Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Aug 10, 2020


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Please keep your comments coming! This kind of detailed feedback from readers keeps me on-track, and really gets my imagination in gear! I need to get some business handled, so the output of the chapters will not be as rapid over the next few weeks.

While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters and activities herein described are 100% fictional, and the story is 100% mine, although some of you have given me really, really good ideas to throw into it - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 27 by Rich Lobo

As I turned to rush out to catch up with Atul, I noticed Robert's assistants handing thick envelopes to the three remaining parents -- I'm assuming copies of the annulment agreement. Walking quickly, both Neal and Halmoni were on my heels. Chief Perry and Robert were standing at the entrance with a now handcuffed and obviously shamed Subhash; by now, I could hear their discussion. Robert was suggesting that we could and should change he charge to "simple assault," under which Subhash could be issued a summons to appear. Getting to the group, Halmone interjected herself between Atul and Subhash, and Neal seconded Robert's suggestion. Having him in jail would only complicate a resolution to the root issue, when if he were issued a summons and did not return for court, a warrant for his arrest would be filed with a bonus: he'd be arrested if he tried to enter the US again. Chief Perry weighed this over, and said he'd do it, as long as he could get Subhash's passport information to include on the citation.

With Halmoni now standing in a battle stance between Atul and Subhash, the former now seemed like he had no fight left in him: Neal just gave me an elbow in the ribs, pointing to Subhash and noting "son of a bitch looks like he just had his nuts handed to him on a plate by an old Korean grandmother. I'm loving this!" Dileep was soon out, and was ready to act as interpretor for Subhash. Before he could start, Halmoni stepped forward and looked around to make sure her son was not in earshot as she leaned forward and growled in English at Subhash: "You son of a bitch, if you ever try to hurt Atul or any other member of MY family, I will kill you, and it will be a painful death." Dileep grinned and translated; Subhash just lowered his head in shame. Neal and Robert explained what was going to happen, and Dileep translated while Chief Perry removed the handcuffs. The rest of the parents -- in a loud commotion -- came forward to where Subhash was being told what-was-what. Atul's father, whose name was Anish, tried to grab Atul's arm to pull him aside when in a flash, Halmoni had contorted the Anish's arm back and up in what from his scream seemed to be a most painful episode, saying in perfect English "please! I only want to talk some sense to my son!" Halmoni growled again, in perfect English, "You can speak, but try to touch him again, and you will pay with broken bones:" another set of balls served up, hot and fresh. She then released his arm to let him shake it and try to regain sensation. Both fathers were now on full notice that Atul was no longer under their control. The mothers were both holding each other, crying, and wailing. Atul joined Neal, Robert, and Chief Perry for a brief discussion.

After Chief Perry had issued the summons and released Subhash, who joined the other parents, Neal began to speak -- with Dileep as translator. Thankfully, our translator had made it outside by then, so we could hear everything that was said. Neal told them that we were aware of Anish and Subhash's plot to have Atul and Rana kidnapped and brought back to India should either of the two children refuse to go willingly. I later found out that this was the entire topic of conversation in the van trip from the Airport. Neal then added some additional news: "our team in Hyderabad has learned that you, Subhash, have engaged the services of a Mr. Patel to handle those arrangements," whereupon all eight eyes of the parents went as wide as saucers. "We regret to inform you that Mr. Patel..." at this point, Neal looked to Robert for advice on verb tense to use -- "has had, or will have," with a nod from Robert, he continued "has just had a severe accident, and will likely not be able to perform any tasks for quite some time. We hope you have not wasted too much money in your enterprise. If you have learned anything about Atul's new Melting Pot family, it should be this: accidents speak louder than words."

It was then that Atul (with an angry, alert, and protective Halmoni at his side) addressed them. "Even though I knew about your plans, and now I know exactly where Rana gets her most appalling attributes, I agree to have you charged with simple assault, which means you are free -- for now. I can change my mind at any time, as long as you behave appropriately -- and that means staying in your hotel room, unless you have gone to see the evil bitch you forced upon me, conclude this business, and depart for India. I'm told you have been given the legal documents, and I would suggest you spend time studying them. Until then, you have seen the last of me: I have a new family, and with them I will have happy life, and am finished with you. All I have to do is press one button to send messages -- as well as the entire presentation you have seen to all of my and your contacts in India, informing them of what you have done. With that, please understand that as of now, I have formally disowned all of you. Anything else you need from me should be communicated through Mr. Neal Turner, my attorney. His contact information is in the envelope you have been given. You have until noon tomorrow so sort out the shit you have created, and if not?" Atul held up his phone and mimed pressing a button. The parents began yowling with indignation that now served no purpose.

With that, Atul turned on his heels and with head held high, came over to me where he was immediately engulfed in a tight embrace. Atul was trembling, but I knew he was feeling strong, whispering in my ear that he wished I hadn't heard about the planned kidnapping. However, within seconds, two little boys, and all the neighbors, joined the hug. Robert's team then began herding the parents back into the hotel, and up to their rooms. In the midst of the scrum, I gave Atul a quick kiss on the lips. Carla noticed it, and simply smiled saying "I'm glad you two are finally comfortable enough to be honest with us about it. You two make a good couple, and I'm happy for you." From my right side, I heard Halmoni's voice: "me too. Good job."

The group hug finally released itself, but Atul looked like a man transformed: the sad, troubled eyes he had worn for so long had something... a kind of... fire? In them. I've seen that look before, but only in bed when he was deep inside me. I had a feeling this might be a really "busy" night. Atul told me he needed to break off to have a brief talk with Robert and Neal, and he shot over. I took that opportunity to pull Jin Woo aside, asking how he was doing with all the new stress in life, and if he needed a little "Wednesday Afternoon" time before Wednesday. His eyes sparkled at that thought, and with a lowered voice told me that indeed, he needed some Wednesday afternoon badly. I told him I'd see what we could do this weekend, and he seemed rather pleased at the prospect: he gave me a hug, and a discrete kiss on the cheek. It seemed to me that we had a couple of new "dad" figures that could use a meet-and-greet of a much more pleasant variety than the one we had just "enjoyed" -- or rather endured with the parents -- tonight.

With that, Atul came back over, and said that we could all head back to the apartment. I was, of course, going to ride with Atul in his car, which also (of course) meant that Alex would be with us. Felipe just shook his head and grinned in assent, as everyone else piled back into the minibus: we would all meet back at home. With absolutely no shame, Atul grabbed my left hand, interlaced our fingers, and started toward his car. Alex then did the same with my right hand (as was his right, after all), and we were off. I noted that Neal and Dileep after what looked like a very intense, personal conversation got into their own cars , and that they were following our convoy. I'd have to have a chat with Neal very soon!

Atul held my hand all the way home, and Alex's hand was on top of ours from the middle of the back seat. I tried to get him to put on a seatbelt, but he was having none of that. After the short drive back, we all congregated in the parking lot; everyone seemed a bit exhausted after the "show", but after all, everyone seemed to be quite pleased with the result. Carla quickly excused herself, expressing a need to put her feet up. Jin Woo and Halmoni said they both wanted to go visit Jason, and update him on everything that had gone on with the parents. Juergen, Jonas and Russell also had plans to make some dinner, and for Juergen and Russell to get to know each other: the idea of this brought lurid thoughts to my mind. Just how much were they to "get to know" each other? Hmmmm, inquiring minds will be asking about that tomorrow.

That left Neal, Dileep, Felipe and Alex. Felipe announced that he wanted to spend some time talking with us. I thought Atul might have had other plans with Jason in the hospital, but he readily agreed, so we six went into our apartment. We had barely closed the door behind us and our shoes kicked off when young Mister Alex jumped up in Atul's arms, embracing him tightly with his arms and legs. Alex told him that he was SOOO proud of him -- "I want to grow up to be just as brave as you and my papa. I'm proud to have you, Papa, and Rich as my heroes!" On that note, Alex placed his lips directly onto Atul's, and began a passionate kiss, soon returned by Atul, whose hands were cupping little Alex's buttcheeks. A quick look around the room gave evidence that all the cocks around the room were responding to the scene, quite possibly assisted by the excitement and adrenaline of the last hours.

I looked Neal dead in the eye, nodding my head toward Dileep. He looked back at me with a "who, me?" expression, to which I had to roll my eyes. Neal answered my unasked question: "not yet, He just got his test results back today, so we are looking for a place, and I was kinda hoping...." Dileep lowered his eyes, and turned about 2 shades of red not normally seen in a subcontinental complexion. Hearing this, Alex dropped down from Atul, and climbed up into a similar posture on Neal. He looked at Dileep and said "cool! I think you two make a great couple, and I wanna join in the fun when you are ready!" Subtle as ever... I just responded to Neal with a fake pout, saying "after all these years, I'd thought you would want to fuck me first, but whatever..." Neal was concerned, but quickly saw through my bluff; "if you'd just told me all those years ago that you wanted to fuck, it might've happened. Now you'll have to settle for sloppy -- what is it?--thirds? fourths?" I just had to laugh.

Meanwhile, Atul and Felipe seemed to have graduated from the "hand-holding" phase earlier to the "all-encompassing-embrace and makeout" phase. Atul, whose mental state had been a concern of mine, leaned back from the kiss, and told Felipe: "I want to spread my legs very wide for you." Felipe returned the sentiment, but added that he'd heard rumors, and wanted me to open him up a bit beforehand. Well, I kind of figured this could happen; hell, I'd practically given them both a permission slip to fuck earlier. Felipe and Atul began floating toward the master bathroom, and Alex grabbed one both Dileep and Neal's hands, pulling them toward the guest bathroom, telling them he wanted to "supervise" their preparations (and quite likely their operations too). I was thus relegated to the role of "host". Oh well, at least the show would be good, and I would reap additional benefits in bed with my man later. I laid out the once again clean towels, made sure there were adequate supplies in the guest/playroom. I heard clumsy banging going on inside the guest bathroom, and went ahead and staged the mop at the door. Since we had two "newbies" involved, the sling was taken down and stowed: no accidents were needed. I went ahead and took my clothes off, ready to jump into the first available bathroom to "top things off" as it were when Atul and Felipe came out, naked as the day they were born. However, I don't think they quite had such powerful erections on that day. I told them both the playsroom had been prepared, and asked them to wait for me to do a quick touch-up, which took me no more than two minutes to complete.

When I came out, they were still standing in the living room; Atul walked up to me, taking me into his powerful arms and kissing me. He whispered in my ear that he hoped I wasn't put out by him and Felipe doing the nasty, I told him back not to worry, as long as I got my share later on. From inside the master bedroom, I heard Atul's phone going nuts. Looking at Atul with concern the told me "my parents have been blowing up my phone with calls and texts, which I have ignored. No worries though; Robert had me send them both texts to both them and to Robert's team, so that they could also receive the texts and have them translated. In a nutshell, they're alternating between pissed at me', scared of me', or `wanting to apologize.'" The Klingons are correct: revenge is a dish best served cold. Dileep, Neal, and Alex came out to join us -- all naked as well. We all automatically did the "gay scan" of one or more of the men in the room, and were all pleased: to me, Dileep was indeed a bit shorter, hairier, and slimmer than my man. He is indeed a tasty morsel, but I'm keeping my man for myself. Nonetheless, I could see how Neal had found his gay muse.

We all went into the playroom. I took Alex over to the armchair to sit in my lap, and motioned for the others to occupy space on the spacious bed, after explaining the new wedge foam pillows on the mattress. Atul looked like he got the concept immediately. Then Felipe stood forward and took the floor. "Guys, before we get started, there is something important for me to do. My little guy Alejandro is becoming a man, and I want to honor that fact publicly: I want to spread my legs first for him." The room erupted in cheers and applause, and poor little Alex (for once) didn't know what to say or do. Felipe handled that quite well by laying down on the edge of the bed with his ass off the edge, and his knees brought back to his shoulders. He grabbed a bottle of lube, and rubbed a good teaspoon onto and into his anus -- which was now very well highlighted with the glistening lube. I gently pushed Alex off my lap, onto and across the floor to his father. Alex's cock was so hard it must have been brittle.

Alex: "Really papa, you want me to fuck you? I thought you'd always be the one to fuck me."

Felipe: "Yes son, (handing him the lube) I want you to lube your cock, and plow it deep into my manpussy, and fuck me as hard as you can, and blow your load deep into daddy."

Alex looked like he had just won the lottery -- again! This was the second adult male ass he had been privileged to invade and conquer with his own cock by the tender age of eleven! We all gathered around in witness and in wonder as Alex took tiny steps toward his father's manpussy. He paused a moment to slather his cock with lube, and Felipe grabbed and pulled apart his asscheeks, giving Alex a bit more purchase than his nearly four inch cock would have otherwise had. Alex was there, and contrary to expectations, he reached out to grab his papa's ankles which he then brought to his face. He kissed each of this papa's toes, and then worked to spread and arrange Felipe's legs to his specifications. Alex's shorter arms did not allow for a great range of motion with Felipe's much longer legs, but nonetheless managed somehow to find the perfect, hot, spreading of his father's legs. All of a sudden, he found himself in a conundrum: his cock was so hard that he'd have to release one of the ankles and forfeit his hard work so that he could bring his cock into port. I just grinned at the bit of consternation on his face, and said "buddy? You want me to help you with that?" He just looked up at me and nodded yes. I grabbed the little cock with my thumb and forefinger, and brought it down to where it could now lodge in lips of Felipe's mancunt. Alex then looked his father in the eye, and said "you are the best papa in the whole world. I love you." All of us were at risk of shedding a tear or two at that, but Felipe had a great response: "I love you too, my little guy, but right now you need to fuck me: pound your papa!"

Hot mood restored, Alex moved his hips forward, gliding each of his four inches deep into his papa's ass. He began swinging his hips to and fro with a surprisingly good rhythm and tempo. He didn't jab too deep nor pull out too far. On his last "test drive" with me, he had been a bit of a jackrabbit in his tempo, and all over the place with his aim; this time, he was adopting more of an adult posture, and it looked like he was actively seeking his father's prostate. I knew Felipe's prostate was a tad further up the tail than most, but Felipe did begin to exhibit signs of prostate stimulation -- and it must be true, because Felipe was too new to the concept to fake it well. Regardless of the improvements in technique, Alex was on the knife's edge, and wouldn't be lasting soon. Sure enough, roughly two and a half minutes in, Alex planted, and began grunting: he was seeding his father. Alex had the hugest grin on his face as he pulled out, and hugged me tightly.

I asked Dileep how much experience he'd had with male to male sex, and with a blush told me he had no experience at all, but now that he'd made up his mind and actually told his parents with absolute certainty that they must stop their plans to marry him off to the daughter of a family friend, and furthermore, stop the incessant matchmaking, he had decided to move forward with an honest life as a gay man. We all congratulated him, and welcomed him into our local G&B tribe of the LGBTQ community. Internally, I'm betting that Neal is going to end up much more "G" than "B", but we'll see. I told him that it was fortunate that he was here tonight, because he will be getting a live and up-front lesson as to one of the most awkward aspects of life as a gay man: learning to successfully and pleasantly have anal sex. Both Neal and Felipe have had sex only a handful of times, and they are likely to learn something from this. I ran down the basics of hygiene and ample lubrication with them, and now began to show Dileep a live example of how to "prepare your partner". I asked Neal and Dileep who would be the bottom and who would be the top tonight. Dileep shyly admitted that he had long been secretly using a dildo to explore things "down there", and was now able to take in a dildo about eight inches long and six inches in circumference. Relieved that he had some experience, I asked him to lay back with Felipe, and have Neal mirror on him what I was about to do with Felipe in order to prepare him for Atul's piece.

I ran through the standard deep, penetrative rimming strategy, followed by the 1 finger, 2 finger, 3 finger, 4 routine (if the top is well gifted), stressing the importance of keeping in touch with the bottom to make sure there was no excessive pain. A good rubric is "a moan is good, a groan is bad," and to vocally check in with the bottom, requiring clearance at each step to move to the next step. Neal and I worked in lock-step along with the procedures, and were soon ready to introduce the "real thing" to our partners. I asked Neal to halt while I went ahead and put my cock in Felipe in preparation for Atul's, so that I could be there to monitor Neal's penetration of Dileep, as Neal was not lacking in either the length nor girth departments.

It didn't take much time to get inside Felipe and loosen him up, so now we were on point for Dileep and Atul to spread their legs for their man. Atul slathered his cock with lube, as did Neal, and both took positions with cockheads on manholes. I knew (trust me) Atul was competent in making penetration without trauma, so I spent most of my time monitoring Neal. Alex decided he wanted to "monitor" Atul. In Neal's case, there were a few issues and faulty starts, but it wasn't long until his creamy white cock was halfway embedded into the dark caramel aperture of a heavily moaning Dileep. By that time, Felipe's eyes were nearly bugging out at the attention Atul's cock was giving his prostate; at this rate, Felipe wouldn't last as long as Alex had with his father. I just whispered to Atul that perhaps a little less emphasis on Felipe's prostate might yield a longer session, but I shouldn't have said anything. The man had had an incredibly rough day, and that was laying on his soul, meaning that multiple orgasms were on the menu for poor Felipe: I get the feeling he will survive. Sure enough, Felipe was ejaculating hands-free all over his chest and stomach, and feeling Atul's load weigh down his guts, but rather than stopping, Atul was going to literally plow through until the next orgasm, and it was here that Felipe began producing filthy verbal commentary about how Atul's cock felt inside him, and how all his cum had lubricated his insides. Neal by now was plowing a very discombobulated Dileep at a murderous pace, they would find their own paths to joy, and so I pulled away taking Alex with me back to the armchair; I was determined to fuck my own little boyfriend into oblivion while the other four adults in the room began working through the grammar of intense sex with a man.

I soon had Alex resting on his shoulders on the floor, with his legs spread up in the air so that I could pile drive him. In this position, I could clearly see his ass cheeks contract and flex with each deep penetration, as if he were trying to force my cock upward that it would have more contact and friction with his prostate. I changed my approach and aspect with respect to his body, with one foot planted on the floor in front of Alex, and one foot on the floor behind him in a kind of scissors posture between his legs. I kept changing that approach by 90 degrees every few minutes, effectively changing the vector of my cock inside his sheath, discovering new things about Alex's boypussy with each change -- I would have to investigate this position with Atul too! Alex was moaning heavily by this time, but soon he demanded to go back to our tried and true missionary, but with the wedge pillow this time. The pillow proved to be a game changer for him, as the aspect of his prostate to my natural angle of entry seemed to be complementary, adding a new sense of pressure and pleasure to the massage of his prostate. There was evidence for this now, as Alex was actively drooling rather than dribbling pre-cum as I built up to our orgasm, both of us having grown in proficiency to time them in near synch with each other.

Alex and I came back to the present date and time. He climbed up in my lap to snuggle in my arms and eventually fall asleep there, a feeling that was close to perfect for me. While I noticed that Atul was still quite engaged with Felipe, and that a large wet spot had appeared on the towel underneath them, it looked like Neal and Dileep were cuddled together, face to face, and I could hear them whispering, but couldn't make out any meaning from it. All of a sudden, Atul roared, his head lifting back in the air: he was coming again, and I could make out droplets falling from their junction and down to the towel. Atul stayed embedded for some time, allowing his cock to deflate a bit before he could pull out. In the interim, I advised Felipe that Atul made no small deposits, and it would be an excellent idea for him to head directly to the guest bathroom as soon as Atul was out. When Atul did pull out, that beautiful, sperm slicked weapon slung around with him as he turned to face me, informing me that he was not yet finished for the night. Felipe took heed of my warning, and was quickly up and in route to the bathroom to "download" the collected contents, and I grinned at the treat in store for me in our bed after everyone had gone home.

We all cleaned up, and a very happy father and son took their leave, heading upstairs hand in hand. I offered both Neal and Dileep the guest bed for the night, should they want to discover the bliss of sleeping with your man. After some dithering, and then discarding any concerns about what the soon to be former Mrs. Turner might have to say, it was decided that they would stay here to act as bodyguards for Atul (any old excuse in a storm). I wanted very much for their relationship to prosper, because they really do complement each other -- and it would be beneficial to my relationship with Neal to simply refer to Dileep as Dileep, or as "Mr. Turner" -- it would be clean, and without the first, current, second, third, former, etc... modifiers. I also wanted Atul to have someone from his background in close orbit, so that they could both have touchstones to their past.

Tomorrow was Saturday, and while theoretically we'd have nothing to do, I'm sure the parents will find some way to subsidize the day with grief. Neal and Robert had made arrangements for us to find out what would go on with their visit to Rana, and as a bonus, Robert had detailed the "Hispanic" employee to accompany them through the process of visiting Rana. Also, her court appointed attorney had conveniently not been informed of the parents' visit, so he would not be there, hence there would be no privileged communications, and Robert's employee would be free to record the visit, as would the DeKalb County Jail, who regularly records family visits. From this, we'd have intelligence as to what Rana would be told and advised, and we could act on that immediately. These people were clumsily falling all over themselves: they may be Masters of the Universe back home, but here they were clowns without clues. Atul and I took a nice, hot shower together, which turned into a nice soak and bubble bath with LOTS of caresses and kisses in the tub. He seemed like he was a bit tense yet, but also seemed like he was looking at a light at the end of the tunnel. He ended up falling asleep contentedly in my arms, and I quickly followed suit. Tomorrow was another day, and with hope, would be free of some of the incidents of the last week.

Next: Chapter 28

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