquid over Steve's pubic hair, a few drops landing on Matt's jerking hand. Matt briefly wondered why the two uncircumcised boys had cum first, but only briefly, as Adrian's breathing suddenly quickened and he leant forward as his friction warmed dick gobbed its load of warm spunk over Steve's heaving chest. The last drops were still dripping when Clive Ostler, unable to hold back any longer, held his foreskin right back and squeezed the base of his pulsating cock, forcing his cum to shower over the recumbent, sweating face below. As the hot cream made contact with his mouth Steve seemed to lift a couple of inches off the ground and Matt watched as his hand started getting covered by the cum jetting from the cock he was wanking. He kept going, his hand rubbing the cum over Steve's cock which just made the boy jerk more and release more creamy globules. As the cum decreased to a trickle Matt realised he needed give release to his own aching balls and without really thinking about what he was doing he let go of Steve's softening dick and flung himself on top of the still panting boy, grinding his hard cock against the crotch and stomach below, feeling it sliding against the recently deposited sperm that still covered them. Almost immediately his cock started throbbing as the slimy cum rubbed against his cockhead and he increased his movement, his head over Steve's cum spattered face. As he felt his balls boiling over Matt lowered his head until his mouth was brushing Steve's lips, tasting the cum on them and then he started thrusting hard and felt the warmth of his cream start to jet from his throbbing dick, onto Steve's stomach, creating a slimy carpet of spunk along which he continued thrusting his cock. He his massive orgasm went on he felt Steve's mouth open and a tongue pressed against his lips. He responded, his tongue rubbing around the wet, slightly cummy mouth as the last of his sticky fluid left his cock and joined the deposits already left by the others on the still pulsating stomach.

Finally his orgasm was over and, weakly, he lifted himself from the pinned boy. There was a slight squelching noise as his body came away from the cummy one below and then he fell onto his back. Looking up he could see Adrian and the others watching wide-eyed.

"That was fucking awesome to watch", breathed Adrian. "You sex starved tart!"

Matt looked up at his grinning friend.

"Take's one to know one" he responded before closing his eyes blissfully, allowing the post orgasmic lassitude to envelop him.

The others looked at the sticky, cummy bodies, lying beneath them, shiny dicks flopping limply against their thighs.

"Don't think we'll be getting much out of them for a bit", Clive commented

"In any sense of the word", Ricky agreed.

Adrian sighed. "Shit, might as well go for a swim until their balls recover. Don't want to get them tired too quickly!"

Matt Cums To School (Part 10)

Once Steve and Matt had recovered from their 'exertions' they joined the others who were swimming and generally fooling around. They paused to eat the packed lunches and then, after a short "laze on the ground" to let the food settle, it was back to the swimming. By the afternoon the weather had got pretty hot and the nest place for all the boys was the cool water. It was during this swim that Matt realised that there had been no sexual activity for over TWO hours!!. Was that it, he wondered, was sex off the menu for the rest of the afternoon? He was little surprised to realise that he was feeling a bit disappointed at this thought because, however the others felt, just the thought of the earlier activities was making his cock stiffen.

Almost as if he had read Matt's thoughts, Steve picked this moment to speak, shouting to make himself heard over the other splashing, chattering boys.

"O.K. you lot, time for the "GS" game".

So saying he swam to the bank and got out of the water, closely followed by the others, Matt included, even though he didn't have a clue what the "GS" game was! Once they were all standing on dry land, rivulets of river water slipping down their naked bodies onto the dry ground, Steve went to his bag, withdrew some straws and walked back to the others, patting the straws into his hand as he did so. Matt watched, bemused, at this strange behaviour, but his bemusement soon turned to understanding as Steve held out his fist towards the others clutching six straws of apparently the same length.

"Right, you lot", Steve grinned. "The one who picks the short straw will be the hunter."

Adrian, who was at the end of the line put out a hand and selected one of the straws. He pulled it from Steve's palm and looked at it.

"It's not me", he announced to the others.

Next to pick was Clive and he also selected one of the longer straws. Ricky picked two straws, one for himself and another for Steve, at his request. Matt, at the other end of the line from Adrian impatiently waited for his turn to come, even though he still didn't know what the game was. He watched as Ian took a straw and, in the split second before he made his own selection he realised all the others seemed to have picked straws of the same length. His impression was confirmed as the final straw slid from Steve's palm - it was a good two inches shorter than the others!

"Look like it's you Matt", Adrian announced.

"Yeah", Matt murmured, still staring at his straw.

"Right Matt", he heard Steve saying. It's quite simple, it's a sort of hide and seek. You count to fifty and we'll go into the trees and hide. Then you've got to try to find us and if you do you have to creep up and give us a slap on the ass. If you haven't got us all in 30 minutes then you lose. O.K.?"

"Is that it?", Matt responded. "Is that the 'GS' game"

"That's the first part", Steve replied, enigmatically, then looking at the others, "Ready - start counting matt - Let's go!"

Before Matt had even got the word 'one' out the others had vanished is a scattering of whit flesh, buttocks bobbing gently as they ran off. The boy felt slightly stupid, standing alone, bollock naked, by a river counting upwards but as he counted he strained his ears to try and hear which way any of the others had gone. Finally he reached the magic number and set off to catch the others.

It may be wise to gloss over the next 30 minutes. Suffice it to say Matt searched hard but during the whole time only saw two glimpses of naked ass, both of which had disappeared by the time he got nearer. So it was a rather sweaty Matt who returned to the clearing to find the others already there. As he walked up to them he noticed the sheen of sweat covering each of them. Even their cocks were glistening damply and he quickly felt his own crotch, his hand coming away damp with his own sweat.

"Looks like I lost", Matt stated, grinning. "Who's next?"

"Actually that's it Matt", Steve told him. "Now, as the loser, you have to lead the 'GS' part of the game."

Matt still didn't know what the term meant - so he asked!

"GROUP SUCK!", the others shouted in unison.

"What?" Matt stammered. "You mean we suck each others dicks."

"Not quite, mate", Ian grinned. "You suck our dicks - all of them, one at a time!"

As he spoke he started playing with himself, causing his circumcised shaft to stiffen rapidly until it was jutting out in front of him. The other started doing the same and it wasn't long before Matt was facing five very stiff pricks, all awaiting his attention. The sight of the hard-ons appearing had been too much for him and his own cock swelled into full erection.

"Right Matt, who's going to be first?", a voice asked.

Matt stared at his friends or rather at the boners between their legs. Until now he'd only sucked Adrian off, now that was going to change with a vengeance!

He decided he'd like to start with a cock with no foreskin as both he and Adrian had one so he was curious as to whether there was any difference and remembering his earlier thoughts that day, the first suck would have to be with .. .

"Ricky", he announced to the waiting dicks and their owners and walked over to where the slim boy was standing, a shine of excitement, or perhaps lust, in his eyes. Reaching his Matt knelt down, letting his eyes wander down the pale, thin chest, which showed the outline of every rib, past the small, in-turned navel and down to the slim, stiff prick, jutting out from the centre of a virtually hairless crotch. Mat moved his head forward, inch by inch and noticed, to his surprise that there was a particular scent coming from the area of his attentions. He had assumed that the earlier swim would have removed any trace of smell but realised the running about in the sun had negated this assumption. He felt Ricky's warm cock brush his cheek as he pressed his face against the smooth skin of the crotch. His nose was touching the base of the stiff dick and he sniffed at the illusive aroma of boy sweat rising from the boys balls and shaft. He lifted his head fractionally, gently stuck out his tongue and licked around the stem of Ricky's hard on where it met the crotch. He felt the other boy twitch slightly as he licked and, encouraged, started sliding his tongue further up the hard flesh until it came into contact with the ridge of the cockhead. In order to get more pressure with his tongue Matt clasped the base of the cock with one hand and with the other squeezed the small but loose skin around Ricky's balls. Holding the prick tightly allowed him to lick around the slightly purplish head of the entrapped cock and when he manoeuvred around so he could lick at the piss hole he heard Ricky give a small whimper of pleasure. Realising that this was obviously a sensitive spot he concentrated on it, flicking the tip of his tongue over the spongy, salivered flesh, alternating between the piss slit and the ridge at the base of the head.

The others were looking on, fascinated at the expression of pleasure on Ricky's face, his mouth half open and his eyes tight shut. Adrian noticed his torso was undulating gently as Matt ministered to his dick, and, gradually these undulations were becoming more pronounced. From his position underneath Matt could also sense the increase in excitement and instinctively stopped the tongue flicking and wrapped his mouth around the hot cock. Because it wasn't too thick or long he was able to get most of it in his mouth and he sucked in his cheeks to increase the pressure on the vibrating organ. He stopped his fondling of Ricky's balls and slid his hand around the boy until he was stroking one of his tensed up ass cheeks. It wasn't more than a couple of minutes before Ricky started pushing forwards, then his dick jerked and Matt felt a few drops of liquid squirt from the piss slit onto his still licking tongue. It tasted like Adrian's had, but wasn't quite the same. He kept sucking until Ricky stopped thrusting, and then gradually allowed the softening dick to slip out of his mouth. He looked up briefly at Ricky, who still had his eyes shut but who was smiling dreamily and then turned to face the others who by now all had painfully stiff erections. Matt realised his own felt harder and tighter than usual and he gave it a couple of squeezes as he chose his next 'victim'.

He thought Steve looked the most desperate for relief so he moved over to Clive and stared into his olive skinned face and dark eyes. Wordlessly the two boys looked at each other for a few seconds before Matt knelt down before the, somewhat larger, uncircumcised boner. Just like earlier, the foreskin was half covering the cockhead but as soon as Matt touched it with his tongue it slid further back revealing the whole of Clive's swollen, shiny dick. Although only around half an inch longer than his or Adrian's it was still the largest one of the group, except, perhaps for Steve. Without further ado Matt wrapped his mouth around the tip and started sucking and licking, noticing the slightly more musky smell and taste of the more mature boy. He started feeling Clive's balls as he sucked away but gradually his hand moved further up the warm, sweaty skin between the legs until his fingers were pressing into the boy's ass crack. He continued exploring with his fingers as he took more of the swollen prick into his mouth until the tip was pressing against the back of his mouth and he had to pull back a fraction to avoid gagging. He could feel his forefinger pressing against the tight, muscled hole of Steve's ass and he started rubbing and prodding it as he started moving his wet mouth up and down the now slippery shaft.

Clive wasn't sure what to do. On one hand he wanted to push his cock further into Matt's mouth but on the other he wanted to press his asshole against the probing fingeras both sensations were making him intensely aroused. Although Matt didn't know it at the time, all Clive had done before today was indulge in some mutual wanking sessions and had never been sucked off before and certainly never had anyone play with his asshole. Eventually the decision was taken away from him as Matt's finger finally slipped through the tight muscle ring and penetrated the inside of his ass, causing Clive to push forward. Again Matt almost gagged so he wrapped his other hand around the base of the other's cock to give him some control over how far into his mouth it went. This also allowed him to move his mouth up and down the swollen organ faster and he pressed his lips tight against the sides and felt them rubbing against the now throbbing dick. Clive's asshole was tight against the side of his finger but as he started to push in and out of the hot ass he felt it relax slightly and he started to probe with a second finger whilst continuing in press the first one in deeper.

Despite having more experience that any of the others, as far as he knew, Steve was finding it incredibly arousing watching Clive being sucked and finger fucked by the new member of the group. He stared at Matt's firm ass, now raised off the ground to allow a better sucking motion, and wondered if he'd ever get the chance to finger it - or even fuck it and as these thought crossed his mind he started slowly wanking himself off, which would probably quicken things for Matt later! He wasn't the only one to be so affected. Beside him Adrian and Ian were watching open mouthed and Ian was gently rubbing his hand over Adrian's ass but neither seemed to mind or even notice. Even the exhausted Ricky was watching and his limp dick suddenly wasn't so limp anymore.

By now Matt and Clive were to involved to care who was watching or what they were doing and as Clive felt familiar sensations start to build up inside him Matt finally managed to get the tip of a second finger past the resisting ass muscle. Just as he felt Clive start the prelude to orgasm he pushed his hand forward firmly and felt two fingers slip right up into Clive's ass. Clive gasped at the momentary discomfort but then, as a wave of pleasure engulfed him he tightened his ass hole around the invaders, pushed back against them and at the same time shot his load into Matt's mouth. As the hot. creamy liquid started filling his mouth the boy was taken aback at the amount, Ricky had only managed a few drops, he soon recovered and started to swallow the salty jism, still moving his fingers up and down in Clive's ass hole. The 'suckee' managed two or three smaller spurts before he was finally drained and as the cum stopped flowing, Matt pulled out his fingers from the boy's asshole, which closed firmly behind them. he stood up and turned to the remaining three boys who were staring in awe and the exhibition they'd just witnessed. Ian noticed there was a thin white trickle from Matt's mouth as some of Clive's spunk escaped and this made his asshole tighten in anticipation. Who would be next? All three boys hoped it would be them but were taken aback as Matt spoke.

"It's your turn now Adrian". Then as Adrian eagerly walked forward, Matt spoke again.

"And you Ian! I want to try something different!"

Matt positioned the boys so they were side by side but angled forwards so their cocks were almost touching and then, clasping hold of one with each hand, he started to lick between them, his tongue rubbing against both piss slits at the same time. Every now and then he would remove his tongue and rub the two saliva slippery cock heads against each other, which, for the two recipients felt really good. After administering this treatment for sufficient time to get the two boys worked up to a satisfactory level Matt began to suck them alternately, wrapping his mouth first over Adrian's prick and then Ian's. Both boys were finding the slippery mix of cum and saliva helping Matt's mouth slide up and down their bursting boners was almost too much to bare and both knew they weren't going to last long under this sort of treatment. Now he'd got the rhythm going Matt released his hold on the cocks and slid a hand around each boys ass and into their ass cracks. He continued sucking and tonguing them as he searched for, then found their assholes and started pushing a finger into each which caused the boys to move up to another plain of excitement.

The still, slow wanking Steve decided he couldn't just stand there any more, Matt's ass was pointing invitingly towards him and he decided it should have some of the finger treatment the others were getting. And it wasn't breaking the rules - as long as Matt sucked him off eventually! Reluctantly releasing his cock, which was now pointing at almost 45 degrees towards his stomach, he padded over to the involved trio, knelt down behind Matt and stared at his inviting asshole. Because of his position Matt's ass cheeks were slightly apart, allowing Steve to see the inviting tight, puckered ring, contracting slightly as the boy sucked and licked away. Steve grabbed his dick and squeezed hard, causing more pre-cum to ooze from his piss slit onto the tip of his cock. When he'd got as much as he could out he rubbed one forefinger in it until the top two inches had a covering of the clear, slippery liquid and then, licking his lips in anticipation, he placed the tip of the pre-cummed finger against Matt's closed ass hole and started to push.

Matt noticed the assault on his ass but was too involved, and excited, to care. By now his fingers were buried in Adrian's and Ian's asses and he was sliding them in and out as he sucked away at both cock, having finally managed to position the boys in such away the he could get both cock heads into his warm, sticky mouth at the same time. So is was hardly surprising that Steve's slippery finger slipping up his ass just made him horny, although he fleetingly wish the finger was bigger!

Adrian and Ian had their arms around each other, to act as a support for their weakening legs which were wilting under ecstatic pleasure the combined assaults on their cocks and asses was causing. Both were digging their fingers into the others body as the orgastic explosions started building up until they finally exploded. They both yelled as spunk jetted from both dicks at the same time. Matt felt his mouth filling with the combined ejaculations but resisted the urge to swallow and make room as he had other plans for the sticky discharges. Pulling his fingers from the now willing ass holes he grabbed the still spunking cocks and squeezed them, urging the last drops of cum into his mouth, at that same time pushing back against the finger fucking his ass. As soon as Adrian and Ian had finished their climaxes Matt slipped his mouth from their wilting sperm pistols and spun round to face Steve.

The sudden movement took him by surprise and his finger slid out of Matt's asshole. He looked down at the kneeling boy and noticed that his mouth was closed and his cheeks seemed slightly swollen. Steve tensed as a hand wrapped around his cock and he felt the tip pressing against Matt's closed lips. Matt pressed against it and slowly allowed the cock head to penetrate his mouth. The other boy was expecting his dick to slip into a warm, empty space and but instead he felt it pushing into some thick, hot, sticky substance. Two seconds later he almost passed out as he realised that his prick was surrounded by Adrian and Ian's fresh cum and as Matt slid his mouth up and down the shaft the sensations caused by the gelatinous mass were awesome. Realising Steve was already on the edge Matt edged a hand round the other boys ass cheeks, slid into his crack and without ceremony pushed two fingers through the muscled hole into his ass.

This invasion was the final straw for Steve and with a yell he clasped Matt's head and started fucking his mouth, almost immediately feeling his cum start to explode from his desperate prick. As Steve's spunk started spurting into his mouth Matt opened his mouth slightly allowing some of the white cream to escape down his cheeks. He continued his assault on the other boy's ass as Steve continued to buck, groaning with each ejaculation. Hurriedly Matt grabbed his own dick and started wanking furiously and because of the build up he only needed a few strokes to reach orgasm. Just as he felt himself about to cum he forced his fingers into Steve's ass as hard as he could causing the other's pubic hair to mash against his cummy face and simultaneously he swallowed a large amount of the mixed spunk from the three boys that he had in his mouth.

The feel of the ass muscle around his fingers combined with the smell of Steve's pubes and the taste of the cum sliding down his throat was all it needed and he almost bit into the pumping cock in his mouth as his own prick swelled in his hand started jetting cum over his hand. The others were watching in amazed silence, Ricky already fully hard again, as Matt finally slid to the ground and lay there, white streams of cum staining his face, hands and legs.

"Bloody hell", he faintly heard Adrian say. "You haven't taken long to get used to the first 'ins and outs' of school life!"

To be continued. . .

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