Meaning of Summer

By moc.liamg@remmusfogninaem

Published on Jan 26, 2011

  • This story involves mild sexual experiences and encounter between teenaged boys. If this offends you in any way, please stop reading. All characters and situations are fictional.

My eyes fluttered open as a ray of morning sun cascaded over my eyes.I blinked several times and allowed my eyes to adjust to the new bright light, still feeling slightly groggy from being up most of the night. My thoughts scaled back to last night and I recalled that we didn't get too far into our "truth or dare" game before everyone nodded off to sleep, claiming they were just going to lay down for a minute or two. I propped my back up on a pillow and rubbed my eyes. I was intertwined in a swirl of covers, pillows, and of course Keegan and Lee who were both at the foot of the bed still sleeping. Both boys' hair was a mess and I could see they both had tossed off their shirts and pajama bottoms sometime in the night. The sun hit Lee's back and I found my eyes tracing down his body. His back rose and fell softly with his shallow breathing as I admired his smooth tanned skin.

I carefully manoeuvred myself out of bed, trying not to disturb my two friends as they continued softly snoring. I lowered my feet down to the soft carpet and walked over to the arm-chair and grabbed my now dry clothes from the night before and slipped on my flip-flops. Keegan's clothes were, of course, still in a damp pile on the floor from last night's swim. I slung his clothes over my shoulder and opened the door quietly and stepped out onto the patio. I made an extra effort to not let the door slam on my way out. The sun instantly hit me and warmed up the top of my head. A smile spread across my face as I took in a breath of fresh morning air. My eyes took another moment to adjust to the sun.

The sun continued to warm my whole body as I threw Keegan's clothes out on one of the patio chairs to dry. It was a beautiful clear mid-morning and I could tell that Ryan's dad would definitely be taking advantage of the good weather to go out on the boat. Below me, I could hear everyone's parents chatting over their coffee and the chime of breakfast plates and silverware. After a few "good morning sleepyhead" remarks , I slipped into the door on the opposite side of the patio to the main corridor of the house. I tip toed across the marble floor, trying to be as quiet as I could, despite the sound of my flip-flops clicking against the marble floor, and into one of the bathrooms.

I ran my hands through my hair and decided it was definitely time for that shower I wanted last night after getting out of the lake. I could still smell the soft scent of lake water from last night lingering on my skin and hair. It would be best to shower before everyone else occupied the bathrooms for the rest of the morning. Especially Keegan, we spends almost forty minutes doing God knows what in the shower. I switched on the light and clicked the door shut behind me. The bathroom had a rather large walk in shower and a spacious changing area, too. As I stepped towards the shower, I stepped out of my flip flips and threw my shirt off as I walked. I started the water jet and played with the settings on the dial until I found a warm enough setting. When the glass began to steam up, I dropped my shorts and stepped out of my boxers and tossed them aide. I took an opportunity to examine myself in the mirror above the sink. My hair stood up in all directions and did look like it needed a washing. I giggled and tried to smooth out the bits of hair jutting out from the top of my head. My eyes fell to my waist as I examined the tan line that was forming on the my lower abdomen. I didn't tan as easily as the rest of the boys, so it wasn't that noticeable yet, but it was definitely a work in progress. I stepped into the warm jet of the water and let the lake water residue swirl down the drain. I took extra time rinsing my hair and looked around for some shampoo to use. I picked up a half used bottle of Ryan's shampoo and squirted a generous amount into my hands. I ran my hands through my hair and began massaging my scalp with the shampoo. The soft fruity scent of the shampoo reminded me of Ryan, who was probably still sleeping up in his own room as well or down at breakfast already.

I closed my eyes and rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and watched it swirl down the drain. I ran my hands through my hair again and it felt much better now that it was clean. I grabbed a bottle of Ryan's body wash and again squirted a swirl into my hands and started to lather up my body, starting with my chest. My mind wandered back to last night when Keegan and I jumped off the dock into the lake and how we both felt so alive and excited for the marvelous weekend ahead of us. I definitely wanted to make another trip back there tonight. I was concentrating on an image of Keegan slipping off his boxers as he prepared to jump into the water as I continued scrubbing my chest with the body wash. My semi-hard morning wood was now at full mast, to my surprise, and I continued to brush my fingers over my head and balls. I looked down and was shocked that I let myself get carried away thinking about one of best friends undressing. Were these thoughts normal? Oh well. I shook my head and rinsed off the remaining suds off my body. I lingered in the warm stream for awhile longer before realizing that it had at least been fifteen minutes and that other people in the house had to shower as well.

My head was buzzing as I turned off the water and reached for the towel that was hanging nearby. I wasn't exactly sure why Keegan was the first image I thought of when I began to play with myself, but I quickly shook the thought out of my head and pressed a soft towel against myself and started drying. I tucked the towel underneath my waste and glanced in the mirror. My cheeks were flushed a soft pink color. Probably from the buildup of steam from the long shower I just took. I raised the towel to my head and started to dry my hair, which thankfully now felt much better than before. After drying it partially, I flipped and worked it until it fell into its normal side part just above my eyebrows. I gathered up the clothes scattered around the room and was about to head out the door when I heard a soft knock at the door. I pulled on my boxers and shorts and slid the door open. Ryan was wearing a v-necked t-shirt and baggy pajama pants that were obviously too big for him. They covered his feet and sagged down on his hips, which is normally how he wore most of his pants anyways.

"Whats up Eric?! You guys sleep O.K. up there in the guest house last night?" Ryan asked as I walked past him. We exchanged fist bumps and I shrugged at him. I decided we would tell him about our midnight swim later today and decide to ask if he maybe wanted to join us again tonight.

"Yeah I guess. You know us, we're up most of the night anyways," I reminded him as he walked past me and into the bathroom, slipping off his shirt and heading for the shower.

"Haha, yeah I forgot about that. Maybe I'll stay up there with you guys tonight. I think I can manage a night without my double bed I guess." Ryan now leaned over into the shower and turned on the water. "Anyways, I'm gonna grab a quick shower, I'll see you downstairs in a bit. Later!" Ryan shut the door and I heard it click shut.

With the towel around my neck, I walked through the corridor and out to the patio again and was hit with another gorgeous ray of sunshine. I leaned against the railing and spread my towel out along the dark stained wood. Ryan's mom was below me clearing the remaining coffee cups and dishes from the table. She greeted me with a familiar wave and bright caring smile.

"Morning, Eric! I take it you're the first one up?" She questioned. I nodded at her as she put her hand on her hip.

"I can't believe they're still asleep. Such a beautiful morning! I think the boats are going to come into the harbor in a little bit, anyways, if you want to get those sleepyheads out of bed." She smiled and pushed the siding door open and repositioned her pile of dishes to another hand. The boats come into the harbor every Saturday morning and it usually is a popular gathering spot for morning breakfast stands and people-watching.

"Yep. Maybe they're up now, actually. I just went to shower awhile ago," I answered back as she disappeared into the house to set down her dishes. I then proceeded back to the guest house to see if my friends had moved from their spot. I opened the door and slipped in, tossing off my shoes as I walked. Even more sunlight poured into the room now as the morning now approached noon. Keegan and Lee had shifted their position to the head of the bed when I had gotten out and we still buried beneath their heap of blankets and pillows. I approached Keegan's side of the bed and rustled his hair a bit as an effort to wake him up. I could see his eyelids softly tighten and relax as he inhaled a deep breath.

"Come on' Kee," I teased still playing with his hair some more. He mumbled and pull the covers over his head. I had to admit, he was pretty cute when he was wrapped up in his covers.

"Let's go misterr.. Ryan's mom has breakfast downstairs for us probably," I suggested. He made some unaudible grumbles under the covers.

Obviously uninterested in breakfast, I climbed under the covers with him and pulled the covers over both of us. With my lips now close to his ear, I attempted again to get him to wake up. "Let's go sleepyheaddddd," I whispered into his ear and began to tickle his neck and chest. His mumbles turned into giggles as he tried to swat my hand away. His eyes now flickered open as he stared back into mine. His light brown eyes seemed almost hazel now that there was more light in the room. He propped himself on his elbows and cupped his face in his hands.

"He's alive!" I chanted. I giggled and sat up in the bed.

"Man, ya' sure are cherry in the morning. How long have you been up?" Keegan questioned between a yawn.

"Not too long. Just went to go take a shower. You two have been sleeping for most of the morning. Get your butts out of bed and let's go get some breakfast at the harbor!"

I slipped out of the bed pulling the covers along with me, causing Keegan to jump out of bed and pull me into another one of his tackle hugs. Lee awoke looking confused about just what happened. His eyes darted around the bed as he search for his stolen covers.

I escaped Keegan's grasp and jumped back onto the bed next to Lee, who was now fully awake and beginning to roll himself out of bed.

"Wow, you two sure know how to wake a guy up... AGAIN." Lee reminded us. He pulled on his shirt from last night and began digging through his bag for some suitable pants to walk around the house.

"Let's get a move on, the boats are coming in soon and Ry probably wants to see them, too." I reminded them.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I wonder if we'll make it there in time.." Keegan replied.

"Well if we get a move on then we can probably catch a glimpse of them!" I reminded them. I began to kick around the pillows and articles of clothing scattered along the floor and threw a pillow at Keegan's chest.

He caught it in his hands and hugged it close to his chest. "You know you're kinda cute when you're bossy." Keegan flashed another one of his trademark smiles and tossed the pillow back to me. I felt my cheek flush as I turned around to start getting ready. My mind tried to figure out something to say back but all I could respond with was a shy smile.

This is my first attempt at writing and sharing a story! Sorry that chapter 2 isn't as long as the first chapter, but chapter 3 will be longer! T

Please send all comments/questions/suggestions to! Thank you :)

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