
By Peyton Jones

Published on Mar 4, 2020



This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. It is written for your enjoyment only. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Hope you will enjoy our story. We welcome your comments good or bad. You can reach us at

Chapter Eight

Fredericka and Ellie

By Chrissy and Peyton

Two years had passed since Holly was born. Business had been going great but things were about to take a turn for the worse. You are both old enough now to have studied some economics or world history that discussed recessions and depressions. Up until now our economy was doing great and being in a tourist industry you rely on a good economy to survive. If people have to give up things because money is tight, travel and holidays are one of the first things they give up. Another is frivolous purchases which for many is buying artwork not for investment by famous artists.

The summer of two-thousand-seven the economy was good but teetering on turning down. We had a slight down-tick in both businesses we were in but through all the good times we managed to put away a nice bit that we could fall back on.

Even with business down we still remained more than seventy-five percent full. That kept us above our break-even point. During this time one of the families that paid us a visit was from Munich, Germany. This was their first visit to our resort but they were not new to the naturalist living having visited many resorts worldwide over the years. This year they chose our resort because of recommendations from one of our previous guest from Germany.

Dieter and Ellie both thirty-six with their two children Fredericka, seventeen and Josef, twelve were to stay with us for two weeks. They were the quintessential German family with blonde hair, striking blue eyes and fair skin. Dieter and Josef were obviously father and son. Both were very muscular and it was plain to see they exercised often. They were both adventurous but also very polite and gracious. Ellie and Fredericka were on the short side both one-hundred-fifty-seven to one- hundred-sixty centimeters. They were however very pretty and shapely with medium sized breast that were both firm and stood straight out. They were the two who had the wild streak in them which your mom and I were soon to find out.

Dieter and Ellie approached the counter upon arriving at our resort having rented their own vehicle.

"Good afternoon, may I help you?" I asked in French.

"Ja sprichst du deutsch?" Dieter replied asking if I spoke German.

"Ja aber nicht sehr gut. Ich spreche auch Englisch." I replied telling him yes but not very well but I did speak English.

"Ja, good. Then English it is. We are the Reinhold's from Munich. We have a reservation for two weeks."

"Yes, Mr. Reinhold. We have you staying in the Lila wing which is the building out the door and to your right. You have a ground floor room number one-one-two. Here are your keys and some brochures about our resort and the local area. Have you ever been to a naturalist resort before?" I asked him.

"Yes many different ones around the world. This is our first time in this part of France though," he replied.

"Well welcome to our little paradise. I'm sure you will find it very similar to other naturalist resort but more family oriented and more accommodating to your needs. We pride ourselves in making sure all of our guests are comfortable and completely satisfied with their stay. My name is Julianne and my wife's name is Amelie. If you need anything just ask either of us."

"Thank you. I'm sure we will love it here. It is so out of the way of the tourist areas which gives it the ambience and privacy we are looking for to relax and have a good holiday," Dieter said and turned to leave.

"I'll be right there Dieter," Ellie said and turned back to me after he had left the office. "I'm Ellie, and this is my daughter Freddie who is seventeen," she said and held out her hand.

I took her hand and she didn't just shake my hand but gently let her fingers run through my palm as she pulled her hand back and gave me one of those looks as if to say, "So you are a lesbian. Good to know."

"Are there many families here or is it couples?" she asked.

"Right now it is about half of each. There will be some families with children close to Freddie's age though I believe most are a few years younger than her," I innocently replied. "I wouldn't worry though. I'm sure she will fit right in and find someone close enough to her age to hang out with."

"Yes, I'm sure she will find someone she likes to spend time with as I am sure I will too. You are most helpful and I hope we can find time to talk while we are here," Ellie said. With that she smiled and winked turning to leave. I noticed when she did that Freddie also looked at me with a seductive look.

Later that day Amelie came in the office. 'You'll never believe what just happened to me?" she said as she came in.

"Tell me, my love. What just happened to you," I said with a tone of sarcasm.

She came up behind me and pulled my hair a little. "Don't be a smart ass my Jewels. Or tonight you won't get any," she said.

"You know you can't threaten me like that. All I have to do is kiss your neck and your nipples will harden and your pussy will begin to drip down your leg. I know you better than that," I said and laughed.

"Yeah, you're probably right about that. You do have a way of turning me on and making yourself irresistible. Did you meet the Reinhold's today when they checked in?" she asked.

"I sure did," I said. 'What about them?"

"I haven't met him yet, but I did meet her and the daughter. They were walking by the studio and stuck their head in to see what I was working on. Did you get any type of feeling about them?"

"Oh, yeah! I was given the once over by Ellie and the seductive smile by both of them."

"Me too! And not only that Ellie came right out and asked if I was your wife and if there were other lesbian couples staying here. She mentioned her husband and son going camping while they were here leaving them alone to party on their own."

"Sounds like mom and daughter are in for more than just enjoying the weather and peacefulness of the resort."

"Those were my thoughts too. They seemed particularly interested in us," Amelie said.

"Well they are a very sexy pair," I added.

"You aren't considering we fool around with them are you?" Amelie asked.

"No, I was just making a statement that they are very pretty and sexy and they shouldn't have any trouble finding someone if that is what they are interested in doing."

A couple of days went by and neither your mom nor I had any contact with them though we did see them out walking the property. Sometimes it was the whole family and sometimes it was just Ellie and Freddie. On their fourth day here we were sitting near the playground while Giselle was playing on the swings and Holly was playing in the sand by us.

"Hi, are these your children?" We heard coming up from behind us. We turned to see Ellie and Freddie walking up.

"Yes," Amelie said. "That's Giselle on the swing and this is Holly."

"They are beautiful. Giselle looks like you Amelie and Holly like you Julianne," Ellie pointed out.

"Thank you," I answered. "Are you two out for a walk?" Enjoying the weather?"

"Yes, we are enjoying everything here. You have a wonderful place. May we join you?" Ellie asked and they took a seat on the other bench that was at a ninety degree angle to ours.

"How long have you two been together?" she asked.

"Twelve years?" Amelie answered with a question looking at me. I just nodded in agreement.

"Wonderful. Dieter and I have been married for eighteen years now," Ellie offered.

'You married before you were a teenager then?" Amelie said half joking as Ellie really didn't look old enough to have a seventeen year old daughter and have been married one year before that.

"Oh thank you," she responded but didn't seem to mind the compliment at all. Though I am very happy to have Dieter and wouldn't think of not having both Josef and Freddie, sometimes I do think I got married too young. Didn't have enough time to really live and see what was out there if you know what I mean? "

"I'm sure what you have with Dieter and your children is worth more than the time you would have been trying to find yourself," Amelie told her.

"I don't regret any time with Dieter. Sometimes a certain desire comes to me and I need to express myself on another level. Freddie has been lucky to explore her desires and I'm not always in a position to do the same."

I think both Amelie and myself picked up on the subtleties in her statement and her trying not to come right out and say it but we both knew what she was hinting at. Neither of us responded to her statement.

"Dieter and Josef are going camping for four days and nights tomorrow. It will be Freddie and me to enjoy all of this together for that time," Ellie said.

"Camping? There are some good campsites not too far from here. Where are they going?" Amelie asked.

"I'm not sure. They said it would take around four hours to get there and it is very remote. But that is what they like to do. Any time we go on holidays we try to find a spot where Freddie and I can have fun and Josef and Dieter can go off camping somewhere for part of the time. It allows them to bond and for Freddie and me to bond too," Ellie explained.

"Having mother daughter time is important. Are you having a good time here Fredericka or is it Freddie?" I asked her.

"Yes, I'm having a great time. It is so beautiful here. Everyone has been so nice. My name is Fredericka but I go by Freddie," she spoke and her voice sounded much like an angel, very soft and sweet.

"Finding anyone your age to talk with?" Amelie asked her.

"Not really, but I prefer talking with older girls and women anyway so it has been fine," she replied and gave that certain smile again which I'm sure Amelie picked up on like I did.

"It's time for us to get our girls in for their bath and dinner so we can put them to bed. It was nice talking with both of you," Amelie said and took my hand to get up."

"Would you two like to have dinner with us tomorrow night?" Ellie asked at the last moment.

Amelie and I looked at each other as we were gathering you girls and she gave the indication why not so I responded, "that would be nice. What time should we come over?"

"How about eight? Would that work for you?" Ellie asked.

"Eight sounds great. Can we bring anything since you are here on holiday?" Amelie answered.

"Nope just come as you are and I'm sure we will have everything we need," Ellie said and again that certain smile came to her face.

We went back to our place and bathed and fed both of you before your mom and I had a chance to discuss the events that just occurred.

"Do we need to discuss tomorrow night or just play it by ear?" I finally asked Amelie.

"I would play it by ear but let's not make any assumptions here. We don't know they are interested in any fooling around and we haven't discussed if we want to fool around with them. What is your opinion?" Amelie questioned.

"It's been a few years and they are a very attractive and sexy pair. How do you feel about a mother and daughter thing, with the daughter only being seventeen?"

"Well they seem to be leaning that way. It has been a while but just because it has doesn't mean I need to do anything with anyone but you. I'm okay with it if you are but again let's play it by ear. I don't know what their intentions are and if they are too wild I'm not in for that."

"I agree," I said. "I'm okay with it too depending on what they have in mind."

The next night after leaving you two with a sitter, we went to Ellie and Freddie's for dinner.

"Welcome," Freddie said as we entered their apartment. She gave both of us a kiss on the cheek as we walked in the door. I could smell some liquor on her breath as she kissed me. She escorted us to the kitchen area where the table was already set. They offered us either wine or hard liquor to drink. Both your mom and I accepted a glass of wine while Ellie and Freddie drank the liquor.

We talked in general for awhile as they told us of their life back in Munich then they turned the conversation to us wanting to know how we met and how long have we had the resort. We didn't tell them details but did tell them we fell in love in Paris while at the art school and have been together ever since. Concerning the resort we told them about Lila and Louis and they were buried on the grounds of the resort. They seemed interested in our lives, which was pleasant as we originally figured they were more interested in having sex with a pair of lesbians. After a third round of drinks the talk began to focus on sex.

"I imagine you have seen and experienced a lot owning a naturalist resort for as long as you have?" Ellie asked.

"I think we have seen most of what you can see owning a place like this," Amelie replied.

"If it not too personal, how did you happen to have two children?" Freddie asked.

"That is a long story but once we decided we wanted children we made it happened, " I explained without trying to go into details.

"Then you are not true lesbians?" Ellie asked.

"If you mean because we have had sex with a male then no, but only because the laws of France would not cover medical expenses if we tried artificial insemination and they wouldn't allow us to adopt so we chose the only way we could in order to have a family," I replied trying to avoid the bisexual and playing around with other people.

"I am bisexual too but the only man I have been with is Dieter. My lesbian side is my fun side and I try to fulfill my desires there whenever I can do so," Ellie said.

"There only has been one man for me," Freddie spoke up. "He is a business partner of my dad. He and I get together occasionally back home. For me though, I much prefer women and those who are no longer teenagers. I tried a couple of girls my age and they lack the spontaneity and tenderness that older more mature and experienced women have."

"You sound like you have been active to know what you like? And I don't mean that to be criticism either," Amelie told Freddie.

"Not really. I've only been with a couple of girls my age and two other women who are older who taught me most of what I know," Freddie explained.

"If you will excuse me but I need to use your bathroom, " Amelie said and got up to go. Once she was out of the room Freddie got up and came and sat beside me.

"You have the most beautiful eyes," she said as she was looking at me.

"Thank you," I said. "I can say the same thing about you and your mom. The blue is so striking. It makes your whole face shine."

"Would you or Amelie mind if I kissed you?" she then asked.

"No, I don't think she or I would mind," I said and leaned her way to give her a kiss.

Freddie was not new to kissing nor to seducing as she took the opportunity to not just lean in for a kiss but to place her hands around my neck and cheeks and pull me into her for a kiss that at first was just lips but soon escalated into our tongues matching twist and turns as she kept the kiss going. We broke the kiss but she kept her hands around my neck and cheek looking into my eyes. "You are a great kisser," she softly said. "I imagine Amelie loves to be kissed by you?"

I just smiled at her half nodding my head. She then leaned in and we began to kiss again with a little more passion in the kiss. I'm sure from Ellie's viewpoint she could tell I was aroused from the kiss as I could feel my nipples begin to harden and stretch out as they did when I was aroused. I was getting into the kiss from both the effects of the wine and from Freddie who had an amazing body not to mention she was one hell of a kisser. I let out a slight moan while into this kiss and I guess it was a sign to Freddie as she intensified the kiss and let her one hand move down and over my breast. She slightly squeezed it then moved her fingers as if massaging it in her hand while I moaned even louder this time.

Amelie had returned from the bathroom and seeing what was going on she went to sit next to Ellie who had patted her hand on the chair for Amelie to sit next to her.

"Hope you don't mind but my Freddie has been oogling over Julianne ever since we arrived here," Ellie whispered to Amelie. "It's getting me quite aroused too."

Amelie looked over at Ellie noticing she had her hand between her legs and was gently caressing herself. Amelie taking the cue replaced Ellie's hand with hers and caressed Ellie between her thighs. Ellie looked at Amelie then leaned over to kiss her which Amelie leaned to kiss her back.

"Would it be too presumptuous to ask you to take me to my room and make love to me?" Ellie asked Amelie. Amelie rose up taking Ellie's hand and led her into the bedroom leaving Freddie and me in the living room.

Freddie broke the kiss almost gasping for air as both of our hearts were racing from the kiss. She looked over to see her mom and Amelie enter the other bedroom closing the door behind them.

"They are going to be a while so why don't we go into my bedroom?" she stated more than asked as she took my hand and pulled me up to go to her bedroom.

Once we were inside and she had closed the door she backed me into the door holding my arms up as she began kissing me again moving her arms down my arms across my armpits onto my sides and over to my breasts.

"Mmmmm," I moaned and put my arms around her shoulders. "Your hands feel so good on my nipples." My nipples had become rock hard and actually ached a little from how hard they had become.

Freddie used her fingers to pinch and twist my nipples around not hard enough to hurt but enough to feel them move and feel the excitement grow within me. She continued to kiss me making my head swoon and my legs wobbly. Freddie moved lower on my body taking a nipple in her mouth and using her tongue to tease and bat it back and forth in her mouth. Whoever taught this girl how to tease and arouse another girl she taught her good as my legs were like jelly trying to stand up with this girl's mouth attacking each of my nipples.

Her hand slipped even lower and I felt it slide over my mound and between my legs. I was already extremely wet so she had no trouble letting one of her fingers enter me. She moved it around before she pulled it out and across my clit. I moaned from her touch needing her to repeat what she just did to give me the release I was on the verge of getting. Instead she brought her finger up to her mouth and with her tongue tasted the tip of it before bringing her finger up to my mouth. I eagerly took her finger in up to her hand and with my tongue licked her finger of my juices. The next moan came from her as she liked the eroticism of me licking her finger coated with my juices.

She lowered herself kissing as she was going but kept her eyes on me as she moved lower. She got on her knees with her head right in front of my pussy placing her hands on my upper thighs smiling up at me. My eyes half closed as I wanted her to lick me. With my hands I guided her head in to me so her face was now on my mound. Freddie kissed my mound several times before she pushed my legs out some giving her more room for her head and tongue to do what we both wanted her to do.

Freddie's tongue licked me from my clit moving down into my slit and lower. With her fingers she spread my lips out using her tongue to assault my now open and dripping pussy. My hips moved on their own back and forth trying to fuck her tongue as she moved it up and down and in and out driving me wild with pleasure. She had me more turned on and excited than I had been in a long time not only from her expert technique but the thought of me being thirty-one with two children and I was being eaten by a beautiful sexy seventeen year old girl. My hips moved at a faster rate and I could feel my orgasm building inside of me faster than I wanted it to.

"Oh god, Freddie! You're going to make me cum," I moaned and she licked faster and harder than she had been. Within seconds I could feel I had lost control and my body went into convulsions as my orgasm overtook me.

"Fuck, oh, ahhhgggg!" I loudly moaned and my head banged back against the door and my hips jerked as I felt as though my body had exploded from within. I opened my eyes to look down seeing Freddie smiling but still with her tongue moving around in my pussy. My body began to relax as my orgasm began to fade, my legs feeling weak yet Freddie didn't relent. She used her tongue to keep my orgasm from completely fading away and had me humping her mouth again in seconds as she was determined to make me cum again.

"Oh God, yes, yes," I moaned pushing her head again into me as I humped her with my hips. Her tongue was like magic and in minutes I could feel the second of what would be many more orgasms before this night was over rising in my body. "Oh, oh, I'm going to cum again. Yes, yes, keep going!" I cried.

Freddie kept her assault going and I could see a gleam in her eye like she knew she had me and for the rest of the night I was hers to do as she wished. Her tongue kept going deeper and deeper and I could hear the noise of my fluids and her mouth mixing as we moved in rhythm. Then out of the clear my orgasm hit and I couldn't even brace for it when it hit.

"Ahhhhggggg!" God, oh, ahhhhhhggggggg!" was all I could say as it exploded bigger than the first one. My whole body felt like I came off the ground and like fireworks exploded in the air and fell slowly to the ground as it got dimmer. I was no longer able to stand on my legs as they shook and were so weak. Freddie knowing this grabbed me around the waist and helped me over to the bed lying me down on it.

She got on the bed next to me but was on her hands and knees kneeling beside of me caressing my face and upper chest waiting for me to come back to earth. My eyes opened and I saw her head just above mine as she leaned down and kissed me. I placed my arms around her and kissed her back tasting myself on her lips and surrounding areas. She smiled after we broke the kiss and before I could tell her how what she did felt she straddled my head and lowered her pussy to my face.

Oh my god she had a pretty pussy and even though I was still so weak I didn't hesitate as I grabbed her hips and held her close so my tongue could try to reciprocate what she had just done to me. I licked her from her perineum up through her slit and back down again. She moaned and began to grind her hips back and forth rubbing her pussy across my mouth and tongue. She watched me lick her for a few minutes then moaned and leaned back placing her arms on my legs for support as she continued to grind her pussy into my face. My tongue was working as fast as it could to keep up with her motions but eventually all I did was stick my tongue out as her undulations were enough for her to get the feeling going as she continued to moan.

The girl had, next to Amelie, the best tasting pussy and I was fully enjoying having her rub her pussy over my face. She moved faster and I could feel her body begin to tense as it built up to her own climax. I moved one of my hands around and with my thumb began to rub circles around her clit as she continued to move back and forth across my mouth and tongue. That was all she needed as she moaned she was cumming and she pressed down hard on my face and her back arched up as she came.

Her body twitched and jerked and she moved but much slower with her undulations. I continued to lick her pussy since she was still moving back and forth until she sat straight up. She placed her hands on the side of my face smiling down at me with a gleam in her eyes before lifting her body off of my face. I thought she was going to move completely off and lay next to me but instead she turned her body and was still straddling my head but now was in reverse. We were now in a sixty- nine position with her body on top of mine and she lowered both her pussy and head down to me.

We both licked and sucked on each other's pussy. I was loving what we were doing and apparently she was too as she often stopped what she was doing to moan from something or someplace I had touched in her. As my tongue began to tire I replaced it with two fingers sinking them deep within her while I sucked on her clit. At some point not realizing it one of my fingers had moved up and was rubbing over her rosebud. She must have liked this as she moaned and pushed her body back into my hands. I could feel my own climax beginning to build and felt hers was too. Hoping we could time it at the same time I kept trying to distract myself from what she was doing to me. If I didn't I knew I was sure to cum before she did.

I applied more pressure to her rosebud knowing she liked that and that seemed to do the trick as her climax built up fast and sensing she ready to explode I allowed myself to be consumed by what she was doing to me. Within minutes we both tightened and jerked as we both came almost at the same time. She collapsed on top of me and we both lay there for a few minutes as we both were quite spent from so many orgasms in such a short time.

Freddie then moved turning around to lie beside me. We rolled on our sides facing each other and immediately our arms went around each other and we pulled close.

"You are amazing. Are you sure you are only seventeen?" I softly said to her.

"You're amazing too. I can't seem to get enough of you. You have me so turned on. I've wanted to be with you from the first time I saw you when we checked in," she replied and smiled leaning in and kissing me on the nose then lightly on the lips.

"I sensed there was something between us from then too. You just seemed to have a look about you that gave me goose-bumps when you smiled," I told her.

We moved the last few inches until our bodies were touching leaving no more space between us and then we kissed. And we kept kissing. Kissing her was like kissing an angel and I couldn't get enough of her. We kissed and the intensity grew and grew. We were breathing hard and fast and we were only kissing. But that didn't last long either as our hands began to wonder over each other's body. I moved my one hand from her arm and back around until I was cupping and squeezing her breast. They were so firm and yet so soft. Her nipple while already excited and hard seemed to harden more to my touch. It was easy to get my thumb and index finger around it playing with it while we kissed. Freddie moaned to my touch which only fueled the fire that was between us.

As we continued to kiss and explore each other's body my hand left her breast and moved lower to her stomach then lower to between her legs. She was soaked in that entire area from her juices and from my mouth spreading her juices to her thighs and above her mound. My fingers easily spread her lips and entered into her. Not wanting to miss out her hand did the same to me and before long we were both pushing our fingers in and out of the other. She curled her fingers and was easily able to find my g-spot as she moved them out and she made sure when she touched that spongy spot she applied the pressure I needed. We kissed passionately and finger-fucked each other for minutes until we both exploded in yet another wave of orgasm. We moaned into each other's mouth but refused to let the other go continuing to kiss and hold each other until our orgasms began to subside. We both removed our fingers from the other and must have been on the same wavelength as we brought them up to the other's mouth to have them licked and cleaned. We giggled like school girls, well she still was one. But we giggled at our minds working in sync and cuddled some more.

I was beginning to get relaxed to the point I could feel my body begin to drift into the state of sleep when I felt Freddie get up and out of bed. She went to her luggage and moved some items around finding what she wanted and pulling it out. When she turned around I could see she was carrying a strap-on.

As she started to put it on I told her, "I don't know if I can take anymore hon. You have me wore out already."

Freddie just smiled and ignored what I said coming over to the bed and rolling me over on my back. She spread my legs out moving between them then moved up until she was over me. She lowered her body telling me, "Wrap your legs around me. It'll go in easier."

Somehow this girl had a spell on me and I could not refuse what she wanted to do and I wrapped my legs around her waist interlocking my ankles as my feet rested on her upper butt. I felt her place the tip of the penis at my entrance then slowly she moved it up and down to lubricate the end with my juices before she inserted it inside of me.

"Oh, god," I gasped as it went in and filled me up. Freddie began to move her hips back and forth driving the penis in and out of me going deeper each time. My body seemed to come awake and I began to match her movement so I was moving up as she moved down. Soon she was fucking me hard and fast as she held her upper body up on her elbows. She looked me in the eyes seeing them glass over and leaned down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around her neck and held her face to me kissing her back. I moaned again and told her, "Fuck me, Freddie. Fuck me. Oh god, that feels so good!"

We were matching motions and building up intensity as she drove the penis inside of me. Our bodies began to sweat and I could feel a few drops of her sweat drip on me. We kept fucking until I could feel my orgasm building inside of me. "I'm going to cum. Don't stop, harder, harder!"

Freddie moved faster and the sweat was dripping from her but seconds later I exploded in another orgasm my whole body jerking with my legs squeezing tight onto Freddie's back. I felt that was all I could take but Freddie wasn't ready to quit as she continued to move in and out of me though slower than before. When she saw I was coming down from my orgasm she sped up with her motions pumping hard and fast again until a second orgasm swept through me and my body seemed to leave me and fly in different directions before finding their way back to me again. Freddie kept moving and I had to tell her to stop as I couldn't take anymore.

She pulled out of me falling down beside of me as I tried to catch my breath my chest rising and falling. Unfastening the strap-on Freddie sat up and began to slide it up from my feet. She wanted me to wear it and she was ready for me to use it on her. I lifted my waist up and she slid it up. She told me to tighten it to my comfort and use it on her as she needed to cum.

I was still wiped out from her using it on me but I got on my knees and tightened the side straps moving over between her legs. She motioned me up to her and once I was close she lifted her legs wrapping them around my waist. She took the end of the penis and placed it at her opening telling me to push forward. Once it was inside of her I began to move my hips back and forth. She matched my rhythm obviously this not being the first time she had used or received this as she was now.

"That's it. Now slowly at first until I get used to it then pick up your pace. That's it, now faster..... Oh, yes, more, faster," she said.

I moved faster and faster seeing her facial expressions go from content to biting her lips to opening her mouth completely. She began to move her head from side to side moaning at each thrust into her. We kept that rhythm up and I could feel the sweat on my forehead. I moved my head off to the side so if I dropped sweat it wouldn't be right on her but she didn't seemed to mind as she pulled me back onto her holding my head so she could watch me as I fucked her.

"Oh god, Julianne. Yes, yes, I love you fucking me. Don't stop. Please fuck me!"

I moved faster until I couldn't move any faster without it falling out. I could sense she was getting ready to cum so I thought I would add to her eroticism. "You like me fucking you?"

"Yes, yes, I do!" she moaned back.

"I love fucking you too. I want you to cum for me. I want to feel you cum on my hard dick!"

"Oh god, yes, I'm going to cum. Harder, harder!" she cried out.

I pushed harder maybe three four more times then she exploded in an orgasm that I think was her strongest yet. Her legs felt like they were going to break my back they were squeezing so tight. I kept pushing the strap-on in her but had slowed my rate down until her orgasm seemed to smooth over. As I began to pull it completely out she told me to not take it off. She rolled over onto her stomach and pulling her knees under her she had her butt sticking up in the air.

"Do it from behind too," she told me.

I wasn't sure I would be able to do anymore as I was really wiped out but again this girl had a spell on me and I moved over between her legs and on my knees I inserted the penis into her from behind. I held onto her hips and began thrusting it in and out of her as she gasped and moaned. Again my body was soaked in sweat but I could tell she was approaching an orgasm and I kept moving it in and out wanting to give this gorgeous young creature what she wanted. I was about at the end of what I could do when she moaned and gurgled and her body tensed and shook hard. She pushed her butt back to me her head lifting and falling on the bed. I could tell she was spent so I eased the penis out of her and she collapsed on the bed. I undid the straps on the strap-on and slid it off falling on the bed next to her.

With my hand I wiped her forehead of the sweat and pushed her hair back over her ears and out of her face. She opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"You are by far the best at making me cum. I've never felt so satisfied yet so in need of more than with you," she said.

Again not only have our motions been in sync tonight but our bodies and mind seemed to be on the same wave length too. I didn't want to tell her as much though as I didn't want her to know what all I was feeling. "Whoever your tutor has been she must be really good in bed because for someone who is so young you are fantastic at knowing how to make me cum too." With that I leaned over and kissed her which led to a passionate kiss.

"She is great. Ask Amelie tomorrow," she tells me.

I know what I heard but I wasn't sure of what I heard. Freddie just smiled at me seeing my mind reacting to her message.

"You mean your mom is your tutor meaning you and her have.....?" I questioned.

Freddie smiled and nodded. "And my Aunt. They are the only other two I have been with. I don't count the other teens because we were all together and sort of experimenting so it wasn't really being with someone."

"Then you are saying other than your mom and aunt, I am the only other person you have been with?"

Freddie again nodded. Then she leaned over to stop the conversation kissing my and placing her hand on my breast kneading it. We kissed for a while not saying anything else. I began to feel comfortable in her arms and having her lay next to me as we kissed then I looked over at the clock. It was nearly two in the morning and we had been making love for over four hours.

"It's late. I need to check on Amelie and we should go home," I told her.

"Do you have too? Can't you stay the rest of the night? I like having you next to me," Freddie said.

If she only knew what that meant to me and how I felt about it too but I needed to get my head on straight. "Come on, there will be tomorrow night. Let's go see if they are waiting on us out in the living room," I told her taking her hand and pulling her up. We walked out of the living room finding the lights out. We walked towards the other bedroom finding both Amelie and Ellie in bed cuddled together sound asleep. Freddie pulled me back out and closed the door. She took me by the hand after she placed her finger to my lips to be quiet, leading me back to her bedroom.

"See they are asleep for the night. Now you can stay with me," she said as she led me back to her bed.

Knowing our sitter would be spending the night at our place anyway I didn't have to worry about getting back to relieve her and seeing Amelie asleep I was out of excuses. Plus I really did want to spend more time with Freddie as her spell was too strong for me to fight. We crawled back in bed and she turned out the light except for a small nightlight. We cuddled up next to each other and kissed.

Shouldn't have started kissing as kissing her led to more things and soon she had her fingers inside of me and finding my g-spot again with her fingers curled like she did she finger fucked me to two more orgasms before she allowed me to go to sleep.

The next morning I awoke first and tried to get out of bed without waking Freddie as we had only been asleep for a little over four hours. She felt me move and grabbed my arm before I could get completely up.

"Do you have to go?" she asked.

"Yes sweetheart. I have to get back to my kids and I have to open the office," I told her.

"Kiss me before you leave," she said and held out her arm for me.

I leaned back in and we kissed passionately two or three times until I could feel my resistance beginning to leave so I broke the kiss and got up. "Go back to sleep. I know you haven't had enough," I told her and walked out of the bedroom.

As I entered the living area Amelie was coming out of the other bedroom apparently the clock in her head and mine were set for the same time. We smiled at each other then moved close and kissed. It was our way of telling each other in the end it was us two and no one else.

Amelie and I left Ellie and Freddie going back to our apartment. Neither of us discussed the night before other than to say we had a nice time and enjoyed their company. After showers and breakfast we began our daily routine. Since this was still my week in the office I went there and Amelie went to her studio to work. After we took over the business and had Giselle and Holly we expanded the office so that we had a separate area the girls could play and stay while either I or Amelie ran the office. That way we could check up on them and not have to hire a sitter during the day though the sitter we used was the daughter of our maintenance man who lived on the property so she was available any day or night.

After the previous night my mind began to wonder back to my time with Freddie. Not only was she a gorgeous and sweet girl but she had a body that screamed sex appeal. She also had an insatiable appetite for sex and the girl knew how to click all of your buttons to make you do what she wanted without hesitation and enjoy every second of it.

As I relived in my mind all she and I did the previous night I found I was getting aroused all over again and couldn't concentrate on other matters because she was consuming my mind. I began to realize how much I wanted her again and hoped we would be able to have a repeat of last night. At the risk of getting caught my hand eased between my legs as I sat at the front desk trying to satisfy the need I found myself wanting because of Freddie.

The phone rang bringing me back to my senses. It was someone calling to get information on our resort. I talked with them for close to a half hour before they said they would discuss it and get back to us if they decided to visit our resort. It was long enough to distract my mind and got me back on track to do work.

Lunch time came around quickly and Amelie came in to check on me and the girls before we went up to have lunch. It was then we opened up and talked about the night before.

"You and Freddie seemed to get along pretty well," Amelie stated.

"Ah huh," I said back. "You and Ellie too."

"Did Freddie tell you her and Ellie's secret?" she asked.

"You mean about the two of them and Freddie's aunt?" I replied.

"Yep. Were you as surprised as I was when Ellie told me?"

"Probably. Then she distracted me after it came out and I totally put it out of my mind," I told her.

"I guess when the men are away, the women will play!" Amelie said and chuckled.

"Does it bother you that they are involved and related?" I asked Amelie.

"No, after all we have been through and seen operating this place, nothing really surprises me anymore. I'm sure it is more common than we think though I can't see that happening with us and our girls," Amelie sighed.

"I don't either. I think the situation has to be right and for us I don't see that as an issue. For them it seems to work and I don't see where it has harmed Freddie one bit."

"I want you to know I was ready to leave around midnight last night but Ellie said that if Freddie got her way and with these things and she usually does, you and she would be busy for the rest of the night. So Ellie and I went back in her room and slept," Amelie told me.

"We came out around two and finding you asleep Freddie insisted I stay with her. The girl is insatiable and it was like she never got tired. Ellie must be super in bed because I learned things from Freddie that I never thought I could do and I thought you and I knew it all," I said and laughed.

"Ellie said you were in for it and to expect you to be worn out when the night was over. She told me the girl had it in for you from the day they arrived and you were the only thing she talked about since arriving. Apparently she has the hots for you," Amelie explained.

"She definitely wore me out. I am a little tender down there from everything we did."

"Well they are expecting us back again tonight if you didn't already know. Maybe I'll try to steer her towards me tonight leaving you with Ellie though I don't know that's any better. She is pretty intense in bed herself. The only reason I'm not in your condition is she being closer to our age, knows when to stop and save some for the next day."

We both laughed at ourselves and finished lunch.

Back in the office my mind again turned towards Freddie. While I found Ellie attractive and had that certain sex appeal that I wouldn't mind exploring, it was her daughter who had captured my thoughts. Would or should I let Amelie be with her tonight and I be with Ellie? How would I feel if I saw or heard them together? The girl was a witch and had cast her spell on me and it had me completely in her talons and I wasn't even fighting to get away.

As the day wore on and the time got closer I was getting more and more anxious as I was looking forward to being with Freddie again and couldn't wait to taste her lips on mine. Amelie had finished up in her studio and was already upstairs with the girls and taking her shower. I closed up the office and headed up to take my shower too. In the shower I kept thinking about later and being with Freddie. Then as I was finishing shaving it dawned on me.

I was feeling the same thing that Amelie had felt with Sara. All these years and while I forgave her I could never fully appreciate the feelings she had for her. She had told me it wasn't love but an addiction to sex and Sara hit all the right buttons and it took her a while to sort out that it was all about sex with Sara and all about love with me. It was like the magic box had been opened and out came the answers to the world and its problems. I finally understood how she felt. Like Amelie had to Sara, I had to Freddie, an addiction to sex. She pushed all my buttons to the point I couldn't see anything other than kissing and making love to her.

It was then I knew I had to resist her at all cost tonight thus not falling into her trap and going down the wrong hole and not being able to climb back out. Amelie would have to satisfy her needs tonight or we would have to go home without having sex with either of them.

Before we left to go over to their place I told Amelie she needed to take Freddie tonight and thus my attention would be focused on Ellie. I didn't tell her why but wanted her to know that I would try to stay close to Ellie tonight and avoid Freddie. Amelie didn't bother to ask any questions. She just accepted my position and told me she would make sure she was with Freddie even if she had to have a talk with Ellie about it.

We arrived at their apartment and Freddie was there to welcome us is as Ellie was like last time finishing up making dinner. I must say the woman knew how to cook though it was rather different for Amelie and I tasting food prepared the German way. Freddie kissed Amelie and then she kissed me as we walked in but her kiss was more intimate with me as she held on to my face longer as we kissed. My legs were already weak and my heart was racing as that little kiss had me wanting much more despite my earlier realization. I knew tonight I wasn't going to make it without being with Freddie.

Dinner was wonderful and our conversation was delightful as we discussed many subjects as we did the previous evening. Amelie was sitting next to me on the sofa after dinner as we talked putting herself between me and Ellie and Freddie. As the conversations continued it was obvious Freddie was trying to look at me as she would move to look around Amelie. We needed a refresher on our drinks so Ellie asked Freddie if she would fix everyone's drinks in the kitchen and bring them back out.

I didn't know if Ellie was smart enough to detect my trying to avoid Freddie or if she and Amelie had discussed the situation but once Freddie took our glasses into the kitchen to refresh our drinks she asked me to sit next to her. When Freddie came back in seeing me sitting next to her mom she hesitated a second and you could see the disappointment in her mannerism instantly. She handed us our drinks and sat next to Amelie which was the only place to sit making it obvious she didn't want to sit over there.

The conversation continued with Freddie making overt signs like licking her lips or rubbing her breast and looking at me. Ellie seeing this too from me sitting next to her put her hand on my thigh and began to run her fingers up and down my thigh as we talked like she was sending a signal to Freddie to back off.

This only made Freddie bolder and she moved sitting somewhat sideways putting her arms around Amelie's waist and pulling her back so Amelie was leaning back between Freddie's legs. As we talked her hands began to move and her head was on Amelie's shoulder. She began kissing Amelie's shoulder and neck which I knew was an erogenous spot on Amelie and she responded to the kisses by cooing and leaning back farther into Freddie her eyes half closing. Freddie continued kissing her letting her one hand cover Amelie's breast and she teased her nipple. The other hand moved lower and pushing Amelie's leg out, she put her hand between her legs running it up and down making Amelie moan.

Ellie was still running her fingers up and down my thigh but our conversation pretty much stopped when Freddie began her seduction of Amelie. Her eyes were kept on me the whole time so I believe she was trying to seduce me by making me watch what she was doing to Amelie. Ellie noticed this too and she and she removed her hand from my thigh placing her arm around my shoulders then with her other hand she turned my face so I was looking at her and not at Freddie and Amelie.

"You don't have to watch if you don't want to see," She whispered to me.

I had no response and Ellie looking into my eyes could tell I was having a flood of mixed emotions. She leaned over to kiss me and I kissed her back though I never closed my eyes. My body was slightly shaking from nerves as it was becoming hard for me to concentrate. Our kiss was interrupted by a loud moan and we both turned to see Amelie with her head buried into Freddie's neck kissing her neck while Freddie's fingers had found their way into Amelie's pussy and were doing their magic on her. I could tell she had found Amelie's spot as her hips were moving fast to each thrust of Freddie's fingers. Freddie was still looking at me smiling as if to say it could be me sitting there and not Amelie.

Ellie turned me back and kissed me again this time I was a little more focused and kissed her back with more intensity. Amelie was moaning louder and we could hear her breathing as it was obvious Freddie had her on the edge of an orgasm. Ellie got up taking my hand and pulled me up with her and led me to her bedroom closing the door behind us just as we heard Amelie cry out she was coming.

Once inside her bedroom Ellie took me to her bed. She pulled me in close and kissed me again this time I kissed with no reservations.

"Does it bother you that Amelie is with Freddie?" she asked.

Afraid to answer her question I hesitated long enough for her to know the answer.

"Freddie has a way of drawing you in and making you feel guilty if you are not with her," she continued. "It's alright if you are feeling something about her from last night. She has become very infatuated with you and has since the first day. Since last night all she could talk about was you and how beautiful you are and how she couldn't get enough of you."

"I don't know what to say," I started.

"You don't have to say anything. I understand. I had a talk with her and tried to make her understand that you were in love with Amelie and had a life with her. She wasn't going to be able to take you away from that and what you and she had was just playing around and she shouldn't read more into it than that."

"But it is obvious she does and that is what scares me because I can't seem to resist her," I tried to explain.

"Oh, I know the feeling. Freddie and I have a similar arrangement. Yes, she is my daughter but I love her more than just a daughter. But as I tell her, I am married to her father and what we have I will never leave. My playing around when he is gone is to satisfy my feelings for the feminine side and it is all play but when Dieter is around I'm all his. Freddie has a hard time understanding that and she and I have had many disagreements when she thinks I should leave her dad to live solely with her as my lover. Remember she is only seventeen and still has a lot to learn about life and being in love."

"So you understand how I'm feeling right now. It's not about Amelie being with her, it's me not being with her. She cast some spell on me and I find her irresistible and very hard to say no to."

"Yes, I do. She is very headstrong and seems to have the ability to control you without you even knowing she has gained control. There have been many times she and I have spent a weekend in bed with each other after I told her it had to end. She needed to find someone in her age range to be with. But I know this is temporary and tomorrow sometime Dieter and Josef will be back and she won't be able to keep her grips on either of us."

"You have a beautiful daughter who is going to make some girl a very lucky girl some day," I told Ellie as I placed my hand on her face.

"Thank you, I hope she does too and very soon. And you have a very beautiful wife and one who I found to be very loving in bed," she told me and smiled as we kissed.

"She is very beautiful," I told Ellie then added, "and Dieter has a very beautiful wife too!"

We began to kiss adding more passion to our kissing. Ellie was a good kisser and she taught Freddie very well. We kissed more letting our hands freely move around our bodies. She found my breast and began to knead it making my nipple harden to her touch.

My hand moved down to her butt and I squeezed her butt cheek pressing her body in to mine as I did. She moaned and lifted her leg up letting me know she wanted my hand between her legs too. I moved my hand around her hip and across her lower abdomen before lowering it to her mound. She had a small strip of hair from just above her clit up about two inches and no wider than a half inch at most. Once my fingers moved below her pubic hair I could feel her lips and feel they were already wet with anticipation. She whispered to me as my fingers moved lower. "I love to have my clit rubbed and my pussy fingered with three sometimes four fingers."

"I love it when my partner tells me what she likes and what to do. It makes the love-making more intense and personal," I softly said back to Ellie. Knowing that I eased first two then three fingers inside of her hearing her moan and pull me in tighter.

Ellie and I made love in many ways and brought each other to multiple orgasms before the night was over. We kissed and held each other tight enjoying the closeness of two people who loved someone else but were willing to make love with others.

We got up once to go out to the kitchen to get something to drink and sat at the kitchen table quietly talking. We could hear Amelie and Freddie in the other bedroom and it was apparent they were still going at it hot and heavy. After talking a while we went back into Ellie's bedroom and made love each of us having three more orgasms before we cuddled and kissed.

As we left the next morning I kissed Ellie passionately thanking her for the talks we had and for the wonderful evening. She told me she enjoyed it too and hoped we had another time together when things weren't so complicated.

I hugged Freddie and she seemed to be over her jealousy and irritation of me not spending more time with her. As she kissed me she whispered into my ear she loved me but knew this was all we could ever have. I told her she would find someone who would rock her boat and that if circumstances were different she and I may have had chance.

Four weeks after the Reinhold's left to go back to Germany Amelie and I were sitting in our apartment having put the girls down for the night.

"Sweetie, I have a confession to make to you," I said.

"Whenever you start off with sweetie I know it is not going to be good but tell me anyway," Amelie replied but in a tone that sounded as if she was preparing for some bad news.

"First let me say I owe you a big apology and one I hope you now can forgive me for."

"An apology for what? What have you done that you need me to forgive?"

"All these years I told you I understood and forgave you for your feelings for Sara but in reality I never completely understood how you felt about her. Now I believe I do, and I want to apologize to you for not understanding what you were feeling back then."

"My Jewels, that was ten years ago. That is so in the past there is no need to apologize to me over something I did to you."

"Yes, I know but in those ten years even though I forgave you, I never fully appreciated how hard it was for you to leave Sara."

"No, no my Jewels, please don't bring that up again. Sara was an isolated aberration and at a weak point in my life. There is no need for you to keep thinking about her. She is dear to both of us as a friend and we both love her but being with her was something that happened when we were very young and not thinking like the couple that we are now."

"The reason I bring it up is because of Freddie," I told her and stopped right there to let her think about what I was saying.

"Oh, are you saying you have feelings for Freddie?" she asked and sounded like it was hurting her some.

"I wasn't in love with her if that is what you are thinking. The time we had with them, I found after that first night I couldn't stop thinking about her and the next day I wanted to spend more time with her. It was like she was a magnet and I was a piece of metal being pulled towards her. That was why the next night I asked you to come between us because I was afraid if I was with her again I would never be able to let her go."

I could see the hurt in Amelie's eyes and I felt she was close to tears. I went to her holding her tight telling her, "Please forgive me Amelie. It was a one night thing and I got over it by the next few days."

Amelie pushed me back away from her but kept her hands on my arms as she looked in my eyes. "There is nothing for you to apologize. Ellie and I saw the infatuation Freddie had for you and there was no way I would have let her come between us."

"So, you're not mad at me?"

"Not in the least. I love you too much to be mad at you. I saw the effect she had on you after that first night. You didn't have to asked me to make sure I was with Freddie the second night. Either I was or we were going home. Ellie and I had already talked the night before about Freddie and she told me she would talk with her again the next day. She also suggested if the next night became sexual as she hoped it would, that it would be best if you and I switched positions to keep Freddie away from you. So you see there was already a plan set by Ellie and me to keep you two away from each other."

"Still, I am so sorry for what I did and for holding out on you all these years," I told her and tears began to fall from my face.

"My Jewels, you are forgiven and there is no need to worry about it anymore," she said and pulled my in kissing me on my cheeks to kiss away my tears.

"I think it best, if you don't mind, that we not play around with anyone anymore. While it is fun we have a family and a business to run and I don't want to mess any of that up because we fall for someone we play with."

"I can live with that. While playing around is fun, we are much older and you are all I need in my life. I don't need someone else to satisfy any sexual desires but you," she replied.

From that day forward we have never played with anyone else. All we needed was each other and that life was finally put behind us. Twelve years have gone by and while there have been opportunities we have stuck to our pledge to each other.

Next: Chapter 9

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