Men Wearing Nylon Slips

By Aust Slip

Published on Sep 26, 2013


Men wearing Slips 4

The story continues...

Noel the PI had been hired by his new client Tom to investigate his business supplier Terry who he suspected wasn't giving him the best price on the ladies undergarments that his company imported through Terry's company. Noel had phoned Terry and organised a meeting at Terry's place to pose as a buyer.

"Terry?" Noel asked the 50 something, 5'9" man who answered the door of the apartment.

"Yes. You must be Noel. Come in" answered Terry opening the door.

Noel wandered in and saw in the living room a rack of he guessed at least 60 white nylon ladies slips as well as open boxes on the floor spilling over with hundreds of lacy white nylon panties.

"Is this your merchandise?" Noel asked Terry.

"Some. I brought these samples up from the warehouse for you to peruse" said Terry.

The strategy had been for Noel to memorise one particular style of full slip that Tom had wanted Terry's best price for. That way Noel could get around his lack of knowledge of slips but still get the job done.

"Drink?" asked Terry.

"Coffee would be good. How did you get into this business?" asked Noel.

"It's my ex-wife's hobby business. We're still friends. She's not well at the moment and asked me to fill in until she recovers" Terry lied.

Noel asked "May have a look through your stock?"

"Sure. Anything in particular you are looking for?" asked Terry.

"Sort of" said Noel heading towards the racks of slips. He tried to sift through the slips but they were packed so tightly on the rack it was difficult to pull them clear to find the one he wanted while leaving them on the hangers.

"What's your product knowledge like?" asked Terry as he watched Noel's clumsy efforts.

"I'm on the accountancy side of our business and really just need see some and get a rough price" feigned Noel.

"You might as well do it right. watch me" said Terry taking a gleaming nylon white slip from the rack. "Hold the hanger in one hand with the slip facing inwards. Place your other arm under the slip starting near the hand holding the hanger. Then slide your arm up slightly and along under the slip about 3/4 the way along while keeping your arm horizontal. that way the slip spreads out fully on your arm and you get the best view of the slip including the lace edges, the bodice and the rest of it as it flares out. See?" asked Terry now holding the slip in full view of Noel.

"Um. Yes. I didn't know there was so much to it" said Noel quite honestly.

"Now before you try it I need you to take off your jacket and roll your sleeves all the way up. The nylon can get staticy and attract fluff from other clothes that can be hard to get off" said Terry firmly.

Noel complied and Terry handed him a full slip. Noel could see it wasn't the one his client wanted but knew he had to act it out to make sure the operation stayed on track. He followed Terry's instructions when the slip he held suddenly had his undivided attention. He had seen lingerie in department stores and one of his ex-girlfriends wore half slips rarely but he had never had such close contact with a ladies slip before in his life. The cool white nylon felt so soft on his skin as it slid along his bare arm. He unknowingly stared at the slip as he tried to process the sensation it had given him.

"Do you like that one?" asked Terry cheekily.

"Umm. Yes. I mean no. It's probably not the one I was looking for" fumbled Noel as he looked up at Terry.

"Try this one" said Terry handing him a hanger with another silky soft full slip.

"Lay that first one on the couch spread out so it doesn't crease" Terry told Noel.

Noel studied the next slip following the process Terry had shown him. Again the silky soft nylon brushed gently on his arm and again he was momentarily transfixed. By the 6th slip however he had regained his focus and managed to concentrate on looking for the slip Tom wanted. It had distinctive lace edges and shoulder straps and Noel had been assured by Tom it was a common slip supplied by Terry.

With each slip Noel's arm was gently caressed by the ever so soft silky nylon and by the 20th slip the constant contact made it impossible to ignore how nice it felt. A tingling started in his groin that resulted in a growing erection that he knew was a direct consequence of the delicate softness of the slips. His heart raced as he smiled to himself at the unexpected pleasure he was getting from this job.

"You didn't have that before you came in" smirked Terry pointing at Noels very visible hard on.

"Ummmm. I didn't ...." muttered Noel.

"Slips are so soft and luscious Noel. It's perfectly natural. Look" said Terry thrusting his groin forward to display his own hardness to Noel. "And I have a little secret. See" said Terry pulling back his shirt that revealed part of the bodice of a bright white full slip he had on. "I couldn't help but try on one after being exposed day after day to their silkiness."

Noel was stunned but more importantly, that looked a lot like the slip Tom had singled out. "Can I see that slip?" asked Noel nervously.

"Do you like to look at a man wearing a ladies slip?" asked Terry smiling broadly.

"Not really. I just want to check that slip a bit more" continued Noel as he worked hard to stay focussed.

Terry discarded his male clothes and now stood in front of Noel resplendent in the full white nylon slip and panties. "Now be honest. Do I look fabulous or what?" he teased.

"How much for that style for say 100 units?" asked Noel.

"Now you know my little secret, I would be more comfortable doing business with you if you wore a slip too." said Terry in a slightly serious tone.

"I don't think that's necessary" retorted Noel.

"I do and besides. It's obvious you like them. How about you wear a slip for say 15 minutes. Then we can do business" continued Terry.

Noel's $750 fee rided on getting that price off Terry to Tom. 15 minutes looking ridiculous was worth it he thought. "Alright then." said Noel exasperated.

Terry passed Noel a lovely looking full slip and panties from one of the boxes. When Noel had stripped and was wearing the such feminine attire he demanded "how much then?"

"Lets wait the 15" said Terry admiring Noel's body that was similar build to his in the silky confines of the slip.

"what will we do?" asked Noel clearly annoyed but entirely aroused at the same time. He found the silky soft nylon that encased him and gently rubbed and caressed him all over was undeniably sexy.

"How about we have a little fun and touch our slips together. You look so yummy?" said Terry seductively advancing on Noel who backed away into the kitchen.

Terry kept stalking his prey until Noel was trapped in a corner of the kitchen. The situation was totally out of his control thought Noel.

"That's close enough" he said loudly to Terry who closed in.

"Look. we're both so hard." Terry said whose belly was only inches from Noel.

Terry protuded his belly until their slips just touched. Noel froze and stared at where the silky softness of the slips were pressed gently together. "Oh that is so erotic Noel honey. Shall we dance?" said Terry in a breathy voice.

Noel wanted a way out but at the same time he was so turned on that his mind raced in confusion. Terry slowly gyrated his body so their slips slid and rubbed seductively together. Their hard cocks suddenly met for the first time as they gently brushed against each other. Terry stopped. "Our cocks just kissed each other. Oh my" said Terry, his mouth open in false shock. Noel reeled in confusion as Terry gyrated and their cocks touched through silken panties and slips again. terry continued and made a sloppy kissing sound with his mouth each time their cocks touched. Terry could feel Noel's body tense up and wrapped his arms around Noel's neck drawing their slip clad bodies hard against each other. Their groins were also pressed hard and their cocks were locked in a loving wrestle between each other and nylon covered inner thighs. Noel conceded defeat to his silky foe as he felt an impending cum and gave up hope of escape from this silky onslaught.

"Oh fuck. Who are you?" cried Noel with only seconds left to cum.

"Your brand new silky lover" answered Terry who had locked eyes with Noel. "And I want to make you cum my sweet lover" said Terry sexily while he licked his lips and bit his lower lip seductively all the while looking deep into Noel's eyes.

It became too much for Noel. The silky soft slips on him and on Terry who was grinding relentlessly into him, the seductive talk. He felt his groin reaching a crescendo of pleasure and went to look away from Terry just before he came. "No darling. Lets get lost in our eyes as we cum" cooed Terry as he held Noel's gaze. For a reason that escaped Noel, he complied. Noel's eyes were locked with Terry's as he came.

"oh oh oh oh. that's it honey. yes yes" shrieked Terry as he felt Noel's body convulse in orgasm that then triggered his own intense orgasm. Both men spurted load after load of cum into their silky nylon covered groins still pressed hard together. Noel had never cum so hard in all his life.

"Can you believe how that felt?" breathed Terry who held Noel who had wrapped his arms around Terry to steady himself so they remained in a loving embrace.

"Oh god no. that was incredible" replied Noel exhausted from the intenseness of his cum.

Even though he had just cum, Noel could feel himself getting hard again from the silky slips they both wore that touched and at how sexy Terry had been.

"shall we?" asked Terry who had felt Noel's increased hardness along with his own.

"mmmm. yesss" said Noel who had totally ignored that he had just had sex with a man for the first time to enjoy the silkiness that surrounded him.

They cleaned up quickly and both were in new clean slips and panties in no time. Suddenly there was a quiet distinctive knock at the door and Terry went to answer it in his full slip.

"What are you doing?" asked Terry standing in the middle of the living room wearing a slip.

"It's my neighbors and it's okay. You'll see" said Terry opening the door.

Entering the apartment Noel saw two men, same age bracket and body shape, wearing bright white nylon slips. "Noel. Please meet my neighbors Bill and Tim who live across the hall. As you can see they share our sexy interest" smiled Terry.

"Oh you look so wonderful in that slip Noel" said Bill moving to greet Noel. Noel gazed at Bill's body in the slip and was amazed at how alluring the 50 something year old man looked covered in that silky soft nylon. "So do you" he replied. Instead of a handshake Bill hugged Noel close. "mmmmm. This is so nice. Your first time wearing a slip?" asked Bill

"Yes" replied Noel honestly.

Tim joined Bill with Noel in the embrace. "oh god this is getting so hot" gasped Tim as he felt his own slip rub and slide against Noel and Bill's slips.

They broke their embrace as Terry joined them so that the four men stood close admiring each others sexiness in their slips touching and rubbing occasionally.

"So do you want to be a permanent member of our silky club?" asked Terry wrapping his arm around Noel and pulled him in close so their slips were touching again.

"Oh god I've never experienced anything so sexy. I had no idea at all that wearing a slip and also being with other men in slips could be so sexy. I don't think I can resist it. I'm so horny now I just want it again and again and again" said Noel excitedly.

"How about you move in here? Then we can have sex in slips all the time. Lots of endless sex in slips. Me and you. And them too" cooed Terry as he gestured towards Bill and Tim.

"Oh god yes. That's too irresistable to refuse" said Noel.

"That's so wonderful. Is there anything sexier than 4 horny men in a room wearing silky soft slips?" laughed Terry.

How about 5 said a voice from a now open bedroom door. "Tom!. What's this all about?" said Noel in complete surprise . "Your initiation. But don't worry. You'll still get your fee" said Tom also wearing a luscious full slip and panties.

"You mean this was all set up to make me wear a slip?" asked Noel confused.

"Certainly." replied Tom.

"Any complaints darling" asked Terry who held him close.

"No. But why? Why me?" quizzed Noel.

"For sexy fun mostly. And your vocation will be usfeul as we continue our drive" said Tom.

"what drive?" Noel continued suspiciously.

"Our recruitment drive. We want to increase our numbers" said Tom ominously.

"What makes you think it will work?" asked Noel who after all was a trained investigator.

""Look around you honey. Surrounded by 4 men wearing silky soft slips. Does that make you hard? asked Terry.

"Yes" said Noel.

How would you feel watching another man be helplessly seduced into wearing slips with us?. Or how would you feel being the one who seduced him? Think about it" said Terry.

"Oh my" said Noel as a growing realisation caused a broad smile to emerge. "That is so sexy and wicked I'm about to explode thinking about it"

"Now. Do you think our recruitment drive will work?" asked Bill who had moved in close.

"Oh god yes. I can't wait to do it" exclaimed Noel.

"Oh kiss him Terry" said Tim excitedly.

"Terry planted a deep wet kiss on Noel who was so horny he kissed him back just as deeply. Bill and Tim did the same and Tom watched on smiling contently. "that is just so romantic" said Tom as he sat on the couch covered in 60 beautiful white slips. He grabbed a handfull of silky nylon and rubbed himself and orgasmed as he thought about the next phase of recruitment

Next: Chapter 5

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