
By Col.Brewster

Published on Sep 3, 1996



Organization: Concentric Internet Services

I did not write this story!

The Mechanic by Headman

I was headed for New Mexico after graduation from high school. I was going to attend the university there, like my best friend Mark was doing. Mark was three years older than I, but we had discovered each other during my freshman year. Mark played football, was on student council and had lots of friends. I, on the other hand, was a lowly freshman and never expected to have any upperclassman take notice of my presence. But Mark did. We had gym together, and he definitely noticed me one day when we showered together. I had noticed his nice, fat piece of cock hanging there, but I was so involved in catching a glance of his prick that I didn't notice that he was checking me out at the same time. I knew I was gay, but I didn't notice (or even imagine) that he would be. Well, one thing led to another and we engaged in sex with one another every chance we got. But that's another story.

I had been on the road for 3 days and was tired of it already. I was anxious to get to Mark (we hadn't seen each other in two years), but I was making it a nice, leisurely drive across the country.

"Welcome to Blaine, Kansas - Pop. 2900" the sign said. It was 5:00 in the evening and I had been on the road since 7:00 that morning.

"Where am I going to find a nice motel in this burg ?" I thought. The highest building in town was a corn silo located about 5 miles outside of town. Suddenly, my car began making a squealing sound and my windshield was drenched...and not a cloud in the sky!

"Shit !" I said, "Now I'm stuck here for sure !"

As I looked up I saw a sign announcing an automobile repair shop, so I headed for it. "At least I can leave my car here so they can start on it first thing in the morning!" I thought. As I pulled onto the driveway, I saw a kid locking the door, apparently for the night. I jumped out of my car and ran over to him.

"Look, I know you're closed for the night, but I need to leave my car here and find someplace to stay until you can get it fixed" I said.

"What's wrong with it ?" he asked, turning so that I could see him better in the light.

"I think I busted a water hose or something," I explained, "but I'm not real sure. If I could leave it here tonight, and you could tell me where I can find a room for the night, I'd have you fix it tomorrow."

"I'll tell you what," he said, "I don't have anything planned for tonight, so if you'd like I could work on it after I get myself some supper."

"That'd be great !" I said, "But I don't want to impose on you".

"I don't mind," he replied.

"Great! Actually, I could stand some supper myself" I said. "I'll tell you what, since you're willing to fix my car tonight, why don't you let me buy YOUR supper, too ?" I said to him.

"Deal !" he replied, "My name is Mark. What's yours ?"

"Eric...Eric Smithson," I said as we shook hands. "Now, where can we go for supper ?" I asked.

" Marge's is just down the street".

"Let's go" I said.

It was a short walk to the restaurant and we engaged in small talk until we got there. The restaurant was actually a truck stop, and since it wasn't too far from the Interstate, it was crowded. We found a booth in the corner and sat down. It wasn't too long before a waitress came over and took our order.

"Hi, Mark !" she said, and then looking at me, said "Who's your new friend ?"

"Just a customer whose car died on him! How about taking our order now, Rose?" he replied.

"Sure, Mark ! What'll it be?" she said, slightly embarrassed by Mark's tone in his voice.

We gave her our order, and as she left to turn it in, winked at me and said "You're sure a cutie!"

"Damn !" Mark exclaimed as she walked away. "Look, I gotta go take a piss and I'll be right back. Don't let any of these good ol' boys give you any shit while I'm gone" he said as he got up. I watched him to see where the john was, cause I knew that as soon as he got back, I was gonna need it, too.

After a few minutes, he came back to the table and sat down.

"The service here isn't the best, but the food's good" he said.

"Great !" I replied. "I gotta' take a leak too" I said as I got up. "I'll be right back".

When I got in the john, I walked up to a urinal and started to piss. While I was standing there, I got to thinking about Mark. He was about 6'tall, black wavy hair, ice blue eyes (which I think are unusual in a guy with dark hair), and a good tan. His body was lithe and muscular and was shown off to an advantage by his tight, black jeans and the muscle shirt he was wearing. I finished my piss, shook the last drops off, put my cock back in my shorts and washed my hands. Then I went back to the table and joined Mark.

While I was gone our burgers had arrived and while we ate, we talked back and forth about all kinds of things. Mark learned that I was on my way to New Mexico to go to school, and I learned that he wanted to leave this town, but didn't have the money to move. That's why he was working in the garage, to save up money to move to California, "where all the action is!" as he put it. We finished our supper and the waitress brought us our checks. I grabbed both of them, left enough money on the table to cover them (as well as a generous tip) and we went back to the garage.

I pulled the car in while Mark changed into his working clothes. He popped the hood and leaned over and looked to see if he could see what was wrong. While he was bent over, I noticed what a broad muscular back and tight rounded ass he had.

"Cool it !" I thought to myself. "This guy ain't the type that's gonna go to bed with you, so forget it!" I thought, but my cock still jumped while I looked at his ass.

"I think I see the problem" he said. "It looks as if you busted both water hoses, but I'll have to slip under the car and see for sure".

He laid on a dolly and rolled under the front of the car, leaving only the bottom half of his body sticking out from under it. That was fine with me, because it gave me a chance to check out that part of him too. His coveralls weren't skin tight, but they fit him tightly enough that I could see that he didn't get gypped in the meat department anymore than he got gypped in the looks department.

"Hand me that crescent wrench over there on the workbench, will you?" he asked. I went over and got it and bent over and put it in his outstretched hand. He closed his hand around mine for just a second, but I could swear that I saw his cock (which was just inches from my face !) jump as he touched my hand.

"Thanks," he said. "Sorry about grabbing your hand".

"No problem", I said, still not able to take my eyes off his crotch. I stood there waiting for his next request, watching his crotch to see if it would jump again. He spread his legs further, and I could see his cock even better, laying there draped over his leg. It must have been about 8" of meat, even though it was still soft.

"Damn !" he said, shooting out from under the car, almost catching me licking my lips, imagining what he'd look like hard.

"That damn coffee goes right through me!" he exclaimed. I don't know why I drink it".

"I know the feeling. I was just getting ready to ask you where the john was" I replied.

"Follow me. It's back here" he said, heading for the back of the garage. He went on in and I stood away from the door so that he could piss in peace. He didn't even bother closing the door and I could hear his stream hitting the toilet.

"Yeah ! That's better !" he said, as he walked out, still zipping up his coveralls. I caught a quick glimpse, and I wasn't sure, but I didn't think he had anything on under his coveralls. "It must be your imagination," I thought.

"Next" he said. "I'm gonna go work on the car some more. Take your time!"

I went in and closed the door. It didn't shut all the way and it didn't have a lock on it, so it ended up standing open about a quarter of an inch. I whipped out my cock and stood there waiting to take a leak. I looked out the window and noticed it had really gotten dark. I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost 7:30. As I turned and zipped up, I thought I saw some movement by the door, but then I knew it was my imagination again. I washed my hands and went back to where the car was. There he was, bent over the motor with that cute ass sticking up in the air. I was finding it harder and harder to control myself, but I knew I had to.

"Just about done" he said. "Another thirty minutes or so" he said, smiling as he looked at me. When he got down on the dolly again, I noticed that his coveralls were unzipped down to his navel. I could see the start of his pubic hair as he slid under the car. "Damn" I thought, "What a tease!".

I stood back and watched as he worked under the car. I could see his cock outlined against his leg again. My mouth went dry on me, imagining myself taking that 8" of meat down my throat. As I dreamed of what I would do to that piece of meat, Mark reached down and adjusted it, and as he did, it seemed to grow a little longer. I stepped closer to the car and looked down between the engine block and the radiator. I could see Mark and I realized that he wasn't working on the car anymore. He must not of realized that I was watching, because he put his finger in his mouth, moistened it, and began to rub his exposed nipple with it. As I stood there and watched, I could look down and see his meat beginning to grow as he played with his nipples. As of now, I realized that this was no accident, and my courage began to grow along with my dick.

I could also see that as his cock grew, the zipper on his coveralls was sliding down because of all the meat trying to get out. The longer he played with his nipples, the harder his cock got and the further down the zipper slid. My previous guess was right! He didn't have anything on under his coveralls! Before long, I could see the thin line of hair that ran from his belly button down into his pubic hair. I leaned back over the engine compartment.

"You need anything thing else?" I asked him with a slight smile on my face.

"I'll have to see what kind of tool I need first" he said, sliding out from under the car. By this time the zipper on his coveralls was almost all the way down and it only took a slight tug from me and his hot, hard cock and large balls fell completely out. He got up on his knees and brushed his lips across my shorts, stopping when he felt my hard cock under his lips. He opened his mouth and gently clamped his teeth around my prick, looking up into my eyes as if asking for permission to go ahead. I reached around behind his head, pulling it into my groin and holding it there for a few seconds. As I released it, he ran his hands up the legs of my shorts and gently pulled on my 7nuts. I reached down, put my hands under his arms and pulled him to his feet. Our lips met and our tongues intertwined, each of us sucking on the other's tongue. I placed my hands under his coveralls and slid them off of his shoulders, running my hands across his chest and back as they fell to his waist. I kissed his neck and began to work my way across his chest, letting my tongue caress each nipple as I came across it. He held my head in place, while I licked and nibbled on each nipple in turn.

"Oh-h-h ! Un-h-h ! That feels so good ! Please don't stop !" he begged.

While I was running my tongue over his chest, he was pulling my shirt up and off of me. I had to stop my tongue action while he pulled it over my head. When he had it off, before I could go back to what I was doing, I felt his warm breath on my neck and then it began to travel across my chest--just like I had done to him. He teased and licked each nipple, biting it ever so gently. He would hold it gently between his teeth and then run his tongue back and forth across it, sucking gently as he did so. My dick was straining to be loose from my shorts, and pre-cum was beginning to form on the head. While he was working my chest over, his hand was gently, but firmly, rubbing my cock through my shorts.

Suddenly, he quit working on my chest and planted a deep, hot kiss on my lips. Then he picked me up without any warning (even though I'm almost 6" tall and weigh about 175 pounds), and carried me back to a room in the back of the garage. He laid me on the bed without removing his lips from mine.

"I'm gonna go lock up," he said. "I'll be back in a second."

He left me lying there on the bed, half-dressed and hotter than hell. I started to slip out of my shorts when his voice stopped me.

"Don't, please" he said. "I want to do that!"

I took my hands away from my shorts and watched as he slipped out of his coveralls. His body was beautiful in the dim light. Tanned and firm, with magnificent pecs, and a smooth, hard belly with just the slightest trace of hair down to his belly button.

He walked over to the edge of the bed where I was lying. This handsome stud with his 9" of man-meat stood less than an arms' length away from me. His cock swayed slightly with his breathing. It was smooth and shiny, at least 4" around with a smooth head and pre-cum beginning to run out of the slit. Before I could reach for it, he dropped to his knees beside the bed and began kissing my neck and throat. His lips traced a path down the side of my neck and across my chest, caressing my nipples with his tongue. Then he proceeded down my chest and across my stomach. He ran his lips across the top of my shorts and began to nibble on my dick through my shorts. Placing his teeth gently around my cock, he began to nibble on it, moving from the base to the head and back again. He put his hands under my ass and pushed up with them to force his face closer to my groin. He undid the top clasp on my shorts, but left the zipper up. Then he moved up and ran his tongue under the waistband of my shorts, sliding it back and forth. My meat was ready to burst from the attention it had gotten and the pre-cum was flowing out of its' head. Occasionally his tongue would cross the slit and when he tasted the pre-cum, he would lap it up as if it were nectar.

"Oh-h-h ! That feels s-o-o-o good ! Lick it, baby !" I moaned in ecstasy.

"If you think that feels good, just wait !" he whispered.

He unzipped my zipper, and slid my shorts off, throwing them in the corner to join my shirt.

He moved down and took each of my nuts in his mouth, washing them gently with his tongue. I wasn't sure how long I could hold off with this action, but I wanted this to last as long as possible!

He began working his way up the shaft of my cock, tongueing and licking it all the way to the head. His tongue traveled in circles, licking the pre-cum away and then rolling his tongue all over it. Then, when more pre-cum had formed, he'd lick that away and then go about licking some more.

Suddenly, without any warning, he opened his mouth and plunged his face as far down on my cock as he could go. The warmth and moistness of his mouth was a shock to my system and I about shot my load then and there. He kept my dick deep in his throat until he ran out of breath, then he released it.

"Ah-h-h ! Un-h-h ! Mark, that felt so good," I groaned. He looked up and smiled.

"Now," I said, "lay back and relax, cause it's your turn !"

I sat up on the edge of the bed and stood Mark up in front of me, his 8" of hot meat staring me in the face. He was dripping with pre-cum, and I darted out my tongue and ran it across his piss-slit, licking up all that I could. He leaned toward my face, moving his meat even closer. I could smell his maleness exuding from his cock. I reached down and took his left ball and placed it in my mouth, rolling it around with my tongue. Then I took the right one and did the same. I lifted up his cock and balls and ran my tongue up the inside of both of his thighs, and ran it around on the spot where his legs met. While I was doing that, I ran my thumb over the head of his dick and smeared the pre-cum all over it.

"Oh-h-h-h ! Ah-h-h ! E-r-r-i-c ! Do-o-o-n't stop ! Tongue my cock and balls ! Ram your tongue between my thighs ! That's it ! Oh-h-h-h ! Un-h-h-h !" he moaned as I let my tongue run wild between his legs. My cock was bursting with desire to shoot a load of hot cream, but I forced myself to hold back longer.

I stood up and turned Mark around so that his back was to me. He reached around, grabbed my hot rod and tried to stick it up his ass. But I wouldn't let him ! I slid it up between the cheeks of his ass, but I wouldn't let him stick it in his asshole.

"Oh-h-h-h, Eric, fuck me ! Slip that cock in my asshole and let me feel your balls slapping against my ass! Ple-a-s-e !" he pleaded.

"Not yet, stud !" I replied.

Mark didn't realize it, but he was helping me prepare him for the fucking that I was gonna give him. By rubbing my wet cock between his ass cheeks, he was smearing my pre-cum all along the crack in his ass.

I gently pushed on his shoulders, which bent him over at the waist. Then I sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled his ass up to my face. I gently nibbled at the cheeks, not hard enough to leave marks, but hard enough to cause him to squeal with delight. Then I spread his cheeks with my thumbs and began to run my tongue up and down his crack. His little brown rosebud was almost pulsing with desire, almost opening and closing on its' own. I combined some of my saliva with some of the pre-cum left there by my cock and began to manipulate my tongue over his hot, pulsating hole.

"Ah-h-h-h ! Oh-h-h-h ! Unh-h-h ! That's it Eric ! Fuck my asshole with your tongue ! Force my asshole open with your hot, wet tongue ! Oh-h-h ! Ah-h-h-h ! Fuck it, stud ! Fuck my ass !"

I reached around and grabbed his cock and pulled it to the floor. There was so much pre-cum there that at first I thought he'd shot his load, but then I realized that he hadn't. I took that handful of pre-cum and rubbed it in his asshole, using first one finger, then two fingers, then three. He was moaning and shoving his ass back as hard as he could on my fingers, trying to get as many of them up there as possible. He was pulling on his nipples and his own meat, while I was finger-fucking his ass.

Quickly, realizing that my own release wasn't too far away, I stood up, threw him on the bed on his back, and when his legs flew up over him, stepped in between them, and, resting them on my chest, plunged my dick into him to the hilt !

"Agh-h-h-h ! Oh-h-h-h ! Unh-h-h-h !" he screamed at the top of his lungs. "Oh-h-h, baby, fuck that ass ! Yeah ! Slip your hot, hard dick into my hole ! Slam it up my ass ! Let your balls beat against my asscheeks ! Fuck me baby ! F-u-u-u-c-k me-e-e !"

I slammed into his ass, pinning him to the bed with my cock, and then I pulled it out until just the head was locked in by his sphincter. Then I slammed into him again, developing an ass- pounding rhythm that pushed him down into the mattress. With every thrust into his ass, his hard cock bounced back and forth, spraying both of us with pre-cum.

I could feel my nuts boiling with a load of hot cream. As my cock pounded his ass, his head rolled back and forth in the throes of ecstasy.

"Oh baby, fuck me! Fuck my ass!" he moaned. "Load my gut with your hot cream ! Take me ! Use me ! Make me your whore !"

Suddenly, it was no longer pre-cum that was being sprayed on both of us by his cock flopping back and forth. Huge spurts of white, sweet cum were flying through the air, landing on both of us. Spurt after spurt flew out, landing on his face and chest, and some even landed on my chest. Suddenly, by nuts exploded, flooding his ass with my warm, wet cream. Load after load I pumped into him, filling him with the hot juice from my nuts. I gave two more deep thrusts and then pinned his ass to the bed with a third, letting the contractions from my pulsing prick deposit my seed in his ass.

When the pumping stopped, I lay down on him, my cock still up his ass. I licked his cream off of his face and chest, relishing the taste of it as it slid down my throat. He pulled me up to him and kissed me with a long, deep kiss. I stood up, pulled my cock out of him and sat on the bed. He pulled me down beside him and snuggled in my arms.

"I've never cum like that before. It's never felt so good to have someone in me like it did with you," he said.

We fell asleep in each others arms, and after breakfast the next morning, I resumed my trip. I left him with my address in New Mexico.

"If you ever make it to California, look me up," I told him.

"Oh, I'll make it to California someday," he said, "and I'll definitely look you up !"


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