Mean Boys

By Daimien Douglas

Published on Apr 8, 2007


Hey again! I've decided to write this story, and hopefully do not get bored and disinterested in it as I normally do with everything else.It's a fragment of my imagination that kept pecking at me for attention. You can send all comments to Oh I also have my personal story, Daimien, in the College section. Here goes....

The sun beamed annoyingly throughmy have drawn bedroom window, making me pull the covers over my face. I am not a morning person! Alarms, getting out of a warm bed, sun in your eyes; they all just seem sinful. I groaned when I looked at the clock, I woke up 2 minutes before the alarm went of, it always happens for some unknown reason. I groaned even louder when I realize that today would be my first day as a senior in a new highschool. Over the past two months, I occupied myself with the worrying of a new town, country and school. I hadn't make any friends all summer due to the fact that I felt extremely out-of-place and lost in this new city.My father is an affluent public relations executive for a dominant cellular company in America, and we got perks like moving around alot. My last and actually home was in Manhattan, New York. We lived in England, France and a few months here and there like Sydney, Australia and Johannesburg, South Africa. While other seventeen year olds, I'm almost 18 though, might see this as a set back in there social life, I see it as a priviledge to gain world knowledge and experience.

I calmly get out of bed and headed to the bathroom to pursue my morning rituals. It takes me a very long time to prepare for anything since I'm such a perfectionist, so I always get a 30 minutes headed start of my actual setted time.I kept changing my clothes after my showwer, trying to find the one that describes who i am but not in your face about it.I am not shy or inconfident in any way, however, I strive on the way the public sees me-thats what led to my perfectionistic behaviour- so I wanted to create a stunning first impression. I finally decided to settle on a baggy black cargo pants, that was slightly pulled down enough so you can see the top of my boxer briefs, a grey wife beater and black timbs. I have this silver chain my dad bought for me in South Africa, I threw that on. I observed myself in the full sized mirror that was surronded by some over expensive mahgonany wood from Guyana,and felt pleased.My outfit contrasted perfectly with my caramel skin that i got from my white father and brown mother, and my most recognisable part of me, my greyish eyes that i adore. Smiling nastily, I ran downstairs, said bye to everyone (after the boring speech about how to act in public, family name blah, blah, blah).My sister just laughed as she realised how annoyed i was getting. I jumped in my Mercedes SLR McLaren and headed of to school.

At school, the usual happened, people stare at you because you're new and all that bull crap. I just casually made my way to the office without acknowledging any of them. After the other boring drag-on fron the pricipal, I made my way to the first period psychology class, realising that I was already 45 minutes late. A group of girls walked by me smiling and whispered to eachother, asking if I was new.

"I don't no! Ask him!" one demanded.

" Are you crazy? That would be so uncool."

" Or hot!" with that they laughed to each other and continued.

Five minutes after I found the class. Eyes pierced me as I entered. Ignoring them (I'm very good at that) I made my way over to this beautiful black teacher. He was stunning, I'll tell ya! I don't know who any of these kids can concentrate in this class. 'He's gonna teach you psych for the rest of the year! Sweet!' Of course I couldn't say that now, can I? I handed him my timetable and he observeed it.

"Doyle? Nice name." He stated.

' Nice ass' I thought " Yeah, its gaelic."

"Hmmm......Irish decent?"

"Don't know. Never asked."

" There's a seat next to Thomas, take that one."

Now, Thomas almost made me had an heart attack right then and ther. Beautifully boy was he. The first thing I noticed was a set of white teeth beckoning to me, the blue eyes shining through dark blond hair. He had this shell necklace on and that showed that he had some anthropology in him- the most white people that I've met were rascist, 90% of them. I sat next to him and he just looked at me still smile. I turned to look at him and he just cheerily said 'hey'. That was the beginning of his endless talking. It wasn't that I was annoyed because chatting up a hottie like him has no annoyance in it watsoever, its the fact that the teacher kept tell him not o interigate me and he would act like he didn't hear him. I was funny. So we hit it off, not in that way sadly, mutual friendship :( I figured that he was straight so I held back my tentecles. I normally wouldn't hang around the preppy kids like Thomas (ghette is my way) but he was so exceptional. As we chatted I can feel the gravitational pull between us.

" What class do you have next?" I asked beaming after the bell rang.

"Um...Gym" I said after consulting my timetable.

" I'm a linebacker" he exclaimed proudly"......and also co-captain of the swim team."

" I don't do football but I'm an excellent swimmer"

" Coolness! So you can try out on wednesday."

We made our way through the eager children trough the hall.

" Careful, he bites" this stuuningly beautiful indian girl whispered behind us.

" Nah..." Thomas looked at me "...only on the second date" with that they both cracked up laughing while I forced one out raising an eyebrow.

" Maria...Doyle. Doyle......Maria" Thomas introduced us.

" Is that your real name?"

" No, he just decided to call me that after i wouldn't tell him." Maria punched my bicep and commented on hard the are.

" Wow.. Down kitty" Thomas inputted swaying his hands like he had a whip.

In the gym, Maria followed us to the door, we changed into regular gym clothes due to the fact that we were going to do health and stretching. I took the time to notice Thomas' body. He had some defined abs on him. Each of them looked like small baseball mounds.

"What's your body fat?" I asked as straight as possible.

"Hahahaha...checking me out? he asked playfully ".....Dont know. Don't really care." he replied. At that very moment, these walking statues of David floated by. They were pretty! I can't describe them into detail- it whill take awhile, lol. However, I thanked God for creating them right then and there.

" Eric and Daniel" Thomas siad directly in my ear."......the two meaniest things on the earth!" I could sense the anger in his voice and refused to ask him to go into detail.I couldn't see it in either of them and was willing to pursue mister Eric,yumm!

In health class, the coach decided to introduce me to the rest of the class. Every one said hey except Eric.

"Another one!" he said loud enough so everyone could hear and turned to look at me. Now, Doyle isn't a guy to be hassled with. You give me shit, you better expect a war. The few years in New York came out in me right then.

" Yo! You got something to say to me you little fudgepacker?!?! I yelled at him whilst walking over to him. Before I could reach him however, the coach scampered out of his seat and grabbed my hand, pulling me into his frim pecs.

The class went on with Thomas warning me about picking fights with Eric. Every now and again, I would look over to his direction and for those few seconds of watching him I would feel the anger turn into pure bliss and lust. Once I looked over at him and he turned around and caught me. I shot him an angry look to which he raised his eyebrows curiously to, as to say " I bet!"

" Shit!" I cursed myself.

Thanks for reading and I hope to get you views and input. Until then- Love, Peace n Soul baby!

Next: Chapter 2

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