Mexico "Tweets' (Big Christian

By Olando Reez

Published on Feb 24, 2022


These are fictional tales of connections with some of the hottest Mexicans I have ever met.

All are online meet ups and chats with guys I found On 'Twitter'. Some are pure fiction and some are based off true events.

All these hot men are gay and ooze male sensuality.

As some tales are only fiction. I would not assume they would ever hook up with me. But to those I had had the 'pleasure'.

Kisses Papi's.

I hope you enjoy it.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mexico 'Tweets' (Rodrigo Muchaqui (2)

... I was surprised at myself. Surprised that I had sent this guy I did not know a comment on his image from his Twitter feed. It was not something I went off and did on a daily basis. But Rodrigo is so damned gorgeous.this handsome hairy Mexican male was one of the most beautiful men I had ever laid my eyes upon. And even though I did not know him, he piqued my interest. And I wanted to id possible get to know this gorgeous Latin. I was of course surprised when I went back on to Twitter the next day to see what people were doing that there was a my box that had his name on it. I had not forgotten about the beautiful man. But had no expectations he would notice my comment. Let alone reply to it. Which he did

"Well hello sir" he said "Are you friends with Mario?"

'Mario' I thought. Who the fuck was Mario? I was lost as to who he meant. But then as I went back to where I connected to him. His comment was on the guy named Mario's page. 'Friend of a friend' But I wanted to let him know where I saw him. Explaining that I did not know Mario. But was connected to Mario's friend Robert here in the states. There was a pause and then he answered back. Saying that he had seen Mario's friend Robert. He said he thought he was good looking. Then he said that I was really hot too. I smiled at his comment. But then he said that I should come down to see the beaches. That they were wonderful at this time of year.

"Where in Mexico are you" I asked "Looks beautiful there"

He told me where he was and again suggested I come down. And I pondered going down now. Here during the early summer. Before it got too hot. So I told this gorgeous hairy man that I would love to see where he was. That if he wanted I could come down and visit. I had the time and could actually use it. Work had been rough as of late and I needed some respite. And going down there where the handsome Rodrigo was would be a good thing for me. So I decided that maybe I should a Tually go down there. To meet with this sexy bear if a man. To look into his gorgeous eyes as I stood there before him in person. Would I be able to control myself with him in the same room. I really doubt it. For Rodrigo was a gorgeous man to behold. And I know that I wanted to touch him. To touch his handsome face. The beard on it. To touch his fantastic furry chest. And then to touch parts below. Parts that were in several pictures trapped in speedos that showed off a nice bulge.

"Yes" I said to myself "I should go" "He seems interested in me as much as I him." "So maybe yes. I should go"

I then said to him that it would be nice to see Mexico. To see the beauty that was in the pictures that were in his page. Yes maybe it would be a nice trip. A nice tropical setting and a hit hairy man near me. I thought this over and over as I waited for his next comment to come through. And when he said back that it would be nice to meet someone new, that really got me. So I said yes to him. I said yes to this handsome Latino man online. Yes I would love to meet him in person. To get to know someone from another country and be 'friends'

"That would be great" I finally said "Let me get some time off and I will fly down"

He seemed happy with that and then we finished our conversation. We exchanged numbers and he said to call him and I said I was several weeks before I did though. Not that I didn't want to mind you, because after our online talk I could not stop thinking about the hot man. All I could think of and see was his handsome face and hot body. That body that I wanted to just lick from top to bottom. But my issue was life getting in the way. I had to put off my trip for some family drama. And that kept me from the dude I wanted to jump back in Mexico. I sent the man a message telling him that I had a family thing going on and I would reconnect with him soon. And I think he took it wrong as he did not reply back. So I figured I messed up any chance with the hot Rodrigo.

"Oh well. It is what it is" I said to myself

But then a few days later I did receive a message from the hot hairy man. He apologized for not returning my message. But he too was busy with family things. Saying that family was being inconvenient. And ending his comments with an LOL. He said that we could do something at another time. That he really wanted to get to know me. So I sent back a smile emoji and a message back that I was glad he was still wanting to meet up. And once this 'stuff' passed that we could see about that.

"Wonderful" he came back "We will talk soon then" "Yes. Let's" I said back

It was some months later and many a conversation later that I finally was able to get down to Mexico to see this handsome man. I was soon excited as I was going to have a real vacation this time. As the last few years I really have not taken a 'real' vacation. Have just gone down to visit family as only means of vacation. Usually near the holidays. But nothing really for me. And this one was for me, for my needs and relaxation. I flew down there and was booked at a beach front hotel per Rodrigo's suggestion. Telling me which were the better locales to be. It was a bit more pricey, but it was as he said, much nicer. I was in the fifth floor and faced the south side of the bay. I could see boats and people out on the water and beaches. And just inland at night there was the lights of the local nightlife. And as I arrived at about 4 pm, things out in the ocean were slowing down. I let Rodrigo know I got in and he suggested finding something to do this evening in my own. He would catch up with me tomorrow. So I went downstairs and spoke to the front desk clerk. I asked him firstly a good local restaurant to eat as I was famished. And then where the local nightlife was. He gave me a list of places and directed me to 8 blocks south of the hotel for some nightlife.

"Thank you" I said to him

I headed out and south to go eat and then find a bar or something to finish off my evening. Then I came back to my room and sat there in the balcony with some wine I ordered up through room service. Just looking out to the city and ocean below. Sighing a content sigh. Then I went to bed. Rodrigo said he would see me mid morning. I then went to bed and slept with the glass doors to the balcony opened. Letting the outside air come in... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

More to come

Next: Chapter 51: Rodrigo Muchaqui 3

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