Me and Luka

By BelfastDude Blah

Published on Feb 4, 2023



Thanks for the feedback from Chapter 1 & 1 updated. Honestly, it's amazing having so many people help and give me ideas and guidance =)

I hope you find something realistic in this story and let me know what you think =)



You must be over 18 (21 in some places) to read this story. If you do not like to read about sex or gay love, please close this window.

Me and Luka

Chapter 2

Written by Alex

I woke up, and stretched, then pushed my quilt off to cool down. Within seconds I was freezing. My parents had left for work (my mum's a lawyer and my dad a newspaper editor) and my brother had left; so I could walk about singing! I always enjoyed the little things like that. I looked out the window where I could see Scotland 12 miles across the ocean and the fields around my home white with snow. On the other side of the house I would be able to see the city lights and the Mourne Mountains 30 miles south of the city centre. Various new lyrics buzzed through my head as I cupped my hand around my neck gently, breathing in the brisk air of my slightly-opened window.

Within five minutes, I woke up from daydreaming in the shower, the warm water washing my skin, making me feel happy... fresh. Just before leaving home for the bus I had a hot fair-trade coffee and stared in the mirror, paranoid about my shoulders - they never seemed to fall back!

Funnily, I never thought about my hopeful meeting with Luka. I listened to my iPod to my music. I doubt anyone would ever have heard the music I listen to... music by Clannad and Altan... 'Theme From Harry's Game' helped me relax on my way down the snowy path, five minutes from the bus stop. Songs like that are timeless. They made me feel like part of the lands, I liked to blend in... probably due to my self-esteem.

The bus stop was within sight, I was five minutes early, and smiling by the end of the song. I waved at the horses that stood by the fence, smiling at the poignancy of that moment. I crossed the narrow road and stood at the bus stop listening to more of the same band, calming myself for the noise of the bus crowd. When it finally arrived (15 minutes late), I was freezing to death. I sat at the front, away from the big mouths at the back and crossed my arms to keep in as much heat as possible. That was when Luka came into my mind.

"I wonder if he's gay too..."

"Should I hug him when we get to his house?"

"Should we stop on the way for coffee?"

The first half of the day dragged through, and I didn't so as much as see Luka. I was 99% he'd turn up, but I had that tiny doubt that made my tummy feel like it was falling inside. "Aww well," I thought, walking to my music class. Piano could comfort me, surely. I sat down and said hello to the teacher, the other pupils messing about on their keyboards and screaming all over the place as Tr\355ona (Ch-ree-na - the teacher) read through our course work. A few minutes later she screamed, "Be quiet, now!" Everyone looked startled, but did as they were told to over the last two years without having to be asked, putting their headphones on and practicing on their keyboards. Tr\355ona gave me the piano as I was the only one who really enjoyed the class, it was one of my exam subjects, and playing piano or harp made me feel alone... in a good way. Within myself. I played for that double-period, ignoring the coins and paper that hit my head from the few asses who sat at the other side of the classroom. They couldn't get to me this period.

As the day went on, it got pretty normal. 'Normal' as in the usual. I slipped on ice outside the science building in front of the whole class who, as usual wouldn't let me live it down. During the last period, Gaelic Literature, I had hot chocolate thrown on me. I walked away from that class, the teacher shouting at me to come back. I refused to listen, crying. How could some teachers ignore those animals! I walked to the toilets, my eyes quickly starting to swell with tears, my arm burning from the beverage that I had chucked at me.

I ran across to the old building of the school, and through the hallways, then to the toilets beside the morgue-ish art rooms, hoping that when I came out I'd be able to strike up a conversation with my art teacher. She always gave me a hug and comforted me when I needed it. I closed the bathroom door, knowing that no one would come in; all afraid by the fact that it had been a "cleaning room" (Think of what the art room used to be - Chapter 1). I cried for a good fifteen minutes, my eyes stinging with pain, thinking of how I let myself put up with this place and the people around me.

I lifted myself off the ground and walked into the art room, sitting on a stool, pulled up against the large, brown, heavy tables. "You okay?" It was my art teacher. Someone to make me feel good.

I stayed in the art room for 10 minutes before leaving for form class for roll-call feeling better about myself. The rest of the class looked down at their desks, making me feel more humiliated. They felt sorry for me now, but every time I was bullied they laughed. They sickened me to the core, they were like vultures... foxes. They were sleeked and cunning, ready to pounce at any time. When role was done, I sat in the hall outside my form class for a few seconds until my classmates had left. I waved a quick goodbye to Eefa and her friend and walked maybe ten steps behind them.

For the walk down the hill I looked at the snowy ground, walking noticeably oddly, looking out for black ice hoping that I would not fall. I waited at the bottom of the hill, nervous and shaking slightly, hoping that Luka would turn up. I stepped into the corner between the glass window shop and the wall of the school grounds, and put on my iPod, listening to the same artist I'd listened to that morning - smiling, loosening my shoulders to slump slightly.

Ten minutes passed and I began to feel uneasy. "He's not coming..." I thought. The snow started falling heavily and within ten minutes the last bus had passed, surely the rest would be cancelled from the city centre. My brother was probably at home taking things from my room to use! Twenty minutes late... then half an hour. I was within seconds of turning to walk when he came up to me.

"Hiya! Oh my god, thanks for waiting! I got stuck with your form teacher for not doing Spanish homework!" Then, he hugged me. I hugged back and smiled as he pulled away. "Em... are you okay?"

"What?" I said softly, still smiling.

"I saw you, like, walking past the photography studio..."

I was so embarrassed, my face began to feel warm and I probably shone fifty shades of red. "Yeah, was just something stupid..."

"Don't let them get to you, they're just idiots! Anyway, sorry for being late, let's go!"

We walked for five minutes up the road. It was quite broad with four lanes, and was lined with massive, old oak trees. The pavement was lined with caf\351's and festival offices with beautifully decorated exteriors, each fa\347ade completely unique.

"Wanna go for a coffee? We can get a lift home if we're desperate," he said, and giggled slightly. It was the cutest giggle I had ever heard. I wanted to pounce on him! I laughed and nodded by head. We walked in and each bought our own coffees, sitting down by the window. We sat in silence for a few seconds, looking at the snow before we both looked at each other and laughed.

"No taxi then!" He laughed, his broad smile making my heart melt. I sort of 'fancied him' (like mad) as we say here. Our language is quite boring at best!

"It'll not be a bad walk" I said back, barely able to control my smile. "What are you doing for your final exams?" It might have been a boring subject, but I'd get to know more about him.

"Chemistry, physics, sociology and English literature - they drive me craaazy!"

"Woah! You're well smart," I said in a high-pitched voice.

"No I am not, I'm way failing physics!" He winked at me, a massive smile on his beautiful face.

I kicked him under the table. "A confident genius then!" We both laughed.

"What are you doing?"

"Em..." I was embarrassed by my mostly-lesser-academic choices. "Gaelic literature, music, Celtic studies and English literature."

"Woah! At least your subjects need creativity! Mine are all based on text-books!"

"Whatever genius," I laughed. We both looked at each other smiling, barely realizing how dark it was outside. But we seemed to realize how beautiful the street lights lit up the pavement.

He looked at me, right into my eyes, looking up and down from my eyes to my lips. "I wish I chose art, think of the photography."

I smiled at him gently, then looked out of the window. "That's beautiful," looking discreetly at his reflection. I turned to him and smiled broadly, him reciprocating. "Wanna start walking?"

"Yep!" he said, giggling slightly. As I lifted my bags and coat he walked over to me, with two fresh coffees.

"May as well be a warm-ish walk!"

"Thank you," I said, smiling.

We walked outside into the cold, the pavement four inches deep in snow. We laughed at small things, walking forward towards the cemetery we had met at the day before. Suddenly, I tripped and fell, my coffee pushing perfectly into the snow, the lid keeping it from spilling. Again, I was embarrassed. Luka laughed and helped me up.

"Gotta be careful there!"

"Late advice!"

We both laughed, and without a second's notice he linked his arm with mine.

"Can't get coffees every day with someone who's off school with a broken leg!"

I looked at him, walking. "Thanks."

"More than welcome!"

We walked for another hour, making small talk, sipping at our coffees to keep warm.

"The minute I get in I'm taking a boiling shower!"

I smiled. "Me too! Oh my god that'd be so good right now."

He laughed. Just then I realized that maybe that probably sounded overly sexual, but I laughed. My outbursts were often silly.

When we arrived at his house he invited me in.

"No thanks, I desperately need that shower!"

We both laughed, Luka walking towards me, hugging me, tight. I hugged him back, squeezing him slightly. We both stared at each other then said "tomorrow?" at the same time like yesterday.

"Better not make it a habit to copy me!" I laughed.

"Oi!" He giggled childishly and poked my tummy. "Tomorrow, same time - I won't be late, promise! I'll get my homework done." He winked and we both bursted into laughter.

"You better get it done or I'll kill you," I joked.

"Promise! See you later mister!"

"Byebye." We both smiled and walked off, me looking behind me every few seconds, watching him unlock the door, pick up his bags and finally walk into his warm home.

My cheeks were aching from the fun I had. The most fun I'd had in months.

That night, after dinner, I had that shower and said hello to the resident robin, then crawled into bed listening to my iPod. I slept soundly that night, knowing that I had made a real, true friend. Homework could wait until lunch break tomorrow...

The story picks up in the next Chapter, just setting the scene in this! You can email me with any feedback =)

Alex xx

Next: Chapter 3

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