Michael and His Coach

By moc.loa@821namkcotS

Published on Oct 19, 2020


Michael and His Coach 13


By Stockman

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I missed Michael. I needed to know if he was doing well now that a full month has passed since his visit to the ranch.

Coach Donaldson was my first call. He couldn't be more enthusiastic.

"The boy is doing so well, Coach. Can't believe the change in him. Not only is his progress on the football field been steady, but his comfort with his teammates has been terrific. His confidence is up and his demeanor has been so outgoing that it's hard to believe we're talking about the same shy kid we knew. Heck, he even undresses with the guys in the locker room after practice! I actually saw him in the showers a few times. He'd never done that before. Strange, cause he has a fine body, don't know why he was so modest. Heck, he even got a boner in the showers and didn't get embarrassed!"

I then called Michael's father. I made an appointment to drop by at 7:00 this evening. Mr. Burke greeted me warmly. He was in a track suit and, I noticed, was remarkably fit. Strong upper body. Large pecs and thick arms. Trim waist. Strong legs. Hard to believe he's a lawyer. I was escorted to his home office, no sign of Michael.

"I just wanted to see if Michael was doing well, Mr. Burke," I explained. "His 4 days at the Ranch were quite intensive. He seemed to be worried about something, but made quite a lot of progress."

"Please, it's Andrew. Mr. Burke sounds like my dad," he grinned. "And yes, Michael has been doing very well. His behavior seems to have changed completely."

"How so?"

"I tell you, he was so modest, couldn't be near me, especially if I had few clothes on. Now it doesn't seem to bother him. And I actually spotted him walking out of the bathroom with just a towel around his neck. He'd never do that in the past."

"So glad to hear that, Andrew. Yes, we worked on that. I guess I can tell you that we worked pretty heavily on his comfort with other boys and men. Took him a while, but I thought he was coming around."

"Then it's you I have to thank. I like to work out in our little basement gym area. But was reluctant fearing Michael would be uncomfortable as I don't like to wear too much. Just yesterday I was able to walk upstairs in just a jock strap. Michael didn't seem uncomfortable at all. So how'd you do it?"

Michael walked in at that moment. He was in basketball shorts. No shirt or shoes. He plopped down next to me on the couch. "Coach, hay, glad to see you," he said, showing his confidence was high.

We greeted each other warmly. Almost absent-mindedly I caressed his neck and hair. Andrew looked at us. "I see you care for Michael," Andrew observed.

"We had four intense days together. We learned a lot about each other. Didn't we, Michael?" I asked running my fingers through his hair. I was allowing Andrew to observe. Touching Michael should be a norm.

"So you were telling me...." Andrew seemed interested.

I decided to explain my techniques to Michael's dad without embarrassing the boy. "Well, Coach Donaldson wanted us to work on strength and balance. That was easy, it just took work. And Michael is a very coachable young man, he follows direction well. As a matter of fact, we agreed early on that Michael would have no choices during the week, he was to follow all instructions whether he agreed or not. Right Michael?"

"Right, Coach," he answered. He snuggled a bit closer to me, pushing his hip against mine. I was glad he wasn't shy in front of his father.

"So right away," I continued, "I saw Michael's embarrassment at almost everything we talked about. So we agreed immediately that Michael would have no embarrassment, no shyness, no modesty for the four days. He was to be proud of himself and of his body. He was ordered to strip naked just as we arrived and to not wear anything the entire weekend."

"Nothing?" Andrew was really surprised.

"Nothing, Michael was naked, nude, bare ass for four days. We just wore flip-flops as we walked about the ranch." I again caressed Michael's neck. He seemed to like that a lot. "But I wouldn't say he wasn't embarrassed. Several times he had to be cautioned when we encountered other men. No modesty allowed, right Michael? Now we also went a lot further. We encouraged several other men to get naked as well. We were lucky in encountering only well built men, so Michael was able to look at others without shyness. And we wanted Michael to look at other men, didn't we Michael? We wanted Michael to see all the cock he could."

I could feel Michael nodding, despite a bit of embarrassment. And I could see his father's interest in this tale. His shorts were getting tight. I needed to push the issue.

"I assigned Michael the task of looking at all the other men. No need to avert eyes as in a typical locker room. Michael was to look at the men on the ranch and describe later what he saw. In particular, he had to describe in detail the penises, testicles, and pubes of each man. Over the four days we saw 15-20 men and Michael had to describe all the manly parts. He learned to do it well.

"So this is how you got comfortable with seeing naked guys?" Andrew asked his son.

Michael looked at his dad. "Yes, sir," he answered. I was glad that he was direct.

"Yes," I agreed. "Michael was even assigned the task of estimating the size of men's penises - may I use slang, Mr. Burke? - of their cocks. Michael had to estimate size while cocks were soft and extrapolate as if they were hard. The assignment forced him to really look at the dicks that he was exposed to, right Michael?"

I again caressed Michael's head as he nodded in agreement. "And he got really good at describing those dicks to me later," I added.

Andrew Burke seemed fascinated. "I never imagined Michael was experiencing something so intimate," he barely whispered.

"The important thing was that Michael was naked and learning to be comfortable with other naked men. " I looked at Andrew. "Have you seen Michael naked. Mr. Burke? Has Michael been comfortable enough to stand naked in front of you?"

Andrew shook his head. "No, he hasn't. Probably my fault. I know he's been nude upstairs, but I've avoided any contact."

Again, I caressed Michael's head, showing him I care. "A boy should be comfortable in front of his father. And vice versa. A dad should be naked and open as well. A boy should see his dad's dick, better to understand his own body."

Andrew quietly nodded.

"Would you be open for an exercise, Mr. Burke?"

"Sure. I want to help Michael any way I can."

"Great. First exercise is simple. I want you and Michael to hug. A real bonding hug. OK?"

Michael was the first to stand. Andrew was a few seconds behind.

I continued to direct. "OK guys, now I want you to hug each other as tightly as you can. Good. Feel each other's body from toes to cheeks. Really squeeze each other. Good. Have you two hugged much?"

"Not often," Andrew answered. "Wish we had."

"It's a great feeling isn't it? Now squeeze harder," I directed. "Push those bodies together. Make sure your stomachs and chests are touching. Andrew, do you feel Michael's thighs?"

Andrew giggled. "Yeah I feel his thighs and something else!"

Michael seemed to pull away. I wanted him back.

"No Michael, stay close. This is your dad. If your dick is hard, let him feel it. This is the type of bonding I was looking for. Andrew, can you push your dick into Michael. Let him feel you as well. Try to be comfortable with each other!"

Soon both dad and son were grinding their dicks into each other. It looked beautiful. "Great exercise guys. Squeeze as hard as you can." Andrew put your hands on Michael's butt so you can squeeze really hard. Michael, do the same." I could see they were loving it, grinding into each other's dick. So glad they were enjoying cock. I had to move this along. "Ready for the second exercise?"

Father and son seemed to want to continue grinding, but eventually said yes.

"Michael have you ever seen your dad's dick? Have you ever examined it? A son should know about his father's equipment."

"Uh, no, I never really looked at it. I didn't want him to think I was a fag."

There it is again; I thought we had fixed that way of thinking. "Michael, do you think your dad would think badly of you if you looked at his cock?"

Michael answered quickly. "No Coach, not any more. I used to think that way, that's all. I really want to see Dad's dick."

"Good boy, Michael." I looked right at his father. "Andrew, is it ok if Michael looks at your cock? Sounds like he'd love to see it."

"Sure, no problem."

"But before we do, Andrew, one of the things Michael worked so hard to master was the ability and willingness to follow orders. It was critical for his success as part of the football team. Since he's so young, order-taking should follow him even at home. Michael learned to follow orders at the Ranch, but he needs to get into the habit at home as well.

The question is, can you give Michael the direction that he needs?

"Of course. I've raised him from a child. With his mother gone, Michael and I have done well together," Andrew explained.

I had to be stronger. "At this point Michael needs strong direction. Tell him what to do and expect him to do it. For example if it's ok for him to look at you naked, then instruct him to remove your shorts. Don't ask him, order him. Michael needs to follow orders."

I could see Michael blushing. Not easy for a boy to hear that. I could also see a look of determination on his father's face. He's a smart man, I think he'll get it. It got quiet in the room.

Andrew spoke after a minute of silence. "Michael, undress me."

"Yes, sir." Michael understood. He lowered his dad's shorts.

"Look at my cock, boy." "Yes, sir." Michael sat on his knees to look at Andrew's manly groin. I saw him lick his lips.

I couldn't help but smile. "Michael, could you describe your father's cock for me?" I asked. Michael continued to look at his dad's prick. Andrew's cock stood out tall and proud.

"Yes, Coach. Dad has a big cock. Bigger than mine, of course. I hope mine gets that big. I think it's almost as big as yours, Coach. Think your head is a bit fatter, though. His cock is fatter at the base." Michael looked all around the beautiful dad cock. "Dad has big balls, Coach. They seem so full. A little bit of hair on his balls, and a lot of hair around his dick."

Michael then looked closer at his father's pubes. "Coach, dad's pubes are thick, just like yours. He doesn't shave them. I saw several of my teammates trim their man hair. I'm glad Dad doesn't do that." Michael ran his fingers through his dad's pubic hair. "It's really thick, I think," he said.

"Good boy," I told him. "Want to kiss your dad's cock, Michael. Yes, kiss his dick. Enjoy your dad's big cock. Learn to please your dad."

Andrew looked at me. "Kiss my cock?" he asked.

"Michael needs to be comfortable with men. This process succeeds in helping him with his teammates," I explained.

Michael did more than kiss. He actually licked his dad's cock. Starting at the wide hairy base, he slowly licked Andrew's 7 1/2 inch dad dick up to the throbbing crown. "Oh man, that's good," Andrew moaned, caressing his son's head as the boy licked his throbbing penis. Michael looked up at his father, seeing both the love and the lust he craved. I knew this was working out.

"Good job, Michael," I complimented the boy. "Now lick your dad's big balls. He had beautiful big nuts, doesn't he?"

"Mmmm," Michael moaned, licking his father's scrotum generously. He made several swipes across the wide ball bag before licking even lower, getting the perineum excited as well. Andrew couldn't help but moan out loud.

"It feels great, doesn't it?" I asked Andrew. "Your boy needs to be comfortable pleasing men. You should feel free to direct him to do what you like."

Andrew nodded, looking at his son licking his balls. "It feels so good, son," he moaned. Then he directed his son's head back to his hard dad cock. "Suck it, boy," he groaned. "Suck my cock. Do what you're told. Suck my cock all the way."

I couldn't help but smile widely. Michael was trying his best to swallow all seven 1/2 fat inches of his dad's throbbing cock. This is what Michael needs. It's what I want.

"OK. Andrew, I want you to lower Michael's shorts. Pull down his shorts and look at your son's dick. Let him show you his teen cock."

Both man and boy seemed to ignore me for a few seconds. Both were enjoying the experience of sucking and getting sucked too much. I must admit I loved watching such beautiful cock sucking, but I had to move on.

"Michael!" I repeated.

The boy stood up, his mouth wet. "I see you like sucking dad dick." I could see his face blushing. "I don't want Dad to think I'm a fag."

"Oh no way, son. We're just enjoying, right Coach?"

"Exactly, men enjoying each other. Enjoying cock. Now show your dad your teen cock, boy," I repeated.

Andrew lowered his son's shorts quickly. Michael's hard cock popped free in front of his father's face.

Andrew stared at his son's hard boner. He looked up at Michael's face, seeing fear in his son's eyes. Andrew knew he had never examined his son like this before. Would Michael fear rejection? Would the father like the dick of the boy he made?

Michael's cock stood tall, seven inches of boy dick, standing straight out from his youthful

pubic hair. Andrew just stared at it, admiring the manliness of his teenager. This is no boy cock, Andrew thought, this is a man's cock. Strong, hairy, proud.

"It's perfect, son," Andrew declared. "A real man's tool."

"Yes, it is," I agreed, as Michael broke out into a wide smile. "Michael, jump onto the coffee table, put on a show for your dad. Let him see all of you."

Michael cleared the table, then stepped onto it and faced his father. "See me, dad? See my dick?" Michael spread his legs so Andrew could see his son's cock, and his low hanging balls.

"Beautiful, son," Andrew told Michael.

"Lean back, boy, let your dad see everything," I wanted Michael as comfortable exposing himself as we could achieve.

Michael giggled as he leaned back, his legs spread, so Andrew could examine him completely.

"Wider, Michael," I wanted to have some fun. "Even wider!"

Michael spread his legs so wide he finally fell over, landing on me as we fell backward to the sofa. "You have a beautiful boy," I said to Andrew. I pulled Michael's legs apart as he lay atop me, his back on my chest. "Show us your boy hole," I told Michael.

Michael spread wide giving his dad a great view of his most private part. I enclosed my arms around the boy's chest, caressing from his chest to his pubes. Michael, showing his dexterity, pulled his legs up to my head, showing his dad even more boy hole. Andrew looked closely at his son. I could see the father lick his lips.

"Do you have lube?" I asked Andrew.

Andrew seemed shocked. "Uh, yes, it's upstairs next to my bed.

"Michael go get it," I told the boy.

As Michael ran naked upstairs, I spoke directly to Andrew. "Your boy needs loving, Mr. Burke. Emotional love and strong physical love. I saw at the ranch how he craves love. I hope you can give him what he needs. He doesn't want to be a fag, his word, not mine, but he needs male loving and the confidence he will still be a man. Can you do that?"

"It's been hard, Coach. Not easy to raise a teenage boy without making mistakes."

"No, you haven't made any mistakes. Just give him love, and direction.

"Talking about me?" Michael jumped back into my arms.

"Yep," Andrew answered. "We were agreeing what a naked boy should be doing when his coach comes for a visit," he laughed.

"A naked boy showing off his lovely cock," I agreed.

"With a naked dad," Michael added, smiling widely.

"Uh, Coach, you could get naked, too. I won't mind." Andrew sure surprised me with that one.

"Today's not about me, it's about Michael. It's about a boy and his dad."

"But the boy and his dad would be a lot more comfortable if everyone in the room was dressed the same," Andrew retorted.

"Ok ok I know when I'm beat," I laughed, pulling off my shirt.

"Wait to you see Coach's huge cock," Michael said to his father. "It's a monster!"

"Hah. Wasn't even the biggest at the Ranch, was it?" I responded modestly. Sure I love people thinking I have a big dick, but it's not THAT big.

"Michael, help Coach with his clothes. Take everything off," Andrew ordered his son. Perfect, I thought, Andrew's gets it. Michael needs direction and his father will supply it.

I could leave happy knowing Michael was in good hands.

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