Men in Sheds

By roger kent

Published on Nov 11, 2023


This story is giving the other point of view to my other stories Men in Sheds parts 1-5) '. This is about Bill closing in on his prey. You could readMen in Sheds Part 1 in conjunction with this story

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Bill - Men in Sheds part 1

I am on the committee of a nice group of retired or unemployed men who meet in a big shed. We advertise it as Men in Sheds. It's for men who want to use their existing skills or learn new skills. We have carpenters, electricians, plumbers and a host of DIYs . We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays and do a variety of tasks either helping the community or doing something for ourselves. People apply, I vet their application then we invite them along.

I received one application from a man and checked him out on Facebook and generally online. Oh, I forgot to say a little about myself. I am a big built tall guy, retired and divorced. My now ex wife discovered the secret side of my life. I have a taste for dominating men. I like to use them to satisfy all my urges and they are many and varied. I get a thrill in using and abusing them. The last one I had finally left the area to get away from me. However, there are plenty more fish in the sea and I was bored using him anyway .

Okey so back to the story . I vet the applications so I am looking for another likely candidate for myself and here he was. He was a nice looking guy , gay ( although he never said on his application but I did a bit of digging on Facebook and online and it's easy enough to discern ) , living with a much older partner and i guessed he wasn't getting his rocks off regularly and he looked sort of innocent. I thought I could probably use him and twist him round my little finger. Perfect! I thought he would be the ideal replacement for my last sub.

When he arrived I checked him out. Quite good looking, average build, nice tight butt and smaller than me. He was about 5' 9" whereas I am 6' 2" . Like I said I like to dominate so I moved in for the kill. I made conversation straight away. I put on the charm. Be nice and get him where I want him. Once I control him I can treat him like shit ! I impressed him with my knowledge of electrics and electronics. I soon sussed him out with a few probing questions . He was manipulable, pliable ! He would be putty in my hands.

My plan was simple , get him back to my potting shed on the allotment, seduce him, film him, then control him. As we chatted I mentioned my beer and wine making hobby at my shed and volunteered to show it to him after the group. I could see he felt obligated to go with me after the group as I had been so `nice' to him all morning. I am a bit intimidating so he felt pressured to come with me. All I wanted was to see him at least on his knees sucking my big cock before the day was out . As we went along in the car I tested him out with a bit of leg touching as I chatted but made it look as if it was just me being friendly. Little did he know my intentions.

At the allotment we walked up the central path past all the other plots. I was saying hi to the few other people working there . My shed was located at the far end of the allotment with the window facing down the whole site so I could see anyone approaching.

Once we got inside I could see he was impressed by all my electronics in there and beer and wine making stuff . We sat on the stools at the bench under the window with a view down the site. I wanted to keep an eye out in case any of the other allotment owners walked up. They never did but I wanted to make sure .

I offered him a beer ( which I knew was potent ) then another. The second bottle was from my special spiked ones. As I got it I secretly flicked the switch which activated four separate hidden cameras. There is so much stuff in that shed it's easy to hide disguised little cameras.

He is loosening up nicely. His speech is slurring. I watch his eyes and see the effect on him. I look at his lips and I think I want my cock in there soon.

As casually as possible I mention that I like to watch porn on my tv and ask his permission if I can put some on ( like he has a choice ! I laugh to myself ) . Of course he agreed. I play a tried and tested compilation dvd which goes from straight sex through trans sex to gay sex. Hopefully he would get horny at one or all of them. We are laughing together and I am generally being ` nice' . When it gets to the trans and gay sex there are couples having anal sex and I tease him asking if he HAD to choose to be in one of those positions either fucking or being fucked which would he choose? The alcohol was having its affect and it loosened his lips. He chose exactly what I predicted he would . To be fucked! Little did he know that is exactly what was going to happen to him! I was becoming a bit more touchy feely again . As I chatted I patted his leg and I could see a bulge in his trousers.

The time was ripe to go to my next stage. I confessed that I often wank myself watching the porn and did he mind if I got my cock out. What could he say ? I was being nice and friendly , it was my shed and he had drunk some of my beer. I could see the effect it was having on him . Of course he again said it was fine . So I got my cock and balls out. I saw his eyes widen as he looked at my semi erect cock. I then took a chance and said I bet you want to get yours out too don't you ? He hesitated a bit . So I encouraged him more and more. " Go on ! There's no harm in it . I can see your bulge!" He was putty in my hands. He unzipped and got his cock out. I knew if I could wank it he would fold and I would have him. Now I didn't want to just get him sucking my cock I wanted to fuck his nice pert butt.

His cock was uncut and I pretended that I had never touched an uncut cock ( as if !) and asked if I could touch it. I was still being ` nice'. Not long now and I could relax and be my usual dominating self. He sort of agreed really not knowing what was happening. His eyes were closing . So I reached across and held it then gradually ever so slowly started wanking him. His head was rolling a bit and his eyes were closed .

`Oh yes! He was mine. Time to take the kid gloves off!' I thought .

" Stand up and keep looking out the window " I ordered him . In a flash I stood behind him . I put my arms around him and undid his belt and pulled his trousers and pants down to reveal his nice pert arse . Yes I was definitely going to bend him forward over the bench and fuck him hard. I knew those cameras were recording so I wanted to put on a good show. Those cameras were the key to get him as my sub for the foreseeable future.

I pushed my now hot hard cock against his hot arse and I could feel his cock was hard too. He was relaxed, drugged and barely knowing what was happening and I was rampant. I leaned forward and whispered in his ear that I knew I would end up fucking him. I knew he had no choice and so did he. The stupid bitch begged me not to tell anyone and of course I agreed it would be our secret . ( As if ! I had plans for him to be used by my mates and customers ). The last guy made me some money and that's what I intend to do with this guy.

I was mauling his arse and wanking him and he was loving it. I even made him beg me to be fucked . I forgot myself in the heat of the moment and admitted I was going to make him my whore. Fortunately he thought it was just sex talk . Little did he realise I meant every word. I realised the lube was out of reach so spat into my hand and slapped that into his hole using my fingers to open him up . I bent him forward and pushed my fat hard cock into him. Oh yes , success! It felt great I had done what I intended . I was fucking his arse ! I started pounding him slowly at first and then faster and faster. I was imagining shooting my hot cum into him.

Now the next stage of my plan. Get him to say I am the best and better than his partner. It was vital I get that said so I can blackmail him into being my whore or his partner would see the film. He was so excited he would have said anything. I got him to say everything I wanted . How I was the best, how I was better than his partner. I relaxed then and dumped my `nice' persona as it was mission accomplished stage 1 complete . I told him he was a filthy slag and I was going to use and abuse him just as I liked and make him my whore to regularly empty my balls. He thought it was just sex talk again.

By now I had him say everything I wanted and I now needed to empty my big balls into him. My bell end felt massive and his arse was so tight then in a massive explosion his lovely hot tight arse received all his Masters cum. It was incredible. I loved the feeling of triumph as I knew I had him in my clutches. Of course he didn't know it yet but he would soon find out . I decided to wank him off too as I knew the floor camera would see that. There was no way he could say he didn't enjoy that.

We zipped up and I could see he was so embarrassed. I loved that moment. I knew his mind was racing . Would I tell anyone ? I put my nice persona on and helped him down the path as we walked back to my car to return him to the hall to get his car. I suggested , well insisted ! I collect him on Thursday to save him driving to the group but it was purely to control his movements on Thursday . Oh yes my plan was working . More fun on Thursday for me .I was feeling quite pleased with myself as now I would take this poor sap to the next part of my plan. The short drive back seemed to sober him up a bit . As he left my car to go to his car he could barely look me in the eye as he was still confused after what had happened. I saw him slowly drive home. Yes I would see him on Thursday as I was only just getting started. I returned to the shed to download the films taken and get it edited and ready for the next stage .

Next: Chapter 7: Bill 2

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