Meeting Mike

By Jon H

Published on Feb 20, 1999



Disclaimer: There is none, I don't want to write one right now. However you're supposed to be 18 if you want to read these kinds of things. I mean, I don't know why, when I can walk into Barnes and Noble and buy stuff like this. And it's not even pornography. If any of you can tell me why the government is so stupid, please let me know. I must point out that this story is mostly fact, with some fiction thrown in. At some point I will just start going off and use Fiction. Enjoy... The sex will happen in later chapters, I think. But there is some pretty good action in here.

"Meeting Mike"

Chapter One: Confessions and the Beginning.

I'd met Mike on the Internet, after reading one of his stories on the Internet. I noticed he was on AOL, and looked up his profile. I needed soemone to talk to, perhaps someone that could understand me. A week ago I'd been used by an 18 year old guy, met him twice, and fucked him the 2nd time, and he decided he just wanted to be friends, and didn't want anyone around. Needles to say, I haven't heard from him since.

My first words to Mike had been "How old are you?" 18 was his response. "Gay? BI? Straight?", I asked him, knowing already that he was gay. But wanting to confirm first. Gay. Cool, I thought. Nice story, gonna continue it? I asked him on the instant message screen. At this point I then proceeded to throw a bunch of different questions at him.

I liked his answers. We both didn't think we'd be able to date guys in dresses. Except, I went further than not dating guys in dresses, I avoided guys that wore dresses period. True, drags were usually witty and funny and probably really sweet, but the first time I'd seen a guy in a dress had been at pride prom, or a gay/bi/straight prom dance for my city and the surrounding areas, that was sponsored by the school G/L/B/S/A's.

When I saw this kid in a dress, a kid that I didn't like AT ALL, I just wanted to gag. So I had an aversion to drags. So what, It's not the end of the world. Maybe someday I'll see a psychiatrist and he'll be able to help me with my traumatic childhood experience.

We both also liked to flirt. I could tell because we were both flirting heavily, and when I told him I liked to flirt, he said "me too!". We're both romantics, though we would both probably die before we admitted it to anyone else except each other. We also liked to write stories for Nifty Archives. I wrote stories because I didn't have a life. I went to school and flunked most of my classes, since I read a book in them, then I went to work, and cut pizzas, and boxed them, and answered phones, and got paid $6.00 an hour, and checked out the salad bar/Host kid named Tim {he is so hot}, and his two just as cute brothers named Ryan and Andy, and another waiter named Jason.

Then I'd come home and read some more and play on my computer as well. It wasn't that I was particularly stupid, I just didn't want to do any of the work in my classes. I'd rather read my book, write poems, my stories and others like this, check out the boys, and daydream about having sex with them.

Ah, now we get to the topic you all probably came to read. Okay, I'll not disapoint you. Here's my sex life for all of you to laugh at. I sucked my first dick when I was 9 years old. the other guy was like 14 years old. He was my cousin, and I didn't know any better at the time. Later on in life I was to find he'd slept with my other cousin, who happened to be gay as well. My cousin had a pretty thick, long dick. but I was 9 at the time, so what do I know. Hell, for what I know, it probably could be about as small as my pinky finger.

Anyway, I gave my 2nd blow job when I was 12, and my 3rd and 4th blow jobs when I was 14 to the same guy. We'd been playing truth or dare, and he was blond, skinny, and real boney. He also had these sweet blue eyes. He also had braces on his teeth. I'd wanted down his pants since my brother brought him home. His name was Bob. Anyway, one night when we played truth or dare, {me my brother, my sister's boyfriend, and my neighbor that was a girl. I'd licked her pussy once, I think she might've been what made me gay! gag} Anyway, he didn't like licking her out anymore then I did, and they all pretty much knew I was gay except for him. He'd ended up having to masturbate, and he used lotion, he had a cute dick, it was about 3 to 4 inches, he was just hitting puberty, so there was some blond fur down there, and he had these really cute, soft looking nuts that was just such a turn on.

Finally, after they made me jack off in front of them, {blush}, I decided to do it. I couldn't dare him to suck my dick, because that was going against the rules that we'd decided to establish, so I dared him to let me sick his dick. I was given the option of sucking his dick for 5 seconds in front of everybody, or 30 seconds with one witness... Needless to say I went straight for the bedroom with him and the girl, Karen, in tow.

Thirty seconds of his dick wasn't long enough for me, and I ended up having to rinse my mouth out, because I had forgotten about the lotion that he'd used earlier to jack off in front of us. He was so cute, he had a nicely shaped penis, that was long and thin, but still cute. I loved sucking on the head of his penis. I think it was because I was sucking so hard that made him think I was biting or using my teeth when I wasn't.

Anyway, later on that night, when Karen had gone to bed, and my brother was asleep, he was bugging my lil brother, I told him to knock it off or I was gonna suck his dick.... He bugged my brother, and I practically ran over there, and those buttons on his pants were so damn confounding. I finally got them and the snaps to the slit of his boxers undone, and pulled out his already hard dick and stuck it in my mouth.

I got his pants down his hips a little, and made him shut off the light, and for a good 10 to 20 minutes sucked his cute lil dick. I wish I'd gone down on his balls. Through it all, while laying on my stomach, I had a aching hard on that pressed into the floor. Finally, he made me stop, since I didn't think he could have orgasms,

I ended up going home that night and sleeping in my bed, because he wasn't comfortable sleeping in the same room with me. I tried getting down his pants a 3rd time that night, but he said no. I didn't want to rape him, and I didn't want to scare him anymore, so I left, and jacked off to what I'd done to him.

He and my brother weren't friends anymore after that point, sometimes I wonder if my brother hates me for it. I heard from my brother and his two new friends, one of whom is 13 and named Robert and really really cute that he's so gay...I was kind of pleased, and wondered if I could see him one last time, but I didn't. He moved to Texas that summer, and I haven't seen him since. But I was glad, because I'd suspected that he was gay.

I gave my 5th blow job to some guy last week that I'd met on the Internet. I got my first kiss last week as well. Then I talked to him for a lil while, and he talked me into skipping 5th period to go to his house and fuck him. It was so weird, I think he's a slut.

I don't have a clue as to how tight a person should be, but he definitely isn't tight at all. But, my experience to tightness, and anal sex and the feelings one is supposed to have or something, is limited to reading all these stories on the archive. I Fucked him in my t-shirt and my watch. It was so weird, he kept asking me if it was good, bad, or okay. I didn't know what to say, so I told him it was good. I mean, who was I to tell some guy that it felt like I was fucking my goddamn fist, or that my fist was a hell of a lot tighter and felt a hell of a lot better.

Later on that night I went back to his house, because everytime I called his house no one would answer. I stood outside his house, with my cell phone glued to my ear, waiting for him to pick up his phone. He didn't, and I turned around as someone called my name. It was Paula, his best friend. I asked her where the fuck was Matt, and we went inside through the back. I suppose at this point I should point out that Matt and Paula were in the process of being kicked out of the house by his mom.

I gave him a blow job that night, and held him and it felt so amazing, and I wanted to keep doing it again, and again, and again. I think I was starting to like him, even if he was really weird. Well, maybe I was falling in love with him, because I don't think I'd sleep with some guy and let him kiss me if I didn't like him. I probably deserved what he did next, because this was the 2nd and 3rd time I'd met him, and already I was fucking him. Hell, I feel dirty thinking about it, kind of like a slut.

Anyway, I went home that night thinking about him, and wanting to see more and more of him. When I woke up that morning first thing on my mind was Matt, and I was smiling. I went to school that day just thinking about him. He was always the upper most thing on my mind. I went through school slowly, just wanting it to end so I could go call him. Finally school ended, and I went and tried to call him. The line was busy, I kept calling and calling, and then went to work to get my paycheck, using my cell phone. I finally got through. It was Paula on the phone. I asked for Matt.

Her response "Jon, I hate to tell you this, but Matt is having problems with trying to find a new place to stay, and he doesn't want anyone to hang around him right now," at this point I was at the entrance to my work, unable to move, standing with the door ready to open, and the blood rushing to or from my cheeks, I couldn't tell, all I know is it made my cheeks feel all flushy, and warm..." and he just wants to be friends with you and..." at this point I stopped paying attention, knowing that it was over. I wouldn't have anyone to hold or cuddle up with anymore, or anyone to nibble on the inside of my lip that drives me so crazy and feels so good... Needless to say I haven't heard from him anymore. I suppose it's for the best.

I of course told all, or at least most of this, to Mike. His response was, "if the guy hadn't been such a jerk, and so mean to you, I'd find this really erotic". That was his word that night. Erotic. Mike was so cool, I thought to myself. I asked him what he looked like. His description: 6', short brown hair, hazel eyes, glasses and trim figure. I wonder what his definition of trim is. To me, trim is scrawny, or not fat, not well built, just average. Or maybe slight. But scrawny is cool too. I didn't care, not really.

He asked me what I looked like. 5'10" to 6' tall, brown hair, brown eyes, glasses, not fat but not scrawny either. I had a fairly flat stomach, but it wasn't some sort of athletic stomach either. I wasn't built much either, but I'm stronger than I look. I told him I took Judo as well, since I did, and since it made me stronger and probably, I hoped, made me seem more cooler.

What I didn't tell him was that I thought I was one of the ugliest guys on the earth, {even if I have seen guys uglier then me}, I've been told I wasn't ugly, buy a 26 year old gay guy, who's blond, 5'8", with contacts that make his eyes a drop dead gorgeous blue. (I suppose being told I was ugly since I was in kindergarten made me start to believe it, but I'll let him decide for himself.)

But I thought he was just saying that to get down my pants. He didn't, nor will he, ever. I don't want to go out with guys 10 years older than me. It just doesn't seem right. Maybe when I'm older, fatter, and will take any dick I can. But I want my first true love to be with someone around my own age. I want the first guy that sticks his dick up my ass to love me for me, and won't go running away after he gets it. I think Mike would be the perfect guy for that.

I also think I came up with a pretty good pick up line too. I said to Mike while we were flirting with each other, "You're Mike, I'm Jon, but you can call me yours." I couldn't help myself. Here was this nice boy, who wrote an amazing story, {even if it was with help, it's still awesome}, getting horny, who seemed like me, never been fucked up the ass before, {just like me. I'm glad matt didn't ask me if he could fuck me, I'd have probably said yes, when I really woudln't have wanted him too}.

I couldn't help myself, I started falling in love with him. Though I can't say I really know what love is. I hope someone points it out to me when it happens to me. Anyway, i was sitting here, starting to like this kid more and more, daydreaming about meeting him, and sleeping with him, and falling in love with him. Whatever love is. (sigh). He was jacking off while talking to me, and I knew, because I myself had admitted to him that I liked to jack off while talking to sexy people, but usually I had a porno or something on in the background. I couldn't help it, I liked sex. I liked the feeling of my dick in my hand, the sofness. I liked grabbing the skin around the base, and pulling it up, and stroking it, and making it hard.

It'd grow to be about 6 to 7 inches, and hard as steel. I'd be sitting, legs spread, grunting, squirming, pulling the skin up and over, going faster, and faster, until I wouldn't be able to tak e it. I'd squirm, then spunk would fly out and I'd catch it on my thumb and lick it up. It didn't taste that bad. I actually liked it.

I wasn't jacking off at that point though. I was too tired. It was almost 1:30 in the morning, and way past my bedtime, and my mom would have killed me if she knew I was up that late. I told Mike I had to go, because I was gonna die when I tried to get up in the mornging. He asked me if I could please stay on. I couldn't, as much as I wanted to. So with a smile on my face, I shut down the computer and went to bed, thinking about Mike, and hoping to gods that this would be the one for me. Laying down, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

To be continued???

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