Meeting Paula

By pam parker

Published on Aug 18, 2004


I worked every day and went to class on Wednesday night and didn't see or hear from Paula. I was really bummed being quite sure we had established a real connection. I could be walking around in the shop and my thong panties would rub my rosebud just right and I would get those feelings that Paula had caused when her velvet tongue explored me. Or I would wake in the middle of the night sure the Paula was holding me tightly as we slept. My thoughts were interrupted by my boss telling me I had a phone call.

I said, "Yes, this is Pam, can I help you?"

"Do you remember the other suit I tried on the other day?" the voice said.

I almost came right then and there. It was Paula.

"Of course I do," I replied.

"Charge it to my account and deliver it on your way home, will you please?"

"Of course I will," I said. "I thought you had forgotten about me."

"Oh no dear, I haven't forgotten about you. My husband is home from his trip and I have to take care of him for a while. He has a meeting tonight so I'd like to see you."

"I'll be there at 5:05," I said. "Bye for now."

I got the suit and thought about fucking with the buttons or something but decided not to. My boss was very pleased that my caller was a customer because she definitely didn't like personal calls on the shop phone. It took a little longer to get to Paula's then I had planned but as I started to knock on the door it opened and there was Paula, bare assed naked standing in the doorway. I barged inside, thru her knew suit on the hallway table and by the time we got to the lounge room I was bare assed naked like Paula.

She pulled me to her and buried her tongue in my mouth. It felt so good our tits rubbing together and our bare skin pressed tightly.

"Oh how I've missed you." I panted. "I was so afraid you didn't want to see me anymore."

"Oh my little darling, I am so sorry I caused you any worry. I should have told you I wouldn't be seeing you for a week or so. Can you forgive me?"

I pushed my tongue deeper into her mouth and began tracing paths around and across her body. Around and up over her tits, down and around her naval and finally finding the Promised Land between her thighs. Her pussy was hot, wet and swollen. I fingered her a bit and then licked her luv potion off my fingers. Then I followed the path my fingers had made with my tongue and ended up flicking her clit with it. She was moaning and talking to me like I was giving her realll pleasure.

"I want to be the cause of your greatest orgasm ever, just like you were for me the other day. If I do something that displeases you, tell me. I'll know if I'm doing things right."

I could feel her squeeze my tongue with her pussy. The harder and faster I fucked her the tighter she squeezed. Finally she was screaming as I licked and sucked her clit, pulling on it and biting it. She showered me with gushers of her love juice. I drank and drank my reward. She laid back as exhausted as I was. We were holding each other tightly when the door burst open and some one hollered "what the fuck is going on in here?"

"Oh shit," she whispered, "It's my husband."

I didn't know if I should get up and run, or go hide or just lay still. Paula didn't let go of me for a few minutes but then set up and said,

"What are you doing home so early?" trying to make him the guilty party.

"I was so fucking horny I had a hard on all thru dinner so decided to come home and fuck your brains out again," he shouted. "But then I find you in the arms of some young slut."

"Why don't you just quiet down and relax and take a deep breath. Then take off your cloths and come over and fuck both our brains out," Paula said.

I turned and looked at Jon; He was a big guy, about 6' 3" 225 or so. He glared at us but started to take off his cloths. I gulped pretty hard when I saw his cock. It had died down somewhat but was still at least 8 inches long and quite thick. He just stood there, starring at me and stroking his cock.

"Is she hot enough to take my big cock," he asked Paula.

"Do you want to try it?" She whispered to me.

"Sure," I said, "I think I'm ready."

Paula sat up beside me and spread my legs. Then she played with my pussy and spread the lips. He took this as his invitation and came over to the bed and kneeled down between my legs. Jon was angry and a little drunk but I got the feeling that he was definitely hurt by his wife's apparent infidelity. He didn't kiss me anywhere, didn't say anything he just put the head of his huge cock at the entrance to my cunt and pushed. In one stroke I was impaled on his big hard meat. I have never had anything hurt so bad. I was crying but he just kept hammering and Paula sat there holding my hand. Fortunately it didn't take Jon long to finish and I was completely loaded with cum. He shoved his cock all the way in me and then collapsed on top of me where he remained for several minutes. Then he rolled off, got up and headed for the bathroom.

"There was nothing I could do my little sweet," Paula whispered. "When he is in that kind of mood he can be really mean. I'm sorry he took it out on you."

I had stopped crying only issuing a little sob once in a while. Paula pressed her lips to my mouth in a long tender kiss. Then she got up and followed her husband. I heard some loud whispers and hard talking but really couldn't understand what they were saying. The last thing that was said was by Paula and was "I think that would be a great idea," just as they came back into the room.

Jon looked down at me and said,"I'm truly sorry I was so hard on you. I've known for a couple of years that Paula has had some girl friends but this is the first time I have seen them together. I've had a bad day and the surprise of the situation just made me snap. I really am sorry and apologize to both of you."

With that Jon left the room. I guessed he must be heading for bed or something. Paula got some water and wash cloths and was gently wiping my pussy. I had bled a little and of course was coated with his cum. I was still sore but the pain was beginning to diminish.

"I think we had better call it a night and not push Jon any further," Paula said.

I agreed and got up and started dressing.

"Are you busy this weekend?" she asked.

"I have to work 8 to 5 Saturday and 9 to 2 on Sunday. But I'm free evenings. Well I'm not exactly free but I am reasonable," I laughed.

"I'll call you at work Friday or Saturday, OK?"

I reached over and planted a tongue kiss on Paula and headed for the door.

"OK lover. And by the way, why don't you tell Jon I wouldn't mind fucking him again sometime if he would be just a little easier on me."

Next: Chapter 3

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