Me and Taran

By Dude Sweet

Published on Jan 27, 2003



This story is fiction and not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Taran.

My dad is the manager of the water park and one day he says Taran and some friends are coming and I say Taran and he says yeah home improvement Taran. So I am excited cause I like that show and all three of the guys. So he says he volunteered me to be their host cause we are all the same age (13) when they come down. Cool. I never meet a celebrity before and he's cool. I think. So When they come a big limo pulls up and a lady gets out. She's his mom and comes in and arranges for the tickets and stuff and my dad introduces me and stuff. So we go back to the car and she knocks and Taran and his friends come out. So she introduces me as the guide (cool) and I spend the day showing them around. I will skip all the non sex stuff but basically his 3 friends spent the whole day showing off for Taran and getting his attention, so I didn't get to talk to him too much cause I didn't want to compete for his attention cause I'm a little bit shy.

So at the end of the day they go to their limo and I go with his mom to settle up the charges for food and stuff with my dad. He asked me if I invited them back and I said no. he said go invite them. So I go to the limo and knock on the door and Taran opens the door and I can see they are all changing clothes in the limo. One of his friends is totally naked and yells hey shut the door asshole. So Taran says hurry get in. And I do and he closes the door. Nobody cares that I am in the car and they keep changing. Taran has on a towel. So I invite him back. He says he will have to check his schedule with his mom. I write down my name and address and phone number thinking he will never call me. So I leave.

He calls on Thursday. Says he wants to come on Saturday. Asks if I want to ride in the limo he will pick me up at my house. I can't believe it's him but I know it's him cause I recognize his voice. So I tell him if we go early before the park opens we can go on some of the rides without standing in line. So we agree. So he come to my house and I run out to the car. He opens the door and his mom is there to. So I get to ride in his limo to the water park. It's not too far. We get there and his mom gets out right away so we can change. Well I didn't know so I already had on my shorts and so only Taran had to change. I only got a little peak at his. He wasn't hiding it but left his shirt on when he took off his pants so I only got a little peek. In the lazy lagoon we did a lot of wrestling and pretended to pull down the other guys pants, but we never did it all the way. Just pretended. I liked it so did he. After the day was done, we got to go in his limo to change. I wasn't sure, but all during the day I think he was looking at me. So he undoes his Velcro on his shorts but doesn't pull them down and says you first. So I have a boner cause I been thinking about this all day. And I finally have dried off so much I can't stall anymore and pull them down and my boner pops out. I try to cover it up without being to obvious and sit down. He gets a big big smile and says I was hoping. And I say hoping what. He says hoping you would have what you have and I said a boner? He says yeah. Then he pulls his down and out pops his boner. Shit I was never so excited in my life. So he just pulls them off and we sit looking at each other. He finally says lets compare and we kneel down and put them together. My dick touches his. His is a little bigger. But barely. So right them his mom knocks on the door and says asks if we are changed. He says no. So we change. I invite him to see if he can come tomorrow. And he opens the door and asks his mom she checks her appointment book and says he's free but she can't come. So I say my dad will be in charge its ok. So all 3 of us get out and go in the office to talk to my dad. He agrees to be in charge tomorrow.

So Taran picks me up in his limo on Sunday early. This time I am wearing my clothes so we can change naked twice. He gives me a hug when I get in the car. Cool. So we get there and we are both shy about changing. And he finally says hey what's the big deal we already seen them before. And we both strip naked and we both have boners. We just look at each other while we pull on our shorts.

Later in the wave pool we are hanging on to tubes when the water is going up and down. He puts his foot on my dick. As soon as he does this I get a boner so damn fast you can't believe it. So I put my foot on his dick. He already gots a boner. So we are doing this and then we start grabbing dicks to. Then the waves stop and we stop. I say lets go to the Jacuzzi. So I take him to the adult Jacuzzi cause it's the best cause no kids are allowed but they let me cause my dads the boss. Also its got the most bubbles and its not so crowed. So we get in and I pull my shorts down and reach to his hand and put it on my naked boner while we are just talking. His face is shocked but I can tell he likes it. So he pulls his hand away and pulls down his shorts. We play with each others dicks and nobody can tell cause there are so many bubbles. Its cool cause we still talk like nothing funny is going on under the water. So he says let's eat lunch in the car. He calls it a car but I call it a limo. So we get out and you can totally tell we both got boners if your looking but nobody is looking except I think Steve the lifeguard is suspicious but he just smiles and waves. So we get lunch and go to the limo. Taran tells the driver cause it's so hot outside we want to eat in the limo where its cool. The driver don't care. He goes back to his crossword puzzle. So we get in the limo and neither one of us is ready to take the first move. So Taran says lets dry off and change so we don't get the seats all wet with our bathing suits. So I say ok and when I strip and let him see my boner I just wrap a towel and don't get dressed so he does the same. We eat. Then he says maybe we better wait a little before we go swimming so we don't get cramps. So I say yeah. So we are not saying anything and he says what do you want to do now. And I am so fucking brave I can't believe it, I say I want to jack off right now. He smiles and says yeah good idea. So we both pull off our towels and jackoff watching each other. I come first and then he comes. We use the napkins from lunch to clean up. We are giggling.

So when we go back to the water park every time we are on a double ride and it is dark or out of site one of us will grab the others dick. We have boners almost the hole afternoon. And in the wave pool we hang onto the tubes with one hand and put our hands done the others guys shorts and squeeze each others boners. It is super horney. So I take him around the private parts of the park where only the employees are allowed. There are lots of areas where nobody can see us and I always grab his then he grabs mine while we are walking. So we are in one area and he says how private is this place and he gots his hand in my shorts on my dick and I say pretty private and he starts jacking my dick. So I open my shorts and let them fall. I open his and play with his. We are standing there with our shorts around are ankles jacking each other off. I can't believe it. I come first again them he comes and we just let it squirt on the floor and leave it there. Then we are tired and go to the lazy lagoon and just float around.

At the end of the day we check in again with my dad and I tell him Taran will take me home in his limo. So we get into his limo and strip naked again. We both still have boners. He says want to jack again and I say yeah for sure. So he says lay down so I lay down on the floor and he starts to jack me then starts sucking my dick. I never had my dick sucked before and I decide I like it a lot. When I'm ready to come I tell him and he jacks me. So when I do him I decide to suck his to. He likes that and I jack him when he comes. Then we clean up and get dressed. When we get to my house. He gives me a big hug and kisses me with his tongue. Well I'm surprised cause I never kissed before but I figure it out pretty fast.

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