Maxs Straight Sub

By sean

Published on Dec 10, 2023


Max's Straight Sub

Installment 2

"I'm impressed with you so far, boy. You've done everything I've asked to this point. But I don't think you realized you posted your ad in men for men," Max said. He continued, "don't worry, though, I'm not going to do anything you don't want. And, after we talk for a few minutes, you can walk right out that front door as if none of this ever happened."

Sam was visibly tense and had been babbling slightly in nervousness about his own stupidity. Max comforted him as he removed the blindfold. Sam blinked as he tried to focus on the man in the dim room. Max stood at average height and build, brown hair and eyes, tanned skin--unremarkable but confident and manly.

"You said you wanted humiliation, I think we've managed that much!" Max laughed, "you also talked about blackmail and control. I think that's something we can do together if you're interested. I'm happy to set some limits as to how much control I have over you. Judging by the way your cock is trying to escape, I don't think he cares that I'm not a chick."

"What do you mean? I'm not gay. I don't want to suck dick," Sam protested. "Just let me go and delete my photos. I'm sorry I wasted our time."

"I never said you were gay. I know you're not. Maybe that's what will make this more humiliating for you. I'll let you go right now if you still want to, but I want you to know what's at stake: you agreed to come over or face those blackmail pics getting sent to your roommates. I'm not deleting those pics and videos. If you leave now, your roommates will get them before you even get to your car," Max explained. "OR," Max continued, emphasizing the alternative, "you could stick around for a bit, we humiliate you further, and keep you locked up a little while. We can set some ground rules that we will both stick to--including a time limit. After that, if you want to stop, I can delete everything and we can pretend nothing happened."

"Fuck! Like how long? Just tonight? What kind of rules? What will you do to me?" Sam was almost crying. His locked dick, though, seemed to be weeping tears of happiness--or frustration.

"Rules like no penetration: I don't put anything in your ass at all--no toys, no fingers, and definitely no dick. And how long? I think it should be at least a few days but it doesn't have to be more than a couple weeks. For starters, we will get you back into shape with a strict exercise plan and you'll spend some time here showing off your body while you do chores. Of course, your cock stays locked up until the timer runs out."

Sam was calming down. The two negotiated limits and decided that in exchange for not exposing Sam to his roommates, he'd come by early every morning for a workout in Max's apartment weight room followed by a run at a nearby park. Sam would spend his Wednesday and Friday afternoons doing chores or errands for Max and would spend Friday night in bondage at the foot of Max's bed. Sam would be allowed to cum once on Saturday mornings, assuming he hadn't been late for a workout all week. For his part, Max had agreed to no anal penetration, no requiring Sam to suck dick, and no marks that would be visible with normal clothing on at home. While Max would be able to decide what clothing Sam would wear while with him, Sam could wear what he chose when off duty. They agreed to draw cards to determine the sentence: each man would draw 2 playing cards, the face value would be added up with face cards and aces each counting as 10. The minimum time limit was 8 days but the game could last as many as 40 days.

After Sam assured him he would agree to whatever the outcome was, Max unlocked the cuffs restraining the boy.

Max drew first. 9 of Clubs. 9 days added. Not a great start, Sam thought. The maximum was only shortened by a single day.

Sam drew next. Ace of Spades. 19 days. Sam did the math in his head. The shortest possible outcome now was 23 days--more than 3 weeks as a slave to this man.

Max was next. 2 of Hearts. 21 days. Sam breathed a sigh of relief but remained tense. The maximum sentence dropped to only 23 days

Sam drew the last card. 10 of Hearts. 31 days locked in chastity. A full month!

"That settles that!" Max confirmed to Sam, "31 days of service to me. Fair and square. You know all the rules. I expect you to be on time and to serve without question during that time. You know that I will not hesitate to punish you severely for even minor infractions. Now take off that shirt and stand up, hands behind your head!"

Sam jumped to, startled by the abrupt order. He quickly complied as Max walked around the boy inspecting him and occasionally prodding his body to assess muscle tone and body fat. Sam was blushing across his entire body at the intrusions.

"Do you own a jockstrap, boy?" Max asked.

"No." Sam replied.

"That's no, SIR!" Max corrected him with a hard slap to the ass.

"Sorry, Sir."

`You had better get one tonight. I will expect that to be part of your daily uniform for the next month. It will be the only underwear you are permitted--even on your own time. You will wear your own socks and workout shoes when you visit me. I'll provide the rest. You'll show up at my door wearing exactly what you've been ordered."

"Y. Yess Sir." Sam stuttered, nervously.

Max grabbed a handful of Sam's pubes. "And shave that bush tonight. I expect your crotch to be as smooth as the day you were born all month."

"But, Sir..." Sam began to protest."

"If I see hair or feel stubble down there this month, I'll have it removed myself," Max interrupted.

Sam backed down. "Yes Sir," he said weakly.

Max set to work showing Sam the chores he would be expected to complete around the house. Cleaning the kitchen, taking out trash, doing laundry, washing his car, cleaning the bathroom, etc. For indoor chores, Sam would remain fully nude. For outdoor chores, he would wear his workout uniform. For special errands he might have to complete away from the apartment, Sam would either be issued appropriate clothing, allowed to wear his own clothing, or use his workout uniform as Max's discretion.

Max produced a pair of thin white running shorts that wear nearly translucent. Max new the moment they got wet with either water or sweat, they would be almost entirely see-through. He also selected an old worn-out muscle shirt he had recently worn to workout in. He had used it as a cum rag before discarding it into the hamper. Aside from cum stains on the white shirt was the word SLUT printed in big pink letters.

"Put these on," Max ordered. Sam hesitated in disgust at the smelly shirt. "NOW!" Max said menacingly.

Sam quickly pulled the shorts on. They were too small. The lining was snug on Sams pudgy ass and the shorts wouldn't pull up high enough to cover his bush. He put the stinky shirt on. It fit him nearly perfectly.

"This won't do. Hands behind your head," Max ordered, "I'll fix it." He took scissors to the shirt to shorten it evenly, several inches above Sam's belly button. He pulled the shorts off the boy and removed the lining entirely before making him put them back on.

"Much better!" Max decided. Sam couldn't agree. He felt more exposed than he had been when he was standing there naked moments before.

Max scooped up the clothes Sam had arrived in, fished the phone, wallet, and keys from the pockets, snooping to make sure there wasn't an extra chastity key hidden on the key ring--there wasn't--and handed the valuables to the nearly nude boy along with his flip-flops. The clothes he tossed behind him as he pushed the confused boy outside.

Max texted his new slave. "See you bright and early tomorrow! 6am! Don't be late. Be sure to do your chores tonight!"

Sam, shocked and feeling exposed, rushed as quickly as he could to his car. Once to his car, he rummaged through the detritus in trunk to find something suitable to cover himself. There was an old sweatshirt with mystery stains and a towel. It would have to do, he figured, has he wrapped the towel around his waist and put the sweatshirt on over his SLUT shirt.

He drove to a Walmart on the far side of town, hoping to avoid being seen by anyone who might recognize him. He knew enough not to disappoint Max but didn't know how to go about hair removal. Inside Walmart and still wearing the towel with the sweatshirt, Sam looked like a crazy homeless person. He couldn't find a jock that didn't have a built in hard cup, so he settled on one, hoping the cup would be big enough to cover his cage. He wasn't sure how to go about hair removal, so found some depilatory cream. He considered buying a pair of new shorts to cover his nakedness as he went into his apartment, but decided against it, realizing it would be an additional expense his meager student budget couldn't cover.

At home, he managed to avoid the notice of his roommates--they were both entranced in a video game and hardly noticed that Sam entered wearing a towel. He went straight into the bathroom and went to work chopping at his pubes with a pair of kitchen scissors then using Nair on his crotch until it burnt painfully before rinsing off his remaining hair and cleaning the shower. He went to bed soon after, knowing he would have a short sleep before having his next meeting with his blackmailer.

Next: Chapter 3

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