Memoirs of a Teenager

By ddrarrow

Published on Jun 28, 2023


Hello, everybody.

...Well, I'm bored yet again, so I guess I should start, uh, storytelling, I guess.

This story (Memoirs of a Teenager) and all of its components, parts, etc., are copyright of me ( and you may not copy or reproduce any part of my story without my permission. This story is only to be shown on the Nifty Erotic Stories Archive as of, well, when you are reading this. If you find any part of my story elsewhere on the web, please notify me and I will beat whomever copied my story with one of those foam noodle things. Same goes if you copy or reproduce my story. You get beaten with a foam noodle thingy.

Although this story is being shown on an erotic stories archive, there is pretty much zero erotica in this story. Additionally, this story is pretty much fiction.

Memoirs of a Teenager

Chapter Nine: A Chance Meeting

The school year is finally ending! Today's the last day of school, June 20th. It's actually pretty ridiculous since everyone else got out of school, like, TWO WEEKS AGO. What a bummer for us.

"Dude, why are we still in school?" Jake was definitely not used to being in school for so long.

"Well, I honestly don't know. I think that the superintendent is a jerk and won't let us get out when everyone else gets out." I replied.

"Well, it might also be because of that blizzard that happened a while back..." Mr. Dorman said. Mr. Dorman was our Biology teacher. Well, we were doing nothing, so we started to talk about random stuff.

"Yeah. A few years back, we had this crazy blizzard and we had a week of school off. In response, the superintendent made the school days longer in order to make more snow days available." Alex said.

"So basically, we have these blank school days that are making the year longer, huh?" Jake said.

"Yep. Pretty much."

We chit-chatted a bit longer, then Alex brought out a deck of cards and the four of us started playing Egyptian Ratscrew until the period ended. I had the best reflexes out of the four of us, so it was no surprise that I dominated the game.

Once the bell sounded, Alex put the cards away and we all walked towards our final classes. Jake and I were holding hands on the way there. Ever since the Variety Show incident, we've been able to be open about ourselves in public. Sure, there was the occasional asshole who just had to butt in and try to make us miserable, but overall, we were really happy about our places in life.

"So, how long have you been going out?" Alex asked.

"Uh... I guess since the 15th of February..." I said.

"Aww, you remembered!" Jake said.

"Of course! I'd never forget that day!" I shouted.

"Aww, look at the two boyfriends!" Somebody was behind us. I turned around, and it was some junior.

"...Huh? What do you want?" I asked.

"You're a little fairy, and so is your faggot boyfriend."

"...So? Not like we're picking a fight or anything." Jake said.

"Well, I am!" he shouted.

"Jake, stand back!" I barked.

"Let's go, David!" Alex said.

"Stand back! I don't want to sound like an asshole, but he wants me, not you." I said.

"Oh... Alright then. I know you can take care of yourself."

"Of course." I shot a slight smile back at Alex and Jake.

"What are you three muttering about? You faggots better watch yourselves..."

"...Come again?" I was putting on a face of apathy. If I triggered him, I knew that it would result in a fight, but if I walked away, it would end up in something bigger happening later in the day.

"You punk-ass faggot fairy!" he exclaimed.

He rushed me. It was about half of a second before I lifted my leg and sidekicked him in the gut. I didn't even have my hands up in a guarding position.

"Gha...!" was all he managed to get out before he slid backwards.

I assumed a more traditional fighting stance.

"Please, stop this. I don't want to have to fight you. Just walk away."

"How dare you!!"

He charged at me again, his left fist ready for a strike. I caught it with my right hand and deflected the momentum of his body to my right, also sending him into a wall.

"Hey, Cory... Do you know who this guy is?" There was another junior helping the first one up.

"What does it matter? He's a freshman fairy faggot! I'll pummel him!"

"He's the kid who beat up those other two guys a few months back!"

"Uh... Excuse me," I interrupted. "Sorry to interrupt, but I don't want to seem like such an asshole. "Beat up" just has that connotation, you know? I only defended myself, like I'm doing now."

"Oh, alright, then." the second junior said. "Anyways, he's way out of your league. Just stop this, man!"

"Never!!" the first junior yelled. He pulled out a knife. Deja vu, I guess.

Before he could take two steps, I was already running towards the other end of the hallway. Jake and Alex were running with me as well.

"Alex! Open up my backpack!" I barked. Alex opened up my backpack, and then I reached behind me and produced a pair of escrima sticks.

"What are you doing with these!?" Alex said.

"Thought I'd need a little extra defense ever since the incident back in February. Now hurry up, they'll be catching up soon."

We all ran around the corner, then I commanded Alex and Jake to stop. I waited for about five seconds when I heard running footsteps from where we just were.

"I'm gonna kill you, you fairy bastard!"

As the junior rounded the corner, I swung out a stick to hit him in the chest. Oldest trick in the book. He stumbled a bit, then I struck his wrist to make him drop his knife.

"Gha!!" he yelled. Once again, I kicked the knife away.

"Now, will you please stop? You should have more sense than that Elliot kid, so I'm expecting you to stop and walk away. I don't want any of this crap happening again, okay?"

"Grr..." He saw that he had no chance now. "Fine, then. I'll leave, you punk."

"Okay, see ya. Have a nice day." I said.

"Hah," he laughed. "You too, punk." He went down the hallway towards the staircase, probably to his next class.

"Hey... Are you alright?" It was the second junior.

"Uh... I'm just fine." I said.

"Sorry about Cory... He can be really stubborn and homophobic sometimes..."

"Yeah, so I've noticed. Well, I've gotta go."

"Okay, then."

"Alright." Alex, Jake, and I started to walk down the hallway to our classes.

"Hey, the name's Brandon!"

I turned around. "David." I said, with a slight grin.


We went our separate ways.

"Man... This is becoming a pain..." Jake said.

"Well, don't worry. I'll always be here for us." I said.

"Okay, then... Well, I've gotta go to my next class. See ya later, guys."

"Bye, Jake." Alex and I said.

"Dude... I still don't understand why people can be so stupid."

"Think in a Hobbesian sort of view; people are just inherently "evil". Or, in this case, stupid." I said.

"Hm... You've got a point. Anyways, I'll see you later, alright?"

"You betcha."

Once the school day was over, Jake and I rode to my house while Alex walked home.

"We're free! Freeeeeeeeeeee...."

"Jake, stop."

"I'm sorry. It's just that... I'm finally free of that damn prison!"

"Yeah... You've got a point. So, when is your mom picking us up from my place?"

"Uh... About 5:00."

"Alright. That gives me plenty of time to get my stuff ready."

My parents agreed to me staying over at Jake's house for about a week or so, which was pretty cool of them.

"So, what should I bring?" I asked.

"Uh... Well, about four days' worth of clothes. My mom can wash them once you run out of stuff to wear."


"Oh, and your guitar and Tae Kwon Do stuff, too."

"Oh. Of course."

Once everything was ready, we waited for Jake's mom to pick us up.

"Ready, boys?"

"Yeah, let's go, mom." Jake said.

We went over to Jake's house. I dropped off all of my stuff in Jake's room and then Jake's mom called us down.

"Guys, class is starting in twenty minutes! Move it!"

"Okay, mom!" Jake said from upstairs. Jake was now taking Tae Kwon Do with Alex and I.

We went back into the car and Jake's mom drove us to the studio.

"So, I heard that there was another fight in school today," Jake's mom said.

"Yeah. This junior was attacking us, so I had to defend myself. Eventually, Jake will also be able to defend himself. Right, Jake?"

"Right! I'm already testing for my orange belt in about a week!"

"Yeah. You're progressing smoothly." I said. Jake was almost an orange belt, while Alex was a blue belt and I was a red belt.

We met up with Alex inside the studio, and then Jake and I went into the changing rooms to change. Alex walked to the studio in his uniform so that he wouldn't have to change.

"Don't be frisky, you two..." Alex teased.

"Yeah, yeah... Whatever." Jake said.

We got changed and then we went into the studio to warm up. They had just put in this crazy torture-looking device that actually helped to stretch out your hips, like a split, but sitting down. I was the most flexible, at 165 degrees, which was strange, since I was also the largest of us three.

Once class started, we got into sparring techniques and a few self-defense grapples and wrist locks.

"See ya, guys." Alex said as he was leaving the studio.

"Alright. See ya later." Jake said.

We walked outside and waited for Jake's mom. While we were waiting, we discussed what we would do over the next week.

"Hey, do you wanna go to Ultrazone on Saturday?" I suggested.

"What's Ultrazone?" Jake asked.

"Oh... Well, it's a laser tag place. It'll be lots of fun, I swear! And if we go on Saturday, then we can buy unlimited play wristbands and play until 1:00 in the morning!"

"Wow! That's sounds fun! Let's do that!"

"Alrighty then."

And so we waited. Thursday and Friday consisted of sleeping, cuddling, eating, crapping, and watching TV. Oh, and of course, bathing. Hygiene equals good.

"Hey, mom! Let's go already!"

"Come on, Jake. Be a little patient." I said.

"Oh, alright."

"Okay, guys! Let's go!"

"Alright mom!"

Jake's mom brought us to Ultrazone, and gave each of us twenty dollars to spend for the night. An unlimited play wristband was eleven dollars, so that left nine dollars for each of us for the assorted arcade games there. I quickly turned the remaining money into quarters a bought a soda. Then, I walked over to the DDR machine.

"Dude, you can actually play this?" Jake asked. "For some reason, I just can't play this game."

"Of course you can. It's a rhythm-based game, and you're in a band, so you should have some rhythm, right?"

"Well... Meh. I'm probably not gonna play anyways. I'll just watch you.

"Eh. Suit yourself."

I popped in the six (yes, six; it was a new machine) quarters and started my game. I'd been playing DDR since sixth grade, so I was very capable of Expert Mode (previously called Heavy Mode, but the difficulties got renamed since this was a new DDR Supernova machine). I amazed the small crowd there and then went into the "briefing room" when they announced that a game was starting. Jake had never been to an Ultrazone before, but the Game Master there did a fairly good job of explaining the rules.

"So, chest and back are an instant kill, shoulders and laser are stun points?" Jake asked.

"Yep. And each of the bases are worth 2000 points, the sentinel is 1000. Hitting someone in the shoulder or laser is, uh... 250 points, I think, and the chest and back are worth 500. The baby starlights subtract 250 points per hit, and getting shot takes away half of the area's point value from your score. But you shouldn't worry about the technical stuff. Just shoot other people and don't get shot. Oh, and try not to shoot people on you own team. That too." I explained.

"Okay, let's go!"

We all went in, and I told Jake to fallow me around for the first couple of games. I showed him the general layout of the arena and we worked as a team. I got 16850 points, scoring a first place overall, and Jake wasn't so bad; he got about 5500 points.

Afterwards, we started to develop strategies; sometimes we would seize the top floor where the Sentinel was with a few teammates and go sniping, and sometimes we would camp for a while at each base so that we could both get the points for the bases. There was this one time where we kept following a group of about six people who didn't even notice that we were there!

Eventually, we got a bit tired and took a break. It was about 10:00 when Jake and I stepped outside to get some fresh air.

"Man... That was great!" Jake said.

"What do you mean, "was"?" We're still going until 1:00 in the morning!"

"Dude, you're crazy."

"...So? Got a problem?"

"Nope. I like crazy."

"Alright, then."

"Hey... It's kinda dark... Let's go over to that alley over there and... You know..."

"Make out? I'd love to, but you never know what might happen..."

"...Yeah, for all we know, that's where MJ lives."

"Aieeeee... Not Mr. Jackson!"

"Hahah... So... Do you wanna?"

"Meh. Sure."

We went into the dark alley and, well, you know, made out. You don't need a description, do you?

After a few minutes, we started walking back towards the Ultrazone building.

"That was fun." I said.

"Yep. So-"

"Hold on!" I whispered. "What was that?"

"What was what?" Jake asked. He could sense my sudden anxiety.

"Right now, I just heard some footsteps... Who's there? Show yourself!"

No more sound. Not even breathing other than Jake's and my own.

"Hmm..." I said. "Maybe it was my imagination?"

"Hopefully, it is. Besides, if it was a bad guy, you'd protect me, right?"

"Of course, man. Nobody's gonna hurt you as long as I'm here."

"Hey, I'm starting to get the hang of martial arts too, you know."

"Okay, then. You're on your own, pal."


"Kidding, kidding... Anyways, let's go back. I feel like playing a few more rounds."

"Alrighty then. Let's go."

We went back inside and played another round of laser tag. Jake and I teamed up with another kid, Cody, who had a mutual friend with me. Well, sorta.

It worked out kinda like this. Cody dated a girl named Christy who was a friend of mine from middle school. After two days, she broke up with him and found some other guy. I met Cody last Saturday when I was at Ultrazone, and when he found out that I went to the same school as Christy, we started talking and stuff.

Anyways, Cody was really good at laser tag, so it usually ended up with him and I on one team and everyone else on the other two teams if there aren't a lot of people. We don't always have the highest team score, since we only have two people, but we usually end up as the top two scorers of the game.

After that game, the three of us went outside and crossed the street to get to the 7-11. We got a few slurpees and went back into Ultrazone. We were sitting down somewhere and just, well, slurping away at our slurpees.

"So, what school do you go to, Jake?" asked Cody.

"Well, I go to the same school as David: Yorktown. You?"

"I go to J.E.B. Stuart."

"Oh, that's cool."

"Hang on, guys. I'll be right back." I said. I went off to the bathroom.

While I was pissing, I heard the door open. I heard a few footsteps, but knowing about common courtesy, didn't turn around to see who it was. I mean, it's kind of a strange position to be in if you're pissing and you say "Hi." to a total stranger walking into the bathroom.

When I was done, I went to the sink and washed my hands. (Duh.) However, I noticed that there was nobody in the bathroom... It didn't make a lot of sense, seeing as I didn't hear the door open again... How strange...

"Hey guys, I'm back." I announced.

"Alright." Cody said. "So, what's California like?"

"What did I miss?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing much. We were just talking about where I used to live, that's all." Jake said.

"So, what's California like?" Cody asked.

"Well, it's not much different from here. Just, well, warmer, I guess."


"Well, it's about midnight, so we should be going. My mom's waiting outside, David."

"Oh, crap!" Cody shouted. "I don't have a ride home!"

"Dude, it's okay. You can chill with us for the night. Is that okay, David?"

"Eh. Fine by me, just make sure your mom's cool with it, okay?"


Once it was cleared with Jake's mom, we all made our way back to Jake's house. We all stayed up late and watched some late night TV. Eventually, Jake and I got up and went into Jake's room. Cody would just be sleeping on the couch, since it would be kind of awkward if he saw Jake and I sharing a bed, and there wasn't any more room in Jake's room for Cody to sleep on.

"Are you sure you're alright down there?" I asked.

No response. Looks like he's already asleep, I guess. I went back down and turned off the TV, then went back up and snuggled with Jake for a while.

"Good night, David."

"'Night, Jake." I said sleepily.

"Hey, David?"

"Yeah, Jake?"

"I love you."

And with that, Jake leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. We probably fell asleep sometime around 2:00 in the morning, meaning that we would probably wake up at 2:00 in the afternoon.

And so we did. Jake and I woke up at 2:04, I think. We were still in the same position as we were in last night.

"Morning, guys." Cody said.

"Hey... Uh, it's actually two in the... SHIT!!" Jake shouted. "What the hell are you doing here??"

"Uh... I know this is kind of awkward-"

"Really?" I retorted.

"Hold on, guys... It's just... Well..."


"I was just sort of... Uh... Fascinated, I guess..."

"You... You've gotta be kidding..." I sighed. "What do you mean, "fascinated"?"

"Well, it's just... I mean, I've never really thought that two guys sleeping together was really, well, "right". But now that I've seen you two, well, uh..."

"Sleeping in the same bed?"

"...Yeah, well, it just made something click in my head, like I feel that maybe I should be doing that too?"

"What? Sleeping with my boyfriend?" I blurted out. Shit, I said too much.

"That's what I thought. I was suspecting you two of being a couple for a little bit... Anyways, it makes me feel as if I should be going out with guys instead of, uh, girls."

"Yeah... I dunno what to say, except that you should just follow your heart. I said.

"Well, this sure was an awkward way to start my day." Jake said.

"Hey, that rhymed!" Cody said.

"Yeah, anyways, let's get some breakfast."

"Lunch, Jake. Remember, we went to bed late."

"Whatever. I'm hungry." Cody chimed in.

"Yeah, let's go down already." Jake said. "Oh, and you gotta leave first, Cody."


"Think about it. Now get outta here."

Once Cody left, we got out of bed and put on some shorts over our boxers. Jake's parents weren't in the house, apparently.

"Hey, Jake... Your parents had to leave to see a client or something." Cody yelled from downstairs.

"Oh yeah... That's right. Okay then. Thanks." Jake said as we were going downstairs.

"What do your parents do again?" I asked.

"Oh, my parents are in the real estate business."

"Really? My dad works in the Department of Real Estate Assessments for the government."

"That's cool."

We cooked up some leftover food from, uh... One, two weeks ago, maybe? After we ate, some common sense finally came into my head.

"Hey, Cody?"


"Shouldn't we call your parents?"

"Hmm... That's a good idea... I hope they're not pissed or anything..."

While Cody was calling his house, Jake and I went into the living room and laid together on the couch. After a couple of minutes, Cody walked into the living room.

"Hey, guys. My mom said that it was cool that you guys let me stay the night. She totally forgot about me. She wants to thank your parents for letting me stay over and she says that I can spend the rest of the day with you guys."

"No problem," said Jake. "But what do you wanna do today?"

"I'm pretty sure that this place is close to Ballston..." I said.

"Ballston? What's that?" Jake asked.

"Ballston Common Mall. It's a shopping center." Cody said.

"That sounds like a great idea! Let's go, then!"

"Alright, then. Shall we?" I said.

"Yeah!" Jake said.

It was only a ten minute walk to Ballston from Jake's house. We did a bit of window shopping, then we all went to Cold Stone to buy some ice cream. As I was making my order, I glanced over at Jake, and he suddenly had a look of astonishment on his face, followed by an expression of terror.

"Jake... What's wrong?" Cody asked.

"David, Cody, I'm sorry, but we have to go." Jake replied softly.

"Why?" I asked. I followed his eyes, and then I realized what was going on.

"Hello, Jake. Hello, David."

It was Josh.

Alrighty... The story is coming to a close; you just read the second to last chapter, guys.

Any and all feedback should be sent to ( and can include: suggestions, questions, comments, and/or flames. Yes, I know I'm a little strange for accepting flames, but it'll help me to write my blacklist. ^_^ (Not really.)

Next: Chapter 10

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