Mexico "Tweets' (Big Christian

By Olando Reez

Published on Apr 28, 2020


These are fictional tales of connections with some of the hottest Mexicans I have ever met.

All are online meet ups and chats with guys I found On 'Twitter'. Some are pure fiction and some are based off true events.

All these hot men are gay and ooze male sensuality.

As some tales are only fiction. I would not assume they would ever hook up with me. But to those I had had the 'pleasure'.

Kisses Papi's.

I hope you enjoy it.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mexico 'Tweets' (Ruggery Sanchez (3)

... I did not expect to hear from the sexy hot Ruggery after the last conversation we had. Since I could not come down to him I figured the man would lose any interest in me he may have had. Although it seemed only art based at the time. But he sent me a message through Twitter asking exactly what i lived. I was curious at his question. But then read on.

"I am going to be in America for a show" he said "Would love to see you if possible"

I was shocked and excited that the hit guy wanted to meet up if possible. Although I did not know where he was going to be here. The US is pretty big after all. I hoped it would be close or someplace I could fly to that wasn't out of the way. But i had to wait for the hunks returned message. He said he was going to be in Florida when he was there. Well Florida was not close, but I had enough time before he came to get time and book a trip. I had time and I could visit some old friends that now lived down there. But mostly it was to meet with this talented and handsome guy from Mexico. I was hoping to have a few drinks and maybe if he was interested, a bit of fun. Yes I was the one wanting it. And it was because he was hot. But he seemed that maybe he might also be interested in some least I hoped so.

When I flew down to Florida I met with my friends prior to to the day I was to meet up with him. He told me where he was to have a showing and the gallery it was at. And he said there would be a ticket under my name at the door. I got nicely dressed for the exhibit of his stuff. I took a cab hotel as it would be easier than driving. I was dropped off in front of the gallery and I headed in. I went to the will call desk and gave them my name. The young woman smiled at me and gave me the ticket. I walked up and presented the ticket to the porter. He let me pass and I entered the brightly lit gallery. As I looked at the program that the girl at the desk gave me. Hi saw that there were multiple artists being presented here. Ruggery was but just one of them. I walked around the place looking at some of the art. Some was very food and some not so.

"Where is my handsome guys stuff"" I said to myself "He has got to be somewhere around here".

I looked around at the walls. Hoping I would see his stuff. But I didn't. And then as I turned around in wall I saw one if his pieces. And then I saw him. He was in a suit and slacks as he was talking to a woman as she enjoyed his work. The two were speaking in Spanish so I did not interrupt them.

"He is so damned handsome" I said to myself.

That's when Ruggery looked up and he saw me. Then he smiled and waved me over as he recognized me. I headed iver to where he was. Seeing as he excused himself from the woman he was chatting with. "Hey. There you are" he said to me as he got closer "So glad you came"

I was.going to shake his hand as I didn't want people to look at us funny. But Ruggery just grabbed it and pulled me to him and a big hug. He felt nice and smelled nice too. One of those masculine colognes. Nothing soft and powdery or water named things. A nice subtle musk.

"I am so happy you are here" he said "Did you get a drink?"

I knew I had seen people holding drinks. And I saw a bar near the main hall. But didn't even think about it. I was so nervous about seeing this hit guy in person. Ruggery waved at one if the cocktail girls moving about the room.

"A drunk for my friend here" he told her "Anything he wants" "On me"

I asked for an amaretto on the rocks to sooth me as I was still pretty nervous. We stood there and waited for her to get our drinks. I looked at some of his other works I had not seen before. His work was not the typical flare, but I thought I was intriguing and brilliant. Either that or it was just because I knew how hot he was. He pulled me to him as we stood there. His arm around my waist. And he pulled at me. Like he didn't want to let me go. I found this cute and charming. And me later found that he too was nervous. The show mostly. But he was nervous about meeting me. And he was glad I was there as some support for him. Me this guy he barely knew.

"He feels nice" my head said to me "And its nice he is all in you" "Enjoy it"

And I did. We had some more drinks as the evening wore on. I was feeling a light buzz starting to come on. I looked at the hot man next to me. Wanting to do kiss him. But I dared not. Then one of the other artists came over. He saw them in hugged my side tighter. So tight i feared he might crush me.

"Hey Ruggery" said the effeminate guy "How are you doing baby?" "I am well Breto" he said back

The guy looked at Ruggery with a combination of contempt and lust. If that was possible. But i knew he wanted the man I stood next to. Of course I dis not blame Breto. Then he regarded me. Looking at the closeness that there was between us. Then asked who I was.

"Who is your. Ehm, friend?" he asked

Ruggery looked at me and smiled at me. Then looked back and said the first thing that came to him. "This is my lover here in the states" he blurted "Right baby"

I looked at him with a bit of confusion and shock.but then he reached for my fave and pulled in to kiss me. And I of course let him. His kiss was quick but lingered on my lips as we pulled away. I licked at my lips as I looked on his face. His eyes told me everything. He wanted this guy to think he had someone here. So I plated along.

"Ohh" Came the defeated chirp of Breto

Then he looked at me and introduced himself to me. I shook his hand and did the same. But then came the questions. Where did we meet and did I mind that Ruggery might have someone in every city he went, every country he visited

"We artists are whores you know" he said matter of fact.

I looked this guy and I hated him. His overconfident sneer and his overall appearance. I wanted to slug him.

"I don't mind my handsome man having other lovers" I then chirped back "So long as I have him when he is here"

I then turned to my guy and kissed him again. Then I looked back at Breto. Then said that Ruggery was the best lover I had ever been with. Going into detail as to how hot he was in bed. How I would scream and beg for him as he and I made love. Bretos fave almost grimaced as he listened to me chime on a bout the great sex we had. And he didn't like it. So he smiled dryly and left us. Saying it was so 'lovely to meet me' a dose of sarcasm in his tone.

"That you" Ruggery said to me "You are welcome sweetie" I said back "He seemed like a viscous queen anyways."

He leaned over and kissed my cheek. Then we grabbed another drink. I walked around a bit as someone approached him about his works. So I left him to chat. I winked at Ruggery as I walked off. But kept the handsome guy in my sights. The show ended sometime later. He had sold more than half his paintings. 'It was a good day' he had said to me when I found him again. And then he said I was probably his lucky charm. "I usually doesn't go so well" he said

I looked at his face and smiled. Saying that I doubt it. His works were awesome and I was surprised all didn't go. I saw that ass Breto and he had sold a handful too. But didn't care. I grabbed Ruggery and pulled him to me. Looking into his brown eyes.

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked "I am tired" he stated "But I would love for you to come back to my room" "Another drink?"

He shook his empty glass at me. I smirked as he wanted me to come to his hotel. Something I hoped he would say. So I happily agreed.

"Okay baby" I said "Lets go"

Then we got into a cab after he got a few things worked out on payments and deliveries if paintings at the main desk. Then he sat there in the cab next to me. I looked at his meaty thighs in his slacks. Wanting and hoping to see them in the flesh. I felt a tingle in my shorts as I gazed at him. And Ruggery leaned over and lay his head in my shoulder for the rest of the ride to the hotel.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 25: Ruggery Sanchez 4

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