Meeting Cheryle

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jun 21, 2006


Meeting Cheryle, Part #5

April 2005

By Joyce Devries, MSN ID:

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and of all of the adventures I have had dressed as a woman, this was the ultimate. I got courted by a true and real Lesbian Female, my spouse and her Bi female lover and my date went out for a romantic date to Stage West (, and double dated and here is diary entry for you all to enjoy.

I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this one was an awesome special, romantic adventure.


As we slid in the car and Sharon started driving she looked me over again and then smiled and said, "that skirt looks familiar, another piece liberated from my closet?", I smiled and told her it was, and she told me it looked great on me. We got to the mall and we both got out of the car and headed into the entrance nearest to the salon. We walked in side by side to the front desk and the girl recognized me right away and said, "welcome again, Joyce and Sharon right?", we both spoke up and she looked at Sharon and asked her to follow her, and told me that the girl that was working on me, was just finishing up on another customer and to have a seat and she would be right out. I waited for about 5 minutes and a group of 4 younger women came out, all made up with identical hairstyles and it was obviously a Wedding party, as one of them was the bride and she had a pretty white veil in her hair.

Behind her was the girl who usually does my hair and makeup and after wishing the girls good luck she turned to me and with a big smile said, "Well Joyce!, so nice to see you, another big night out?", I smiled and told her it was, and she said, "right this way, let's make you beautiful again". She lead me to another area of the salon, and I could hear Sharon chatting with the girl working on her, but I could not see her due to a divider. I sat down and the girl asked me what I wanted, and I told her to do my hair like she always had, and my makeup was to be dramatic. She then asked me to describe the dress I was wearing and all she could say was, "ohhhh, sounds sexy", I then pulled out a couple of pictures of the dress from one of my fall garden photo shoots and gasped when she saw it and asked if I was going to wear it with the heels I had on in the picture and I told her I was, and she said that I was going to attract allot of attention. I smiled and told her I knew I would and she said that she would make sure my makeup would compliment the dress. I also handed her the lipstick and the nail polish and she commented on how different it was from what I had worn before and how it really complimented my olive complexion. She then saw the nail polish and asked if I want "the usual" on my nails for length and I told her that I wanted something different and wanted "glamour length", and she asked, "how glamorous?", I said I had never had really long nails and she smiled and told me that she would put on about 1/4" to 1/2", in length, it would be long enough to be pretty and manageable.

So with all that said, she went to work, and I was so embarrassed I could not remember her name, but had fun answering questions about where our "husband's" were taking us and I told her and she kept going on about my dress and look. She started with my hair, not doing much, pinning it and such to gently frame my face with curls, then she started with my makeup and finished off with the "colour last" lipstick and stood back a bit and said, "oh this will compliment the dress perfectly", referring to my makeup. She then started on my nails and kept telling me my "husband" was going to have to keep me close, as I was going to be hit on. I laughed and watched as she applied the nails and sculpted the nails, and I could not believe how pretty she was making my hands, as I had never had nails as long as she was putting on, which were really not all that long. Just before she started putting on the polish, I heard Sharon getting up and she told me over the divider that she would be waiting for me up at the front. The girl carefully applied the polish and then asked if Sharon was going out to the same place, and I told she was, and then started asking questions about were we planned to go and I told her all about Stage West. She was telling me that with my dress and hair and makeup, I was going to really make a splash. After she did my nails, she told me to let them dry, then spun the chair around and I got to have a look at myself. Of course like usual, she had done a spectacular job at making me look incredible, and I had to admit, the new lipstick colour was really nice combined with all of the other colours she had used on me. After my nails were dry, she took off the bib she had on me and told me to enjoy the evening and to have a great time.

I thanked her and grabbed my purse and headed to the front and saw that Sharon had her usual hair done, in an upswept do, and the makeup she had on was a little different and darker than normal, definitely focusing your attention on her eyes. She looked me over and said, "very pretty, love that shade of lipstick on you", I complimented her back and she told me she had already paid for the two of us and I followed her out of the salon and out to the car. After we both slid in I noticed Sharon had her nails done "glamour" length and was done the same shade as her lipstick, I commented and she said that she thought it was a good idea to do something different. We held hands for the short ride home and Sharon smiled and looked over at me and asked if I was getting excited and I told her I was!. Sharon looked down at the clock and noted the time was 3:15pm and mentioned that Brenda and Cheryle would be coming to pick us up at 4:45pm, so we had about an hour and a half to get ready and asked if I was going to get into my dress right away and I told her I was as I could not wait to show her what I was wearing. I told her that I showed the girl that did my hair and makeup the outfit I was going to be wearing and told me that I was going to be turning heads in the dress and Sharon looked over at me and smiled, and said, "oh knowing you, I am sure you will".

As we pulled in the driveway, I saw that our neighbor's car was not in the driveway and in a way I wished she was home, but I thought it might be better that she was not. As we got in the house, I gave Sharon a little kiss and told her that I would be up to see her to help me with my bra and to help do up my heels, and she also told me that she would call me when she needed help doing up her dress. I made my way to my bedroom and quickly stripped out of my clothes and was tingling as I started getting ready for the evening.

I left on my panties and stripped out of the "day sheer" nude pantyhose I was wearing, and slipped on a pair of short white satin gloves and the opened the package of new ultra sheer toe to waist "nearly black" pantyhose and very carefully slipped them on. I loved the way they looked as I slipped them on and gently caressed them, and under my fingers my legs felt like I was rubbing silk and knew Cheryle would love them as well. I slipped into a pair of low 2" black heels, in order to make sure I would not snag the ultra sheer, 10 denier hose. I then slipped on the low backed convertible bra and adjusted my breasts. Before I grabbed the dress I got my Obsession perfume and put on a healthy does everywhere on my body that Cheryle's face would come close to, my neck, my wrists, breasts and finally a little on my ankles. I then grabbed my dress and loved the feeling as I slid the dress on, making sure the lingerie straps were tucked away as the dress was slightly off the shoulder. I zipped it up and then made my way to the mirror and knew all of the decisions I had made were the right ones, and was a little worried that the look was "too much", but then decided, "who cares", and continued to put on my jewelry. I put on the sparkly necklace first, then the matching long sparkly earrings, I decided not to put on the matching sparkly bracelet until I had found out if Cheryle had brought a corsage and what style it was if she did. I finished off the jewelry with my silver charm bracelet on my left wrist, which was an adventure with my longer finger nails!, but I finally managed to get it on. I was planning on a gold watch, but thought the charm bracelet would make for a good conversation piece at the theatre.

I was just about to start checking my clutch purse for the last time and Sharon called down to me and asked if I could come upstairs as she needed help with her dress and her jewelry. I decided to leave my purse in my room and grabbed my heels for the evening and the safety pin needed for my bra and headed upstairs to meet Sharon, who I found in her bedroom, she was sitting on the side of the bed doing up the last of her garters attaching them to the stockings. She was only in black lace garter belt, sheer nude hose, black lace and satin panties, and she was wearing the burgundy regular lace and satin bra that I bought for her to wear with the burgundy bridesmaid dress. As she was looking up she her lovely made up eyes opened wide and she said, "oh my God Joyce, when you said you were going to turn heads, but I had no idea, turn around". I did and she made the comment that I was really going to have the attention of many people as I went to the theatre. I smiled and was glad that she approved and she just shook her head, and was about to grab for her dress and I asked her before we got her into my dress she would help me with the last part of my outfit, the pin and heels. She agreed and kept on commenting on the outfit and made the comment, "I have not seen this dress before, I guess we can thank 'Ebay'?". I told her liked her dress, purse and heels and it was, and I asked her what dress she was wearing and she told me the Burgundy one. She then asked for my heels and I handed them to her and sat on the edge of the bed. She looked up at me and said, "not these 'stilts' again?, yesh Joyce these are almost 5" stilettos", I just smiled and told her that I would be fine and I wanted to dress to impress Cheryle.

After she helped me do up the straps to the heels, she helped me up and then went and grabbed her dress and all the while I wiggled my toes into the heels to make them feel comfortable. As I stood, I could feel the tension on the back of my calves as the muscles strained to support the heels and took a few small steps. Sharon slipped into her dress, she turned around and asked me to zip her up and close the clasp at the top, and as I did I made the comment how lovely she smelled in her Halston's perfume and she looked back and smiled and told me it was one of Brenda's favorites. I was about to leave to grab my clutch purse and she told me to hang on, she needed help with her jewelry. She was in the middle of slipping on the matching 2" burgundy satin heels and asked me to grab what I thought would compliment the outfit. For me the choice was simple and grabbed for a ruby pendant necklace, matching earrings and bracelet and handed it to her and she told me that she thought I would be picking that for her to wear. As I helped her put on the necklace, I asked if she had the matching burgundy satin clutch purse and she said she did and it was already packed and ready to go.

I lost track of time and Sharon jolted me back to reality when she asked if I was ready to go, and I told her I had to check my clutch purse. I left her doing a final check of her clutch purse and headed back to my room and grabbed my clutch purse and after checking I was glad as I was missing my new lipstick and grabbed my regular purse and pulled it out. I was in the middle of checking my final look and ensuring everything was perfect when I heard the click of Sharon's heels on the hardwood floor upstairs and then the feminine squeals of greetings, of "oh my God!!!". I started heading upstairs, and heard Sharon call out "Joyce your date is waiting", I called back and said I was coming. I took one last look and licked my lips to give them a nice shine and then headed up the stairs where I could hear the girls giggling. Once I got the top of the stairs, I took a deep breath and turned the corner where I saw Cheryle standing gasping at me and closer to the door, Sharon and Brenda in a deep embrace, kissing, Sharon had a single red rose in her hand.

To describe both Cheryle and Brenda, they had obviously gone and made sure they were feminine enough, but not "feminine fluff". The both of them had obviously talked when choosing their outfits, Brenda was wearing EXACTLY what she wore when she dated Sharon for the first time. To describe her appearance was basically to describe what a feminine man would look like. Her hair was pulled back so it was short and blonde, she wore a cream colored outfit, cream colored pants, a cream blouse and a cream and white floral vest, and very low cream heels. She had no jewelry on and was wearing little or no makeup. I stared for a moment at her chest which almost looked flat, but I had no clue how with her very large breasts, it looked that way.

Cheryle was in a very sharp navy pant suit, with flared legs at the heels she was wearing were Sharon's, 1 « navy blue heels, the jacket was lower cut at the bust than Brenda's and a nice view of pure white lace was clearly in view, I assumed from a silky lacey camisole, her bust was also not as pronounced as it was when I saw her previously. I could not tell if she had been to the salon, as her hair was just done right framing her face with curls, similar to mine, but not as defined. Like Brenda she did not wear much makeup, but her lips shimmered with lips gloss and she wore a tiny bit of eyeliner to define her eyes. For jewelry, all she wore was a pair of tiny white pearl earrings, and that was it. She had a single pink rose in her had and a white box, which I knew it was a corsage.

After gasping at me, she walked towards me and with her hand still over her mouth, she asked me to turn around and all I heard was, "now that is soooo sexy, no back, and all of that skin, and the heels, they make your legs look like they go on forever", I thanked her and told her I was glad that she enjoyed the look. She then said, "and look at your makeup, I can tell you and Sharon went to the salon, you look amazing, I will have to keep you close so you are not picked up by some hot horny guy". She was smiling and then moved to me and held up the rose and said, "rose for a kiss?", she handed me the rose and then moved her arms around my neck and drew me in for a very sweet and romantic kiss. It was so magical as her lips met mine, we kissed gently and slowly and instead of tasting her lipstick, I tasted the flavor of cherries, I could also tell she was not wearing of her usual heavenly smelling perfume. She stopped kissing and looked me in the eyes and said, "do not want to ruin that lovely lipstick application", I smiled back and told her that it was not going to be a problem as it was 'colour-last', she smiled wide and said, "well then". She then moved in and pulled me in tight and started kissing me heavily, moving her hands to my backside, pulling me close. As she did I heard giggling from Brenda and Sharon and as we were making out I heard their heels clicking from the girls as they walked past us and felt Sharon pull my rose out of my hand and said, "I will put this in water for you dear", both of them were still giggling and Cheryle finally broke the kiss and told me, "I am already really hot, do not want to make a mess in my slacks, well at least not yet". She then looked at me deep in the eyes and told me that I looked outstanding and she was proud to have me as her date. Only issue was that with her low heels and my heels almost 3" taller than her, I was standing taller than her. She noticed and told me that she was used to dating taller women and would manage, but promised me that things would change when it was time for breakfast the next day, I smiled and gave her a little kiss.

Sharon and Brenda then came and had champagne in glasses I got a few years ago that read, "bridesmaid" and "maid of honor", and handed them to Cheryle and I and Sharon proposed a toast. She smiled and said, "to a wonderful weekend ladies, may we all get what we want, and our pussies be totally satisfied". All of us giggled and sipped on our champagne and then Cheryle stopped and said, "oh my!, I have a duty to perform". She then put down her glass and then opened the white box and pulled out a lovely corsage, and said, "now this will totally complete your look my dear". She then said, "Glad I made the choice for a wrist corsage, I would have no place to pin this on your dress with you showing off your tits". She slid the corsage on and Sharon and Brenda started commenting on how lovely it looked. What she had got me was a very small wrist corsage, with two tiny red roses, with "baby's breath" flowers surrounding it. I smiled and thanked Cheryle as she slid it on my wrist and moved my lips towards her for another long and lingering kiss. She broke our embrace and told me again that she could not kiss any longer as she was so hot and was going to make a mess in her slacks, but was glad that I enjoyed the corsage.

We finished our champagne and then Sharon looked at her watch and declared, "time to leave ladies!". I knew that I did not have time to check my makeup and knew Sharon did not as well, but Cheryle and Brenda excused themselves to the washroom, asking Sharon and I were it was, after we told them, they left Sharon and I alone and we went to grab our faux furs from the front hall closet. Sharon commented that I was definitely going to be the focus of attention of the 4 ladies going to Stage West and I just smiled and I told her I looked forward to it. She smiled and commented, "I hope so, as those legs are going to be a 'beacon' for men and women for that matter, as you walk in those 'stilts' through the theatre". I smiled and was going to make a comment and about that time the clicking of Cheryle and Brenda's heels came into the living room. I had my black faux fur in my hands and Sharon had her sand coloured one in hers and the girls immediately came and took them off of us, telling us that was their job to put on their date's coats. Cheryle draped mine over my shoulders, as not to disturb my corsage, and Brenda helped Sharon put hers on and after a few light kisses, we left for Brenda's car. We walked out the door, with Sharon and I clutch purses in hand and I walked next to Cheryle and Sharon next to Brenda as we got to the car. We moved to the passenger side of the car, Sharon was about to open the front passenger side door and Brenda quickly reminded her who was dating who, and proceeded to open it for her, I took the hint and waited as Cheryle opened mine. I slid in and did not even bother to adjust my dress as I slid in and it rode up to very close to exposing my panties. Cheryle came around and slipped into the back seat next to me and was smiling from ear to ear.

Brenda got into the drivers seat and started the car and we were off, all talking about how special the evening was going to be. Cheryle commented on my perfume and told me how nice I smelled and asked me what I was, and she told me, "mmm another perfume I have to go and get as it is so lovely". Cheryle then casually moved her right hand to my very silky thigh and slowly started to caress it, all the while the girls at the front were talking about the show we were going to see, which was a musical, and Sharon was very interested in seeing it. At one point, she moved her hand from my leg and wrapped it around my neck and pulled my lips to hers for a long kiss and after we broke our kiss commented, "I see you are wearing 'Silks', I like". I told her that they were the most expensive and ultra sheer, 10 denier or less, they made, she smiled and resumed caressing and said, "then I made the right choice for tomorrow". I did not comment, knowing that she was going to have me wearing them the next day, and just enjoyed her continued caressing of my thigh and caught the occasional glimpse of Sharon looking in the mirror back at me smiling.

To be continued..

So here is the offer: I AM NOT A PRO. This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, MSN:

Next: Chapter 6

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