Men of Antarctica

By HazeMaster

Published on May 13, 1995


Reply-To: (HazeMaster)


Episode #25,


"Ungrateful wretch! Though I bestow on you a priceless gift, you have not sense enough to know its worth!"

Zodp'doq's Pleasure Chamber crowned Xyla'anta's Palace of Black Crystal's Master Tower. The rounded walls rose to three times the height of a Drode Sex Pirate. The Dark Lord's bed--a simple square platform of burnished red Zharquoya wood covered with leather sheets and comforter--occupied the cylindrical apartment's midpoint. Suspended from hooks in the crystal walls hung favored parts of Zodp'doq's prize captives. Still living necks, pectorals, biceps, shoulders, abdomens, thighs, calves, buttocks, and genitals, twitched with sensation underneath the clear glass skylight.

"Miserable little twink! To not appreciate a precious gem is simple ignorance! But to bespoil a treasure shows a wanton lack of judgment!"

Lord Zodp'doq and Khochya-bar-Qoq sat upon leather thrones. The Master of the Five Drodai'ic realms wore leather boots laced to his knee. Black leather jodhpurs adhered to the Brothel Procurator's loins. Zodp'doq's massive, furry chest glittered with fragrant oils. His dark brown nipples stood out firm and straight.

Zodp'doq's own hands dressed Khochya-bar-Qoq. Zodp'doq swept the Prince's long dark, white streaked hair into a high coiffeur studded with jewels from all the altiverse. Zodp'doq selected a shimmering cream colored gown of iridescent fabric, draping the robe in a diaphanous overskirt of ever shifting rainbow hues.

The oldest Drode Warriors gasped. Zodp'doq transformed Khochya-bar-Qoq into the image of his Royal Mother, Princess Tondaleyah Rebekka, daughter of Admiral Antemodes Ahrkantepodes.

"Pathetic airhead! How dare you toss away a prize that could have liberated your entire tribe, and trade it for a momentary trifle to assuage your bloated appetites!"

Stripped naked and shaven completely bare, young Buddy hung spread eagled from the rack. Purple welts boldly flourished on the Californian's lobster hued buttocks. A thick black candle dripped hot wax from the Bud's asshole. The tattooed emblem of a Brothel Harlot decorated Buddy's skull and left pectoral mound. Zodp'doq's silver nuptial rings no longer pierced the Californian's cock and nipples.

"From what you were to what you are, never has any Harem Favourite fallen with such swiftness to such degradation."

Zodp'doq spoke in sadness without rancor.

The Californian's hardon betrayed Buddy's harshest shame.

Zodp'doq's naked servants brought in wineskins, pastries, bowls of fruit, and trays of pungent cheese.

As Zodp'doq and Khochya-bar-Qoq supped, Drodes tilted the rack horizontal, splaying spreadeagled Buddy face up. One Drode guard shoved his rod in Buddy's mouth. Another whammed his cockshaft into Buddy's asshole.

The court musicians grouped themselves around their Lord. Swiftly tuning their strings, the players commenced a much favored piece--Zodp'doq's Twelfth Concerto Grosso. The severed body parts suspended from the crystal walls twitched to the music's jaunty tempo.

The royal dancers swirled into the Pleasure Chamber. Twirling about the rack, their undulations matched the rhythms of the two Drodes fucking California Buddy.

Khochya-bar-Qoq whispered to Zodp'doq. The Dark Lord guffawed, filled his mouth with creamy pastry. Drode tongue slipped dessert between the Captive Prince's lips. The Drodes Guards shot their loads up Buddy's ass and throat. Two others quickly shoved their shafts up Buddy's twats.

The music played. The dancers twirled. The disembodied fragments jitterbugged along the walls. Zodp'doq poured the wineskin down the Prince's gullet. The Drodes in swift succession fired their wads down Buddy's holes. Zodp'doq bent a serving boy across the supper table. The Dark Lord stuffed the youth's buttocks with drooling fruit. The other boys eagerly lapped the sweet and sticky juices.

The court musicians played Zodp'doq's Fourth Concerto Grosso. And then his Sixth and too exquisite Tenth (commemorating Antemodes Ahrkantepodes' defeat). The royal dancers sprawled exhausted on the floor. A regiment of Drodes fucked Buddy through his front and back doors.

Zodp'doq rose. All music ceased. Zodp'doq gave his arm to Khochya-bar-Qoq and escorted His Highness to the rack.

Khochya-bar-Qoq lifted his skirts and straddled Buddy's face. Animated by blind instinct, the Californian's tongue and lips began to suck the Captive Prince's cock. A saltiness and vinegary tang overlaid the meat's Hermanuta sweetness. Buddy thought that he recognized . . . but no . . . that could not be.

Khochya-bar-Qoq's thick shaft pumped deep in Buddy's throat. Zodp'doq hooked Buddy's legs round his neck, spat on his callused palms, and lubed his monster cockmeat. Khochya-bar-Qoq's tool bulged, and Buddy strained to keep his jaws from gagging.


Zodp'doq rammed his spit slimed rod up Buddy's pussy hole, sundering open the tight gates to Buddy's glory road. Young Buddy writhed between his two assailants. His sphincters clamped on Zodp'doq's hard pushing rod. His tongue slurped up the precum drooling out of Khochya-bar-Qoq's cockhead. Again the Hermanuta's milky sweetness overlaid with something tart and sour. Yes? No? It couldn't be!

At either end the twin despoilers rocked their hips in perfect cadence. Young Buddy quivered, pulverized between Zodp'doq's cockshaft pounding at his prostate and Khochya-bar-Qoq's manmeat hammering his throat. His last night in the Palace of Black Crystal. His final fuck from Zodp'doq.

The two dicks swelled inside him. Buddy sensed that the pair would shoot their loads as one. Zodp'doq moaned, and Khochya-bar-Qoq noticed the Dark Lord wept. A weary sadness overtook the Master's countenance. What was the Procurator mourning in his heart?

Leaning forward, Prince Khochya-bar-Qoq slipped his tongue between the Dark Lord's lips. The two sworn enemies locked arms about each other, syncopated bodies heaving as they panted and their knees began to shake.

Zodp'doq's viscous cum scalded the Californian's road to glory. Khochya-bar-Qoq exploded, firing globs of scorching mancum into Buddy's gaping throat.

At once the Ross Ice Station's high tech guru realized his fatal error.

Moaning ecstatically, Lord Zodp'doq and Prince Khochya-bar-Qoq volleyed their fiery payloads into Buddy's ass and mouth.

The Californian swooned, his body hurtling through the altiverse, tumbling down from galaxy to galaxy freighted by terrible new knowledge which expelled him from the realms of adolescent innocence.

Thick flaming globs of mancum consumed all the arrogance that last night bloomed in Buddy's pussyholes.

The harsh wisdom the Californian should have learned beforehand now brought Buddy only painful stabbing sorrow.

Toppling in a free fall through both time and space, spiraling ever downward Buddy crashed amidst the Market Place within Xyla'anta's Brothel of the Ten Thousand Inter-Galactic Sexual Pleasures.


Episode #26,


Inter-galactic freighter routes swallowed up Borsa and Na'achum.

Wandering from star system to star system, the voyagers encountered cargo handlers, orphan boys, and aged Ma'asatt veterans recounting legends of the fabled Pentagonal Convent of the Healing Sisters. But no man knew the hospice's true location.

The pilgrims journeyed ever onward through the altiverse, earning their keep as sweated laborers. The thrifty Borsa hid a trove of golden coins within a leather pouch secured beneath his trousers.

At length Borsa and Na'achum disembarked at Planet Genessia. Once the proud center of inter-galactic commerce, the planet's cities now stood desolate. Vast forests reclaimed barren fields, high branched trees blotting out the daystar's light.

Borsa and Na'achum rambled through the Royal Palace. Towering fluted columns bore capitals ornately carved with vines and leaves and fruits. Round arched clerestory arcades soared skyward to join richly molded cornices supporting shattered roofs. Sculpted freezes in high relief portrayed the House of Zhiova'anah's legendary triumphs in blends of blue and red and green and purple marble. Parti-colored mosaics sprawled over marble floors depicting Genessia's bountiful prosperity.

The pilgrims' boots echoed thru vacant galleries. Decapitated, toppled statues balanced against collapsed altars. Swift, sharp fanged rodents scampered from fissures in the high walls seeking food. Questing for light and air, trees forced their way through smashed foundations. Large pools of stagnant water filled reception chambers.

Within the palace courtyard stood the Bazaar of the Caravans. Highly spiced grilled meats commingled their aromas with scents of animals and freighter crews from many galaxies. Vendors from all the altiverse bawled out their shills competing for the crowd's attention. Tumblers and dervishes and jugglers and musicians performed amidst teamsters careening drunkenly from tent to tent.

Wrapping his muscled arm about young Na'achum's shoulder, Borsa remembered Leonardis guiding him through the Bazaar on Planet Nadjz. How many earthly months or years ago? Borsa lost track of time measured on Planet Earth, could not recall the date the Ross Ice Station crew had left Antarctica.

Borsa bought Na'achum hot mulled cider; roasted poultry from the Briz'n'prouzn Galaxy; skewered kabobs of curried Arvh'yah and pastry shells of Re'eme'ediyah drenched in garlic butter. The two men shared desserts from Metayim, soft, fluffy breads oozing with gooey creams and sticky fruit preserves.

Leftover food from all the altiverse covered young Na'achum's face and fingers. Borsa laughed at his grinning friend. The Marine filled his cheeks with fresh water and slurped the manchild clean with his broad tongue.

Meandering between the merchants' tents, Borsa purchased two sharply pointed daggers to conceal within their tunics. The Marine bought himself a long, stout staff of hard Zharquoya wood, and then a shorter, lighter staff for Na'achum. He procured coils of densely braided rope, and heavy, thick soled leather boots.

Na'achum's face glowed with curiosity, the manchild eager to incorporate new experience beyond his former ken.

And so their ramblings took the pilgrims to the Sex Bazaar.

Seven foot tall, massively bulked up guards with close cropped hair presided at the auction platforms, torsos encased in tight black guinea t-shirts scooped low font and back displaying delts and lats and pecs and biceps. Verkauffah merchants rubbed their hands outside their leather tents, bellowing their sales pitches at the crowd.

"Behold a dainty missy for a warrior's pleasure! A modest maiden, virtuous and virginal! A tender morsel for the delectation of a fighting soldier!"

Enormous under his caftan, the merchant smelled of wine, cooked meats, and spices.

The joy toy girls ready for auction stood upon wooden platforms with their eyes cast down.

Sharply Borsa recalled the afternoon aeons ago with Leonardis.

"Yo, Little Brother, ya'll do got one hard and slimy dick between ya legs! Ya'll wanna be a little lady in the Bazaar of the Caravans?"

The Lykanthine Commander could read Borsa's thoughts, sensing the most minute gradations of his cockshaft. Did the Marine from Brooklyn yearn to be dressed up and painted like a living doll, a crinolined and ruffled little lady?

Even now Borsa felt his cockmeat swell between his legs, felt drops of pre-cum dribble down along his thighs.

"Big Brother Vinnie Borsa, have you brought us to this place that we may view the shame of joy toy girls?"

Na'achum's words pierced the jarhead's reverie.

"All boys must serve their time before they earn the prize of manhood. But whether as a Little Brother or a Little Sister . . . ."

Na'achum stared into Borsa's eyes.

"Big Brother Vinnie Borsa, why is your countenance so dark and troubled?"

"Na'achum, the Drodes deprived me of Commander Leonardis long before I absorbed the Master's teachings. So I must be Na'achum's Big Brother while I still learn the Mysteries of Manhood. That is my destiny.

So be it."

Borsa groped Na'achum's crotch and laughed.

Na'achum blushed lobster red. Borsa had caught him with a hardon.

Borsa hugged Na'achum to his chest.

"Perhaps the two of us need to consider the plight of our Little Sisters."

Borsa kissed Na'achum's lips. The boy from Altra Nirah thrust his tongue in Borsa's mouth and rubbed the Marine's close cropped hair.

"Behold a dainty missy for a warrior's pleasure! A modest maiden, virtuous and virginal! A tender morsel for the delectation of a fighting soldier!"

Borsa gazed at the auction block. One joy toy girl stood taller than the others. Beneath a tightly curled flaxen haired wig, the maiden's cheeks and lips were painted blushing pink. But lacy pinafores could not conceal the barrel chest and broad, square shoulders of a man who'd lived a life of constant action. Once.

"Look closely at this delectable demoiselle and savor ripe fruit ready for the plucking. Never has Schnorer the Adorer beheld such a precious darling as this pretty little lady. No Emperor's daughter could compare to such as jewel as this."

The Verkauffah merchant thrust hairy paws between the joy toy's legs and hoisted up the maiden's flouncy skirts. Long sheer white stockings sheathed the sex toy's calves and thighs, a garter belt sustaining them in place. Sheer peach hued panties thinly veiled the all too public private parts.

Rolling his tongue along his glistening, wine stained lips, the smirking merchant slowly caressed the joy toy girl's muscled thighs. Schnorer's grease smeared fingers stroked the sex toy’s crotch while the Adorer lewdly humped the maiden's buttocks with his obscene paunch.

"Here’s a delicious little snack for breakfast on the morrow. What valiant fighting man will nibble on this tender, dainty morsel? Which gallant warrior will make this little missy dance tonight and fill her pretty head with juicy dreams tomorrow?"

Schnorer the merchant spewed cigar smoke in the joy girl's mouth.

The little lady's painted cheeks could not conceal her shame filled blushes.

Borsa's chest tightened and his stomach heaved. The jarhead's throat went dry as Vinnie recognized the sex toy on the auction block: Master Sergeant Keith Schnuffler, USMC.

"Ya just a fucking faggot, Borsa! A maggot ridden piece a shit! This man's Marine Corps got no place for fucking sissy girls like you!"

The jarhead's ears still burned. The seventeen year old had joined the Marine Corps to prove his manhood. And in Antarctica he had encountered Master Sergeant Schnuffler.

"Ya fucking little pansy, Borsa! Ya no good fucking cocksucker! What the fuck makes ya think ya got a berth in this here man's Marine Corps?"

Well destiny has surely played a merry prank on Master Sergeant Schnuffler. Self-righteous pleasure warmed the jarhead's heart. Without thinking the Marine swelled his chest, thrust out his rump, and scratched his crotch.

Then Master Sergeant Schnuffler raised his eyes and met the Marine private's gaze.

A look of recognition flashed between the men.

Borsa watched Schnuffler quiver on the auction block, sensing the shame surging within the Master Sergeant. Borsa could feel the Sergeant's manhood shrivel up into a little ball and blow away like ashes in the wind.

"What lucky soldier wants to guarantee this little pretty won't get any sleep tonight? What daring sky jock wants to keep the other fly boys wide awake till sunrise listening to the little lady's cries of agony and ecstasy?"

Ma'asatt Flotilla Starship 69 had carried them into another altiverse. Zodp'doq's Drode Sex Pirates separated them from their Ross Station comrades. Neither had seen another Planet Earthman since that fatal day on Planet Nadjz. They both were strangers in a strange land. They both belonged to the United States Marines. They both would always be Men of Antarctica.

"I hold this priceless pearl before your eyes! What happy soldier gets to feast on sweetmeats prepared by Kaduma Master chefs?"

The gross Verkauffah merchant boldly tweaked the little lady's nipples. Reeking with pesto breath, he squeezed the precious darling's mansack while he flicked her cockshaft's tender head. Two grease smeared fingers pushed deep inside the dainty morsel's hole of shame.

But this maiden was Master Sergeant Keith Schnuffler, USMC.

"Big Brother Vinnie Borsa, please explain the sudden agitation raging in your breast."

"Na'achum, my friend, tonight the two of us are gonna learn the Mysteries of Manhood."

"But who will teach them to us, Brother?"

"We're gonna learn em on the fly, my friend. We're gonna learn a real man's ways through on the job training. My friend, tonight we're gonna do a bang up real man's job!"


Episode #27,


The night winds chilled the freighter compounds. Lantern light seeped out of the scattered tents, along with sounds of laughter, music, sex, and gluttony. A nightbeast's howls reverberated in the darkness. Sharp needled tumbleweeds rolled through the campsites. From deep within the forests nightbirds shrieked at one another.

Silhouettes shimmied across canvas tents, a grotesque puppet play distorting bestial acts within.

"No! Please! No! Please! No! Please!"

"Ha Ha! Our little lady is too delicate for the rough hands of fighting men! Our tender blossom needs to have her petals plucked!"

"Please! Don't! Please! Don't! Please! Don't!"

"Ha Ha! Hoist little Rosebud on the table and you'll get a shot at both her dainty pussy holes! Our precious morsel is a luscious pastry treat! Just squeeze the yummy cream out of her squishy center!"

"Please! Help me! Some one! Help me! Some one!"

Silhouettes jitterbugged across the tent. A struggling figure. Grappling arms. A tussle--


Night winds tangled the toppled tent amidst its ropes and poles.


Freighter crews tumbled from the neighboring tents. Through a dense haze of cheap red wine from Astrombo and Hesterex, they tried to comprehend the scene.


Four gaping freighter jockeys quivering shirtless in the biting wind. Hovering by his bodyguards, Schnorer the merchant wrung his hands. Two bodyguards standing with guns at ready, pale faced, bug eyed, sweating, swiftly breathing. A joy toy girl cowering in the dust, bloomers ripped off and skirts above her head.


The monster towered above the merchant's guards. Two of its four arms bore long wooden staffs. Purple and red cancers covered the monster's huge misshapen head. The monster's eyes were blank, its nose and ears sliced off. Atop its shaven skull long strands of hair coiled in a single upright braid.





The chilling wind echoed monster's roar.

The drunken freighter jockeys scrambled for their ships.

Gibbering childhood prayers Schnorer collapsed upon his knees. Hiding his head beneath his robe's wide sleeves, the merchant pissed into his trousers.

Bodyguards froze.

The four armed monster lunged.

The long staff split the left guard's head.

The short staff crushed the right guard's nuts.

The monster seized the guards' Uzis.

The monster stomped the cowering merchant's shit smeared rump.

And disappeared into the darkness of the night.

Amidst the ruined Zhiova'anah Palace firelight glowed. The scent of roasted, highly spiced Arvh'yah wafted between toppled marble pillars. Borsa and Na'achum sprawled on down filled cushions. His blond, ringletted wig incinerated in the fire, his make up scoured from his face, United States Marine Corps Master Sergeant Schnuffler paced the marble floor in fatigues appropriated from Schnorer's former bodyguards.

Borsa and Na'achum scooped clean bowls of steaming vegetables using rich seasoned breads from Ha'amentyr and Mendulah and Puertagalba. Sticky juices coated their mouths and fingers. Pieces of meat and salad greens nestled between their teeth. The two men snuggled in each others' arm, exchanging pungent kisses.

"Yo, Sergeant Schnuffler! Me 'n' my pardner’s had a busy day. We're gonna call it quits and hit the sack. Over yonder's an extra sleeping bag. When you get tuckered out from all that heavy duty marching, just curl yourself inside and sleep your gyrine head off."

The campfire dwindled into glowing embers. Borsa and Na'achum made love twice, then soundly slumbered, bodies adhering to each other.

But Schnuffler strode across the marble floor until the daystar's pale grey light filtered down through the shattered roof.

"Yo, Borsa, Borsa," Schnuffler knelt, whispering to the mound of cushions. "Yo, Borsa, can I get in there with youse?"

Silently Borsa's hand unzipped the sleeping bag. When Schnuffler crawled inside, Borsa's hand zipped it up again.

"Yo, Borsa listen . . . . Grunt, ya saved my butt back there. I . . . I wuz a motherfucking bastard to ya on Antarctica, but . . . but . . . fuck, thank ya grunt for rescuing this Sergeant's ass."

"Hey Bro, no sweat. A jarhead's still a jarhead in another altiverse. Semper Fi, Bro, no fucking matter where or when."

Schnuffler's fingers hesitantly squeezed Borsa's arm. Borsa and Na'achum shifted so that Schnuffler lay snuggled between the pair with four arms wrapped about him.

"Yo, Borsa . . ."


"Ya know that back on Earth, however fucking long ago that wuz, I couldn't stand cocksucking faggots, made their lives hell until they quit the Corps . . . ."

"Yeah, Sarge?"

"I . . . I . . . the Marines wuz for manly men, and not cocksucking sissy boys. I only wanted manly men to be Marines . . . . When I wuz just a kid I wuz a high school jock. Three letter man. Football, wrestling, and boxing. Played all state linesman two years in a row. Always the manly thing. Fucked my first pussy when I wuz fifteen. A hooker the coach rented for the wrestling team. At seventeen I got some Spanish girl knocked up. Joined the Marines and never saw the cunt again.

Two tours of duty in Viet Nam. The Purple Heart. The Silver Star. Three field promotions. Bar girls in Bangkok and Manila. Always the manly thing."

Borsa felt Master Sergeant Schnuffler tremble, watched the tears rolling down his face.

"C'mon, Bro, treat yaself to a good cry. You fucking earned it, Sergeant."

"That day the ship landed on Planet Nadjz. I escaped cuz the Ma'asatt crew wuz all cocksucking fags. They acted like real men, specially the Krugkopfs and SZoids, but they wuz just a gang of faggot cocksuckers trying to pass for manly men.

"And so on Planet Nadjz I looked for real men to join up with . . . and the Verkauffah merchants bagged me for a joy toy girl."

Schnuffler surrendered to his sobs, his body rocking against Borsa and Na'achum.

Borsa stroked Schnuffler's back and rubbed the Sergeant's shoulders.

"Chill out, Bro, chill. Ya made it through the night and now ya're safe and sound at home."

Schnuffler howled like an animal that gnaws its leg off in a hunter's trap.

"They fucking used me, Borsa, fucking used me like a fucking pussy girl. Ever since high school, Borsa, I hung out with manly men. The football team. The wrestling team. The boxing team. Then the Marine Corps wuz a few good men. I always did manly thing. Got shot in Nam. Went back and served another tour. Four fucking years out in the jungle killing geeks for Uncle Sam. They fucking used me like a fucking girl!"

Schnuffler's sobs wracked his body and his tears choked back his words.

"The fucking bloomers and the stockings and the petticoats. The fucking make up like I wuz a fucking Barbie doll. And then the fucking hands, the fucking greasy hands all over me, touching me everywhere, squeezing my ass and pulling on my dick just like I wuz a fucking piece of meat, a cunt, a twat, a hooker in some Bangkok strip club.

"I wuz a manly man, but here they used me like a fucking pussy girl. The Marines, Borsa, the Marines builds men. Only a few good men can make it, Borsa. They used me like a fucking little girl. Pulling my skirts up on the auction block. Groping me everywhere. Letting the freighter pilots squeeze my nuts. Letting the sky jocks stick their fingers up my ass. Making me lick them clean in front of every fucking crew across the fucking altiverse. I am a fucking US Marine Master Sergeant! They fucking used me like a cunt, a twat, a piece of quail, a fucking joy toy girl."

Pale white light filtered downward through the ruins. Shadows clarified into shapes and textures. Borsa hugged Schnuffler to his chest and let the Sergeant weep.

"A manly man. I used to be manly man. Until they used me as their fucking pussy girl. I gave you hell on Planet Earth for being queer. And then you rescued me. So now my ass is yours. You are my owner, Mister Borsa. And me, who used to be a manly man and a US Marine, I'm just a fucking piece of ass for you to play in while you get your jollies."

Schnuffler buried his face inside his arm, ashamed to let the daystar find him.

"Yo, chill out, chill out, Bro! This altiverse . . . it takes our lives on Planet Earth and flips them topsy turvy, like reflections in a Coney Island funhouse mirror.

"Chill out, Bro, chill. You're still a Master Sergeant in this man's Marine Corps. You still outrank me, Sarge, and you are still a first class asshole. But hey, Bro, look, I learned a lotta heavy duty shit back on old Starship 69. I learned that I could be myself, and that's just fine. I can suck cock and be a manly man, and that's cool too.

"But one lesson I learned that really counts the most--you touch a Brother's body with your body and you damn better touch him sharing love and openness and joy. Cause if you touch a Brother filled with lust or fear or need or ignorance, then you are just a fucking Drode, a fucking camel merchant, a fucking freighter jock. I'm just a dumb grunt, Sarge, but when we make it back to Planet Earth, I'm gonna preach that message from streetcorner soapboxes in every town across the USA.

"You grok one kinda love. I grok another kinda love. But if I touch you with a love that you can't grok, my love turns into lust and I become a piece of scum. Whatever happened back on Planet Earth got canceled when we crossed the space-time warp. You wanna hitch a ride with me and my man Na'achum from the Altra Nirah, that's just fine with us. We don't know where the fuck we're going but a jarhead always makes good company. But you do your thing, Master Sergeant Schnuffler, and you don't pay no mind to anybody else's business."

"Big Brother Borsa--look!"

Na'achum leapt up excitedly.

Borsa and Schnuffler stared in the direction of the manchild's pointing arm.

A tall tree sprouted through the palace floor. Slowly the branches stretched as if awakening from lengthy slumber.

Borsa's nose twitched. A sudden rush of mansmell.


"Do you invite me to your sleeping chamber, Little Brother?"

Crossing himself, Schnuffler fell to his knees.


Borsa spread wide his arms. A shadow fluttered on his torso.

"Little Brother--you have become Big Brother to boys needing guides and mentors."

"Leonardis, the gifts you gave to me--"

"Continue in abundance, Little Brother."

A toppled, headless statue split in two, crashing against a collapsed altar.

The shadow vanished.

Metal clattered upon the marble floor.

Gold daylight streamed into the Zhiova'anah Palace.

"Big Brother Borsa, look!"

Na'achum knelt down and snatched the heavy chain out of the campfire's dust and ashes.

A circular medallion hung as a pendant from the central link.

"Big Brother look! A map! A map showing the Forty-Nine Hypostic Galaxies. And a gold arrow pointing somewhere."

"Somewhere, Na'achum, somewhere? Don't you know where that arrow points?"

"The Pentagonal Sanctuary of the Healing Sisters?"

"Beyond the Mountains of Taboullallou! You coming with us Master Sergeant Schnuffler?"

"These Healing Sisters . . . will they let me inside their Sanctuary?"

"If you are man enough to ask for healing."

Schnuffler embraced Borsa and Na'achum.

"Looks like we're on our way!"

Borsa placed the chain around Na'achum's shoulders, centering the medallion on the manchild's breastbone.

"And we're off!"

Suddenly daybirds soared above their heads and sang:

Step outta the woods,

Step outta the dark,

Step into the light!

Step up to the door

And bid it open!



Episode #28,


Ten thousand miles of slate grey stone surrounded Duke. No life forms flourished on the dead moon Ahrkimaggeo. Primordial cataclysms sundered barren rock into tremendous slabs all balancing askew atop each other like a jigsaw puzzle shattered by an angered child. The arid desert sprawled on every side towards the horizon. But in the furthest distance the Imaggae Crystals glittered on a mountaintop beneath the ink black sky.

"Kare'enyi Na'aklyi, guide me on my Quest!

"May I find courage, strength, and perseverance to attain my goals:

"To comprehend the wisdom of Kaduma Masters on my Journey through the Fearsome Night!

"To unite Men of Antarctica scattered through the altiverse!

"To restore the Ma'asatt Flotilla and redeem the Forty-Nine Hypostic Galaxies!

"To liberate my Brothers bound on Planet Earth!

"Kare'enyi Na'aklyi, guide me on my Quest!"

Duke's words reverberated against lifeless rock.

Setting one foot before the other Duke marched towards the mountain range.

Ahrkimaggeo did not revolve upon its axis, suspending Duke within its timeless vacuum. He strode forward until he tired, rested awhile stretched out upon a jutting slab, then marched forward again. Duke's maroon leather pouch still held the Tauromitra's flesh. The Tauromitra's blood filled the Duke's maroon leather wineskin. Flesh, blood, and hope sustained Duke as he trekked across unending slate grey tundra.

The mountain summits loomed closer and closer. Imaggae Crystals flashed, bright beacons beckoning Duke towards his goal. Low foothills rose out of the desert. Duke estimated that after another rest stop and a nap he would begin ascending--


The ground beneath Duke shuddered as the stone plates gnashed together.


The heaving slabs threw Duke upon his back, tossing his legs into the air above his head.


A fissure opened in the rock, emitting steam and stench of plants long dead and rotted.


A monstrous serpent thrust its head up from the cloven rock, looming above the supine Duke. Enormous red eyes glowered at Duke, two handless clocks emitting lurid flashing light. The serpent's fangs protruded from its leering mouth, taller than any Lykanthine and dripping scalding venom drops the size of volley balls. The venom hissed and sizzled as it splattered on the crumbling rocks. The serpent's gaping jaws opened wide as a cargo bay. The monster's broad forked tongue flicked to and fro like moist pink rolls of carpeting.

Duke's heart pounded within his chest. His throat went dry. His stomach twisted into knots. The terrified astronomer pissed in his maroon leather trousers.

"Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh!"

The serpent's basso laughter stung Duke sharper than the monster's fetid, nicotine filled breath.

"Little Joe Kronenschild, the sissy boy of Madison Consolidated High School, thinks he can walk right up and grab himself a handful of Imaggae Crystals!

"Little Joe Kronenschild, the sissy boy who jacks off every night creaming for baseball captain Eddie Bauer, strolling off with Imaggae Crystals?

"Little Joe Kronenschild, the sissy boy who throws a hardon skinny dipping cause he's hot for Mickey Zwackett's older brother, bringing Imaggae Crystals back to Planet Earth?

"Little Joe Kronenschild, the sissy boy who wets his jockey shorts with precum staring at Coach DiFillippo's hairy legs, re-uniting the Ross Ice Station Crew?

"Little Joe Kronenschild, the sissy boy who watches Red O'Halloran soap his cockmeat in the shower, overthrowing the Five Drodai'ic Realms and restoring Kaduma Wisdom to the Forty-Nine Hypostic Galaxies?

"Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh!"

The stone slabs shuddered and their dust enveloped Duke. The serpent's leering grin hovered over the Duke, its forked tongue flicking to and fro, venom drops large as beach balls dripping from its gargantuan fangs.

"Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh!"

Deep laughter rumbled from the monster's belly as the Duke remembered every shame filled secret. Eddie Bauer's rounded, muscled butt encased in dirt smeared baseball pants. THE SHAME! Big Paulie Zwackett home from Paris Island, two humongous hairy balls hanging between his legs. THE SHAME! Coach DiFillippo's muscled thighs covered with tight black curls. THE SHAME! Paddy O'Halloran, the only uncut cock on the school baseball team, soaping his foreskin clean and lathering his bright red pubic bush. THE SHAME! THE SHAME! THE SHAME!

"Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh!"

The serpent's fetid breath enshrouded Duke as joyless laughter growled out of the monster's gut. Huge globs of venom hissed and sizzled on the cold stone slabs.

Duke rolled away and leapt to an adjacent rock.

The serpent's neck rose from the fissured stone.

Duke brushed the monster underneath its jaw with the Aquilla feather.

The serpent tittered, rising up upon its coils.

"Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh!"

Duke saw the beating heart.

Duke's fingers sought the miniature sword.

"Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh!"

The steel blade flashed.

"Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh!"

Duke plunged the sword into the monster's heart.


Instead of blood, hot air stinking of long dead orchids spewed out from the serpent's wounds. The great snake tottered and collapsed, deflated. The monster's hollow green scaled skin fell lifeless on the slate grey stone. The huge head crashed upon the rocks, shattering into fragments. Two eyeless sockets glowered at nothing. The sneering jaws lay in a criss-crossed X.

Leaping from rock to rock, Duke sliced the dead pink tongue and wrapped it round his torso as a bandoleero.

"Thank you, Kare'enyi Na'aklyi, thank you!

"To you I dedicate this trophy of my Quest!

"Thank you for guiding me inside my loins to find the strength and courage to defeat the monster serpent!

"Thank you, Kare'enyi Na'aklyi, thank you!"

Duke vaulted over the deflated carcass, climbing to a ridge of foothills. Squatting, he ate the Tauromitra's flesh and drank the Tauromitra's blood. And there Duke slept in preparation for his next adventure.


Episode 29,


Unmoving on its axis, slate grey Ahrkimaggeo distinguished neither night nor day.

Upon awakening, Duke lacked markers to estimate the hours he slept. But he had scaled the foothills rising towards the mountain range upon whose summit glittered the Imaggae Crystals. Duke gathered up his leather pouch and wooden staff. Stretching his arms above his head, Duke ascended the first ridge offering passage to the mountain tops.

"Kare'enyi Na'aklyi, guide me on my Quest!

"May I discover the serenity to focus on my goals:

"To utilize the wisdom of Kaduma Masters on my Voyage through the Dreadful Night!

"To live as an example for Men of Antarctica trapped in the Five Drodai'ic Realms!

"To re-invigorate the lost Ma'asatt Flotilla and renew the Forty-Nine Hypostic Galaxies!

"To inspire all my Brothers bound on Planet Earth to create new communities of fellowship!

"Kare'enyi Na'aklyi, guide me on my Quest!"

Above Duke towered unbroken walls of slate grey stone. But he marched forward with a joyful heart, assured that the Imaggae Crystals--


Huge boulders rumbled down the mountainside.


Duke leapt leftward, then sprang the other way as rocks tumbled about his path.


Thick clouds of dust enveloped the astronomer.


The trembling hills pelted the Duke with pebbles.


Atop the ridge the Boarlike Beast pawed at the ground with leaden hoofs.

Larger than any mountain ram on Planet Earth, the NG'phtorhnyde bellowed at the changeless sky.


Sharp pointed quills covered the Boarlike Beast's black leather hide. A crest of jagged plates extended down the NG'phtorhnyde's spine and terminated in short spiked tail. Three curved horns sprouted from the Beast's long snout, and two sharp tusks protruded from its mouth.


The NG'phtorhnyde dropped its head and charged at Duke.

Duke froze, transfixed with memories from long ago.


"Hey, Skinny Joey's real turned on!"

Duke's fourteenth birthday. Boy Scout Camp. Senior Patrol Leaders stripped Duke bareassed, stringing him up spreadeagled in between two trees. Covering Duke from head to toe with shaving cream and chocolate syrup. Whipping Duke's butt with doubled over leather belts. Duke's face blushed brighter than his burning asscheeks.

"Hey, Skinny Joey's got a raging hardon!"

Duke longed to sink beneath the ground.

"Hey, pull it off! Yeah, pull it off! Hey, pull the kid's bone off, man!"

Next summer Duke did not return to Boy Scout Camp.


Nimbly Duke danced out of the charging NG'phtorhnyde's path.

The Boarlike Beast pawed at the ground, then lumbered up the hill, horns aimed at Duke.

Duke crouched, then feinted back and forth with a boxer's agility.

The NG'phtorhnyde snorted like a locomotive.


"Hey, Mike, ya goin to the coach's place this weekend?"

"Shsssssssh! Can it! Joey's not supposed to know."

Duke froze behind the metal lockers.

"Ya heard what happened when Joe spent the night at Jimmy's?"

Duke's ears burned as he bunched his towel against his crotch.

"Joe sucked off Jimmy and his brothers and their next door neighbors."

You fucking bullshitter! We had a circle jerk and you came off three times!

"The coach don't want Joe messin up the weekend!"

And Duke, an all state silver medalist, never competed in school sports again.


With thundering hoofs, the Boarlike Beast charged up the hill.

Duke flung himself out of harm's way and rolled behind a ledge.

Panting, Duke found Kare'enyi Na'aklyi's leather pouch. A weapon slipped between his shaking fingers.

The NG'phtorhnyde spun about, enraged. Thick clotted sputum slobbered from its frothing mouth. The Boarlike Beast roared, primed for killing.


"Hey Joe, ya wanna suck my dick or what?"

A full moon lit the beach. After skinny dipping, the fraternity brothers sprawled nude on their blankets guzzling beer.

"Hey Joe, c'mon! Ya starin at my meat all night! Ya wanna suck me off, I'm cool! Hey that's what brotherhood is all about! C'mon and suck my cockmeat, Joe!"

Duke blushed deep crimson underneath the moon. He couldn't keep his eyes off Victor's monster meat. His gaze betrayed him to the men of Sigma Lambda Mu.

"Go for it, Joe! Go down on it! Yeah, suck his dick off! Drain his balls dry! Do it to it!"

Duke dove beneath the white caps till the surging waves obscured his shame.


The NG'phtorhnyde charged.

Duke plunged the spear into its drooling snout.


The Boarlike Beast crashed on its back, its leaden hoofs churning the air.

Duke drew his sword, slitting open the belly of the Beast.


The slain NG'phtorhnyde imploded. The Boarlike Beast had proved completely hollow, an empty carcass filled with sound and fury.

Duke rolled the NG'phtorhnyde on its belly. Plucking its quills, Duke studded his pink bandoleero with new prizes.

"Thank you, Kare'enyi Na'aklyi, thank you!

"To you I dedicate the rewards of my Quest!

"Thank you for guiding me inside my heart for the serenity to slay the Boarlike Beast!

"Thank you, Kare'enyi Na'aklyi, thank you!"


Episode #30,


Imaggae Crystals blazed upon the mountaintop.

Bright rainbow colored flames exploding from a volcano, the crystals pulsed with energy. Duke felt their heat, their light, their force field pummeling his body as he climbed higher and higher.

"Kare'enyi Na'aklyi, guide me on my Quest!

"Guide me to--whoa!"

Duke hurtled backward, flipping over in a double somersault.

Landing smack on his butt, the Duke rolled down the hillside.

Surging with laser flashes, the force field swirled about the mountaintop, mocking the Duke's impotence.

"Ya-nhah! Ya-nhah!

"Nhah-ya! Nhah-ya!"

Soot belched forth a chasm to the Duke's left.

"Ya-nhah! Ya-nhah!

"Nhah-ya! Nhah-ya!"

Weird, cadenced chanting floated with the smoke out of the gaping cleft.

Ashes and soot blinded Duke's eyes with tears. The stench of burning meat assailed Duke's nostrils. Duke sprawled out on his belly and peered down into the fissure.

"Ya-nhah! Ya-nhah!

"Nhah-ya! Nhah-ya!

"Ya-nhah! Ya-nhah!

"Nhah-ya! Nhah-ya!"

The Duke gasped at the scene below.

Taller than Lykanthines, lizardlike creatures walked upright. Yellow-green scales covered their bodies while broad tails hung down between their legs and trailed behind them. Jagged teeth crammed wide alligator bills. Three sharp claws protruded from their webbed hands.

The lizard creatures garbed themselves in furs of slaughtered beasts, embellishing their girdles with the skulls of butchered warriors.

"Ya-nhah! Ya-nhah!

"Nhah-ya! Nhah-ya!

"Ya-nhah! Ya-nhah!

"Nhah-ya! Nhah-ya!"

Chanting in cadenced tempo, lizard creatures marched about five monumental cairns of piled up boulders. Atop the four mounds at the outer corners, bellowing carcasses of living Tauromitras roasted, skewered on slowly turning spits.

The central pylon rose above the outer four, a stone altar forming a giant X crowning its pinnacle. Duke shuddered as his eyes discerned, through veils of stinging soot, the sacrificial maiden bound upon the altarstone. The maiden seemed to Duke touchingly young and innocent and humanoid.

"Ya-nhah! Ya-nhah!

"Nhah-ya! Nhah-ya!

"Ya-nhah! Ya-nhah!

"Nhah-ya! Nhah-ya!"

Duke the astronomer uncoiled the serpent's tongue wound tight about his torso. Looping one end about a slate grey slab, Duke lowered himself into the abyss. Leaping from ledge to ledge, Duke descended into the bowels beneath Ahrkimaggeo's cold, dead surface. Ashes assailed Duke's eyes. The stench attacked his nostrils. But the astronomer dropped deeper down into the pit.

The altar stone stood in the chasm's center. Coiling the serpent's tongue about an outcropping of rock, Duke swung out from the cavern's sheltering wall, exposing himself to the chanting lizard creatures.

"Ya-ya-nhah! Ya-ya-nhah!

"Nhah-nhah-ya! Nhah-nhah-ya!"

Duke hovered in the air above six hundred gnashing alligator jaws.

Ripping the veiling from the sacrificial maiden Duke beheld--himself when young!

Bound to the altar's black stone X, Duke saw a boy teetering on the verge of puberty. Soft chestnut curls cascaded down over the boychild's shoulders. Duke gazed at smooth, pale cheeks; lips tinted blushing pink. Small melon breasts with pink nipples sprouted from the boy's slender, hairless chest. Below the tapered waist and narrow hips, huddled soft, prepubescent genitals. A stone protuberance impaled the boychild's hole of shame.

Duke turned away, terrified, from his boyish self. Every dreaded nightmare from adolescence into middle age confronted Duke. Joey the sissy girl, the pussy girl, splayed out incarnate as the lizard creature's victim.

"Ya-ya-nhah! Ya-ya-nhah!

"Nhah-nhah-ya! Nhah-nhah-ya!"

Seeing their offering at risk, the lizards scampered up the boulders towards the altarstone.

The stench of roasting Tauromitras overwhelmed Duke's nostrils as the beasts' bellowings assailed his ears.

Bound on the altarstone, the Duke beheld his abhorrence of appearing unmanly.

The astronomer turned his head away--then spun about to face the black stone altar.

Duke slashed the ropes binding the boychild to the altarstone. Gently Duke pried apart the boychild's buttocks, freeing his hole of shame from its impalement on the carved stone phallus.

"Ya-ya-nhah! Ya-ya-nhah!

"Nhah-nhah-ya! Nhah-nhah-ya!"

The enraged lizard creatures cast sharp pointed spears at the astronomer.

From the serpent's tongue wound about his torso, Duke plucked a quill culled from the boarlike beast.

Drawing his arm back from his shoulder, Duke hurled the quill at the onrushing swarm of lizard creatures as an athlete intent on his prize will toss the javelin.

"Ya-ya-nhah! Ya-ya-nhah!

"Nhah-nhah-ya! Nhah-nhah-ya!"

The quill multiplied into twelve. Each quill pierced the heart of twelve lizard creatures.

"Ya-hoo!" crowed Duke.

He pitched another quill and watched another dozen dozen lizard creatures crumble.

"Ya-hoo! Ya-hoo! Ya-hoo!"

Emitting high pitched squeals, the lizard creatures scurried down the chasm's deepest fissures.

Springing from mound to mound, Duke slit the Tauromitras' throats to end their misery. Pausing at every spit, Duke drank the dark red gushing blood, sliced off the Tauromitra's roasted ballsack, and devoured its contents.

The astronomer slung the boychild across his broad, manly shoulders. Duke's thirty year old nightmare felt completely weightless.

"Ya-hoo! Ya-hoo! Ya-hoo!"

Duke's crowing echoed through the vacant abyss.

The astronomer shimmied up the serpent's tongue, emerging once again before the bright Imaggae Crystals' pulsing force field.

Duke hugged the lad against his chest, then pressed the baby pink lips to his mouth and breathed his life into the slumbering boy.

Waves of heat poured from the Imaggae Crystals as the weightless boychild merged into the solid man.

Hot flares of radiant red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet erupted from the mountaintop.

The force field surrounding the crystals drew Duke inward, surrounding the astronomer with realms of dazzling light.

Step out of the woods,

Step out of the dark,

Step into the light!

Step up to the door

And bid it open!


Energy surged through Duke. His body felt completely cleansed, renewed, reborn.

The Duke unlaced his leather pouch, filling it with Imaggae Crystals. The blazing, rainbow colored gemstones burned his hands, but Duke persevered till his leather pouch bulged with the glittering prizes.

"Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!"

Aquillas gyred overhead. Duke waved his captured plume and floated up to join the soaring birds.

Duke firmly mounted the fiercest Aquilla. The mighty birds zoomed off beyond the cold moon's gravity.

"Ya-hoo! Ya-hoo! Ya-hoo!"

Ahrkimaggeo and Vosaquatus orbited around the astronomer.

Duke was the Master of the Altiverse.

Hermanuta Serenissima loomed beneath Duke's feet.

The planet of Kaduma Masters, Enlightened Warriors, and Healing Sisters spread itself out before the Duke, an eager bride awaiting her triumphant bridegroom.

Duke seized the plume and floated downward towards the Mountains of Taboullallou.

The astronomer landed on this newest planet of his inter-stellar explorations knowing that more challenges now awaited him.

"Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!"

High overhead soaring Aquillas formed the letter B.

Buddy! Buddy was safe among the Hermanutas!

"Duke! Duke! Duke! Duke!"

A voice from Planet Earth rang out.

"Duke! Duke! Duke! Duke!"

The astronomer pivoted--as Marine Private Vinnie Borsa rushed to greet him.


"Sky Doc!"



The men embraced, two reunited comrades in their trans-galactic adventures.

"Welcome to Hermanuta Serenissima!"

"It's great to see a fellow Ross Ice Station refugee!"

The pilgrims hugged as bells chimed out across the mountainside.

Arms locked around each others shoulders the comrades hiked to the crest of rolling hills. Down in the valley Duke beheld smoke rising from the kitchens of the Pentagonal Convent of the Healing Sisters.

As the wide red daystar sank into far distant mountaintops, Duke marveled at the old stone buildings; the orchards, vineyards, and vegetable gardens; the pasturelands and cultivated fields of grain spreading towards the horizon.

"My widely traveled sons have rediscovered one another."

An old man leaned against a gnarled tree. His body seemed translucent in the waning daylight.

"Kare'enyi Na'aklyi, Noble Warrior!"

The Duke knelt and kissed the sandled feet.

Kare'enyi Na'aklyi embraced Duke and Borsa.

"Come, join your brothers at the dinner table. Your grand Heroic Quest has only just begun."




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