Memoirs of a Teenager

By ddrarrow

Published on Jun 23, 2023


Hello guys, what's up?

Once again, I have retreated to my computer to write another chapter of Memoirs of a Teenager. My boredom is practically drowning me.

Alright, legal stuff time.

This story (Memoirs of a Teenager) and all of its parts, components, etc., are copyright of me ( and are not to be copied or distributed without my permission. This story is only to be found on ( and its mirror sites and if you find it somewhere else, please tell me and I will send a pack of flying monkeys after whomever copied my story. Oh, and although this is on an erotic stories archive, there's no erotica. This story's PG-13 to a slight R.

Oh, and if you violate or break any of the above terms, then you are also agreeing to me sending a pack of flying monkeys after you. Mmmhmm.

One more thing, this story is completely fictional, probably since Chapter... Uh, two, I think. That sounds right. Chapter one is partially true, although it is not really part of my past. Everything else, I just made up.

Okay, story time!

Memoirs of a Teenager

Chapter Eight: Spotlights and Skywaves


No answer.


Still no answer.


"Huh!? Wha?"

Everyone around me was giggling. Uh... Crap. Look at the board... Gotta be quick...

"Uhm, "x" is equal to pi over three, two pi over three, 4 pi over three, and five pi over three... Right?"

"...Yes, it is, David."

...Phew. Dozing off in Ms. Souksamlane's class would definitely end up in some form of humorous, yet cruel, punishment. At least I can think quickly on my feet...

"Like a deer in the headlights, you are."

"Oh, shut up, Jake. Besides, I'm not helpless like a deer in the headlights."

"...Fine, then. You win this time."

"...Okay...? Whatever, man. I'm going back to sleep."

"Think again, man."





"What the hell!!"

"See what I mean? C'mon, let's go."

"Grr... Fine, let's go."

I was tired as hell today... What was today, anyways? Uhh... Oh! It's May 8th! Gah, Mondays are the worst!"

"Dude, you sure are tired today... What the hell were you doing last night, man?"

"Uhh... Videogames. Mind-rotting videogames."

"...Huh. So, I guess I'll see you in the cafeteria?"

"You betcha."

"Alright, see ya."

"Later, man."

Jake was now sitting at my table along with the randomly assorted sophomores there. ...Wait... "Randomly assorted"? Isn't that an oxymoron?

Anyways, school life since Elliot's trial has been a mix of good and bad. I'm still being praised a bit for getting rid of the school's biggest nuisance. However, I've also had to deflect rumors that Jake and me are boyfriends and that I'm gay. I mean, sure, those are true, but I don't want the rest of the world to know that, right?

'One night and one more time.

Thanks for the memories, even though they weren't so great.

"He tastes like you, only sweeter..."

One night, yeah, to one more time.

Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories.

"He, he tastes like you, only sweeter..."


The music video for this song sure was on crack. I mean, monkeys!? Come on!

'I'm lookin' forward to the future...

But my eyesight is going bad,

And this crystal ball...

Is always cloudy except for,

When you look into the past...

One night stand...

One night stand-off.'

"One night and one more time,

Thanks for the memories, even though they weren't so great.

"He tastes like you, only sweeter...""


"...Huh?" I looked around. It was Taylor.

"David, what were you saying?"

Crap! Was I singing to myself again?

"Uh... What? I don't think I was saying anything..."

"Huh... Alright then, I guess."

"...Huh. Okay."

...Phew. That was close. I mean, it's nothing big, but when people catch you singing to yourself, it can be a bit embarrassing, right?

"Alright guys," the teacher began. "We'll be watching Rent for the rest of the week as the film for this unit."

Rent, huh? Well, we WERE learning about STDs this unit...

'Five-hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes...'

The entire movie was actually kind of boring, yet random, yet laughable. I mean, it was about AIDS and it would normally be really depressing, but then they would just break out into song and dance, and then the cross-dresser died, and then they broke out into song and dance again. Yep. Pretty random.

"Hey, guys." I said as I sat at my lunch table.

"Oh, hey David." Carson said. "Where's Jake?"

"...Eh. I think he got held up a bit in his Spanish class. Where's Alec and Brit?"

"Uh... Not here yet, I guess."

"Alright. I'm getting something to eat. Be back in a bit."


I stood up and walked to the ice cream truck. I got a bag of Doritos and a Sprite, and I went back inside to find Jake and Carson talking.

"Hey, David!" Jake seemed excited.

"Jake, what's up?"

"Dude! We're in!!"

"What!? Really? That's awesome!"

Jake, Alex, Eli, Eric, and I tried out for the local Variety Show about a week ago. I guess the cuts have been made and we'll be performing then.

"David, it's tonight, you do know that, right?"

"What? Do the others know?"

"Yeah, I told them before I got here. They'll be bringing their stuff over here after school, so you'd better get ready."

"Alright, man."

"Congrats, you two." said Carson.

"Thanks, Carson." I said.

"Hey, you guys. Jake, David, you know you got in, right?" I turned around. It was Brittany.

"Yeah, Brittany. This is great!"

Well... I'll be honest. I can't remember the rest of the school day. I was way too stoked about the Variety Show to remember anything else from that day.

"Hey, guys. You ready?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, let's do this!!" shouted Eli.

"Yeah!" The rest of us said.

"Okay, then..." I began. "We worked for this; let's show that crowd what we've got!"


We were really pumped. Apparently, we were the last act, so we had to put on one hell of a show. Eli moved his drums onstage when the curtains were down, and we started hooking up our rig. I was front and center, Jake was over on my right, and Alex was on my left. Eric was behind us, between Jake and I. Eli was back and center. It took us a couple of minutes, since we used distortion pedals.

Once we were all set up, the MC announced our act.

"Now, then... For the last act; we have Skywaves!"

The curtain rose and the lights flashed on. The spotlight was really bright and was right in my eyes.

"Hey, guys. We're Skywaves. I'm David, and this is Jake, Alex, Eric, and Eli."

The crowd cheered a bit.

"Whooo! Yeah!!"

"Alright, then. This one's called "In Fate's Hands"."

The crowd started cheering even more. Jake started the intro chords, then we jumped straight into the pre-verse.

"GO!" I screamed.

This was it; it was time to do this!

"I remember a year ago, I was standing in the crowd,

Waiting for my chance to break through, my chance to live again.

And now it seems I've found some friends, who finally understand,

What it takes to make this dream come true;

We'll be here 'till the end."

We went to the chorus. I started to scream.


Come dance with me...

And don't you fake it.


Get close to me...

And don't you fake it."

We all went back into the pre-verse. The crowd was really pumped now. A group of kids even went to the area in front of the stage and started up a mosh pit.


"Hey," Alex, Eric, and Jake all said.



"Scream, my friends.

Connect with me and we'll pretend,

This night will never end,"


"This night will never end.





"Go, you'll se,

Together we'll do anything.

This night will never end,"


"This night will never end.


Come dance with me...

And don't you fake it.


Get close to me...

And don't you fake it.

Whoa, I wish I could thank you all,

For what you have done...

All of the things that you, have shared with me.

Whoa... I wish I could take you all...

To where I must go...

Wish I could take you all...

I'll take you with my heart..."

Eric started playing the mini bass solo. Jake was getting ready, too.

We started to scream.

"SHAKE!" Jake screamed.

"GET ON THE FLOOR!" I screamed.











Come dance with me...

And don't you fake it.


Get close to me...

And don't you fake it.

I'm reaching out here to show you,

What we've been through...

I think there's something we can share,

That's completely new.

Or maybe I'm just insane, whoa-oh."

"SHAKE IT! BREAK IT! GET OFF YOUR FEET!!!" Jake and I screamed.

Once our song was over, the curtains closed on us. Our cover sure was a hit.

"Dude!! That was awesome!!! I didn't know you could do that!" Eli was amazed at Jake's screaming ability.

"Yeah, it was a surprise that David and I have been working on for a while now..."

"Well, it was great!"

We all started to pack our stuff up when the MC suddenly shouted,

"Do you guys want an encore or what?!?"


"What!?" I shouted. "An encore?? No way, man..."

The MC peeked out from the other side of the curtain.

"Yeah, they want you. Besides, one of our acts didn't make it, so we've got some time to kill, y'know?"

"Seriously!? Can you guys think of anything else to play?" Alex asked.

"Well... MC, how much time do we have?" I asked.

"Uh... Another ten minutes, I think."

"Sweet. Hey guys, you remember that song I taught you a while back... It was called "Dead!", by My Chem..." I suggested.

"Oh, that's a great idea! Let's do that!"

"Alright, then. Let's go!"

"Sweet! I'll announce you guys." The MC said.

"You guys ready for an encore?!?"


"Alright! Back for another, it's Skywaves!!!"

We all took our positions on stage. Eli started tapping his drumsticks.

"One! Two! One, two, three, four!" Eli said.

Alex and Jake started playing the intro chords.

"YEEEAAHHH!" I shouted. I burst right into the intro solo.

"WHOO-HOO! SKYWAVES!!!" Was shouted from the crowd. The place was now a raging moshpit.

"And if your heart stops beating,

I'll be here wondering,

Did you get what you deserve?

The ending of your life,"

"And if you get to heaven," Jake, Alex, and I all sang.

"I'll be here waiting, babe,

Did you get what you deserve?

The end and if your life won't wait,

Than your heart can't take this,"

"Have... You heard the news that you're dead?" We all sang.

"No one ever had much nice to say.

I think they never liked you anyway,"

"Oh take... Me from the hospital bed..."

"Wouldn't it be grand?

It ain't exactly what you planned.

And wouldn't it be great if we were dead?

Oh, dead..."

I played a little riff to start up the second verse.

"Tongue-tied and oh-so squeamish,

You never fell in love,

Did you get what you deserve?

The ending of your life,"

"And if you get to heaven,"

"I'll be here waiting, babe,

Did you get what you deserve?

The end and if your life won't wait,

Than your heart can't take this,"

The crowd was really getting crazy. There were crowd surfers everywhere and they had a couple of people stand by to make sure they didn't get to the stage.

"Have... You heard the news that you're dead?"

"No one ever had much nice to say.

I think they never liked you anyway,"

"Oh take... Me from the hospital bed..."

"Wouldn't it be grand?

To take a pistol by the hand?

And wouldn't it be great if we were dead,

And in my honest observation,

During this operation,

Found a complication in your heart, so long.

'Cause now you've got maybe,

Maybe just two weeks to live,

Oh, is that the most the both of you can give!?"

I started blazing down the solo. Once we got to the short duet part, Jake and I were playing side-by-side, ala Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance from Avenged Sevenfold. When the solo ended, I ran up to the microphone and shouted,

"You motherfuckers sing along right now!!!"

"La la la la la,

La la la la la,

La la la la la la la..." Jake was singing into my microphone.

"Well, come on!

La la la la la,

La la la la la,

La la la la la la la...

Oh, motherfucker,

If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?

If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?

If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?

If life ain't just a joke, then why are we dead?"

Jake, Alex, and I played the last few chords, then we all shouted into my microphone,


"WHOOOOOOOO!!!!" the crowd yelled. The place was surging with energy, and Jake suddenly leaned over and kissed me on the lips. The euphoria from the performance was definitely surging through the two of us, and before we knew it, we were making out onstage.

There were a few whistles and cat-calls before we finally separated and ran backstage.

"Jake... I can't believe you did that!!"

"Yeah... Me neither... You do know what this means, right?"

"...Yeah... The newspaper's gonna be all over this, I think..."

"But it'll be for the best of us. What if some bimbo tries to take you away from me, or me away from you? That'd be so awkward if we had to keep acting."

"You've got a point."

Well, it took us forever to find a way to do it, but we did.

We took the next step; we came out together.


...Okay. ...Yeah. I've been getting a few emails from this dude who's kinda creepin' me out 'cuz he wants Jake and David to, well, you know... "Do it".

But that's just waaaay too awkward for me to write about.

Feedback, including but not limited to: questions, comments, suggestions, and flames, are to be sent to ( Each email helps another kid escape the clutches of Sally Struthers the Hutt.

Next: Chapter 9

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