Men in Sheds

By roger kent

Published on Nov 9, 2023


Men in Sheds ( part 4) Authoritarian

Over the next few weeks at the Men in Sheds group I wondered if I was becoming paranoid as I noticed a few guys smirking and looking at me. I began to wonder if the two strangers that had used me were actually in this group. Also had they told others ? The first time I noticed it I asked Bill about it as he drove me to his shed after the group finished. He just laughed and told me that I was being stupid.

However, one day at the group I went to the toilet. The toilets were pretty awful. Just two cubicles and no urinal . There was all sorts of graffiti on the walls and holes between the cubicles. I had a piss and just as I was zipping up I noticed a piece of paper being passed under the partition from the next cubicle !

I read it and it said " I know what you do with Bill . I will tell everyone here unless you suck my cock now ! Fold the note and pass it back under the partition if you agree ! " I was shocked . Part of me was horrified at this blackmail but also another part of me was intrigued who it was. I suspected it might be one of those two men who used me in Bills shed. However, I didn't want some big mouth telling everyone! I figured that I could do it and then that would be an end to it . I folded it and passed it back. Almost instantly a cock came through a hole. It wasn't Bills cock and it was semi hard. I paused but then thought to hell with it and I sat down on the seat and leaned towards it and sucked it and it grew longer and harder . I could hear sighing coming from the next cubicle as I sucked him off. I had to admit to myself it was exciting. Then within a minute or so a massive amount of cum shot into my mouth. As I pulled away it squirted over my face too. The cock withdrew and I reached for tissue . I heard the door in the next cubicle open and by the time I wiped my face and exited my cubicle he was gone. I washed my face in the sink and returned to the group. I looked around but there was no indication of who it was.

After the group finished I got into Bills car and told him the full story. " you dirty slag ! " he called me.

" do you think it was one of those two guys that did me at your shed ?" I asked him

" no! It wasn't those guys they don't come to this group"

" so have you told anyone ? " I asked

No! only those two guys " he admitted " I suggest all you can do is comply as I don't want everyone knowing about what we do "

No more notes came under the door but instead when I went for a piss the cock would poke through the hole. However then I started getting texts instructing me to go into those same toilets. I reckoned whoever it was must have got my number from my application form . A different cock was pushed through, then another new one. Then another one. I was spending more and more time in the cubicle sucking off cocks. Every Tuesday and Thursday I was sucking off three or four guys. The instructions told me to wait 2 minutes to leave my cubicle after he or they had cum. I realised my number was being passed around the group and I was being used to suck off various blokes cocks. It seemed it was a group secret. Certain guys knew they could get a blowjob if they texted my number telling me to go to the toilet and wait.

Of course I told Bill but he didn't seem concerned. He even tried to down play it saying I had best keep doing it to shut everyone up. No one said anything to me about it in the group. Of course afterwards we would go to Bills shed and he would be rampant. I think the thought of these guys making me suck them off turned him on. I began to suspect maybe he was behind it all. Had he given my number out ? One day my suspicions were confirmed when I returned from the toilets and noticed a guy passing some money to Bill. I kept my eyes on Bill from then on and another day I saw another guy secretly pass him some cash. I realised Bill was charging these men for me to suck them off. I wondered how much he had received for that evening in his shed where those two strangers and Bill had fucked me.

I plucked up the courage and confronted him on the way home one evening. He sort of smirked and then laughed and I knew my suspicions were correct.

" look you stupid fuck ! I love controlling you and that's what I have been doing all along. I have made a ton of money from you so far and I ain't going to stop. Every cock you suck gets me cash and those two guys in my shed the other week paid me well. I just love it knowing you are squirming as you had to suck all those cocks. Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it ! You loved it ! "

He stared at me waiting for a response . I was blushing as I knew he was right. I did love it. He had made me his whore just as he said in the beginning.

" yes Sir I do love it." I shamefully admitted . " But don't you care how I feel ? " I asked

" listen I love using you. I love fucking your pert little arse and seeing you gag on my cock as I spit on your slutty face but you are just a piece of meat to me . To me you are my stupid slutty bitch" and he laughed in my face . I felt trapped but at the same time I liked it . I loved him dominating me and I had to admit to myself I didn't want it to stop. It was a drug and I hooked.

After this it progressed to guys from our group actually fucking me in the toilets . Married men and single men too. Total strangers would turn up to Bills shed and treat me rough and degrade me as Bill watched. He made sure nobody went too far physically of course. Often I would see him smirking and wanking himself as some guy was fucking me or pissing in my face.

I realised what must have happened to the guy Bill used before me. His only option would have been to leave the area. That was my only option too. However , I really cared for my partner and couldn't leave him so I was trapped. Also I was torn as part of me didn't want to be doing this but another part of me craved the excitement of it. I loved to please !

One day Bill dropped me home and as I got out of his car he told me to make myself available for the Friday evening at 7pm as he "needed a job doing " . I wondered what that could be?

Next: Chapter 5

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