Me and Joey

By Starfire

Published on Jul 30, 2000


This story is completely fictional, and in no way is meant to say anything about the sexuality of the members of Nsync. All characters in this story are fictional, except for the members of Nsync. If you are not at least 18 years old, or are offended by homosexuality, then DO NOT read this story. Thank you.

Me and Joey Chapter 4

Morning came way too early for me. I have never been a morning person. I guess it's from being on the road so much. Your days seem to get all out of sync. Most times you're on the road, late night, early morning, so I'd become used to sleeping in on the bus. When the first morning light hits my face, I turn into Gizmo, from that Gremlins movie..........AAAhhhh! Bright light, bright light!

Anyway, as my eyes slowly started their labor of focusing, my mind went back to the previous night's adventures. I turned to see my sleeping prince, beside me. Somehow in the night, we had changed positions. I was lying on my back, and Joey had snuggled up to me, with his head on my shoulder, just below my chin. His arm, was lying across my chest. I thought about how cute he looked, while he slept. Looking at him, brought back the reality of everything that had happened in the last few weeks. Thinking of last night's events, brought a smile to my face, and I leaned over and kissed the top of Joey's head.

I began the, task of getting out of bed, without waking Joey. Fortunately for me, that boy could sleep through a hurricane, if he wanted. I managed to get up, without waking him, and made my way to the bathroom. I did my business, stopping at the sink to brush my teeth. I had morning breath, that could stop a charging rhino, within twenty feet. Finishing my bathroom duties, I made my way back into the bedroom, grabbing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. I turned to look at Joey, as I began to dress myself. He had curled himself up into a fetal position, as he hugged the pillow I had left, moments earlier.

I headed down stairs to see what I could get into, in the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator door, I saw everything I needed, so I began making breakfast.

Gathering everything onto a nice sized tray, I went back up stairs to check on my sleeping prince. As I opened the door, I noticed that Joey hadn't moved from his previous position. He was still holding that same pillow, and smiling like a small child. I set the tray of food down on the floor, and away from the bed. Pulling the covers back, I eased over next to Joey. I wrapped my arms around his chest and pulled him to me, kissing his neck and shoulder. He gave a slight moan, and began to roll in my direction. I raised myself, just a bit, giving him room to maneuver. He rolled onto his back as his eyes began to flutter. I eased myself down, bending my arm, and resting the side of my head in my hand. I placed my other hand onto Joey's chest, and began to gently rub him.

"Mmm," Joey moaned softly, still not waking. So, I decided to try a different approach. Leaning forward, I touched my lips to his, kissing each one tenderly. Before long I felt his hand on the back of my neck, as the kiss began to deepen. Finally, I broke our kiss, and leaned back up on my elbow, just staring at him. He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Good morning sweetheart," I said, smiling down at him, as I stroked his cheek, with the back of my hand.

"Morning baby," he returned.

"Are you hungry? I made breakfast." I said, still smiling at him.

"Oh, I'm hungry aright," he said, pulling me to him, and rolling me over, so he was on top of me. I let out a small laugh, as he rested his weight on me. He lay there with his arms beside my head, smiling down at me. I raised my hands to his back and gently began to rub.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Joey asked.

I looked up at him with a confused expression on my face, which caused his smile to widen.

"Last night, you made me the happiest man in the world," he said, causing my confusion to turn to great joy.

"Aww, you've made me happy too Joey," I said, with a slight grin. "And, if I'm ever able to walk normally again, I'll love you forever." I finished, with a slight laugh.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asked, his expression changing to one of concern.

"No honey, I'm fine, just a little sore is all," I stated honestly. "Now let me up, I brought us some breakfast. Although, I 'am' hungry for other things as well, I'm afraid my stomach is going to win this battle." I finished, causing Joey to laugh.

"Oh aright," he said, in mock frustration. "Let me run to the bathroom, and I'll be right back." He said, sliding out of bed.

As I watched him walk away in the nude, I thought to myself. 'What a body, Why does he hide it under those baggy clothes all the time?' Joey had a body, similar to that of a football player. He was stocky, with a muscular chest, abs, and legs, not to mention that cute butt.

Joey came back to bed and hopped in, giving me a short kiss.

"Mmm minty," I said, smiling at him. He smiled back, as I went to get the tray of food. I placed it on the bed, and began to sort things out here and there. Joey never took his eyes off me, while I was busy doing different things. He just watched and smiled. I turned to him and smiled back.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked.

"Just, the most beautiful man I've ever seen," he said, in a soft voice.

I began to blush, and Joey began to eat. Every once in a while, he would stop what he was doing, and just look at me. I started to feel self conscious, as if I was doing something wrong.

"Stop staring at me," I said, in half jest.

"I can't help it, I could sit here and watch you all day," he said "Your hair, the way you smile, the way you move, and those beautiful eyes. I have never seen in anyone else's what I see in yours." He finished, causing me to lose the power of speech for a moment.

"I don't know what to say," I told him, finding my voice again.

"Then don't say anything, just let me look at you," he answered, smiling brightly at me.

I shot him a slight grin, and jumped off the bed. Moving around the room, I began to do my best Madonna. Strike a pose. I moved in different directions, stopping to pose for Joey, from time to time.

"Yeah baby!" Joey yelled, causing us both to fall into uncontrollable fits of laughter.

"You are so deranged, do you know that?" I said, in between my laughter.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't have me any other way baby," he said, making a strange face, and shaking his head from side to side.

"You know it, J'dawg," I said, trying to contain my laughter.

"J'Dawg!?" Joey asked, bringing his eyebrows together. "Man, I have 'got' to keep you and Justin away from each other. He's starting to rub off on you." He said, shaking his head, in mock concern. I just laughed, as I began to gather up the food tray.

"Here, let me do that," He said, reaching for the tray.

"No, I've got it. Why don't you go and get a shower, while I take care of this." I told him.

"Are you sure?" He asked, making sure I didn't need him.

"Yeah, go ahead, I can handle it." I said, nodding my head towards the bathroom door.

"OK, if you say so," he surrendered, heading for the bathroom.

I took the tray down stairs, cleaned up my mess, put everything away, and headed back up stairs. As I walked into the bedroom, I could hear the shower running. I grinned, as a thought came to mind. Stripping my clothes, I headed for the bathroom. I could hear Joey singing, so I tried to be as quiet as possible. I opened the shower door, not making a sound, as I slipped in, facing Joey's back. He was in the middle of singing 'God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You' when I slid my arms around his waist. He stopped singing and turned to face me.

"What kept ya?" He asked, grinning at me. Remembering how much, we thought alike, it wasn't surprising, that he had been expecting me.

"You really know how to ruin a moment, you know that?" I said, lightly punching him in the arm.

"Hey, you're here, my moment's not ruined," he said, giving me a short kiss.

I have no idea how long we were in the shower. We cleaned each other from head to toe, taking our time in certain areas, and having a little fun in the process. Joey made love to me, for the second time, bringing back the wonderful sensations I had felt the night before. I never in my wildest dreams, could have imagined feeling as loved, as I did at that particular moment. Joey was amazing. He was gentle, loving, caring, and a wonderful man.

Joey and I finished our shower, among other things, and headed down stairs. Making our way to the living room, I sat on the couch, and Joey joined me, lying down with his head in my lap.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked.

"Sure," I answered him.

"Well, I know you're planning on going back to Kentucky, and I was wondering what happens then?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, not sure what he wanted to know.

"When will I see you?" He asked, looking at me with such seriousness.

"That's a good question," I began. "What do you think we should do?" I asked, wondering what he was thinking.

"Promise me you'll hear me out before you say anything," he started. I had a feeling, he didn't think I was going to take this well. However, to be honest, I hadn't even thought about what would happen, when I went home. I had made those plans before Joey and I got together. Sometimes my emotions can over-ride my brain. I sat there, waiting for Joey to continue.

"Promise me," he said, again.

"OK OK I promise," I said, giving in to his demands.

"Why don't you go home, just long enough to get your stuff, see your family, and then come back to Orlando, and stay with me." I started to say something when Joey held up one finger.

"You promised," he reminded me. "Listen you can live here, I can take care of you, and I'll have someone to come home to instead of a lonely, empty house." He said looking at me with a hopeful gleam in his eyes. I sat there for a moment waiting to see if he was going to continue. When he didn't, I decided to speak.

"Joey, that's a wonderful fantasy," I said, slightly shaking my head. "I appreciate you taking me in, and letting me stay with you, after the accident, but the reality is, I don't know if we're ready for this. We've only officially been a couple for a little over a day. Don't you think you're sort of jumping the gun here?"

"No, I don't. We may have only been a couple for a day, but we've known each other for a month. All the guys like you, and you like them. You left Kentucky to get away from things. Why not start over, here, with me?" He said, being very persuasive. I must admit the idea, did appeal to me. However, what would I do, once I got here? I didn't have a job, I didn't know anyone here, except the guys, and I knew Joey would be busy with Nsync business.

"Honey, what would I do here?" I began. "You're going to be busy with the group. You guys leave to go back on tour in a week, and I'll be here all alone." I finished, looking down at his face.

"What if you go on tour with us?" He asked.

"What? Are you out of what's left of your mind?" I asked him. "First, your management would never agree to that. Second, you would be so busy, I'd just be in the way."

"No you wouldn't, and Lance can handle management." Joey said. "Besides, the tour only lasts for two more months and then we come back home."

"Sweetie, the guys haven't even been around us as a couple, and you want to put us on a bus with them for two months?" I asked.

"It won't be a problem," he said. "JC and Justin will be there, and they're a couple. The guys already know I'm gay, and they know how I feel about you, so I don't see the problem." He said, starting to become irritated with me.

"Joey, honey, it's not that I don't want to go, it's just that, this might be a little overwhelming for everyone right now, including me."

"OK, I understand, I love you, and I want you to be with me, but if you don't think it's a good idea," he said, his voice trailing. He looked up at me with those eyes of his. His bottom lip pushed out, and he gave me that sad puppy dog look, as if he were dying inside. I couldn't resist him when he did that stuff. I had only known him for about a month, and he already knew how to push my buttons. I hated that.

"Oh aright, call Lance and see what he can work out, before I make any definite plans." I said, giving in to him. He smiled at me, with a look that told me, he knew he had me right where he wanted me.

"I love you sweetheart," He said, in a cute little voice.

"I love you too honey, but you don't play fair," I said, smacking his stomach.

"Of course not, that's why I always win." He said, getting up from the couch and heading for the phone.

I watched him as he left the room to call Lance. I hadn't really been worried about being around the guys. I mean, JC and Justin, I knew would be supportive, Lance had become the best friend I had, next to Joey. I knew he would support us. However, I still didn't know Chris all that well. He seemed like a nice enough guy, a little crazy at times, but that's what made him Chris. I also worried about management, what were they going to say about all of this. I knew it was very important for the guys to keep up their image. Having one gay couple in the group was hard enough to cover, but two?

'Maybe I'm just being paranoid,' I thought to myself. I knew after last night, that I wanted to build a life with Joey, I just didn't think he'd want to do it this fast. That in itself, brought up many concerns for me. I had seen a lot of people become a couple and then move right in together, and it always ruined the relationship. I guess Joey and I, had done things a little differently. We had been together, as nothing more than friends for over three weeks. I knew how I felt about him, and I knew how he felt about me. Maybe he was right. If we didn't at least give this a chance, we might regret it for the rest of our lives. Finally, I resolved within myself to try, and make this work. If Joey wanted me to move here and stay with him, then that's what I would do. I just hoped I wasn't making a huge mistake.

Joey came back into the room, with a big smile on his face, and sat next to me, with his back against the arm of the couch. He pulled me to him, so that my back was against his chest.

"Judging from your smile, I take it things went well?" I said, in a questioning voice.

"Oh, I don't know, he said he would call me back," he said, confusing me a bit.

"Then what are you smiling about?" I asked.

"Well, I thanked Lance, for what he did for us last night. I told him how things went, and it seems, we have his support. He was very happy with the way things have turned out. In fact, he said some very nice things about you."

"Really? Like what?" I asked.

"Oh, I don't know, something about you being such a great guy, and If I let you get away he would personally kick my ass." He said, making us laugh. "I get the feeling, Scoop kind of likes you. What do you think?"

"Lance is, and has been a good friend to me, since the day we met. I can't imagine my life without him being apart of it. He's quite a remarkable man."

"Well damn, maybe I can fix you two up," Joey said, with a mocked hurt expression on his face.

"Oh don't be silly honey, Lance is straight," I said, earning myself a smack. "Besides he may be a remarkable man. But you'll always be my Superman." I finished, turning to kiss his cheek.

"Well, since you put it that way," he said, tightening his hold on me. "What do you want to do today?"

"How about we do something with the guys, that is, if they're not busy." I said, turning to look at Joey for approval.

"Sounds good to me, let me go see who's up for it," he said, pushing me forward so he could get off the couch. "Have anything in mind?"

"Nah, whatever you guys think, is fine with me." I answered. I didn't care what we did. I just wanted a chance to get to know my friends better, and maybe give them a chance to be with Joey and me, as a couple for the first time.

Joey re-entered the room, and began to fill me in on what was to happen. We would all meet at Lance's house in an hour and a half. I was guessing, we would decide from there, what we wanted to do. We went upstairs, changed clothes, and headed for Lance's place.

On the way to meet everyone else, Joey and I discussed the details of my moving to Orlando. He was going to be busy with the guys next week, getting ready for the tour to start back. That being the case, I decided that I would fly back and get the rest of my clothes, and anything else I needed, I could go back for later. We discussed getting a new car, since mine had been ruined, in the accident. Joey said he would help me pick one out when I got back. It was all settled, I'd leave in a few days, and when I returned, I was all his, for the rest of our lives.

When we arrived at Lance's, everyone else was already there, even JC. He had a reputation for always being a little late, so I knew Joey and I were a little behind schedule. When we walked in, everyone was sitting in the living room talking.

"Well, the love birds have finally decided to grace us with their presence," Chris said, taking me by surprise. I gave him a strange look, letting him know that I was unaware that he knew about Joey and me.

"What? Lance told us," he said, giving me a slight grin. "Don't worry Billy boy, I'm cool with it." He said, finishing his thought.

"Oh, Lance told you, did he?" I said, questioning Chris.

"Yes," everyone said, in unison. I looked up to see JC, Justin, Chris, and Lance smiling at us.

"Um, Lance can I see you in the kitchen for a minute," I said, causing Lance's happy expression to turn to that of concern.

"Uh oh, someone's in trouble now," Chris said, being his excessively excitable self.

"Yeah, no thanks to you, motor mouth," Lance said, cuffing Chris in the back of the head, as he made his way towards the kitchen.

"Hey! What did I do?" Chris asked, giving Lance an innocent look.

"Duh! With all that room in there, I would have thought you'd have grown a brain by now." Justin said, glaring at Chris.

"Is everything OK?" Joey asked, grabbing my arm, as I started to follow Lance.

"Yeah honey, everything's cool. I just want to talk to Scoop for a minute." I said, laying Joey's concerns to rest.

"You're mad, aren't you?" Lance asked, as I came into the kitchen. He was sitting at the bar, with his back against it, facing me. I went to him, putting my hands on both sides of him, and placing them on the bar, pinning him between the bar and me. He gave me a worried look.

"Mad, is not quite the word," I said, as I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, taking him completely by surprise. I stood back up and smiled at him. "Thank you," I said, furthering his confusion.

"You mean you're not mad?" He asked, being totally shocked by my actions.

"No, I'm relieved," I said. "I was so dreading, what everyone was going to say when they found out about Joey and me. You just took all the pressure away, I'm very thankful." I finished, causing Lance to sigh in relief.

"Man, you scared the hell out of me," he said, smacking me in the arm. "I thought I had really screwed up."

"C'mon Scoop, after what you did for us last night, I could never be mad at you. You're my best friend."

Lance smiled at me and gave me a big hug. "I'm really happy for you guys."

"Thanks, blondie," I said, hugging him back. "Now we'd better get back out there before they all think I've killed you." I said, as we laughed.

"What? You let him live?" Chris asked, as Lance and I came back into the room.

"Yes, I let him live," I said, throwing a pillow at Chris' head.

"Hey! Are you guys gonna let him do that to me?" He asked.

"Yes! They shouted, in unison, as they threw a pillow of their own at Chris.

"Gee thanks guys, I can feel the love from here," Chris said, his words dripping with sarcasm.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" Justin asked, playing with JC's hair.

"Why don't we take Billy to The Magic Kingdom," Joey suggested. "He's never been."

"No Way!" Justin said, "You've never been? How old are you again?" He asked, trying to be cute.

"Well, no, I guess I haven't," I told him.

"In that case, The Magic Kingdom it is," JC said, smiling brightly in my direction.

We all loaded up, and headed for the park. Since there were six of us, things were shaping up to be a fun day. No odd numbered rides and everyone had a person to hang with. When we got there everyone decided, that they would just go in as average ordinary citizens, out for a good time. Everyone had on sunglasses and a baseball cap. I on the other hand just opted for the sunglasses.

The day had been going well so far. The guys and I, had enjoyed several rides, and attractions. We had stopped to watch a few musical performances by some local talent, played games, and stopped to get a bite to eat. We were sitting there enjoying our meal, when the strangest thing happened. JC noticed a girl, who appeared to be in her late twenties, early thirties, staring at our table. She was sitting at a table with an older woman, who I guessed to be her mother, or aunt, or something. They would look in our general direction and then whisper something to each other. It was the classic, is that who I think it is scenario.

"Look out, I think we've been made," JC said, causing everyone to look around, to see what he meant.

The young lady stood from her seat and proceeded over to our table. Everyone put on their best smiles, and prepared for the inevitable. I sat there not really looking at the approaching fan. I mean this was Nsync business not mine. I took another drink from my Pepsi and watched as the guys braced themselves for the impending confrontation. The lady stopped at our table, and smiled.

"Hi," she began, "I'm sorry to interrupt your meal, but I was wondering if I could get an autograph."

I noticed that no one had said anything to the young lady, which I thought was rather rude and very unlike my friends. I looked up to see all of them staring at me, with confused looks on their faces. When I turned in her direction, I saw the young lady staring at me as well.

"I think she's talking to you," Joey said, from beside me.

"Me?" I asked, pointing to myself and looking back at the young lady.

"Yes, you're Billy Prescott aren't you?" She asked, smiling down at me.

"Yes, I am. Do we know each other?" I asked, as confused as everyone else.

"Not really, my name is Karen Armstrong." She began, "My mother and I are big fans of your group. We saw you guys in concert last year in Illinois. I was just wondering if you would sign my magazine." She said, bringing me to understand what was happening.

"I would be honored," I said, taking her magazine and putting it on the table in front of me. "Oh where are my manners?" I said to her. "Karen these are some friends of mine. This is Lance, JC, Justin, Chris, and Joey." I said, introducing the guys. I watched her expression, as it slowly dawned on her who my companions were. I gently reached over and took her hand in mine.

"Karen," I said, getting her attention, and becoming a bit nervous. "If you promise to be calm and not make a scene, I think the guys here would be appreciative enough to sign your magazine as well. Does that sound like a good deal to you?" She bit her lower lip and nodded at my suggestion. I signed the magazine and passed it on to Joey, as he and the rest of the guys signed as well, taking time to look at the picture of my former group and me.

"Here you go Karen," Lance said, handing the magazine back to her.

"Thank you guys, I'm a big fan of your music, and I appreciate the autographs." She said, in a low voice, being very adult about the whole situation.

"Thank you, for not drawing attention to us." JC said, smiling at her.

"Your welcome, thanks again Billy, thanks guys." She said, making her way back to her table.

Joey and I began to finish our meals, until we noticed the overwhelming silence, at our table. We both looked up to find four sets of eyes staring at us. Joey and I looked at each other and then back to our friends.

"What?" Joey and I said at the same time.

"Don't you 'what' us," Chris began, as the other guys cocked their heads to the side, and raised their eyebrows.

"Yeah, I think it's confession time." JC said, with a small smirk on his face.

"Aww, c'mon guys, I told you he played drums for a group." Joey said, trying to defend me.

"Yes, you told us he played. However, you didn't tell us it was a popular group, not to mention gospel." Justin replied.

"What difference does it make?" I asked, looking at each of them.

"It doesn't, but it 'is' a part of you, that you could have shared with us." Lance stated.

I could see from his expression, that Lance was kind of hurt, that I hadn't shared that particular bit of information with him. Knowing I had no way out of it, I started to explain to the guys what had happened with the group. I mentioned to them how that seeing my former group on the TV that day was what had jogged my memory.

I hadn't realized it when I had finished my little story, but tears had started to form in my eyes. I guess the other guys saw it, because I felt Joey's hand on mine, and the other guys did the same.

"I'm sorry Billy," Lance said. "We didn't know. We didn't mean to bring up painful memories."

"Hey guys, it's OK. I'm glad to be 'able' to remember. After you've done without it, you tend to be a little more appreciative of it." I joked, trying to make them all feel better about the situation. They all just sort of laughed with me. When I looked at Lance, I could see in his smile, the compassion and the understanding. It was funny how he and I were able to say things to each other without ever uttering a word. I knew he understood my reason for not telling him, and he knew I understood that he was sorry.

"OK, enough doom and gloom. This is suppose to be a new start for me, so I want to start my new life with happy thoughts." I said to the entire table.

"What do you want us to do? Sprinkle fairy dust on you so you can fly?" Chris asked, in his normal joking manner. To be honest, I was glad that he decided to pick that moment to be funny. I thought we could all use a good laugh.

"No thanks, I carry my own." I said, causing Justin to choke on his pizza. The rest of the guys started laughing, which fed my own need to laugh. Before long, everything was back to normal. Well, as normal as things could get with these guys.

"Guys, if you're ready to go, I'm gonna go ahead and pay the bill." Lance said, getting up from the table.

"I'm going to the bathroom I'll meet you guys at the car." Chris said, bringing the same reaction, from Joey and Justin. "Oh you guys just want to be alone with me." Chris said, earning him a punch in both arms from Joey and Justin.

"In your dreams, ya psycho," Justin replied.

JC and I laughed at the three stooges as they headed off to the bathroom. He and I stood and began our walk to the car. We didn't say anything for a while. We were just comfortable with each other.

"He really loves you ya know?" JC said, breaking the silence.

"What?" I asked, being caught off guard.

"Joey really loves you." He said again, gaining my full attention. "Joey has always had a hard time with commitment, but he is so into you."

"I love him too Josh," I said, with a little smile.

"That's the first time you've called me that, since the day we first met." He said, confusing me a bit.

"What?" I asked.

"You called me Josh." He said, smiling brightly at me. "Only my family and closest friends call me Josh.

"Oh," I said, feeling as if I had done something wrong.

"Hey, you're part of my family now. I'm glad you feel comfortable enough around me to call me that. It was obvious that you said it without even thinking about it. What does that say?" He finished, smiling at me again.

I looked into his eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity there. I smiled back at him, as he pulled me into a hug.

"You see what happens, we leave them alone for 5 minutes and look at them." Justin said to Joey, causing JC and me to pull apart.

"What do you think we should do about it?" Joey asked.

"I see only one option," Justin started, "it's all us now baby. Shall we?" Justin asked, extending his arm to Joey.

"I think we should." Joey agreed, as they walked arm in arm to the car.

"Four can play this game," JC said, taking both my hands in his and looking into my eyes. "Shall we love?" He asked, in his best British accent.

"Why yes darling, We simply must." I answered, borrowing from the accent as well. He and I walked to the car, holding hands, and got into the back seat. Lance and Chris made their way to the car, and stopped in their tracks. They gave each other confused looks, and then looked back at the car, being occupied by the mixed up couples. It didn't take long before Joey and Justin were separating JC and me.

"I thought you didn't want us anymore," JC said to them.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, give me back my boyfriend," Joey said, pulling me away from JC.

"And you, come with me," Justin said, grabbing JC by the hand. We were all laughing at our little stunt, when Lance and Chris came to stand with us, beside the car.

"Man, I'm starting to worry about you guys." Chris said.

"Wow, there's a statement you don't hear everyday." Lance said, causing another round of laughter. Chris began laughing as well, that is, until he got Lance's meaning.

"Hey! What's that suppose to mean?" Chris asked, putting his hands on his hips for dramatic effect.

"Nothing my little brainless wonder." Lance said, ruffling Chris' hair.

"Just get in the car." Chris said, shoving Lance toward the door of the car.

We all loaded back up and headed to Lance's place. Once there we decided to watch a movie, and just chill for a while. I was really pleased with the way the other guys were accepting Joey and me as a couple. Well, actually, I was glad that they were accepting me period. I mean they had a lot at stake, just letting me into their lives like that. I could have been some nut case just out to bilk them out of millions of dollars, but they looked at me as part of their family. I felt extremely honored.

It had been a good day. I had hung out with the guys, gotten to know Chris better, and had gotten a little closer to Justin, JC, and Lance as well.

We all settled in to watch the movie, as everyone picked their place, and piece of furniture on which to crash. Joey sat on the floor leaning up against the front of the couch. I sat on the floor with my back against his chest. He brought both arms over my shoulders and rested them on my chest, as I brought my hands up laying them over his. We stayed like that, as we all watched 'The Nutty Professor.' I tell you that movie cracked me up.

The movie ended, everyone said their good-byes, and headed home. Joey and I were mostly silent on the drive back, reflecting on the events of the evening. It had been a fun day, but it had also been tiring. We pulled into the drive way and went inside. Joey and I decided to shower together and get ready for bed. When I came out of the bathroom, I found Joey already asleep. I smiled at him, and went to my side of the bed. Pulling the covers back I got in and turned out the light. I moved over to Joey and snuggled up beside him, laying my head on his chest, just below his chin, and wrapping my arms around him. That managed to wake him for a little while.

"Oh I'm sorry baby, did I fall asleep?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me and kissing the top of my head.

"Yes you did, but that's OK, we're both kind of tired tonight." I said, raising myself to look into his eyes. "I love you sweetheart," I said, kissing him gently on the lips and resuming my position on his chest.

"I love you too baby," he said, wrapping his arms tightly around me again. I fell asleep that night, to the lullaby of Joey's heartbeat. It was a feeling I hoped would last forever.

The day had finally come. I was leaving for home. Joey got up early to drive me to the airport. Surprisingly, Lance showed up to go with us. I got my stuff together and took my bag downstairs. I knew it wasn't going to be easy on me, or Joey, but I needed to go back home to take care of some things.

We all got in the car and headed for the airport just making small talk mostly. Joey was driving, I was in the passenger seat, and Lance was in the back.

"Lance, would you hand me that little item on the seat beside you." Joey said, causing Lance to look at the seat next to him.

"This?" Lance asked, holding up a box for Joey to see.

"Yeah, that's it, give it to Billy." He said, smiling at me. Lance handed me the box and I sat there looking at it.

"Well, open it." Joey said. I opened the box and looked inside. It was a cell phone. I gave Joey a confused look, and then looked back at Lance, who was smiling brightly.

"What's this?" I asked.

"HELLO! It's a phone silly" Joey said, in one of those voices, he was famous for.

"I can see that ya brain damaged bag of bones, but what's if for? And if you say something smart, I'll slap that goatee right off of your face." I said, joking around with him.

"OK then, I'll say it, it's for talking to people, for crying out loud." Lance spoke from behind me.

"Remind me to hurt you when I get back, OK?" I said, looking over my shoulder at Lance.

"Oh yeah, I'll make sure I do that." Lance said, smacking the back of my head.

About that time the phone I held in my hand started ringing, scaring the hell out of me, to say the least. I looked at Joey, who in turn looked back at me and smiled.

"Well, don't just sit there like a bump on a pickle, answer it." Joey said, getting tickled at me. I took the phone and flipped it open, holding it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Billy, how's it going?" I heard on the other end.

"Josh?" I asked, making sure it was him.

"Yeah, hey guy, I just called to say hi, and to tell you that we'll miss you while you're gone. If you'll check your phone memory, you'll find mine and Justin's phone numbers, along with Chris, Lance, and Joey's. So, if you need us while you're gone, just give us a call OK?" He said, causing me to look at Joey, who was smiling at me.

"OK Josh, I'll do that. Actually, Joey just gave me the phone so I'm a little confused at the moment." I said, causing JC to laugh.

"He told us he was going to get you a cell, so he could call you, and you could keep in touch with us. He just gave me the number and told me what time you guys were leaving so I thought, Curly and I would call and say bye, bye, bye, to ya." He said, still laughing a bit.

"Oh Justin's there too?" I asked.

"Yeah, hang on." He said, handing Justin the phone.

"You know, I don't know if you're worth getting up this early." Justin said, in a sleepy little voice.

"Aww, c'mon Curly you know you love me," I said, smiling into the phone.

"I didn't say I didn't love you, I said, it wasn't worth getting up early for you." He laughed on the other end.

"Well, I appreciate it, for what it's worth. Now put Josh back on the phone and go back to bed." I said, laughing into the phone again.

"OK Billy boy, you have a good trip man, and I'll see ya when you get back." Justin said, handing the phone back to JC.

"Billy, you have a good time with the family, and we'll see you when you get back." JC said.

"OK Josh, and thanks for calling buddy. Talk to ya later." I said, ending the call. I slid over in my seat and gave Joey a little peck on the cheek. "Thank you. You are always thinking about me aren't you?" I said to him.

"Every chance I get sweetie, every chance I get." He said.

"Hello, another person in the car," Lance said, waving his hands in our general direction.

"Lance," I said, looking at him. "How long have you been there?"

"Very funny, smart boy." Lance said, shoving me forward.

We arrived at the airport on time, and made our way to the gate. I was already beginning to feel the sadness. Joey and I hadn't really been together that long, but It felt as if a lifetime of memories had passed between us already. Then it dawned on me why Lance decided to join us. He must have decided to be the strong shoulder for Joey and me. Lance knew me well enough to know that I wouldn't take having to leave Joey well. I guess he figured Joey wasn't going to handle it well either. It never ceased to amaze me how Lance did things like that. He was always one step ahead of everyone else. I guess that's why he kind of handled things for the group.

My plane arrived only a few minutes late. It figures. If I had really been wanting to leave, that plane wouldn't have shown up for hours. I guess it was best to just do it and be done with it. The call came for passengers to start boarding. I looked at Joey and Lance, as the tears started to well up within me. Lance was the first to step forward.

"You take care of him for me, will you?" I asked Lance.

"I always do." He responded.

I smiled at him and gave him a hug. I felt as if I didn't want to let him go, but I knew time was running out on me.

"Come here you." I said to Joey. He came over to me, as Lance stepped back to give us some privacy. I could see the tears in his eyes.

"Honey, I am going to miss you so much." I said, trying to hold back the tears. I knew I couldn't kiss him, but I desperately wanted to, right then, and there. I knew I had to be strong for both of us. If I broke down, I knew Joey would lose it. So, I held my feelings in for now.

"There won't be a second I won't be thinking of you," he said, causing my heart to flip within my chest. "I'll miss you baby. I'll call you everyday, I promise."

The final boarding call being announced, I gave Joey the best hug I could give him, and headed for the entrance. I turned back to look at Joey and Lance. True to his word, Lance was standing there with his hand on Joey's shoulder. I smiled at them before I disappeared from their sight.

To Be Continued................

Well, that's it for now. This is my first time writing so let me know what you guys/gals think so far. Send mail to Special thanks to DLS, author of Brian and Me for inspiring me to do this, thanks for all your help D. I appreciate it. To Matt, author of Search and Rescue just for being you my friend. To my (((Angel))) you know who you are, thanks for the encouragement. To RandyM, author of Maverick, your kind words mean a lot..thanks Mr. President.....LOL. To all my friends in the chat room, MUCH LUV TO YA! GOODNIGHT!

Next: Chapter 5

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