
By Otis McCoy

Published on Jan 27, 2018


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Karim paced nervously as he waited for Arthur to meet him in the lobby of his apartment complex. The muscle-bound gym instructor wasn't used to being so jittery before a date, but things had been going well with Arthur and Karim always got worried when he got close to a guy. If he wanted to keep on seeing Arthur, he would need to come clean about something, and not all guys took it well.

Sure, some people loved Karim's "gift". It came in handy when you worked at a gym, for sure. But some saw it as freaky or disturbing, and others got a little crazy about it in the opposite way. Karim didn't like being fetishized for his gift, and he especially hated feeling used.

But Arthur was a cool guy, it seemed. He definitely had some fire in him, and he was certainly competitive, but Karim liked these qualities in a man. He enjoyed small games with Arthur, competing to see who could lift the most weight or do the most crunches, though no matter who "won", Karim ultimately won in the end. If Karim could bench more, he enjoyed fucking the frustration out of Arthur, and if Arthur could curl more, he enjoyed showing him who was really boss.

Hell, Karim even liked it when Arthur sucked his cock. For the most part, Karim was not a passive person in the slightest. He got bored during sex when he wasn't doing something to the other guy, and for that reason usually didn't like getting blown or ridden. Even skull fucking felt boring to him when he could instead be coring out a man's hole. But blowjobs from Arthur were fantastic. You'd have to be a sucker to turn down that man's mouth. He could deepthroat to the base, and his beard against Karim's thighs sent shivers through them both.

But before they could go any further, Karim had to be upfront and honest. No point in getting attached if Arthur was going to freak or get weird.

Arthur walked out of the elevator, a smile splitting his scruffy face as soon as he saw the jock waiting for him in the lobby. He walked straight up to the taller man, resting his face in the crook of his neck as they embraced.

"Where you taking me tonight, Karim?" Arthur asked, easily reaching for Karim's hand as they left the apartment complex. "Think you can top the date I took you on last weekend?"

"I think I can top anything you deal me," Karim said with a smile, though his heart wasn't quite in the quip. He tried his best to calm his nerves, or at least provide a facade of normalcy.

"Promises, promises," Arthur teased back, squeezing Karim's hand. They chatted about their weeks as Karim led Arthur through the balmy streets, the summer evening's orange light painting the sidewalk a lazy amber while wildfires burned in the windows overhead. Nobody glanced twice at the two men holding hands, except maybe for a few jealous gay dudes checking out the body building hunk.

When they arrived at Partito Salsiccia, a fancy Italian restaurant ran by the esteemed Chef Hector, Karim made sure to open the door to get a glance at Arthur's shapely ass as it walked through. It certainly wasn't the biggest or bounciest he'd ever fucked, but Karim was always someone to focus more on what's inside a man. In this case, a seven inch colon that could take a non-stop pounding.

After ordering, Arthur reached across the quaintly set table to place his hand over Karim's. "Hey, are you okay man? I hope I'm not moving to fast for you, I'm sorry if holding your hand on the way over was too much." He realized he was holding Karim's hand as he said this and removed it. "I really like you, but we can take things slower."

"No, I really like you too. Really," Karim responded, reaching to keep Arthur's hand in his. "It's just that, well, I should really come clean about something before we go any further. It's part of the reason why I've always used condoms with you, and I understand if it's a deal breaker, but."

"Karim, don't worry about it. I'm not one of those jerks who cares if you're poz or not. I'm on prep, I'm cool with playing safe. I really like you for who you are."

Karim smiled. "Thanks for that, but that's not quite the issue. I'm not sure if you know what a metabreeder is?" Arthur shook his head blankly. "Well, I'm one of them."

"Okay," Arthur said, his voice making it clear that he wasn't about to get shaken by unknown terminology. "What's a meta breeder?"

"I'm not sure of the history, or how exactly it works. I don't know if it's magic, or science, or genetics, or voodoo. But basically, my cum changes people." Karim held his breath.

"Changes? Like how?" Arthur didn't seem freaked out, which Karim saw as a good sign, but he didn't seem to fully understand yet. "Like, if you breed me am I going to become a metabreeder too?"

Karim chuckled a little. That wasn't too bad of a first question. "No. I can guarantee that. People are born metabreeders, you can't become one. My uncle explained it to me. He was a musclebreeder like me, so he was able to pass on his experience."

"Musclebreeders? Sounds like a porn site."

"If you saw my uncle, you'd probably think he belongs on one. That man had boys hanging off his like flies. He'd have a new twink every month, and by the time he was done with them they put on like thirty pounds of muscle."

"So are you saying he changed them?" Arthur asked, slightly incredulous.

"Yeah. With his cum," Karim replied. "The way he explained it was that every time he shot in a man's ass, it'd put a pound of muscle on their lower body. Every time he filled up a man's stomach, it'd put a pound of muscle on their upper body. I don't think my numbers measure up quite to that exactly, but maybe I'm just less potent than he was."

"So... is that why you're so jacked?"

"What!? Cuz I fucked my uncle?! Fuck no dude!"

"Nononono," Arthur put his hands up to defuse the situation. "Cuz you're a musclebreeder. Does that make you super jacked too?" he asked. "Besides, I can't see you bottoming for anyone anyway," he added as an afterthought.

"Oh, nah. Sorry. I love my uncle but I've had creepy gay guys imply that shit about us cuz we're both gay. But nah man, I got this body cuz I worked for it. This was from hours at the gym."

"But you're saying you can give that kinda body to anyone if they suck your dick?"

"Yeah... pretty much. Well, maybe not this good, but close," Karim said with a smirk.

"If you told me that on the first day we met, I'd think it was a terrible pickup line," Arthur said. "Sounds like a bad pop-up ad. `Want to lose fat and gain muscle quick? Just bend over for Karim!'. Not that you need any extra advertisement."

"It'd be false advertising anyway. My cum doesn't make you lose fat, just gain muscle," Karim said as the food arrived. "So these carbs are all on you!"

"I'm sure we can burn them off later tonight," Arthur said with a wink through a mouthful of ragu. Karim took the first few bites of his lasagne before hesitantly asking:

"So, this doesn't freak you out at all?" "Nah, dude, not really. I mean, if you're telling the truth, what's the downside? I get more fit, right?"


"Then I don't see the big deal. If you're making this up, you're kinda crazy, but I think a little crazy is cute. And if you're not making this up, then I can start posing a challenge for you in lifting contests."

"You wish," Karim snapped back, some sauce dripping from his lips. He blushed as Arthur laughed.

"So... what else can you tell me about metabreeders? There's gotta be some sorta downside right?"

"Well, some guys go crazy for my cum. I had one ex who would pester me to fuck him two, three times a day so he could grow bigger. I don't think it was my cum doing that to him though, I just think he had a growing fetish. He was already somewhere in the range of 280." Karim shrugged. "I can see why he wanted to grow more, I'm not kinkshaming here. But I just didn't like feeling like I was a protein shake dispensary."

"Well, I promise not to go crazy for your cum like that. Though it is kinda hot imagining how big you could make a guy."

Karim laughed. "Haha it definitely is. My uncle's longest relationship was with a boy who started out at like 120 pounds, soaking wet. A year later, he was topping out on 300, of pure muscle. On a 5'7", 20 year old former-twink, it looked pretty intense."

"You ever thought about selling your cum in shakes?" Arthur asked.

"Nah, like I said I don't like the feeling of being used like that. Even if I make money off it. Before I met you, I would fuck some of the guys I trained, especially the ones who loved to skip leg day, just to give them the extra boost up. I figure I'm just doing my job." "That's kind of hot, dude."

"But I haven't done that for awhile. The last guy I did it to just got invited to join the gym elite a month or so back, and I don't fuck them. Especially now that I got a boyf- guy I'm dating."

`Real smooth, Karim,' he thought to himself. But Arthur just smiled.

"Give it another date and we can make it facebook official," he said. Karim smiled back.

And then the topic of conversation drifted away from Karim's reproductive peculiarity. They chatted about the newest episode of Come West, about how Buck was finally opening up to Curly and about how Joe needed to have more shirtless scenes. They talked about the strange wolf sighting near the docks. They laughed about stories from their past, about the time Karim had accidentally entered Volur's Sauna, the lesbian steamroom across from Seidrman's Bathhouse, eliciting a number of sarcastic quips from the women inside, the best of which was that no matter how much he worked his pecs, he probably wouldn't be the topic of affection there, and about the time Arthur had decided the lines for the bathroom at Club Lux were too long and had gone outside to pee in the alley to find two bears getting blown by a twink who looked like he was a little over his head but was still eagerly enthusiastic.

"You didn't give him any help?" Karim asked as he gave his card to the waiter. "With your blowjob skills you could've had both of them finished in seconds."

"Honestly, I was thinking about it. Only reason I didn't was cuz I recognized one as a guy my dad plays poker with." They both burst out laughing. The laughter melted into the smiling lull of two slightly intoxicated people who just shared a joke and wanted to share another. "So, there's no downside at all to being a metabreeder? I'm asking cuz I really want you to fuck a load into me tonight, and I just wanna be sure."

"None at all. Unless of course..."


"Unless you got a pussy hidden somewhere that I don't know about. Metabreeders can't have children. My uncle was bi and he learned the hard way."

"Why not?" "I don't know all the details. I just know that if a metabreeder knocks someone up, bad things happen. I was only a kid when it happened, and I only got a glimpse... but it was like the hulk. On steroids."

"Yeah?" Arthur asked, horrified fascination in his eyes.

"They kept it in the basement. It was only a few weeks old, but bigger than my dad. It looked like one of those roided-out competitive bodybuilders. The adults were all talking about what to do with it, and I wandered into the basement. It would've killed me if my uncle hadn't intervened. It was afraid of him for some reason. When I was older, my uncle told me that was when he first suspected I was a musclebreeder like him. He thinks that if I wasn't, it would've snapped my neck without hesitating."

"Whoa..." Arthur whistled, wide eyed. "That's crazy, Karim. What did they end up doing with it?" "I don't know. My uncle doesn't like talking about it. Sounds like a cheesy horror story, I know, but I promise I won't jumpscare you." Arthur chuckled nervously as the waiter returned. "But don't worry, that can't happen to you."

"Eh, it'd be worth the risk anyway," Arthur said with a wink.

- * -**

When they got back to Arthur's apartment, neither man could keep his hands off the other. Karim felt exhilarated that his secret was off his chest and Arthur had taken it so casually. Arthur was if anything even hornier for Karim's cock, and was curious if his cum was as magic as he claimed.

In the elevator, they made out furiously, surprising an older lady who got on at the third floor. "Oh, don't mind me boys," she said after the shock left her face. "I've lived in this town long enough to see more than my fair share of young bucks like you going at it."

Despite her encouragements, the men kept their lips to themselves for the rest of the trip up, though Karim couldn't help but grip Arthur's jean-clad ass in his hands, pulling the shorter man into him. Arthur let out a stifled squeal, which turned into laughter from all three people.

Arthur fumbled with the keys to his apartment as Karim continued to paw at his ass. He had barely opened the door a crack before Karim pushed them both inside, catching Arthur and pulling him against his body before he knocked the other man down with his exuberance. Arthur leaned into the strong man, whose arms wrapped around him in a sturdy embrace, kissing his lips feverishly with his arms pinned to his side.

Karim loosened his grasp enough for Arthur to step away, reaching back to grab Karim's hand and pull him to the bedroom. Karim resisted though, his greater strength pulling Arthur back into his kisses, before he hoisted the man up into the air. Instinctually, Arthur's legs wrapped around Karim's waist. He could feel a lump in the bigger man's jeans pushing against his ass.

Karim carried Arthur to the bathroom, where he set him on the bathroom counter. He was pushing Arthur against the mirror, almost bending him in two, before he let up, leaving the smaller otter breathless. "Strip," Karim ordered, stepping back to take off his own shirt.

Arthur was stunned for a moment, as he always was, when Karim revealed his ripped body. Each muscle was stenciled perfectly onto smooth skin. His pecs jutted out over a sixpack, the lats giving Karim an almost upside-down pyramid look. Karim smiled at the admiration he was receiving before repeating, "I said strip, boy."

Arthur scooted off the counter, ripping his shirt off before his feet hit the floor. His stepped out of his jeans, his cock springing free immediately. "Freeballing, huh? Lucky that lady in the elevator didn't see anything," Karim mused as he stripped off his own pants and underwear.

"Nah, she's cool. I've seen her at pride rallies stuffing ones into gogo boy's thongs. She's a bro," Arthur said, kneeling before Karim's manhood and opening his mouth expectantly. Karim grabbed him by the armpits, lifting him up and almost carrying him over to the scale by the wall.

"Before we do this, I wanna see how much you weigh," Karim said.

Arthur stepped on the scale impatiently, waiting for the display to stabilize. "One fifty two."

"Ready to hit 160?" Karim asked as he sank to his knees in front of Arthur. He quickly devoured the hairy man's cock, taking it all the way to the pubes in an instant. Arthur wasn't long; in fact, he was shorter than most guys he knew, but he was also thicker than the same guys. Karim really had his work cut out in stretching his jaw, but Karim loved nothing if not a challenge.

Arthur admitted that he was getting pretty good at sucking him. Most guys tended to scrape their teeth, and he didn't blame them, but Karim was managing to keep it mostly smooth. As Karim bobbed up and down on his cock, Arthur leaned back against the wall, panting. The numbers on the scale fluctuated wildly as the muscular demigod sucked the cock of his hairy partner, both of them moaning at the heat of the situation.

Before Arthur could cum, Karim had stood up again, this time looping one arm under Arthur's and the other under his knees, lifting him up bride and groom style. Carrying him to the bedroom, he tossed the smaller man onto the sheets, grabbing his legs and pulling his hips to the end of the bed before he had even finished bouncing.

Karim descended like a vulture to eat out Arthur's furry hole, the natural musk of his crack invigorating his tongue. He started out with fast, furious licks around, before beginning to penetrate deeper and deeper. Arthur was moaning, his back arching occasionally as he played with his nipples. The last couple of dates, Karim had spent ten to fifteen minutes just eating out Arthur's hole, until it was practically begging to be fucked. But tonight he couldn't wait.

He crawled up over Arthur's body, licking the sweat off his abs, his nipples, his pits, before coming in for a kiss. Karim's experienced cock was already aimed straight at Arthur's opening, Karim confident that his spit and copious precum would be enough.

Without a word, the head of Karim's cock pushed inside Arthur, who arched his back with that initial shock that bottoms learn to love. He had been fucked by Karim before, and each time just got better, as his hole got more used to the intrusion. Arthur had to admit, he'd taken bigger cocks before (much bigger, Arthur had a bit of a size queen phase), but none of them hit his joy spot like Karim's. Maybe it was just because of the shape of Karim's cock, maybe it was because Karim wanted his bottoms to enjoy being fucked as much as he enjoyed fucking them. Either way, in this moment Arthur was seeing stars.

Balls deep, Karim gave Arthur a few seconds to adjust, before beginning to thrust. He was a sensuous lover, adjusting and readjusting his thrusts to elicit the most torturous of moans from Arthur, who lay panting sweaty beneath him, gasping and making high-pitched whines every other thrust. Arthur was fully rock hard, and it was only a few minutes into the fuck that he started to whimper uncontrollably.

"I'm going to, ah, uh fuck me baby, fuck me, I'm, fuck--" Arthur screamed, his untouched cock shooting short bursts of cum over his furry abs. It soaked into the hair, though Arthur swiped a finger through it to give Karim a taste. "Look what you made me do," he said with a wink.

"I can finish quick," Karim said, but Arthur interrupted,

"No babe, I can go for a second round. At least." Karim grinned, taking that as a sign to redouble his efforts. Sure enough, Arthur stayed hard, his cock head dripping both cum and precum onto his happy trail.

For a few minutes, Karim allowed himself to be a little selfish. He focused on his own pleasure, really ramming his cock into the grunting man beneath him, reveling in the tight, velvet glove wrapped around his throbbing cock. Each exhalation from Arthur made him feel strong, like a bigger man, and he admired his own arms as he fucked, each one planted like pillars beside his partner's head. He flexed surreptitiously, his own cock flexing too inside Arthur's rectum. Arthur letting out a moan of pleasure, almost swearing that he could see his abs push out with the flex of that beautiful man meat.

The clenching around Karim's dick was beginning to become too much, and he picked up the pace. Sweat dripped from his body onto Arthur's as he rammed his cock into the other man's hole, both grunting like primal cavemen. Karim's arms wrapped around Arthur's back, pulling the two bodies close, and Arthur's back arched involuntarily as his untouched cock suddenly rubbed against the sweat-slicked sixpack above him.

Arthur's cock, rubbed perfectly down the crease in Karim's abdominals, began shooting once more, spraying up between both bodies and splattering on the lower one. The uncontrollable anal clenching set Karim off too, though he tried to hold it back, and before he could stop himself he was bellowing as he got his own nut.

He could feel the walls of Arthur's ass get slicker as he sprayed his load deep inside his guts. Arthur could feel it too, heating up his insides. Though he, like many bottoms, imagined that they could actually feel the cum spurting inside them, this time he really could feel each individual jet, like hot spurts of molten gold shooting inside his body.

As Karim came down from his orgasm, his muscular, sweaty body slowly collapsed onto Arthur, who felt an intense heat from his gut. A moment before it became unbearable, it stopped, dissipating throughout his body, leaving him with a warm buzzing feeling as though he had just taken a shot of whiskey.

Karim, never one to rest for too long, hauled himself up, his semi-hard cock slipping out of Arthur's hole with a pop. "Let's see how it worked," he said, gripping Arthur's wrist and pulling him out of bed.

Waddling to the bathroom, Arthur reached back and fingered his hole. Karim had launched that load in him deep, and it didn't feel like any was slipping out of him.

"Time for the moment of truth," he said, stepping on the scale. After a few seconds of stabilization, a number appeared. "One fifty three."

"Told you," Karim said with a wink as he leaned against the doorframe.

"Hey, for all we know, the extra weight could've come from the gallon of cum you dumped in me!" Arthur said, though as he did he couldn't help but feel up his biceps. They did seem a little bigger.

"How's that pound of muscle feel on you," Karim asked. Arthur checked his body out in the mirror. He didn't see too much of a noticeable change. He still definitely looked like him. But it did seem as though he had a bit of pump to his muscle, as though he had just worked out. Though after that fuck, he may as well have.

"And how'd you like another pound?"

- * -**

The third fuck of the night ended with Arthur kneeling on the couch, bracing himself on the backrest as Karim slammed his fourth load of the night into Arthur's wrecked ass. Arthur hadn't even gotten hard during this fuck, but he moaned all the same as Karim turned his hole to mush.

Standing on the scale after, he admired Karim's handiwork. One hundred and fifty six pounds didn't seem like he had come that far, but he definitely noticed it. He felt stronger than ever, despite having just been cored out like the sluttiest of twinks, and even his hole felt stronger as he clenched it shut, not letting a single drop of Karim's virility spill out of him.

That night, the two of them cuddled together, the sheets thrown to the floor. Arthur had all the warmth he had from his own furry body, Karim's sweaty body wrapped around his, and the load of muscle-growth cum still burning its way through his veins. As he closed his eyes, he felt Karim's cock poke around at his loosened hole, and as he drifted to sleep he thought to himself.

`I could get use to dating a metabreeder.'

Check out more of my stories: About a dancer who gets fucked onstage A guy joins a new gym and gets fit (kind of the opposite of this story) A hung guy gets gangbanged Changing relationship dynamics and tattoos A prostitute for the supernatural. A passive guy becomes a slut for a trailer park and starts packing on the pounds.

If you have any comments, critiques, or concerns, feel free to email me or message me on tumblr.

Next: Chapter 2

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