Max Fullers Maze

Published on Sep 7, 2023


Max Fuller's Maze Chapter 5

Disclaimer: This file contains depictions of sexual acts with preteens boys and should not be read by minors or by anyone where it is prohibited by the laws of their state or country. 

Author's notes: This is a fan fiction story involving characters from the tv show "Fuller house". It can be read without knowing the show. There will be more mature scenes with Max and other male characters. Also, for anyone who doesn't know, "Ark Survival Evolved" is a game where you can tame and ride dinosaurs. It will be a reoccurring thing.

Consider this taking place after the events of the first season but before the second.

I love getting feedback. If you have any thoughts on this story please send them to: samtheham2235 _at_  

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Max Fuller's Maze


                                                by Sam The Ham


Chapter 5**

Max sat on his bed, legs crossed, doodling on a sketch pad. He had listened to his brother who was still laying on the floor. "I see, I see," Max said after his brother stopped talking. "You didn't want to ask her, but because Popko asked Ramona, you felt obligated."

"Basically," Jackson said taking his arm off his eyes and looking up at his brother. "Are you taking notes on what I'm saying?"

"What? No, it's a flipbook see?" Max said flipping the notebook around and showing a crude drawing of a chicken hatching. "It just sounds like you caved into peer pressure to me. Didn't you pay any attention to those assemblies when you were my age?"

Jackson rose from the floor and brushed himself off. "Thanks, you are no help."

Max jumped off the bed and ran in front of his brother to stop him from leaving. "I'm sorry. I just don't really understand. I mean it's just a party. I've been to dozens."

Jackson let out a little breath. "It's not just a party. It's a make out party."

"Yeah, but is that all you're going to do there?" Max asked, spreading his arms. "I mean like, is that it?"

Jackson opened his mouth and then shut it. "I don't know. It's not like they cover this stuff in class. You know, something useful for a change."

Max thought for a second and then perked up. "Have you tried looking it up?"

"I'm pretty sure it's more complicated than just looking something up."

"It's a start," Max said jumping back on his bed and grabbing his tablet from where it was charging. Opening Google, he typed in how do you make out, and sure enough, there were several responses. The first one was a Wiki. "See, 15 easy steps."

Jackson took the tablet from Max's hand and started reading. "Yeah, 15 easy steps."

"Sarcasm?" Max asked.

"Do I need to hold up a sign? I have a hard-enough trouble with PEMDAS."

"I don't know what that is, but practice makes perfect." Max said, proud of himself.

"I'm pretty sure my girlfriend would object to me practicing on another girl."

Max thought for a second and moved over to sit next to his brother. "How about your brother?"

Jackson let out a laugh. "You want me to practice making out, with you?"

"Well, it's me or nothing. I'm just trying to be nice."

Max was half serious; he was more curious than anything else. Seeing he wasn't going to get anywhere, he started hopping off the bed when his brother placed a hand on his forearm. "Read this and tell me if you still want too."

Max took the tablet back in his hand and read through the 15 Steps and questions. It was kind of like long division. Just one step after another and eventually you reach your goal. Of course, the final step was leaving them wanting more, which was something he was pretty sure his uncle Joey had said about performing. Still, it seemed nice, and Max did want to help his brother.

"Step one, make eye contact." Max said putting the tablet down.

For what seems like a long moment, the brothers just stared at each other. Max was easily a head shorter than his older brother, and under different circumstances, it might have been intimidating staring up at someone who was so close. Still, this was his brother, and Max felt comfortable being this close. Jackson was a pretty good big brother. Some of his friends who had brothers or sisters always said how bad they were, teasing them and everything, but Jackson didn't do that. He wasn't perfect in Max's eyes, but he did love him.

If asked, neither of the brothers would be quite sure who started to move closer to the other first. It was a slow process, but soon their lips were touching. Max slowly opened his lips and as soon as they touched Jackson's, he felt his brother's tongue come out and touched the tip of his. That felt a bit weird, but when Jackson's tongue started to enter Max's mouth that felt weird, and Max pulled back.

"That's not comfortable. Your tongue is too big."

"Sorry. Do you want to stop?" Jackson said breathlessly.

"No, just keep your tongue in your mouth, and I'll put mine in." Max said, not thinking as his one arm reached up to place his hand on the back of Jackson's neck. He felt Jackson's hand go to his side while their free hands touched, and their fingers intertwined.

After a bit longer, Max remembered another step and broke the kiss, slowly turning his head. He allowed his brother to kiss his cheek. Max felt a giggle come out and he pulled away letting his brother follow him down. Max hadn't realized that he was laying down on the bed until his brother was almost on top of him. At some point, Max wasn't sure when he realized he had become hard. Max squirmed a little away, so Jackson was more at his side, and that was when he felt his brother's erection pressing against his side. Giving his brother a few more kisses, just little pecks, before turning his head away. Jackson wanted a break and for a time all that could be heard in the room was deep breathing.

"I'm glad I read that article." Jackson said, sitting a bit further up on the bed. "I think I wanted a break, but I would have been afraid if it wasn't for that article."

Max chuckled. "I think it said to keep talk romantic."

"Yeah, but this is just practice, and I have nothing romantic to say to you."

Max gave his brother a playful jab in the ribs. "I don't think most little brothers would do this for their big brother."

"Most little brothers aren't as great as you are." Jackson said.

Max smiled and moved his head closer to Jackson. "I don't think most brothers are as awesome as you." He went in for a kiss, aiming for his brother's chin. They went back to kissing, their lips pressing against each other, sometimes placing a kiss on the other cheek or neck. Somehow Max got on top of his brother, his hard-on pressing into Jackson's stomach. They tried a few more things. Jackson gave Max a wet kiss and blew on it, which Max liked. Then Jackson gave Max a little nibble which he didn't like. Max's little revenge nibble met with a better reaction from Jackson, but Max didn't like doing it, even with gentle encouragement from his partner. One thing the brothers could agree on was they both liked having a finger trace the outside of their hair. That feeling gave Max a shudder while Jackson just let out a sharp breath and smiled.

Their make out session didn't stop as much as it's just slow down until they weren't doing it anymore. They were both on their back, Max's legs intertwined with Jackson's and their sides touching. Jackson's arm was still around Max, and it felt like a hug to him.

"That was fun." Max finally ventured.

"A little weird at first but I liked it. I'm kind of looking forward to that party now." Jackson said pulling Max a little closer to him.

"That thing didn't say anything about getting hard," Max complained. "You think we did something wrong?"

"No Max, that's just something that happens to boys," Jackson said chuckling. "If it had mentioned it in google, Mom's software stuff would have probably blocked it!"

Max had a run-in to his mom's parenting software from time to time, usually while trying to go on something like a free game website, but now he was wondering what he might be missing. Making out had been fun, just like everything else Jackson had told him about. It seemed stupid to keep it a secret. Somehow, he felt a little guilty just doing stuff he knew he wasn't supposed to be doing, but that also kind of made it more exciting too. It was confusing when he tried to think about it too much.

"How was the museum?" Jackson asked.

"It was okay." Max didn't want to talk about missing their dad right now. Right now, he was just happy and content to just laying here with his brother.

"There was this one thing. I showed Taylor how to get hard and what to do about it." Max could feel himself grinning as he told his little secret.

"What? Where?"

There was something in Jackson's voice that made Max hesitate. For some reason, he thought he'd done something wrong.

"We went into one of the bathrooms I locked the door and showed him." Max waited a second then added, "Did I do something wrong?"

Jackson was silent for what felt like minutes before he answered. "No, just be careful when you do stuff like that. When I was around your age, I did a few things with my friends, but you just must keep it a secret. Kind of like how neither of us are going to tell Mom I'm going to a make out party."

Max nodded. He has guessed that stuff was private but not in a bad way. He was more interested in something else his brother had mentioned. "What did you do with your friends at my age?"

"Nothing much. Mostly I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Jackson hesitated and then added in an embarrassing tone, "At one of my friend's place we did sword fights a few times."

"Sword fight?" Max somehow imagined it didn't involve sticks.

Jackson freed his arm from around Max and held up two fingers on opposite hands, banging them together like little swords. "I can't believe we used to do that. " Jackson let out a laugh. "I can't believe I just told you we used to do that."

Max joined in with the laughter, and that broke the spell the two of them were under. Jackson remembered he hadn't checked his phone in forever and Max remembered he had some homework. He did most of it quickly. When it came to the harder questions, he could not answer fully. It asked if they could list any country where they had relatives. Max remembered he had some relatives in Greece but wasn't sure if there was any anywhere else. He thought about just leaving the question answered as Greece, but his conscience was getting the better of him.

Heading downstairs, he consciously approached the kitchen, wanted to make sure that his mother and Aunt had stopped arguing about whatever before venturing inside. His mom was preparing dinner while the others were helping. He waited a second before speaking up. "I have a quick homework question."

"What is it?" His mom asked still cutting up vegetables.

"The question is if we had any relatives living outside of the United States. I said Greece, but I wasn't sure if I should add any other countries."

"Well, if you were talking about where you might have picked up a potential uncle, I might have to get a map out." Stephanie said which cause everyone else to laugh except for Max, who just stood there impatiently.

"The only place I can say for certain would be the United Kingdom and Ireland. That's on your father's side." DJ said giving her sister a look. "Unless it's your uncle or your grandfather. It's hard to stay in contact with the rest of the family. Reminds me I really should try to call Michelle; I haven't heard from her in ages."

Max put the piece of paper on the refrigerator so he could write the two additional answers. "We should visit them sometime."

"That would be a very expensive episode in our lives, Max. Now before you run off, I have a question for you. I talked to Tayler's dad about the game thing, the one with the dinosaurs. I'm okay with you playing it with Taylor and his dad. He says you'll be able to play with Taylor tomorrow." She raised her hand just as Max was about to shout with joy. "Now, I was wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover tomorrow with Taylor. That way he can help you with anything if you're having trouble at first. Jackson will be out tomorrow at that party so I figured that would be fun for you to have a friend over."

"Yes! Yes, mom, that would be great!" Max said hopping up and down. Life could be so awesome.

Author's note: I'm always curious to know what my readers think. Feel for you to leave a review, private message me through the website or e-mail which can be found on my profile. I'm trying to slip humor in and would really like to know if I'm succeeding.

End of chapter 5.

Comments are welcomed at: samtheham2235 _at_

Next: Chapter 6

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