Meeting Doug

By Frank Staples

Published on Jan 9, 2006



The telephone rang. I crossed the hotel room I had been in for that week's sales conference, and picked it up, "Hello, Frank Staples speaking." "Hi, it's Doug; I'm downstairs. Shall I come up?"

My stomach contracted and I had to take a deep breath; this was it. "Sure."

I had been corresponding with Doug since he commented on my first Nifty post. He was already in early retirement, travelling the US in his RV and, according to his correspondence, enjoying corresponding with men on the internet and having sex with his wife whenever the (frequent) mood took them.

The reason he wrote to men on the internet was that he enjoyed descriptions of men jerking off, especially how much cum there was and how it flew. To start with the idea didn't do much for me but then he told me about some of his experiences and asked me to describe how I came.

After several mails, I told him how I jerk-off in hotel rooms, watching the porn films, edging all the time and then constructing a scenario from what I had seen in order to cum. As the result, in these sessions there is always a huge amount of cum which flies everywhere. He liked that description and said in the next mail that he really would like to see me perform sometime.

Well, the whole project was impractical, we lived on different continents, even though I travel a great deal. Besides, the idea of meeting up with someone just so that he could watch me jerk-off seemed a bit odd. However, as time went on, I found that I was remembering his interest every time I jerked off; in particular, when I came so hard that the cum hit my face.

Gradually the idea of a meeting became more positive and exciting; though still impractical. Then, everything was put into a new light, I was told that I would be going to a sales conference in the States.

So, here I was, waiting in the hotel room for Doug to knock on the door.

He knocked. I went to the door and opened it. There was a slim man with greying hair and an embarrassed smile, which matched my own. "Come in. Sit down. Er, drink?" "Please; beer." As we sat drinking our beers and making small talk about his trip to Chicago, my conference etc. I found myself getting more nervous. I could hear him thinking about all the things I had told him about my sex life and what I really liked from men, and comparing them with the person in front of him now. I suddenly felt hugely vulnerable and naked, as if my mind had been put on public display. I felt a hot red flush spread all over my face. Just as I was struggling to find the right thing to say, he said, "Shall we start?"

The simple question released me from the blockage and I replied, "Oh. Yes. Let's get organised on the bed and then we can start watching the films." So we turned down the bed, arranged the pillows as backrests and then stood looking at each other across the bed. I took a deep breath and started to undo my shirt. He did the same. Once we had started we carried on undressing with no hesitation.

I could feel myself getting harder all the time. When I got down to my briefs, the bulge was big. I glanced across at Doug and he had stopped at the same point and was watching me. Now I was not nervous, the usual rush I got from taking off my briefs in front of another man had started, this was my private signal to myself that I was making myself available, and it always made my stomach go fluid and tremble. I hooked my thumbs into the elastic, pulled them down to my ankles and stepped out. As I stood up, I felt my cock stiffen to its full size. I looked at Doug and saw that he had his eyes fixed on my prick. Then, as if he had come out of a trance he pulled off his own briefs and stood there with his own cock pointing to the ceiling.

We climbed onto the bed and, when we were kneeling opposite each other I said, "It's all yours." He reached out and I felt him wrap his hand around me and then slide the skin back down my shaft, until he got the head completely exposed. Such a simple gesture, but so charged with feelings that I started to shiver. I reached down for his solid bar and squeezed it. He grunted, and then we slid down onto the pillows. "Really; you can do what you like with it, but don't make me come. I want to work up to it with the films and then do it properly for you." With that I reached for the TV control box and started the first film. I had watched quite a few that week and had chosen two which got me going.

It started with a tall, beautifully proportioned brunette with a thick black bush in bed with her husband; and although he had quite a small cock, she came furiously, shouting and yelling. As they recovered he said, "OK honey, I'll fix up your appointments and let you know as soon as one is ready." She smiled, kissed him and then got up to have her shower. Dressed for work, she set off in a tight business suit, with black stockings showing off her legs.

Her office looked like a lawyer's, all those books in annual series. As she sat at her desk the phone rang. It was her husband. "Go to apartment 15 at Riverside Mansions at One o'clock. It's the top floor. He wants you without underwear, he won't have much time." She had 45 minutes. She manoeuvred out of her bra and then stood up and reached up under her skirt to pull off her pants. She put on her jacket, which partly hid the obvious lack of a bra for her well endowed bust, picked up her briefcase and walked out of the office.

Shortly afterwards she came out of a lift and faced the only door on the landing. She undid the top three buttons of her blouse and rang the bell. The door opened and a large, muscular, black guy stood smiling at her. She stepped into the apartment and, as soon as the door was shut, he picked her up, carried her to the bedroom and whipped off her jacket. Her blouse was unbuttoned completely and then he pushed her skirt up over her hips. He peeled off his t-shirt and shorts, revealing his large and very hard cock and mounted her with a fierce thrust. The rest was hard, fast and brutal.

I was already oozing pre-cum and Doug was working his rod hard. "How often will you be able to cum?" I asked, "I only want to cum once, to give you the best performance. Don't use yourself up too soon." He looked at me and I could see a sharp change in his eye since we had started, he was definitely well launched. "Oh, I reckon twice will do it," he replied, "unless it gets real hot." I grinned at him and turned back to the screen. The guy had flipped her over and after fucking her he was lining up for her anus. In it went and the camera followed every millimetre, while the sound caught every moan. Once he was all the way in, he took a firm grip of her hips and started to thrust harder and faster, pulling and pushing her anus in and out with every stroke.

I slowed down to avoid coming and looked at Doug's cock, which he was working faster. The silence in the room had an intense, erotic quality which nearly undid my resolve not to cum. Doug was very focussed, and watching him get to the edge and then back down was exciting. I saw his eyes flicker towards me and I slid my hand down so that the head of my prick was exposed; swollen and shiny with pre-cum.

We looked back at the screen and she was getting her clothes back into order prior to returning to the office. I turned to Doug, "I really like seeing them fucked in the ass, it always makes we wonder how many ordinary women do it that way. She enjoyed it!" "Yes, I wonder too. Does your wife?" "Well, yes, but only on special occasions, I really have to work at it and go slow, she says I'm too thick for hard treatment." "I'm not surprised," he grinned, "you would make most women think twice."

Back to the film, and the husband had rung again. "The guys at the Turkish restaurant want to know if you can stop by tomorrow before they open." She took a deep breath, "Yes, OK, how many will there be this time?" "They said 'three', but you never know."

After the cross fade, we see her walking down a street in a poor neighbourhood, dressed in a summer frock. She comes to the restaurant door with a 'closed' sign on it and rings the bell. A man appears and opens the door. They go straight upstairs to a lounge area, where two more men are waiting. She smiles at them all and sits on the settee between the two of them. The third brings drinks and they all sit enjoying the drink and chatting.

Once the first has finished he puts down his glass and starts kissing her, with one hand on her breast. It moves so easily because once again she has no bra. The second man slides a hand under her dress and as he goes higher, she spreads her thighs to let him find her centre. When he does, she jerks and grunts, we can only guess what he has done. The first guy then also slips his hand under her skirt and the third stands in front of her so she can start sucking him. The camera pans down and her dress is pulled back up her thighs until we can see that both men have two fingers buried in her pussy and one has two in her anus.

Once again, Doug is working hard and I am edging under a flood of pre-cum; it has reached my balls now. We are both breathing deeply. I have lost any restraint and as I look at Doug's prick I am getting an added turn-on; this is not just an ordinary jerk-off session, I'm going to perform for him, and he is surely going to explode in front of me too.

The Turks with the brunette have now stripped off, though she remains in her dress, albeit with the skirt bunched up round her hips. Just then they stand up and pull her to her feet, allowing her dress to fall down and cover her thighs again. They lead her over to the table and push her to bend over it. One of them takes her hands from the other side and stretches her out across its top. One of the others steps up behind her and folds her dress up over her back, revealing her legs and especially the gorgeous curves of her buttocks with the deeply defined valley between them.

I know what is coming and spread my legs, lifting the one next to Doug over his thigh. I take my hand off my cock and say, "Do it for me." His hand shifts from his own stiff rod to mine and we watch the end of the scene, slowly working each other's cock.

The first man is ready to start on her. He holds his cock in line with her anus and, with one hard thrust, forces his way into her. She screams and shouts abuse at him for hurting her. But he takes no notice and works himself in and out of her harder and harder. When he has finished, the second repeats the performance, while the first swaps places with the one holding her hands. This time she is getting slapped on the buttocks and is again shouting at them. Finally the last guy gets his turn, he is the biggest of them all and he makes no concessions. She gets the full thrusts from the first to the last. Although she yells at them, we can see that she also enjoys it, from the deep flush which spreads down her neck and into the opening of her dress.

Finally, he pulls out of her and we see her hole is wide open. "Oh yes," whispers Doug, gripping my cock harder, "what a fuck!"

We lie there, working our own cocks again, we are actually now more interested in watching each other. I run my hand over his belly and then up to his nipples, which are standing out hard and straight. As I flick them Doug twitches and looks at me with a dreamy smile, "Fuck, that was good." I repeat it and this time tweak him. His eyes close and he moans quietly.

Back on the screen, the woman is now getting into bed with one of those slim athletic women with gorgeous tight butts that make you think of young men. The images flow together and my hand reaches out for Doug, while his takes me and we try to give the other a sensuous time, hovering just under the point of cumming.

The scene with the woman fades into another session with her husband, this time in the back of a car. We are now more focussed on our own cocks. I'm so slippery that Doug's hand slides up and down like a feather and I have to stop him, it's too much.

Then the final scene comes. The couple go to a small restaurant in that German style, with high-backed benches and tables fixed in between. In the middle of the restaurant there is a small open area and there are couples and groups at all the tables. It is the evening. After eating, the couple get up and start dancing. Slowly, he pulls up the back of her dress, until her buttocks are fully uncovered and the black tread of her thong is clearly visible disappearing between them.

"Oh fuck," I murmur. Both our hands increase the movement. And sure enough, men start getting up and joining the couple. Once there is a group, the husband sits down. she is undressed and kneels down to start sucking. Doug groans, "Oh, yes, that's hot." and at that moment the first man thrusts his way into her. The group has got to five or six and I know what happens next. She takes them all one after another. The camera pans round the room, showing the reaction from the other diners.

Most of the couples start kissing and fondling; hands into blouses, hands under skirts, women with their legs apart so that their men can reach up to the top of their legs. The moment I have waited for arrives. The woman starts taking two cocks at a time, cunt and anus; I have to stop all movement, that combination always gets me to the edge. I imagine the men feeling each other as they meet inside her. I remember a great description by one woman who said that she felt as if she was allowing two men to have sex with each other inside her. It gets me going every time.

But the real thing this time is the older couple in the corner. She has smart grey hair and a neat dress, he is slim and sunburnt. they have been kissing and fondling while they watch and he has made her cum, just by caressing her between the legs. Now she stands up and he helps her undress. Once naked she walks to the middle of the floor. She has had children, the stretch marks are plain, and her breasts hang lower, but all the rest is firm and really very beautiful. She kneels down and starts working on the young men waiting their turn with the film's main character.

Doug's breathing is very deep and hard, he is working his cock faster. "Would your wife do that?" I ask. He looks at me with a flushed face and eyes that tell me he is close to cumming. "I don't know. It would be fucking hot if she did. Oh fuck, yes." And he focuses back on the film. I slide down in the bed, quickly push his knees up and lie between them. Before he can ask what is happening, I take his cock into my mouth and start to make it into a wet slippery envelope for his rigid prick. He smells so rich. All the scents of a male ready to fuck, the sweat from his jerking off and the earthiness from his crack. He grunts, seems to want to say something, and then as I start to work on the underside of his cockhead, he sighs and lets his hand rest on the back of my head.

I know what he is seeing, the older woman has been fucked a couple of times, had her anus stretched for her and has now started taking two men at a time. He won't last long now. I make my fingers wet and push them between his buttocks, until I can feel his anus. Then I start to massage him firmly but without penetration. After the first tensing up, he relaxes and starts pushing my head down on his very hard cock. "I'm going to cum soon." he gasps. I nod my head and suck him extra hard, so he knows that's what I am waiting for.

From then on I sense that he is ready to do it. I press harder with my fingers and work his cock, soft, hard, deep, shallow, scraping it with my teeth, biting just behind the head, forcing it as far into the back of my mouth as I can, and listening to the sounds from the film. His hips start to thrust up into my face, his hands grip my head, his breathing is harder and faster, he is nearly there. My fingers press hard as they circle his anus, he presses down onto my hand between thrusts, I hear the women in the film beginning to make a lot of noise and know that older one now has two cocks in her. I thrust my two fingers into Doug's anus and suck him hard as I respond to his thrusting. And he comes: huge jets, hitting the back of my throat. His anus grips my fingers like a lock of steel with every spasm. I slide as much of him into my mouth as I can and let his cock jerk and twitch against the top of my throat, sending stream after stream of cum into me, making me swallow in convulsive gulps.

When he has finished I slip my fingers out of him and lie quietly with his cock in my mouth, letting all the last trickles of cum ooze out onto my tongue. At last he starts to soften and I let him go. I kneel up, the film is ending and has been forgotten. We look at each other, it's a bit awkward, I didn't ask him, but he smiles, "You do that very well. I've never had my butt fucked at the same time. At that moment it was really the right thing to do. I wish I could tell my wife about that, but I don't think she would like to do it." "Well, it's a good job I did it for you then, isn't it."

We lie back on the pillows, "Haven't you cum?" he asks. "No, I want to save it for the end. Otherwise the show is not so good."

After a pause I get up and go to the bathroom for a drink of water. All the way there I can feel my rock hard cock swaying and pulling on its root, buried deep back between my legs. I catch sight of myself in the mirror, cock jutting out, flushed face and half-closed eyes; I look and feel ready for anything.

When I get back to the bed, Doug is watching me intently as he gently strokes his prick. I get an urge to spread myself for him. I get up onto the bed, kneel back on my heels facing him and spread my thighs as far apart as they will go. As I lean back, I look him in the eye, "Feel me. All the way back between my legs." He stretches out his hand and squeezes my shaft, pushing the skin right back down to the root, exposing the head and making me jerk and sweat with concentration not to cum. Then he slides his hand over my balls and rubs the shaft as it passes back between my legs. He presses hard against the bulge in front of my buttocks and my cock stiffens and jerks. Then he pushes his fingers further back into my crack and finds my anus. He is dry and it is uncomfortable. "Wait, I'll make it wet," I say, and put all the saliva I can onto my fingers.

I bend forward to put it on my anus and then straighten up, holding my butt apart so that he can get there easily. His hand goes back, his fingers find the spot and he massages me hard. After a very short time, he looks up at me, smiles and then watches my face as he pushes two fingers right into me. My face gets hotter, I pull my buttocks further apart as he does it and then I close my eyes. It is very hot; and I don't want to cum. He starts to finger fuck me and I daren't open my eyes, or he will see how I feel. It gets hotter, I feel my face burning. I have to stop him. "Please stop." I pant, " you'll make me come too soon." He pauses, and then he slips his fingers out of me very slowly.

Once he is out I open my eyes and see that he is also feeling the heat. I don't want to shut my legs, I want him to go on, but if he does I won't be able to stop. With a huge effort I close my thighs and lie back down on the pillows. I pick up the control and start the second film.

This one is one of those "reality" cinema type of films. The Director comes on and explains that he has advertised for women to be in his next film, which is about a middle-aged woman with a family, becoming involved in an undercover investigation. The advertisement asked for women between 35 and 55, with at least two children and stretch marks. We were going to see the auditions, in which the women had arranged what they wanted to show the director..

I had picked the film because it had said mature women, but once I had heard the description I had been hooked; women with wedding rings and stretch marks in pornographic films or photos have been a particular fetish of mine, ever since my wife had our children. I knew that these women were the real thing and wanted to see them again.

The first woman came onto the set, which was in a house and had a large bed, and a caption came up with her name, age and number of children. She was still in her thirties, with golden blonde hair and had two children. She met her partner, who was short, muscular and well endowed, and undressed in a very matter of fact way. The dress slid to the floor, her lace bra released breasts with large brown nipples and her thong uncovered a shaved crotch. She turned to the camera and the Director's vice said, gently, "Ignore us and concentrate on what you are doing."

She moved to the bed and took her partner down onto the sheet. The camera panned in and as it whispered over her body the faint silver marks of pregnancies shone in the light. As she rolled away from the camera her tight buttocks came into view. It seemed as if she had already forgotten the cameras. There was none of the usual gasping and instant orgasm, just quiet, studied attention to the man she was with.

As we watched her move slowly over the stud who was her audition partner, Doug became hard again and I reached out to work on his cock. His eyes were riveted on the screen and I could feel the tension mount as the woman firstly sucked her man deep into her throat, then spread her legs so that he could fuck her and finally turned over so that he could finish by fucking her anus. A relatively standard scenario, but exciting because she was obviously doing it to please her stud and not to show off for the cameras.

When they had finished, the Director joined them on the bed and asked her how it had felt. She smiled and said that she had been too concentrated on enjoying the sex that she had completely forgotten the camera. With a surprisingly embarrassed smile she said that her partner had been great, at which they all laughed. The cameras faded.

I had been working on Doug's cock throughout the scene and he was good and hard. We looked at each other as the next scene started and he said, "Fuck, this is hot. I feel as if I could cum all day."

The next woman was tall, brunette and the signs of her three children were clear. She had asked for two partners and she went through a routine of sucking them both and then after each had fucked her for a while, she took them both into her pussy at the same time. As we watched the cocks sliding in and out rubbing against each other, I worked Doug's cock hard and he started to thrust upwards as well. Just as he was about to cum I stopped, making him swear. "Wait, it gets better," I said, and we watched as she turned round onto all fours, making her breasts and belly hang down, dropped her shoulders to the bed and said, "Fist me." One of the studs, lubricated his hand and then slowly started to insert it into her cunt. When it got to the main bulge of the knuckles her face contracted into a grimace and he paused. After a short break, she said, "Go on." He continued to push his hand in and suddenly she gave a backwards thrust and it was right in, up to the wrist, and she was panting and moaning, while her hips moved erratically in every direction.

Doug and I had stopped all movement and we were breathing hard. "That is really hot," breathed Doug, "look at her face." And it was true that her face was bright red and her eyes were half open as she so obviously concentrated on the hand inside her. As we watched, she started to thrust back and forth on the hand, almost bringing it out, but always keeping the knuckles inside her. The thrusts got harder and she gasped, "Do it to me as well." After which the man started to match her thrusts and it seemed as if her belly was expanding at the bottom of every movement. Her hand went back between her legs and she quickly brought herself off, thrusting herself back onto his hand until the wrist looked as if it had disappeared inside her.

Once she had finished, her stud slid his hand out slowly and the camera zoomed in to show her sex wide open, with the light shining up into the tunnel his hand had left. Again Doug and I stopped all movement. I was soaked with pre-cum and by jerking Doug's prick for him I had made him slippery too. His hand slid gently up and down and he smiled at me while the next girl came in.

So it went on, both of us now playing with the other's cock and commenting on the scenes we were watching. I had reached the plateau which comes after I have been jerking off for some time, where I can edge for a long time and to cum I must make a special effort; unless something really special in the film triggers me too soon. I was ready to do anything. I wanted Doug to have a real show when I came but I was also getting hotter and hotter, looking at his cock, feeling it, hearing his breathing as he got excited. There was electricity running through my whole body and I knew that I would have no hesitation in doing anything he asked. The thing was, I didn't know how far he wanted to go; so I just waited.

The penultimate woman had a very motherly appearance and a very stretched belly above a thick black bush. She took on two studs and performed a great oral session which caught one of the studs off-guard, much to the amusement of the camera crew and Director, leaving her with a face covered in cum. The second stud took her both front and back and before he finished a replacement had joined him and they took it in turns to fuck her very hard in the anus, making her cum without any other stimulation.

Something in the scene clearly made Doug hot. He started jerking off very hard and fast. Then he reached over and did the same to my cock. He then shifted position and thrust his hand between my legs and, as I opened them for him, he thrust his fingers back into my anus, making me jump because they were dry. "Oh fuck," he groaned, "she is so hot. Look at the way the are giving her ass a pounding. Do men fuck you like that?" So, suddenly, he had brought my past confessions into the room and I knew that he had been thinking about what it was like when I was fucked by another man. "Yes, but not so hard, so quickly," I gasped, taking his fingers further into me as he started to fuck me. "But you kneel like that and let them do it all the way in, like she does?" "Yes, once I am open." Now I realised he wanted to talk about it and he had lost any inhibitions. "Does it hurt?" "Only at the beginning, if he is too fast. After that the stretching is just part of letting him do it." "Fuck. I really would like to see you do that." He said, pulling his fingers out and rolling back onto his pillows. Taking a deep breath I said, "Well, why don't you do it?" He looked across at me in disbelief and our faces got redder and redder. "Look, if it gets you so hot, let's do it." Slowly he nodded. I was ready for him but I didn't want him finishing before I had shown him how I came. "Could you do it without cumming to start with? I want to cum for you first." "I'll try."

We turned back to the film and the last woman was on with four studs. She was over 50, had very loose breasts and belly, with huge stretch marks, and was not a tight body by any means. Still, she set about her studs in a very businesslike way and soon we were watching her closely, she was very hot. While we watched I got the tube of lubricant I use for anal stuff when I am jerking off out of the case. I knelt on the bed with my back to its head and put a great finger-full of lube in my crack. "OK, now massage it and push your fingers into me," I said, looking over my shoulder at Doug. He reached out and started to work on my anus.

In the film, the woman had turned round and was presenting herself for anal fucking. The first stud lined up but got it wrong, and his cock started to bend. Suddenly it straightened and she got his whole length in one sharp thrust. She really screamed at that and beat him with her fist but he hung on and very soon was fucking her steadily and deeply.

The yell on the screen made Doug thrust his three fingers as far into me as possible and his other hand came up and pinched my nipple hard. I jerked and squirmed. As I did so I reached down and took his cock in a hard grip and said, "Get up behind me, I'm ready." And I was! The ache in my prick was very heavy and since I had realised that he would fuck me, I had let go and was now eager to feel him thrusting up into me.

He got up and knelt behind me. I held out the lube for him to take on his fingers and prepare his cock and then lowered my shoulders to give him the best possible angle. "Do it slowly," I said, knowing that he would be too excited. He put his cock on my hole and then gripped my hips. I pressed back slowly to meet him. I felt him push forward hesitantly. Then the pressure started to build up quickly as he pushed further into my anus. He wasn't very thick and after his fingers I was loose. He got to the inner ring and I could feel it opening easily and sliding back over the head of his cock. The tight point of maximum stretch came, and the familiar painful feeling spread through me. Then I knew that I could take him straightaway and so I thrust back quickly with a moan at the sudden, sharper pain of full penetration. We were so excited that we did not stop for me to get used to him, and he thrust himself deep into me, until his pelvis hit mine. It hurt, and I shouted, "Keep still!" He did, and slowly, I relaxed. "Are you alright?" he asked in a husky voice. "Keep still, it hurt me, you were to fast."

As I relaxed, so I started to feel the wonderful full feeling of his cock deep inside me. I moved my hips to see if anything was still sensitive and found that I was alright. I felt his hands stroking my back and hips and, with a rush, my urge to be fucked returned. "Copy them on the film," I said, but don't cum." I turned my head to see the screen and as the third and fourth studs worked their way into the woman's anus and then fucked her very hard, Doug started to move in rhythm with them, although not so viciously; he was still worried about hurting me. He didn't; and the long slow thrusting and the quivering in his cock which I could feel with every movement, were marvellously sensual.

I could feel Doug's excitement building up; his thrusts were getting harder; his breathing was deeper; there was a greater urgency to the way he was using me. I pushed up off the bed and said, "Let me kneel up, go back on your heels." As he did so I followed his movement and ended up sitting on his cock, with my legs spread and rubbing my back against his chest. I reached down and took his hands and placed them in my crotch. Then I reached right down and pulled my buttocks as far apart as I could and said, "Pull me right onto you." His hands gripped the inside of my thighs and he pulled my down onto his cock as hard as he could, so that I could feel it thrusting up hard and straight into my gut. My own cock stood out straight in front of me and I wriggled my self as far down onto him as possible. Fixed in this position, we watched the last stud finish fucking the woman on the screen. The camera zoomed in after he pulled out and her anus was wide open, like a volcano crater. Doug shuddered, and I held my breath in case he came. The moment passed. Neither of us would last long at this rate.

The film ended and I said over my shoulder, "I'm ready to cum for you now," and lifted myself off his cock. I put two pillows in the middle of the bed and lay down so that they supported the bottom of my back and pulled my legs up to my chest. "Put it back in," I told him, and he positioned himself between my legs and, still kneeling up, worked his cock back into me, until it was completely inside. I lowered my legs either side of him and spread them as far apart as possible.

He felt good and hard up inside me and I looked into his red and sweaty face, "Just keep it hard, it makes me really hot to feel you inside me. I am going to cum for you now." I knew what I wanted to say next but even as hot as I was I could not get it out. I took my cock and started to bring it up to full hardness. I looked at Doug's face, which was concentrating on my every movement. He was really focussed and I could feel his cock twitching inside me. This was what he had come to see originally and in spite of everything else that had happened, he was getting very excited.

Then I felt a wave of lust run through me. I wanted him to see everything; to feel me contract on his prick as I came; to hear me say the crude unsayable things which would come out of my mouth as my climax approached; to witness my transformation into a total slut; to fuck me as hard as he could when I had finished cumming. Suddenly, I had no fear of saying what I wanted. "As soon as I have finished cumming," I said, making him look up into my eyes, "fold my legs up to my chest, come right on top of me, pin me down and fuck me as hard as you can. But do it as soon as I stop shooting cum; that's when I feel a whore, and that is when I want you to take me really hard." He looked at me and I felt my face burning at what I had said. Then he smiled slightly, and said, "Yes you are a slut and I will fuck you till you scream." The menace in his voice made me quiver and then I started jerking off seriously.

I looked down at myself and saw my huge wet cock standing up while I worked on its head. Behind that, Doug was between my legs. I felt so hard and aching to cum. My fingers slid over the tip of my prick, the tension spread to my thighs. I wanted to cum in front of him and I wanted it to be big. "Oh fuck, yes," I sighed, "your cock is so hard inside me, I need to be fucked. I want to shoot for you. Oh yes! Watch me, my cock is hard for you, my cum will be for you. I really want you to fuck me hard afterwards, don't hold back, be rough and give it to me deep. Fuck me like they fucked that woman; that's how I want it! Oh fuck; I'm going to cum. I've got a cock in my anus, my legs are wide open and I am going to cum for you. Fuck, I'm a cunt and I don't care who knows it, I want to do it all for you. Make me feel you cock, Yes that's good, it's so hard! Fuck I am going to cum now, Oh .." And out it all shot; the first rope landed in my hair and across my face; the second hit my face and spread down over my chin the third hit my chest; the fourth was on my navel and the remainder jerked a puddle onto my belly. I felt spent.

As soon as the last real jet came out, Doug grabbed my legs, forced them up to my chest and pinned them behind his arms. He was right above me and I looked up into his face. "Take this," he hissed and started to plunge his cock into me. His pelvis banged against mine and with the new angle he was hitting new spots inside me. I looked down and watched him lift his hips up so that I could see his shaft linking us and then he thrust himself down onto me, forcing his prick deep inside me.

It did not excite my cock, I had just cum, but a glowing feeling of submission flooded through me. He was using me to bring himself to a climax. He didn't care if it hurt or if I wanted to stop, he was fucking me and I would have to take it until he was finished. I lay under him, trapped and sinking into a warm dark feeling of surrender. He could do what he liked, that was why I had given myself to him. I reached up and pulled his nipples, "Fuck me you bastard," I grunted, "make it really hurt. Fuck me harder! Treat me like a whore. Come on, give it to me, take me and make me scream!" His thrusting got even fiercer, now it did hurt at the end of his thrusts, now I knew he was trying hard. And then, without warning I felt myself rushing towards another climax; he was rubbing a spot inside me and without any help from my hands I was going to cum. "Oh yes, I'm going to cum again, Oh yes, fuck me," I screamed and as he did so, I felt myself cumming again, shooting cum onto my chest and face. Immediately after that Doug finished, with great cries and enormously powerful thrusts, shooting everything he had deep into my body.

I held him on top of me as we regained our breath and then slowly he pulled himself up into the kneeling position and looked down on me. We were both hot and sweaty and a flush covered his face and neck. I could feel his cock subsiding slowly. We looked at each other and I felt no embarrassment at what we had just done. We had answered each other's needs and I felt very happy, knowing that I had jerked off for him, and in addition, he had fucked me. "That was great," I said, smiling at him, "was it a good enough performance for you too?" He nodded.

He pulled out slowly and I could see that his cock remained semi-hard, just like mine. "Am I open?" I asked. He looked down at my anus, which was still pointing up towards him, and reached out his hand. I jumped as he ran his finger round the rim of my hole, "Oh yes," he grinned, "you're worse than the woman in the film." then at last I could lower my legs and roll onto my front. I didn't want to leak all over the bed.

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