
By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Aug 2, 2009


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.


Part Two

By Chris

As she lay naked in her bed, all she could think about was Felicia and she felt like a schoolgirl after her first kiss. She had a somewhat active sex life in college but no kiss then could compare to the effect that Felicia's kiss had on her right now. She just lay there and thought about that kiss and all the future kisses that she hoped would come. Sleep did come however it took a while.

She hadn't been up long when her phone rang and it was Joyce trying to find out how the date went. Monica pretended not to know what she was talking about and that brought forth a few choice words from Joyce and that made Monica laugh. Then she proceeded to tell here everything including the kiss. Joyce was pleased and of course she asked if she got another date which Monica was happy to say that she did.

Once she got off the phone, she went about cleaning her house and getting her laundry done. It wasn't too exciting but it had to be done. That afternoon she went and found another table to work on, and then she got a couple of her neighbor boys to help her get it up into her condo. Then she set to work getting sweaty quickly as she tried to get all the old polish off so that she could see what the wood was like underneath. She worked most of the evening before getting ready for bed. She planned to get up early and work on her new table then take a short nap before heading into work.

That night was again a busy one as every Monday seemed to be but she pitched in and helped get the products put up and even ship out a little. She had to work over about a half hour before she was able to leave. As she pulled into the parking lot of the diner, she saw that Felicia was busy serving a customer but she also noticed that she was also looking out the window. Monica first saw the look of concern on Felicia's face but then it turned into a smile of relief. This warmed Monica's heart and she was smiling at seeing Felicia waiting for her to arrive.

"Hi there, Felicia." Monica said as she sat down, thought she wanted to say "Hi there honey or sweetie" but since there was a man sitting three stools down she had to keep her greeting neural.

"Hey there, did you have a good evening?" Felicia asked as she set Monica's coffee cup on the counter and she gave her a soft smile.

"Not too bad but it is much better now." Monica said as she gave Felicia a wink which caused Felicia to blush a little.

"That's good to know." Felicia said as she smiled at her then she got her order and Juan cooked it as he was standing at the grill taking their little exchange in. Monica then began to suspect that he knew about their dates over the weekend and she wondered what he said to Felicia about them but she would wait till later to ask her about it. There were several other customers in the diner so they didn't get to talk much so after eating, Monica paid and she told Felicia that she would see her tomorrow.

"Wait a minute and I'll walk you out." Felicia said surprising Monica more than a little but she wasn't about to argue. And then again she couldn't as Felicia had disappeared through the door leading to the back where Juan was. A minute or two later Felicia came out with Juan in tow and she came on around the counter to where Monica was standing. Felicia grabbed Monica's hand dragging her out the doors and Monica glance at Juan who had a bemused smile on his face.

Felicia took her around to the end of the small building thus out of site of the front windows and prying eyes, "I don't have much time as who knows when someone might come in but I did want to spend a little time with you. I have been thinking about you a lot."

"I'm glad that you did, I have been thinking about you even since I dropped you off Saturday night." Monica said as she opened her arms and pulled Felicia into her body.

Felicia didn't resist in the least, she just came forward and seem to melt into Monica's arms. Monica rubbed Felicia's back as she held her and then she realized that this was the first time that she actually got to hold Felicia and she definitely didn't want it to be the last. She also wanted to hold her for the rest of the night but she knew that wouldn't be possible. So she held her as long as she dared and then she felt Felicia start to pull away. Monica released her but let her hands slip to Felicia's hips holding her close.

"Would you mind if I kiss you goodnight." Monica asked her.

"No but the owner might, but since she isn't here right now, I say go for it." Felicia said grinning.

But then before Monica could lean in, she felt Felicia's right hand go behind her neck and she pulled Monica's head down to hers. Monica felt Felicia's lips touch hers and it was as beautiful as their first kiss. Monica gripped Felicia's hips pulling her in tight as both of their lips parted slightly and the kiss became a bit more passionate. Monica heard a little moan come from Felicia's mouth and she moaned too. However Felicia suddenly pulled away, giving Monica a sweet smile then she kissed her lightly on the lips before turning and heading back toward the entrance to the diner. Monica was left standing there wanting more and as Felicia turned to go inside she gave her a wave. Monica just had to smile at her friend then she walked back over to her car. Once inside, she looked inside the diner to see Juan and Felicia talking. Monica gave a big wave to Felicia just to see what she would do and she found out as Felicia smiled broadly and waved back.

Monica pulled on out and headed home with a huge smile on her face as she thought about Felicia and how daring she was becoming. Maybe she just needed someone who cared deeply about her to let her emotions show. Monica thought about these things as she drove home, then she set about working on her table so work off the excess energy that she had.

Tuesday and Wednesday morning as Monica went to leave, Felicia followed her out and they hugged for a moment and then Felicia kissed her goodnight but they were short kisses as Felicia was fearful of someone pulling in on them but Monica didn't care, she got a kiss and she drove home feeling that she was more flying than driving. Thursday for some reason was very busy at the diner and they didn't get to talk much nor did Felicia get to come out with her. However they were able to decide on a time for Monica to come and pick her up.

On the way home that evening, Monica thought about just what she was going to do with Felicia that evening. She knew that she had hit a home run with the play but now what. She wanted something special but she knew she couldn't keep hitting home runs every weekend and sooner or later she would have to do something less exciting. And after thinking all week, she was beginning to think that Friday night was going to be one of those nights. She worried about it all the way home and then as she worked on her table for a few minutes. She still hadn't come up with anything when she went in to take a nap but as she was waking up, she thought about something that they had talked about a couple of weeks back when they saw a couple of men come in with their bowling team shirts on. Felicia had mentioned that bowling looked interesting. So she knew just what they would do that night. She had only bowled a few times so it should be a fun time for them both. Now that the decision was made, she felt a lot better and she was able to go and take her shower and get ready for her date. But now she didn't know what to wear, since she had just decided what they were going to do, they obviously couldn't have discussed what each would wear. Normally Monica would wear jeans or even shorts since it was the beginning of summer and thus hot outside. She looked around her closet and then her dresser where she found a pair of shorts that she hadn't worn since college. She pulled them out and decided that after a bit of ironing, they would look just fine. She found a blouse that would go with them and ironed both before putting them on and deciding that it didn't look half bad.

She left a little early so that she could see just when Felicia would come through the gate but she was already there, which didn't surprise Monica in the least. As she pulled up, she saw that Monica had a flowered printed sun dress. Monica now wished that she had been able to call Felicia and ask her about going bowling but she didn't have her number so that wasn't possible. She got out and came around the car and went to Felicia giving her a quick kiss.

"I love those shorts, they're so cute." Felicia said as she held Monica back so that she could see her.

"Thank you, I've had them for years. You look great in that dress." Monica told her.

"And thank you, it too is old. So what are we going to do tonight?" She asked.

"Well I thought about getting a bit to eat somewhere and then maybe go bowling. But we can do something else if you like." Monica told her.

"Cool, that sounds great to me but I think I need to change, it will be hard to bowl in this dress." Felicia told her.

"I should have called you and asked but I didn't have your number." Monica said as more of a hint than anything.

"That can be easily fixed. Come on in as I find some jeans or shorts to wear." Felicia said as she took Monica by the hand leading her toward the gate.

Felicia was talking away about going bowling, something she had never done before as they went through the gate. The first thing that Monica saw was a beautiful flower garden with a large oak tree in the middle providing shade for the benches and table scattered around it. She looked from the garden to see that the apartments were spread around the garden in a squared off C, each connected to the other and there was a porch in front of each. It was all beautiful and Monica could see why Felicia liked living there. Monica didn't realize that she had stopped until she felt and saw a smiling Felicia tugging on her hand.

"This is beautiful, are the apartments expensive?" Monica couldn't help but to ask.

"A little bit but my parents help me out a little and the owner made me a deal plus she owns the diner too so that was a part of the deal too." Felicia told her and she looked at Monica to see if that bothered her that she was getting help with the rent.

"That's great, it seems like a secure place and that is worth the money." Monica assured her and she gave her hand a squeeze.

"Yea we all look out for each other here. I would say that you probably have about ten people looking at you right now, checking you out." Felicia said and Monica stopped and looked around and then she heard Felicia laugh.

"Oh you little asshole!" Monica told as she pulled on her hand.

"Actually it is more like five people at most." Felicia told her and Monica wasn't so sure that Felicia was pulling her leg this time as she was still smiling but not as broadly. Felicia kept taking as they went toward one of the corner apartment. There she let them in and Monica's first impression was how airy and full of light the apartment was.

"So what do you think?" Felicia asked.

"I love it; you've done a great job decorating it." Monica told her.

"Thanks, most of the stuff came with the apartment then I have added some things as I could afford them. Come on and I'll take you through the rest of the place." Felicia said as she again took Monica's hand and lead her back to the two small bedrooms and the bathroom, and then on to the kitchen and finally back to the living room. Monica could see how proud of the place Felicia was and Monica made sure to let her know how much she liked the apartment. Then Felicia left her in the living room as she went to change her clothes. Monica wandered around the room trying to get a feel for this woman she was so enamored with. There weren't that many pictures around and very few of what she thought would be her parents. There were no childhood pictures just more recent pictures and from them, she couldn't tell much about her or her parents. She also noticed that there weren't any pictures of friends on any vacation pictures. She then noticed a calendar by the door leading to the kitchen. She walked over to it and there she noticed that someone had written in things that Felicia needed to do, like pay the rent and do her bills. Then on each Friday was written, "Mom's visit". Monica figured that it was her mom that had filled out the calendar as she seemed to have made that day special in the way she had written the letters. Monica then heard Felicia calling out to her that she was about ready, so she stepped away from the calendar and sat down on the arm of the couch.

"So how do I look now?" Felicia asked as she stepped into the living room a couple of minutes later.

Monica's eyes were drawn to the tight tee shirt that Felicia was wearing. She didn't have large breasts; they did appear larger than they were with the way the tee shirt formed around them. Then her eyes went down to Felicia's shorts which went down to mid thigh and they were also slightly tight but not as much as the tee shirt was. "You look great." Monica finally said and she knew that Felicia could tell that she was taking in her body and that she didn't seem to mind that she was doing so.

"Thanks, I need to go buy some new clothes but I just can't afford it right now." Felicia said as she came over to her.

"Honey, you look fine in what you're wearing right now." Monica told her as she leaned forward and gave her a kiss.

"Thanks again, now how about us go get something to eat. I haven't had anything since early this morning and I'm starving." Felicia told her.

"So what do you want to eat?" Monica asked her as they went out the door and Felicia locked it.

"You're driving, you decide." Felicia told her.

"Oh no, I decided what we are going to do tonight and I picked the last place that we ate at, so you have to pick tonight." Monica told her.

Felicia thought for a moment then a huge grin came across her face, "How about Fred's Juicy Burger Barn, I love their burgers."

"Then off to Fred's we go." Monica said as she as she grabbed Felicia's hand and they walked out to where she had parked the car.

When they got to Fred's, they both ordered a big burger and no fires as the burger alone would fill them up without any problem, plus since they were going bowling afterwards, they didn't want to be too full. The burgers were as juicy as advertized and they both had to put napkins on their laps and then across their chests to keep the juices from ruining their tops. And they weren't the only ones doing that as most of the women had done that to keep their clothes clean and unstained. They enjoyed their burgers and got their cokes to go as Felicia was getting excited about going bowling for the first time.

Monica hadn't planned on getting to the bowling alley so early but she wasn't about to take her time in getting there. Felicia was so excited and it was rubbing off on her. So she whipped across town to the alley. Bowling was big in this small town so they had one of the largest bowling alleys in the state with thirty-six lanes to bowl on. They got there a little before six so it was well before families or daters got there. Only about a third of the lanes were in use so they had their choice of lanes. They paid for their shoes and got their scoring sheet. Monica guided Felicia over to the very end so that they would have only one lane to worry about and not bowlers to each side. They put their bowling shoes on then went to look for some bowling balls. Monica went for a slightly heavier ball and she tried to get Felicia to go for a lighter ball. She did look at a few but she kept going back to the same weight ball as Monica.

Once the balls was picked out and taken to their lane, Monica took Felicia behind their lane and she showed Felicia the proper footwork in approaching the lane and then the way to bring the ball back then forward letting it go just at the right time. She had Felicia do it a few times but really after the first time, she seemed to have it down pat. So they went back to the lane and they each agreed that they would do one frame without scoring and then they would keep score. Monica had at first suggested that they don't keep score but Felicia would have none of that. She wanted to keep score even if Monica beat her pants off.

So Monica got up first and she said to Felicia, "Watch what I do." She lined herself up in the center of the lane then brought up her ball. She took in a deep breath and then relaxed. Then as she started to put her right leg forward, her mind got to working to fast as she wanted to show Felicia the perfect way to roll the ball down the lane, and she stopped her right foot, then went to step with her left foot. Then she stopped again and started with her right. At this point, she should have stopped and started again but her mind went past that thought much too quickly and onto the next one which propelled her forward. She got a step or two toward the lane when her legs got all screwed up and she almost fell. At this point the ball came forward and Monica was forced to let go of it. As she fell onto the lane she saw the ball go upward at a right angle, land in the lane next to them, rolled into and almost out of the gully, then it went on down the lane hitting nothing of course.

Monica turned to look at Felicia who was standing by the scorer's table and she said quiet seriously, "So that is the way you are suppose to roll the ball down the lane. It wasn't anything like what you showed me a few minutes ago."

Monica was shocked for a second them Felicia broke out laughing at her or rather with her as Monica while blushing quiet profusely she laid down on the floor and burst out laughing at herself. Felicia came over to her and tried to help her stand up but they were both laughing so hard that Felicia ended up on top of her. They sat there and laughed so hard that they both had tears coming down their eyes. It was only when they realized that everyone in the bowling alley was looking at the two fools laughing on the floor, so they managed to get up and go back to the bench behind the lane.

Just when Monica got her laughing under control, Felicia said, "Can you show me again how to do that, I'm not sure that I have it down yet."

"If I do that again, we're leaving this place and I'm never showing my face around here again." Monica said with a laugh.

"I didn't mean to laugh at you, but it was so funny." Felicia told her after they both got calmed down.

"Oh hell, don't worry about that honey; if I saw you do that, you can bet your ass that I will be laughing at you." Monica said as grinned at her.

"Fair enough," Felicia said with a laugh. "So you want me to go first?"

"No way, I'm going to do this right, even if it kills me." Monica said as she got up.

She went over to the ball return on the other lane and got her ball. She went back to her lane and started the process again. This time she made her mind go blank as she relaxed and then when she started her feet, they actually worked right this time as the ball stayed in her lane. Monica was glad that it didn't even go into the gully, though it also only knocked down one pin.

Monica turned around facing Felicia taking a deep bow and she said, "Now that is the way it is done."

Felicia came back with a quick reply, "But isn't the objective of the game is to hit more than one pin?"

"Oh shut up you piss ant." Monica said smiling and Felicia laughed at her.

Monica waited for her ball to return then she lined herself up again. This time she was able to knock down six more pins. It wasn't great but better than the way she first started out.

The machine swept the remaining pins away and set another ten down. She walked up with Felicia and got her lined up in the lane. Then she stepped back to allow Felicia to bowl. Felicia only hesitated for a second before she went into her delivery. Monica had to admit that her form was pretty good but her ass was even better. She had a hard time not watching it and watching the ball which struck to the left side knocking down four pins. Felicia gave out a squeal and she came running back to Monica giving her an excited hug.

"Did you see what I did?" Felicia asked gleefully.

"Yep, you did better than me but you got one more ball to roll. See if you can get the rest of them?" Monica told her and she pushed her back, turning her around toward the ball return.

Monica helped her line up this time going a bit more to the left of the lane so that she would have a better chance of getting the rest of the pins. She stood back and watched as Felicia walked gracefully forward and then swinging the ball. Monica could now see that Felicia had some natural athletic ability. She took her eyes off of Felicia's ass long enough to see the ball go too far to the left hitting only two pins. Felicia turned around looking a little disappointed that she didn't knock the rest of the pins down.

"Hey that was great, you only got one less than me." Monica told her.

Felicia had a little pout then she got this wicked smile on her face and she quipped, "Yea but you took three balls to get those pins."

"Oh shut up," Monica said with a laugh. Then she gave her a hug.

"So you ready to start for real or do you want another practice frame?" Monica asked her.

"Let's start; I'm ready to kick some ass." Felicia told her as she gave her a hug.

"The only ass that is going to get kicked, my dear friend, is yours." Monica said as she was just as completive as Felicia appeared to be.

"Oh I think that maybe a little wager is in order then." Felicia told her as she looked at her closely.

"What do you have in mind?" Monica asked curious what Felicia would come up with.

"You have paid for everything we have done so far and you wouldn't let me pay for the burgers and I know you have no intention of letting pay for this so I say the winner pays." Felicia told her.

"No I'm going to pay, let's wager for something else." Monica told her.

"What you afraid you are going to lose to a beginner?" Felicia asked her in a more than changeling voice.

"Okay winner pays, but keep your money in your pocket, it's not going anywhere." Monica said as she gave Felicia a kiss then she got up to bowl her first frame.

They took their time bowling and just having fun until they got go the last frame and Felicia was ahead by two pins. Monica was up first and she got six on her first roll then with a little luck she was able to knock down the other four on her next roll thus giving her an extra roll.

"Did you see that?" Monica said excitedly as she came back to the scoring table.

"Yea that was great." Felicia said as she gave her a high five. "Now go for a strike girl."

"I don't know about that, neither of us have gotten close to doing that tonight." Monica told her as she went to get her ball and try for that strike. However she came up one pin short.

"Now you need a strike to beat me." Monica told her, see I told you that I would be paying tonight.

"Hold your horses, this game isn't over yet and we got more games to play don't we?" she asked.

"Oh yea, at least two more," Monica assured her taking a little pressure off of her.

However Felicia put a bit too much pressure on herself and she ended up sending the ball into the gutter. "That's okay; you can still get a spare if you knock them down with this ball." Monica assured her.

Felicia smiled but Monica could see the determination on Felicia's face as she got her ball and stood ready to bowl. She hesitated for a moment longer than usual then she went into motion. Monica had her fingers crossed and she did want Felicia to do better, and she did getting all of the pins to drop except one which wavered a little before settling back down.

"Damn!" Felicia said as she came back and sat beside of Monica.

"That was close, that last pin almost fell." Monica told her.

"Not close enough," Felicia said with a sigh, "So how badly did you beat me?"

"Let me see." Monica said as she went back to the score sheet and added Felicia's score up. "One ten to ninety-eight. It was close but I don't think that either of us is ready for the LPBA tour." She said with a laugh.

"No not yet but I do plan on breaking a hundred on this next game." Felicia said and she did.

They both did better and this time it was Felicia was the winner in a close game beating Monica by five pins. They then took a bathroom break and got a soft drink to take back with them. They rested for a few minutes and watched some of the other bowlers bowl as the alley was beginning to fill up. There were a few families there as well as a few young couples out on dates.

Monica was first up for the third game and on her first roll, she hit the head pin just to the right and all the pins fell. Monica jumped for joy and she rushed back to Felicia who was already standing ready to give her a high five and a hug. It took Felicia several more frames before she was able to match Monica's strike with one of her own and she about knocked Monica down when she rushed back to hug her. This game was close too with Monica winning by fifteen pins.

"Looks like I get to pay." Monica said as Felicia sat beside of her.

"Let's go for best out of five. I'm having too much fun to stop now and besides I want to have another chance to even things up." Felicia told her.

"Sounds fine to me, I'm not ready to leave yet either but don't think that it will change who is going to pay, I plan on kicking your ass on the next two games." Monica told her.

"Yea, right, we'll see who kicks whose ass here in just a few minutes." Felicia said as she stood up, going to get her ball and she had this fierce competitive look in her eyes.

Monica should have taken note of this look as Felicia got on a hot streak getting three strikes in a roll to start the game and then two more as the game went on. And as Felicia's game went up, Monica's game went south as she couldn't hit the broadside of a barn. Felicia trounced her by over forty pins.

"I do believe that we are even now, and you are about to get an ass kicking like no one has ever seen." Felicia told her as she had this big smile covering her face.

"Hey that just puts us back to even and I always save my best for last. So don't be counting your chicks before they hatch." Monica cautioned her.

They took another bathroom break and got something to drink as they had worked up a sweat in the last game and they were also both tiring out a bit. So they talked and watched everyone else for a while then they both put their game faces back on as each was determined to win. That determination seemed to bring out the worst in each of them as they both only got one strike during the whole game. Again it came down to the tenth frame with Felicia leading by four pins.

"Well now the cream will come to the top." Monica said as Felicia got up to bowl her last frame.

"If you care to look at the score sheet, the cream is already on top." Felicia told her proudly.

"As they say it ain't over till it's over." Monica cautioned her.

Felicia got eight pins on her first roll but she left the seven-ten split which is almost impossible to pick up. Monica hated it for her and told Felicia to try and hit the seven pin on the far left side if she wanted to try to pick it up but she was better off just going for one pin. Felicia being the competitor that she was went for the spare and she came up empty missing the pin completely.

"Sorry," Monica consoled her as she gave her a hug as she would have loved to have seen her pick it up no matter how impossible that would be for someone like her.

"I'm still up by twelve so that means that you have to get at least a spare." Felicia told her as she changed places with Monica.

Monica was determined to get that spare so she took extra time preparing herself. She wanted a strike but she also didn't want to leave the seven-ten split like Felicia did. She was able to get six on the first roll and then she got that spare on the second roll.

Felicia gave her a high five when she got back, then she gave her a hug and as she did that she whispered to Monica, "You need five to beat me, don't throw a gutter ball."

"You're not trying to mess with my mind are you?" Monica asked her.

"Who me?... I would never do such a thing." Felicia said innocently and then she laughed.

"Yes you and I'll have you know that I don't get psyched out easily." Monica told her giving her a kiss on the cheek before turning on her heels to get her ball. But then as she stood there, she did feel the pressure as she wanted to beat Felicia for more than just the right to pay the bill.

She ended up psyching herself out and she had to step back for a moment, then she heard Felicia whisper to her, "You can do it girl."

Monica smiled and she stepped back up and she didn't hesitate this time. She just rolled the ball and hoped for the best. Monica had her eyes closed as the ball went down the alley not wanting to look at what she got until she heard the ball hit the pins and they Felicia let out a squeal. Before she could open her eyes, she felt Felicia hugging her in the middle of the lane and she heard her saying, "You did it girl."

Monica looked first at a smiling Felicia then at the pins seeing that there was only one pin left standing. "I did do it didn't I." Monica said as she was more surprised than anyone.

"Yes you did and what does the winner get?" Felicia asked.

"I get to pay." Monica said proudly."

"And a kiss..." Felicia said as she pulled Monica in giving her a short but sweet kiss in front of everyone.

It was still early evening when they left the bowling alley, the air had turned a little cool so that gave Monica an excuse to pull Felicia in close to her as they walked to her car. She wrapped her arm around Felicia's waist and Felicia leaned up against her. Monica could smell Felicia's perfume and her sweat mixed making her desire her all the more. When they got to her car, Monica hated to let go of her even for a moment but she knew that she couldn't just hold her in the parking lot all night long. So she let her go so that she could open the door for her and then help her inside.

""It's still early, what do you want to do now?" Monica asked as she started the car.

"I don't know, I'm a little tired after all that bowling." Felicia said and Monica felt her heart sink as she wasn't ready for the date to end yet. "Would you mind if you just took me on home and then maybe we can have some coffee and talk. I know that doesn't sound too exciting..."

"I would love to." Monica said before Felicia could finish her sentence as she took Felicia's hand in hers giving it a squeeze. She felt a great relief that the night wasn't over yet.

"Make yourself comfortable while I put on the coffee." Felicia told her as they entered the apartment.

"I can give you a hand." Monica said as she started to follow Felicia to the kitchen.

"Oh no you don't, you're the guest and I'll serve you. When I go to your place then I expected to be served." Felicia told her.

"Oh you do, do you?" Monica said as she arched her eyebrows.

"Yes I do, so enjoy this while you can and be sure to take notes so you know just what I'll expect." Felicia told her with a big smile then she turned Monica around pushing her toward the living room.

Monica reluctantly went on sitting down on the couch. She heard Felicia messing around in the kitchen and she wondering what was taking so long when she saw her coming through the door carrying two cups of coffee.

"I think I got it right, take a sip and see." Felicia said as she handed Monica her cup.

She took a sip and said, "Just right. I see that you've paying attention to how I fix my coffee."

"Well after refilling you coffee about a thousand times, I think it rubbed off on me." Felicia said laughing as she sat on the edge of the couch.

Monica was about to tell her to sit back and relax when she began so smell something good coming from the kitchen. "That wouldn't be cookies that I smell would it?" She asked.

Felicia smiled as she said, "When I got the milk out of the fridge, I happen to see the cookie dough and I decided I wanted some and I figured that you might too."

"Oh you've just found a way into my heart. What kind are they?" She asked.

"Chocolate chip, do you like?" She asked.

"Oh hell yes, that's my favorite." Monica told her.

"Good as I made a bunch so you got a lot of cookies to eat." Felicia said with a big grin.

"You trying to fatten me up?" Monica asked. "I think I got more than enough fat for both of us as it is."

"You look fine to me." Felicia told her as she blushed.

They talked for a few minutes and the smell of the cookies cooking was making Monica hungry for them. Felicia went every couple of minutes to check the cookies never letting Monica come with her. On the last trip as Felicia was putting the cookies onto a rack to cool, Monica got up and turned the CD player on. There was a CD in it so she just let that play. It was a sound track to a popular movie that had come out a few months back and had lots of soft romantic music on it.

A few minutes later, Felicia came in holding a plate of warm cookies. She set the plate down and then she picked one up holding it for Monica to take a bite so she did. The cookie seemed to melt into her mouth. "Mmmmm... that's good sweetie." Monica said as the sweet cookie seemed to melt in her mouth.

Felicia reached up and wiped a bit of chocolate from the corner of Monica's mouth then she put that finger into her own mouth. "It is good isn't it?" She said.

"Very good, my sweet lady." Monica told her. "You're an excellent cook."

"It's not too hard when you just have to spoon out the dough onto a cookie sheet." Felicia laughed as she told her.

""Well then you're an excellent scooper of cookie dough." She told her as she smiled and Felicia laughed.

They sat back and ate a couple of cookies apiece as they talked and listened to the soft music playing on the CD. When their coffee cups were empty, Felicia offered to fix another but Monica told her that she had enough. She set her cup down then she took Felicia's cup from her. She sat back and pulled Felicia to her. Felicia gave her a nervous smile then she laid her head onto Monica's chest. Monica put her arms around Felicia's shoulders holding her tightly against her body. She could feel Felicia's fast heartbeat and she could feel her own heartbeat matching that pace.

Monica used her left hand to hold Felicia against her and she let her right hand gently rub Felicia's back. She could hear Felicia's gently coo as she caressed her. They sat there in silence for a long while neither moving nor talking. They just sat there and enjoyed the feeling of being so close.

Eventually the feeling that Monica had to kiss Felicia grew stronger and she tenderly pushed Felicia away from her. Felicia looked into Monica's eyes with a questioning look in her eyes. Monica gave her a reassuring smile before she put her left hand to Felicia's chin holding it in place as she inched her head forward. Felicia bit her lower lip then she wet her lips with her tongue just before Monica's lips touched those soft sweet lips. It was a soft kiss that Monica let linger for several long minutes. She let their lips separate and she stared into Felicia's eyes and saw that this was something that she wanted. She turned Felicia around and pulled her across her body cradling her in her left arm as she brought her mouth down to kiss her again. As their lips met again, Monica put her right hand to Felicia's right side holding her there. This kiss Monica made more passionate as she opened her lips feeling Felicia's lips open with hers. She slipped her tongue into Felicia's mouth feeling Felicia's tongue coming up to meet it. Their tongues did an erotic dance within Felicia's mouth causing them both to moan. Slowly Monica withdrew her tongue into her own mouth and she was happy to feel Felicia's tongue follow it there. They continued to kiss for a while with their lips parting every few moments for them to catch their breaths then Monica would go back to kissing Felicia again. She soon let her lips go to Felicia's chin, then her cheeks and onto her neck. Felicia lifted her chin up allowing Monica to kiss her there, as she did this Monica brought her hand over to Felicia's stomach, moving it in a circle around it.

Felicia was letting out more moans as Monica caressed her stomach. Slowly Monica brought her hand on up from Felicia's stomach to her chest. She placed her hand between Felicia's breasts and she felt her tense up. Monica just let her hand rest there until she felt Felicia begin to relax. Monica moved her lips back up to Felicia's lips and commenced to kissing her again with their lips open and their tongues caressing within one or the other's mouth. Monica knew it was now or never so she let her hand slip over Felicia's left breast. She felt Felicia move her hand placing it on top of her hand but she didn't pull Monica's hand away. Felicia pulled her head back and she looked into Monica's eyes.

Monica stayed still for a moment and smiled at Felicia showing her that it was up to her as to what she wanted her to do. Felicia slowly relaxed and she moved her hand from Monica's hand. She reached up bringing Monica head back down for a kiss. Monica heard Felicia moan as she tenderly squeezed her breast. She used her fingers move across Felicia's nipple feeling it harden under Felicia's tee shirt and light bra. Monica teased the nipple and she moved her hand to Felicia's right breast squeezing and caressing it. Felicia began to squirm and moan more and Monica knew that she was getting Felicia highly aroused. Monica moved her hand down to Felicia's stomach and she started to move it up under her tee shirt but Felicia stopped her. So Monica moved her hand back up to Felicia's breasts caressing them through her clothes and kissing her passionately. Felicia soon was aroused and moving around within her arms and so Monica moved her hand back down Felicia's stomach but this time she didn't stop at the bottom of her tee shirt. She went over Felicia's shorts not stopping until she had her hand cupped over Felicia's pussy.

Felicia at first closed her legs tightly but as Monica lightly rubbed her through her shorts those legs relaxed. Monica moved her fingers down further and she began to rub harder as Felicia groaned aloud. Monica could feel the heat coming from Felicia's pussy and rubbed her faster and harder wanting her to cum. She wanted Felicia to feel good and from the way she was panting, she was getting close to an orgasm. Felicia gripped her tightly placing her head next to Monica's as she tensed up and she let out a little cry of "Oh goddd..."

Monica felt the crotch of Felicia's shorts get damp from her girlcum as she had an intense orgasm and she could smell her womanly aroma. Monica kissed the sweat off of Felicia's flushed face as she experienced her orgasm. Then as Felicia opened her eyes again, Monica smiled down at her.

She kissed her lips as she put her right hand to the back of Felicia's head; she had just started to comb her fingers through Felicia's thick hair when she felt some scar tissue. She felt Felicia tense up as her fingers traced a long line around the back of Felicia's scalp. Felicia pulled away from her and sat up. Monica could see the fear in Felicia's eyes and she wondered what had happened to Felicia to have caused such a scar. She wanted to ask about it but she sensed that this wasn't the right time to do so. Monica knew that the mood was broken for the moment and she wasn't sure what to do.

The silence began to build and Monica knew she had to say something and all she could think to say was, "It's okay." Which sounded kind of lame to her but it did make Felicia relax some.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" Monica said as she slipped her shoes back home.

"Do you still want to see me?" Felicia asked as if she was now afraid that she wouldn't want to see her now that she had felt that scar.

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" Monica replied trying to ease Felicia's fears. She was curious about what caused the scar but it wasn't going to scare her away.

"I don't know..." Felicia said then she hesitated for a second, "I get to treat you tomorrow night, okay?"

"Deal, I'll be here around four or is that too early?" Monica told her as she stood up and she held out her hand to help Felicia up.

"Four's fine with me." She replied as she walked her to the door.

"May I have a good night's kiss?" Monica asked her and she saw Felicia smile.

"You may... but just a little kiss." Felicia said but then she came to her and started to kiss her passionately. As they kissed, Monica moved her fingers back to Felicia's head and she let her fingers run across the scar again. She felt Felicia tense up for a second but Monica kept the kiss going. She wanted Felicia to understand that the scar didn't scare her away and after a moment, she felt Felicia relax in her arms and continue to kiss her. They were both out of breath when Monica opened the door and slipped out giving Felicia one last kiss.

Monica drove home slowly as she went through the night in her head. The bowling went well and then getting invited back to Felicia's apartment was a good sign. However making Felicia cum was great but then it quickly went downhill when she discovered the scar going across the back of her head. She figured that Felicia had to either of had some type of surgery, maybe for a tumor or something, or she had been in an auto accident. She knew that there was something was different about Felicia and now she knew that it probably had something to do with the scar. But what was the question. She thought more about it as she lay in her bed. But she wasn't coming upon any hints of where or what caused the scar. She was up for a while before sleep could overcome her mind and she went to sleep.

The next morning, she tried to stop thinking about Felicia so she worked on her table starting the first coat of stain on it. She worked for most of the morning on the table then took a break to do her laundry and get her few dishes washed up. She normally did these things on Sunday morning but decided to go ahead and get them done today. So she kept herself occupied for more of the day this way. Then she went to take her shower and get ready for her date with Felicia. She stepped into the shower and began to wash. She let her mind wander as she often did when she washed, not thinking about anything in particular. She had just put shampoo into her hair and was washing it when something came to her, something that had happened at the diner when she had first started to eat there and had gotten the crush on Felicia.

She had been eating and reading her book when this man came in and he was calling out to both Felicia and Juan as if he had known them for years. He had sat down and told Felicia to fix him his regular. He said that he had missed them after being up in Rhode Island for a couple of months. Monica had noticed that for an instant there was panic in Felicia's eyes as if she didn't have a clue as to who this man was though he obviously knew who she was and knew her quiet well. About this time, Juan came from the back and greeted the man by name and went and shook his hand. They got to talking and Juan looked over at Felicia and told her to get Roy his coffee. She knew better than to make him wait. Monica had never seen Juan holler at Felicia but Felicia seemed relieved to be yelled at as she now knew what to get the man and what his name was. They all began to talk and Roy told them all about being up north with all those damn Yankees making them all laugh at his jokes. Monica hadn't thought much about this since then but now it made much more sense. Felicia's memory must have been affected by whatever caused the scar. The scar didn't feel recent so whatever had happened to her, it happened long ago.

This also explained Felicia reading the same book again without knowing it. It was all coming together for her except that she didn't know what caused the memory loss or to what extent it was. And of course, she could be wrong but she didn't think so. She thought more about it as she finished washing her hair and as she was getting ready. But as she went to get her clothes, she realized that she had no clue as to what to wear again. Felicia was going to decide what they were to do tonight and she had no idea what that would be. It was a warm day so jeans were out and she didn't think they would go bowling again so this time, she put on a summery dress. She figured that if all else failed, they could return to her place and she would change. She fooled around for a bit to eat up time then she left to go see Felicia and see just what they would do that evening.

Monica found a spot not far from Felicia's apartment, so she didn't have a long walk to the gate and then through it. Today there were several people in and around the big flower garden and there were a couple of older ladies on one of the benches talking away. Monica noticed that they stopped talking for a moment and watched her walking toward Felicia's apartment. Monica began to wonder again if Felicia was being partially truthful when she said that people were watching her yesterday. Since she hoped that she would be returning here often, she gave the ladies a big smile and waved to them. They smiled and waved back at her. She wanted to be friendly and have them like her as she had a feeling that this was a close knit group where that usually wasn't the case when people lived in apartments. She went on to Felicia's apartment greeting anyone she happened to see.

"Hi there." Monica said as Felicia opened the door and the first thing that Monica noticed was that Felicia had this serious look on her face. The second thing that she noticed that Felicia was dressed in an old tee shirt and sweat shorts.

"Hi, come on in," Felicia told her and she could hear Felicia's voice almost breaking.

"Is there something wrong?" Monica asked as all her senses were on alert and she heart began to pound within her chest.

"I..." Felicia started to say then she stopped and she looked up at Monica then she turned away from her.

Monica was about to say something when Felicia started to talk again, "I've been up most of the night thinking about last night and I think that we need talk."

"Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if I did. I thought I was reading your reactions right but I know that just because I want something to happen between us, it doesn't mean that you do too."

"No, it's not that. I do want the same thing but there is something I need to tell you and after you hear what I have to say then you may want to leave and I won't blame you if you do. There is something about me that you have to know." Felicia said and Monica could hear her voice breaking.

Monica went up to her placing her hands on Felicia's shoulders turning her around and she saw that she was crying. Monica hugged her tightly and stroked her back. As she held her she heard Felicia whisper, "I'm not normal."

Monica push Felicia back a little and she made Felicia look into her eyes as she told her, "None of us are baby, we're all different in our own way."

"I know that but..." Felicia started to say and before she could, she started crying again, so Monica spoke up.

"If you are talking about you're short memory, I have already figured that out and I still love you."

Felicia looked at her strangely for a moment then she said, "You have??... But you can't know all about it or the extent of it."

"No I don't and you are about to tell me calmly and I assure you that I will still be here when you're done." Monica told her then she guided Felicia into the living room depositing her on the couch. After giving Felicia a kiss on the cheek, she went to the counter, pouring water in the coffee maker then finding the coffee as she let Felicia compose herself. She got that going then she searched around for the cups. She peeped into the living room and she could see Felicia watching her through the doorway but she could also tell that Felicia was using the time that she was giving her. Monica found the sugar and she poured some milk into a cup for them to use, which she placed on a tray that she had found. By then the coffee had run through the pot and she poured them a cup. She carried the tray to the living room placing it on the coffee table before sitting down beside of Felicia on the couch.

"So tell me what you feel you need to tell me." Monica said to her as she placed her hand on Felicia's hand.

"That's just the problem; I can't tell you what you probably want to know. I just don't have any memory of how I got the scar on my head and I know you are dying to know." Felicia said.

"Yes I am but our relationship won't end if I never find out." Monica assured her. "I tell you what, why don't you tell me what you do remember and we can go from there."

Felicia took a sip of her coffee as she thought for a moment then she started, "Basically I have a great short term memory, I can remember names and orders and never get them messed up but where my problems begin is after about two months or so. What I knew seems to fade away. Yesterday I know what I did, a month ago I know what I did but two months ago, I have no clue. It just all disappears on me. I have no memory of my childhood or of my mother. I know that the woman that says she is my mother is my mother but I don't have the memory of her as most daughters do. I know it hurts her but I can't help it. "

"I'm sure that she understands and still loves you as much as she did when you were a child." Monica said hoping that was the case.

"I know she does and I love her too but not the same way. She is more like a good friend that helps to take care of me. I wish I felt more for her but I can't." Felicia said.

"I'm sure she knows that. She knows your history better than anyone and she will always love you as her daughter." Monica again told her.

"And that is why I worry about us, you'll remember all these things that I won't and you'll want to talk about them and I can't." Felicia told her.

"And if I piss you off, I know you won't hold a grudge longer than two months then you will have forgotten whatever way I screwed up." Monica said with a little laugh hoping to lighten the mood and she saw Felicia smile so it worked a bit.

"But it'll be hard on you and I'm not sure that we need to start something and then you can't handle me never being able to remember anything. I've never allowed myself to get involved or don't think I have but anyway I know it wouldn't be fair to you to try and date someone like me." Felicia told her.

"First I don't think you are giving either of us any credit here. We've made it this far and that's the tough part. And secondly, if you wanting any guarantees then love isn't a place you'll find that. Even if you had a perfect memory, I couldn't guarantee that our relationship will last. We'll have to be like any other couple and take it day by day. You understand what I'm saying?" Monica asked.

"Yea I do but..." Felicia was saying when Monica put a finger to her lips.

"No buts, let's just go on and enjoy ourselves and see what happens. Will you do that for me?" Monica asked.

"I guess but what if I forget when your birthday is or some other important day?" Felicia asked.

"Then I will make sure I tell your mother so she can write in on your calendar and I'll be reminding you often as that day approaches. And besides I haven't told you when it is yet." Monica told her smiling at her.

"Good I was hoping I hadn't already forgotten it." She said and then she gave her a funny look before saying, "So you saw my calendar?"

"Yea I noticed it yesterday. I wasn't being nosey, or at least not too nosey." Monica said giving Felicia a smile and she did smile back, "I figured it was your mom who wrote on it as it didn't look like your writing. It does make more sense now and it is nice that she does that for you." Monica told her.

"Yea, I think she likes being able to do it for me and I let her since it makes her happy. Everyone around her looks out for me here and at work. Sometimes it is a pain but most times it is nice." Felicia told her.

"I did notice everyone eyeing me on the way in tonight." Monica said with a smile.

"Don't take it personally, they're all good people and you'll see that." Felicia told her.

"Now I understand the situation better, I won't take it personally and I'll try to reassure them as I try to reassure you that I want to hang around a while and see what happens between us." Monica told her.

"Aren't you scared about seeing someone who has no long term memory?" Felicia asked.

"I could lie to you and say no but I won't do that. Yes it does scare me but then I have been scared every time I have started a relationship with someone and it hasn't stopped me from diving right on in. Sometimes I got hurt and sometimes I didn't but I do know that I won't find the person I'm looking for if I'm avoiding any girl that appears to be high maintenance." Monica told her.

"So I'm high maintenance?" Felicia asked.

"Oh yea, you're high maintenance but you know what? I'm only attracted to girls that are high maintenance. So that's a good thing." Monica assured her.

"Are you bull shitting me or telling the truth." Felicia asked eyeing her carefully.

"Yes..." Monica said with a big smile and Felicia studied her for a moment before she laughed at her.

"Can I ask you something?" Monica asked.

"Sure, what do you want to know?" Felicia told her.

"What's it like to just have such a short memory?" Monica asked as this was something that she so wanted to know.

"I can't answer that question. I mean what is it like to have a long term memory?" Felicia asked her in return.

"Touch‚, that was a stupid question and I'm sorry to have asked it." Monica said feeling bad as she should have known better to ask something like that.

"It's okay but for me, this is the way I am. I do envy people like you but I also know that it won't do any good to be jealous of them. This is how I am and so I just live my life day to day. And the people around here have learned not to ask me about anything that happened a while ago." Felicia told her.

"I will try to remember that too. But give me time to get used to it. I mean I knew that there was something about your memory that wasn't normal since I saw you read the same book twice but when I asked, you acted like you had never read it before." Monica told her.

Felicia laughed and then she said, "That's why I never go buy new books when I have so many that I haven't read before. I guess I do tend to reread the books because I don't remember ever reading them before." Felicia told her.

"That does save you money, that's for sure, but the books stores don't like it. You're costing them money." She told her and laughed.

"I never thought of it that way." Felicia said with a laugh.

Monica laughed and she reached over pulling Felicia to her. She saw Felicia looking up into her eyes and she kissed her forehead as Felicia closed her eyes. Monica tried to pull her in tighter however Felicia slipped in front of her so that she was almost sitting in her lap. She then put her head on Monica's chest as Monica pulled her in close again kissing her lightly on the lips and she felt Felicia returning the kiss for a moment before settling back in against her.

"So you don't mind that I don't have a long memory?" Felicia asked her but without looking up at her.

Monica reached down taking Felicia's chin in her fingers making her look into her eyes. "No I don't mind you not having a long memory." She said and she kissed her again lightly on the lips.

Felicia looked up at her with uncertainty in her eyes. "I really don't mind, like I told you that I knew that something was different about your memory before and I'm still here holding onto you aren't I?"

"I guess you are..." Felicia said still uncertain.

"Am I or am I not holding you right now." Monica said a little bit more forcefully.

"Yes you are holding me right now." Felicia said and this time there was a hint of a smile on her face.

"Much better," Monica said smiling down at her.

Felicia put her head back between Monica's breasts and Monica had her left arm around Felicia back with her hand on Felicia's side. Her right hand, she placed on Felicia's left arm and she caressed it gently as she felt Felicia finally begin to relax.

"We're going to make this work, I promise you." Monica told her in almost a whisper.

Felicia let out a little coo and then a sigh. Monica almost asked her what she had said when she realized that Felicia had fallen asleep on her. "Just rest my sweet lady, just rest." Monica whispered to her as she relaxed herself. She gently caressed Felicia as she slept, first her arms and then her face. The caressing seemed to help Felicia sleep and that made Monica feel good inside. Felicia needed to sleep as she must have been up all night worrying about what would happen this evening. Monica just hoped that Felicia would let her hold onto her. Monica had a feeling that Felicia had been in her cocoon for so long now that it would take a lot of work to get her out of it. She had made a start but she knew that it was just that, a start. Once Felicia was sound asleep, Monica moved around just a bit to get a little more comfortable and soon she was asleep too.

When she awoke a few of hours later, she saw that the sun was beginning to fade and that evening was coming on. She stretched out as much as she could without waking Felicia who was still sleeping soundly. She saw the remote to the TV on the table beside of her so she picked it up. She turned on the TV and hit the sound button at the same time so by the time the sound came on, it was already low. She went through the channels until she found an old movie that she liked. Felicia stirred a bit before settling back down. Monica kissed her on the top of the head then turned her attention to the movie. It was a good movie so she got into it quickly and she had to bite her lips to keep from laughing at the funny parts as Felicia was lying against her belly and she would wake her up for sure.

About the time that the movie was ending, two things began to get her attention. The first being that she realized that the coffee that she had fixed was demanding to be released back to the world and the second thing being that her stomach was telling her that it needed something inside of it or it would begin to growl. The longer she waited, afraid to move as she didn't want to disturb Felicia, the more her bladder and stomach complained. She kept as still as long as she could but then she began to wiggle despite her best effort not to. And that of course aroused Felicia and she opened her sleepy eyes.

"I'm sorry babe, but I need to get up and visit the little girl's room." Monica said to her.

"Oh god, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you." Felicia said as she jumped up from Monica's lap and Monica could see that Felicia was both embarrassed and scared about falling asleep on her.

"Hey it's cool, and to tell you the truth, I fell asleep too." Monica said as she put her hand over Felicia's.

"But why is the TV on then?" Felicia questioned her.

"I fell asleep but I also woke up before you. I, unlike you, did get some sleep last night and I bet you didn't did you?" She asked.

Felicia looked down at her feet then back up and said quietly, "No, I didn't."

"So you needed more sleep than me but right now I need to use your bathroom more than anything." Monica said as she stood up heading toward the bathroom not waiting for a reply from Felicia.

When she came out of the bathroom, Felicia was waiting at the door. "I need to go to." Felicia said with a weak smile.

"It's all yours my lady." Monica said with an exaggerated sweep of her arm causing Felicia to giggle. Then as she went by Monica gave her a little kiss.

"Do you want to go get something to eat?" Monica asked as Felicia came back into the living room.

"Not really..." Felicia said and Monica couldn't help to show her disappointment however Felicia then finished her sentence. "But I do have a pizza that I picked up at the deli at the grocery store. It's pretty good if you don't mind staying in with me."

"I would love to stay in with you my dear, let's get into the kitchen and fix that pizza." Monica said jumping up and heading toward the kitchen.

"So you like pizza? This is a supreme with a little of everything." Felicia said as she pulled the pizza from the bottom of her fridge.

"I love pizza and as hungry as I am right now I think I could eat that pizza and then start eating you." Monica said as she gave Felicia a wink.

Felicia blushed at the sexual innuendo and then Monica saw that she was about to come back with something but stopped herself. That was enough for Monica to know that Felicia didn't mind the reference to sex.

"Anything I can do to help?" Monica asked changing the subject for the moment.

"How about getting some plates down and then pour us some cokes?" Felicia suggested.

"The cokes I can do but plates I can't do." Monica told her.

Felicia looked at her funny and Monica let her think for a second before she said, "Pizza is a finger food honey. It's more fun that way, since you have to do a lot of licking to keep clean." Monica said with a big smile.

This time Felicia came back with a response, "I like licking..." And then she gave Monica a wink.

Monica grinned at Felicia who turned around to put the pizza into the open which had preheated by that time. Monica watched Felicia bend over and her ass was pointed out at her. The shorts rode up in the back and Monica felt her body respond to the view which didn't last nearly long enough. Felicia stood up and as she turned around she caught Monica staring and she grinned.

She came over to the table where Monica was now sitting and pulled out a seat beside of her. "I'm sorry that the evening didn't turn out as you had planned but I had to talk to you and I really was afraid that you would leave. I promise next Friday night, I'll take you out." Felicia told her before taking a sip of her coke.

"Hey, it's cool and you're right, we did need to talk but now that we have that behind us and you don't have to worry about me hitting the road any more. Now we can get back to getting to know each other." Monica assured her.

"Well there's not much I can tell you about myself, my mom can but all I can talk about is what has happened to me in the past couple of months." Felicia said sadly.

"Honey, there's more to you than that. Your memory doesn't define you; it's just a part of you. I mean when we went bowling last night, I learned a great deal about you while we did that." Monica told her.

"Like what? Other than I can't bowl very well." Felicia told her.

"Like you're very competitive and you are a born athlete. You picked it up very quickly so that told me that somewhere in the past you probably played sports. It also told me that you like to have fun and that you can laugh at someone while that person knows that you are really laughing with them. I also learned one more important thing about you." Monica told her.

"What's that?" Felicia asked.

"You got a great ass that I can look at all day long." Monica told her and she saw Felicia's face break out into a big smile as she blushed.

"Oh god you're wicked!" Felicia said as she laughed.

"What can I say, I do love cute asses and you got a great one." Monica told her seriously.

"Well yours not so bad either." Felicia said as she got up to check the pizza. As she bent over to open the oven door and turned her head back toward Monica and said, "You weren't the only one looking last night."

Monica laughed and she felt like the night might just turn out pretty well after all. They talked a little more about each other and did reveal that on some things she did remember a little longer than others. Monica told her that everyone was like that; we all remembered some things but not others. No one had complete control on what they would remember but it was good that Felicia was capable of remembering for a longer than a couple of months, but Felicia said that it frustrated her that most the things she really wanted to remember, she couldn't. Like things with her mother, she wanted to please her but she couldn't. Monica told her to stop trying so hard and then maybe she would be able to remember more. Soon the pizza was done and after letting it cool down a little, they both dived in as they were starving by this point. They ate three pieces each before they began to fill full. They put the rest into the fridge and then they took their cokes into the living room to talk some more and watch a little TV. Felicia sat next to Monica and she hooked her arm in hers. Monica nestled in close as they watched another old movie. As it ended, Felicia stood up going to the kitchen and she turned off the lights, then she came into the living room turning off the lights and the TV, leaving only the light from the hallway to light the room.

She came over in front of Monica and said as she held out her hand, "Come with me."

"Where we going?" Monica asked though she had a good idea where that might be.

"I'm going to show you my cute ass." Felicia said as she bit her lower lip.

"I think I would like that very much." Monica said softly as she let Felicia help her up then she pulled Felicia to her kissing her.

The kiss lingered as they stood there holding onto each other. Monica opened her lips letting her tongue sneak into Felicia's mouth and she felt Felicia gripping her shoulders and she kissed her back. Monica had her hands at Felicia's lower back pressing her into her and she kissed Felicia passionately letting the kiss go on forever.

When the kiss did end, Felicia pulled back and took Monica by the hand, leading her to the hallway where she turned off the light, leaving them in the dark. Monica followed Felicia's lead as they ventured down the hallway until they got to Felicia's bedroom. She led them on inside only stopping when they got next to the bed. Monica felt Felicia release her hand and she stood there as she listened to Felicia moving around. Then the bedside lamp came on almost blinding her. She saw Felicia taking a dark cloth and draping it over the lamp thus dimming the light and giving the room a romantic air. She then turned to face Monica with this real nervous smile on her face.

Monica smiled at her as she slowly closed the short distance between them. She put her hands on Felicia's hips drawing her in close. She leaned forward kissing her lightly on the lips. Felicia was tense at first but then she began to relax and melt into Monica's arms. Monica slowly let her lips open and she enticed Felicia's tongue into her mouth. She sucked on that tongue as she teased it with her tongue. She slowly began to pull Felicia's tee shirt up. As the shirt got to Felicia's arms, she raised them up and Monica broke off the kiss. She pulled off the tee shirt, smiling at Felicia as she let her eyes drop down to Felicia's white cotton bra.

Monica moved her hands down to Felicia's breasts cupping the small but firm breasts causing Felicia to let out a little moan. Monica gave them a small squeeze before she moved her fingers to the center where the bra was latched together. She looked up into Felicia's eyes to make sure that this was what Felicia wanted and she saw that most of the nervousness was gone from Felicia's eyes. Monica leaned in giving Felicia a light kiss on the lips as she unlatched the clasp. She pulled the cups away from Felicia's breasts as she let the kiss end. Monica looked down at those breasts and she saw that Felicia had quarter sized pale areoles and her nipples were more inverted making look so cute. Monica pushed the bra off of Felicia's shoulders, pulling it off her arms. She let the bra drop from her hands. The she brought those hands back up to Felicia's breasts cupping them with her hands. She lowered her mouth down to Felicia's right breast kissing the nipple and feeling it harden against her lips. She felt Felicia's hands on her shoulders gripping them. Monica let her lips linger on this nipple for a few moments before going to the left one and kissing it. Then she sucked it into her mouth letting her tongue tease it. Felicia moaned and one of her hands moved to the back of Monica's head holding her to her breast. Monica loved the feel of Felicia's soft breasts and she sucked on that nipple before going back to the left one to suck and tease it with her tongue. Felicia moaned louder and she pressed her hand to the back of Monica's head harder.

Slowly Monica let her hands slide down Felicia's body to her waist. She gave a kiss to each nipple before dropping down to her knees. She slowly pulled Felicia's shorts and white cotton panties down. Monica first noticed the lack of pubic hair as the shorts got farther down. Monica smiled up at Felicia who was looking down at her. Monica kissed Felicia just above her pussy then she pulled the shorts on down revealing smooth pussy lips with just a bit of the inner lips peaking from between the outer lips. Monica smelled Felicia's strong aroma and she could see the wetness that was clinging to her lips. Monica pulled Felicia's shorts and panties on down and helped her to step out of them.

She looked up at Felicia as she leaned in giving Felicia's little clit a kiss. She heard Felicia moan loudly. Monica placed her hands on Felicia's ass cheeks feeling how firm that they were. She cupped those cheeks in her hands squeezing them and pulling them apart as she began to lick. Felicia moaned more and Monica felt Felicia's knees begin to buckle so she stopped and guided Felicia over to the bed. She pushed her hips making Felicia sit down. She then opened up her legs and slid between them. She placed her hands up on Felicia's breasts giving them a squeeze as she gently pushed her back so that she was lying on the bed. Monica looked up at Felicia who was now propped up on her elbows watching her. Monica smiled at her as she inhaled her aroma and it just made her desire for Felicia that much more intense. So intense that she had to begin to lick her. However she first kissed Felicia's little clit making Felicia moan and close her eyes. She sucked on the small button and she saw Felicia's head drop back down on the bed. Monica moved down Felicia's pussy and began to lick at the outer lips, using the flat of her tongue to go up and down the slit. Felicia began to wiggle on the bed and raising her hips up to Monica's mouth. Monica used her tongue to part Felicia's lips getting in deeper and she tasted more of Felicia's juices which were very sweet with a salty tang to them. Monica was using her fingers to pinch and pull on Felicia's nipples. Felicia let out a groan as she felt the pain of Monica's fingers on her sensitive nipples.

Monica pushed her tongue in deep into Felicia's pussy sucking out her juices and she fucked her with her tongue. Then she felt Felicia's hand on the back of her head pressing it into her pussy and that pleased Monica so much as she knew that Felicia was into what she was doing. Monica worked her way up to Felicia's clit sucking it into her mouth as she teased the tip with her tongue.

"Fuck Monica, suck it hard!" Felicia cried out surprising Monica a bit but also pleased her to no end.

Monica did as was requested of her and she sucked harder and she bit down on the base of the clit. Felicia let out a long moan as she shivered and Monica knew she had brought Felicia to her first orgasm. She went down to lick up Felicia's girl cum as she began to pull off her own clothes which were becoming much to constraining. She wanted and needed to be naked with Felicia.

As Felicia came back around, Monica placed her fingers to the edges of Felicia's smooth pussy and she pulled the lips open. She pushed her tongue into the opening and licked up the juices that were flowing out. She licked in hard and deep and then she followed those juices down Felicia's pussy to the skin below and then on downward. She wasn't sure if Felicia would go for what she was planning but she quickly got her answer when Felicia brought her legs up opening up her asshole to Monica's mouth. Monica was again pleasantly surprised as she used the tip of her tongue to slide across Felicia's asshole.

"Oh yes Monica lick my ass!" Felicia cried out.

Monica was learning more about Felicia's sex drive by the moment and she loved what she was learning. Monica let go of Felicia's pussy lips and grabbed her ass cheeks spreading them wide. She ran the tip of her tongue around the rim of Felicia's cute little asshole teasing her and making her squirm. She kept rimming her asshole for a few moments getting it slippery before she placed the tip of her tongue at the center. She slowly began to push it in as Felicia relaxed her asshole. Her tongue slipped inside and she felt Felicia's asshole squeezing down on it. She pushed her tongue deep inside as she pulled Felicia's ass cheeks out wider. This allowed her tongue to go just a hair deeper inside and she started to wiggle her tongue around making Felicia squeal out her pleasure. Monica tongued Felicia's asshole until she felt Felicia's pussy flood her juices upon her tongue and she went up to lick up the girlcum that Felicia had just produced from her second orgasm. She found that Felicia had been rubbing her clit as she tongue her asshole, so she moved those fingers away so that she could get her tongue on that pussy and clit.

Monica licked tenderly on Felicia's swollen pussy lips and sensitive clit as Felicia recovered from her orgasm. Slowly Felicia got her senses back and she reached down to pull Monica up but she wasn't budging.

"Come on, I want to please you now." Felicia whined out.

"Not until I'm done with you my sweet thing." Monica told her as she licked harder and she pulled Felicia's lips open. Felicia moaned out "Noooo..." but Monica wasn't listening. She licked deep inside of Felicia's pussy with rapid strokes that she extended up to her clit. She was licking on that sensitive clit as she slipped two fingers into Felicia's wet, slippery, and very tight pussy. Felicia moaned as these fingers entered her pussy so Monica took it slow allowing Felicia to get used to having her pussy filled like this. She wasn't a virgin, Monica found out but she also knew that there had not been much if anything inside of her. Monica pushed her fingers all the way in causing Felicia to moan so Monica licked harder on Felicia's clit getting Felicia to relax and her pussy to expand. Monica pulled out her fingers until only the tips were inside of her. She pushed them back in going deep again and Felicia moaned deeply and loudly. Slowly Monica began to fuck Felicia's pussy as she licked and sucked on her clit. After a few strokes, Felicia started to push back against her fingers as she finger fucked her.

"Hot fuck that feels good!" Felicia cried out as she pushed back harder and Monica began to fuck her harder and faster. Felicia's pussy was getting very slippery and her fingers were going in easier and faster. Monica fucked her harder and faster driving her fingers in deep and fast and Monica sucked Felicia's clit into her mouth and biting down on the base.

Felicia let out a cry that almost hurt Monica's ears as she came hard coating Monica's fingers with her sticky juices. Monica finger fucked her through her orgasm then she pulled her fingers out licking them clean before licking Felicia's pussy just as clean. It was only then that she allowed Felicia to pull her up in the bed.

"Oh god woman, you know how to make a girl feel good." Felicia gasped out as she tried to get her breathing back under control.

"I try my best." Monica said as she kissed the sweat off of her brow.

"You're best is pretty fucking good." Felicia told her as she smiled at her.

"I think that I have been able to expand your vocabulary a little too. I never heard you use such nasty words, you should be ashamed." Monica said teasing her.

Felicia blushed deeply which Monica thought was so cute. "Well it's your fault, first you teach your niece to cuss and now me. You are the wicked one." She said and before Monica could reply Felicia pushed her off of her and climbed on top. Then she kissed her passionately taking the lead for the first time.

Monica wrapped her arms around Felicia flipped her back onto her back and continuing the kiss. Felicia struggled as she tried to reverse their positions but Monica wanted to stay in control however the athlete in Felicia came out and Monica found herself on her back again.

"Now stay put." Felicia told her firmly astounding Monica by her forcefulness.

Felicia sat up on her stomach and Monica watched as Felicia started to put her hands on her breasts however she stopped just before she touched them. She bit her lower lips again as she looked down at Monica, Then she stammered out, "I haven't ever done this before... at least I don't think that I have... I don't know what to do."

"Do whatever comes to you sweetie." Monica told her as she took Felicia's hands into hers bringing them down to her breasts. She smiled up at Felicia as she kept her hands on top of Felicia's for a moment more then she removed her hands from Felicia's hands. She was hoping that Felicia would keep her hands in place and she did.

End of Part Two

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 3

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