Michael and His Coach

By moc.loa@821namkcotS

Published on Mar 14, 2007


It has taken a long time to get another chapter out. My thanks to all of you who took the time to write comments and ideas. I hope to continue this series as long as there is an interest in reading it. Thanks again to all. Please don't read this if you are offended by male sex, bisexual sex or sex between men and teens. Benny and Michael walked back together, towards the big house. Michael seemed so conflicted. "I'm not a fag," he said to his new friend. But as the teen looked at Benny, he couldn't help staring at the big bulge, once again encased in Benny's mini-Speedo. So much of Benny was exposed, the entire base of Benny's big cock and all his pubic hair were open in the daylight. Michael was surprised that Benny seemed unconcerned that someone was looking at his cock.

Michael wished he could be so open. But, he said to himself, it wouldn't ever happen, cause only queers look at other guys' cocks. Benny glanced over at his naked friend. "Of course you're not a fag." Then, "Did you like sucking my cock?" The boy 's cock was still hard. It jutted straight out, 7 fat inches surrounded by thick black pubic hair. The boy's testicles were full and round. Pretty darn good for a 16 year old. He looked up at the boy's face, smiling as Michael saw him looking at his cock. "So, Michael, did you like sucking my cock?" he asked again. He looked over to see Michael turn red as a beet, but fail to say anything. Not getting an answer, Benny led Michael slowly back to the big house. He knew the boy needed space. He'd been fucked and now had sucked cock. He knew Michael liked it, but he also knew that teens needed space to come to grips over

their sexual desires. He himself had the same feelings when he first sucked cock. Soon they reached the big house. I was standing at the door, naked as usual, my hairy cock hanging loosely above my heavy hanging balls. I couldn't help but smile as the two teens approached. Benny had adjusted his Speedo shorts to look just like a thong; the 20 year old's big cock ¾ exposed and hanging puffy as if it was ready to harden. Michael's cock was completely hard. So perfect, I thought, teens with cock open for the world to see. It was about time Michael got another lesson in male "comfort." "Glad you guys are back, Benny, thanks for taking care of Michael, but now we need a good workout." Benny left, but I knew he would come back soon to get a better look at what I would do to the boy. He loved to watch me fuck my students. As Benny left, Michael silently followed me to an attached building at the side of the house. In a gym designed to hold 20 guys working out at the same time, I began the program I had designed to build Michael's leg, chest and arm muscles, to develop the boy for the rigors of high school and college football. "So, Michael, did you enjoy your walk with Benny?" I asked, noting a glob of cum in Michael's hair. I used my finger to scoop it up and taste it. "Ah, Benny's. I guess you did enjoy the walk." Michael turned red. "Uh, Coach, I can explain..." "No need to explain, Michael. No embarrassment. Glad you got the opportunity to get to know Benny a bit. He's quite a guy. And from the thickness of this glob of cum, you got the chance to get up close and personal with his cock. Like I told you, I want to know what you observed about his cock. Tell me about his cock, Michael." I positioned Michael for an exercise. He was laying on an incline bench waiting for a barbell to be lowered to him. As I was asking Michael to describe Benny's cock, I placed my own cock right in front of Michael's face. Michael tried, but just couldn't find the right words. At the same time, I knew he could picture Benny's big hairy cock in the many positions he had watched Benny: pissing, stroking, shoving it into his mouth, cumming on Michael's upturned face and then walking alongside him showing again his huge cock to the younger boy. Finally the words just poured out. "Oh Coach, Benny has such a huge cock. It's so big. It's over 9 inches long and so fat. He has a lot of pubic hair, too, which surround his big dick like petals surrounds a bud. His balls are huge, Coach. Big fat balls that hang loose in their sac, with a small amount of hair lightly growing on it. And his..." Michael suddenly realized he was talking about another guy's cock. He was describing another guy's cock! His face suddenly turned red. "Coach, I'm not a fag, am I?" I had to smile. The boy did not sound as sure as was earlier today. Progress. "Of course not, boy. But it is good that you took notice of a buddy's cock. Your friends all have cocks that you could be noticing. It's so good to see another guy's cock and talk to him about it, isn't it?" I saw Michael slightly nod. Progress. I liked the fact that he described pubic hair in such metaphorical terms. "And it's good seeing another guy's pubes

around that cock, isn't it? Get to know how manly his groin is? And it's good to know how big his balls are, isn't it?" Michael again nodded. "Oh Coach, sometimes I have to control myself not to look. Not to check out my buddies' hairy cocks." "Not here, Michael. Here you are required to check out other cocks. Stare at pubic hair. Let a guy know you're checking him out." I placed my crotch right at Michael's face. "Tell me about my cock now, Michael. Describe what you see. Look closely at my pubes, boy. Memorize what my manhair looks like." I moved even closer to him. My groin was right at his face. I saw him stare at my pubes. I knew this was new to him, even newer than checking out cock. I wanted him comfortable with another part of the male body, a part I love. I moved yet closer, pressing my groin right into Michael's face, my pubes pressing into Michael's nose. Michael tried to speak. "Oh Coach, your cockhair is ...is so thi...." It was hard to understand the boy. I had pressed my pubic hair deeply into the boy's nose and mouth. I ground my thick pubes right into his face. I wanted him to feel my manhair. "Mmmmff." "Tell me, boy. Tell me about my pubes." I pressed my body even harder into his face, pushing my wiry pubes into Michael's lips and between his teeth. I pulled his head deeply into my groin, pressing my pubic hair into the boy's nostrils. Whether the boy breathed through his nose or his mouth, he was going to smell and taste my pubes. I knew he was going to love it. "Oh Coach, your pubes are mmmmfgfffff..." He was trying to speak with a mouthful of pubic hair. So nice. So compliant. "...and hairy. Oh Coach...mmmffmmmgf..." I looked down at my young guest, his face pressed into my pubic hair. My long wiry black pubes were indeed in the boy's mouth and nose. I was glad my pubes cover such a large area of my groin, the better to cover Michael's face. Life is so good, I thought. I finally released him. He gasped for a full breath while looking up at me. He wiped at his mouth. "Oh Coach. I think I ate some of your hair." "You're doing good, boy. Just keep learning how to be comfortable with a man. Get comfortable with cock, get comfortable with balls, get comfortable with ass and get comfortable with pubes. Remember to get fucked as often as you can. "Now I want you to spit on my pubes, Michael. Get a good healthy hock and spit right on my pubes above my cock. Think you can do that?" Michael nodded carefully. Again, a new action that challenged his way of thinking. And again, he soon did as he was told. His spit was an abundant glob that struck me in the center of my pubic patch, right above my cock. "Good, Michael. Now I want you to spread that spit all over my pubes. I want you to use spit to wash my pubes. Shine my hair really good. It's what we call a "spit shine" around here." Slowly, but thoroughly, Michael worked on his assignment. His tongue carried his spit all over my bush. I could see my hair glow with the wet coating of his saliva. I carefully spit down onto my cock, adding my spit to his. Without thought, my young student accumulated my spit onto his tongue and transferred it to my bush. He started with the hair above my cock, working his tongue to the dense center and to the sides all the way to my thighs. God, it felt good. Michael was licking the hair that wedged in the crease between my thigh and groin. He showed little hesitation anymore, he just licked everywhere. I spread my legs allowing him to press his tongue into that crease. His tongue felt oh so good. Without my asking, he followed my pubes onto my balls. This boy was a natural! My cock, meanwhile, hard and dripping precum, rested on Michael's face. With my balls in the boy's mouth, my cock stretched from the lad's nose to above his forehead into his hair. Precum dripped down 2 sides of my cock, draining onto the boy's cheeks and nose. He seemed not to notice, so engrossed he was in washing my pubes. Such a good boy! The sensations were getting too much for me. I wanted to cum. I wanted to give this boy more of my seed. Michael looked up at me as I pulled my cock away from him. "Stay right there. Watch my cock, Michael." I stroked just twice and bam...I shot a load of delicious milky cum right onto Michael's face. Then another. And another. I looked down through my orgasm-clouded eyes to see the boy watch as shot after shot of my thick cream hit him in the face and drip down his cheeks. For a few moments time stood still. I watched my cum slowly drip from Michael 's face as the boy stared at my cock. The look on his face, one of shock mixed with lust, excited me as much as the facial I just fed the boy. He had taken my cum onto his face, had stayed there to take a man's cum. He was getting comfortable with hanging with men. The boy looked up. His eyes seemed to tear as I raised him to his feet. "You did very good, Michael," I told him. I took some cum from his cheek and placed it on his lips. He hesitated for several seconds. He was trying to decide what to do. I kept smearing cum on his lips. After several seconds of my finger pressing against his thin lips, he finally opened up a bit so I could place my cum onto his tongue. "That's it, boy. Suck cum off my fingers. Men want to see their cum eaten up." For the rest of our workout, I managed to rub my cock into Michael's body, wanting him to keep cock at the forefront of his brain. And several times I reminded him how nice he looked when he was covered in my cum. Michael was nearly exhausted by the time we finished our workout. He was perpetually hard and, of course, I insisted he stare at my cock during the entire session. He drank 4 bottles of water, each filled with more than a trace amount of Viagra, so I knew his urges would be constantly visible. Despite his beautiful hardon that rose gloriously from his hairy groin, Michael said quietly as we walked from the gym, "I have to pee. Bad." "Good, Michael. Let's see if we can enjoy our pee together," I responded. We went to my small shower in the gym's restroom. I crowded him into the small stall, a shower area that was too small even for one, yet I pressed against him forcing him against the shower wall. Our bodies were forced tightly together, dick-to-dick as I started to piss all over him. He smiled as the warm liquid hit his body and, without another word, he let loose sending a thick stream of very clear piss all over me. Our piss mashed into each other's groin and stomach, creating a delicious warm wet sensation. "Oh Coach,..." Michael moaned as we pressed our faces, groins and cocks together. "Good boy, Michael. Enjoy our piss. Piss all over us." We continued to piss for quite a long time, each of us enjoying the hot clear liquid as it spread across our bodies. I made sure Michael could feel my cock as I pissed as I enjoyed the feeling of his. Finally our flows ended. We were pressed so tightly together we could barely move. Our cocks ground into each other. I knew he could feel my thick pubic hair, as I was feeling his. This boy was such a natural for being with another man that I knew someday he'd want to be only with men. In the meantime, I'd push further in the direction I wanted him to go. I licked his ear as I whispered, "Your piss felt really good, Michael. I want to taste it." Without waiting for an answer, I squished down the tight space, and began licking the boy's hard, flat belly. The taste of our piss was so strong! "Mmm,"

I moaned to him. "Nice piss." I licked further, pressing my tongue into Michael's pubes, collecting the piss that had remained on his thick bush. I worked my tongue into the crevice between his thigh and his pubes, washing his pubes just as he had done to me. One of the things I savor is how wonderful teenagers taste. Even covered in piss, and after a full workout, the boy tasted so fresh, so delicious, so male. I couldn't stop licking, even after I ate his balls and licked up to his fine boy ass. I knew later I'd get to his boy pussy again. When I engulfed his beautiful 7" boyprick, he erupted with several geysers deep into my throat. It was one of the most delicious loads of semen I had ever tasted. And the boy's cries of pleasure were music to my ears. After our shower, I again lubricated Michael's pussy, a procedure I was beginning to truly love. He squirmed quite severely as I pushed two fingers into his hard teen cunt, but his moans told me how much he truly enjoyed the process. Finally, we went back into the house. His cock, semi-hard ever since I shoved my lubed fingers into his pussy, looked so beautiful jutting out from his thick pubic hair. Michael was rather quiet. I had to get him to verbalize. "So. Michael, did you enjoy your workout?" "Oh, Coach. I don't know. It was so wonderful. Everything, really. But...but I don't know. The things we did, I mean they felt great. I never felt anything like that...what we did in that little shower. But...does it mean we like, you know..." Of course I knew what he meant. "No Michael, it doesn't mean anything like you fear it might. It just means you enjoy hanging with guys. Playing with guys. Heck, there are no girls around, so just enjoy playing with guys. You did enjoy it, didn't you?" For emphasis, I gently touched his nipple. "Oh Coach, I did. I really enjoy doing that stuff. That, you know, sex stuff. But it, is it right?" "That's for you to decide, boy, but I think you know the answer." I ran my hand down his chest, down below his groin, twirling my fingers through his dense pubic hair. "You did enjoy your blow job, didn't you Michael? And you did

enjoy the piss, didn't you? You really love getting fucked, don't you, Michael? It's ok to admit it, it's wonderful fun!" "Oh Coach, it is so much fun. And I guess I do love it. I'm only afraid..."

I know, boy. Just wait and enjoy. Enjoy cock, Michael." We walked slowly into the Media Room. "Oh man, oh man," Michael couldn't believe the set up. A theatre-sized screen and a few luxury double sized viewing

couches, perfect for watching a movie. As we sat, I positioned the boy in front of me, rather than alongside. The chair was larger than a normal one, like a chaise lounge, but not quite, just enough for two to sit front to back rather than side to side. "What are we going to see, Coach, football film?" Michael asked. "Not quite," I explained. "It's important we concentrate on your comfort with men, Michael. I know you will be successful on the field, but we need to make sure you'll be successful around your teammates. A picture appeared on the giant screen. A young man, no more than 19, shown shirtless from the waist up. He was extremely good looking, dark blond hair, classic, chiseled face, and nice smile. His pecs were well defined, a perfect swimmer's build. "Michael," I began, "I know how much you like being naked. Well, just like you, there are thousands, maybe millions of young guys, guys your age and guys older, too, who love showing off their bodies, love being naked, love letting other people see their naked bodies." As I spoke the camera panned back a bit. The young man's torso started to come into view, still no clothes as his hard abs were now visible. "A nice looking boy, isn't he Michael?" The camera panned back a bit more, the young man' s pubes were starting to appear. "He's not gonna be naked, is he Coach?" Michael asked, leaning forward in unspoken anticipation The camera panned back just a bit more, the young man's pubes were fully in view, thick dense curly hair covering a nice size part of his groin. "Think so, Michael. Guess he's like you - likes to be comfortable." The camera continued to pan back, eventually exposing the young man's large penis and his larger balls. "Nice cock, isn't it?" I asked. Michael just stared at the screen, stunned at the sight of the naked young man. "Think the cock is over 5 inches soft, Michael?" I asked. "Yeah I think it may be 6 inches soft. What do you think? Nice big cock isn't it?" Michael nodded pensively. "Yeah, Coach, he has a really big cock. " He no longer asked if it was ok to mention a guy's cock. "Yeah, I think it must be 6 inches soft," I insisted. "And so thick, too. Notice how wide his cock head is, Michael. Pretty nice, isn't it?" Silence. Then, "Yeah, Coach. It's really nice."

For Michael that was a big step, I knew, admitting the young man had a nice cock. But I wanted more. "A nice big cock." I said sternly. "A nice big cock," Michael repeated. He is so compliant. "A nice big thick hairy cock." "A nice big thick hairy cock," Michael repeated. "A nice big thick hairy cock with big balls." I started making light of the game. Michael picked up on it right away. This was a game. "A nice big thick hairy cock with big hairy balls." "Haha Michael, You win." A second picture appeared. Another young man, this time around 21, fully nude, sitting at the edge of a dorm room bed. "Tell me about his cock, Michael,"

I said, as my hand gently caressed the boy's naked hard cock. Again a short pause, less than before. "Coach, it looks like a college kid, exposing his hairy cock so everyone can see him. See how his legs are spread? Four inches soft? Look how fat his cockhead is. And he's hairy, at least around his cock, though he has no hair on his chest. Very little hair on his balls, I think. It's a nice cock isn't it, Coach?" "Michael, I'm so proud of you. That was an excellent analysis. And, yes, it is a VERY nice cock, I'm so glad you're getting comfortable talking about nice cock." "Gee, thanks, Coach. Guess it's not too gay to talk about another guy's cock, is it?"

"Exactly, Michael. Enjoy cock. No reason not to." The kid is really starting to come around. I showed him another photo. Two guys. Fully nude. Surfers on a beach, One had a large blond haired hard cock, the other a soft black haired one, a thick cock with large hairy balls hanging below. "Oh my..." Michael moaned as he saw the two naked teens on the screen." Wow." It was all he could say. "Those are two big fucking dicks, aren't they Michael?" I squeezed Michael' s hard prick. "You like that hard cock on that blond boy?" "And how, Coach. Wow, guess he's not shy letting everyone see his hard dick. And standing right there with another dude, wow!" "Hey, nothing wrong with letting other guys see your hard dick, right?" I asked. "Uh right, Coach. Nothing wrong with letting a friend see your hard cock." "Or a stranger, Michael. Nothing wrong with letting anyone see your hard cock. Gotta be proud, boy." "I guess so, Coach. Gotta be proud." The boy is so compliant! Another photo popped onto the screen. Three men, early twenties. Muscular. One was in gym shorts, the other two naked, holding their cocks. "Wow," Michael said quickly. "Those guys are at a gym showing off their hard dicks to their friend." "Can you describe those cocks?" I asked. "Sure. The guy on the left has an average sized hard cock. Maybe 6", but really thick. The other guy has a monster cock. I bet it is over 10". Man what a

huge cock." "Good boy, Michael. You are getting good at describing cock. Getting comfortable with cock. Watching cock. Watching big hairy cock." I again squeezed Michael's cock and then stroked it once. As I expected, it was wet. Precum dripped from his wide pisshole down his shaft. The boy truly loved to look at cock.

"Turn around Michael. Face me." Without question, the boy swung his legs around, but as he did so, he felt my hard cock as he crossed his legs; it was standing straight up from my groin. He sat down on it, letting his balls press

onto my balls, his cock pressing onto my shaft. We were facing each other. Man to man, eye to eye, cock to cock "Wow, Coach,"

was all he could say. His cock was so hard! I could feel it throb against my cock "Feels good, huh, Michael? Feels good to touch a cock." "God yes," he groaned, pressing his cock harder onto my shaft. We both looked down, at our cocks. "Stroke them, Michael, stroke those two hard mancocks. Feel those two hard cocks. Michael grasped the two thick shafts in his hand, though he certainly could not enclose his big palm around the two thick shafts. He squeezed and stroked them as we both watched. "Kiss me, Michael." I knew the time was right. "Kiss me while you play with our cocks." This time, he didn't even hesitate. His lips pressed into mine and his delicious tongue pressed into my mouth. The boy was kissing as if he had been kissing men his entire life. And he kept stroking the two cocks in his

palm, jerking us both within his firm, soft hand. I finally pulled away. I wanted more. "Look at the screen, Michael." The screen, which encircled the room, all 360 degrees, now had two nude young men, their cocks hard and touching. C2C. "See Michael, men love to share their hard cocks with their friends." The photo quickly changed. A teenager is stroking a hard cock while two other young men, perhaps college age, are fucking. We could see a hard blond haired cock entering the cunt of a dark haired muscular buddy, fucking him nicely. "Everyone fucks, Michael, everyone sooner or later fucks." I was whispering, yet Michael heard me as if I had shouted it out. I thought I saw a flicker of decision on his face. He smiled, and then surprised even me when he sat down right on my throbbing cock. It went right up his wonderful boy pussy. Oh god it felt so good, his cunt walls so tight around my hard cock. And he did it himself, without my instruction, without his Coach telling him to fuck. He wanted my cock inside him. He wanted to get fucked. That's it for Michael. Hope you liked it. Please let me know what you think. Stockman

Next: Chapter 5

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